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ryla, rotary, interact


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St Martin of Tours, 315-399 C.E. Patron Saint of France, malta, south africa, buenos aires. Feast Day 11th November

Our island was named after “The Holy Saint Martin of Tours”. Martin was born in Hungary in 316. His father was a Military Tribune in the Roman Imperial Horse Guard. At the age of 15

Martin was forced to join a Cavalry Regiment stationed in France. Legend has it that on a bitterly cold night on the road to Amiens he met a poor half-naked beggar. He took pity on the man. With his sword, he cut his own coat in two, descended from his horse & gave the beggar half his coat. That night in a dream Martin saw Jesus, dressed in that coat and Jesus spoke to the angels about the soldier and the beggar. The dream confirmed his piety.

He was baptised at 18 and became a devoted follower of Christ and an industrious and itinerant evangelist at a time when Christianity was still in its infancy. He founded a community of hermits and the first monastery in France. In 371 he became the Bishop of Tours.His reputation as a miracle worker grew larger than life. He made the lame to walk, deflected the path of a falling tree, extinguished house fires, fought with the devil, had innocent prisoners mysteriously released and restored health to the sick and life to the dead. His friend & close colleague Sulpicius Severus, wrote the first biog-raphy of Martin before he died and so we have a detailed record of the events, ideas and difficulties of Martin’s life and times.

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the mission of RYLA. “ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS” is a program designed to shape leadership skills in students who already possess & demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high schools and communities. RYLA Camp is a youth retreat with the main objective being to expose students to the many phases of leadership by learning from individuals who are already leaders in their community & businesses. Students attending the RYLA Camp should leave the seminar with a better understanding of how to assume a positive leadership role in their schools & communities.

To further demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concerns for youth.To encourage and assist selected youth leaders and potential leaders in methods of responsible and effective voluntary youth leadership by providing them with a training experience.To encourage continued & stronger leadership of youth by youth.To publicly recognize the high qualities of many young people who are rendering service to their communities as youth leaders.




our four objectives

Who is invited, this time? High School students 14-17 years old who do have potential or established leadership skills. They should have superior citizenship qualities, have been involved in significant extra curriculum activities, hold Academic Honours or Awards, current or recent student leadership positions, work expe-rience, be of high moral character, be cooperative, have high team spirit and be informed about current events.

recognise yourself?

what is ryla? this is ryla?

great expectationsExpect fun and challenging leadership skill-building activities and interaction with local leaders who will lead sessions and demonstrate leadership skills. Expect to meet many persons from District 7020. You will have the opportunity to gain new insights, make new friends and learn leadership skills that will impact the rest of your life.

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Sint Maarten-St MartinDutch & French & 37 sq miles, our isle was named, in 1493, by Columbus, spon-sored by Spain’s “Los Reyes Catolicos” on his second voyage of discovery, on the feast day of the great St Martin of Tours.Before that, Amerindian people lived here. They came from Caribana, Amazonia. First came the peaceful Arawaks. Then the fierce Caribs paddled their way north “in canoes of up to 150 warriors”, quoting Columbus. To the Arawaks the island was “Soualiga”, the Salt Island. Her natural salt ponds produced abundant salt. For the Dutch, the island was a convenient half way between New Holland (Brasil) & New Netherlands (NY) & seeking salt for the North Sea fishing industry, they came to stay in 1631. They began to build Fort Amsterdam. Unamused, the Spanish took the island by force for the 1st time in 1633.In 1644 Dutch Admiral Peter Stuyvesant lost his leg here in an unsuccessful battle for the island with the Spanish at Little Bay. He went on to become Director Gen-eral of the New Netherlands colony cen-tered in New Amsterdam, later New York. Between 1631 & 1816, St Martin changed flags 16 times, between Spanish, English, Dutch & French, most times after the durable 1648 Treaty of Concordia divided the island between Dutch & French. The treaty lives on in our minds & newspapers. In 1998 it was celebrated here as 350 years (well, latterly anyway) of peace, and per-haps, cultural diversity.For 150 years plantation life flourished. Tobacco, sugar, cotton & indigo were pro-duced in abundance for export.

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... the old days But for 300 years, St Martin was most re-

nowned for her salt. Our salt reached markets in Boston, Belgium & Brasil.

In 1733 the main settlement was named Philipsburg after a Dutch Vice-Commander, John Philips. He was born in Scotland. You

may visit his grave in the cemetery opposite Le Grande Marche.

St Eustatius, our eight square mile sister island, improbably, became, for a while, the busiest

trading port in the whole Caribbean, trading in men, sugar, tobacco, luxuries, commodities & more. War materials used by the rebels in the

American Revolution, up to 1776, were smug-gled through her frantic free port.

In 1781, in retribution, Sint Eustatius, nick-named the Golden Rock, was sacked by British

Admiral Rodney. Sint Maarten & Saba fell a few days later. Many Jewish people lived there

and here in that prosperous period. They built a synagogue in Philipsburg. Abandoned at the

turn of the century, small ruins exist behind the Guavaberry Emporium.

