s cash market -...

ISWSPAPER , <TED FOR COMMUNITY AM. THE NEWS FKOM NKAKIJY TOWNS I, XXXVIV No. 7 ROCKAWAY, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 25,1927 $1.00 WAI YKAR Legs of Lamb, lb. : « I { >requarter of Lamb, lb. 38c 20c C'.uck Roast, lb. 20c •x ^ u l a r Ham, lb. 28c ...• nind Steak or Roast, lb. - -*rloin Steak or Roast, lb. - ,i'tte Beef, lb. 12c -toast of Veal, lb. - Moulder of Veal, lb. i. imp of-Veal, Ib. - 18c 24c 35c j»jqt. Basket Fancy Peaches - - $125 Iceland's Sweet Corn. doz. - - 50c \IN ST. 's Cash Market TEL. 62 nOCKAWAY, N. J. LAKE DENMARK EXPLOSION DAMAGE CLAIMS |Have you filed your claim with the NAVY DEPART- ENT? ' ' •'•••• 1A11 clainpiP mast be subtitle*! to the Secretary of the W, Navy Department, Washington, D. C, prior to- Iptember 2nd, 1927. -.'•...' J We will bo pleased to furnish forms. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rqckawry, N. J. bpilal $125,000> Surplus $375,000 ational Union Bank , Dover, N. J. 3% Interest Paid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over lember Federal Reserve Bank Safe Deposit Boxes $5.00 per annum and up apitalI$125,000: . Surplus $375,000 >OK WATCH >&ONE MINUTE oStbe great ... > !<»•*. ••n't Alway« E . J . MATTHEWS R ea I Estate and INSURANCE »•«««*,«, , „.. , \ •'.'i 1 ','. 1 i • l< SEVERAL VARIATIONS OF TOTALS IN FUNDS Apportionment «f School A{UIU>J« for MiirrlH Count)' The. annual schedule of the appiir- tionm at of (state school moneys to the Morrlu County school districts has just been issued liy County Sup- erintendent J, Howard Hulsurt. There are several variations of to- tals for the different lundH <from those of lttHt year. The ninety per cent of state school tux for the year beginning July 1st Is (226,529 at against $188,294 for the preceding year. Railroad tux in down, the fig- ures being $22,855 for the present ycur_an against $32,R28 for last year. Tho reserve fund In also less, being $121,088, while for last year It wan 1130,419. The state school fund this year Is $12,520 and uurpluB revenue, $2,518. Tho grand total this year for the county is $386,119. The apportionment for one day's attendance HIIOWH a little increase, after deducting teachers' salaries, transportation and tuition it is $.0321, Last year it was $.0309. The amounts apportioned to the districts In tho County arc as follows: Boonton $ 20,460.50 Dover 28,B«i.72 Morristown 33,167-82 Dutler 14,518.07 Chatham 10.085.3& Florham Park 4,325.90 Kinnelori 2,723,82 Lincoln Park 0,^85.88 Madison 16.50C.C8 Mondhfun 4,770.58 Morris Plains G.Ul.07 Mountain Lakes 0,873.1)6 Mt. Arlington Nctcong i Hivordalc 1,009.25 G,683.8ti 3,848.36 Hockaway Boro 10.C74.48 Wharton , 8,393.00 Boonton 2,893.21 Chatham 5,492.44 Chester 10.250.(11 Donvllle ..... , 8,272,48 PEOPLE GRATEFUL TO People Grateful to tective (.'oanty J'ro- FATALLY INJURED Dear 1'Mitor- It is quite natural and pprltapa le- gitimate, UB lho political campaign approaches, for those Interested to attempt to cloud the issues, Bo it is neither aBUjiilnhlng nor alarming that some. partlHan papert), supposedly existing for the purpose of spreading true Information, delib- erately and unconscionably suppress real facts and elaborately build up shadows which they solemnly label as truth. .Just now several editors are con- suming perfectly good ink and pafler to prove that the almost unanimous uprising of the citizens of Northern New Jersey last fall, to protect their property und their ancient rights from unreasonable confiscation by water companies and misguided poli- ticians, Is the direst cause of the re- cent Butler-Pompton scare over sup- posed water pollution. These editorB think they have caught one of the most beautiful of "red herrings" and they arc indus- trially dragging him across the path of the real cause of water pollution. Mentally, this Is no exhibition of the curse of laziness, but Summer time Is here and desk chairs require less physical exertion than active pursuit of the truth. So when the comfort of a cool offlco and the de- slro to camouflage Issues co-lnelde, what Is so easy as to dictate an Ar- ticle on the wickedness of bathing? Kvoryono knows people hathe In the streams and lakes and every unthink- ing person agrees at once that bath-| Ing: pollutes potable water; this is what the editor wants them to be- lievo; no real argument Is necessary; It requires little effort to write and ergo the editorial. The real facts matter not for they can neither bo Boon by the public nor hcar<l nn'i) they are not spectacular. Hanover 30,224.27! They are hard to acquire and to tah- Hordlng 8,109.84 9,816.73 uiate and are no real use anyway an campaign material. There Is no pos- of dramatizing wwage, fll- Jef fcrson Meridham 7.303.92 Mine Hill 3,60823 though they well know It Is tho real Montvllle 12,302.20 j issue and bathing It on 1 } tim filiadow. Morris 14,210.59 j To out letR of the toilets, linthrooiMB, Mount Olive 9.145.941 kitchens and yards of every family Passalc, 14,134.171 In the rural districts empty, directly Pcquannock 6,358.981 or Indirectly, into Ihc rivers and Randolph 11,887.51 ; BtreaiiiR and the wafib of the roads Hockaway Township 14,304.59 . and BtrectB of towus, cities and muni- Roxbury 17,422.72 clpalltles flow directly Into them, Washington 9,990.37 while (he IilllBldOB furnish tho Helping Teachers 2,700.01); streams with tons of decayed vegeta- tlon and other filth. Totals $386,119.50 It has been well and truly said that _ J. -<) .— one rain washes more pollution into RehflmliN Knjoj Trip to Anbury I'arU potable waters of I lie State than Is caused by ull the bathers during an entire season, and that one tiny Due to Jhe courtesy of Bro. ThOH. Hannon a bus load of Rehekahs last j Btrcttm may | mv <> flowing into It, con- Thursday. Journeyed to Asbury Park i atantly, sewage that id inflnltoly more nnd spent an enjoyable day. They . (lungproufl t0 ucnlt ),. left the Borough at 8 a. n>. and BI- rtved ot 11. They had lunch and en- Joyod the rolling surf and sights. They saw tho House of Fun and Oli- ver Dlckerson, wife and three girla had a roll In the barrel, and Oliver lost hlfl morioy and everything but his good nature. At G p. m. the party left for home, sane two hymn" books through, had Jazz music, Jlggs and opera. Olivor Dlckernon was tho song leader. This Is to bo made on annual affolr. Evidently rainy weath- er does not dampen their spirits. .—o - Whnrton Yonngstoro In Parade Six Wharton children have been en- tored in tho annual baby parndo which will ,bo held at Aabury Park on W«d- nosday, August 31. f hoy are Evelyn Jano Osborne, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Osljorno, of Canal street; Mary Jano SancheHI, 2, and. Jock Grey Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and Irma Kuth Rltzor, 8,. Florence M. Rltzor, 8. nnd William F RHzcr, 9, children ot Mr and Mrs William Itltzer. The people of Northern New Jersey aro grateful to the Inter County Pro- tective League for conducting a cam- paign of education to the end that the bathing pollution ghost has been laid, and they are grateful lo nil those who have assisted in exorcising this spectre. Everyone now knows (some editors James Ktv.Ht Homer, Vnrmtr HmVn. nay lt"j, Killed bj Automobile Juirjes iCvntmt Witriit-r, nine year old boy of 89 finuUi Morris street, Dover, (Her! in Dover General Hospital, Mon- day IIIKIII after ho bad been Ktriick by mi iiutoiiioblli: driven )>y William Jenkins, of IS New iitreet, Dover, In front of the home of former ConBrewi- mnn William K, Jiirch, and directly opposite (lie boys' home. The boy was flying « kite which be bad purchased earlier In the day In a Dover Ktore. There was a HIIKIII breeze blowing across Hilly Ford's pond near where the Ind lived, He started to raise the kite In Die nlr un'l as he ran acroM the street, it Is al- leged that he stepped directly In the path of the Jenkins machine which wan proceeding up the hill toward his home. The boy was knocked down and the. machine passed over his body, Jen- kins stopped immediately and lifted (lie Uul into IIIH machine and rushed to the Dover Oeneral Hospital. The boy died, however, a few momenta af- ter bin arrival at thfi hospital. Jenkins reported the ma'ter to the police and he was held on a technical charge of manslaughter. Coroner Charles A. Rlglitcr was called and Is- sued a burial permit. Tho young lad was the only child of Elizabeth Horner, who formerly lived on Church Htreet, Rockaway, Mrs. Horner Is a widow, her husband, Krnest Horner died during the World War while In the (service. Hoy Drowned at Mount Freedom Whll» playing near a small nwhn- mlng pool at the Wild Koflo Farm near Mt, Freedom, Samuel Rubin, seveii year old non of Mr, and Mrs, Herman Itubln, of Brooklyn, fell In and was drowned In four and a half feet of water Saturday afternoon. The boy had spent the cntirn sum- mer at (lie farm and often played at the swimming pool with a number of other children about hl« own age. Saturday aftornoon he was seen plny- i Ing at the place with several other boys and girls. He was fully clothed. Ho was not missed until lute in the afternoon when his mother called to a group of children playing near the pool. Ho did nol answer and Him went in search of him. Ho could not bn lo- cated about the premises and a sy«- tematlc search was started. Ho was found in one end of tho pool, fully clothed and it Is believed that lie had fallen into the pond, Bf- forts lo revive the youngster provod futile. Coroner 11. V. D. Totten, of Morris Plains was called and after making an investigation. Issued n huria) per- mit. The body was removed to Drook- lyn where funeral services were held. The Wild Rose Farm Is operated by i H. KcBdler and Is located between Drookslde and Mount Freedom. ! LABOR DAY A BIG ONE IN ROCKAWAY 'I'liJrtMli Ilif KiMlunuy V\rt» of l«*r Jlh Annaal Ontlntt Of notary ClotiR At ll The annual outing of tho Morris County notary Cluh will bo held at tho Hockaway Mver Country Club In Dcnvillo, on the 21st at September Morristown, Madison, Boonton and Dover will participate from Morris County, and, in addition tho -clubs of -Summit and Dolvldcrc, -will -also part, Tie Bte~KToHt tt a (Continued on Page 5) Indian lake Ettutu A very successful season of tho In- dian Lake Community Club is near- Ing Its closing qventn. On Wednes- day, A«ffO»t 24, a luncheon was sorv- cd at 1 P. M. to the ladies of the Aux- iliary < at the 'Club House. Tho last business meeting wan hold after the luncheon. Tonight at 8 P. M. tho annual com- munity mooting will bp held at the Indian Lake Club House for a gener- al election ot Trustees,, and It is ex- pected that all Club' members will make an effort to be present Monday, August 29, will be the last movie—featuring Fred Thomson and tho horso with a personality, "811 fer King", Iri Don ,Mlko The closing event will ho a Pageant on Saturday, September 3 There will be a Baby Parade, in which children up to 10 years ot ago will Ira eligible and a Pageant of boats, prizes being given to tfao winners. Evoryono come oubi and give Ills and hor support, to help/ make these last «ronts successful, 1 Tie Dlff Etent ot ttte. yew, Fire- aeii'a 301* Attatrtnarj. v. Htnlue Wehw Made Italy In Mayor Clyde Potts, of Morristown, has received word, that Frederick fl. R. Roth of Englewood, who WOB se- lected by Misa Mabel 13. Clark, of Normondlo Heights, to execute the equestrian statuo of flcorgo WBRII- Ington, which she has presented to Morristown, In now In Florence, Italy working on the statue. The models were made ot his studio In Engle- wood. A triangular tract of land at Morris and Washington avenues, where the statue will be placed ban been donat- ed by Dr. Henry N. Dndgo. 1)ov«r Woman Named on Hoard At tho meeting of tho Morris Coun- ty American Legion Auxiliary, hold at the Morristown Legion roontfl, Mrs, William Prior, Sr., was appointed by DID county president as historian. Tho members elected to the Advisory Board were: Morristown, Mrs, Robert Mack; Povor, Mrs. John Whltchnail; Chatham, Mrs. Lurch; Madison, Mrs, William Perry; Butler. Mlos ,L, Busche; Boonton,' Mrn, P. Nycc. > ''Chester Manchard and wife, and Wlllard M. Apgar and wife, who have, been touring thru Pennsylvania, Del., Md,,.D,.C. and Virginia; camping on tho Chesapeak at Idle Wlldo and vln- '"'• Mm, Apgtv's »Wnn(M(tu/jhtor, D. C' roturocd- liome '/'IKJ lt(/i)(nway jcire })(-purft/>«iit will v,<M,ruU: (bilr ,'!rttli ntmlv<ii'i;ury on l.dl.or liuy. Hftpt. IHb, w|)|, n mnii- nlcr jwradi; id 10 a. in. with vliiltltiK (.'o»i|muleii froin liooiilon, (Sutler, Morris Miiliiii, Mine 11)11, Hiurkettii. town, Itoxbury, Little Vtdh, lliiivllli% Kewtoti and Mt. Tiil/or Kir* Ooinpaii- U'H In lli« lliif< of march, v;l(h buiidf. and apparatus, J'rlzes will be aw»rri<;d for content In himn laying, extlnf;iil<ihini; fire wfll^ clutinlciili), ladder ralKiiitf, bent up- pnaruneu awd bent drlllid lieeullful loving cupn will )m (in prized for all contend). Two $5.00 prizes will b» awarded one for thn \u-M biiirtm.'HH ihtchrulion and one for lli« best renldeiitla) Aw~ oration. The, )l»« of march will take in (ho larger jinrt of (be I)orouj;h, litartln/f at iho fire houno emit to Mcni|e.H nrlOge, coiiiturniardt to w«it Ni!W St., fo Juf.kiion Avenun, to Church ilt,, to AcMhmy Rt,, w HoaKland Avonuo, to Jackson Ave., U) Maplo Avo,, to Churcli Ht,, where they will dloband and the ladles of the 11. K. Cliurcli, the I'roiibyterlan Church nnd Ht. <U>- CIIIU'H Church, und the, mcuihe.ru oC ttic nockuway Itchfltnli I/idgo will nerve dinner to the vlnitlng Firemen. At 2 I", M. tlm conieiitB will be lield at (vlildi time vorloun cornpanlRH wlir compclfl for the prlz««. At 4 I'. M. the Ilockuwny Plrnm«n'H Ha fie Hall Team will piny ball ngalnnt. ft very strong nppoRlng Usam. Ilcducllnii In An* Intonating llluntratlun of Just what Htudubnkcr'n One-Profit facili- ties mean to tint iiutoiiiohllo'buyrng public In reflected In the BUliHlriiitlnl reductions In Studclmkor ca.ru recent- ly announced, according to W. V. Cooper, local Rtiirtelmlier-Kriikliir' dfu- trllmtor. "AH U result of this reduction In prices," Mr, Cooper polnln oat, "Tho Stuilolmkor Commrimlor, representing tho fluent and fimlnst car ever pro- duced by HluilclraluT, now HOIIII for tho lowent price itt which any car powered by the famoUR Illg Blx motor lino over boon offered". "MotoVlntn know of Htudehaker'n One-Profit fncllllleD," continued Mr, Cooper, "and have aliio been con»- CIOUB in a wny of the, economics re- sulting from fltudnhakern marvelouH plant facilftlaii. A review of the ac- tmtl price fieurcn over a period of yenrn, howovor, liringn hnme; tho IOH- HOII of lowered prices and Incrcunod, quality which mnkn One-Profit manu- facture mare unde.rnlnmtuble and Im- presslvo, "In 1021, the Dig fllx Hcdan «old for $2050, Today, Tho Commniirtor Sedan Hells for IH0S. "While tho dollar of today buys far lefts than it did nomo ycara ago, thin table will, show thnt the Btudohaker automobile dollar actually Iniys far morn than In thono 'good old dayn', Rack In K«l, tho 8tudehnk«r Illff Blx Sedan wan an far ahead of tho rank and file of motor earn an Tho Com- mander Is today. Yot, improvement!! and reflnnmentH dovelripntl'iilnco that time, make The Commander nutualiy worth twice tho price of Itn more ex- penslvo prcdeceHBor. One-Profit mim- far.tnro in more than 'trade cxprcii' nlons,' It I" a meann to the end of. highest quality at lownst yrlru." o ! ' Nonih YOUHK At the ago of fifteen, Sarah, < tor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrnnco Vounj?. ot JJondaln Park, illml Baturday, Aug- u/it 20th, from an attack ot nppondi- cltiH, She bud licnn 111 for novoral days, and grnatly mlnried the atton- lon of her mother who wan In n hon- pltal at the tlmn whera nhn had Rlvoli birth to a hoy baby, fiiirnh wim a graduate of tho flrammr Rchool at tho lant commencement, and expected to enter High School thin l>"all. Iil|c IdHtrlljullon «f I'liciumiitH Including tlio 3,000 blrdii Imported from England 13,000 phnfloantii wore dlRtrihuted by tho BtatO' Flub and Game Commlmdon last month. Others aro to be liberated later. Tim, 10,000 blrdB over the flhlpmont from abroad wen; ruffled at the Stnto EOIIKI farms at-Fork.ed, Iliver opt) Iloekpprt Bocli

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Page 1: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and





Legs ofLamb, lb.

