s i the badgeofufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/03268/00407.pdf · 4w pt po i f i 4 i t c...

4w po i f i Pt 4 i t < if- W > c 7J4 r- i v 4 l I < j J- I > 1r < b OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10 190f i c7 B XIOBINSON President I r H BLITCH Muager J C BOOZER Ant Maaager I GEO J BLITCH Te- llerCOMMERCIAL I ± i T 2 BANK i OCALA FLA I THE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK ra the merchants the professional and successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surround Ing territory J We accommodate all classes Orr customers represent the men and J9 women who have built and are stl building successful enterprises We solicit a snare or your busin- essVERNON u i 1 W ELDRED THE tPTODATK p HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Card Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec- ialty ¬ New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Kesilvered Glass Frosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re- pairing ¬ P etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower f ALL WORK GUARANTEED 4 hue 21 Office Montezuma Hotel I THE FURNITURE HOUSE I I OF MciVER MacKAY t CARRIES A LARGE MODERN AND COMPLETE STOCK F O F- FURNITURE J f AND I HOUSE FURNISHINGS ALL KINDST- he r only House in Central Florida that Completely t Finishes toe Home Carries at all Times the Latest and lest in furniture Keeping up with he times and Josl i What the People Wait I Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell I ardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etc r Look over our Stock and get our prices before yo U- make your purchases Yours Respectfully f II GIVE R MAcKAY I Ocala Florida I t = i i I = IfthIIpun I- III9 i r I JIH For Infants and Children The Kind You flawI Always AVegetaWcPreparatioafbr As- similating ¬ uteToodandRegula- of t Lkig Bears the- Signature I PromoIes onClrftdt- tssaiidlstCoita1ns I nf1tr t OmMorphineMrMkwrA1 of NsucoTIc I I I r IJItI ra w I 7 I n I i I ApcrfectRcmcdyforConstipa- tinn 9aJ a Use Worms Mxmdsionsrevensli eavr ness mdLoss or For Over i YSL1SgntUreOf Iw YORK Thirty Years < b moii 1- 1Dosi s i MS s CASTOIIIAA- TLANTIC PCAC1 CQP7VT UAPPtL 1g StNTu ONPy NfW R COASTLINE ROUTE OF THE CELEBRATED Florida ad West Indian Limited and NewYork and Florida Express M E to the East 1 T To the West Dixie Flyer Montgomery Route U < Central Route U South Atlantic Route Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innati Chica St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate Points I PULLMAN DINING CAR SERVICE- For j tickets reservation or information call on nearest Coast Line Agt jr T J G KIRKLAND D P A Tampa Florida T C WHITE G P A Wilmm tonN C W J CRAIG PT M I t J c d4 j I i MEAT COSTS MONEY Dressed Beef Will Soon be Worth Its Weight in Silver Chicago Ill Sept 10The best grades of dressed beef reached a level that has not been attained in years when prices of Xo 1 ribs and loins were raised 1 12 and 2 cents respectively bringing No 1 ribs to 18 cents per pound and Xo 1 loins- to 21 cents per pound A year ago the same grade of ribs sold at 17 12 cents a pound while loins were quoted at 18 12 cents Packers claim that the shortage in receipts of cattle was responsi- ble for the increased cost of dressed beef products and to substantiate- their assertions refered to the sta- tistics compiled by the Union Stock- Yards and Transit company show- ing ¬ a falling off of approximately 200000 head in receipts of cattle for the year to date A NARROW ESCAPE Edgar X Bayllss a merchant of Robinsonvilc Del wrote About two years ago I was thin and sick and coughed all the time and if I did nit have consumption It was near to It I commenced using Folfys Honey awl Tar and it stopped my cough and now I am entirely well and have gaii ed twentyeight pounds all due to good results from taking Foloys Honey and Tar Sold by all drug- gists ¬ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION nd Proposed Charter of Oculn Gar uge 8 Supply Company- The undersigned intending and- roposing to organize a corporation under the general laws of the State- of Florida relating to corporations I for profit hereby make and publish the following articles of incorpora- tion ¬ I and proposed charter- I I The name of this corporation shall I be Ocala Garage Supply Company- and its principal place of business I shall Florida be at Ocala in Marion county II The general nature of the business I to be transacted by the company is- o t own lease or otherwise acquire I automobiles naphtha launches and all kinds of self propelling motor ehicles and machines operate and carryon a general garage business and own and othewise acquire al machinery tools implements and parts necessary and proper to be used in the repair of gas or gasolene engines automobiles launches and other self propelling motor vehicles buy and sell all kinds of self propelling motor vehicles or ma ¬ chines and all kinds of sup- plies ¬ incident to or used In the re ¬ I pair of such machines or vehicles and to act as the agent for other I companies dealing in such machines I vehicles or supplies rebuild or con- struct all kinds of self propelling I motor vehicles machines or boats own lease or otherwise acquire tools implements and machinery for the construction of hard roads and construct and build hard or maca- damized ¬ I roads in Florida operate lines of automobiles in Ocala and I surrounding country for the carriage of passengers own real estate and such personal property as is neces- sary ¬ or incident to the above busi ¬ ness and in general do and perform- any and all business that is necessary and incident to the