russell hobbs breadman ultimate breadmaker model 10006 instruction manual & recipes


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Free downloadable instruction manual and recipes for the Russell Hobbs Breadman Ultimate breadmaker model 10006 courtesy of Breadmaker Part Store, Ohio USA You must be signed in as a member to download this file. Registration is free. Click “Save” to download and save the complete pdf document file to your computer. &,abm,and,appliance,argos,art,article,aldi,asda,automatic,baker,bakery,bell,beerman,book,booklet,bread,breadmaker,care,cat,catalog,code,cook,cookbook,copy,corp,conglomerate,corporation,countertop,custom,data,deluxe,digital,directions,document,domestic,dough,download,downloadable,ebook,elder,electric,electronic,elite,English,equipment,factory,file,free,global,guide,group,hard,hardcopy,Hometec,household,info,information,instruction,inc,incorporated,ingredient,international,jarden,jutan,kmart,kitchen,kohls,language,leaflet,lidl,limited,ltd,machine,make,maker,manual,manuel,manufacturer,mdl,Meijer,mod,model,Montgomery,nbr,no,number,of,operation,operator,order,original,owner,pamphlet,part,pdf,personal.pty,pulse,recipe,ref,reference,regal,replacement,robuck,scan,sears,seb,Seiko,serie,series,serial,soft,softcopy,spare,style,tabletop,ty,type,use,user,venes,version,Walmart,ward,ware,woolworths


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Exploded Diagram

Loaf tin handle

\j Loaf tin

!? ~ Kneading__9--~



Making bread is easy, everyone knows that. But ...It can be a bit messy. The result can be a bit unpredictable. Occasionally it might haveto be thrown away (quietly). The windows might have to be opened to get rid of theburnt smell (before anyone else notices). And it never tastes quite the same as the lastlot, either.The problem, of course, is that there are just too many variables, too many things todo; mixing, kneading, resting, knocking back, doing it over again, pre-warming,temperature, timing, answering the phone...Then there’s washing up, and wiping up the spilt flour. It’s quite amazing the distanceflour can travel when you’re kneading dough.Your Breadman™ Ultimate doesn’t have these problems. Like everything else these days,it’s controlled by a microchip. It’ll do everything apart from answering the phone.And it’ll do it the same way every time

there’s hardly any washing upit kneads with the lid closed, so flour doesn’t get everywhere

Now for the bad news — to get the best out of it, you have to read this booklet. Justonce. Just to get the hang of the machine. Then you can stick it in a drawer (untilsomething goes wrong).

Safety (this is an important bit)Treat electrical appliances with respect — most of them can give you a nasty bite.1. Don’t put your Breadman™ in water, don’t use it in the bathroom, don’t use it near a

basin or any other source of water, and don’t use it outdoors.2. The Breadman™ must be used by or under the direct supervision of a responsible

adult.3. Store it and use it out of reach of children. Things like this fascinate children, so let

them watch, let them help, but keep a close eye on them, so they don’t get hurt.4. Don’t touch hot surfaces — use oven gloves or folded tea towels. The window and

the upper parts of the body get very hot, the lid and the lower parts of the body justget hot.

5. Keep clear of the vents in the sides and back of the Breadman™ and the top of thedispenser.

6. Don’t plug your Breadman™ in until after you’ve loaded the loaf tin (with theingredients), into it.

7. Unplug it before you take the loaf tin out.8. Position your Breadman™ on a firm, level, heat-resistant surface, close to a power

socket and out of reach of children.9. Leave at least 5cm (2 inches) of space all round your Breadman™ to allow for

ventilation.10.Don’t use your Breadman™ near or under curtains, cupboards, or anything that might

scorch or burn.11.Keep the Breadman™ and the mains lead away from hotplates, hobs, and burners.12.Don’t cover the Breadman™, and don’t put anything on top of it, or it’ll overheat.13.Route the mains lead so that it doesn’t overhang and can’t be caught or tripped



14.Unplug your Breadman™ when you’re not using it, and let it cool down before movingor cleaning it.

15.Don’t use accessories or attachments other than those we provide.16.Don’t use it for any purpose other than those described in these instructions.17.Don’t use anything metal or sharp on the loaf tin or the kneading arm, to avoid

scratching the non-stick surfaces.18.Don’t use it if it malfunctions, if it’s dropped or damaged, or if the mains lead or

plug is damaged. The mains lead must be replaced by the manufacturer, in order toavoid hazard.

Household use only

Before useTake the packaging off your Breadman™, but keep it all until you’re happy that it’sworking properly. If there’s a plastic label on the outside of the Breadman™, listing itsfeatures, take it off.Before using your Breadman™ for the first time, or if it’s been out of use for a while,clean it out to remove dust, etc. (See “Cleaning”).If you give the Breadman™ to anyone else, give them this booklet too.

How it worksChoose a recipeMeasure out the ingredientsPut them into the loaf tin — in the correct order (this is essential)Put the loaf tin into the machineClose the lidSelect a programChoose the loaf size you want, 500g, 750g, 1kg (that’s 1lb, 11lb and 2lb).Pick a colour — light, medium, or dark crust.Set the timer (if appropriate)Start the program.When it’s finished, your Breadman™ will beep, then it’ll keep your bread warm for anhour.


Making BreadPREPARATION1. Sit your Breadman™ on a firm, level, heat-resistant surface, close to a power socket

and out of reach of children.2. Don’t plug it in yet.3. Open the lid.4. Hold your Breadman™ down with one hand and pull the loaf tin handle up with the

other. It’s held in place by two spring clips.5. Check that the inside of the loaf tin is clean.6. Fit the kneading arm to the shaft in the bottom of the loaf tin. The shaft and the

hole in the kneading arm are D-shaped, so it’ll only go on one way.7. Get the ingredients together. Measure them, have them all to hand, ready to add to

the loaf tin.8. Set out a wire tray (for the bread), a heatproof placemat (for the loaf tin), and oven

gloves (for your hands — protect both hands).

ADDING THE INGREDIENTSIt’s important that you add the ingredients inthe right order. If the yeast gets wet, it mayactivate too early. If it comes in contact withany salt in the recipe, it may not work properly.9. Keep any ‘extras’ — fruit, nuts, raisins, etc.

to one side, and add them to the dispenserafter you’ve closed the lid. They’ll be addedautomatically during the program.

10.First, add the liquid. It’s usually water, butmight include milk and/or eggs. The watershould be warm, but only warm, not hot orcold. Both hot and cold water will inhibit theyeast.

11.Don’t use milk with the timer; it mightcurdle before the bread-making process starts.

12.Add any sugar and salt required by the recipe.13.Add any “wet” ingredients — honey, syrup,

molasses ...14.Add the dry ingredients — flour, dried milk,

herbs, spices ...15.Add the dried yeast (or baking

powder/baking soda) last. Lay it on top ofthe other ingredients — don’t get it wet, orit’ll start working too soon.

16. If you’re using the timer, it’s essential tokeep the yeast (baking powder/baking soda)and water/liquid apart. If you don’t, theyeast will activate, grow, and die before thebread-making starts. The result will be hard,dense, coarse, and about as edible as ahouse brick.


LOADING THE MACHINE17.Clean any spillage off the outside of the loaf

tin, then lower it gently into yourBreadman™. Spillage inside the machine willburn on to the surfaces. Spillage on theelement will reduce its life dramatically.

18.Push the loaf tin down past the spring clips.19. If it won’t go down, it’s probably fouling the

drive. Lift it out, give the drive a quarter ofa turn clockwise, then try again.

20.Try not to spill anything into the Breadman™— if you do, take the loaf tin out and cleanthe spillage.

21.Lower the handle until it stops — about25mm (1 inch) above the side of the loaf tin.

22.Close the lid.

EXTRAS23.Fruit, nuts, raisins, etc. can be put into the

dispenser in the lid. Don’t put them in yet —they go in at stage 32 below. They’ll beadded automatically during the program.

24.The “extras” should be dry, or as dry aspossible. If you’re using fresh fruit orvegetables, pat them dry with kitchen towelbefore putting them into the dispenser. Ifyou don’t, they may drip on the yeast, andstart it off early.


Setting the ControlsPlug your Breadman™ into the power socket (switch the socket on, if it has a switch).The machine will beep and the display will show flashing zeroes.

SELECT PROGRAM25. Press and release the Select button until the

pointer on the right of the display moves tothe program you want. It takes two presseseach to move through the first fourprograms, as RAPID will show up on alternatepresses. When the pointer reaches thebottom of the display (Bake only), thedisplay changes to show PERSONAL RECIPE 1.Further presses go through personal recipes2 to 5, then the pointer reappears at the topof the display.

