s i 1j- i i muslin underwearufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00965/0346.pdf · i ocala...

I OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY OCTOBER 5 1908 THREE OCALA OCCURRENCESA- dditional a local on sixth page K of P meet this evening I Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night < Woodmen meet Friday evening Fresh onion sets for fall planting at 1 Tydings Co J The board of county commissioners meet tomorrow in regular session FOR RENTA desirable cottage W Apply to Mrs R D Fuller Mr W M Barco of Mulberry was- a guest of the Montezuma yesterday Tents for rent or sale The Ocala Furniture Company Mr Jas W Smith of Dunnellon was J a guest of the Montezuma yesterday Lightning roach paste kills em 25 i cents at the Postoftlce Drugstore S Get your school supplies at the s Ocala News Cft Mr I X Withers of Lary Lake is r a guest of the Ocala House t A new line of renting wheels 15c per hour B F Condon Mr W II Payne of Cola S C is at i the Ocala House The Ucala News Co has the larg- est ¬ line of school hooks in Ocala I Use Planks Chill Tonic Garan teed Price 2ie Sold by all druggists Gen T D Lancaster who has been so ill last few days is somewhat bet- ter ¬ i today One pound of paper and two packs- of envelopes very best grade for 50 cents at Tydings Co- Ils Morgan C Loonoy opened hoi boarding house today on South Third street Have you seen the now visible Fay holes typewriter R C Davis fo j general agents 1i J O Lucius the genial young bar- ber ¬ is in Thomasville Ga on a pleas ¬ ure trip- CaptTehn 7 L Inglis of Port Inglis was in town yesterday and today a guest of the Ocala House 1 1 PARLOR LAMP FOR SALEA If handsome brass parlor lamp for sale Apply at this office Mr and Mrs E C Staley are now keeping house in the Pittman cottage on South Limo street Buy a highgrade standard wheel 10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬ don r Mr J II Roberts of Charleston is among the late arrivals at the Ocala House FOR SALTeut flowers and plants Apply to Miss Josie McClure at G A hashs dry goods store- Ir Will Marlow and family have moved from the Paul Davit cottage to the little bungalow built by Mr Fer don and now owned by Mr McKenzie t Foleys Honey and Tar cures j coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and expels colds Got the genuine in a yellow package Sold by all de- alersOYSTERS 1 s r R IN SEASON AT T- HEARCADE t Raw Stewed or Any Old Sty- leWEIHE EIH Fred G B THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN W c Haic One of the Largest Most AVii1 and Complete Stocks of WATCHES RINGS PINS EMBLEM PINS Jf CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS That Has Ever Been Shown In This City In Gilt Glass Fine China Sterling and Platcd Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc TCV Do Not Acknowledge a Better Stock in This Section All KINDS OF W I H F EPAIRING DONE SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE ft r CONCERTS WILL CONTINUE- It is probable that the band con- certs will continue for some weeks longer Mr A E Gerig said this morning that he thought a concert would bo given next Friday evening and every Friday evening thereafter as long as the weather remained good The fact is it requires rather coolish I weather to make the handsome new uniforms of the members feel comfort able The Berlin had an excellent show Saturday evening All the pictures were fine and Mysterious Flames and A Troublesome Theft were so- I good that they will be repeated this evening Beside there will be Mrs Pimpenells Gown Tormented by His MotherinLaw and The Cooks I Dream all uproariously funny and Cliff Dwellers and The Grand Can yon of Arizona which are splendid illustrations of one of the wolds most famous regions Dont fail to see them A small house on South Magnolia street just north of Giles moss fac- tory ¬ I caught lire about two oclock vfstrrday afternoon The fire had a I good hold between the ceiling and the rtof making it difficult to get at and- as a strong breeze was blowing right toward the big factory building it was- a rathr serous affair The fire de- partment ¬ was promptly on hand how- ever ¬ and extinguished the blaze in a few minutes The roof of the house was riddled but there was no other damage I Mr an1 Mr Fran Harris announce- the engagement of their youngest laughter Louise and Mr William Harvey Clark Jr of this city The I marriage of Miss Harris and Mr Clark i will be quietly solemnized on the ev- ening ¬ I of November the eleventh at I homo and will be followed by a large reception Banner Mr Louis R f nazal who has boon fj emns the past six weeks in Eu- rope ¬ on a business visit returned to his home in Ocala yesterday I t list Carrie Wiliams who ha been siending the summer with rol alive and friends at Live Oak Mayo ami other phil IS has returned to Ocala and will spend the winter here with her sister Mrs R S Hall SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS either new or secondhand