automobile and garage business that is not incon ¬ sistent with the purpose of this char ¬ ter or the laws of the State of Flor- ida ¬ I III The amount of capital stock authori- zed ¬ is the sum of five thousand dol- lars ¬ which shall he divided into five hundred shares of the par value of- ten dollars each which shall be paid- in in cash ten per cent of which will be paid in at the first meeting of the subscribers to this proposed charter IV The term for which the corpora- tion ¬ shall exist is V twentyfive years The business of the corporation shall be conducted by a president- vice president a secretary a treas- urer ¬ and a board of not less than five directors who shall be elected- at the regular annual meeting of the stock holders and directors to be- held at Ocala on the first Tuesday- in October of each year The busi- ness ¬ of the company shall be con- ducted ¬ by the following named of- ficers ¬ until those elected at the first annual election shall be qualified towit Joseph Bell president D Wilber Tompkins vice president R R Carroll secretary R L Keating treasurer VI The highest amount of indebted- ness ¬ to which tho corporation can at any time subject itself is twentyfive thousand dollars VII The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount sub ¬ scribed by each are as follows Joseph Bell Ocala Fla 10 shares- D Wilber Tompkins Ocala Fla 10 shares- R IL Carroll Ocala Fla 10 shares- R L Keating Ocala Fla 10 shares H M Hampton Ocala Fla 10 shares- In witness whereof the said in corporators have hereunto set their hands and seals this the 19th day of August 1909 Joseph Bell seal- D Wilber Tompkins seal R R Carroll seal R L Keating seal- H M Hampton seal State of Florida County of Marion Personally appeared before me the I undersigned authority Joseph Bell D Wilber Tompkins R R Carroll- R I L Keating and H M Hampton to me well known to be the parties de- scribed ¬ I in and who executed the fore ¬ going articles of incorporation and proposed charter and each acknowl ¬ edged the execution of the same for I the uses and purposes therein set forth and expressed j Given under my hand and seal of office this the 19th day of August 1909 seal S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit Court Marion County Xotice of Intention to Apply for Let ¬ ters Patent Xotice is hereby given that on the 21st day of September 1909 the undersigned will apply to the gov- ernor ¬ of Florida at his office in Tal- lahassee ¬ Florida for letters patent upon the foregoing articles of incor- poration and proposed charter JOSEPH BELL- D WILBER TOMPKINS- R R CARROLL- R L KEATING H M HAMPTON TALLULAH FALLS WILL FURNISH POWER FOR ATLANTA Athens Ga bept 10The Messrs Moss of this city owners of the Tallulah Falls property or at least the majority portion of it have sold the water power there to the Atlanta Power Company for 100000 The Messrs Moss retain the prop- erty ¬ with the exception of the water- power The company purchasing- the power will develop 18000 power the greatest part of which will be used in Atlanta A wire line will be built from Tallulah to Gainesville to connect with tho line already running from that city to Atlanta It Is expected that this de- velopment ¬ will start soon AMMUNITION IN IllS APPENDIX Newark N Uellt 10Jacob Deisler has been going around with his vermiform appendix loaduu with birdshot without know v r jt remained for t AVUS ly hospital today to er ns of No S birdshot ati iey ha cut- out the loaded appendix They did not find any powder percussion- caps or gun wads Now Deisler is all right again and his friends joke him about the am- munition ¬ he carried about so long without knowing it The supposi- tion ¬ is that he swallowed the shot while eating rabbits of which he is exceedingly fond- LOUISIANANS DROWN A NEGRO RAPIST Rnyville La Sept 10News reached here last night that Henry Hill a negro who yesterday at- tempted ¬ to criminally assault Miss Nettie Jones near Maigham in Franklin parish was captured by infuriated citizens and drowned in a I creek near the scene of his attempt- ed ¬ crime Miss Jones had gone for a walk accompanied by a little boy when the negro attacked her Her screams and the cries of the boy frightened the negro away KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER- A merciless murderer Is appendicitis- with many victims But Dr Kings New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach liver and bowels preventing that clogging that Invites appendicitis curing con- stipation ¬ biliousness chills malara headache and indigestion 25c at all druggists A HOPELESS WRECK Chicago Sept 10A wreck men- tally ¬ and physically Alice Vebb Duke the woman who was recently divorced from B L Duke fhe million ¬ aire tobacco manufacturer has been committed to the asylum for the In- sane ¬ at Kankakee III The once brilliant woman is a com- plete ¬ wreck Brought before a jury- of physicians for examination here yesterday morning It required but ten I minutes of questioning to convince them that she was hopelessly insane HAVE YOU A BABY Then watch it closely And above all things dont lot It suffer for any I length of time with worms that I fatal If its complexion gets yellow and pasty if it is listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with llatu lence give it Whites Cream Vermifuge- The unly cure that never fails anti has no bad effects Sold by aJI dru- gglst9PIMPLES I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed to do me any good but I have found the right thing at last face was full of pimples and blackheads After taking Cascarets they all left I am continuing the use of them and recom ¬ mending them to my friends I feel fine when