: «

I {>requarter of Lamb, lb.38c

20cC'.uck Roast, lb. 20c•x ^ular Ham, lb. 28c...• nind Steak or Roast, lb. --*rloin Steak or Roast, lb. -,i'tte Beef, lb. 12c-toast of Veal, lb. -Moulder of Veal, lb.i. imp of-Veal, Ib. -


j»jqt. Basket Fancy Peaches - - $125Iceland's Sweet Corn. doz. - - 50c


's Cash MarketTEL. 62 nOCKAWAY, N. J.


|Have you filed your claim with the NAVY DEPART-E N T ? ' ' • ' • • • •

1A11 clainpiP mast be subtitle*! to the Secretary of theW , Navy Department, Washington, D. C, prior to-Iptember 2nd, 1927. -.'•...'

J We will bo pleased to furnish forms.


bpilal $125,000 > Surplus $375,000

ational Union Bank, Dover, N. J.

3% InterestPaid on Checking Accounts of $100 or over

lember Federal Reserve Bank

Safe Deposit Boxes$5.00 per annum and up

apitalI$125,000: . Surplus $375,000




great... > ! < » • * .

••n't Alway«

E.J. MATTHEWSReaI Estate and


»•«««*,«, , „.. , \ •'.'i1','. 1 i • l<


Apportionment «f School A{UIU>J«for MiirrlH Count)'

The. annual schedule of the appiir-tionm at of (state school moneys tothe Morrlu County school districtshas just been issued liy County Sup-erintendent J, Howard Hulsurt.

There are several variations of to-tals for the different lundH <fromthose of lttHt year. The ninety percent of state school tux for the yearbeginning July 1st Is (226,529 atagainst $188,294 for the precedingyear. Railroad tux in down, the fig-ures being $22,855 for the presentycur_an against $32,R28 for last year.Tho reserve fund In also less, being$121,088, while for last year It wan1130,419.

The state school fund this year Is$12,520 and uurpluB revenue, $2,518.Tho grand total this year for thecounty is $386,119.

The apportionment for one day'sattendance HIIOWH a little increase,after deducting teachers' salaries,transportation and tuition it is $.0321,Last year it was $.0309.

The amounts apportioned to thedistricts In tho County arc as follows:Boonton $ 20,460.50Dover 28,B«i.72Morristown 33,167-82Dutler 14,518.07Chatham 10.085.3&Florham Park 4,325.90Kinnelori 2,723,82Lincoln Park 0,^85.88Madison 16.50C.C8Mondhfun 4,770.58Morris Plains G.Ul.07Mountain Lakes 0,873.1)6Mt. ArlingtonNctcong iHivordalc


Hockaway Boro 10.C74.48Wharton , 8,393.00Boonton 2,893.21Chatham 5,492.44Chester 10.250.(11Donvllle... . . , 8,272,48


People Grateful totective

(.'oanty J'ro-


Dear 1'Mitor-It is quite natural and pprltapa le-

gitimate, UB lho political campaignapproaches, for those Interested toattempt to cloud the issues,

Bo it is neither aBUjiilnhlng noralarming that some. partlHan papert),supposedly existing for the purposeof spreading true Information, delib-erately and unconscionably suppressreal facts and elaborately build upshadows which they solemnly labelas truth.

.Just now several editors are con-suming perfectly good ink and paflerto prove that the almost unanimousuprising of the citizens of NorthernNew Jersey last fall, to protect theirproperty und their ancient rightsfrom unreasonable confiscation bywater companies and misguided poli-ticians, Is the direst cause of the re-cent Butler-Pompton scare over sup-posed water pollution.

These editorB think they havecaught one of the most beautiful of"red herrings" and they arc indus-trially dragging him across the pathof the real cause of water pollution.

Mentally, this Is no exhibition ofthe curse of laziness, but Summertime Is here and desk chairs requireless physical exertion than activepursuit of the truth. So when thecomfort of a cool offlco and the de-slro to camouflage Issues co-lnelde,what Is so easy as to dictate an Ar-ticle on the wickedness of bathing?Kvoryono knows people hathe In thestreams and lakes and every unthink-ing person agrees at once that bath-|Ing: pollutes potable water; this iswhat the editor wants them to be-lievo; no real argument Is necessary;It requires little effort to write andergo the editorial.

The real facts matter not for theycan neither bo Boon by the public norhcar<l nn'i) they are not spectacular.

Hanover 30,224.27! They are hard to acquire and to tah-Hordlng 8,109.84

9,816.73uiate and are no real use anyway ancampaign material. There Is no pos-

of dramatizing wwage, fll-Jef fcrsonMeridham 7.303.92Mine Hill 3,60823 though they well know It Is tho realMontvllle 12,302.20 j issue and bathing It on1} tim filiadow.Morris 14,210.59 j To out letR of the toilets, linthrooiMB,Mount Olive 9.145.941 kitchens and yards of every familyPassalc, 14,134.171 In the rural districts empty, directlyPcquannock 6,358.981 or Indirectly, into Ihc rivers andRandolph 11,887.51 ; BtreaiiiR and the wafib of the roadsHockaway Township 14,304.59 . and BtrectB of towus, cities and muni-Roxbury 17,422.72 clpalltles flow directly Into them,Washington 9,990.37 while (he IilllBldOB furnish thoHelping Teachers 2,700.01); streams with tons of decayed vegeta-

• tlon and other filth.Totals $386,119.50 It has been well and truly said that

_ J. -<) .— one rain washes more pollution intoRehflmliN Knjoj Trip to Anbury I'arU potable waters of I lie State than Is

caused by ull the bathers during anentire season, and that one tinyDue to Jhe courtesy of Bro. ThOH.

Hannon a bus load of Rehekahs last j B t r c t t m m a y |mv<> flowing into It, con-Thursday. Journeyed to Asbury Park i atantly, sewage that id inflnltoly morennd spent an enjoyable day. They . ( l u n g p r o u f l t 0 u c n l t ) , .left the Borough at 8 a. n>. and BI-rtved ot 11. They had lunch and en-Joyod the rolling surf and sights.They saw tho House of Fun and Oli-ver Dlckerson, wife and three girlahad a roll In the barrel, and Oliverlost hlfl morioy and everything buthis good nature. At G p. m. the partyleft for home, sane two hymn" booksthrough, had Jazz music, Jlggs andopera. Olivor Dlckernon was thosong leader. This Is to bo made onannual affolr. Evidently rainy weath-er does not dampen their spirits.

.—o - •

Whnrton Yonngstoro In Parade

Six Wharton children have been en-tored in tho annual baby parndo whichwill ,bo held at Aabury Park on W«d-nosday, August 31. f hoy are EvelynJano Osborne, 7, daughter of Mr. andMrs. George Osljorno, of Canal street;Mary Jano SancheHI, 2, and. Jock GreySanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, LovettaSanchelll, of danal street, and IrmaKuth Rltzor, 8,. Florence M. Rltzor,8. nnd William F RHzcr, 9, childrenot Mr and Mrs William Itltzer.

The people of Northern New Jerseyaro grateful to the Inter County Pro-tective League for conducting a cam-paign of education to the end thatthe bathing pollution ghost has beenlaid, and they are grateful lo nil thosewho have assisted in exorcising thisspectre.

Everyone now knows (some editors

James Ktv.Ht Homer, Vnrmtr HmVn.nay lt"j, Killed bj Automobile

Juirjes iCvntmt Witriit-r, nine year oldboy of 89 finuUi Morris street, Dover,(Her! in Dover General Hospital, Mon-day IIIKIII after ho bad been Ktriickby mi iiutoiiioblli: driven )>y WilliamJenkins, of IS New iitreet, Dover, Infront of the home of former ConBrewi-mnn William K, Jiirch, and directlyopposite (lie boys' home.

The boy was flying « kite which bebad purchased earlier In the day In aDover Ktore. There was a HIIKIIIbreeze blowing across Hilly Ford'spond near where the Ind lived, Hestarted to raise the kite In Die nlr un'las he ran acroM the street, it Is al-leged that he stepped directly In thepath of the Jenkins machine whichwan proceeding up the hill toward hishome.

The boy was knocked down and the.machine passed over his body, Jen-kins stopped immediately and lifted(lie Uul into IIIH machine and rushedto the Dover Oeneral Hospital. Theboy died, however, a few momenta af-ter bin arrival at thfi hospital.

Jenkins reported the ma'ter to thepolice and he was held on a technicalcharge of manslaughter. CoronerCharles A. Rlglitcr was called and Is-sued a burial permit.

Tho young lad was the only childof Elizabeth Horner, who formerlylived on Church Htreet, Rockaway,Mrs. Horner Is a widow, her husband,Krnest Horner died during the WorldWar while In the (service.

Hoy Drowned at Mount Freedom

Whll» playing near a small nwhn-mlng pool at the Wild Koflo Farmnear Mt, Freedom, Samuel Rubin,seveii year old non of Mr, and Mrs,Herman Itubln, of Brooklyn, fell Inand was drowned In four and a halffeet of water Saturday afternoon.

The boy had spent the cntirn sum-mer at (lie farm and often played atthe swimming pool with a number ofother children about hl« own age.Saturday aftornoon he was seen plny-

i Ing at the place with several otherboys and girls. He was fully clothed.

Ho was not missed until lute in theafternoon when his mother called toa group of children playing near thepool. Ho did nol answer and Him wentin search of him. Ho could not bn lo-cated about the premises and a sy«-tematlc search was started.

Ho was found in one end of thopool, fully clothed and it Is believedthat lie had fallen into the pond, Bf-forts lo revive the youngster provodfutile.

Coroner 11. V. D. Totten, of MorrisPlains was called and after makingan investigation. Issued n huria) per-mit. The body was removed to Drook-lyn where funeral services were held.

The Wild Rose Farm Is operated by iH. KcBdler and Is located betweenDrookslde and Mount Freedom. !


'I'liJrtMliIlif KiMlunuy V\rt»


l«*r Jlh

Annaal Ontlntt Of notary ClotiR Atl l

The annual outing of tho MorrisCounty notary Cluh will bo held attho Hockaway Mver Country Club InDcnvillo, on the 21st at September

Morristown, Madison, Boonton andDover will participate from MorrisCounty, and, in addition tho -clubs of-Summit and Dolvldcrc, -will -alsopart,

Tie Bte~KToHt tt a

(Continued on Page 5)

Indian lake Ettutu

A very successful season of tho In-dian Lake Community Club is near-Ing Its closing qventn. On Wednes-day, A«ffO»t 24, a luncheon was sorv-cd at 1 P. M. to the ladies of the Aux-iliary < at the 'Club House. Tho lastbusiness meeting wan hold after theluncheon.

Tonight at 8 P. M. tho annual com-munity mooting will bp held at theIndian Lake Club House for a gener-al election ot Trustees,, and It is ex-pected that all Club' members willmake an effort to be present

Monday, August 29, will be the lastmovie—featuring Fred Thomson andtho horso with a personality, "811 ferKing", Iri Don ,Mlko

The closing event will ho a Pageanton Saturday, September 3 Therewill be a Baby Parade, in whichchildren up to 10 years ot ago willIra eligible and a Pageant of boats,prizes being given to tfao winners.

Evoryono come oubi and give Illsand hor support, to help/ make theselast «ronts successful,

1Tie Dlff Etent ot ttte. yew, Fire-

aeii'a 301* Attatrtnarj. v.

Htnlue Wehw MadeItaly


Mayor Clyde Potts, of Morristown,has received word, that Frederick fl.R. Roth of Englewood, who WOB se-lected by Misa Mabel 13. Clark, ofNormondlo Heights, to execute theequestrian statuo of flcorgo WBRII-Ington, which she has presented toMorristown, In now In Florence, Italyworking on the statue. The modelswere made ot his studio In Engle-wood.

A triangular tract of land at Morrisand Washington avenues, where thestatue will be placed ban been donat-ed by Dr. Henry N. Dndgo.

1)ov«r Woman Named on Hoard

At tho meeting of tho Morris Coun-ty American Legion Auxiliary, holdat the Morristown Legion roontfl, Mrs,William Prior, Sr., was appointed byDID county president as historian. Thomembers elected to the AdvisoryBoard were: Morristown, Mrs, RobertMack; Povor, Mrs. John Whltchnail;Chatham, Mrs. Lurch; Madison, Mrs,William Perry; Butler. Mlos ,L,Busche; Boonton,' Mrn, P. Nycc. >

• ''Chester Manchard and wife, andWlllard M. Apgar and wife, who have,been touring thru Pennsylvania, Del.,Md,,.D,.C. and Virginia; camping ontho Chesapeak at Idle Wlldo and vln-'"'• Mm, Apgtv's »Wnn(M(tu/jhtor,

D. C' roturocd- liome

'/'IKJ lt(/i)(nway jcire })(-purft/>«iitwill v,<M,ruU: (bilr ,'!rttli ntmlv<ii'i;uryon l.dl.or liuy. Hftpt. IHb, w|)|, n mnii-nlcr jwradi; id 10 a. in. with vliiltltiK(.'o»i|muleii froin liooiilon, (Sutler,Morris Miiliiii, Mine 11)11, Hiurkettii.town, Itoxbury, Little Vtdh, lliiivllli%Kewtoti and Mt. Tiil/or Kir* Ooinpaii-U'H In lli« lliif< of march, v;l(h buiidf.and apparatus,

J'rlzes will be aw»rri<;d for contentIn himn laying, extlnf;iil<ihini; fire wfllclutinlciili), ladder ralKiiitf, bent up-pnaruneu awd bent drlllidlieeullful loving cupn will )m(in prized for all contend).

Two $5.00 prizes will b» awardedone for thn \u-M biiirtm.'HH ihtchrulionand one for lli« best renldeiitla) Aw~oration.

The, )l»« of march will take in (holarger jinrt of (be I)orouj;h, litartln/fat iho fire houno emit to Mcni|e.HnrlOge, coiiiturniardt to w«it Ni!WSt., fo Juf.kiion Avenun, to Church ilt,,to AcMhmy Rt,, w HoaKland Avonuo,to Jackson Ave., U) Maplo Avo,, toChurcli Ht,, where they will dlobandand the ladles of the 11. K. Cliurcli,the I'roiibyterlan Church nnd Ht. <U>-CIIIU'H Church, und the, mcuihe.ru oCttic nockuway Itchfltnli I/idgo willnerve dinner to the vlnitlng Firemen.

At 2 I", M. tlm conieiitB will be lieldat (vlildi time vorloun cornpanlRH wlircompclfl for the prlz««.

At 4 I'. M. the Ilockuwny Plrnm«n'HHa fie Hall Team will piny ball ngalnnt.ft very strong nppoRlng Usam.

Ilcducllnii In

An* Intonating llluntratlun of Justwhat Htudubnkcr'n One-Profit facili-ties mean to tint iiutoiiiohllo'buyrngpublic In reflected In the BUliHlriiitlnlreductions In Studclmkor ca.ru recent-ly announced, according to W. V.Cooper, local Rtiirtelmlier-Kriikliir' dfu-trllmtor.

"AH U result of this reduction Inprices," Mr, Cooper polnln oat, "ThoStuilolmkor Commrimlor, representingtho fluent and fimlnst car ever pro-duced by HluilclraluT, now HOIIII fortho lowent price itt which any carpowered by the famoUR Illg Blx motorlino over boon offered".