26. If you want to use one of the ‘RAPID’programs, leave it showing, if not, pressSelect again to remove it.

27. If you go pass the setting you want, pressthe Stop/Reset button, to go back to the topof the display.

SIZE OF LOAF28. To set the size of your bread, press and

release the Size button to cycle the displaythrough 2LB/1.5LB/1LB. These represent500g, 750g, and 1.5kg respectively. It startsoff showing 2LB.

29. The Size button doesn’t operate on theCake, Jam, Pizza dough, Bake only, orPersonal Recipe programs.

CRUST COLOUR30. Press and release the Crust button until the

pointer on the left of the display moves tothe colour you want (Light, Medium, Dark).When the pointer reaches the bottom of thedisplay, the next press brings it back to thetop.

31. The Crust button doesn’t operate on theJam, Pizza dough, Bake only, or PersonalRecipe programs.


EXTRAS32.Lift the top of the dispenser, add fruit, nuts,

raisins, etc., then close the dispenser. The“extras” will be added automatically duringthe program.

33. If you’ve added anything to the dispenser,press the Extras button to bring up ADDEXTRAS on the display. ADD EXTRAS doesn’tstay on the display, it pops up toacknowledge you’ve pressed the button, thenit disappears, to avoid cluttering the display.

34.This function is not available on the Jam orBake only programs.

START THE BREADMAN™35. When you’re happy with the settings, press

the Start button, and watch the machineleap into action. The LED lights up, thetimer colon (:) flashes, the timer countsdown, to show the amount of time left, andthe display tells you which process is goingon.

36. If you’re using the Wholewheat or Jamprograms, nothing happens for between 5and 30 minutes. Don’t worry, this isintentional. These recipes need this time topreheat the ingredients. PREHEAT will showon the left of the display.

OOPS!37. If you discover you’ve made a mistake after

pressing Start, press and hold the Stop/Reset button, then reprogram the machine.Don’t leave it too long. If the program is substantially into the cycle before you stopit, the results will be affected. In that case, you have to decide whether it’s best to:

let the program runstop the program, throw out the ingredients, and start from scratchstop the program, use the Program function to adjust the cycles to allow for thetime already run, then run it as a Custom Program

DOUGH CONSISTENCY38. Keep an eye on the dough (through the window) during the first 5 minute kneading

period. It should form a smooth ball. If it doesn’t, you might have to adjust theingredients. Do this during the second kneading.


ADJUSTING39. Press the PAUSE button and hold it down for 2 seconds to stop the program cycle.

If the dough looks sticky or clings to the sides of the loaf tin, sprinkle a tablespoonof flour over it. If it looks too dry, give it a tablespoon of warm water.Don’t leave the lid open for longer than you need to — open it, add whatever youneed, then close it.Press the Start button to resume the program cycle.Wait until the flour/water is fully incorporated into the dough before adjustingagain.

FINISHING40. When it’s done, the Breadman™ beeps to let you know your bread is ready. Press the

Stop/Reset button.

KEEP WARM41. If you don’t press the Stop/Reset button, the Breadman™ will keep the bread warm

for an hour. The LED will flash to let you know the Breadman™ is in “Keep warm”mode.

REMOVING THE BREAD42. As it cools, moisture in the bread

evaporates, drying it out and firming it up.Leaving the bread in the loaf tin traps themoisture. It can’t evaporate, so it soaks intothe bread as it cools down, making it softand soggy. The “keep warm” feature willprevent this up to a point, but the soonerthe bread is removed, the better.

43. This is where you need the wire tray, theheatproof placemat, and the oven gloves(remember — protect both hands).

44. Press the Stop/Reset button.45. Unplug the Breadman™ from the power

socket (switch the socket off first, if it has aswitch).

46. Hot air and steam will billow out when youopen the lid — keep your hands, arms, face,etc. away from the area above theBreadman™.

47. Put on the oven gloves (both hands), openthe lid (use the handle), and let it rest on itshinges.

48. With the oven gloves, hold the Breadman™down with one hand and pull the loaf tinhandle firmly upwards with the other, torelease the loaf tin from its spring clips.

49. Turn the loaf tin upside down and shake it torelease the bread.


50. Put the bread on the wire tray to cool.51. Put the loaf tin on the heatproof placemat.52. If the bread won’t come out, run a heatproof

plastic or wooden spatula round the inside ofthe loaf tin — don’t use anything metal orsharp, to avoid scratching the non-sticksurface.

53. Check that the kneading arm is still in theloaf tin. If it has come off with the bread, letit cool, then use a plastic or wooden spatulato dig it out of the bottom of the bread —don’t use anything metal or sharp, to avoidscratching the non-stick surface.

54. For best results, let the bread sit for 20-30minutes to firm up and dry out beforecutting. Cutting while it’s still warm andmoist may make it soggy.

55. If you’d rather tear a bit off, smother it in butter, and eat it hot, hold a bit ofkitchen towel under your chin, to keep the drips off your clothes.

56. Don’t cut the bread until you’ve checked the kneading arm. If the knife hits thekneading arm, you’ll score the non-stick surface, you’ll probably damage the knife,and you may cut yourself.

CONTINUOUS USEIf you want to make more bread, let the Breadman™ cool right down first, and checkthe inside for crumbs and other debris.If you try to use it while it’s hot, you’ll get an error message on the display (_ _H).Unplug it, remove the loaf tin, and leave the Breadman™ to cool down fully beforetrying again.

USING THE TIMERWith the timer, you can set the finishing time up to 24 hours ahead. You can’t use itwith the Jam program.Don’t use it for bread or dough containing fresh milk, yoghurt, cheese, eggs, fruit,onions, or anything else which might go off a bit when left for a few hours in a warmmoist environment.We don’t recommend using the timer with the Fruit & nut, Dough, or Pizza doughprograms. They may work with some ingredients, but generally, the ingredients used inthese programs aren’t really suited to being left for any length of time.a) If you’re using salt in the recipe, add it with the liquid ingredients, and keep it

away from the yeastb) Apart from the salt, follow steps 1 to 34, to set the Breadman™ up.c) Decide when you want your bread to be ready, e.g. 6 p.m.d) Check the time now, e.g. 7 a.m.e) Work out the difference between the two times, e.g. 11 hours.f) Use the arrow buttons to change the time shown on the LCD display from

the program time to the time you’ve just worked out (e.g. 11 hours).Each press will decrease or increase the time displayed by 10 minutes.You can’t reduce the time to less than the program time.The maximum time which can be shown on the display is 24 hours.


g) Go to step 35 (press Start), then go to work/shopping/whatever. When you return,you’ll be welcomed home by the aroma of freshly baked bread.

h) A word of caution — leaving the ingredients together for an extended period willinevitably cause some interaction, especially on a hot or humid day. The results maynot be quite as good as bread made right away.

DOUGHIf you use the timer for the Dough or Pizza dough programs, you must remove thefinished dough as soon as the program has finished, otherwise it will deteriorate.

The programsWHITEUse this program for basic, “no frills” white bread, and for recipes based on white breaddough. This is the shortest of the programs.

WHOLEWHEATBecause of the heavier flour, this program pre-heats the ingredients for up to half anhour before kneading, and lets the dough rise for a little longer. Wholewheat loavestend to be smaller and denser.

FRENCHThe French program uses slightly longer kneading and rising times, to make French-typebread with a lighter texture and crispy crust. Recipes suitable for this program don’tnormally use butter (or margarine) or milk. French-type bread doesn’t keep very well —eat it on the day it’s made.

FRUIT AND NUTUse this program for sweet breads with ‘extras’ — fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, peel,etc. The bake times have been extended to allow for the additional ingredients.

THE RAPID OPTIONThis option is available with the first four programs.For: It cuts an hour from the program time, by reducing the time the dough is

allowed to rise between the processes.Against: Because of this, your bread will be denser/coarser than normal, and any

additional ingredients (raisins, nuts, etc.) may not be distributed evenly.

CAKEThis program is for cake and batter recipes, rather than dough, generally using bakingpowder or baking soda as the raising agent, rather than yeast.

JAMThe Jam program preheats the ingredients for 15 minutes, then bakes for 50 minutes.Allow plenty of room for the jam to expand when boiling. If jam boils over into theinside of the Breadman™, it will be very, very difficult to clean.If it does boil over, press the Stop/Reset button, unplug the Breadman™, let it cooldown, and clean it out before it sets.Warning: Don’t mess with hot jam — it retains its heat for a long time and it sticks like

glue. If it gets on to your skin it won’t let go until it’s given you a nasty burn.Don’t reduce the sugar, and don’t use sugar substitutes. The correctamounts/proportions of sugar, fruit, and pectin are essential for a good set.


Use ripe fruit, not overripe or under ripe.Don’t purée the fruit. Remove stems, seeds, and stones, then either crush it with apotato masher, or cut it up. Jam should have bits of fruit in it. Don’t worry about tinyseeds (strawberries, raspberries, etc.).