I rise in the morning Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets n FredC Vitten 76Elm St Newark NJ Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Good Never SickeD WeakeD or Gripe lOco 25c SOc Never sold In bulk The genu¬ ine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to cure or your money back 922 EquitableL- ife Assurance Society- Of The United Slates STRONGEST IN THE WORLD MISS FLORIDA CONDON Resident Agent = L ALEXANDER- Practical CARPENTER AND BUILDER Cart ru estimates mcre on all contract work cnves more and bet- ter ¬ work for the money than any other contractor In o- wnFflLEVS TONIGHT lOt5 AU- 25SO DTwfl HONEY AND TAR The original I LAXATIVE cough remeoy Tot coughs colas throat and Inn troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic- Good I everybody Sold everywhere The genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR U 1- uYIlow package Refuse substitute Prepared only by Peaey A Company Chicago FOR SALE 1Y ALL DEALERS I V S S S The Badgeof HonestyI- s Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discov- ery because a of ingredients composing it is printed there- In plain English More than forty years of has proven j its superior worth as a and invigorating tonic for the cure of stomach disorders and all liver up the rundown system 45 no other tonic can in which alcohol is used The active medicinal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queens root Stone root and Mandrake root Bloodroot- and Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure triplerefined glycerine- Send to Dr R V Pierce at Buffalo NY for free booklet which quotes extracts from wellrecognized medical authorities such as Drs Bartholow King Scudder Coe Ellingwood and a host of others showing that these roots can depended upon for their curative action in all weak states of the stomach accom ¬ panied by indigestion or dyspepsia as well as in all bilious or liver complaints and in all U wasting II where there is loss of flesh and gradual running down of the strength and system The Golden Medical Discovery makes rich pure blOod a d T so lnvi orates and regulates the stomach liver anti bowels and through them the whole system Thus all skin affection t blotches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swellins and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed In treating old running sores or ulcers it is well to insure their healing to apply to them Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your druggist dont happen to have Salve in stock send fifty cents in postage stamps to V Invalids Hotel and Sur- gical Institute Buffalo N Y and a large box of the AllHealing Salve will reach you by return post You cant afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this nonalcoholic i medicine OF KNOVN COMPOSITION not even though the dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit Though he the substitute for a you cant afford to experiment with your health Go where they give you what you ask for without argument 4 Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach liver and bowels Sugarcoated tiny granules easy to as candy I LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE 839010465Los Angeles and San Francisco on sale various dates Limit October 31 Variable routes and stopovers 9540Seattle Washington Variable routes and stopovers Limit Octo- ber ¬ a For further information call on or I write FJ Huber C P T A or J K Kirkland D P An Tampa FIn ALLEN C E LEAGUE- The second annual convention of the Allen Christian Endeavor League of the A M E church was called to order at 10 a m Sept 9th by State Superin- tendent ¬ Rev J W Dukes D D Singing and song service by tH6 choir Hymn Xo 15 by Rev S J John- son ¬ D D presiding elder of the St Petersburg districL Prayer by Rev P S Gowens Hymn No 10 by Rev A Scott D Dr presiding elder Palatka district Scripture reading Prov 11th chap tvr by Rev A J Kershaw D D pre- siding ¬ elder Monticello district Singing by the choir Roll call with 46 delegates answer ¬ ing present The message of the state superin- tendent ¬ Rev j w Dukes D D which was inspiring from beginning to end The message was full of information for leaguers and citizens In his mes- sage ¬ he gave us a full report of the good work that the leaguers are doing all over the state We are proud to point to such a man as Rev Dukes being our leader as young people Rev J R Scott and others were In ¬ troduced to the convention A paper The A C E League a Training School for Church Work by Miss Birch of Leesburg which was full of instruction The discussion of this paper was led by Rev James Dean Jacksonville district followed by Mrs Heard Mrs Payne and Mrs- A Graham These arethe reporters to the dif ¬ ferent papers Christian Recorder Rev A J Kershaw D D presiding cider Monticello district Southern Christian Rev R R Mazon Western Christian Rev D M Baxter A B D D Lincoln Bulletin S J John ¬ son D D presiding elder St Peters- burg ¬ district The Voice of Missions- Rev E C Deas TimesUlon George- A Lewis Metropolis Kate Phillips Banner George Slass Star Pearl An- derson ¬ Sunday Morning Band Jour ¬ nal Mrs A E Graham Loesburg Lookout Mrs P I Alridge Alliance Charity Herns Florida Labor Temple- E L Harris Afternoon September 9th Song service led by the convention ihnlr Opening hymn by Rev J L Moore- D D presiding elder Tampa district Prayer Rov A Scott D D presid- ing ¬ elder Palatka district Scripture lesoon Rev J L Moore- D D presiding elder Tampa district Singing by the choir Reports of the different leagues Address by Rev I R Scott Sub- ject ¬ Sabbath Observance which he ably discussed and when he was through we were all