at the Ocala News Company- Dr I V H Powers is now at La Juanta Colorado a prosperous little city of fiOOO population and likes the place very much Ho will be there I for some tinge and writes that he is feeling well I We have a most exquisite line of I china in dif- ferent fancy imported many ¬ pieces Tim AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Mr r elms L oore the veteran Ocala builder isYiov in Bakersfield California whore there is much doing- in his line Ho will prohaby return to Ocala when winter sets in- C apt and Mrs G A Nash who were expected homo Saturday did not get in until this morning They had- a vcr pleasant trip I Mr C C Rawls of Stophonsville was in town yesterday and today a guest of the Ocala House A pound of paper and two packs of envelopes to match all cf the very best quality 50c at the Postoffice Drugstore Mr hates and family have moved into the cottage recently vacated by Mrs Walker Bishop on South Third street Mr Bates is a traveling sales ¬ man very popular in this territory- and enjoys a good trade Messrs George Pottoway and J D Odom of Ll roy spent last night at the Ocala House If you want a pretty reading lamp to trnnect with your electric light cur rnt in the library or hall of your home see Walter Tucker the elec ¬ trician about it Messrs Wilbur and Charles Cleve- land ¬ suns of Mr and Mrs George W Cleveland left yesterday for Rollins College at Winter Park and Mr Ellis Brigance went down today for the opening of school Now is the time to plant your gar- den ¬ Wo have all kinds of garden seed for fall planting Tydings Co Mr Ernest Hodge who has been in the employ of tIll Fanner for a num- ber ¬ of years has gone to Iiami 1 Tack Snell from Heather Island I was in town today to assure the offi- cers ¬ that if his son is needed for the cutting of young Caldwell ho will see tilt the young man is brought to the city Mr Snell said so many versions- of the affray had been told that he didnt not know what to believe but that ho regretted the whole affair greatly J D Stolling of Silvor Springs on Sunday morning wont out to look af tt r his stock All of a sudden while he was tanding still he fell over I backward and his family thought he was dead Medical aid was called from Ocala and Mr S was brought M lift It seems that he has heart trou ¬ ble and congestion brought on by ov- er ¬ work and over eating was the im ¬ I mediate cause of the attack Mr S tas greatly improved this morning and the Star wishes him a speedy re- covery ¬ DoWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills are just what you need and what you should get right away for pain in the back backache rheumatic pains and all urinary and bladder troubles Thousands of people suffer from Kid- ney and Bladder trouble and do not know it They think it is a cold or strain Dont take any chances Get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills They are antiseptic and promptly soothe the pain Dont fail to insist upon DoWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills We sell them Sold h y Anti- Monopoly Drugstore iJ 1I ot t y I FRESH ARRIVALS j I i I j New Evaporated Apricots 15c lb j Evaporated Peaches 2 Ibs 25c i White Fish 2 for 5c I Large No 1 Mackerel 25c California Ripe Olives 50c I Royal Mint Sauce and j A Full Assortment of Fresh j f Crackers at- TEAPOT GROCERY FRUIT DELIVERY WAGON- S I I A Moses Bro has taken out a I I fruit perllers license which cost thorn I I 1575 and have put on a wagon to I call at all of th homes in the city and sell and deliver fresh fruit They will > oll all of th domestic and imported j fruits The wagon in use now is only i a temporary om and a new l Si wagon will soon be ready to take its place Tilej lone 27- 7WEATHER i FORECAST I Washington Oct iFair in north j show rs in south portion tonight and Tuesday I FOR TTOSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce myself a candi- date ¬ for justice of the peace for dis- trict ¬ Xo 1 and your support will be highly appreciated j C M Livingston I BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER I Xorth Magnolia Street Opposite i Mclver MacKays I IT M WOOD Proprietor CHANGE Of PROGRAM DAILY t I t Program for this Evening MYSTERIOUS FLAMES I HandColored TROUBLESOME THEFTS Repeated by Request i MRS PIMPERNELLS GOWN TORMENTED BY HIS MOTHE INLAW CLIFF DWELLERS GRAND CANYON OF ARIZONA THE COOKS DREAM Open Promptly at 3130 P1I- I Admission 10 Cents r I Children 5 Cents i r a STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE- I have a fine lot of strawberry plants- for I sale Inquire of Isaac Stevens t Ocala Fla- Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant- ing ¬ at Tydings Co I I LOST Saturday night on Oklawa I ha avenue a solid hold ring with yel- low ¬ stone setting Finder will be re ¬ warded by leas ing at the Star office I LOSTA silv r supper buckle The I fiiuler will pleas return to this office lor the box office at the Air Dome I I I Afflicted With Sore Eyes for 