DOUGH AND PIZZA DOUGHWith these programs you can use the Breadman™ as a mixing/kneading machine, to saveyour labour. It won’t heat up during these programs.When you remove the dough from the machine, punch it back then cover and let it restfor ten minutes or so before cutting/shaping.

BAKE ONLYThis program uses the Breadman™ as an oven. It won’t mix, rise, or anything else, itjust bakes then goes into “keep warm” mode for an hour. Use this program to bakedough you’ve made earlier, or ready-prepared dough from the supermarket.Most products will expand while baking — leave room for this when you fill the loaf tin.a) Use the Select button to bring the pointer down to the Bake only program. The

display will show 1:30 and a small clock symbol.b) Use the arrow buttons to decrease or increase the time. You can set any

time between 15 minutes and 2 hours, in 1 minute steps.c) If you keep your finger on the buttons, the display jumps 10 minutes at a time.d) When the display shows the time you want, press the Program Time/Temp button.

The display will change to 300°F.e) Use the arrow buttons to decrease or increase the temperature. You can set

the display from 200°F to 375°F in 5 degree steps. That’s equivalent to a range of93°C to 190°C. There’s a conversion table on page 26.

f) You can press the Program Time/Temp button to switch between time andtemperature, until you’ve got the combination you want.

g) Press Start.

USING PACKET BREAD MIXIf you use packet bread mix, don’t use more than 500g of mix at a time.Follow the instructions accompanying the bread mix.

Advanced baking techniquesPAUSEThis allows you to intervene during the program cycle.Press and hold the Pause button for 2 seconds to suspend the program for up to tenminutes. Press Start to resume the program cycle. If you don’t press Start, the programwill resume automatically after ten minutes. With this feature, you can create a decorative crust, add crumble toppings, glaze thecrust, crease the bread to form pull-apart rolls, or try the following example, to giveyou a rustic Mediterranean type bread:Use one of the French bread recipes and intervene at the “shape” stage, before thefinal rise. You’ve got ten minutes, so read through the recipe first and get everythingready before you start. If you do this, you’ll find that ten minutes it plenty of time.a) Press and hold the Pause button for 2 seconds.b) Open the lid and remove the loaf tin.c) Remove the kneading arm.


d) Remove the dough, set it on a lightly floured surface, and roll it out to a21.5cmx33cm (81"x13") square.

e) Brush lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic, basil, rosemary and sun-dried tomatoes.

f) Top with 3 cups of crumbled feta or goat’s cheese, and/or, add 2-3 slices ofprosciutto.

g) Roll the dough up tightly into an 21.5cm (81") roll.h) Tuck the ends under to seal it, and to allow it to fit back into the loaf tin —

19cm(71") wide.i) Put it into the loaf tin, put the loaf tin back into the Breadman™, close the lid, and

press Start.The final rise will begin, then the bread will bake.You could put on the oven gloves and use Pause again, as the baking begins, to score thecrust, or to remove the loaf tin, gently mist the crust with cold water, then return itand press Start to resume baking.

PERSONAL RECIPE PROGRAMS — the ultimate in machine bakingIn addition to the standard programs, your Breadman™ has 5 memory cells available foryour own programs.Use the Select button to move the pointer down to the Bake only program, then press itagain. The display shows PERSONAL RECIPE 1. If you keep pressing Select, you’ll see thatthere are 5 personal recipes available to you. The default settings for these recipes areshown in the table on page 20. As you’ll see, the first four are copies of the White,Wholewheat, French, and Fruit & nut programs for a 1kg (2lb) medium crust loaf. Thefifth one isn’t a copy of anything.

CUSTOM PROGRAMSIn addition to the Personal Recipe cells, you can change any of the standard programs tosuit yourself.As the method of setting the Personal Recipe cells and changing the standard recipes isthe same, we’ll deal with them together.As a practice run, let’s change some of the settings in the Wholewheat program.1. Press Stop/Reset, to clear all the current variables and reset the display. This also

sets the loaf size to 2LB, and the crust colour to medium. This is important, becauseif you customise the standard programs at these settings, then they’ll translate yourcustomisation to the 1LB and 1.5LB settings, and to the light and dark crust settingsautomatically. Your own Personal Recipes can’t be translated in this way, as we can’tpredict what you might get up to!

2. Press the Select button to bring the pointer to the program you want to alter, or tothe Personal Recipe (1 – 5) you want to input. In this case, press Select twice, tobring the pointer down to Wholewheat.

3. Press the Program Time/Temp button.4. CUSTOM PROGRAM will show in the top left hand corner of the display, to let you

know you’re in the right place.5. PREHEAT will show towards the bottom of the display, 30 and the clock symbol will

show on the top right.6. Use the arrow buttons to decrease or increase the time for this part of the



7. Write the time in the blank table provided on page 18. Use a pencil, so you can rubit out and use the table again.

8. Press the Program Time/Temp button again. KNEAD 1 appears on the display, and thetime changes to 5.

9. Go along the line on the table, pressing the Program Time/Temp button changing thesettings, and writing them down.

For most of the programs, the settings are:

Program Time/Temp Display shows Program Time/Temp Display shows1st press Preheat 8th press Rise 32nd press Knead 1 9th press Bake3rd press Knead 2 10th press Keep warm4th press Rise 1 11th press Extras5th press Punch down 12th press Temperature6th press Rise 2 13th press Save (flashing)7th press Shape

Use the and buttons to decrease or increase the time and temperatureand to answer Yes or No to the Extras and Save options.Answering No to the Save option brings you out of the programming mode. If you answerYes to the Save option, then your settings overwrite the existing settings, and CUSTOMPROGRAM shows in the top left of the display each time the Select button passesthrough that program.

SAVE/ERASEThis is the only button we haven’t used yet. It has two functions.If you want to change only one or two of the settings, there’s no need to run throughthe others, just to leave them as they were. When you’ve made the changes you want,press Save/Erase, and the flashing Save option pops up at once. Press No to abort,press Yes and it’s saved.To delete your settings and return to the default settings for that program or PersonalRecipe, use the Select button to get to the program or recipe, then press Save/Erase.This time, instead of a flashing Save, you see a flashing Erase. Press No to abort,press Yes and it’s erased. When you’ve erased your settings, you won’t see CUSTOMPROGRAM next time you pass that program or recipe.


IngredientsFLOURThe type of flour used is important. You can’t use “ordinary” plain flour for makingbread. Buy flour with “strong” or “bread” in its title. The commonest is normallymarketed as strong white flour. These “strong” or “bread” flours contain more glutenthan ordinary baking flour. Gluten is the name of the protein that gives the bread itsstructure and texture. It retains the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast, putting theelasticity, the bounce, into the dough.

OTHER BREAD FLOURSThese include strong brown or “Farmhouse” flour, strong wholemeal, and wholewheatbread making flours. These provide an excellent source of dietary fibre, but containlower levels of gluten than strong white flour. This means that brown loaves tend to besmaller and denser than white loaves. Generally speaking, if you substitute strong whiteflour for half of the brown flour in the recipe, you can make bread with a “brownbread” flavour and a “white bread” texture.

YEASTYeast is a living organism. Given moisture, food, and warmth, the yeast will grow andrelease carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide forms bubbles which are trapped in thedough, making it rise.Of the various types of yeast available, we recommend using “active dry yeast” or “easyblend dried yeast”. These are usually sold in sachets and don’t have to be dissolved inwater first.You may also see “fast action yeast’ or “bread machine yeast”. These are more potentyeasts, which can make the dough rise up to 50% faster. If you want to use these, you’llneed to do a bit of experimenting to get the best results. You could start off by tryingthem with some of the RAPID programs.

LIQUIDThe liquid ingredient is normally water or milk, or a mixture of the two.Water makes a crispier crust. Milk gives a softer crust with a velvety texture.The liquid should be warm, not hot or cold. Both hot and cold water will inhibit theyeast.Some recipes call for hand-hot water (that’s 46°-52°C or 115°-125°F), to speed up theprocess. Only the fast yeasts can handle this temperature.Don’t use milk with the timer; it might curdle before the bread-making process starts.

BUTTER/FATThese make the dough more tender and enhance the flavour, giving the finished loaf aricher quality. They help to retain moisture, making the bread keep fresh longer.Margarine or olive oil can be used instead of butter, but they are less effective.

LOW FAT SPREADDon’t use low fat spread. Never mind what the manufacturer says, it’s designed forspreading, not for cooking. It’s “low fat”, where the recipe needs “fat”. It’s also likelyto be full of the additives, E-numbers and other gunge we’ve so far managed to avoid.


SUGARSugar activates and feeds the yeast, allowing it to grow. It adds flavour and texture, andhelps with browning the crust. Many sachet yeasts do not need sugar to activate.Honey, syrup, or molasses may be used instead of sugar, provided the liquid ingredient isadjusted to compensate.Don’t use artificial sweeteners. None of these will feed the yeast, some of them will killit.