"MotoVlntn know of Htudehaker'nOne-Profit fncllllleD," continued Mr,Cooper, "and have aliio been con»-CIOUB in a wny of the, economics re-sulting from fltudnhakern marvelouHplant facilftlaii. A review of the ac-tmtl price fieurcn over a period ofyenrn, howovor, liringn hnme; tho IOH-HOII of lowered prices and Incrcunod,quality which mnkn One-Profit manu-facture mare unde.rnlnmtuble and Im-presslvo,

"In 1021, the Dig fllx Hcdan «oldfor $2050, Today, Tho CommniirtorSedan Hells for IH0S.

"While tho dollar of today buys farlefts than it did nomo ycara ago, thintable will, show thnt the Btudohakerautomobile dollar actually Iniys farmorn than In thono 'good old dayn',Rack In K«l, tho 8tudehnk«r Illff BlxSedan wan an far ahead of tho rankand file of motor earn an Tho Com-mander Is today. Yot, improvement!!and reflnnmentH dovelripntl'iilnco thattime, make The Commander nutualiyworth twice tho price of Itn more ex-penslvo prcdeceHBor. One-Profit mim-far.tnro in more than 'trade cxprcii'nlons,' It I" a meann to the end of.highest quality at lownst yrlru."

o ! 'Nonih YOUHK

At the ago of fifteen, Sarah, <tor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnrnnco Vounj?.ot JJondaln Park, illml Baturday, Aug-u/it 20th, from an attack ot nppondi-cltiH, She bud licnn 111 for novoraldays, and grnatly mlnried the atton-lon of her mother who wan In n hon-pltal at the tlmn whera nhn had Rlvolibirth to a hoy baby, fiiirnh wim agraduate of tho flrammr Rchool attho lant commencement, and expectedto enter High School thin l>"all.

Iil|c IdHtrlljullon «f I'liciumiitH

Including tlio 3,000 blrdii Importedfrom England 13,000 phnfloantii woredlRtrihuted by tho BtatO' Flub andGame Commlmdon last month. Othersaro to be liberated later. Tim, 10,000blrdB over the flhlpmont from abroadwen; ruffled at the Stnto EOIIKI farmsat-Fork.ed, Iliver opt) Iloekpprt Bocli

Page 2: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

IIA I M M } , AI < i

Believe That StolenArticles Bring Luch

tllfl<ii;i-<J ill !li<: (MM; of :: H;;l(iJ.:.'>lrKUCutfiiiiU) tufim-r v.liu v.:i.-> i.-o/jU'.-rcrJnl & lu l l ing luHiijja from i> ii<;l;;litjor.lit) l:i|<luill'"l lo Hi': l;i;i;.riilr;ill; lli.'ilI.'; ',';'il'J tiii.lly tiironl to |iuy for l i i tm,lilnl tliiil, liiitH:<j:i-r, h<: htiil iilc/ily oftu rn ip* i,f l.iti m m , Mil IK; v.;>ut<;<ls to len OIII-B to i/iiiUij " ciiiiMjclioH fora t o w itlii'.-li li;i'J fallen t i d : , for In;ilrinly |ji-ili:-.i:i) no oiln:r couiij l/i; M;,e/lk'.'idoijH,

A tliiilliir IK-Ili'f h In !<) In manyI ' l i i t s o f (if-rnr.iiiy, M J I I - I C i>i:t<:t'ir;t\lyfvcr io iu ; Ijiiv)* :i iii-[:i-i for f)ii(- oro l l i t r of Uio Kl.-il': loUi-rk-s. Miiny uii-<:(lucilti:<j jicutnlilK will t';ll ><>tl til'-}ore sun; of winning If Ui'j Ikl.'tt linyliavc was liou;;ht v.HI> Mol-li nion'-y.

In Turkey, copper r)n;;i* ,ir«; wornon this (iiif-'iTH to prevent e-ryfcliyelfi'i.if Hie riot,' hn« heen ijlolwi froitt wjui't<i\u>, ijm\ It IK hiiiiiiui-i'il to imnwer Inspurpose Iwlci: :m will.

Kxiirnnlea mlglil li« multiplied fromevery (jusirtt-r of Hie r-arlli. MontJirobiinly the huprrhiMIon itro;;e from<h« uiitiiriil ill-Kin: of ilie rriniln.il toiind i'M\wi i.'Xf.'ll.sx. /"or IJJH (Jenn'JUeUrU'K,

tiry, n hiiu hitn \u<' i r i i i - r i n f.*jrt <ir aL: a w h o l e b y

If; ;r; f'jr I,!:) A fe'.v ln

I . !!,/•<.• > Old Confession of Faith| Lawyer Lei I Opening ; ,Uu Mil,l!U,H ,.,„,.„ , s a t.0/lf,,,!(,rj

I / o r Verbal Brichhal ; of faith datir.x from the i-ounii «.•»-

! A ; w l i l ' . i j ' !•.. (ol«J <-f H .e l.'i'«C l . l i f J i i ' - . l i ' i : V.'I;:I(; of II.(: I ' ! . ) ' " .r . . ; l t t i : u i , , e i , . , , < . , i , r r , w h o v.;>.-> f-> i tS'-j . l ly H w y Ci j r i . - i l inn /.-tiuri.-Ii. A l e g -

; i i ( - '« ' ' / ' . ' i l utiH toniii'l by Use a j i o s -tl(-:> t l ;( . ; i i , (!-.<•.-;, l u l l ( l i lTC If l , l l ; : t i t

i U ' . ' i i i r n n t i i r y j i r o i . f (,l t i / i « . I t I s bylatiny MJppo.-.efl id \tli\ti bf:(:ll tlll:( IIIrrjiu llif; tiinfty\i'>n <>t I't-ter, fcf-C'. ' l iirl: V,:V,, tmii fn,m Urn bajiilKiriiill i ivwal!i , i i v.li!i'li (li-HTinliK.-d tin; triii-llurlun tirtUr iiA urr j ini /cinent . '1'lieciiriieht i iul l ienlic inf-nllon in foiiinl Inn [I.-II.':IIKI; In Hie wijrl.n lit .St. Irfnafi-»•-, wlio il!(-(J In i()2 A. IX, wlii-n iiljoiiteii;My j e ; i / « old.

Advertising"Wlint Iff dm Iili-H of Hint old f'-l-

low'B talcing tli« roii'l wurnlng fclK'i,'CWtVJ'V «ud otlflilni; It up In iilnfront j'nrdV' HHI£<!<! SI motor tourist Intlio Ozarlffi.

"I reckon likely lie wants to get dinoldest daughter married off," repliedJig Flddlln of Cluphonrd HnrlngH,

"What in Ilio world lias tlio word,'curve,' to do with It?"

"I reckon you hain't (seen tlif; chapeof IIIB—p'tu—oldest EI ' I I'iive you?"—Kansas City Star.

Common Name for Cat$Nancy, ope four, Kat on (ho bar.-k

KtcpB at grandmother's holding ono ofthe many kittens wlileli lived there.

"Mother," olie cnlled, ''come HCCwhat a nice UHty thin Is."

"Vcs, It l«," replied mother, "andwhat Is that liltty'u name?"

"Oh," oald Nnney, "all of grand-mother's l<ittlcn Imve tho snmo name."

"That's queer," nald mother. "Wliuti» their name?'

"Why, tlielr name Is Scat," coldNancy.

The Middle-Aged ManOno writer describe!) n mlddlo-aged

mfln DS one who has stopped growingon either end but eontlnuea to growlu the middle.—Oalt rteporter.

Pacific Caatt "New Albion"Francis Drake gave the name "New

Albion" to tho Pacific const. Thonnmo first appeared on a map pub-lished fn 1G05.

ff/l<; )ii« nVnlf, Hi i- <-i,i(-f j i l l l ' c f.iiiitji;,r",:n-lM-<l •.(!': inwiii i . j ; Li1 Ju' i ; : ' :'Jlin'jtliy 'J'. / . i i : i .<r;y, lonuir meml/Tr'ff «'JII;:I*<:^; fjoiii <r!i;o ;!{,(] u j.riic-tlcl/iK l a w y e r In V.';iftMn::li>n.

"'i 'lO'l Iliornll;;;, Jlf. <:lllef .((lUI-e,"fold Jijijpe An;J/eyiy. " i ),ojio J « I I a r c(iulK: v.'e-H,"

" ' H / ' I ' I inur/il/it ' ," v.'.-isf l),ii r»-;j iotr ' : ;Imt not n-':o[-iil?.iiij; Ain,!,erry, tie;Clll'f Jlj,,llr-i.. ii'l'lwl '(Ultlr.lP.ly, "1<( It

f.Ohhihli; Unit I h i n t forcniu-n j c i i r

n.'iifii.-y"ft"H Air.lii-n;. ." w:if> ll 'e niii.wcr."O)i, yi >, my cjeur AiD.l/eTry,'' (lie

JurUt hiiMlly put In, "lf<iw lire y<iu?)!ut you min t <>;eijf,(. mi- for notre('iiKnl7.1ii;; you liiRlimlly. Voci knowHi" eiitiirnets lire tunning u i e r myeyey and I do not nr-e. UK wirll fin Idid!"

"IJtif," linld Aru herry, "I noticedtli.'il (lie rjit.'ir.-ietfj do riot prevent yfitlfceejnt; the (Iefieien(:<'H Ui my af^u-IIHIIIB lif/ort; your mart."

NinllJlK! t/rou'lly, lli<; (llRlllieillKlieilJmiiit lull) u tiMiiil mi Alihberry'8fcliouMer*, H'iylntr:

"No, my d'-.-ir Anftliwy, » blind mancould KKC lli<-iti."

'l'Jien lurfilng to H friend wbo hap.penr-d to be In the f.'rouji( tlie ehlefjDHlee lnut'lilnfc'ly Mild:

"IK* £av(! fru; ti cUaticti to throw fttirli'ls, didn't lie?"—Kimwifl CHy Kmr.

to the HomeIf icroi: dt tbe p in l i t ads wbo v.aiit

t o b t (jbbiic Mr^us.Ss would tt irn pri-va te tt-rvf-rifd, t i c li'JiK.oliolcJ Ke!pjirobU-to voul i l In- Kolvcd isnU t l i t rc 'dbe feuf-r tt>{>la ia o i i i t o r H r n i a n dI Irc-i.idc.

These Labor-Saving DaysW'b ciipposc po-K-rltJ'a v.iiy (if com-

fillmtntlng n bride on her >;ood old-faiililnncd dipini . 'tidty will be to fcaycordially: "Why, you open cans justlike jour mother."—Ohio Stute Jour-nal.

Silk for Body SinewsA recent di-veiopim-nt In Ktirjp.-ry Is

i Ibc ii'-f' lit Hill: UH u ftub^tltuto for va-| rlnii'i body ll-;i :i. With •certain jin:-I cjiullony ijlk iJn'-vv.H may be Iran.i-! planted Into the body. In this way,I natural >JIJCIVM which are too h t' CIIII be IcliKlheneil. A further w

caLion in hi the form of wilken li^'a-j riientM employed u« u nuh«(.ltutc for, D itrii'-utM which have bneo torn or In-i Jurcd by dlri':ni!n or accident, an In the

ciiHe of lateral llgumenta In Hie knee,elbow, ete, Likewise, It Is possible t«rrentc with Hllk new arliiieial vubtaln-

I lite llcuiiieufi,

Ancients Used Bellsfor Various Purposes

The mi! nt Minill hello to munrnonaltcndunlK K»e« buck over !i,000 yenrfl,A««yrlan tombn, uncovered from thorulnitf und dust of OK<'H, bhow thatbund belln not unlike our conventionalBhapcH, were uned In old-llmc Nineveh.Kgyptlun peulptured work In mornthan ono lniicrlptlou nliio HU(>WB thatremote uiitiijully In thin an In manyanolher rc«pw:t hud the; «ntno Idciw ofcomfurt, and songlit to grntlfy themIn much the mime manner that wo do.Wo find bclla mentioned very tarty Inthe lilflfory of Israel. Tho high prlcKtwan directed to wear Ilicin on thefringes of his o/Iiclal vcHlinentfi, alter-IIJIUDS them with pilrplo, blue findncarlet artlflclal pomecrannte/i, «o thathe mlfc'ht ho heard when ho went inand out of tho ho-ly plawi to sacrlflcfi,an the Hook of Kxoilnn 1ms it, "that bodie not," Then, as now, all tho ac-ce«sorlen of divine wornlilp wi;rc nym-bollcnl, tho tinkling Kolden hells prob-ably typifying the llpn -Hint ought everto bo open for prayer, and tho tonguathat ought ever to lie prying mercywhen concerned about tho Oiicrincesand other cervices of tho winclimry.

Seedt Hold Life LongKecilH of tho Inillan lotus u century

old have more active life In them thanthe KM me kind of Ki'ciis of liii>t year'ucrop, (iccordlng to n report of Dr.Ichiro Ohga of the Education luntltuteof Dalren, Manchuria, to tho Ameri-can Journal of JSotany. Doctor Ohgntenled these ancient deeds both by«|iroulliig and by chemical examina-tion, and they won on both counts.The reHearch wa« carried on duringDoctor Ohgn'a eojourn In llihj coun-try, at the ISoyce Thompson lnntitutcYonkern, N. Y.

Qualification*The young ml»» wan filling out tin

application for a ponltlon In one ofthe city offices.

Ono of tho questions was: "What 1Htho length of your residence In thecity?" Hbo answered thus: "About140 feet."

Another question was this: "Anypliyiilciil defects?" Who answered:"Only freckles."

Habits Weave ChainsHabits ore to life what rails arc to

» railroad train. A train runs whereIt has run before. Bo do moat peo-ple, their habits directing them andguiding them. Only good habits arelikely to carry one In tho direction hedhould go, the route that It la -worthwhllo to travel.—firlt.

When <Iu>f-t Doctor iU'.-

lflk of

fur the treatmentof constipation,heart liurn, orother kindred all-


Milk ofMagnesiaAn especially high gradeproduct of full officialstrength ami purity.Highly recommended alsoan an alkaline mouth wa«hto protect the teeth fromerosion by the mouthacida.

Hmoolli ax CrciunI'leii'-anl to dike

Roxull Milk of .MagnoHtaHtralgbtcns out y o u rstomach and gives youhack your appetite. Soldonly at the Kexall DrugStore.




Carpenter and BaliderEstimates Given

Jolililng a Sjie<:lal(yTel. id V. 0. Box -1G2



Dover's GreatBargain Center

34 W. Blackwell StreetD o v e r , IM. iJ.

Where High Qualityand Loy Price Meet

Part Wool

Double Blanketsfull size 60x80

Weight 4'/j pounds In everyattractive color. Free deliv-eries. Mall or phono ordersgiven prompt attention. Val-ue $5,00 (gQ IjnOUIl J'ltlCB <3>d.VI

Silk Striped

CorselettesK line CorHolIcttcs with

elastic KURBCU anil 4 gnrt»r».Value »1.10OUR PRICK .. 74c

Men's Socks ,Of good quality lisle, In allwanted colors, value 10c,NOW

10 pair SI.

Pull Pashlorffed

Silk StockingsPure thread sillt, In alt thowanted colors. Slice to IOVJThe thrifty will huy these Indozen lots, Valuo T Q n$1,09. NOW I"*-

3 for $2.25 ,

YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELFto visit this store of remarkable values. Each andevery item in the store a bargain feature worth com-ing miles for.

We buy entire stocks of merchandise below whole-sale cost and sell them to you at such low prices,everyone says its amazing.

Large Size


extra large, ex-tra heavy doublethread. ! Towels,colored lionlorn,valuo 50c. OUIlPJtICE


Your MoneyRefunded

if within 30 days you canduplicate any article youmay buy here, within 10per cent of our price.

But, most articles areunder priced from

15% to 60%


of m c r corlzodilaniank, trimmedwith attractivehordors. WorthJl.CO.



Bought Ought Entire Stock of Paramount SilkShop, Bronx, N. Y.

and arc soiling the same at our Dover store. • 20,000 stock of Silks,Woolens and CottonB marked down to soil (or $9,000. Bargainsgalore for ovoryono.

SILK PRINTSIn the latest colors and patterim. Mostly 12.00 and 53.00 values, but BODIO areworth even moro. Thin unusually low price wilt ranko It' worthwhile to f?T| " innuivu KMVU uiuru. jiu» unusually tow price will mako It worlbuy enough for 3 or 4 drosiicn iU lho ISxtraordlnary Prlco of.