33 Years j I have been afflicted with sore eyes i for thirtythne years Thirteon years j I ago I became totally blind for six years My eyes wore badly intlamed One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlains Salve and gave I mo half a box of it To my surprise i it healed my eyes and my sight came I back to l1HP C Earls Cynthiana- i I Chamberlains Save is for sale by all druggists I I WANl LftND I IF YOU HAVE SOME LAND IM- PROVED i OR UNIMPROVED THAT I YOU WANT TO SELL CHEAP WRITE ME STATING PRICE LO- CATION i I AND AMOUNT OF ACRE- AGE I ADDRESS v A F BOX 517 OCALA FLA ACT AT ONCE FALL AND WINTER- I I I I s- crAibWi1N li HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER j STOCK OF PIECE GOODS- An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the gcods and make your fall or winter suit or trous- ers i You dont have to wait Pick out I your goods and the suit 8is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to i workmanship fit and quality of goods- I I also have an elegant line of sam- ples so that you are sure of finding what you want Respectfully I Jet y BurnettT- he Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue rwwSirrixKID t c SMITH ROBERTS BIG SALE Mfrs Smith Roberts are rejoic- ing ¬ in the unprecedented success of their big furrirure sale of which this- is the second day The first custom- ers today were a lot of Oxford citi ¬ zens who came up on the night train and bought a big bill of goods All day long the whole force has been busy waiting on customers The sale will continue ten days from the open- ing ¬ day and every day will be busier than the preceding one WHERE THE LAW IS VRONG In the County Judges Court of Marion County in the State of Florida in re the State of Florida plaintiff vs Robert Carter Defendant Charge Criminal Prosecution Having Wild Deer in Defendants Possession Dur ¬ ing June A D 190S This cause coming on for further or ¬ der herein pursuant to the order of the court heretofore made herein com ¬ mitting one wild deer to the custody- of H S Chambers to be kept and maintained by him until the further order of this court herein and it now appearing to the court that the said deer has become of such size age and strength as to enable it to care for and maintain itself if released from captivity and it further having ap pared to the court during the trial of said caus <> that the said leer was cap- tured ¬ by the snid defendant in the en- closed ¬ premises of Walter Ray in this county of Mj r ion state of Florida Wheivfor it is ordered that the deer be and the sam is luroby ordered re- leased ¬ and that th sheriff of Marion county tate of Florida do forthwith take the said dier into his custody- and forthwith lease the same from captivity at in or upon the said en- closed premises cf the said Walter Ray as aforesaid and that he make return thereof to this court- It is further ordered that the said II S Chambers do forthwith deliver the said leer into the custody of the shot iff of this county upon demand and that the said H S Chambers he and he is hereby extended the thanks- of this court for his asistance in this matter and for his care of and sup- port ¬ and maintenance of deer without expense to the county of Marion un- der ¬ th order of this court Done and ordered this October I Id- A D 1908 Joseph Bell County Judge Js The fawn has been a member of the firemans zoo for the past few month and the special pet of Chief Chamb- ers ¬ and his assistants It is probably owing to their care that the fawn is alive To turn it loose in the forest now will insure hardships and prob- ably ¬ cause its death There is no remedy the law must be obeyed but it will bf to the great regret of many and particularly the children of Ocala who have passed navy hours in watching and admiring the pretty lit- tle ¬ animal t The pasture or enclosure of Mr Rays ve ire informed contains about 4CuO acres and the little deer will at least lave the advantage of this month to become accustomed to its new environments before the game season opens- MclNTOSH TRASH AND DIRT SEPARATOR Every turpentine operator will hail with delight this invention by C M- Mclntosh and A X Goodwin of Stan- dard ¬ Marion runty for which appli ¬ cation for letters patent have been tiled by the inventors Wo note from the application for letters patent This invention relates to an im- provement ¬ in the manufacture of spir ¬ its of turpentine and rosin and is a device to be placed inside of a turpen- tine ¬ still to separate a large portion- of tilt trash chips straw etc and dirt that usually appears in liquid crude turpentine knoyn as dip from the same as it enters till still and the objects of our invention are first- to prevent the injurious effects that dirt has upon the still and strainers- over the cooling vat Trash and dirt in the dip during tile process of dis- tillation ¬ settles to the bottom of the still and the dirt cakes on the bottom- of the still often causing the charge- to scorch