SALTSalt helps to control the growth of the yeast. Without salt, the bread could rise toomuch, then collapse. It also adds to the flavour. Keep it away from the yeast until thelast minute, or it might inhibit it.

EGGSEggs will make your bread richer and more nutritious, add colour, and help with thestructure and texture. Eggs count as part of the liquid ingredient of the bread, so adjustthe other liquid ingredients if you are adding egg(s). Otherwise the dough may be toowet to rise properly.

HERBS AND SPICESThese can be added at the beginning, along with the main ingredients.Dried herbs and spices such as cinnamon, ginger, oregano, parsley and basil will addflavour and interest. Use small quantities (1 – 2 teaspoons) to avoid overpowering theflavour of the bread.Fresh herbs, such as garlic and chives may contain enough liquid to upset the balance ofthe recipe, so adjust the liquid content.

EXTRASDried fruit and nuts should be chopped finely; cheese should be grated; chocolate chipsshould definitely be chips, not lumps. Don’t add more than the recipe requires,otherwise the bread may not rise properly.Be careful with fresh fruit and nuts. These contain liquids (juices and oils), so you mayneed to adjust the main liquid ingredient to compensate.Extras can be added automatically by the dispenser, during the program.

Storing breadCommercial bread contains all sorts of additives (chlorine, chalk, coal-tar dye, sorbitol,soya, etc.).Your bread won’t have any of these, so it won’t keep like commercial bread, and itwon’t look like commercial bread. On the plus side, it won’t taste like commercialbread either — it’ll taste like bread should.It’s best eaten fresh, but you can store it for a couple of days at room temperature, in apolythene bag with the air squeezed out.To freeze home-made bread, let it cool, put it in a polythene bag, suck all the air fromthe bag, then seal it. The Russell Hobbs Classic Bag Sealer (Model No. 9926) will do thisfor you.


Power cutsIf you suffer from a power cut lasting less than an hour, the program will carry on assoon as the power is restored. The program time will be extended by the duration ofthe power cut.If the power cut lasts for more than an hour, the program will fail. If this happens,unplug the Breadman™, let it cool down, then empty the loaf tin, dispose of theingredients, clean it out, and start again.Take care not to scratch the non-stick surfaces of the loaf tin and the kneading arm.n.b. Make sure you remove the kneading arm before you dispose of the ingredients. If

you forget, Customer Service Department will be happy to sell you another one.This also works if you unplug the Breadman™, or switch the power socket offaccidentally.

Error codesIf the Breadman™ is too hot, the display will show _ _H, if it’s too cold, it’ll show _ _L.If this happens, press the Stop/Reset button, remove the loaf tin, and let theBreadman™ reach room temperature before trying again.Any other error code (H:I, H:HH, L:LL, S:SS, 888) probably means you’ve broken it.Customer Service Department will be happy to give you an estimate for repairs (see“After Sales Service”).

CleaningUnplug the Breadman™ and let it to cool down fully before cleaning.1. Open the lid. If you want to remove the lid, open and lift it gently at the same

time. As it approaches 90° it’ll slip out of its hinges. To replace it, fit the flat hingeparts on the lid into the slotted hinge parts in the body.

2. If the kneading arm has stuck on to the shaft, fill the loaf tin with warm water. Thisshould soften any dough residues and allow the kneading arm to be removed. Don’tleave it to soak.

3. If the inside of the kneading arm gets clogged with flour, soak it in warm water,then dig out the flour with a wooden cocktail stick.

4. Wash the loaf tin and kneading arm in warm soapy water, rinse, then dry thoroughly.5. Wipe all other surfaces, internal and external, with a damp cloth. Use a little

washing-up liquid if necessary, but be sure to clean it all off, otherwise it mighttaint the next lot of bread.

6. Make sure everything is dry before reusing the Breadman™ or storing it away.Don’t immerse the Breadman™ in water or any other liquid.Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaners or solvents.Don’t put any of the parts in a dishwasher.


RecipesThere are many external factors which can affect the taste and texture of your bread(e.g. yeast type, flour type, sugar type, kitchen temperature, even air pressure andheight above sea level).The recipes in this booklet have been designed to produce edible results, regardless ofexternal factors. Use them to get the hang of the machine.Then you can start to have real fun with it. Use the recipes as a guide, but vary theingredients, vary the quantities, taste the results. Keep notes, write down what changesyou make, and you’ll build up a range of recipes which suit your taste. Keep notes ofthe not-so-successful ones too, so you know what not to do next time.If you already have bread recipes, or find recipes in other publications, compare themwith the recipes given here, to find out which program to try first, then experimentuntil the results match your desires.Be careful with quantities when using other recipes. Don’t fill the loaf tin above about aquarter full, certainly not as much as a third full. If you overfill it, the rising bread maypush the lid off. That’s on a good day. On a bad day, it’ll spill over the side, burn on tothe element and clog the drive.

USING THE RECIPES IN THIS BOOKLETTablespoons (tbsp) are 15ml, teaspoons (tsp) are 5ml. Dried milk should be driedskimmed milk. Yeast is dried yeast. If you use quick acting dried yeast, use 1 tsp quickacting dried yeast where the recipe calls for 3 or more tsp yeast, and 1 tsp quick actingdried yeast where the recipe calls for less than 3 tsp yeast. Use flour marketed as“strong flour” or “bread-making flour”.

USING OTHER RECIPESIf you use recipes from bread machine cookery books, we recommend using recipes forthe larger 750g or 1kg loaves (11 or 2 pounds). Check that the recipe uses no more than42 cups of flour. If it uses more than this, you’ll have to scale it down to fit.

Type Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Bake Totalheat back

Personal 1Personal 2Personal 3Personal 4Personal 5

Type Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Bake Totalheat back


These tables show the process times in the bread-making programs.

Type Crust Size Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Bake Totalheat back

White Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 40min 3:00750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 35min 2:55500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 30min 2:50

White Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 50min 3:10750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 45min 3:05500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 40min 3:00

White Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 60min 3:20750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 55min 3:15500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 50min 3:10

White rapid Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 40min 2:00750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 35min 1:55500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 30min 1:50

White rapid Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 50min 2:10750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 45min 2:05500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 40min 2:00

White rapid Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 60min 2:20750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 55min 2:15500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 9m 50s 10s 29m 50s 50min 2:10

Wholewheat Light 1kg 30min 5min 22min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 40min 3:30750g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 37min 3:27500g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 35min 3:25

Wholewheat Medium 1kg 30min 5min 22min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 45min 3:35750g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 42min 3:32500g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 40min 3:30

Wholewheat Dark 1kg 30min 5min 22min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 53min 3:53750g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 50min 3:50500g 30min 3min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 48min 3:48

Wholewheat Light 1kg 5min 5min 15min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 40min 2:15rapid 750g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 37min 2:12

500g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 36min 2:10

Wholewheat Medium 1kg 5min 5min 15min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 45min 2:20rapid 750g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 42min 2:17

500g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 40min 2:15

Wholewheat Dark 1kg 5min 5min 15min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 53min 2:28rapid 750g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 50min 2:25

500g 5min 3min 17min 30min 10s 39m 50s 0 0 48min 2:23

French Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 45min 3:20750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 42min 3:17500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 40min 3:15

French Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 55min 3:30750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 52min 3:27500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 50min 3:25

French Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 65min 3:40750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 62min 3:37500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 60min 3:35


Type Crust Size Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Bake Totalheat back

French rapid Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 45min 2:15750g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 42min 2:12500g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 40min 2:10

French rapid Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 55min 2:25750g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 52min 2:22500g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 50min 2:20

French rapid Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 65min 2:35750g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 62min 2:32500g 0 3min 22min 20min 8s 44m 52s 0 0 60min 2:30

Fruit & nut Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 55min 3:15750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 52min 3:12500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 50min 3:10

Fruit & nut Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 65min 3:25750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 62min 3:22500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 60min 3:20

Fruit & nut Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 75min 3:35750g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 72min 3:32500g 0 3min 22min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m55s 70min 3:30

Fruit & nut Light 1kg 0 5min 20min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 55min 2:40rapid 750g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 52min 2:37

500g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 50min 2:35

Fruit & nut Medium 1kg 0 5min 20min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 65min 2:50rapid 750g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 62min 2:47

500g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 60min 2:45

Fruit & nut Dark 1kg 0 5min 20min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 75min 3:00rapid 750g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 72min 2:57

500g 0 3min 22min 25min 10s 54m 50s 0 0 70min 2:55

Type Crust Knead 1 Knead 2 Knead 3 Rest Knead 4 Knead 5 Bake TotalCake Light 1min 3min 2min 2min 1min 2min 69min 1:20

Medium 1min 3min 2min 2min 1min 2min 79min 1:30Dark 1min 3min 2min 2min 1min 2min 89min 1:40

Type Size Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Stir Totalheat back

