s messengerimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2605/001885_kings... · love – the february hilltopper’s...

Special points of interest: Spring Fling Sign Up Begins! CTK Kids & Youth Pages No Garage Sale 2019 Palm Sunday Hymn Festival 4/14 Call Committee Corner 2 Connections Shelter Experience 3 Looking Ahead to Lent 4 Finance Update 5 Prayer Articles 5 Inside this issue: The Kings Messenger CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Volume 55 Issue 2 February, 2019 What is a Deacon? Have you ever heard the term deaconand wondered what that even is? How is a deacon different from a pastor? Join us in the Fireside Room for coffee and conversation as Billie Jo shares with us her seminary journey and internship at CTK, as we learn together about the role of a Deacon in the ELCA church. Come hear what it will mean including what remains the same, changes, and more as CTK prepares to extend a deacon call to Billie Jo as Minister of Faith Formation. Adult Forum on Sunday, February 10th 9:30am in the Fireside Room Read Pastor Patricks article on page 2 of this newsletter for more on this topic. Scout Sunday —February 3rd Troop 76 will be hosting a Pancake* Breakfast from 8:30-11:00 am With scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, juice, coffee *Gluten-free pancakes available upon request Cost: Adults $6.00 Kids $3.00 Come and support Troop 76!! February Hilltoppers Tuesday – February 19 th 11:00am—Chapel With February being the month of Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day being all about Love – the February Hilltopper’s program will be The Music of Love. Pastor John and Ellen will be presenting a program that lifts up some of the all-time great love songs along with some of the world’s best-loved hymns. Come and listen and join in singing – The Music of Love. If you plan to stay for lunch, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway. Our Annual Ash Wednesday Soup Supper will be held on March 6th Put your chef hat on and bring us your tastiest crockpot of soup! A sign-up will be in the Community Room beginning February 20th. Hey CLUB Kids & Parents! Early Bird Registration for Green Lake Bible Camp Ends February 15thsave $40! See Billie Jos Youth Page for more details. The Music of Love

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    Special points of interest:

    Spring Fling Sign Up Begins!

    CTK Kids & Youth Pages

    No Garage Sale 2019

    Palm Sunday Hymn Festival 4/14

    Call Committee Corner 2

    Connections Shelter Experience 3

    Looking Ahead to Lent 4

    Finance Update 5

    Prayer Articles 5

    Inside this issue:


    e K


    ’s M





















    Volume 55 Issue 2

    February, 2019

    What is a Deacon? Have you ever heard the term “deacon” and wondered what that even is? How is a deacon different from a pastor? Join us in the Fireside Room for coffee and conversation as Billie Jo shares with us her seminary journey and internship at CTK, as we learn together about the role of a Deacon in the ELCA church. Come hear what it will mean including what remains the same, changes, and more as CTK prepares to extend a deacon call to Billie Jo as Minister of Faith Formation.

    Adult Forum on Sunday, February 10th 9:30am in the Fireside Room

    Read Pastor Patrick’s article on page 2 of this newsletter for more on this topic.

    Scout Sunday —February 3rd Troop 76 will be hosting a Pancake* Breakfast

    from 8:30-11:00 am With scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, juice, coffee *Gluten-free pancakes available upon request

    Cost: Adults $6.00 Kids $3.00 Come and support Troop 76!!

    February Hilltoppers Tuesday – February 19th – 11:00am—Chapel

    With February being the month of Valentine’s Day and Valentine’s Day being all about Love – the February Hilltopper’s program will be The Music of Love. Pastor John and Ellen will be presenting a program that lifts up some of the all-time great love songs along with some of the world’s best-loved hymns. Come and listen and join in singing – The Music of Love. If you plan to stay for lunch, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway.

    Our Annual Ash Wednesday Soup Supper

    will be held on March 6th Put your chef hat on and bring us your tastiest crockpot of soup! A sign-up will be in the Community Room beginning February 20th.

    Hey CLUB Kids & Parents! Early Bird Registration for Green Lake Bible

    Camp Ends February 15th… save $40! See Billie Jo’s Youth Page for more details.