inspired to lay more attention to our Sundays in Ocala He brought so many good things to our sight or rather opened- our eyes to so many things that could be left off by each of us and be just I as happy Dr Scott come to us again WARNING- Do not be persuaded into taking anything but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever asthma and lung trouble as it stops the cough and heals the lungs Sold bv all druggists- in the District Court of the United States in and for the Southern Dis ¬ trict of Florida- In re William C OBannon Bank- rupt ¬ In Bankruptcy To the creditors of William C OBan ¬ non of Dunnellon Marion county and district aforesaid a bankrupt I Xotice is hereby given that on the 9th day of September 1909 the said William C OBannon was duly ad ¬ judicated a bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditors will be- held at the courthouse in Ocala Flor- ida ¬ on the 21st day of September I 1909 at 9 oclock a m at which time the creditors may attend prove their claims appoint a trustee examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before the said meeting Tampa Florida Sept 9th 1909 William Hunter Referee In Bankruptcy I r t X X + eM+ e + rt + oX i4L HOWES 1 LITTLE BONANZA J S E ROWE PROPRIETOR J OCALA FLOM11A f ALL KINDS OF tI 4 Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce lath i Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com- plete ¬ A Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right t UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Clas r Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers i Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought x and Sold Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 ill and 102 North Magnolia Stree- ts X >> s + >> + The Value of Good- Digestion Is easy to figure if you know what your stomach is worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par value by insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics and absolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anything try normal process In perfectly digest- ing ¬ or accomplish any good Neither all food taken Into the stom- ach ¬ does dieting Indigestion and the serious ailments which it induce While Kodol In doing this the can be averted and corrected only stomach ia restingand becoming by natural means strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this natural bealthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomach aound and active brain work for Itjust as the stomach The man with a sound stomach should perform it while the stom- ach ¬ a stomach that Is doing for the takes a little rest for ta c body just what Nature Intended stomachs sake It to dola the man who Is always Our Guarantee prepared for any emergency He Go to Tour dntgrgltt todsyandgeta dal Is there with the goods lar bottle Then after YOU ue4 ue The man with a sick stomach Is entire contents of the bottle If you a a man sick all over When the honestly say that it haa not dose you MIT good return the bottle to the druggist asd ot stomach Is Irritated by undigested 11I refund your money without r food the blood and heart are di- rectly ¬ tlon or delay We will them pay U e dref Elst for the bottle Dont affected Then dullness un drsggiteknowrhatournaranseIsguoi natural sleepiness sickheadaches applies to large bottle oaly vertigo and fainting spells and and to but one In a family The larf bot tie contains timca as mncfc as Ute If tf ren serious brain trouble develop cent bottle Kodol will prevent these Kodol is prepared at the labors Spurring the stomach and brrJa odes of E C DeWltt ItCoCbIcaa FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLARa DRUGSTORES SEABOARDAIR- LINE SHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS- Year Round Limited Nov 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos 66 and 43 66 84 81 43 10Z0 am 9O0 pmlLV Tampa Arl 6j30 aml 600 put 1115 amlO00 Turkey Creek Lvj 530 aml 508 pm 1130 amIO20 pmLv Plant City Lv 515 am 468 pm 1220 am 1118 Dade City Lv 55 am 458 pm 148 pm 110 Wildwood Lv 235 am 235 pm 245 pm 210 arnftv ocata LV 15 am 137 pm 440 pm 430 amjLv Waldo L1140 pml131aBl COOpm 615 Baldwin Lvl017pm1015aE 640 pm 700 pmAr Jacksonville LVi 930 pm 9ZO am 750 pm 905 amlLv Jacksonville Arl 500 pm 715 am 1140 pmIa pmAr Savannah 110 pm 245 am 420 am 4aO pmAr Columbia Ar102 am 1140 pm 1154 am 1225 amlAr RaleIgh Ar 345 am510pIB 540 pm 750 amlAr Portsmouth Ar 900 pm 95 am 505 530 arnAr Richmond Ar10fOp 125 pm 835 pml 850 amtAr Washington Lv 720 pm 905 am 952 pmjlO02 amlAr Baltimore Lv 605pm 606 am 1151 Philadelphia 335 pm am 353 am 24a pmfAr New York Lv13l pml21O am Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a m SARASOTA BRANCH 410 pmj 730 amLv Tampa Ari630 pm1 1015 am 510 pm 820 amjLv Turkey CreekAr535 pm 920 am 740 pmlO40 araAr Palmetto Lv250 pm 649 am 755pm 1055 amAr Manatee Lv235 pm 635 am 800 am Ar Bradentown Lv231 pm 631 am 835 pmll45 amJAr Sarasota Lv200 pm 600 am QUICKEST SERViCE TO AND FROM NEW YORK These arrivals and departures as well as time and connections with other companies are given as Information and are not guaranteed Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New York on trains NOB 84 and SI Dining Car Service Parlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains Nos C6 and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville and New York and Dining Car Service on trains Nys 66 and 43 For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea ¬ board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson- ville ¬ Fla or call on H C RAYSOR C T A Ocala Fla A M DICKERSON Traveling Passenger Agent Tampa FU p S I 1v S 5 J v 4 t rirrr it