Itayon Silk

GinghamOf quality that uuually Bellafor 45c. Attractlvo patterns.A real bargainat 23c

Silk Striped

Step-InsSilk striped voile stcp-lns oftho regular 50e grade, 9 C ppastel shades — . . . OO\J

3 for $1.00

Sheetsfull slzo Foltzor Sheets (Six80) Heavyweight muolln.Valuo tj.50 O OOUR PRICE . . . , ' . „

Men'e Rayon

Silk ShirtsIn uptodato colors and put-terns. A real dressy ahlrtthat will compare favorablywith any |S fihlrt (»1 O /you ever boaght ,

Assure housewives of quality meats . ;poultry at unusually low prices.

Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb, Ib. i

Short Forequarters of Spring Lamb, I t u B

SPECIALFresh killed BROILERS, each -

Dry-picked Frying Chickens, Jb.(2'/i to 3 11). each)

Fresh-killed Young Fowl, (4 lb. av.) lb. \

Prime Chuck Roast, lb.

Cross Rib Roast (solid meat) lb.

Sirloin Steak, lb.

Armour's "Star" Reg. Smo. Hams, lb. 21

Try TJiut Tasty 314 ROLL at all National Markets

Smok/ed Cali Hams, lb. -

"Cloverbloom" Pure CreameryButter (1 lb. prints) lb. - - - 4;

National Beef Company"Largest Retailers of Meats in America"

MainSt Tel. 122 » Rockaw;Stores in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Mass., and Conned "



Federal Observer, Who Aided Lindbergh, Studies Fitides to Show Effect of Showers and Time of

Day—Suburban Air Seems Good.

\l *

A- IRPLANES are now being usedto tlotormlno tho amount and,nature o! dust particles floating

In tbo atmosphere, dust particles thathave boon blown skyward from theearth.

Dr. Herbert H, Klmtmli, DnltedStates Weather Bureau meteorologist,wbo bag been prominent In the newsrecently because,of the data be aup-plld to Lindbergh, Chamberlln, Byrdand' other aviators tor long distancenights, has been Making a specialstudy.ot atmospheric dust.' '

His figures show that country dusthas 2,000 particles to t io cubic Inch;suburban air 50,000 particles and115,000 or moro to th.6 .cubic Inch ofcity air. , : .

Plain Famous in HistoryThe plain of Sharon is In Palestine.

tt extends Inland from tne coast cf theMeditorraocan. sea' to . the hills ofSamaria, ana alone the coast It reachesfrom Caesarea. to Joppa, the latterplace being now known as Jaffa, tbochief port of Palestine.

Tests In the airplanes bare 'that In the "morning moTO difound near the ground than Iafternoon and, further, that morel)Is found-near, the ground than \height of from 2000 to 7000 ftifl

Showers, of. course, will reduwjjnumber of dust particles and, a ( "breeze has the same effect.

Other scientists, have niadostudies as to the. effect ofchemicals on laying dust F

of those has been calciuma white and flaky- chemical ••-tracts moisture to itself, a'8When exposed to the air andwith the Toad surface to w'applied; , •


: . In a NutthellA blessed companion Is a bo(*i

book that fitly chosen Is af r i e n d ' • " . ,• ' •; , -.

:' •;•': ' •

Man vs. Woman; "Man Is made of dnst—wome»'

them DP, and then settle them."

Page 3: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

•~ * M)AY, AUGU3T 25, 1027 l i 0 < • K A W A Y II K 0 0 It

£!, $. Granf Won Bride< > "< While Fording River

i"i "5 S. tirunt si-U'Cted au od'j,} *r" l 0 propose marriage Iu Julia

Lieutenant Grant from West.„•-• hud met Julia while on a visit.' sic home of his chum Iu St. Louis.Viiii iii ' o v e w i u > l i e r a u d u e c i u e i 1

•slum to pursue bis attentions, re-•"H j;dnn M. Colmau in "Willie

i i»e Gossip."i rtu ir l)elrolhal occurred while theyiu.it /urding the Gravels river. Theyta'J In " HBlit rig, thu young man*j<&]' The wftters were swollen andsVcuireiit HO swifl from the recentf i t rains Uiut tln-y were in graveiL»r Tlie niaiii»'f of her clinging1 Sm l» her f<"ir (lf t l l e « l t t r '"•&ftd him ,wlth tlie courage to pro-*« to her then «nd there. In afterhh'-» bhe often n-luted to lier graml-ftllOrtn the story of the betrothal,>W''IIB Bped"1 f i t r e s s o n t l i e o l d 8U'UttiHion t l l a t «" u s u a l »tfenet'» a n d

'Z,T,ney were attributes of manyi wade over miming water, nays

.,'s Weekly.

Thrift Aid to Couragejilftlcssncss often fosters cow-,. 'i'lirift inspires courage. Shift-persons rarely have much back-

Xhey are so dependent upon^ for assistance that often theyit assert themselves to preserve

eelf-respect. Their wastefuls sap their self-reliance, their

us tirunce. The thrifty Individual,e oilier hand, has learned to standIs own feet. He has learned howiLe care of himself, how to man-liis affulrs, Iiow to provide againstrgencies. Therefore, lie Is little

to submit to uncalled tar lo-llies. Nor Is he afraid to take_.iable risks. Ilia iinanclal back-plves him courage. And withoutuge few successful careers havebuilt up. Thus we arrive at this

IUIJ: Thrift develops success.—Magazine.

Edison Tells of FirstElectric Light Carbon

Tlioiiias A. Edition, in Ul in^ ofdifficulties encountered in pruiiuc-ing the first electric ligltt and es-pecially iu getting the fine /ilaim-ntof carbonized cotton into tile glasshull), said:

"All night. Baclu'lor, my assist-ant, worked beside Inc. 'J'he nextdny and tlie next afcain, and at tlieend of tiiat time w« had jiro<lnrj<:done carliuti out of an entire BJIOOIof thread, Jlavinjr made it, it wasneceeuary to take it to the glaffi-bloner's house. JSaehelor took upthe precious filament and Imarched after him, as guarding amighty treasure.

'"To our consternation, just aawe reached the gluHS-lilowpr'g benchthe wretched carbon (shattered. WBreturned to tlie laboratory and setto work again, Late that day wehad produced another carbon,which was broken by a jeweler'sscrewdriver falling agaiiiHt it. An-other long period of tedious manu-facture and finally the new carbonwas completed and successfully in-serted in the lamp. The bulb wasexhausted of air and sealed, thecurrent on, and the sight we had solong desired to see met our eyes."

-Kansas City Star.


Kin to a Mysterious Racelong ago that it is Impossible to

when, there dwelt In Europe ora most remarkable tribe of man-

!. These people are not mentionediy ancient hlstoryand no legendu hint of their existence. Theythe so-called fathers of the Ary-

wlio now people the earth, andknowledge we have learned about

lias been learned through theof words. Word by word the

ige of the original Aryans hasexhunied from tlie descendent

•rti languages until, pieced to!r, they tell the story of. a van-

people. Historians tell us thatda and customs are a great Indexthe life of any race.—Capper's


Crashing the Gate[ joung eon came to his mother one

(.irrying nn invitation to a chil-i's party to be given by one of the

i ID the neighborhood. As itfried on R. S.'V. P. the mother at|e dispatched an acceptance for lier

The boy attended the party asimod and some time afterward thaflier nskeu him where the envelopei In which his Invitation had come,

son replied: "Oil, I didn't getenvelope, I traded a marble for

I Invitation."

Her Idea of It|How much for this little spool of

' asked Audrey, who was shop'ig In a neighborhood store. "Twen-Bcents? That Is about twice what 1Vally pay." ' . • . . . . 'I Cut moat of the silkworms died lastfir," said the proprietor,f I suppose If I wanted a roll of tape"at of the tapeworms would up and!, too?"thereupon the astute little girlliked dlgnlfledly out.—Kansa3 City

Dinosaur "Revamped"[One of the world's largest dinosaursomlerla), which died about 30,000,-.0 years ago, is to be put on Its legsfain at the Natural History museum,Wth Kenslpgton, England. The"~ ilerla lived In the estuaries of

•s, laid eggs, and ate floating'veg-itlon. It was about 00 feet long" 30 feet high, and weighed some-6 like ten tons. Its bones were

"id In Tanganyika.l ine

Afouoe Jailer—You say theycouldn't get Mr. Turtle's picture forthe rogue's gallery?

Mouse Turnkey—No, avery timethey tried to photograph him, hepulled iu his head!

Tenant Got EvenFew guests would probably stay

long enough to score against themanagement as tlie tenant of aParis flat scored against his land-lord, who had insisted upon turningout a dog, in accordance with hisrights under a clause in the lease.In revenge the tenant smuggled ina calf, which he secretly reared formonths in the drawing room. Whenit had grown up, he released it onthe balcony, which overlooked thePlace de la Bourse. The lowing ofthe animal having • attracted somelittle attention, the landlord wasthen left to deal with both the cowand the crowd.—Pierre Von Paas-seu, in the Atlanta Constitution.

Hotel Made High SchoolAcquisition ot an old hotel at Re-

public, Wash.,-has made possible at-tendance of, pupils from remote sec-tions of a sparsely settled countryupon the only accredited high schoolin the county. A competent matron is in charge of the improviseddormitory. Pupils come from asfar away as 50 miles, bringing suchfurniture, fuel and food supplies ascan be spared from their homes. Thesmall cash outlay necessary is ap-portioned among the pupils at theend of each month.

Face Powder BannedCritics who have been tilting at

young girls because of their fond-ness for make-up may find comfortin the fact that there is at least oneplace where cosmetics are absolutelyforbidden by law. In Esthonia facepowder is contraband, althougheven the vigilant customs officers onthe frontier are thwarted sometimesby the fair smug/Tiers of paint and

I powder, says the New York HornM-Tribune.

New Hat Idea for Men.English hat designers, who are

worried over the conservativeness ofmen's headgear, will make an effortto supplant "bowlers" with grasshats. They will be made of tough•East Indian grass and will resemble•a soft felt hat in appearance. Theywill be offered in nine shades ofbrown and gray and guaranteed notto fade.

Big Soap ProductionTotal production of soap in the

United States in 1925 exceeded• 4,-678; huUibn'pounds, an-average ofmoro than 40 pounds per person. Itsvalue was more than $230,000,000,an iucrjase of $5,000,000 over 1923,states the.Dearborn Independent.

Magazine Issued forThose Without Sight

V, 'm Hi-leii Day of Xew York, wliuhue iihi-n blind eiuce she was tenyears old, in now the editor of the•Searchlight, a magazine for theiilind written iu Braille. Her mag-azine J3 perhaps tlie iooot bulkyperiodical in the world, the averageinsue being over three indies thick,although it contains fewer wordsthan any other quarterly in cir-culation. This is because of theshe of tin: lettering. Kach numbercontains only about 2,000 words innil, but the book is go large that it |ia inconvenient to hold.

As a little girl she was broughtup by a great-aunt who was blindand who was morbibly Bc-imitiveabout her affliction. Any allusionwhich folks made to her loss of sightwas keenly resented, and she shrankfrom the moat casual contacts.Later on, as a climax to a series ofillnesses, Helen herself becameblind, and she readily fell into heraunt's mental attitude.

Today, however, all that ischanged. For eight years Miss Day,though (iightleBs and almost totallydeaf, has been one of the busiesteditors in New York. Seated eachday before a Braille typewriter inher office in her mother's home inHarlem, she edits copy, reads proofand selects manuscript for hermagazine, which is sent all over theUnited States to readers who can-not see.—American Magazine.


Mother (referring to daughter'saviator beau)—Did John fly off inhis airplane, dear?

Daughter—No, mother, he flewoff in a rage.

Girls Hold Scissors RaceThirty-six girls took part in a

manicure scissors marathon whileen route from Vancouver. B. C, toAuckland, Jf. Z.( recently. Eachfair contestant was required to cutwith, the curved blades throughfour yards of tape. The event wassponsored by the Australian cricketteam on its way home from Europe.Betting was high and bookmakersbusy before the start and duringthe six heats of the race. The win-ner was given a blue ribbon suita-bly lettered.

: DOVER'S M E T i t O i ' O U T A N HTOUK-

Pays $90 DebtSigning himself merely "C. P.,"

a South sea man has written to theFareharn board of guardians, in-closing $90. He states that 20years ago his mother, a widow withfour children, had to seek relieffrom the board. The writer, thougha child, felt the degradation, as itseemed to him, acutely, and deter-mined that as soon as he was ablehe would repay his share of themoney, adding 20 per cent as in-terest.

Bride Designs Own RingNot many brides-to-be are skill-

ful enough to make their own en-gagement ring, but. Miss KatherineBrown of Belfast, Maine, has donethat in anticipation of her marriageto Conrad Lincoln Newton ofBrockton. Miss Brown h a design-er and maker of jewelry for a Bos-ton firm and made an intricate set-ting for a beautiful solitaire herself.—Indianapolis News. '

Magnet Separates MetalsBy means of a magnetic device

for separating iron and steel frommonel turnings, the General Elec-tric company, Sclienectady, N. Y..saves $20,000 annually in disposalof scrap. As described in the Pop-ular Science Monthly, o rheostatreduces a current to a point Whorethe iron is picked up and the moneldropped.

Five Fat Men Weigh TonThe five largest members'of the

new Fat Men's club in Berlin bonstan aggregate weight of, more than aton. A minimum weight of 350pounds is required for rnembershipand i the weightiest, niembdiv passestiiis mark by 84 pounds, accordingto the Dearborn, Independent.


A special group.Inir of the "Bell"Mouse* at

54cOther* at 79c

and $L0»

When boys arc at school andat play, too, they forget allabout clothes. That's why wehave taken such care In the se-lection of our stock of boys'clothing. These garments aremade to stand up and give lotsof wear under the hardest ser-vice that romping, playingboys can give. Eact suit has avest and two pairs of trousers.

$10.00 and $12.50$l±9.-> and $154)0 values


Another excep-tional mine!

These knickersare made to givee x t r a service.They are all noollined; bins, grerbrown; 81.93 val-ue.


siiasaVV.JL^— DOVER ,11

38-40 WestBlackwell St.

At Your Ser-vice, Call Do-

ver 92


J. H. Blanchard & Go.Manufacturers Of

KOCKAWAY HAND MADE AXESwith or without handles

All kinds of Edge Tools and I awn

Mowers Sharpened

Union St. l'hone Rochanay 70

"Words in Ink Mule People Think"

GEO. B. WHITHAMEmbalmer and Funeral Director

Careful service and prompt attenttoDgiven to all calls, day or night.

Telephone Rockatrnr 75

Main 8U Koekanaj, N. J.

GASOLENE^(Product al THE PURE Oil. CO, U. S. A.)

Purol gives your carthe extra pv-wer itneeds to step out fromthe others. G r e a t e rmileage, too!

Fill up at the "PureOil Blue" Pumps.

Rockaway GarageVBRNON FORD, Prop.

Math by the PariOil Company

The Morris CountySavings Bank





4'/4 <?oInterest Paid Since 1921

ASSETS OVER 811,000,000

National and State Banks and Trust Companies are NOT SavingsBanks, and Savings or Thrift Depositors in such Institutions haveNOT the special protection of the Snvings Bank Laws of the Stateof New Jersey.


Pl«mb.is OUT


WE ride our hobby in the directionof your practical plumbing com-fort. Ours la a rapid, certain ser-vice. Ciood work, host materials,right prices. That's us.


Rock Drills Auomobile SpringsLawn Mowers Sharpened Plumbing

DAVID HARTIlliicksmllh

General RepairingTel. Itocknvniy 8S1

Aall kinds of tools ground and sharp-ened N

Shop: Cor. Union St., Hlbornia Avo.itOCKAWAY, N. J.

INDIAN SPUING WATEBAnalyzed as the Purest Spring Waterproduced. Talien from a Boiling'Spring1. More stimulating1 and re-freshing limn other waters. A trialwill convince von.

GEORGE F . TONKINTelephone 275 Rocfeawny .


PERCY M. HOUGH* JIUCO FINISHINGAlso Auto Painting.and Tarnishing

Signs and Lettering ot Every. ;Description ;

Tel. 1481 121 E. Ulnekweir St.DOYEB, H. J..,.. . :.

"Words In Ink Make People ThlnV*

Page 4: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

FourHOCK AW AY it K <! 0 K I>

' I ,!f

> i

Rockaway Record' ' '';,» f.....,ntl Clara Matter.. .