which invariably discolors the spirits of turptntino and rosin and trash and dirt when discharged from the still mixed rosin clogs the strainers over the cooling vat and injures same and tie presence of oven a small quantity of trash and dirt will discolor the product The form of the separator is cylin- drical ¬ and the material metal The separator is placed in the still and tIlt liquid crude turpentine known as dip is poured into separa- tor ¬ the dip running through the meshes of the wire cloth lining of the separator tends its way into the still I and a large porton of the trash and dirt that usually appears in dip re- mains in the separator The separa- tor ¬ containing the trash and dirt is removed from the still just before va- ter I is turned into the still luring the process of distillation or immediately before the still H discharged tile ef- fect ¬ being the same I Wo having no knowhdge of any like invention claim tho following j 1 That the removal of trash and I dirt from liquid crude turpentine j known as dip in the still bv the use i of our separator will make it possible j to manufacture rosin of a Hghter col- or i or higher grade from the same- i quality of dip and will prevent dis- coloration ¬ of spirits of turptntino I w h n Caused by the presence of trash Bpd dirt in the dip substantially as st forth I 2 That the separator romoves- i such a large portion of dirt from th i lit in ho still Ps to eliminate all dan j sror of scorching the charge and injur I ing th till when caustd by the Tires I re of dirt in same and leaves very little dirt to be discharged into the strainers over the cooling vat all sb stantially as set forth j Mr McIntosh is an experienced tur- pentine stiller and Mr Goodwin is a j turpentine operator at Standard being- a member of the firm of McXeill i Goodwin Withers The inventors announce their inten- tion ¬ to begin the manufacture of this device at either Ocala or Jacksonville in time to have the same ready for delivery by the first of next March Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night l i- I ip- r I MRS MINNIE A BOSTICK j I Announces the Fall Opening and Dis- play ¬ of the Latest Creations of I I i FRENCH PATTERN HATS I I AND BONNETS- And Uptodate Millinery Novelties Wednesday and Thursday October 78- I I V H u 1J- Muslin Underwear i Sale- Tuesday t October 6th STORE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY 3 BIG SPECIALS fOR THE DAY 3 Special No 1 I Ladies Muslin Night Robes trimmed with lace or em ¬ broidery or both assorted styles well made full sizes worth l25 this day only I 79cS- pecial No2 Ladies Muslin Night Robes trimmed with lace or em- broidery or both assorted styles well made full sizes worth 100 this day only49c Special No 3 Ladies Muslin Corset Covers trimmed with two rows of insertion one row of lace edging and two rows of ribbon Lace e Iging around arm holes worth 35c this day only 190 Look at the window and you will have a better idea as to 1 the values The Variety Store ELOQUENCE OF THE WELSH I Here is a little story from the Chi- cago ¬ News of an Englishman in Wales On the comparative quali- ties ¬ of the English and Welsh tongues I let me tell of the Welshman who sa ¬ luted me in the Welsh I was com poled to confess ignorance Ah he said turning fluently enough to Eng- lish ¬ I you should learn the Welsh My wife was English and she can speak conversations now quite well I acknowledged my shortcomings- and admitted that I had always un- derstood the Welsh to bo a remarka- bly ¬ eloquent tongue Yes yes it 5 ss j j so said tlu native In Welsh a man I can express exactly what he nuans As for the English I call it not a language at allonly a dialect You haf noted that an English- man ¬ or a foreigner in speaking his language waves his handy and arms about to help out the meaning of the I words But a Welshman who can I speak Wl h wlIh hass no need to I more his hands In the VeNh he can- i say all that he rm ans I WOMAN INTERRUPTS 1 POLITICAL SPEAKER I A well dressed woman interrupted a political speaker recently by con- tinually Ji coughing If she had takfn I Foley Honey and Tar it would have r curd her cough quickly and expelled- thE i cold from her system The genu ¬ ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers WANTED Female that can work sewing machine and sew Apply 220 North Second street Peter Ingram- We lead the city on stationery tab- lets ¬ and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore t I C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished- on application- PO Box 46 Ocala Fla MONTEZUMA BARBER SHOP IS AGAIN OPEN New and modern furnishings Electric massage machine and elec- tric ¬ fans Skilled workmen guarantee sat faction to all customers R A DETTERICH Proprietor 1 OCALA PRESSIK8 CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods Pressed and Cleaned on Short No ¬ tice and Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for in 30 days vil be sold for charges 3