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Page 1: S I The Badgeofufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03268/00407.pdf · 4w Pt po i f i 4 i t  c 7J4 r- v l i 4 I < j 1r I J-> OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY SEPTEMBER

4wpo i f iPt

4 i t < if-W > c 7J4 r-

iv 4lI < j J-



B XIOBINSON President Ir H BLITCHMuager J C BOOZER Ant MaaagerI







ra the merchants the professional and successful men and women ofthe city the farmers of the surround Ing territory J

We accommodate all classes Orr customers represent the men andJ9

women who have built and are stl building successful enterprisesWe solicit a snare or your busin-





p HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERCard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec-


New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Kesilvered GlassFrosting Gilding Graining Kalsomining Furniture Re-pairing


P etc Quality a little higherprices a little lowerf ALL WORK GUARANTEED

4 hue 21 Office Montezuma Hotel







her only House in Central Florida that Completely

t Finishes toe Home Carries at all Times the Latest andlest in furniture Keeping up with he times and Josl

i What the People Wait

I Also carries a Complete Line of Builders and Shell

I ardware Carriages Wagons Buggies Harness Saddles Etcr Look over our Stock and get our prices before yoU-

make your purchases Yours Respectfully

f II GIVE R MAcKAYI Ocala FloridaIt

= ii I




i rI JIH For Infants and Children

The Kind You flawIAlways

AVegetaWcPreparatioafbr As-


uteToodandRegula-oft Lkig Bears the-

SignatureI PromoIes onClrftdt-tssaiidlstCoita1ns


nf1trt OmMorphineMrMkwrA1 ofNsucoTIc I



raw I7 I n


i I


9aJ a UseWormsMxmdsionsrevenslieavrness mdLoss or For Over

i YSL1SgntUreOf

Iw YORK Thirty Years< b moii 1-

1Dosi s i MS




1g StNTu ONPy NfW R


Florida ad West Indian Limitedand NewYork and Florida Express M

E to the East1 T To the West

Dixie Flyer Montgomery RouteU<

Central Route U South Atlantic RoutePullman Buffet Sleeping Cars to New York Louisville Cin innati Chica

St Louis Atlanta and Intermediate PointsI



tickets reservation or information call on nearest Coast Line Agt jrT J G KIRKLAND D P A Tampa Florida




cd4 j I i


Dressed Beef Will Soon be Worth ItsWeight in Silver

Chicago Ill Sept 10The bestgrades of dressed beef reached alevel that has not been attained inyears when prices of Xo 1 ribs andloins were raised 1 12 and 2 centsrespectively bringing No 1 ribs to18 cents per pound and Xo 1 loins-to 21 cents per pound

A year ago the same grade of ribssold at 17 12 cents a pound whileloins were quoted at 18 12 cents

Packers claim that the shortagein receipts of cattle was responsi-ble for the increased cost of dressedbeef products and to substantiate-their assertions refered to the sta-tistics compiled by the Union Stock-Yards and Transit company show-ing


a falling off of approximately200000 head in receipts of cattlefor the year to date

A NARROW ESCAPEEdgar X Bayllss a merchant of

Robinsonvilc Del wrote About twoyears ago I was thin and sick andcoughed all the time and if I did nithave consumption It was near to ItI commenced using Folfys Honey awlTar and it stopped my cough andnow I am entirely well and have gaiied twentyeight pounds all due togood results from taking FoloysHoney and Tar Sold by all drug-gists



nd Proposed Charter of Oculn Garuge 8 Supply Company-

The undersigned intending and-roposing to organize a corporation

under the general laws of the State-of Florida relating to corporations I

for profit hereby make and publishthe following articles of incorpora-tion


and proposed charter-I


The name of this corporation shallIbe Ocala Garage Supply Company-and its principal place of business

I shallFlorida

be at Ocala in Marion county

IIThe general nature of the business

Ito be transacted by the company is-ot own lease or otherwise acquire

I automobiles naphtha launches andall kinds of self propelling motorehicles and machines operate andcarryon a general garage businessand own and othewise acquire almachinery tools implements andparts necessary and proper to beused in the repair of gas or gasoleneengines automobiles launches andother self propelling motor vehiclesbuy and sell all kinds of selfpropelling motor vehicles or ma¬

chines and all kinds of sup-plies


incident to or used In the re¬

I pair of such machines or vehiclesand to act as the agent for other

I companies dealing in such machinesI vehicles or supplies rebuild or con-struct all kinds of self propelling

I motor vehicles machines or boatsown lease or otherwise acquiretools implements and machinery forthe construction of hard roads andconstruct and build hard or maca-damized