Jam 15min 0 0 0 0 0 0 50min 1:05Dough 1kg 0 3min 27min 60min 0 0 0 0 0 1:30Dough 750g 0 3min 24min 60min 0 0 0 0 0 1:27Dough 500g 0 3min 21min 60min 0 0 0 0 0 1:24Pizza Dough 0 3min 22min 30min 0 0 0 0 0 0:55Bake only 1kg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:30

Type Pre- Knead 1 Knead 2 Rise 1 Punch Rise 2 Shape Rise 3 Bake Totalheat back

Personal 1 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 15s 49m 45s 50m 3:10Personal 2 30min 5min 15min 50min 10s 24m 50s 10s 44m 50s 45m 3:35Personal 3 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 29m 50s 10s 59m 50s 55m 3:30Personal 4 0 5min 20min 40min 10s 24m 50s 5s 49m 55s 65m 3:25Personal 5 0 5min 20min 55min 10s 8m 50s 10s 29m 50s 50m 2:10


Basic white breadSetting: White/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 280ml 230mlOil 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 2 tsp 11 tspSugar 3 tbsp 2 tbspDried skimmed milk powder 2 tbsp 11 tbspWhite bread flour 560g 400gDried yeast 2 tsp 2 tsp

Lighter white breadSetting: White/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 300ml 230mlHoney 2 tbsp 11 tbspSalt 2 tsp 11 tspDried skimmed milk powder 31 tbsp 3 tbspOil 21 tbsp 2 tbspWhite bread flour 560g 375gDried yeast 21 tsp 2 tsp

Easy French bread (milk free)Setting: French 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 260ml 230mlOlive oil 2 tbsp 1 tbspSalt 11 tsp 1 tspSugar 2 tbsp 13 tbspWhite bread flour 500g 400gDried yeast 11 tsp 13 tsp

100% Wholemeal breadSetting: Wholewheat/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 375ml 280mlButter/Margarine 35g 25gSalt 11 tsp 13 tspSoft brown sugar 3 tbsp 21 tbspDried skimmed milk powder 21 tbsp 2 tbspWholemeal bread flour 575 g 430gDried yeast 21 tsp 2 tsp


50% Wholemeal breadSetting: Wholewheat/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 360ml 270mlButter/Margarine 35g 25gSalt 11 tsp 13 tspSoft brown sugar 3 tbsp 21 tbspDried skimmed milk powder 21 tbsp 2 tbspWhite bread flour 285g 215gWholemeal bread flour 285g 215gDried yeast 21 tsp 2 tsp

Granary breadSetting: White/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 350ml 225mlButter/Margarine 25g 15gDried skimmed milk powder 2 tbsp 1 tbspSalt 11 tsp 1 tspSugar 1 tbsp 1 tbspGranary flour 200g 140gWhite bread flour 300g 200gDried yeast 2 tsp 11 tsp

Farmhouse grain breadSetting: Wholewheat/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 525ml 325mlSalt 2 tsp 1 tspSugar 11 tbsp 1 tbspDried skimmed milk powder 23 tbsp 2 tbspButter/Margarine 35g 25gWhite bread flour 350g 300gWholemeal bread flour 330g 200gMixed seeds 100g 75gDried yeast 21 tsp 2 tspVirtually any combination of seeds will work in this recipe, including sunflower,pumpkin, poppy, sesame, and caraway seeds.


Herb breadSetting: White/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 400ml 300mlOil 21 tbsp 2 tbspDried skimmed milk powder 21 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 21 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 2 tsp 11 tspWhite bread flour 580g 435gTarragon 21 tsp 2 tspOregano 21 tsp 2 tspBasil 21 tsp 2 tspThyme 21 tsp 2 tspMinced garlic 11 tsp 1 tspDried yeast 21 tsp 2 tsp

Two cheese breadSetting: Wholewheat/rapid 2 lb Loaf 11 lb LoafWater 200ml 130mlButter/Vegetable oil 11 tbsp 1 tbspEgg 1 large 1 largeSugar/Honey 1 tbsp 2 tspSalt 1 tsp 1 tspWholemeal bread flour 95g 65gWhite bread flour 350g 310gDried skimmed milk powder 40g 30gCheddar cheese(grated) 100g 75gParmesan (grated) 30g 3 tbspSesame seeds 1 tbsp 2 tspDried yeast 2 tsp 11 tsp

Cinnamon and raisin breadSetting: Fruit and nut 11 lb LoafWater 180mlEgg 1Oil 1 tbspSalt 1 tspDried skimmed milk powder 3 tbspVanilla essence 1 tspSugar 2 tbspRaisins 2 tbspGround cinnamon 2 tspWhite bread flour 360gDried yeast 13 tspDon’t try to make a 2 lb version — it’ll probably escape from the Breadman™.


Pizza doughSetting: Pizza DoughA 1lb mix makes one medium/thin crust 12" pizza base, a 11 lb mix makes a 15" baseand a 2lb mix makes two 12" bases.

2 lb 11 lb 1 lbTepid water 300ml 265ml 150mlOlive oil 2 tbsp 11 tbsp 1 tbspSalt 15 tsp 11 tsp 11 tspPlain flour (not bread flour) 530g 450g 280gSugar 2 tsp 11 tsp 1 tspYeast 2 tsp 11 tsp 1 tsp

Bagel doughSetting: DoughMakes 8 - 10 bagels depending on sizeEgg, medium 1Full fat milk 100mlOil 1 tbspSugar 2 tspSalt 1 tspWhite bread flour 280gYeast 2 tsp(+ water and 1 tbsp sugar for boiling)(+ 1 egg white and 2 tbsp wter for glazing)(+ sea salt, sesame seeds or poppy seeds for decorating)1. Put the ingredients into the loaf tin in the order above. Close the lid, set the

Breadman™ to Dough, and press Start.2. Roll the dough into eaual sized balls, then press a thumb through each ball to form

bagels. Cover and let them rise for 10 – 15 minutes, meantime, preheat the oven to220°C.

3. Bring the water to the boil and add the sugar.4. Drop the risen bagels into the water 2 at a time and boil for about 4 minutes, turning

over half way through. They will rise and swrll up.5. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain, and place on an ungreased baking sheet.6. Glaze with the egg white and water, decorate with sea salt, seeds, etc., and bake

until golden (20 – 25 minutes).


Peanut cakeSetting: CakePlain flour (don’t use bread flour) 200g } combine theseBaking powder 1 tsp } ingredientsBicarbonate of soda 5 tsp } in a bowlSalt 3 tsp } and set asideEggs, large 2Natural low fat yogurt 41 tbspCrunchy peanut butter (softened) 41 tbspApple sauce 2 tbspWater 50mlVanilla essence 1 tspWhite sugar 60g1. Combine the first four ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Set aside.2. Put the remaining ingredients into the loaf tin in the order above. Keep the lid open,

set the Breadman™ to Cake, and press Start.3. As the kneading arm starts to move, add the flour mixture steadily, a spoonful at a

time, then close the lid and leave it to finish.4. When it’s done, remove the cake from the loaf tin and cool on a wire rack.

Raisin cakeSetting: CakePlain flour (don’t use bread flour) 250gWhite sugar 125gFull fat milk 250mlButter 60gEggs, large 2Raisins 2 tbspBaking powder 1 tbspVanilla essence 1 tspSalt 3 tspPut the milk, butter, eggs and vanilla essence into the loaf tin, then add the remainingingredients. Close the lid, set the Breadman™ to Cake, and press Start.When it’s finished, let it cool for at least 10 minutes in the loaf tin, then remove it andlet it cool on a wire rack. When it cool, dust it with icing sugar.For a change, try adding a teaspoon of either mixed spice, cinnamon, lemon/orangezest, or strong coffee to the cake before mixing.


JamSetting: JamFruit 335g(raspberries, strawberries, plums)Sugar 335gLemon juice 1 tsp1. Raspberries should be lightly crushed with a potato masher, strawberries and plums

should be roughly cut up, but not pulped.2. Put all the ingredients into the loaf tin and close the lid.3. Set the Breadman™ to the Jam setting and press Start.4. At the end of the cycle the machine will beep.5. Put on the oven gloves, remove the loaf tin from the machine and pour the hot jam

into a heatproof container, or jam jars which have been rinsed out with boiling water,then dired. Take great care when handling hot jam.