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Page 1: S I 1J- I I Muslin Underwearufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00965/0346.pdf · I OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY OCTOBER 5 1908 THREE OCALA OCCURRENCESA- a dditional local on sixth




local on sixth page

K of P meet this eveningI

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night<

Woodmen meet Friday evening

Fresh onion sets for fall planting at1 Tydings Co

JThe board of county commissioners

meet tomorrow in regular session

FOR RENTA desirable cottageW Apply to Mrs R D Fuller

Mr W M Barco of Mulberry was-a guest of the Montezuma yesterday

Tents for rent or sale The OcalaFurniture Company

Mr Jas W Smith of Dunnellon wasJ a guest of the Montezuma yesterday

Lightning roach paste kills em 25i cents at the Postoftlce Drugstore


Get your school supplies at thes Ocala News Cft

Mr I X Withers of Lary Lake isr a guest of the Ocala House

t A new line of renting wheels 15cper hour B F Condon

Mr W II Payne of Cola S C is ati the Ocala House

The Ucala News Co has the larg-est


line of school hooks in Ocala

I Use Planks Chill Tonic Garanteed Price 2ie Sold by all druggists

Gen T D Lancaster who has beenso ill last few days is somewhat bet-ter


i today

One pound of paper and two packs-of envelopes very best grade for 50cents at Tydings Co-

Ils Morgan C Loonoy opened hoiboarding house today on South Thirdstreet

Have you seen the now visible Fayholes typewriter R C Davis fo

j general agents1i J O Lucius the genial young bar-


is in Thomasville Ga on a pleas ¬

ure trip-


L Inglis of Port Ingliswas in town yesterday and today aguest of the Ocala House


1 PARLOR LAMP FOR SALEAIf handsome brass parlor lamp for sale

Apply at this office

Mr and Mrs E C Staley are nowkeeping house in the Pittman cottageon South Limo street

Buy a highgrade standard wheel10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬


Mr J II Roberts of Charleston isamong the late arrivals at the OcalaHouse

FOR SALTeut flowers and plantsApply to Miss Josie McClure at G Ahashs dry goods store-

Ir Will Marlow and family havemoved from the Paul Davit cottage tothe little bungalow built by Mr Ferdon and now owned by Mr McKenzie

t Foleys Honey and Tar curesj coughs quickly strengthens the lungs

and expels colds Got the genuine ina yellow package Sold by all de-






Raw Stewed or Any Old Sty-


EIH Fred G B


Wc Haic One of the LargestMost AVii1 and Complete Stocks of





That Has Ever Been Shown In ThisCity

In Gilt Glass Fine China Sterlingand Platcd Silverware SouvenirPostal Cards Clocks Etc TCV

Do Not Acknowledge a BetterStock in This Section





ft r


It is probable that the band con-certs will continue for some weekslonger Mr A E Gerig said thismorning that he thought a concertwould bo given next Friday eveningand every Friday evening thereafteras long as the weather remained goodThe fact is it requires rather coolish

I weather to make the handsome newuniforms of the members feel comfortable

The Berlin had an excellent showSaturday evening All the pictureswere fine and Mysterious Flamesand A Troublesome Theft were so-

I good that they will be repeated thisevening Beside there will be MrsPimpenells Gown Tormented byHis MotherinLaw and The Cooks

IDream all uproariously funny andCliff Dwellers and The Grand Can

yon of Arizona which are splendidillustrations of one of the wolds mostfamous regions Dont fail to seethem

A small house on South Magnoliastreet just north of Giles moss fac-tory


I caught lire about two oclockvfstrrday afternoon The fire had a

I good hold between the ceiling and thertof making it difficult to get at and-as a strong breeze was blowing righttoward the big factory building it was-a rathr serous affair The fire de-partment


was promptly on hand how-ever


and extinguished the blaze in afew minutes The roof of the housewas riddled but there was no otherdamage