Slavery on Sint Maarten was abolished in 1863. The 1900s brought slow times, a declin-ing population & a remittance economy. Men found work elsewhere. In 1943 the US Army built an airport in Simpson Bay. In the 1950s

& 60s visionary Dutch St. Martiners identified Tourism as the future. Tourists and expatriates

came, adored the island, stayed...The pace increased in the 60s & 70s. A duty

free shop opened in Philipsburg. Hotels were built. A restaurant opened in Grand Case. Big

jets landed. Construction boomed. A cruise ship arrived. Little St Martin was becoming

the new “in” place. The race was on...

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Welcome, Caribbean RYLArians!

Our Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program in 2012 -13 in Rotary International District 7020, promises to be an intense but exciting one. This youth leadership program will allow you an opportunity to learn new leadership skills, and also gain personal growth. You will be meeting new young community leaders from all over the Caribbean and you will have a unique chance to share with them, learn with them and work with them. However while learning and growing it is also important that you have fun as you work to discover more about your capabilities and inner strengths.

Our Rotary International Theme for 2012 -13 of Peace Through Service provides opportunities for participation in conflict resolu-tion exercises and for you to seek new solutions to problems that divide young people today. I encourage you to think out-of-the-box as you discover innovative solutions to today’s challenges.

It is also important that you adopt an embracing attitude to change and recognize that a positive attitude will become an important ingredient in a successful future for yourself. Your Facilitators are also your new friends who will help you learn from your experienc-es as well. You should use their skills to help you learn and grow.

So be the change you wish to see! Enjoy RYLA 2013 in the beauti-ful St. Maarten/St Martin and as you return home, become the new change agent with a positive attitude.

Yours In Rotary Service,

Vance LewisGovernor 2012-2013Rotary District 7020

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Message from R.Y.L.A. Chair 2012-2013 District 7020A.G. James C. Ferris – Anguilla, St. Barths, St. Martin, St. Maarten

Dear Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (R.Y.L.A.) Conference 2013 here on the beautiful island of St. Maarten, known throughout the world as The Friendly Island.

District 7020 Governor Vance Lewis and the Presidents and Members of the Rotary Clubs of St. Martin and St. Maarten heartily endorse your participation.

I trust that this Conference will be a great learning experience for you as you participate and share in the various activities which are designed to help build and foster strong leadership skills and equip you for life.

I am confident that you will enjoy the Conference and you will take home lasting memories of The Friendly Island St. Maarten/St. Martin.

May God bless you. Peace Through Service.

Yours in Rotary Service,A.G. James FerrisAnguilla, St. Barths, St. Martin, St. Maarten

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Chairman AG James Ferris

Program Committee Josianne FlemingMarcellia HenryMaria BuncamperRebecca Low

Logistics CommitteeJim FerrisJon HartLouis Wever Henna BudhraniRussell Bell, Transportation

Administrative CommitteeValda Hazel, SecretaryAngela Gordon, Treasurer

Marketing CommitteeRamesh ManekStephen Thompson

Consultants & Young IdeasRobert JuddSheridan JuddPaula Gordon


Sarah Khalfaoui **Joelle FrancilletteKildyne BerthelotAlex PierreYva Cruz



1. Elisia Lake ** 2. Norissa Anatol 3. Ronis Wilson 4. Tashana Samuels 5. Charles Chico Rollan 6. Shardee Richardson 7. Chanelle Hart 8. Micaela Hart 9. Jean Philip Sylvester


DG Vance Lewis 7020

Prime Minister of St Maarten, Sarah Wescot WilliamsMin. Silveria Jacobs St. Maarten

President Alain Richardson, & Mme. Josianne Carty, Youth Affairs, La Collectivité, SM

James Ferris AG 7020 PP RCSMGiselle Hilliman, Psychologist David Mc Gregor, Director TDCRebecca Low – PP RCSMRolando Tobias, Toastmasters District Governor District 81Valerie Brazier - ToastmastersBarbara EjingiriNkozasana IllisDushyant SavadiaGarfield Young (Papa Umpo) Maria Buncamper PE RCSMOldine Bryson Panthophlet Chairman o/t Board Safe Haven with Bernadette Cruz-Natividad Loic Allamelou

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4:30 pm

6:30 pm 6.40 pm

6.55 pm

7:05 pm

7.45 pm

8.30 pm

9.15 pm

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

Welcome Committee meets early arriving RYLArians at PJIAirport.

Welcome Committee Airport & Simpson Bay dock

Registration at MAC.

MC & Welcoming Party, President RC St Martin North, Josianne Fleming

Official Welcome and Opening DG Vance Lewis

WORDS of WELCOME and encouragement Dignitaries of Sint Maarten/St Martin

WORDS of WELCOME 7020 RYLA Chairman ADG James Ferris.

Dinner. Guest Speaker Ms. Giselle Hilliman, Psychologist. “Understanding Different Behavioral Styles”. We all react to situations differently. Why?

Ice-breaker Activity, builds on dinner theme.David McGregor - Director/Trainer TDC

House Getting-to-Know-You meetings.