6. Allow to cool, then put the jars in the fridge, where the jam will continue to thicken.

Gluten-free breadSetting: White/rapid360ml (13 floz) hand-hot water1 tbsp oil1 tsp salt1 packet “Glutafin” gluten-free white mix1 packet yeast (included with the Glutafin mixAdd the ingredients to the loaf tin in order (yeast last). We found the best results withthe Breadman™ to White, the crust set to medium, and the size set to 2lb. We suggestyou try this first, to get a feel for it, then experiment.For additional gluten-free recipes, contact Glutafin, Nutricia Dietary Care, NewmarketAvenue, White Horse Business Park, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 0XQ.Telephone 01225 711677 fax 01225 711567Glutafin Careline 01225 711801

Temperature conversion table (to the nearest degree C)°F °C °F °C °F °C200 93 260 127 320 160205 96 265 129 325 163210 99 270 132 330 166215 102 275 135 335 168220 104 280 138 340 171225 107 285 141 345 174230 110 290 143 350 177235 113 295 146 355 179240 116 300 149 360 182245 118 305 152 365 185250 121 310 154 370 188255 124 315 157 375 191

Connection to the mains supplyCheck that the voltage marked on the appliancecorresponds with the supply voltage.The appliance must be earthed. It is supplied with three-core mains lead and a 13A plug complying with BS1363. Ifthe fuse needs replacing, use a 13A ASTA or BSI approvedfuse conforming to BS1362.This appliance conforms to EC Directive 92/31/EEC withrespect to Electromagnetic Compatibility

IF THE PLUG NEEDS REPLACINGConnect the Green/Yellow wire (Earth) to the terminal marked E or . Connect theBlue wire (Neutral) to the terminal marked N. Connect the Brown wire (Live) to theterminal marked L. Fasten the cord grip securely. If in doubt consult an electrician.

IF THE PLUG SUPPLIED IS NON-REWIREABLE (MOULDED)Do not use the plug unless the fuse cover is in place. If you need toremove the plug, cut it from the mains lead and dispose of it. To avoidelectric shock, do not re-use the plug or insert it into a socket.


Troubleshooting — What to do if:THE BREAD COLLAPSEDThe dough may have been too moist. Reduce the recipe liquid by 2 tbsp. If tinned fruitwas used, it may not have been properly drained.Leaving the bread in the bread pan while it cools can cause moisture released in thebaking process to soak back into the bread.The flour may have been too coarsely ground. Try using finer flour.

THE CORE OF THE BREAD IS TOO MOISTThe dough may have been too moist, see above.The flour may have been too heavy. This problem can occur with rye, bran andwholemeal flours. Reduce the amount of heavy flour and replace with white flour.

THE BREAD HAS SWOLLEN TOO MUCHYou may have used too much yeast, try reducing it slightly.Too much sugar can cause the yeast to work too fast, and the bread to rise too much.Try reducing the amount of sugar. If you add sweet/sugary ingredients such as driedfruit, honey or molasses, reduce the amount of sugar to compensate.You might try reducing the recipe liquid by 2 tbsp, as this will slow the action of theyeast.Use a coarser flour. Less yeast is needed with fine flour than with the same type of flourground coarsely.

13 AM



Shock Risk

Earth (Green/Yellow)



| Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s |


Applesauce Oatmeal Bread .............................................. 1Bran Bread ............................................................................. 1Country White Bread ....................................................... 2English Muffin Bread ....................................................... 2French Bread ........................................................................ 3Honey Oatmeal Bread ....................................................... 3Oatmeal Bread ...................................................................... 4Old-Fashioned White Bread .......................................... 4Yogurt Bread ........................................................................ 5

Whole Wheat100% Whole Wheat Bread ..................................................650% Whole Wheat Bread .....................................................6Buttermilk Wheat Bread.....................................................7Carrot Wheat Bread .............................................................7Cracked Wheat Bread ..........................................................8Granola Bread .........................................................................8Multi-Grain French ..............................................................9Multi-Grain Wheat Bread ..................................................9Shredded Wheat Bread ..................................................... 10Sunflower Oat Wheat Bread .......................................... 10Wheat Barley Bread ........................................................... 11Wheat Berry Bread ............................................................. 11Wheat Bran Bread ............................................................... 12Wheat ‘N Yogurt Bread .................................................... 12Whole Wheat Oat Bran Bread ...................................... 13

HerbDill Bread ............................................................................. 14French Garlic Bread ........................................................ 14Garlic Bread ......................................................................... 15Herb Bread ............................................................................ 15Italian Herb Bread............................................................. 16


Potato Chive Bread ............................................................ 17Potato Bread ......................................................................... 17


Classic Rye Bread ................................................................ 18Pumpernickel Rye Bread .................................................. 18Tomato Basil Rye Bread .................................................... 19


Sourdough Bread................................................................ 20 Sourdough Wheat Bread ................................................. 20

Sweet Bread

Apricot Almond Bread ..................................................... 21Apricot Almond Bread (Version 2) .............................. 21Boston Brown Bread ......................................................... 22Carrot Raisin Bread .......................................................... 22Cinnamon Oatmeal Raisin Bread .................................. 23Cranberry Pecan Bread .................................................... 23Oatmeal Maple Pecan Bread .......................................... 24Orange Wheat Bread ......................................................... 24Panettone ............................................................................... 25Raisin Bran Bread ............................................................... 25Raisin Bread .......................................................................... 26Spiced Fruit Bread .............................................................. 26Stollen Bread ....................................................................... 27


Cheese Bread ........................................................................ 28Chili Bean Bread ................................................................. 28Egg Bread ............................................................................... 29Peanut Butter Bread ......................................................... 29Swiss Jalapeño Beer Bread ............................................... 30Zucchini Bread .................................................................... 30

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1

| W h i t e |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz ( ½ c) 4 fl oz ( ½ c)Applesauce, unsweetened ½ c ¾ cVegetable Oil 2 tbsp 3 tbspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ½ cBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp 1 tbsp

A p p l e s a u c e Oat m e a l B r e a d

A great tasting all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Honey 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBran Flakes Cereal 2/3 c 1 c 1 ¼ cBread Flour 2 c 2 2/3 c 3 ¾ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

B r a n B r e a d

Add ready-to-eat bran flakes cereal to this recipe for a different texture and taste, plus added fiber and nutrition. Do not crush bran flakes into measuring cup when measuring.

Flakes will become crushed during the kneading period.

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound LoafWater 7 fl oz (¾ cup + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cYellow Cornmeal 3 tbsp ¼ cDry Milk 2 tbsp 3 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

E n g l i s h M u f f i n B r e a d

Here’s a bread that has the great taste of English muffins, but that you can make at home in your breadmaker.

This bread is great toasted!

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 ⅓ c 4 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

This recipe uses water rather than milk which gives it a crispier crust. A classic white bread that everyone will love.

C o u n t ry Wh i t e B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1 ½ c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ⅓ c 3 ½ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ⅔ c 1 c 1 c Dry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

H o n e y Oat m e a l B r e a d

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats in this recipe, but do not use instant oatmeal. A very light textured bread with a crispy crust.

A good, all-purpose bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp) 12 ½ fl oz (1 ½ c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tsp 1 tubs 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 2 ½ c 3 ⅓ c 4 ¼ cSugar 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 2 tspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

F r e n c h B r e a d

Crusty on the outside, chewy on the inside. Just the way it should be!

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 3

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ cOat, quick or old fashioned ½ c ¾ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Oat m e a l B r e a d

A basic white bread with a touch of oats and hint of brown sugar. Made with milk, the crust is tender.

Use old-fashioned or quick cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafMilk 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 c 4 cSugar 1 tbsp 1½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1½ tsp 2 tsp 2¼ tsp

This recipe is made with milk for a tender crust and fine texture. Just like Grandma used to make, now you can too!

O l d Fa s h i o n e d Wh i t e B r e a d

Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 3 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 3 tbsp) 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspPlain, Non-Fat Yogurt ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Yo g u rt B r e a d

The addition of plain yogurt adds a little tang to this bread, but very subtle. A good basic, general purpose bread.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 6

| W h o l e W h e a t |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 11 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 3 tbsp)Egg, large 1 1 1Molasses 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspHoney 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspWhole Wheat Flour 2 ⅓ c 3 ⅓ c 4 ¼ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

A dense bread, packed with fiber since all whole wheat flour is used. Longer kneading cycle at wheat setting will provide great results. If bread collapses during the baking period, add 1 or 1 ½

tablespoons of vital wheat gluten to recipe for respective loaf size to prevent this from happening. Vital wheat gluten can be found in most health food stores.

1 0 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Honey 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 c 1 ⅔ c 2 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ⅔ c 2 cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

5 0 % Wh o l e Wh e at B r e a d

For those that like a lighter textured wheat bread, this is the recipe for you. Contains equal amounts of bread and whole wheat flour.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c +1 tbsp) 14 fl oz (1 ¾ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 c 1 ⅓ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ c 2 c 2 ⅔ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspBaking Soda ⅛ tsp ¼ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Bu t t e r m i l k Wh e at B r e a d

A moist, light textured wheat bread that’s sure to please. A great bread for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspShredded Carrot 1/3 c ½ cBread Flour ¾ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbsp 3 tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Ground Nuts, optional ¼ c ⅓ cRaisins, optional ¼ c ⅓ c

C a r r o t Wh e at B r e a d

Shredded carrot adds a little color and flavor to this wheat bread. Good for sandwiches or with hearty soups.