Mr an1 Mr Fran Harris announce-the engagement of their youngestlaughter Louise and Mr WilliamHarvey Clark Jr of this city The

I marriage of Miss Harris and Mr Clarki will be quietly solemnized on the ev-ening


I of November the eleventh atI homo and will be followed by a largereception Banner

Mr Louis R f nazal who has boonfj emns the past six weeks in Eu-rope


on a business visit returned tohis home in Ocala yesterday


list Carrie Wiliams who habeen siending the summer with rolalive and friends at Live Oak Mayoami other phil IS has returned toOcala and will spend the winter herewith her sister Mrs R S Hall

SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKSeither new or secondhand at theOcala News Company-



V H Powers is now at LaJuanta Colorado a prosperous littlecity of fiOOO population and likes theplace very much Ho will be there

I for some tinge and writes that he isfeeling well


We have a most exquisite line ofI china in dif-

ferentfancy imported many ¬

pieces Tim AntiMonopolyDrugstore-


elms L oore the veteranOcala builder isYiov in BakersfieldCalifornia whore there is much doing-in his line Ho will prohaby returnto Ocala when winter sets in-

Capt and Mrs G A Nash whowere expected homo Saturday did notget in until this morning They had-a vcr pleasant trip


Mr C C Rawls of Stophonsvillewas in town yesterday and today aguest of the Ocala House

A pound of paper and two packs ofenvelopes to match all cf the verybest quality 50c at the PostofficeDrugstore

Mr hates and family have movedinto the cottage recently vacated byMrs Walker Bishop on South Thirdstreet Mr Bates is a traveling sales ¬

man very popular in this territory-and enjoys a good trade

Messrs George Pottoway and J DOdom of Ll roy spent last night at theOcala House

If you want a pretty reading lamp totrnnect with your electric light currnt in the library or hall of yourhome see Walter Tucker the elec ¬

trician about it

Messrs Wilbur and Charles Cleve-land


suns of Mr and Mrs George WCleveland left yesterday for RollinsCollege at Winter Park and Mr EllisBrigance went down today for theopening of school

Now is the time to plant your gar-den


Wo have all kinds of gardenseed for fall planting Tydings Co

Mr Ernest Hodge who has been inthe employ of tIll Fanner for a num-ber


of years has gone to Iiami1 Tack Snell from Heather IslandI was in town today to assure the offi-cers


that if his son is needed for thecutting of young Caldwell ho will seetilt the young man is brought to thecity Mr Snell said so many versions-of the affray had been told that hedidnt not know what to believe butthat ho regretted the whole affairgreatly

J D Stolling of Silvor Springs onSunday morning wont out to look aftt r his stock All of a sudden whilehe was tanding still he fell over

I backward and his family thought hewas dead Medical aid was calledfrom Ocala and Mr S was brought Mlift It seems that he has heart trou ¬

ble and congestion brought on by ov-


work and over eating was the im ¬

I mediate cause of the attack Mr Stas greatly improved this morningand the Star wishes him a speedy re-


DoWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillsare just what you need and what youshould get right away for pain in theback backache rheumatic pains andall urinary and bladder troublesThousands of people suffer from Kid-ney and Bladder trouble and do notknow it They think it is a cold orstrain Dont take any chances GetDeWitts Kidney and Bladder PillsThey are antiseptic and promptlysoothe the pain Dont fail to insistupon DoWitts Kidney and BladderPills We sell them Sold hy Anti-Monopoly Drugstore

iJ 1I ot t y




j New Evaporated Apricots 15c lb

jEvaporated Peaches 2 Ibs 25c


White Fish 2 for 5cI

Large No 1 Mackerel 25c

California Ripe Olives 50cI

Royal Mint Sauce


A Full Assortment of Freshj







A Moses Bro has taken out aI I

fruit perllers license which cost thorn I

I 1575 and have put on a wagon toI

call at all of th homes in the city andsell and deliver fresh fruit They will> oll all of th domestic and imported

j fruits The wagon in use now is only i

a temporary om and a new l Si wagonwill soon be ready to take its placeTilej lone 27-




