russia - location continents: europe and asia russia - overview capital and largest city: moscow

Download Russia - Location Continents: Europe and Asia Russia - Overview Capital and largest city: Moscow

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Slide 2 Russia - Location Continents: Europe and Asia Slide 3 Russia - Overview Capital and largest city: Moscow Slide 4 Russia - Overview Population: 142,470,272 (July 2014 est.) World rank: 9 th Slide 5 Russia-Overview Russia stretches across parts of two continents = Europe + Asia (6,200 Miles ) spanning 11 time zones + containing 9 Mountain Ranges + borders 13 Seas + borders 2 Oceans + Borders 14 countries. Slide 6 Russia Area Comparison Russia is the largest country in the world Slide 7 Russia Russia is so large, that it covers 11 of the 24 time zones. Slide 8 Russia Physical Geography Russia extends from Europe to the North Pacific Ocean Borders the Arctic Ocean to the North Slide 9 Russia Mountain Ranges The Caucasus In southern Russia Highest mountains in Europe, Mt. Elbrus (pictured), in the Russian Caucasus Slide 10 Russia Mountain Ranges The Ural Mountains Run from north to south in western Russia Separate Europe and Asia Slide 11 Russia - Climate Varies greatly North/Siberia: cool summers and frigid winters South: cool winters European Russia: more humid ----------- Tundra: the ecosystem found in the northernmost area of Russia Steppes: south of the Taiga this is Russias most productive agricultural area Siberia: the Asian part of Russia, much of which is covered by permafrost