Nut or raisins may also be added for extra flavor.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 8

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz ( ½ c + 2 tbsp) 6 fl oz (¾ c)Plain, non-fat Yogurt ⅓ c ½ cButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ⅓ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ c ½ cGranola Cereal ⅓ c ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

G r a n o l a B r e a d

Granola breakfast cereal, non-fat plain yogurt and a little whole wheat flour add fiber and great taste to this bread. Good toasted or for sandwiches.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1 ½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ¼ c 1 ¾ c 2 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅔ c 1 c 1 ⅓ cCracked Wheat Cereal ⅓ c ½ c ⅔ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

C r a c k e d Wh e at B r e a d

The addition of cracked wheat to this recipe adds a little crunch and, of course, more fiber. A light, yet hearty and satisfying bread.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 9

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 3 tbsp) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 c 3 cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ c 1 c 1 c7-Grain Cereal ¼ c ½ c ½ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n F r e n c h

Seven grain cereal adds fiber to this French bread. Seven grain cereal is available in most health food stores and contains such grains as wheat, oats, millet, triticale, soybeans, buckwheat and yellow corn.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspWhole Wheat Flour ¼ c 1 ¾ cBread Flour ¾ c 1 c7-Grain Cereal ¼ c ½ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

M u lt i - G r a i n Wh e at B r e a d

This whole wheat bread has a little crunch due to the addition of 7-grain cereal. A light textured, but fiber-filled bread, it’s good toasted or for sandwiches.

7-grain cereal can be found at most health food stores.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1 ½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspShredded Wheat Cereal 1 ½ large biscuits, broken

up (1 c)2 large biscuits, broken up (1 ½ c)

2 large biscuits, broken up (1 ½ c)

Bread Flour 2 c 2 ⅔ c 3 ¾ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S h r e d d e d Wh e at B r e a d

Add a couple of large shredded wheat cereal biscuits to this bread for added fiber and nutrition. The cereal blends right into the dough.

Well worth a try if you have some cereal on hand.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 2 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cOats, quick or old-fashioned ¼ c ⅓ cSunflower Seeds, salted ¼ c ⅓ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp

S u n f l ow e r Oat Wh e at B r e a d

Sunflower seeds, oats and honey add a nutty flavor to this wheat bread which uses both whole wheat flour and bread flour.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf

Water, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Honey 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ½ cRolled Barley Flakes 1/3 c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at Ba r l e y B r e a d

Bread flour, whole wheat flour and barley flakes create a great sandwich bread.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 1

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Vegetable Oil 2 tsp 1 tbspButter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspHoney 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspMolasses 2 tsp 1 tbspWhole Wheat Flour 1 ½ c 2 cBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWheat Berries, soaked and drained ⅓ c ½ cWheat Germ 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at B e r ry B r e a d

Add soaked wheat berries to this recipe for added fiber and crunch. Wheat berries must be soaked to soften before using and can be found at health food stores.

Bakes into a picture perfect loaf.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Honey 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cUnprocessed Wheat Bran 1/3 c ½ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh e at B r a n B r e a d

This bread includes unprocessed wheat bran for higher nutritional value, plus it’s sweetened with honey.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound 1 ½ Pound 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 8 fl oz (1 c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Plain Nonfat Yogurt ½ c 2/3 cButter or Margarine 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ⅓ c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cDry Milk 2 tbsp 2 tbspBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Wh e at ‘ N Yo g u rt B r e a d

Use plain, non-fat yogurt as part of the liquid for this light textured wheat bread. A good, all purpose bread everyone will like.

Wh e a t B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Honey 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspButter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 ¼ c 1 ½ cWhole Wheat Flour ¾ c 1 ¼ cDry Oat Bran Cereal ⅓ c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tbspActive Dry Yeast ½ tsp 2 tsp

Wh o l e Wh e at Oat B r a n B r e a d

A combination of bread flour, whole wheat flour and dry oat bran cereal sweetened with honey. Bakes into a nice loaf with a light texture.

H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 4

| H e r b |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 ¼ cChopped Green Onion Tops 1 ½ tsp 2 tspChopped Garlic Cloves 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSugar 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

F r e n c h G a r l i c B r e a d

Chopped green onion and fresh garlic turn this French bread into a taste-tempting treat that smells wonderful while baking. Especially good with seafood, pasta dishes or salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 c 4 cSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspDill Weed 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

D i l l B r e a d

A very light textured bread with a hint of dill. Serve with soups, salads or as a warm loaf with dinner.

H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafEvaporated Milk, 80° 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 2 ⅔ fl oz (⅓ c)Vegetable Oil 2 tsp 1 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 ½ tbspSalt 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspCelery Seed ¾ tsp 1 tspRubbed Sage ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspGround Ginger pinch ⅛ tspMarjoram pinch ⅛ tspBread Flour 2 c 3 cCornmeal ¼ c ⅓ cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

H e r b B r e a d

The combination of herbs used in this bread will make your tastebuds come to life.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 c 4 cDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspDried Parsley Flakes 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspGarlic Powder ½ - 1 tsp (to taste) ¾ - 1 tsp (to taste) 1 – 1 ½ tsp (to taste) Active Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

G a r l i c B r e a d

Delightful aroma. Serve warm with your favorite Italian pasta dish.

H e r b B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ¾ c 2 ¾ c 4 cDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSugar 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspGrated Parmesan Cheese 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspItalian Seasoning 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

I ta l i a n H e r b B r e a d

Grated Parmesan cheese and Italian seasoning add a little zing to Italian Bread. Serve as a warm loaf with your favorite Italian dish, or slice it thick,

butter and toast or grill to brown.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 fl oz (1 c)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tspMashed Potatoes, leftover ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspFreeze-dried Chives 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Po tat o C h i v e B r e a d

A fun variation of Potato Bread adding more flavor to go with your favorite soups and more.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 ½ fl oz ( ¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 fl oz (1 c + 2 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 c 3 ¾ cInstant Potato Flakes ⅓ c ½ c ⅔ cDry Milk 1 tbp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Po tat o B r e a d

An old-time favorite, updated using instant potato flakes. Save liquid from cooling potatoes to replace water in this recipe for added flavor.

| P o t a t o |

P o t a t o B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 7

R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 8

| R y e B r e a d |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Molasses 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspButter or Margarine 2 tbsp 3 tbsp 3 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ¼ c 2 ⅔ cMedium Rye Flour ⅓ c ½ c ⅔ cWhole Wheat Flour ⅓ c ½ c ⅔ cCocoa, unsweetened 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

P u m p e r n i c k e l R y e B r e a d

A little bit of cocoa gives this bread its characteristic dark color. A good bread for a hearty sandwich.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Butter or Margarine 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbspBread Flour 1 1/3 c 2 1/3 c 3 cMedium Rye Flour 2/3 c 1 c 1 ¼ cDry Milk 2 tsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt ½ tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspCaraway Seed 1 tsp 2 tsp 2 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

A light, but hearty rye that can be prepared with or without caraway seed, depending on your pleasure.

C l a s s i c R y e B r e a d

R y e B r e a d R e c i p e s 1 9

To m at o Ba s i l R y e B r e a d

A great bread to serve with soups and salads.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspSun-Dried Tomatoes 4 halves 6 halvesSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspBread Flour 1 ¾ c 2 ⅓ cMedium Rye Flour ½ c 1 cDried Basil Leaves 1 ½ tsp 2 tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S o u r d o u g h B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 0

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 6 fl oz (¾ c) 6 fl oz (¾ c)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ c 1 c 1 ¼ cMolasses 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp

Bread Flour 1 c 1 ½ c 1 tbspWhole Wheat Flour 1 c 1 ½ c 1 ¾ cSalt ¾ tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S o u r d o u g h Wh e at B r e a d

Use the same starter as for the Sourdough bread. This is a heartier sourdough bread as it uses half bread flour and half whole wheat flour.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp)Sourdough Starter, room temp ⅔ c 1 c 1 ¼ cBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ c 3 ½ c

Sugar 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S o u r d o u g h B r e a d

Make your own sourdough starter for this bread. Once made, it will last a long time providing you take proper care of it.

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| S o u r d o u g h |

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 1

| S w e e t B r e a d |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf

Water, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 4 fl oz (½ c)Gerber Baby Food, apricots with tapioca (1) 6 oz jar (1) 6 oz jarVegetable Oil 2 tbsp 3 tbspAlmond Extract 1 tsp 1 ½ tspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspBread Flour 2 ½ c 3 ¼ cActive Dry Yeast 2 ¼ tsp 1 tbsp

Dried Apricots, quartered ½ c ⅔ cSlivered Almonds ½ c ⅔ c

A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d

Apricots and almonds turn this bread into a delightful breakfast bread. It’s even great for lunch with a salad.