Washington Oct iFair in northj show rs in south portion tonight andTuesday I


I hereby announce myself a candi-date


for justice of the peace for dis-trict


Xo 1 and your support will behighly appreciated

j C M Livingston




Xorth Magnolia Street Oppositei

Mclver MacKaysI

IT M WOOD Proprietor


I t

Program for this Evening







Open Promptly at 3130 P1I-IAdmission 10 Cents r

IChildren 5 Cents

i ra

STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE-I have a fine lot of strawberry plants-

forI sale Inquire of Isaac Stevenst Ocala Fla-

Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant-ing


at Tydings CoI


LOST Saturday night on OklawaI ha avenue a solid hold ring with yel-


stone setting Finder will be re ¬

warded by leas ing at the Star officeI

LOSTA silv r supper buckle TheI

fiiuler will pleas return to this officelor the box office at the Air DomeI



Afflicted With Sore Eyes for 33 Years j

I have been afflicted with sore eyes i

for thirtythne years Thirteon years j

I ago I became totally blind for sixyears My eyes wore badly intlamedOne of my neighbors insisted upon mytrying Chamberlains Salve and gave

I mo half a box of it To my surprisei it healed my eyes and my sight cameI back to l1HP C Earls Cynthiana-

iI Chamberlains Save is for saleby all druggists















I s-crAibWi1N li


An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the gcods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous-ersi You dont have to wait Pick out

I your goods and the suit 8is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as to

i workmanship fit and quality of goods-I I also have an elegant line of sam-ples so that you are sure of findingwhat you want Respectfully


Jet y BurnettT-

he Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-Fort King Avenue

rwwSirrixKID t c


Mfrs Smith Roberts are rejoic-ing


in the unprecedented success oftheir big furrirure sale of which this-is the second day The first custom-ers today were a lot of Oxford citi ¬

zens who came up on the night trainand bought a big bill of goods Allday long the whole force has beenbusy waiting on customers The salewill continue ten days from the open-ing


day and every day will be busierthan the preceding one


In the County Judges Court of MarionCounty in the State of Florida inre the State of Florida plaintiff vsRobert Carter Defendant ChargeCriminal Prosecution Having WildDeer in Defendants Possession Dur¬ing June A D 190S

This cause coming on for further or ¬

der herein pursuant to the order ofthe court heretofore made herein com ¬

mitting one wild deer to the custody-of H S Chambers to be kept andmaintained by him until the furtherorder of this court herein and it nowappearing to the court that the saiddeer has become of such size age andstrength as to enable it to care forand maintain itself if released fromcaptivity and it further having appared to the court during the trial ofsaid caus <> that the said leer was cap-tured


by the snid defendant in the en-closed


premises of Walter Ray in thiscounty of Mj r ion state of FloridaWheivfor it is ordered that the deer

be and the sam is luroby ordered re-leased


and that th sheriff of Marioncounty tate of Florida do forthwithtake the said dier into his custody-and forthwith lease the same fromcaptivity at in or upon the said en-closed premises cf the said WalterRay as aforesaid and that he makereturn thereof to this court-

It is further ordered that the saidII S Chambers do forthwith deliverthe said leer into the custody of theshot iff of this county upon demandand that the said H S Chambers heand he is hereby extended the thanks-of this court for his asistance in thismatter and for his care of and sup-port


and maintenance of deer withoutexpense to the county of Marion un-der


th order of this courtDone and ordered this October I Id-

A D 1908Joseph Bell County Judge


The fawn has been a member of thefiremans zoo for the past few monthand the special pet of Chief Chamb-ers


and his assistants It is probablyowing to their care that the fawn isalive To turn it loose in the forestnow will insure hardships and prob-ably


cause its death There is noremedy the law must be obeyed butit will bf to the great regret of manyand particularly the children of Ocalawho have passed navy hours inwatching and admiring the pretty lit-tle


animal tThe pasture or enclosure of Mr

Rays ve ire informed containsabout 4CuO acres and the little deerwill at least lave the advantage ofthis month to become accustomed toits new environments before the gameseason opens-


Every turpentine operator will hailwith delight this invention by C M-

Mclntosh and A X Goodwin of Stan-dard


Marion runty for which appli ¬

cation for letters patent have beentiled by the inventors

Wo note from the application forletters patent

This invention relates to an im-


in the manufacture of spir ¬

its of turpentine and rosin and is adevice to be placed inside of a turpen-tine


still to separate a large portion-of tilt trash chips straw etc anddirt that usually appears in liquidcrude turpentine knoyn as dip fromthe same as it enters till still andthe objects of our invention are first-to prevent the injurious effects thatdirt has upon the still and strainers-over the cooling vat Trash and dirtin the dip during tile process of dis-tillation


settles to the bottom of thestill and the dirt cakes on the bottom-of the still often causing the charge-to scorch which invariably discolorsthe spirits of turptntino and rosinand trash and dirt when dischargedfrom the still mixed rosin clogsthe strainers over the cooling vat andinjures same and tie presence ofoven a small quantity of trash anddirt will discolor the product

