rural payments agency usage of ordnance survey data

Rural Payments Agency (RPA) usage of Ordnance Survey data Rupert Waite – RPA Geographic Information Services Peat Allan – Ordnance Survey

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Presentation by Rupert Waite from the Rural Payment Agency geographic information services about the use of Ordnance Survey data in their processes.


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Rural Payments Agency (RPA)

usage of Ordnance Survey data

Rupert Waite – RPA Geographic Information ServicesPeat Allan – Ordnance Survey

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Recap on RLR Background & Business As Usual (BAU) updating process

Land change detection process within RPA

Concept of Land Change Detection

Use of OS Change Only Update intelligence.

Parallel activities.


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Rural Land Register (RLR) - Background

Rural Payments Agency is responsible for Administering CAP in England.

The RLR is England's Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) & holds approx 100 geographic layers (vector & Raster)

Circa. 2.4m Land Parcels on the RLR

Circa. 735K Permanent Ineligible features for Single Payment Scheme

Total Land Area circa 9.4m ha

Underpinning the definition of each Land Parcel is the Ordnance Survey digital topographic map dataset – MasterMap.

Ordnance Survey is Great Britain's National Mapping Agency.

The RLR is based upon the physical block ‘Topographic’ model.

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Recap - RLR Business-As-Usual (BAU) ‘Re-active’ update process

A central Geographic Information (GI) Services department with RPA manages the RLR (LPIS)

Routine BAU changes (Inspection, Remote Sensing, customer amendments) are submitted to GI Services as tasks.

GI Services operates a Black-box service to three agencies delivering SPS, Woodland Grant Scheme and Environmental Stewardship Scheme.

Quality standards are maintained through 100% QC of digitisation, data entry and parcel attribution.

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Change Intelligence - Re-active versus Pro-active

Inspection (Physical, Remote Sensed)

Customer (RLE1)

Scheme (Lit/RD/FC)


MasterMap (one-off data refresh)

MasterMap (Change Only Update)

Points of interest data

Aerial Photography (imagery analysis)

Systematic “Pro-active” Updating

BAU “Re-active” Updating

Remote Sensing (imagery analysis on non-


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Routine/Cyclical Data Quality


RPA’s Route-map for Proactive Land Change Detection.

Pro-active Detection

Improved Controls

More current &accurate

GI Source Data


Engage with data suppliers, OS and

Defra over currency



System development & software


Data exchange

to and from OS



New business Processes

Improved RLR accuracy

Accurate SPS payments

COU processes for Mastermap &

Aerial Photography

Improved MI on compliance

Work Stream 1 Work Stream 2 Work Stream 3

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Geo Information Data Integration – Geo processes

Conceptual Design – Systematic “Proactive” Updating

Sources of information

Points of Interest data

Aerial Photography

COU Mastermap COU Remote Sensing

RPA collected


RLR Update

Multi-step process to apply COU, to thematic dynamic thematic layers.

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What is Ordnance Survey MasterMap Change Only Update COU?

Updates to OS Mastermap are delivered to RPA/Defra in a 6 weekly cycle.

Changes are concentrated around specific areas that have been recently re-surveyed or flown.

Approximately 1.5% of Mastermap changes in a year.

Changes can be grouped into Real-World changes (RWC) and technical changes to the dataset.

Only some of the RWC will affect RLR land parcels and ineligible features

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What kind of OS Mastermap change will RPA see through COU?

Current RLR

New building and fence added 18/06/2008


The application of this change to the RLR would result in a reduction in field sizefrom 3.11ha to 2.71ha for the field SP0653 0973

NB: This field has been claimed this year at 2.81ha

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7th July 1999 18th June 2008

With Aerial Photography

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OS MasterMap topographic base data – the technical benefits to RPA

What does it mean? Each feature in the Ordnance Survey

database has its own unique identifier

Unique feature identifiers (TOIDs)

Features in MasterMap are classified by descriptiveGroup into themes: For example, Administrative boundaries, Buildings, Heritage and antiquities, Water, Land, Rail, Roads, tracks and paths, Structures, Terrain and height

RPA has identified 12 feature types within the themes that can be identified with high confidence and auto-captured as ineligible features. For example, all ponds are ineligible and safely removed upon receipt of a COU file.

Benefits? Easier management of data

changes e.g RPA can filter our TOIDS that are not relevant to the LPIS(RLR).

Can link to other underlying data e.g A TOID can be linked to an LPIS parcel.

Database ready for intersect/spatial analysis.

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Parallel Work streams for RPA Land Change Detection

Imagery (RS & AP)

OS MasterMap

Source of change only update

Change detection using Photogrammetry

Change detection using database intersect and TOID analysis

SU2749 3648

SU 2846 2874

TQ3830 4505

TQ3845 7840

TQ7840 2633

Candidate list of parcels to digitise.

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