AM INDKI'KNDKhT WKKKLYIi-.iiiicl Kvery Thursday


T<d<:pli(iu« C''jnn«(;tlon*OHkft 22U--lU<cka«'»y-"'>""* 2 r '5

1?,1-M DoverOffice.: Main Htrect, Ilockaway, N. J

THIJIcriDAV, AI 'CIW ::•!. ld'J7

4r. ». I?. A. M. S o l "

l!/ick(iway ."<'" '!'•'•. " I l l Journey lo

MornliiK Ktnr N« '!•'•*• O(;iU-.i».!>iirK. on

7 [i, in. Tti«-y will fiirnl>-.li en ler l i i ln-

n ienl wirli a m a t e u r t h e a t r i c a l s e tc

A carn iva l In b'-lrij! held (he re '»'«! "


IVt': Cooj/i-r So. I'M will VIHII I'anlItevere So. I!i7 ami Ilockawai' In In-vited to liclii ««"'" ""• alirndnnc..-'J'ucjwhty nlj;hl f'flt'' ('<»"iielh>r» A»lu>-cibllun lield meetlnif at I'miuanmirliCouncil No. 220. JSutler. and n K«o'lcrowd wan there l« Hear Wm A lloli-l>ln», our Hl«l« Chapla'n. W m »wonderful ndilrenii, County Council-or l»r Motl announced Hint Hent. '"•Paid Hlate Councilor Wm. H. Uavhiwill «|..-ak on KtiKlnecrltiK and Con-urur.tlnii Work, nt Muillnon No. m .On Nov 19. f>r Clirlntlnn will I"' t l" '»n«ak>-r «t Chatham. Hunnel CouncilRo\ !M. lie In Wttt" l'atli(>lo«l«t at the

ilillnl, A larjto attendance In

a Cuunty Meeting and MpokcDron. Talmade, Vice Presi-

dent; l'n«t County Councilor. K. ('•Alllnoii: l>c|>t» Hlate Councilor K<1Weary and flerald llyrinr iipoke ondifferent iiubJectM beneficial to (lieCounty AiiKocliitlon. FtroK. Voorliln ofPaul Kevere anil flc-«. Itomlen. ofDoonton No. m wore nnthunlnntlnover tlifl »ii((K(!»llon of Hie dial • ''each council IH anked lo ammlnt ftcommittee of one to .net •» conjunc-tion wltli flm cliulr. Itefrf-DhriicntH•Wfiro n«rv«(l and tliankn «lv«n to I'e-((uannock for their hospitality. Bro.TJnvId MattliewH roqunxtii traim lo lieon hum] Friday for drill.

f)tat«i<;xpectwan n\briefly

Minn Hutli Nlcliolti, cli.'rk of ourlocal I'oDl Offlcn, and Mliw MaryMoorn, nennlary and lr(imtur«r oftli« Wnnre Trnach Machlnn Co., r«-turncd from tlio I'oconn MountnlnnMonday, wlinre tlioy »i»-nt a week.

Ni , , t h l a d i - i i a r t n i e n t d i d n o t i;<< " I 1

j a i f l v e . i l i l n y Iw.t U, K» t " A « l . u r y

| l ' i nk . We IlKinli Mr. Nt-w .li-"i<-y

ICeiitral vi-ry miirli fur lilrt neatly' brluied aniioiiriccinent of flu1 excui-iduii Inn r"f;r<l to uliilc Mial nollilnt!U-M Hum a-Htlck of (lynnnilte undertin- pllliiw would niiikf n» leave ourlii-d at flm-ttilrty In !•'« mornliiK-Kven ilien flic: ariiiliic would not I""of our null volition.

We art- very much peeved, Aiini-liii.iii did nol nend IIH a poHtiil card.

.—o—Nnw that tin Vanzeilt-Siiccii fflBP

l« officially over can any hrlght !">/Icll IIB flic lininen of the me" theywere Miiipo'cd lo have done In?

- o—No, we thought not. In fact, we

don't know the tinmen either.

Another I.elUr From 7AUUDear llmin and all.

I'm joat wrltlnK thin to let youknow I'm untidy out of the JUK Iwatt 'de-Jailed' Ian! Monday. Of allthe placet) In thc world, lloHlnn l«about the worst, next, of coiirKo. toI'lilladelphla Why. you can't evenread what you want In BoBton! Sev-eral ocer-Herlotm Rontlemcn (?) have

any atrcteh of the ImaRlnatlon, hocontttnied an Iminornl. Therefor.thore'H luithlnK to read up here ox-cqpt tho Chrlatlan Hclence Monitorand Tim HoHton Trnmicrlpt. Thenearc lioth excellent newHiiapern lullJhey ltiavo much to he denlrcd In theway of reading matter.

If you could take up a little col-lection ninonR tho folks of Itoekawaytto that I can pay my carfare hack tothe world 1 fdinuld he very muchobliged and delighted. Ilotiton IK verydull and I am In a fearful Hwcnt toleave lt._


—0—AM renders who hnv/t a noft apot In

thfllr hearts for old Hlrnm will wantto contribute nomelhlng toward* Illscarfaro. Make all chequnn pnynhleIn Tim II. K. and mall them to him,care of the Hocord.

And, if Mr. '/AtHa nimulii' iiiiiuuK"lo return to N"* Vork without »ur

laid Me uwiure you *<> iihall Icar up! tin- cln-queH heforc at liust two wlt-(

! To he quite flunk, thin writer would| like to have ii Ilfe-Btzc piclure nlhliiiKcIf tearing up * cuiiijue.

(Milt AUNT IN DOVKlt SAVK, "It'su ftinnv uorld wlu-u men w(»n't wearHfftrehi-d <-,(,lliirn In (lie Kimnnrr andtheir wlvea wear fuiH only In llioauniiner."

—o—Our garden IH an cnurmoun KUC-

ct'MH. Tluw far we have had altout adozen mesmeH of tttring hoanH at anaverage eont of only Heventy centn ametirt. In a few yc.tirn ve expect toproduce utrlug licann at about fiftycentn a metm. If evt^r tile coHt werereduc<;d we nhoulil probably cea«eour horticultural purnults. Therewould be no fun la It If we did notlo.'ie money.

—o—Thin department would like to know

the present feellnpi of the big poli-tician who called Coolldgo'H wcRtorntrip a hid for the farm vote.

Cheer up. II might be worne. Itrains all this time In certain parts ofIndia.

h'OJl JtKiVr—Six room house ouVoud to Mount Hope, at Mlddlctown.Apply on prt'inlst'-s. Mr«. W. II. Mc-Kce. Cti!

FOlF ' l t i iNT-Elg l i l - room iiouse",with modern linprovemculu, wuter,gun, light, etc, loculed on East Muiniitreet, IlocUaway, N. J. Tel. 344-It,Dover, N. J. Otf


MIHH Helen Puffer, of Allnmucliy laupending Homo time at Rock KtumFarm.

MIBS Dorothy Kohlnson Bpent theweek-end with relntlvcn In llonea-dale. Pa.

Mra, It. I), Crudcn IN spending Homej lime with relatlvcH In Montclalr.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins visit-ed at the home of hl» brother, Mr,Jamea Hawkliifl, on Tuesday.

The MI«HC« Dorothy llonlnnoi) andHorn lea Lawrence Bpunt Thureday atAHhury Park.

CharleH Lungren, an aged Jnvonlor,l» mlsHlng from hln homo a t Mend-luiui. He wandered away Sunday atnoon, nlnco which time the woods formllcu around hlg farm lins beendonrclied. Mr, Lungron at one timelived In California arid It was hie dc-Blre to g o ' bnck there, tt 1B thoughtbecause hlfl mind wan at times feeble,he has started out In his advancedage to wnlk there. .•:•

KAJST COLUMN__"T«TfS 1(^177 tTiif Uoroueh of Itock-away, a HUIII of uioiicy. - Owner <:;iuliuve i.iiiui; by proving umouiit u»d du-iinininatimi of billti, and paying forlidvertij-ing. 1'leut.e call at the Uo k-itwuy Itocord Off ley,

—"oid~ raga~~for~ wipingmachinery, lirltig to Htcord Offict-,we will pay five cents per pound.

iVANTKB—lly young couple, tworoom» In private houue for lighthousekeeping, mum have wutcr Inone. Addriiua Record Office, Iloeku-wuy, N. J. 7tl

FOIt KENT—PJut, BIX rooms, bath,electric lights. In warm brick build-ing. Convenient location to stores,schools and churches, etc. (Uistln.Main St., Uockaway. 7tl

Abraham Meyerson, one of our lo-cal merchants, came to Ills Bore Mon-day morning, to find ooe of the largeplate glass windows broken. A newstruck, delivering morning papers,didn't take time to stop, hut someoneon the rear of the truck threw abundle of paperB through tile window.ThtB niakcB the second glass brokentills month on Main Street, the otherone being In the store formerly occu-pied by Max Kurzman as a mllllnoryntore. This glass was broken by afltone being pinched by an automobiletiro, the stone being flung thru theglass. ,

Tlio Doonton National Bank Is hav-ing erected a handsome ornamentalfour window clock on the J3ast cornerof HB building on" Main Street. It 1Balmost three feet square the framebeing of copper with closed top andthe lower part with the name of theorganization In greon letters. It Isubout twelve feet above the Bldewalliand can be coon from all three wayson Main Street and from Plane Street"and toward the park soctlon.

For a TAXI callKEPLER, Tel. 177 Rockaway

Day and Night ServiceOpen and Closed Car*

New PlayhouseTheatre Dover


Always a Urenzfc

Mtttlnee & 2oCf

V. venings ut 1 & »

jle feuture |>toi?rum« ut 1 & Ssl5AdinlNsiuii IDe & S'>«

Saturdays nnd HoUdayn all fellows15c & 85c

Today and TomorrowI,A8T SHOWINGS

Illi? Itouble Feature I'r«(rruni!

Mlltou SillB In

"The Silent Lover"Associate Feature

May McAvoy In

"Matinee Ladies"Pathe News.

Lens GrindingOur Specialty

Our wadttu «(|iiljiiin-ijf j t C ]

us-f^rlutlltiK jtlant on our i,Our faellilf»-i! In Oil, r t t j ,

must exettttttt. UKIKI fi>impw&Come to u» «Kli flir um *'

accurulo work (julckly «er,,'

AnsonBall Opt.f

SATURDAY-Hoot Gibson In

4tThe Prairie King"Two Comedies

"Smith's Uncle" "Big Business'

Mat. only "A Dangerous Adventure'

Chapter,No. B ,.. •

Pathe News 'S :

Monday and TuesdayEdmund howo In

"One IncreasingPurpose"

Comedy "Anything Once"

Fox NewsNEXT

Wed., Thurs, Fri.Two Big Features

Louise Dresser and Jason liobards In

"White Flannels"Associate Feature

Doris Kenyon In

"Ladies at Play"Pathe News :


The Heart of Maryland

' ; • » •


Eyesight17 E. IJIacknell Street, 1

Way out in the Conon ii long drive, your eur In «)ttcounter bad rouiin and numr l,''aectdent BH a result. If rou f.needs our serrlces w« will »Y.

you <liwork.

Try us for

Auto Repairsand


Denville Garagejr. woi>F«Prop.

Specialist on KnlgUt Motor" Ion all Makes of Car.

Day and Night WjrecfclnK ''t'-Pbone




Dining Room SuiteJen ITo ploiiHti the riioni critical


Your Home ShouldCofne First

Bed Room GroupA suite combining dignity >vltli quiet olcgunce

The oxcollcnt dculgn and Hklllcd craftsmaimhlp built Intothis Bulto, togetlior with the cholco wood mad, malto It anoutHtandlng value.

Tton ptoccH, American walnut veneer on Bound seasonedHtoclt.

Our Thrift Plan// you wish to extend payments over aperiod of time while enjoying the use ofgood furniture, you are invited to applyfor a deferred payment account.

The very small extra charge for this service addsbut very little to the cost of your purchases and pay-hients may bo arranged In small monthly or weeklyamounts. . "„•.

Many odd pieces have been marked excep-tionally low for early clearance

This four-piece suite is made with, burl walnut veneerpanels in beautiful pattern. All hardwood Interiordust proof construction throughout.

Thrift Suite of Living RoomFurniture

Three piece Bill to conslHtlng of 72 Inch BCt-tce, Arm Chair and Wing Ohair.

All hardwood fruniea carefully inado, wollupliolHtorcd and covered with high grade jac-(juard vclour.

Spring filled CMISIIIOJIH. Bound valuo at


Thrift BreakfastSuites

; Smoothly snrfacod' iilocaa, Btron'ff-Jy built, unpalntod tor homo tlocor-atlon.



500 yards of Inlaid Linoleum• <-, A r ' n s t r o t t S8. Gold Seal and other standard grades.

Specially Priced for tlile,Event. ' .

Many new; and charming patterns Ininlaid linoleum are included \n this lot.

There are pattern's that will look well i n any room' in the home,

Page 5: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and


Rockaway Record•iin:)',:ii>A<<< AV.inv.'/r •£',, vm

Local Brif-Ss


;::; PEOPLE GRATEFUL TOPROTECTIVE LEAGUE/Continual froia page one)

i ' tv . K-for

'li:<? t'if:l'i':H'H Hi'-1! 'tall ts&Kl Wlil

l,i:>; <U«: 'lit!.'I CIMI), of I'a-tc.ffion on

•J.ii\»r&*1 afl.«:r»w»n,

Miss 7'liall» l)f::itl,i,ni, win, him

f'-u'l'f li»

xvklnHtlUwith Mr. /


•*'"<• 'f'"'1" M»ylicrry,


anil JIr». '/',Mr«, JJHii'an

l/ir''i) <m'Kl'V"l ''•);(.»,. !(': l«;<jan Ills riiittai UiiuAuy.

« Mr,Mr. «rid

C l)»/ltli, «f HucUnv/uy.

)Kl'!i»a»( Cttr.hhr of Hiefirst National ISank, IB taking » vu-«»Hr*ii, He l» touring Hie Hsw K»ffImxi Kt»*«>,

County Clerk K, JJorlram Mult 1»maklOK'reiiafc* l« tl)£ .Malt r«slflfi/ir:e</« Main fstrtft*. The'barn* nnrJ out-twHMiiK* »r« «'B» b«ln«f repaired.

,(«iin if. (JoMKiiorty •>»» l*'tK"« tti«work «/ building an uMIUmi to tlioM(, l)oi)« road. Alwut a rnlle and at\uailnt will be laid, ami It l« l« l<««(on'; by October ICtfi.

-Tbo»e af'our readers who are f«ndof flowers will fln<t a very beautifuldisplay at (be home of ft H«l«eyflatty, «» tUmktiwny uvcnuii, Tli«I>««I» are lari?« and (liens are rnunyttlnde,

rseglimlng Monday, flttptember 6th,a rarnl/fll will l/« hel<l tbe , entirew<wk on tlifi ball grounds ba<:k','of th«4-Ortfl Box Machine (!«• H l» lifililiiniler |li« ,aiiHj>i<:f;H of tltx Iloekawayl'ir« Department.

jDvmm lm« roturnnlhome from the- Herk»hlr« MountainsIn Hew York 8tat« wliero »IIB 8D«irttbrco v/fiBi»i, WliiS Jev«nM will tako'up li'.T ilulli',*) u?i a (K.'liftO) tewhiir InOrange at Ilio beginning of tbe Kollterra. i r ' t y

Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hasan, anddawfbtflr, BiiHtrlte, wpent 8unday atat South Reach, H/l,, with Mr. andMm P. Harold Colllntf, Tlie ifaRan'o

HreWfl«c<)lii'patll«d"by Mr, arid Mf«,'Sidney Collins, All enjoyed tli« eea

Aftsemblywoman Inabnlle fiurntnornof l'as«a!c, w(l\ opeak at the Bfliitmn-Imr 13 mnetlng «( tho MorrlftUiwi! unitof tlio New Jersey Womon'n Il«pul(-llcan Club, to be field at tho municip-al building tliom, llnr tot'le will bnthe proposed conntftutlonal aitiBrid-ments. Mr». David Darkman headsthe unit.