    The Music of Love


  • 2

    By Pastor Patrick Calling a Deacon

    There’s something new going on at CTK. At its November meeting, the Christ the King Church council voted unanimously to extend a call to Billie Jo Wicks as a deacon following the successful completion of her candidacy process. She is currently completing the final stage of her internship and is scheduled for an approval interview on February 22. That means we could have a special congregational meeting for the purpose of calling her as a minister of word and service in early March. What does

    this mean and why is it important, you ask? Allow me to explain...

    Billie Jo was hired as our youth and family director last summer. She’s been doing an excellent job as the newest member of the CTK staff. Billie Jo came highly qualified with a master’s degree in education and several years of teaching experience. She also received her Master of Arts in youth and family ministry from Luther Seminary, and served as a faith formation director for Our Savior’s Lutheran in Austin. During the interview process, we learned that she was in the candidacy process for consecration as a deacon. This was an added bonus which opened up new possibilities that we had not yet imagined. The fact was, none of us knew a whole lot about deacons in our church.

    While deacons have always been active in the ELCA, they and other non-ordained leaders became structured under a new moniker of Minister of Word and Service at the last ELCA church-wide gathering. The governance of our denomination sought to consolidate the many streams of non-ordained ministers into one category. By contrast, ordained pastors who obtain a Master of Divinity degree and complete the candidacy process are called as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Both types of rostered leaders provide valuable gifts of ministry to the church, but each has a slightly different focus.

    In Billie Jo’s case, she has specialized ministry training in Christian education. With the resignation of Pastor Trish, we have taken the educational responsibilities that used to reside in the associate pastor position description to create a new position for Billie Jo as a faith formation minister. By doing so, we are now able to reimagine the position description for our call to a new associate pastor. That means our new pastor could focus on other areas of need at CTK. The council has been discussing some ideas for this new focus, and the associate pastor call committee will be seeking input from the congregation as well. There’s a sense that the greatest need we have for the new associate pastor would be in finding ways to engage the disparate members of CTK to create more connections that build engagement.

    Calling Billie Jo as a deacon will bring new energy and vitality to all areas of faith formation at CTK. In her new role, she would oversee all aspects of faith formation & staff working in those areas. While this new called position will have a slight budgetary impact as we contribute to her ELCA pension as required for rostered leaders, the added investment is expected to pay huge dividends in the faith life of our congregation. To learn more about what a deacon is, consider attending the adult forum scheduled for Feb. 10. If you can’t make that, feel free to visit with Billie Jo or myself.

    Call Committee Corner The first official meeting of the Associate Pastor Call Committee was held January 11th and one of the important goals of this formal process is to keep our membership informed in a variety of ways - - thus the creation of this “Call Committee Corner”.

    This month, we formed two groups from the committee; one working on the congregational profile and the other one working on a congregational survey for members re: their wishes for an associate pastor, etc. (All are encouraged to participate in this...stay tuned).

    We want to advise that there will be information that we can publically share and we hope you understand, also some data that must be kept confidential.

    Your ideas and input are indeed important and the call committee members (listed below) encourage dialogue with you.

    Elected Call Committee Members Ann Stewart, Chairperson; Carrie Kijenski, Travis Lupke, Matthew Birkmaier, Kathy Brozik,

    Michael Much, Jeri Retzlaff, and Shannon Sinning (Council Liaison)


  • 3

    The Altar Guild ladies are again collecting winter hats, scarves, coats, boots and snow pants for grade school age children in our elementary schools. A donation box is located in the Narthex. Thank you!

    —Exploring Religious Questions Series—Winter 2019

    Religious Hate Crimes: Roots, Realities, and Interfaith Responses in our own Backyard is the topic for the 2019 mini-course series at Gustavus Adolphus College. Meeting dates are February 11, 18, 25, and March 4th (snow date is March 11th) from 7:00-9:00pm. For more information, and to register, please contact church relations at GAC: 507-333-7001/gustavus.edu/churchrelations.

    Altar Guild Continues Collecting Cold Weather Gear for Schools

    Please keep in mind Christ the King’s winter weather policy as we head into what are typically our

    coldest months. All church events will be cancelled and the building closed on any day Mankato

    School District 77 closes or has early release due to weather conditions. On weekends, please use your

    discretion, as we will not cancel worship due to weather.