¬ I

roads in Florida operatelines of automobiles in Ocala and I

surrounding country for the carriageof passengers own real estate andsuch personal property as is neces-sary


or incident to the above busi ¬

ness and in general do and perform-any and all business that is necessaryand incident to the automobile andgarage business that is not incon ¬

sistent with the purpose of this char ¬

ter or the laws of the State of Flor-ida


IIIThe amount of capital stock authori-


is the sum of five thousand dol-lars


which shall he divided into fivehundred shares of the par value of-

ten dollars each which shall be paid-in in cash ten per cent of whichwill be paid in at the first meeting ofthe subscribers to this proposedcharter

IVThe term for which the corpora-


shall exist isV

twentyfive years

The business of the corporationshall be conducted by a president-vice president a secretary a treas-urer


and a board of not less thanfive directors who shall be elected-at the regular annual meeting of thestock holders and directors to be-held at Ocala on the first Tuesday-in October of each year The busi-ness


of the company shall be con-ducted


by the following named of-ficers


until those elected at the firstannual election shall be qualifiedtowit Joseph Bell president DWilber Tompkins vice president RR Carroll secretary R L Keatingtreasurer

VIThe highest amount of indebted-


to which tho corporation can atany time subject itself is twentyfivethousand dollars

VIIThe names and residences of the

subscribers and the amount sub ¬

scribed by each are as followsJoseph Bell Ocala Fla 10 shares-D Wilber Tompkins Ocala Fla

10 shares-R IL Carroll Ocala Fla 10

shares-R L Keating Ocala Fla 10

sharesH M Hampton Ocala Fla 10

shares-In witness whereof the said in

corporators have hereunto set theirhands and seals this the 19th day ofAugust 1909

Joseph Bell seal-D Wilber Tompkins sealR R Carroll sealR L Keating seal-H M Hampton seal

State of FloridaCounty of Marion

Personally appeared before me theIundersigned authority Joseph BellD Wilber Tompkins R R Carroll-RI L Keating and H M Hampton tome well known to be the parties de-scribed

¬I in and who executed the fore ¬

going articles of incorporation andproposed charter and each acknowl ¬

edged the execution of the same forI the uses and purposes therein setforth and expressed

j Given under my hand and seal ofoffice this the 19th day of August1909 seal S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court Marion CountyXotice of Intention to Apply for Let ¬

ters PatentXotice is hereby given that on the

21st day of September 1909 theundersigned will apply to the gov-ernor


of Florida at his office in Tal-lahassee


Florida for letters patentupon the foregoing articles of incor-poration and proposed charter



Athens Ga bept 10TheMessrs Moss of this city owners ofthe Tallulah Falls property or atleast the majority portion of ithave sold the water power there tothe Atlanta Power Company for

100000The Messrs Moss retain the prop-


with the exception of the water-power The company purchasing-the power will develop 18000power the greatest part of whichwill be used in Atlanta A wireline will be built from Tallulah toGainesville to connect with tho linealready running from that city toAtlanta It Is expected that this de-velopment


will start soon


Newark N Uellt 10JacobDeisler has been going around withhis vermiform appendix loaduu withbirdshot without know v r jtremained for t AVUS lyhospital today to er nsof No S birdshot ati iey ha cut-out the loaded appendix They didnot find any powder percussion-caps or gun wads

Now Deisler is all right again andhis friends joke him about the am-munition


he carried about so longwithout knowing it The supposi-tion


is that he swallowed the shotwhile eating rabbits of which he isexceedingly fond-


Rnyville La Sept 10Newsreached here last night that HenryHill a negro who yesterday at-tempted


to criminally assault MissNettie Jones near Maigham inFranklin parish was captured byinfuriated citizens and drowned in a I

creek near the scene of his attempt-ed


crimeMiss Jones had gone for a walk

accompanied by a little boy whenthe negro attacked her Herscreams and the cries of the boyfrightened the negro away


A merciless murderer Is appendicitis-with many victims But Dr KingsNew Life Pills kill it by preventionThey gently stimulate stomach liverand bowels preventing that cloggingthat Invites appendicitis curing con-stipation


biliousness chills malaraheadache and indigestion 25c at alldruggists


Chicago Sept 10A wreck men-tally


and physically Alice VebbDuke the woman who was recentlydivorced from B L Duke fhe million ¬

aire tobacco manufacturer has beencommitted to the asylum for the In-


at Kankakee IIIThe once brilliant woman is a com-


wreck Brought before a jury-of physicians for examination hereyesterday morning It required but ten


minutes of questioning to convincethem that she was hopelessly insane

HAVE YOU A BABYThen watch it closely And above

all things dont lot It suffer for anyI

length of time with worms that I

fatal If its complexion gets yellowand pasty if it is listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with llatulence give it Whites Cream Vermifuge-The unly cure that never fails anti hasno bad effects Sold by aJI dru-

gglst9PIMPLESI tried all kinds of blood remedies

which failed to do me any good but Ihave found the right thing at lastface was full of pimples and blackheadsAfter taking Cascarets they all left I amcontinuing the use of them and recom ¬

mending them to my friends I feel finewhen I rise in the morning Hope tohave a chance to recommend Cascarets nFredC Vitten 76Elm St Newark NJ