Another wreck nricu/red lust Thiirn-day at the IntflrwiBtlon of tbr> Btateblghway and Rockawoy road whencars opGrat«d Viy Archie (!n«, of Itam-twy, ani Jack Krllmm, of Urooklyn,met In a craiili wlildi raiu»ed the oc-cupants considerable dteeomfort andboth car» woro damogoil. Bevcrol ofthn occupants were cut and bruited,

Omrlefl Ifarrls, hardware morchnnuon ni(ickv/fll strait, Pover, hi nowconducting the iMllen' and dents'furnl«lilng Kooilti. »l«ro nnxt t» lil»hanlwaro ntore, alnno. Mr. ilarrfnla a pierclioiit of lorgo experience findban made a fucevmi of thfi IwrdWrobu»lnc«s, and there in little doulit hewill give mw.U attention to lifn nowstoro, tliuo glvfiig all ,tlio«e' wlw pat-,rorilze lilm mma y/onrtcrful liitrfiulim'.AH a' loniler In) imX: put on a ten-day»alft, and It;,will • pay ;tltrlfty liuyero

'to peruno )i((/',advertlfleW)ont oh pagonix of thltf .Iwiie,' '

Dovflr'fl imrKflnt liUBliifidfi »tor«,0WBB4 by tlio Oeor«o Rfclmrdit i'fl\n-pany, will 1)0 nold tlio forepart ofHeptembor, negotlatlonB. liavlng beenunder way for nomo time. It wn» oaldby a stockhoMor of (lio eonipnny.The new owner« will 1)0 William P.Birch and' Tlioman 0, DafinoU, I'otilOuentlicr will .probably bo onn of llwnew owhors <ilnn, n» bo lias rciiuenloilto be Included, when tlio legal papnroare Blgnwd Bomctlnie flflor fi'iptember2,. wben Mr, Blrcli will return from«l» vn*;atlon, Tlio oalu price linn notboen made known, hut II. In millnintedthat the transfer will Involvfl ii(iv«nilhumlrcd; tlinuiiand ilollarn,

Ijumplng over the Control' railroadtrack on Main dtreet thlw morning, alargo cloned car nprurig it Inak In .tfuiUna tank, wblch caunod tho nmchlnnto catch' flro, The owmpaiitd, u limn«D'l two women! (ill from Niiw York,got out oftlio'car Kftfoly, In fa«t JnmIn tithe, tin tlio car wun unon onvel-6ii«d In flnmoB, ' Tlw BB« that Inidleiilfi'd from tho tank In tlio highwayalfw took flro end for over mivonty-flvo feet tlio strqet wad nhlazo,, An

, alarm waft .given and quickly rwititmcl-. 9'l.to hy tlio (lrem«n who'bUliiKufHli*ed tlin; .wjwj);,/, AIl.j MOTpt, t])P ,i'|i|»»JiJ,

•Ml 'l ' ' : '

HaM('!t C.itl-IJA HI. fCOClcuWil/

'Uiursda/ brought out a fairlya! .efidiitif.*: notwilhMaiifiliu; thtBU.rn). Ail who allcvl'-'l were t;r<;.-.t-)y i,lw.t:,i with lli'j Kh(,w.

OH iim.day ttl^iil. ifitfnbent of tin;1)0»cr police «(;[>» rlm>-r.t. arrested s<lx :.nof in< -luded) that, pollution of iiot-u,km\,k:rn t,t th« "canned hx-al" frit-jaMa waters rtHults almost solelyt*rf.ity and placed thorn In the town j from i,cwa«u and the failure to con-Jill to K'-t hver fh« i:ff..f;t» of thi! liq-jtrol drainage of lowmt and tlie ob-'"'''- noxloux am) preventable

A mud ihiK was followed a few <laynhgi> friiiii uf.ur lieiivillc through Mor-rlf.town to within a mile of Madison,


w»a sfiot rtown and killed.riil eattln anrl a l,oy (n (lift

wfi(:r<; ItIt I>U ftf:V


TIIK Mayor and Council will exfondfhft v/uffcr inolri on the Duvtr roadfro/n Klyirutt Furm to I'aul (!uen-rlifcr'* rrsfddcntfi, d diBtancc. of UKII:KI, Mr. <)uciitln:r lias agreed topay all tin: ex|)f;ii»(! of pljilng unrl ilo-

iK Ib» work.

More than jso» yelling, bcamlnKouiigatfira were pfted lulu automo-

biles In l>ov<-r, WcdneiMlay morningand Martwl on their way to OlympicI'ark In Newark. They ~ were theKiu-.Ktjt of (be f)ov«r SA,I\%K or Elk« onthe annual outing to thn noted pleM-ur« park. About fifty youngst*™went from Kocktiway.

The thonflaodfi of people who an-lnually v/nlt the Morrlw County I>'alrknow that tbe live ntock departmentf« one of the rnont Inlcrfiiitlng In thecntlrcd l«jiluy. In fact, with tnany ItIs the moist IntoreBtlng, uliice ntockbreeding Is an Important Industry inthin xtctloii, and the Morrln CountyKtlr (iliown »((/nc of the purest bredanimate In the country. The annualexposition will be held m unual onthe ground of the Whlppany ItlvurCJub, Morrlfilown, for four day« be-

Wednesday, Hepternber 21.

DoverMro, M. MacDonald nnd children, of

KHzuUktli are vitiltlug Miss Nora Kagan, of Harvard street, MaMter ftlch-nrd MacDunalil, ban-been sorlously illwith pneumonia nlriee big arrival InDover.

Ml«;i Ixmlim Calen, of Newark, l»upendlnK » few dayn with Mr. andMr». WllllBm Mfllott, of North Ht.

MIKK Mary Cole, of North Sussexutrect l».cuniplng at Woodport end of

Mro, 3. I). Cornelius, of Centralttvlsnufl In KpetHlIflfc several weekn inHfingor, Me. Mr, Cornelius In on atrip to Han Fraticlnco, <!al, '

Mro. Havmond '.I. Haylor, of .lamesfitrfiflt wild with tier children arc vis-iting relatlvwit In Pond dn Lac. Win.,In oerloiiitlj III with bronchial pneu-monia Mm. Ilaylor wan taken 111 anolio w«» preparing to return homo.

Miss !)nr«na DalduB, of HlnchmanAvenue, Is antcrtalriljig Minn HelenROBB, of North Attleboro, Mans.

Mr. and Mm. John T, Unwell, ofFdlrvlaw (ivcnjio entertained ovorftnnriay, Hov, nnd Mr». Hurry h, Bowl-by and daughter, of Kant Orango.Itov, Itowlby occupied the pulpit Inthri Flrnt Methodist Church at bothHervimm on Sunday.

Tho annual fulr and festival of theMillbrook MotlKMllot Oliureli wnst holdon tint, church lawn Tuesday night.

Mr, and Mm. Aaron 8. Apgnr, ofSegur ntrni^, are ontcrtalnlng Mrn.«. 8. Ward, of lllrnilrifflmrn, Mich.,tormtttly of thin placo,

Mr, itnd Mra, Clarence M. T'lidur,'anil Kontt; and Mm, Maiilrn 0. I'mlcr,of Harvard ntr«dt upont the weok-onrlwith rdlfitlvcii In I'atornon,

Mr, and Mm, Andrew 8umlfltrom,of Now utraet arc an uti nutomoliltotrip to OnkoDli, Wl»,, wlmr» they willflttond tho weddlnu of Mm. 9und-fltrom'B brother.

Mro, Addlo Coin, of North BUOHCXolrcet In vlfiltfnif lior lirothor, ,rnmoi«Illfd, of Wfttorhiiry, Conn.

Ml/is Marlon VundfirlMiiih. of Plaln-tltMi has boon spondlng iior vacationwith licr parmila, Mr, and Mr». WalterVunieibulih, of cr«»» uUctA.

Mr, and Aim. DmiuM MIIKNUIII, ami

throe child ran, of Harvard »iro«tli«v« roturnod from a two moiitlid'visit wltlr rolatlwn In Ciilitary, Al-borta, Canada.

MIiw Dorothy HiirnburKor, In «p«nd-Ins a wceli with Mr. anil Mra. ClydoUnffmnn (it tlio Brownie Oottujco,Diirtrnnd Inland, • .

Mr, and Mrs. !>. M, Knnoiino uii'l(ihlldran, of Union nlrccl. aro Hpimdliif?two vrceUii nt Iifilfo HopalcoiiB,s Mr. and Mm. John J. I'ortor, ofI'rliicdion avenue uro ninftidliiff two

at Atluntld III)(lilaiido. '

Mr. and Mm, Waltur Hiirclicll. ofliwilictli dtrwit. urn (in a itiotor trip

to WniihliiKton and Virginia,Mr, and Mm, H, A. Hull, of Hiif:<:ft-

nunna, have announced llio' eii«"/(«-nlont of Ilifllr daunhlor, Mlrirt VirginiaMai) to Jolm Yanavok, (if thin

„. AIr»,,H»)ro,ni;M»)!imi,•$;})$<!$'• ^ W 'flp'ont tiw "week-eni at Anbury l'ark,

NEW PLAYHOUSETlie lilg duuble featuri; program

which opened at tlie PlayhouseTheatre yeoterday and rornaina thrutorlay aurl tomorrow, pleaded all.Milton Silla In "The Silent Lover"has one of the heyt y^Ha he Haw hutlsince "Tlie Sea Hawk" and gives awonderful performance a» a CaptainIn the French Foreign Legion. Char-lie Murray and Viola Dana also winnew honors in thla one. The aBso-date feature "Matinee Ladies" withMay McAvoy and Malcolm McGregoria a romance of a cigarette girl nnda dancing fool.

Saturday will find Hoot Gibson in"The Prairie King" us the big attrac-tion. It lsa romance of the plainsthat Involves a strange will—a will

to three


'/'hi! people know that lack of fore-wl^ht in ehoo&InK and ajitirdprlatingwatfrfiheri.H In a contributing feuturuanrl they are awakening to the factthat water can tie purified arid thatchlorine treatment In not the onfytreatment.

To link them to nncrlflce their rights,permit their property to becomeworthies, prevent for all time the j l p a v l n e a v a l u l l " l e m l n c

development of their localities anrl' Pc°l>1(!' a 8 l r l ' a v i l l a l n a I u l

rientroy vast terrltorlen a« resortx forhealth and pleasure, all hecauae othercomrnunlticH refuse to expend themoney necefinary for tlielr own pro-tection, l» iirijusr, unfair and unAmer-!can.

Neither are thewe people to1 hobranded ns nelflah poilutloni»t»; norIH the Inter County Protective Leagueto lie r:la»Hed oilier than It Is—Ah or-ganization for tlie protection of the



nubKtnutlal, suhstautlve and ancientrlghtR of the people as against thatform of greed which would take prop-erty without compensation from oneand give It to another, without realcause and without any real publicnecoKslty, except political exigencies

Finally, It la pointed out that neith-er the New Jersey Department ofHealth nor any other nclentlflc orHemi-aclentlflc body has ever pro-nounced bathing In potable waters tolie Injurious to the health of tho con-dumcr.

!<et the I'reHB Join with the Leagueand other forward looking citizens Inthe present campaign to froe ourBtreamu from their present use nstrunk line sewers. On the other handan attempt to undermine tho funda-menal law of the Slate hy Bpcclousargument^ concealment of fact, andby methods designed to benefit Indi-vidual advancement under the guiseof public good, at tho expennn of largebodies of citizens, will most certainlyre-act upon the sponsors thereof.

August 22, 1027Very truly yours,


owner to be the man able to takepossession, Watch the fun whenthree determined people set forth totake control. There will also be twocomedies "Smith's Uncle" and "DigHualness" as well as the ever popularPatlic News. The fifth chapter of "ADangerous Adventure" will be addedfor the matinee only.

"One Increasing Purpose" one ofthe most talked of hooks of the, year,

been brought to the screen hyKox Films and will be shown herenext Monday and TueBday. Thisscreen version of tlie book by A. 8.M. Hutchison Is said to exceed ladramatic values and presentation theFox production of "If Winter Comes".Mr. Hutchison's other novel whichproved such a sensation a few yearBaRO. Edmund Lowe is cast as theleailing man. The Bhort subjects con-slsl of a comedy "Anything Once" andthe latest News Events.

Another outstanding double featureprogram has been arranged for nextweek. "White Flannels", the mostpoignant mother story ever told willbe the first feature. It is a dran a ofa coal miner's wife who wanted herson to be a white flanneled collegeboy. Louise Dresser and Jason Ho-bards play the leading roles. Theassociate feature will bo "Ladles AtPlay" with Doris Kenyon. LloydHughes and Louise Fazenda In theleading roles. It Is a sprightly storyof a $6,000,000 will and a pair of NewEngland splnBtors In New York.


The Biff Event of the year, Fire-men's ,10th Annlver«nrj.

Matinee Dally nt 2!B0 Kves.—2 Shows—7 & »i«0Matinees, nil seats 20c—Eves. 85c—25c— Children, (}tot. & Eves.) 10c

Saturday livening; jUyi6ot^J0c—Children 16c

Last Showing To-DayBig Double Feature Program " v.




"DOUBLING WITH DANGER"Friday and Saturday, August 26th, 27th


"THE UNKNOWN"Monday and Tuesday, August 29th, 30th




ANNOUNCEMENTBeginning September 5th


This Theatre Will Present

5-Big ALL-STAR Acts-5• • — O F —

Vodvil With HighGlass Feature Pictures

T,he Entire WeekTwo. Complete Changes Of

• ' •••' Program Every Weak .

Monday and Thursday, 1(, ».: Spsirnoirnnil Ilic-Kndflr Theatre Orchestra nt All Performances

Always at Perfect Ironing Temperature!

Never too hot—Click and it's off!Never too cool—CHck and it's on!

$1.00 Allowance for your old iron on aWestinghouse Automatic Iron

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.15 E. Blackwell St., Dover Tel. 947

No Place for the Lazy ManTHE man who cannot get awakeand can save neither dollare,quarters nor pennies, does not In-terest us.

But the great army of peoplewho ARE3 awake and doing, wewelcome them every one.

Our Institution is here ready to 'serve faithfully by providing asafe investment with good earn-ings for your savings.

And an ideal home ownershipplan for those interested In thatparticular matter.

Rockaway Building & Loan AssociationUEORG£ E. FISHER, Secretary

LEHIG1E4All Sizes Jt,. .,.



flionca; Yard, 408; Residence, 277 RoCkonnvlf. J.'

The New

A. B,' <3;

Electric Washing MachineHas no wringer to catch fingers, tear buttonsoff, etc.

Sold on Easy Payments

1 Year to PayAsk us about our Free Insurance Plan

Phone us for a Free Demonstration,

Get that radio fixed NOW for the Dempsey-Tunney Fight next month.

O. P. DICKERSONMain Street Tel. 307

We are in a position to do GOODPRINTING. Our Work

f Itself

Page 6: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

Klxc K A w A Y i t i - : < : o K I >


Cheapslde Firbt Home

of Great British BankHt>\v

f 'J'mratim-i-illi'1>L' buili*; Ami w"The Olii l/.iiiy iif 'J'Slrct'tV" .Mr. l i . 1'iouk.sliyW('1I-1;ILO-.VII I.UIIIIDII imliiU'ii, supilili.'.itite mihwyrs in uu artii l i ' on llie iirehi-tixdirut Iiisiory of Itritaiu's bullionliouso. Many think Unit Sir Johnfcoaru.', Uie wij-.unl of LUituiu's Inu-lieldx, built (lie Irani;, His iire tlie£lrding walls, bin in the raibin^ of thefabric three tiilu'i numt's—tlu>:>i; ofSampson, Tiij-lor and Cockerpll—have10 lie joined. Mi.Twr's hull, Clioapslilc,v/as tlie liank'.s (ir.sl home; hut aquick move way madi; to Use (Dover'shull, lu 1'oullry, and k wns no! until175- that tlie fouiujaii>Mi stdtie of thepresent bfl'ik U'IIH laid. 'Jeur^c Sumn-bon was the llivit anbiu'i.1, und it Ufurious Hint no Imllrtliii;, oilier thanthe biinU, can he nilrlbuU'd to luslinnil, a writer in Ilii" Clevi'lnad 1'liilnDealer comments, in I he cornice ex-lending (lie full length of the build-Jng, Taylor .sculptured mi excellentfigure of Kritanniii. mime years aftertlie completion of the building. "Thiscurving, the 'trade iniirl;' of [lie ban);,"writes Hr. Steele, "was rirouiibl.v theInspiration for that trite appellation,the 'Old Lady of TlireadneedleStreet.'" Taylor fidded to Sampson'sbuilding, and lu 1870 the Gordon riotsled the directors to fear that the nd-joining church of St, Chrlstopherle-Stocks might lend Itself ns a danger-ous vantage point for a mob, so pow-Prs were obtained, the fabrir waspulled down, and more extensionswere made.