The form of the separator is cylin-drical


and the material metalThe separator is placed in the still

and tIlt liquid crude turpentineknown as dip is poured into separa-tor


the dip running through themeshes of the wire cloth lining of theseparator tends its way into the still

I and a large porton of the trash anddirt that usually appears in dip re-

mains in the separator The separa-tor


containing the trash and dirt isremoved from the still just before va-

terI is turned into the still luring theprocess of distillation or immediatelybefore the still H discharged tile ef-


being the sameI Wo having no knowhdge of anylike invention claim tho following

j 1 That the removal of trash andI dirt from liquid crude turpentinej known as dip in the still bv the usei of our separator will make it possiblej to manufacture rosin of a Hghter col-

ori or higher grade from the same-i quality of dip and will prevent dis-


of spirits of turptntinoI w h n Caused by the presence of trash

Bpd dirt in the dip substantially asst forth

I 2 That the separator romoves-i such a large portion of dirt from thi lit in ho still Ps to eliminate all danj sror of scorching the charge and injurI ing th till when caustd by the TiresI re of dirt in same and leaves verylittle dirt to be discharged into thestrainers over the cooling vat all sbstantially as set forth

j Mr McIntosh is an experienced tur-pentine stiller and Mr Goodwin is a

j turpentine operator at Standard being-a member of the firm of McXeill

i Goodwin WithersThe inventors announce their inten-


to begin the manufacture of thisdevice at either Ocala or Jacksonvillein time to have the same ready fordelivery by the first of next March

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

l i-







I Announces the Fall Opening and Dis-



of the Latest Creations ofI





And Uptodate Millinery Novelties

Wednesday and Thursday October 78-



V H u 1J-

Muslin Underweari Sale-





Special No 1I

Ladies Muslin Night Robes trimmed with lace or em ¬

broidery or both assorted styles well made full sizesworth l25 this day only

I 79cS-

pecial No2Ladies Muslin Night Robes trimmed with lace or em-

broidery or both assorted styles well made full sizesworth 100 this day


Special No 3Ladies Muslin Corset Covers trimmed with two rows

of insertion one row of lace edging and two rows of ribbonLace e Iging around arm holes worth 35c this day only

190Look at the window and you will

have a better idea as to 1

the values


Here is a little story from the Chi-cago


News of an Englishman inWales On the comparative quali-ties


of the English and Welsh tonguesI let me tell of the Welshman who sa ¬

luted me in the Welsh I was compoled to confess ignorance Ah hesaid turning fluently enough to Eng-lish

¬ I

you should learn the Welsh Mywife was English and she can speakconversations now quite well

I acknowledged my shortcomings-and admitted that I had always un-

derstood the Welsh to bo a remarka-bly


eloquent tongue Yes yes it 5 ss j

j so said tlu native In Welsh a man I

can express exactly what he nuansAs for the English I call it not alanguage at allonly a dialect

You haf noted that an English-man


or a foreigner in speaking hislanguage waves his handy and armsabout to help out the meaning of the

I words But a Welshman who canI speak Wl h wlIh hass no need toI more his hands In the VeNh he can-

isay all that he rm ans


POLITICAL SPEAKERI A well dressed woman interrupted

a political speaker recently by con-

tinuallyJi coughing If she had takfnI

Foley Honey and Tar it would have r

curd her cough quickly and expelled-thE


cold from her system The genu ¬

ine Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers

WANTED Female that can worksewing machine and sew Apply 220North Second street Peter Ingram-

We lead the city on stationery tab-lets


and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore t



Plans furnished-on application-

PO Box 46 Ocala Fla



New and modern furnishingsElectric massage machine and elec-tric


fansSkilled workmen guarantee sat

faction to all customers

R A DETTERICH Proprietor1


J J FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goodsPressed and Cleaned on Short No¬

tice and Delivered Promptly Alltransient work not called for in 30days vil be sold for charges