Do not add more apricots than recommended as the consistency of the dough will be affected.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c) 11 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 3 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 2 tbsp 2 tbsp

Bread Flour 3 ¼ c 3 ¾ cDry Milk 2 tbsp 2 tbspBrown Sugar, packed 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspGround Nutmeg ½ tsp ¾ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Chopped, dried Apricots ½ c ⅔ c

Blanched, slivered Almonds ¼ c ⅓ c

A p r i c o t A l m o n d B r e a d ( Ve r s i o n 2 )

A slight variation of the above recipe.

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 2

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Mayonnaise 2 tbsp 3 tbspGrated Carrots ⅓ c ½ cBread Flour 2 c 3 ¼ cSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ⅓ c

C a r r o t R a i s i n B r e a d

A great-tasting variation of an old favorite. The carrots not only add more color but more flavor, too.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafButtermilk, 80° F 5 fl oz (½ c + 2 tbsp) 8 fl oz (1 c)Egg, large 1 1Molasses 1 tbsp ¼ cButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 1 ½ c 2 ¼ cWhole Wheat Flour ¼ c ½ cRye Flour ¼ c ½ cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 1 tbspSalt ½ tsp ¾ tspBaking Soda ¼ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Slivered Almonds ¼ c ⅓ cRaisins ¼ c ½ c

B o s t o n B r ow n B r e a d

This recipe uses a combination of flours and is sweetened with molasses and brown sugar with a crunch of almonds.

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 3

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafMilk 8 fl oz (1 c) 11 fl oz (1 ¼ c + 2 tbsp) 13 fl oz (1 ½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ c 3 ¼ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ¾ c 1 cBrown Sugar, packed 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ⅓ c ½ c ⅔ c

C i n n a m o n Oat m e a l R a i s i n B r e a d

A different twist to conventional raisin bread with the addition of oats. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafMilk, 80° F 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp) 3 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 3 tbsp)Egg, large 1 1Fresh Orange Sections ¼ c ¼ cVegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 ¼ tspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 cActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Fresh Whole Cranberries ½ c ⅔ cGrated Orange Peel 2 tsp 1 tbspPecan Halves ¼ c ⅓ c

C r a n b e r ry P e c a n B r e a d

A great bread for Thanksgiving or other holidays when cranberries are available.

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 4

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 7 fl oz (3⁄4 c + 2 tbsp)Maple Flavored Syrup 3 tbsp ⅓ cButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ cOats, quick or old-fashioned ½ c ¾ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Chopped Pecans ⅓ c ½ c

Oat m e a l M a p l e P e c a n B r e a d

A slight variation to typical oatmeal bread with the addition of pecans. Use either old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, not instant oatmeal.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafOrange Juice 2 ½ fl oz (¼ c + 1 tbsp) 4 fl oz (½ c)Water, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour ⅔ c 1 cWhole Wheat Flour 1 ⅓ c 2 cWheat Germ 3 tbsp ¼ cGrated Orange Peel 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspDry Milk 2 tsp 1 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

O r a n g e Wh e at B r e a d

This recipe has both orange juice and grated orange peel to add a citrus flavor. A light textured breakfast-type bread worth trying.

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 5

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 4 ½ fl oz ( ½ c + 1 tbsp) 8 fl oz (1 c)

Egg, large 1 2 2Vanilla Extract ¼ tsp ½ tsp ½ tspButter or Margarine 2 tbsp ¼ c 3 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 c 4 cSugar 2 tbsp ¼ c 3 tbspSalt ½ tsp ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ½ c ½ cMixed Fruit and Peel ¼ c ½ c ½ cSlivered Almonds 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbspGrated Lemon Peel 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp

Pa n e t t o n e

This recipe originated in Italy where it is still a favorite holiday fruit bread.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp) 12 fl oz (1 ½ c)Honey 2 tsp 1 tbsp 3 tbspButter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspRaisin Bran Cereal 1 c 1 ½ c 2 cRaisins ⅓ c ½ c ¾ cBread Flour 2 c 2 ⅔ c 3 ¾ cDry Milk 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cinnamon ¾ tsp 1tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

R a i s i n B r a n B r e a d

What better bread to wake up to in the morning! Warm from the breadmaker or toasted, a great way to start the day.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 10 ½ fl oz (1 ¼ c + 1 tbsp) 12 ½ fl oz (1 ½ c + 2 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 ⅓ c 4 cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ¾ tspGround Cinnamon ½ tsp 1 tsp 1 ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ½ c ¾ c 1 cChopped Nuts ¼ c ¼ c ⅓ c

R a i s i n B r e a d

An absolutely delightful way to start the day!

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 6

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 1 ½ fl oz (3 tbsp) 1 fl oz (2 tbsp)Cottage Cheese, 80° F ⅓ c ¾ cEgg, large 1 2Vegetable Oil 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 3 cSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Nutmeg ¼ tsp ½ tspGround Cloves pinch ⅛ tspGround Mace pinch ⅛ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Raisins ¼ c ⅓ cCraisins (dried cranberries) ¼ c ⅓ c

A spicy twist to a holiday tradition.

S p i c e d F r u i t B r e a d

S w e e t B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 7

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 5 fl oz (⅔ c) 7 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp) 8 ½ fl oz (1 c + 1 tbsp)Butter or Margarine 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ½ c 4 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 3 tbspSalt ½ tsp 1 tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Red Candied Cherries 2 tbsp ¼ c ⅓ cGreen Candied Cherries 2 tbsp ¼ c ⅓ cRaisins ¼ c ¼ c ⅓ cChopped Nuts ⅓ c ½ c ⅓ c

S t o l l e n B r e a d

This is the easy way to make stollen bread for the holidays or any time of the year. After baking, dust with powdered sugar or drizzle with a powdered sugar icing before slicing.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 ½ fl oz (½ c + 1 tbsp) 7 fl oz (¾ c + 2 tbsp)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspFat-Free Refried Beans ¾ c 1 cSugar 2 tbsp 3 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspBread Flour 2 c 3 cCorn Meal 1/3 c ½ cChili Powder 1 ½ tsp 2 tspDried Onion Flakes 1 ½ tsp 1 tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

C h i l i B e a n B r e a d

A bread recipe with a southwestern flair.

Va r i e t y B r e a d R e c i p e s 2 8

| Va r i e t y |

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafWater, 80° F 4 fl oz (½ c) 6 fl oz (¾ c) 10 fl oz (1 ¼ c)Egg, large 1 1 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ c 4 cSugar 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese, frozen ½ c ¾ c 1 c

C h e e s e B r e a d

A hint of sharp cheddar cheese adds a delightful flavor to this bread. Make sure the shredded cheese is frozen when added at the alert for best results.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Peanut Butter, creamy or chunky ⅓ c ½ cHoney 1 tbsp 1 tbspBread Flour 2 c 2 ¾ cSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¼ tsp ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 2 tsp 2 ½ tsp

P e a n u t Bu t t e r B r e a d

This recipe is for all the peanut better lovers. Use creamy or chunky-style peanut butter.

All that's left is to spread on the jelly after it is baked.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound Loaf 2 Pound LoafMilk 5 ½ fl oz (⅔ c) 6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1 tbsp) 9 ½ fl oz (1 c + 3 tbsp)Egg, large 1 2 2Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbspBread Flour 2 ¼ c 3 ¼ c 4 cSugar 1 ½ tsp 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ¼ tsp 1 ½ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp 2 ¼ tsp

E g g B r e a d

Eggs add a special flavor to this bread. A very tender bread due to using both eggs and milk.

INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafWater, 80° F 2 fl oz (¼ c) 4 fl oz (½ c)Egg, large 1 1Butter or Margarine 1 tbsp 2 tbspShredded Zucchini, blotted dry ⅔ c 1 cBread Flour 2 c 3 cChopped Nuts ¼ c ½ cDry Milk 1 tbsp 2 tbspSugar 1 ½ tbsp 2 tbspSalt 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cinnamon 1 tsp 1 ½ tspGround Cloves ¼ tsp ½ tspGround Nutmeg ⅛ tsp ¼ tspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 tsp

Z u c c h i n i B r e a d

Make this bread when you have a little extra zucchini to use from your garden. Make sure to blot the shredded zucchini dry, as it contains a lot of water.

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INGREDIENTS 1 Pound Loaf 1 ½ Pound LoafBeer, 80° F, foam removed 6 fl oz (¾ c) 8 fl oz (1 c)Vegetable Oil 1 tbsp 2 tbspMedium Rye Flour ½ c ¾ cBread Flour 1 ¾ c + 1 tbsp 2 ½ c + 2 tbspSugar 1 tbsp 2 tbspSalt ¾ tsp 1 tspGrated Swiss Cheese ⅓ c ½ cChopped Jalapeño Peppers, well drained 1 tbsp 1 ½ tbspActive Dry Yeast 1 ½ tsp 2 ¼ tsp

S w i s s J a l a p e ñ o B e e r B r e a d

If you like jalapeños, you’ll love this recipe!