    Winter Weather Policy

    I recognize him I thought to myself as I was stopped for a red light on South Riverfront, one cold day this winter. He was walking right in front of my pickup. I have seen him before; but, where? His coat was not well appointed. His facial hair several days not shaved. I know him; but, from where? I remember now! I saw him when I helped with the temporary homeless shelter at church last November. I wonder if I will see him again at church the last week in March?

    We rise early in the morning to get to church so we can make coffee, put out assorted snacks and wake this man and 25 or so others to help them start their day. Or, we come to church to share a meal and an evening with those whose circumstances are different than ours. Or, we clean bedding, pick up, unload and load the moving trailer. The 50 or so of us from CTK who, over the course of three weeks the last two winters, have assisted with the temporary homeless shelter enjoy it. This is a congregation of many talents to "make Christ known". As Paul points out in Romans 12:7 - 9 some have talents "... to serve, we should serve; ...to encourage others, we should do so. Whoever shares with others should do it generously;...whoever shows kindness to others should do it cheerfully."

    Christ the King will again host the shelter the week of March 25 through April 1st. Sign ups will begin in early March. Are YOU one of us? COME JOIN US and find out. I know now when I see that man I will remember I gave a little that may have helped him and others through a "long winter's night"!

    Christ the King to Host “Connection Shelter” in March Hear what one volunteer has to say about what this ministry means to him...

    Southern Minnesota Nurses Bowl-A-Thon 2019

    to Benefit Connections Shelter This year’s Bowl-A-Thon sponsored by the Southern Minnesota Nurses will be held on Sunday, March 24th at Victory Bowl in Mankato.

    SMN is asking organizations like Christ the King to sponsor a team and encourage others to participate in this event. The bowling is not a competition, but geared for providing a fun time for families and adults alike with door prizes and lots of fun. Cost is $25/person (4-5 individuals/team which includes 2 games of bowling with shoes and snacks).

    To reserve a time for a team, please email your team name and captain contact info by March 15 to... [email protected]. For more information, go to www.southernminnesotanurses.org. All proceeds from the event go to benefit Connections as well as VINE’s Diversity program.


  • 4

    Looking Ahead at the Lessons February 3—Epiphany 4—Billie Jo Wicks

    Jeremiah 1:4-10 / I Corinthians 13:1-13 / Luke 4:21-30

    February 10—Epiphany 5—Pastor Cheryl

    Isaiah 6:1-8 (9-13) / I Corinthians 15:1-11 / Luke 5:1-11

    February 17—Epiphany 6—Pastor Patrick

    Jeremiah 17:5-10 / I Corinthians 15:12-20 / Luke 6:17-26

    February 24—Epiphany 7—Pastor Cheryl

    Genesis 45:3-11, 15 / I Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50 / Luke 6:27-38

    Lutheran Social Service Looking for Senior Companions Make a difference in your life and in the lives of those around you! Share your time and talents as a Volunteer Companion and help an older adult in your community during a friendly visit each week! Provide one-on-one friendship, transportation, and support to someone in need. Volunteer companions can spend 2 – 3 hours a week with the same older adult or 2 – 3 hours per week with 3 or 4 separate older adults. Companions can earn a small monthly stipend and mileage reimbursement. Call Gail Sumerfelt at 507 – 530 – 2295 today and become the difference in your community!

    Looking Forward to Lent The Round Robin series for Lent will be “Why We Worship”. Each week, an area pastor will be sharing one of the many reasons we gather to worship. In conjunction with worship, we will have the opportunity to participate in a weekly faith practice. Children are also invited to participate and hands-on learning ma-terials will help them engage with the week’s theme. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 6th. Ser-vices will be held at 4:30 and 6:15pm during Lent. We’ll publish a preaching schedule for the Round Robin in the March issue of the King’s Messenger.

    Stand Out Firmly for Justice—Day on the Hill

    Joint Religious Legislative Coalition will hold their annual Day on the Hill on Thursday, February 7th with a focus on traffic fees and fines/license protections. This legislation would allow more discretion for courts to waive fines or require community service so low-income people are not disproportionately penalized for minor traffic or parking violations. For more information on the day, and to register online, go to www.jrlc.org.

    SPRING FLING! Early bird registration begins this month for Karen Storvick's annual talk/presentation (previously Advent Brunch) ln conjunction with Contents in St. Peter!