Pleasant Palatable Potent Taste GoodDo Good Never SickeD WeakeD or GripelOco 25c SOc Never sold In bulk The genu¬ine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed tocure or your money back 922


ife Assurance Society-

Of The United Slates



Resident Agent=



Cart ru estimates mcre on allcontract work cnves more and bet-ter


work for the money than anyother contractor In o-



lOt5 AU-25SO DTwfl

HONEYAND TARThe original


LAXATIVE cough remeoyTot coughs colas throat and Inntroubles No opiates Nonalcoholic-Good


everybody Sold everywhereThe genuine


uYIlow package Refuse substitutePrepared only by

Peaey A Company ChicagoFOR SALE 1Y ALL DEALERS




The Badgeof HonestyI-s Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierces Golden Medical Discov-

ery because a of ingredients composing it is printed there-In plain English More than forty years of has proven jits superior worth as a and invigorating tonic forthe cure of stomach disorders and all liver up therundown system 45 no other tonic can in which alcohol is usedThe active medicinal principles of native roots such as GoldenSeal and Queens root Stone root and Mandrake root Bloodroot-and Black Cherrybark are extracted and preserved by the use ofchemically pure triplerefined glycerine-

Send to Dr R V Pierce at Buffalo N Y for free bookletwhich quotes extracts from wellrecognized medical authoritiessuch as Drs Bartholow King Scudder Coe Ellingwood and ahost of others showing that these roots can depended uponfor their curative action in all weak states of the stomach accom ¬

panied by indigestion or dyspepsia as well as in all bilious or livercomplaints and in all U wasting II where there is loss offlesh and gradual running down of the strength and system

The Golden Medical Discovery makes rich pure blOod a dT

so lnvi orates and regulates the stomach liver anti bowelsand through them the whole system Thus all skin affection t

blotches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swellinsand old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed

In treating old running sores or ulcers it is well to insure their healing to apply to themDr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your druggist dont happen to have Salve instock send fifty cents in postage stamps to V Invalids Hotel and Sur-gical Institute Buffalo N Y and a large box of the AllHealing Salve will reachyou by return post

You cant afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this nonalcoholicimedicine OF KNOVN COMPOSITION not even though the dealer may therebymake a little bigger profit Though he the substitute for a youcant afford to experiment with your health Go where they give you what you askfor without argument 4

Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach liver and bowelsSugarcoated tiny granules easy to as candy I


839010465Los Angeles and SanFrancisco on sale various datesLimit October 31 Variable routesand stopovers

9540Seattle Washington Variableroutes and stopovers Limit Octo-ber

¬aFor further information call on or I

write F J Huber C P T A orJ K Kirkland D P An Tampa FIn


The second annual convention of theAllen Christian Endeavor League of theA M E church was called to order at10 a m Sept 9th by State Superin-tendent


Rev J W Dukes D DSinging and song service by tH6

choirHymn Xo 15 by Rev S J John-


D D presiding elder of the StPetersburg districL

Prayer by Rev P S GowensHymn No 10 by Rev A Scott D

Dr presiding elder Palatka districtScripture reading Prov 11th chap

tvr by Rev A J Kershaw D D pre-siding


elder Monticello districtSinging by the choirRoll call with 46 delegates answer ¬

ing presentThe message of the state superin-


Rev j w Dukes D D whichwas inspiring from beginning to endThe message was full of informationfor leaguers and citizens In his mes-sage


he gave us a full report of thegood work that the leaguers are doingall over the state We are proud topoint to such a man as Rev Dukesbeing our leader as young people

Rev J R Scott and others were In ¬

troduced to the conventionA paper The A C E League a

Training School for Church Work byMiss Birch of Leesburg which wasfull of instruction The discussion ofthis paper was led by Rev JamesDean Jacksonville district followedby Mrs Heard Mrs Payne and Mrs-A Graham

These arethe reporters to the dif¬

ferent papers Christian RecorderRev A J Kershaw D D presidingcider Monticello district SouthernChristian Rev R R Mazon WesternChristian Rev D M Baxter A BD D Lincoln Bulletin S J John ¬

son D D presiding elder St Peters-burg


district The Voice of Missions-Rev E C Deas TimesUlon George-A Lewis Metropolis Kate PhillipsBanner George Slass Star Pearl An-derson


Sunday Morning Band Jour ¬

nal Mrs A E Graham LoesburgLookout Mrs P I Alridge AllianceCharity Herns Florida Labor Temple-E L Harris

Afternoon September 9thSong service led by the convention

ihnlrOpening hymn by Rev J L Moore-

D D presiding elder Tampa districtPrayer Rov A Scott D D presid-


elder Palatka districtScripture lesoon Rev J L Moore-

D D presiding elder Tampa districtSinging by the choirReports of the different leaguesAddress by Rev I R Scott Sub-