Next Best ThingV It was a country town, and at ameeting of tlie trailing merchants itwas decided that tlie lire company midappliances available were not sufficientfor ft place of such importance. Theytherefore decided to form a supple-mentary company and, having enlistedseveral inetnberR, consulted the chief«f tlie lire department ns to what wasto be done.

"Well," said the chief, "let ua mip-jiosc there were two (lies In the neigh-borhood and all our available menwere called to one, do you think you<:ould manage to put out the other?"

"Well, we couldn't do that, but weeonld keep our fire going till you cameback from the other."—PittsburghChronicle-Telegraph.

Legal Advertisement.STOMACH: TAMi HK'MiATION AMI

rr.Mi1 Horsi-:Dimille, N. ,1.

Scaled proposal* will be receivedby Hie Towuiiliiii Committee uC theTownship of D^nvilK-. Now .rcrni:y, atseven o'i'loci: I'. M. Eastern StundurilTime, at T(nvnbhi[i Hall over Post Of-fice, on the 7th day o! Septi'iuher l!i-7,for tile construction of

1 A ront-rele fournlallnn fur a2i»(UKH) gallon storage tank incluil-i»K piping cftnnccttons2 A concrete, brick anil steel hous-ing for a (lee(i uell pump.Flans and specifications may 1M-

Been at the office of the TownshipClerk al llcliville and may be obtain- •eel at Hie offl.ee (if (I V Knight. Con- ,Hiiltliii: lOiiRlncer. 147 Prospect Street, jrasxai<'. New Jersey, upon Hie ilepofiltof Five Dollars.

The TowiiHbip Oommittw herebyrenervc» and ha.s the right to rejectany or all bids or to accept the one.that in Us judgment will be for thebeat Interest of the Township.

A surety bond satisfactory to theTownship Committee and in tlie fullamount of the contract will bo re-quired to he furnished 08 a guaranteeof a satisfactory performance of the

j work.A certified check made payable to

I the order of the Denville Townshipj Treasurer to the amount of $500 muRtj be deposited by each bidder and ac-company his bid as a guarantee thatin cane the contract is awarded lo

.him, lie will, within ten days there-I after execute such contract and furn-ish his bond.

Illds must lie sealed and addressedi to the Township Committee, Denville,New Jersey, and plainly marked onoutside of envelope "Proposal forconstruction of Storage Tanlt Found-ation and Pump House."

CALVIN LAWRENCE,Chairman-Township Committee

DAVID SOFIELD,Township Clerk 7t2.

Jewish CouncilSanhedrln is a word derived from

two Greek words meaning councilthamber. Tlie Sanhedrin was the KU-prema council of the Jewish people. Itconsisted of chief priests, or the headsof the 24 classes Into which the priestswere divided, elders who were men ofage and experience, and scribes andlawyers, that Is, men loifrned In theJewish law. The number of membersla usually given as 71.

Guernsey's Many Product*Guernsey Island Is nine miles long,

five, miles at Us greatest breadth, andnineteen miles In area. It is notedfor Its soil, for Its horticultural andflorlcaltural products grown chieflyunder glass, and for Its magnificentbreed of cattle. It tins also had anImportant export trade In blue granite

Legal Advertisementvn>i:A<;i: T A M ;

linnllti>, N, .1.

St-iib-d proposals will b" receivedby the Township Commilti >• of fieii-vilk'. New Jersey, at ueven o'clock I*.M.. Kuhteni Standard Time, at Town-ship Hall over Post Office, on theTill .lay of September WSl. for tilefurnishing and erection of a ?r>u,vuO

.gallon water storage tallli.IMiin.s and specificatlou.s may lie

seen at the office of the TownshipClerk at Denville and may \\v obtain-ed al the office of (i. W. Knight. Con-sulting ICiifrinecr, 147 Prospect Street,1'usHaic. New Jersey, upon (He depositof Five Dollars.

The Township ('.iiiiiinlttt-c herebyreserves and' has the rlRht lo rejectany or all bids or to accept tlie one:Unt In Its judgment will be for theheal interest of the Township.

A surety bond satisfactory to theTownship Committee und in the fullamount- of the contract will he re-quired to be furnished as a guaranteeof a satisfactory performance of theworlc.

A certified check made payable tothe order of the Denvilie TownshipTreasurer to tlie amount of FiveHundred ($500.00) Dollars must bedeposited by each bidder and accom-pany his bid us a guarantee that Incase the contract Is awarded to him,lie will, within ten <lays thereafterexecute such contract and furnish

s bond.Hide must he sealed and addressed

to the Township Committee, Denviile,New Jersey, and plainly marked onoutside of envelope "Proposal forfurnishing and erection of StorageTank."

CALVIN LAWnENClS,Chairman-TownBhIp Committee

DAVID SOPIELD,Township Clerk 7t2

Aviator's DreadThe terra air pocket Is a popular

expression and not a scientific term.That which people refer to as on airpocket Is o local air current nsuallyencountered over cities, differing indirection from the direction of thesurrounding air.

Tracing Sacred NameTlie origin of tlie word "mother" Is

thus explained: Sanskrit containedthe word "matr"; Latin, "mator";German changed It to "mutter"; An-glo-Saxon, "modor"; middle English,"moder"; modern English, "mother."

English Language SuperiorThe modern Knglisli language has

probably n Inrgor vocabulary than anyof the other spoken languages nndtherefore Is more luted to express themany and various shades of meaningsof one's thoughts.

Cannot Compel RainSome success In precipitating rain-

full has been had by spraying sand intlie air from nlrplanes, and in someInstances rain has followed violentexplosions arranged for this purpose.According to the confession of onomac who called himself a rainmaker.Ids success was due to tlie fact thatIlls rheumatism told him when to ex-pect rain and gave him about threedays to prepare for rain, which hepromised only wiien he believed Itwould cpmc naturally.

Bridge Built by NatureThe Natural bridge Is In Rockbrldge

county, Virginia. It was left by "hocollnpse of tlie remainder of the roofof a tunnel formed by water percolat-ing throng!) a joint or fissure athwartthe stream. The tunnel thus formedwas gradually enlarged until all thewater of tlie stream was divertedfrom the stream bed below the Jointof Ingress, leaving a bridge. It hasa span of 90 feet nnd is from 50 to100 feet wide.

foror um1 ut the SJMC

Voters tint already registeredIn- General Mectloii niay register on

.his day (Sejitemher Cth. 1!)27>, (1 I'.M. lo 9 P. M.i and vote ut the Hpeiialelection ou September 20th, 11)27.

Voters ranuut register on the (lay of! Voters cannot registerthe Special Klection and only • ••

oDH who wereHolme to HOUBC oanvuHH, orjuary Day or on the Special ReglHtryDay (Sciitcmher Gth, 19271 can vote fttthe

Registry and ElectionNotice

Nutii-i. 1/i hereby given Ihul ti.e I>,hi-ii i boards of KcKhUry and K]>_-vdnu

..i and for the Township tif Ih-nvlllvwill meet ou Tuubiiay, September Cth.li'L'7, to inuke. alter and revbse, an t i e

ae may require, the Register of Vol-1

Registry and ElectionNotice

Notice lu hereby ^Ivtn Ihat the Dis-trict ))uar<l» uf Hcgbilry und KlectlouIn and for the Township of Kockuwuywill mi'h-1 on Tuesday, September t»th.11)27, to make niter and revise, as tliecane may require, the KegiBter of Vot-

cose may r e q u i ,ein In their Several Klfccllon Districts lern In Ihclr Severa

ral Election Districts

rial Klectlou. for use at the Special Election.Voter/i not already registered for

the (ieneral Election way regiBter onthin day (September Cth, 1!>27), (1 I'.

Registry and ElectionNotice

Notice Is hereby sslveu that tlie DUtrlct Uuardt of itecU.try and Kindt,,In and for ibe lloroiii;li of UoiUwjpwill meet on Tuesday, September lilt,vyil. lf> imil.e niter and revise, «8 tli»

cane may require, Hie lieglnter of Vtf.

M. to it P. M.) and vote at the Special j M _ i0 » p, M.) and voleKlectloa on September 20th, 11127. Ku-i:(ion on September


pth Special Election, Voters may heregistered on the Special ItcglslryDay (Sept. C, 1027) by appearing per-Bimally <ir by the affidavit of anotherVoter. Transfers from one KlcctionDistrict to another may be Issued hythe Hoards on the day of the SpecialKlection the name as on the day ofthe Oonerul Election.

Notice is further given that thesaid Hoards will sit In the placesicrelnafter designated between the

hours of 8lx A. M. and seven P. M.(Standard Time) on TUESDAY,8EITEMHEU 20th, 1927. for the pur-pose of conducting a Special Electionon the proposed Constitutional A-mendments.

Polling Places and brief descriptionof Election Districts are as followu:

No 1 and No. 2 District In OldSchoolliouse on State Highway, run-ning between Denville and MorrisPlains.

DAVID B. SOFIELD.Clerk of Denville Township,

on tho day of. . _ . . . . the Special iOlectlon ami only tlioHe.rcRlHtered liy the j perHonn who wore ifgliitfred liy I lie

on I ' ll- j HoiiHe to ir<)U«e caiiv«BB, or on Prl-ary Day or on the Special Ilcglxtry

Day (Scptcmbor 6th, 1!)27) can vote atthe Siicclol Election. VotcrH may hvroglHtered on (he Special HeglHtryDay (Hept, 0, 1B27) by appearing per-xonully or by the affidavit of anotherVoter. Tranafers from one KlectionDlHtrlct to another may be laHUuil by

Satisfying RichesWe'd like to have money enough BO

we could bo terribly generous and nn-selfish without Its Involving the slight-est sacrifice on our part—Ohio StateJournal.

There Is a DifferenceSome men know how to make

money. P,ut there Is another class ofmen who know how to make moneyand liow to keep It.—Atchlson Globe.

the Hoards on the day of the SpecialKlection the same as on the day ofthe (Jeneral Klcction.

Notice In further given that thenald Hoards will sit In the placeshereinafter designated between thehours of Six A. M. and seven P. M.(Standard, Time) on TUESDAY,SKPTKMnEIl 20th, 1927, for the pur-pose of conducting a Special Electionon the proposed Constitutional A-mendments, '

Polling Places Olid brief descriptionof Election Districts are as follows:

Western District, Saint Bernard'sHall, Middletown.

Southern District, Hrown'H Garage,Mt. Hope Avenue.

Northern District, Abraham Hoff-man's Store, Hlbcrnia.

PRANK J. HOWELLClerk of Itockaway Township

Smolder in SilenceItenialnlnp silent ivlien you are ma<!

IK « part of good citizenship. Everyman tnlks like nn anarchist It he talkswhile he la angry.—Atchlson Globe.

Skill That Becomes ArtThe attainment of proficiency, the

pushing of your skill with attention tothe most delicate shades of excellence,Is a matter of vital concern. Kffldencyof a practically flawless kind may bereached naturally In the .struggle forbread. Kut there. Is something beyond'—a higher point, a subtle nnd unmis-takable touch of love and pride be-yond mere skill; almost'un Inspirationwhich gives to all work that finishwhich Is almost art—which la a r t -Conrad.

In their Several Kiccthm Dliitrlcdfor uiie at the Special Klection.

Votci'H not iilnraily reRiistered f0,the General Elecllon may register ont.hlB ilay (Sei>teml>er Gtli, 1927). (1 p,

o () I1. M.) anil vote at tho Speflai•r 20th, 192).

Voters cannot reRl«ter on the day orthe Bpeclal Klectlon and only thoaeperBonn who were registered hy tlieHouse to Houne c«nvaa«, or on Pri-mary Day or on the Special ItcnlntryDay (September Oth, 1927) enn vote otthe Special Klcction. Voters may Uregistered on the Special RegistryDay (Sept. 6, 1927) by appearing per-Honnlly or by tlic affidavit of anotherVoter. Transfers from one ElectionDistrict to another may be issued hethe Boards on tlie day of the SpecialKlection the same an on tho day otthe General Klection.

Notice is further given that thesaid HonrdH will sit In the placeshereinafter designated between thehours of Six A. M. and seven P. M.

Standard Time) on TUESDAY,SEPTRMDKn 20th, 1027, for the pur-lose of conducting a Special. Electionm the proposed Constitutional A-nendmentn.

Polling Places and brief descriptionof Klection Districts are as follows:

Westorn Distrlct:-Polllng place,Old Town Hall, corner Church andWall Sts. District comprises all westof the center line of the followingstreets; Union St., Jackson Ave., EastNow St.

JSaatorn, District:-Palling place,Jos. Harris & Sons, Hardware StoreBld'g, between River Bridge and C.R. H. of N. J. on Main St.. Districtcomprises all east of the center lineof the following streets ; Union St.,Jachson Avo.,.J5aat Now St.

,JA8. B. MAYClerk of Rockaway Borough

Has to HustleYon so often hear It mild of a good

for-nothlng man that "he 1ms suchnn energetic wife."—Tlmt'g tho reason.She has to be.—Cornwnllls Times.

Yes, Standing Room OnlyIf all the people that buy fake

stocks go to heaven, the most crowdedplace In the world muxt be the Fool'sParadise.—Farm and Fireside.

Poland's CapitalWarsaw was tho capital of tho on

dent kingdom of Pofand, and later thechief city of the Itussiun province ofthat name. Tlie peace settlement of1019 re-establlBhed Poland as a sov-ereign state with the republican formof government, pud Warsaw Is thecapital. It has ti population of 700,000, one-third of whom are Jews. IiIs an Important railway center and Isthe first place In what used to besouthwestern Hiisslu.




After dissolving partnership we find that we are overstocked with some lines, andto dispose of the stock we are holding this TEN-DAY SALE. l

Men's and Women's Clothing now beine sold at less than cost.We have added a MILLINERY DEPARTMENT and as an introduction we-are offering beautiful French Felts and Velvet Ready-to-Wear Hats at $1.95 and $2.95


i'JYoung Men's and

Students' Pure WoolBlue Serge Two Long


SUITS, $13.75Regular $21.00

30, 32, 34, 36, 38 Sizes

Men's all woolI>RES8 SUITS

Regular $30. Special

MEN'S SLICKERSYellow and Green


$3.98HOYS' 4-plecc SUITSShort and long pants

All sizes

Mens' Heavy WeightWORK PANTS

To go at


Al,! sizes

Boys' Tweed


Sizes 8 to 17

59cMen's Gray


While the sale lasts

Regular $7,00

Reduced to



' All sizesRegular $6.00

$2.95 and $3.45| Men's and Young .Men's

Hand TailoredT()P COATS ,

Regular $25,;to go at

| $10.75 and$14.75Wonderful values

Women's and Misses'SPUING COATS

In all new and highshades

$6.75Snappy Lindbergh style

DJtESSCotton crepe. Special

Women's Extra SizeHILK AND CLOTH

PRESSESSizes 42 to 50 Cut full

Women's and Misses'SPUING COATS

Trimmed with new-summer fur

$8.75AH sizes

Women's and Misses'All silk crepe de chine

PRESSESReduced from ?5.00

$3.75All sizes

I Misses' Flannel Tailored JPRESSES

Just the thing for HighI School wear. Reduced to |

$4.50 - ^

Ladies' and Misses'Air wool

JERSEY SUITSAll shades. Regular $5

Sale price <• •


$2.49Misses 4-ply HeavyCrepe Silk Tailored


Children's .SPKDrtt COATS

All sizes. Regular $7.98Sale-price •

$3.75 to $4.98WE WILL LEX YOU

BE- TUB JUDGEot these wonderful val-ue*, .tlien .JIUSR themaround to your frlonds^ALE NOW flOINfl ON

PLEASE NOTE! Every Garment Advertised Just Received tai

Page 7: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

•Jl I'HSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1627 ft (KIKAWJi V It E C O U I)

Races in Malta SpeakSame Tongue as Christ

'jlit-rc is still in this world a nice atIitoiilo M'J'O H'cult the BUHIO tongue

' t im t Jesus and Ills upostles used, lutlicir ordinary everyday talks to thepiojilc, sujs tlie Christian ScienceMonitor.

aliln Rpofccn language was "Ara-mule." We utlll m»y Olid languagesmid dialects which have descendedfinm Aramaic.

To flud today In the pure Aramaicpractically identical to the colloquial

t laugunBc that Jesus used we must goto I lie Island of llultn.