Review RYLA 2013 Code of Conduct. Rules of the skits.


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10:15 pm

11:15 pm

11:30 pm

Ice Cream Sundae Bar

Back to dorms. Lights out. Head count or Roll call.

6.00 am

6.30 am

7.00 am 8.00 am

8:45 am

9:00 am

11.30 am

Friday 15 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013, contd

Wake up. yes really.

ZUMBA with Patti Pantophlet Get ready for the day.

Breakfast buffet

What is Rotary/Leadership/Peace Thru Service. Rebecca Low PP RCSM.

All on board the buses.

Community Service Activities

1. CS Team Building - Hillside Adventure2. Nature Foundation.3. Red Cross Disaster scenarios.4. Rasta Farm, Bellevue/Marigot5. Optional study period MPC Exam students. Travel to USM University of St Martin.

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usm lUNCH. Panel “What is Interact?”One representative from each House shares an experience from their area

USM Leadership, Listening Skills & Feedback David McGregor, Director/Trainer TDC

usm - Effective Public Speaking Toastmaster Rolando Tobias.

usm - Health Break

usm - conflict Resolution Barbara Ejingiri & Nkozasana Illis.

usm - The Art of Living. Dushyant Savadia. Dealing with Stress in our Lives.

All board the buses.

Preparation for skits

Freshen up prior to dinner.


Storytelling Time, Garfield Young aka Papa Umpo. 1. Leadership & Peace through Cul-tural Diversity. 2. A story from my repertoire.

Rotaract Karaoke on location.

Back to housing. Lights out. Head Count/Roll Call.

12 noon

1:00 pm

1:45 pm

2:30 pm

2:45 pm

3:30 pm

4.15 pm

4.30 pm

5.15 pm

6.00 pm

7.00 pm

7.45 pm

11.00 pm

11.30 pm

Friday 15 February 2013, continued

fame and glory. At 12 noon today some visiting student


tives of each island will go to PJD2 Rad

io station in philipsburg

to talk with SM Radio Personality Lloyd Richardson

on his popular

live daily one hour show.

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Saturday 16 February 2013

6.00 am6.30 am 7.00 am 8.00 am8.40 am9:00 am

9:45 am 10:30 am 10:45 am 11:30 am

12:30 pm

1:30 - 5 pm

6:00 pm

6.45 pm7.00 pm8:00 pm10.00 pm


Wake Up. Yes. Again. sorry.

Self defense classes Rene Brown & Taekwondo Team.Get ready for the day.Breakfast

Board the buses usm - Bullying. Assertiveness Without AggressionHeather Mercuur, Director Love of Kids Fdn. usm - Presentation at Job Interviews Maria Buncamper, Secretary & PE RCSMusm - Health Break

usm - Personal Budgeting, Robert Judd, president Rotary Club Sint Maarten usm - negotiation Skills & Interpersonal Relationships, PHF Oldine Bryson. Chair-Person of the Board of Safe Haven Founda-tion, Assisted by Bernadette Cruz Natividad.USM - LUNCH – Loic Allamelou – “End Polio and bring peace to the lives of others”The Frontstreet Challenge - Treasure Hunt David McGregor, Director/Trainer TDC.Walking West to East, Cemetery to iStore...DINNER This is why I am an Interactor. Interactors from each country explain, in 5 minutes, why they joined their Club.Musical Fun - Percussionist Ernesto Arrindellcultural night. Skits presented by the Houses.Movie night. Blind Side. peace club with DJ Bean.Back to housing. 12.15 am Lights out.

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Sunday 17 February 2013

7.00 am 8:00 am

9:00 am

9:30 am

9.45 am

11:00 am

11.30 am 12.00 pm

1.30 pm

Wake up. Better. no?

Breakfast Buffet

Non-denominational chapel service, and spiritual time with Pastor Eddy.

Health Break.

Sharing Experiences, Reports from the 4 Houses. Includes Journals.

Red Cross Youth CPR Demonstration

Exchanging contact information & saying goodbye.

Lunch & Awards Ceremony

Packing and Departure

Thank you for spending this

precious time with us. We hope

you had fun and learned a lot.

Safe travels. Come back soon.

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a page from our scrapbook...

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Where over the world, say where;You’ll find an island there,So lovely small with nations free,With people French & Dutch,Though talking English much,As thee Saint Martin in the sea?


Oh, sweet Saint Martin’s Land,So bright by beach and strand,With sailors on the sea,And harbours free; Where the chains of mountains greenVariously in sunshine sheen;

Oh, I love thy paradise,Nature beauty fairly nice!

How pretty between all greenFlamboyants beaming gleamOf flowers red by sunlight seat!Thy cows and sheep and goatsIn thy meadows or on the roads,Thy donkeys keen I can’t forget.

Saint Martin I like thy name,In which Columbus fameAnd memories of old are closed.For me a great delight:Thy Southern Cross the night.May God the Lord protect thy coast.

the st martin songWritten by Father Kemps in 1954 in Grand Case, French St martin, the song is much loved by all & serves as a single national song, on a binational island, no mean achievement.

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