Sabbath Observance which heably discussed and when he wasthrough we were all inspired to laymore attention to our Sundays inOcala He brought so many goodthings to our sight or rather opened-our eyes to so many things that couldbe left off by each of us and be just I

as happy Dr Scott come to usagain


Do not be persuaded into takinganything but Foleys Honey and Tarfor chronic coughs bronchitis hayfever asthma and lung trouble as itstops the cough and heals the lungsSold bv all druggists-

in the District Court of the UnitedStates in and for the Southern Dis ¬

trict of Florida-In re William C OBannon Bank-


In BankruptcyTo the creditors of William C OBan ¬

non of Dunnellon Marion countyand district aforesaid a bankrupt I

Xotice is hereby given that on the9th day of September 1909 the saidWilliam C OBannon was duly ad ¬

judicated a bankrupt and that thefirst meeting of his creditors will be-held at the courthouse in Ocala Flor-ida


on the 21st day of September I

1909 at 9 oclock a m at which timethe creditors may attend prove theirclaims appoint a trustee examine thebankrupt and transact such otherbusiness as may properly come beforethe said meeting

Tampa Florida Sept 9th 1909William Hunter

Referee In Bankruptcy

Ir t

X X + eM+ e+ rt+ oX i4L



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A Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right

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r Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers

i Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Boughtx and Sold

Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652

ill and 102 North Magnolia Stree-

ts X >> s + >> +

The Value of Good-Digestion

Is easy to figure if you know what your stomachis worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par valueby insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia

Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tonics andabsolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesnt cure anything trynormal process In perfectly digest-ing

¬ or accomplish any good Neitherall food taken Into the stom-

ach¬ does dieting Indigestion and the

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stomach ia restingand becoming by natural meansstrong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies this naturalbealthy stomach guarantees a means It performs the stomachaound and active brain work for Itjust as the stomach

The man with a sound stomach should perform it while the stom-ach


a stomach that Is doing for the takes a little rest for ta c

body just what Nature Intended stomachs sakeIt to dola the man who Is always Our Guaranteeprepared for any emergency He Go to Tour dntgrgltt todsyandgeta dalIs there with the goods lar bottle Then after YOU ue4 ue

The man with a sick stomach Is entire contents of the bottle If you aa man sick all over When the honestly say that it haa not dose you MIT

good return the bottle to the druggist asd otstomach Is Irritated by undigested 11I refund your money without rfood the blood and heart are di-rectly

¬ tlon or delay We will them pay U e drefElst for the bottle Dontaffected Then dullness un drsggiteknowrhatournaranseIsguoinatural sleepiness sickheadaches applies to large bottle oalyvertigo and fainting spells and and to but one In a family The larf bottie contains timca as mncfc as Ute Iftfren serious brain trouble develop cent bottleKodol will prevent these Kodol is prepared at the labors

Spurring the stomach and brrJa odes of E C DeWltt ItCoCbIcaaFOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLARa DRUGSTORES

SEABOARDAIR-LINESHORTEST LINE FASTEST TRAINS-Year Round Limited Nov 84 and 81 Florida Fast Mail Nos 66 and 43

66 84 81 4310Z0 am 9O0 pmlLV Tampa Arl 6j30 aml 600 put1115 amlO00 Turkey Creek Lvj 530 aml 508 pm1130 amIO20 pmLv Plant City Lv 515 am 468 pm1220 am 1118 Dade City Lv 55 am 458 pm148 pm 110 Wildwood Lv 235 am 235 pm245 pm 210 arnftv ocata LV 15 am 137 pm440 pm 430 amjLv Waldo L1140 pml131aBlCOOpm 615 Baldwin Lvl017pm1015aE640 pm 700 pmAr Jacksonville LVi 930 pm 9ZO am750 pm 905 amlLv Jacksonville Arl 500 pm 715 am1140 pmIa pmAr Savannah 110 pm 245 am420 am 4aO pmAr Columbia Ar102 am 1140 pm

1154 am 1225 amlAr RaleIgh Ar 345 am510pIB540 pm 750 amlAr Portsmouth Ar 900 pm 95 am505 530 arnAr Richmond Ar10fOp 125 pm835 pml 850 amtAr Washington Lv 720 pm 905 am952 pmjlO02 amlAr Baltimore Lv 605pm 606 am1151 Philadelphia 335pm am353 am 24a pmfAr New York Lv13l pml21O am

Passengers may remain sleeper until 7 a mSARASOTA BRANCH

410 pmj 730 amLv Tampa Ari630 pm1 1015 am510 pm 820 amjLv Turkey CreekAr535 pm 920 am740 pmlO40 araAr Palmetto Lv250 pm 649 am755pm 1055 amAr Manatee Lv235 pm 635 am800 am Ar Bradentown Lv231 pm 631 am835 pmll45 amJAr Sarasota Lv200 pm 600 am

QUICKEST SERViCE TO AND FROM NEW YORKThese arrivals and departures as well as time and connections withother companies are given as Information and are not guaranteedPullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Tampa and New Yorkon trains NOB 84 and SI Dining Car ServiceParlor Cafe Cars between Tampa and Jacksonville on trains Nos C6

and 43 Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Jacksonville andNew York and Dining Car Service on trains Nys 66 and 43For full Information and sleeper reservations call on any agent Sea¬

board or write to S C BOYLSTON Asst Gen Pass Agent Jackson-ville

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