Lven there the Iraveler must not ex-* p u t to hear It In Valletta. The.'people' ol the senpert have long had Inter-

course with tlie Italians nnd the Eng-Ubh and their languiige has changed

* aaorulngly.1 Travel Inland to those compact

cities of stone—to Zcltun, to Mustawith Its enormous dome, tho third

^lartcst In the world—there one hearsf^HOt tlie Anglicized, not tho Italianized•"" sp< cell, but pure Aramaic. There alsoV one (ites a race of people of not only, ' | similar speech, but o( similar appear-WIUKC nnd of similar churucter to theJi'Miosen of our Lord"—"devout men

nnd women who serve God dally." Onerun well Imagine while living amongllir«e people what Andrew, Peter, ./olutunrl Matthew must have been like.

Many races have held so-called do-minion over these Islands, but none

$ hns succeeded In Implanting Its lan-guage,

School Children InsuredInsuranco against injuries re-

ceived in school buildings or on thegrounds, on school excursions, orwhen going to and from school isnow provided for the teachers andpupils of all higher state schools,elementary and advance agricultu-ral schools, and all technical schoolsof Bavaria. Tho ministerial decreeproviding for tho insurance becameeffective at the beginning of theschool year, 1925-1926.

Paupers Bow to FashionShingled hair has become so prev-

I alent in England that even feminine! inmates of workhouses demand it.

This was revealed when, after aj heated discussion, the Biggleswadc

(Bedfordshire) board of guardiansi voted to accept the offer of ai localj barber to shingle all the womon inI tho local workhouse at the inclusivecharge of $17.50 yearly.

Brief Span AccordedEven the Most Famous

The idea often, recurs to me, infiu't almost every time I i-ntcr I In-house of commons, of the immuta-bility of dead things and tlie mor-tality of human Icings. I have sei-nGladstone and Disraeli, Aeijuith,Camjihell-Bannerman, many othogreat figures, stand at the box onthe table opposite Hie treasurybench; they are gone, and swrcs ofothers equally illustrious and, at Hiemoment, brilliant etam in the hu-man firmament^ but tlie box stillremains. It is none the worse forwear, except that there are domedents upon it, said to have beenmado by tlie signet ring on Die righthand of Gladstone- when he waspressing some triumphant point ina lively speech. Everything in thohouse remains unchanged except thechanging human figures.

It reminds me of a curious say-ing of an old aunt of mine, broughtup like myself in (be extreme otl»-rworldnesu of the Catholic creed, as,when washing the fluted glang ar-ranged in the door in what was thena highly ornamental and originalway, she reflected that it was herdead husband who had purchasedend put up the fluted glass, and whowan a man of exquisite taste andtrying temper. "Everything lastsbut the poor sinner," said my aunt.T. P., in T. P.'e and Cassell's Week-ly, London.

Trying Hard to PleateLouisa, the colored kitchen maid,

was from the country, but she wasenergetic and learned fast. Part ofher duties was to water the fern nndchange the water In the goldfishbowl, ne r mistress asked ber on thesecond day: "Did you remember toempty the water under the refriger-ator?'1 "yes, ma'am, I emptied It andput ID fresh water."—IndlunapoliaNews. _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _

French Claim "America"Musical historians In Fiance con-

tend that . the familiar music of"America" and "God Save the King,"which was supposed to bo an old Ger-rnnn air, was really composed by thofamous Lull!, musician to Louis XIV.It la claimed the air was composedon ttie occasion of the king recover-ing from sickness and was first sungby tha puplla of tlie St. Cyr girls'school.


" l ie ' s a big, g«()d-Jiafuri:d, loose-jointed sort of chap."

"Ought to have lots of fun withhimself."

"Have fun with himself, whv'f""There's eo much play in his


Noises Likened to MusicChanging of gears on busses

caused much noise and horse-drawnvehicles pounded like "a few barsfrom Mozart" on a record recentlymade in Ixmdon to tent variousnoises and their caiixea. The «mndvibrations were recorded upon n waxdisk similar to that on it phono-graph. Human sounds were notdiscernible, but a perpetual nhud-der was recorded by the vibrating ofthe pavement and building)) oncither side as heavy wheels rolledpast.

Enormous PressureLocomotives arc regarded im pow-

erful, yet none of them operate ntsteam pressures higher Ibiin 300pounds per nquarn inch. Btenmpressures four times us great, 1,200poundB, are used to opcralc (nrliinesgenerating electricity in powerplants in Hoston nnd Milwaukee

Large Lime PurchaseAll records for the use of lime

were broken in New Hampshire lustyear by the co-operative purchase of8,(155 tons, or about 2/iO carloads,according to reports from the coun-ty agricultural agents. This k near-ly double the amount reported forany previous year.

Lucl<y Discoveries of

Vatt Mineral WcatihTin Is t.ortl; :,i,i,ni fl/170 a \i,u, / t

I'unU IHII,'!;II-, lii 'I'iii.iuiiii'd, u iw,y\<4 | l / ' f l l lMil l Ili i I J < " ! J CMIMJ nt,Ul)

*<•!; '!» il S/>'i<) ).h'i\nU, uuii v.i.i-: \-Mu<'/.\

<.'<(/,[«•/• H i m ., . i n s In i , i i i u i ( - !n H

pnrt- hlaln. A M.IM Mo.-l; i,f a i s «,H;il,W 4 . | [ ; | I | ) I J » m o i l ' l l , ; j l l ;i | I , H ,'i|,ll | , |u , | f .

Mud WiiH l/iadc In tin: AIM1I«, lit DIDhiicli 'it l'l-Y\l, V.),(ll',. ,-,) | | h'-H'.ht. (itii.lXK) fl-cl, lll'Kr |i;m |,((-ll found /Illi'iNlll.'lll) ft <'/|i|,<r IIYI: ii u,||i< |<,|ij;iui.) ii,-jlr a miii; iviijc,

.Silver Is t-.niiiclliiii-a foiiiid In , -n ; i [

' 'oli.ill, (lii! iiiir.i '!« hllvf-i- <l(y litiii'i'llti'i'ii O u l u r U i , ( t i n ; t\'.\y, i n t l j i ;

• lu-lng of VM'A, I v.i) win limn tfniif-ri'lcil while ut Hoik mi u r'/ilj.;li niU-«ny irnci! HiarJe fur ii;niUii% luinl/(-r.

Hlgll V/Wil* led Id lildWK, IIIHl liljl;man (Imi); mi IISK in Die oltdr. Itmis iMl him hni <-li'tu'i; a hoivld'T,'lilKlllig It III (v,« ;i|i(] lili(/w||i(j IIJI ||)li» licuft a IIIIIMI nt ^Ulti-rfiiK wlill';-IHKS, jt vvu» ii Imiiji nt uUmiKt imtui-ilvi-r.

'Hint Kfirliig Oh.-ill had fuur umiillt-liliclis, hut »ilx IrldlidiO Ilil'T tlilirifHCI<! iiiorii (linn S,WW In

Want a 'i'axi?\ It mi, IIIIDIIO iiH. VV<- (ir«- nt yi>\tr

hirvitu nt nl) himm. Vou'llour cfiiiiiffeiirh anil !•»/•« ri;\ln-

The Modest GroomAt n vJllHge eliii|(-|i n vteddlrig watt

i>»"-d iiii'l (li« lin|i|iy morn (inlveil. Inilue coiirec 11 yumliful uwalii find uIIIIXOIII iliinisi-1 iniifnilttii UieMKC-lvcBat Hie clinnccl "ilejiB,

Wimi lh<' (iiijii«ife(| liilili'tfroum WIIBIIKIU-CI, "Wilt IIIDD luive DIIK Wiiinitu to

I)'.1 Hiy wi'ddcil wife'/" In? dKimmereil;"I'lc/Jte, (ill-, I'm lint Dm roan I I

don't wiint to get murrleil I""Not (lin mini I" I'xrlnliiied the d w -

Ionian iigliiiKt. "'iliiii wlieru la Urn

Uf yuu ))HV<! itnl Imil our ncr-

vl<c, vvliy not iry It.

Denvillc Garagei .1. Vmi.V, I'rnji.

|H|iw;l»llRt im Kidclii. Mutora, )';*pcrlmi id! Miidi'ii i,1 I'.um.

| May nwl KifM WtriMtn; (UTVICC


Moving andGeneral Trucking

WY DAY OH NIQIIT'J'<!l()|)]ioiio Jtock/ttmy CO

"Id'B (Iowa lit the. hud oil) lif 111':.liurcli, Blr. H<f'» too fiby t« come up,"

Mercury ProductionThe eiilef (sources o( tlm world pro

ducllon ut mercury uro Halj undSpain, lit n totnl (inmwl productionof about 3,200 metric lon«, Jtolj pro-vides iiliout lfino tons and Hpaln 1,000tons. Tho production of tbo UniteflBiiitcs ilurluK iho |iiist H\X yuan hasbeen uhout 300 metric tons per year.

Wm. HandleyTaxi,

Trucking and HaulingTel. il'id.

(it UurMUi'a

ol Umic. V. Kllchcl,

I'lirBHiiiit. i n Die o r d e r o f Iho K u r r o -

Y.ntU- nt fli': r f i t i n f y dt ATf;rilfi, init ' lc (in

the. ' l ! i l r l | i ; th i | »y nf , f m i c , A, )>, OJI'I

t)i»Mi:fii/>l n i n e l i u n i l r c d n/iil t w e u t j r -

i-.evi-ii, iitit'uo Ui he.fhy (clvei to altjHTisiiiiit l i i iv l / i ) ; cl i i l i i iH a) ;a l i i f . t t h e c « -

of JBIIIIC V. Klt';licl, Into of tintity of MorriH, ili-cwinwl, to jyre-

«Mit lti(; c/ime under n.'ilh or iifflnnu-tlun, In Hi" cuhiieiilier on or l>efortiilin Tlilrlli-th liny of IHicciiihvr, next,lii:lu;c "Ix uibnthn triiiix tlio date oCniilil order nnd any C.rnrtltor ii«:gtpat'iiiK Ui I/ring l» and exhibit hl«, licr orIliclr claim undor oiitli or nfflrimitlonv/ltliln tl)»j tbno m, llmlli'd will \n< tor-ever Iwirred of lil«, her or their actiontlierefor ni:ii!iifit I tin Kxcciitord,

Dated ilio Tlilrllilh day of June, A.U 1027.

WI!,UAM JI.jKlM»t/K anSMAllV KWIIU1, Kxocutoni,

Mdimrit. Kin); & ViiRt, I'roctoro,V) WaiililHKlon HI., Morrlnlown, N,

J. D2tlO

"iiVtlV A H0MK P1IWT"

Italy's Rich PossessionSicily Its the liirp'Kt and most fertile

Island of the Mciiltiirroni-ai) uva. ItHUB oil tlie extrcini! eoulliweiitfirn pointof Itnly, from which It Is /separated bythe deep, narrow Klralt of tleBKtnn.The population Is iilmut 8,0()0,000. Itforum part of tlio kingdom of Itnly.

SO7S7-8 x 1OJ4-^ pg.-Akron Newsp.-OK-C & Co.-7-30-27-HL.


FichtersMain St.

• - ! .


SAM ClARDIMitln Hiri'vi, in ar I'knl Nntloiml ]lnnk

Cleaning and PressingOur work 1H rlon« thoroni;!) riTiil clotlicn rnudo to look iicw

Wo ftlifo dyo any lihid of garinont anil do in«ndlngWo vxivor Duttnnft wltli cloth to mutch garments


A. J. Burcl, Jr.lJl»tfllii)Uir

'ft ID RANT ItliACKWKM/ HT«EIiT,«Iei)lione J23-M, DOVER, V. I .


We invite your business on a 62-year recordof successful service to the public.

FIRST NATIONAL BANKMorristown, New Jersey

r in ting\T Our work is as good as

C the best; our prices arereasonably low.

Let Us Serve You

Rockaway Record

Page 8: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

: • j . " ; tJ.a'"^*""'1


1 '* ; ' ' .' " " " . . _ _ . ' / . ! " - - , - • • - . . ••.!,.lii-i l - - ' - i f -

s- T , i - • ' * • * * * * * ,

* * • : • "' ' . • • • .

Tdeptae 73

> >1

| SbiaMtf 3Hk Fed Veal, 1 . - 25c | | |

f SfcooMer of Spring LaisK ft. 30c I II Breast of lamb. "- - 2fb.for25c

> - . « 3 r . i i . ' * i - i L i •-» * - . ; , • :•: -..>• '

•"/•) i i . - l".;,* fur i

T-? a : ,'"•••**-' :: •>

•• ' -''••' >r' - • f.Lu'-. S . T . 1 i.±-.!.s •••; I.:-: •:,.: -vu- i.

' "•••,— •.. ". izi.r i:.-..> ; . ' 1.-7.1..-> a " . . . i ; : - - - - ^ a i r n . ' :

(.' ; .

Sm-o&ed Hams, &. -sii Hams, &. - - 29c

. ,f us.

IT-.- :«X t-J.-t

h if --.:• T..

'Ori;,i;;;:^ 5 i

'.if';;.'!^ if '';;•

•i; 1;I:::V-HI!I "?r-ru">. i/d; rir. irla.7 ir .l.it;.^.J:;i;«^: i ,

i»..r *-".j vrr i v.-«:; » jnj-i jr. TPii:i:--


aii» if

';JJ *u- '.; r-'ftfrifr- in*; Z. in iir; -i:iis;j rn^ I.TTX1

r if

. . ' f.""~~.sutv. Tu> ''.:rr..T,nr^:irj m:t _ _.

i:.r T.-".-I. " i" _«rriji

ked (^5 Hams, fi>. - - 19c 1FresliKffledFowiD). - - - 38cFrcsli Killed Brol€is,0>. - - 42c

Bsdw^er Hop Malt Swop, eao 85c

O m c k R c ^ I b . - - - - 23c |Fresh Gmmi Beef,B>. - - 25c

- - - - -12c

X. Ta.Tir.Ttoi min

>•»!, if Ti:iiir

-iiar 1 rr1-

vrx.?.sir, *z~,*r-;n:,m >r -23- S .wi« »'I:I;.I. ,n w « « i «-•

5lir.ni? Sm. TS


r.j£itj-. OS? -i ri* iitr^.: r;a3;;,t--r -^s* J '»•: ii-.!in t&i 'J,

x t i c? Tc 'JL. r"-ti

.' "«a c?

t £7 lift fcCjjJt. cr.r -w«r» " i « * i

"Jt« 'zxzrrj tn£Zj? d tin- tazrgir «££»&-• "CiA "•*'-• CT.TKTS. "jttz Saa £50*20 ar.

Si»sii«rsii5 cf IV/t Scu&tfjsjuz cvz^tTi. Tirji* c tn txTi inns

W.-F. COOPER228 East Blackwell St TeL 856 Dover

.•auiirrrTt t•»u:! "Vln Tip* "111*

"5in3 X i r r TiUtRSO'.. if "WOT; C n

rjf? TrvSE 3Iiu>. l

isr.. 'it

Round Steak

; Elb Lamb42c «**

3« cJ

Tonkin & Hoffman StoreTdL 101 Rockaway, Nl' J.

•7 itc rafii'^?

A LI¥MG PROFITon &&dki item . -

We S£?e szsoDey for ymx. and make our profititxx - - - - - Syitxx.

j te 5tnm«- *3& 5fe- aait SSi jTtiDC. iff <;aai!aftt .ionw wiCt UBIEHS: : lj

-' 1sen. a a s 5ttiltxi3_ at Jtinnis Jtst..^Ttili *ar<*r*23;ii: di«t Hjranficirj .iff !ii«. lit— §tf JT. C T. C c Sinr omiri--. Trar3-j|

til 9or ? .1; ^.12


pi;. .if ?


prices below..- - 40c

: 4H>.25cfis, 3 pkg, Pep 1 pkg 29c

. krgecan - - 10c-2H>.pkg25c

MB& Powder, Lirge can - 48c~ • - •" ; in 30c

Reg. size Corn Beef - - 24ccan 19c

can - 19c

Gr nimar School Graduatesall ai EaaSzuas OiQsss liaStsag t«£3ne

3Cary off aicr muiiS


Wrote Snr <acr aks aS "SeaSiaits 32sr3fej*fi" xaS-fire

to tewnr x. i

W3£t5 m t t e Tliima.i IU:iirBif £ C

Dover Business CollegejSfct- BU-'Sig ML BtaR.

Read the Record

Page 9: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and

•v '-*

. I

v /

> ;-"'''l --, ". -\ j •* -.•'-;-•

Page 10: s Cash Market - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1927/1927-08-25.pdf · Sanchclll, 6; children of Mrs, Lovetta Sanchelll, of danal street, and