    Renew and Refresh will be her theme. Mark your calendars for 9:00am on Saturday, April 13th

    Reserve your seat now! Public advertising begins mid-February so don’t delay. Join us for brunch and bring your freewill offering benefiting The REACH. Sign up online or in the church narthex.


  • 5

    Parish News Christian Love and Sympathy to Paul & Jorun Meierding and family upon the death of Jorun’s mother, Audrey

    Groe, who passed away on January 1st. Rylie Kahle Nelsen, daughter of Scott and Lisa was baptized on January 13th. Her sponsors are Brooke Nelsen

    and Ryan Kahle. The family of Ervin Johnson would like to have a card shower in honor of his 80th birthday on February

    13th. He would love to hear from you! Please send cards to him at 139 Marion Ln., Mankato, MN 56001.

    2/6: Sloppy Joes, chips

    2/13: Chicken pasta primavera, breadsticks

    2/20: Tator tot hotdish, dinner rolls

    2/27: Chicken quesadillas, fruit

    December 2018 Month Actual Month Budget Difference YTD Actual YTD Budget Difference

    Income 126,883.38 130,680.00 (3,796.62) 437,330.28 474,380.00 (37,049.72)

    Expenses 83,957.23 78,342.50 5,614.73 447,782,70 464,660.00 (16,877.30)

    Net Income 42,926.15 52,337.50 (9,411.35) (10,452.42) 9,720.00 (20,172.42)

    New Prayer Article Series submitted by Pastor Donohue Sarff With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray BU (From the Introduction – pages 5-6) “It is under the deep impression that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood that this book has been written. I feel that as long as we look on prayer chiefly as a means of maintaining our own Christian life,

    we shall not know fully what it is meant to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that there is nothing that we so need to study and practice as the art of praying aright. If I have at all succeeded in pointing out the progressive teaching of our Lord in regard to prayer, and the distinct reference the wonderful promises of the last night (John 14:16) have to the works we are to do in His Name, to the greater work and to the bearing much fruit, we shall all admit that it is only when the Church gives herself up to this holy work of intercession that we can expect the power of Christ to manifest itself in her behalf. It is my prayer that God may use this little book to make clearer to some of His children the wonderful place of power and influence which He is waiting for them to occupy, and for which a weary world is waiting too.” (Note by Pastor Donohue Sarff: In this part of

    his introduction, the author states his purpose for writing the book. The Biblical reference in John 14:16 in Jesus’ last conversation with the Apostles before his crucifixion, reads: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.” The Holy Spirit is our real teacher in the art of praying!)

    With stricter Hipaa privacy laws in place, we don’t always know who, from our membership is in the hospital. If you know you are going to be hospitalized and would like a pastor visit while there,

    please contact Amy in the church office. If you enter the hospital through the emergency room, you will need to contact us if you would like a visit.

    mailto:[email protected]

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    Visit us online!



    Non-Profit Organization

    U.S. Postage Paid

    Permit No. 252

    Mankato, MN 56001

    Contact the Staff Christ the King’s Phone Number: 507-345-5056

    Pastor Patrick Patterson: ext. 23 / [email protected]

    Pastor Cheryl Indehar: ext. 26 / [email protected]

    Pastor John Petersen: ext. 24 / [email protected]

    Accounting Office: ext. 22 / [email protected]

    Al Lee, Technology Arts Director: ext. 36 / [email protected]

    Amy Olsen, Communications Director: ext. 21 / [email protected]

    Billie Jo Wicks, Director of Youth Ministry: ext. 19 / [email protected]

    Chuck Hoogland, Organist: ext. 25 / [email protected]

    Garrett Steinberg, Director of Creative Arts: ext. 37 [email protected]

    Justine Carlson, Opportunity Coordinator: ext. 38 / [email protected]

    Rick Weber, Property Manager: ext. 11 [email protected]

    Robin Hughes, Choir Director: [email protected]

    Wendy Paulson, Director of Children’s Ministries: ext. 20 / [email protected]

    222 Pfau Street Mankato, MN 56001

    Deadline for Newsletter Articles Next Month: Tuesday, February 19th

    Phone: 507-345-5056 Fax: 507-345-6115

    Address Service Requested

    CTK Lutheran Church is a caring community committed to empower all people

    to know Christ and to make Christ known.

    Weekly Worship Schedule





    Sundays 8:15am & 9:30am

    *Communion on 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend


    Worship services are broadcast on

    Charter channel 181 and

    Consolidated Communications

    channel 7 Sundays at 3:00pm and Tuesdays at 10:00am.




    Church Office Hours Monday-Thursday ~ 8:00am-4:00pm

    Friday ~ 8:00am-2:00pm Saturday & Sunday ~ By Appointment

    Mark your calendars for

    our Palm Sunday Hymn

    Festival Sunday, April

    14th! More to come!

    http://www.ctkmankato.orgmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.ctkmankato.org/calendar

  • From the Desk of Opportunity Coordinator Justine Carlson [email protected] / 345-5056 ext. 38

    Serving Christ’s Church in February

    OPEN = If you are available to fill this spot contact Justine

    Greeters: 8:15 & 9:30 3 Paul & Jan Sorenson 10 Randy & Karen Moritz 17 John Love & Jenn Prybylla 24 John & Joyce Sandry

    Lectors: Listed as 5:30 / 8:15 & 9:30 / 6:15 2/3/6 Jeri Retzlaff/Boy Scout Troop 76/Bill Tourville 9/10/13 Larry Schnoor/Eileen Campbell & Brad Brozik/Mary Peters 16/17/20 Jennifer Olseth/Gary Rudolf & Karen Mesrobian/Josie Toth 23/24/27 Dick Bautch/Jim Hatleli & Mary Oudekerk/Scott Peters

    Communion Preparers 2/3 Nancy & Harlan Compton 16/17 Karen & Azad Mesrobian

    PRAYER CHAPEL: 8:15/9:30 3 LaVonne Rohn/Joann Nessler 10 OPEN/Kathy Sallstrom 17 Ann Stewart/Wally Peterson 24 Margo Brudwick/Chuck Dahline

    USHERS 5:30 L’Myra Hoogland/Darene Rutzen 8:15 John Frey/Ervin Johnson/Michael Krediet/ Dave Raasch 9:30 Nate Kube/Matt Norland/Randy Moritz 6:15 Dan & William Schwamberger/ Mike & Zachary Borneke

    COMMUNITY SUPPER SERVERS 6 Mike Borneke’s Group: Austin, Avery, Braeden,

    Caiden, Gavin, Samuel, Zachary Stacy’s Group: Caitlin, Megan, Morgan, Peyton 13 Dave & Joel’s Group: Andrew, Camden, Jaden, Joey,

    Joe, Mathias, Nicholas Anna’s Group: Anna, Liz, Grace, Kaelyn 20 Darcie’s Group: Alex, Christopher, Cole, Isaac, Samuel, Sullivan, Tyler John’s Group: Gus, Benjamin, Griffin, Kenneth, Mason, Nathan, Ray 27 Kim’s Group: Ella, Ellie, Jayne, Julia, Mylee, Savannah, Tiegen Rachel & Tia’s Group: Chloe, Josephine, Liliana, Lily, Madison, Olivia, Tori

    COMMUNITY SUPPER Greeter Duane Olson

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Wendy: 345-5056, ext 20, 382-2125, [email protected] and Justine: 420-4393, [email protected]

    The final days of The Beatitudes Rotation end with Family Faith in Motion Worship on both Sun, Feb 24 @ 9:30am and Wed, Feb 27 @ 6:15pm.

    Sunday Rainbow Choir will sing at the Sunday Faith in Motion worship as well.

    News for Kids birth through Grade 6

    COMING UP! ►Mark your calendars for these family events!

    The next JAM / Kids Klub Rotation—

    The Beatitudes: for Grades 1-4 begins February 3rd and 6th


    Sunday, March 17th 10:30am—12 Noon

    Register online @ ctkmankato.org At least one parent must accompany their child to the Faith Lab.

    1st COMMUNION WORSHIP Maundy Thursday, April 18th


    Family Intro to Lent

    Sunday, March 3rd

    9:30am Wednesday, March 6th


    This is a FAMILY event to guide you into the season of Lent. Ideas for how to embrace it together as a family with a Family Faith Kit:


    NOTE: There w ill be no regular Rainbow Rm, JAM or Kids KLub on these dates.


    Be sure to check your dates on the schedules at the Education Office and find a replacement if you are

    unable to be here for your scheduled dates.

    March 24-30

    No Rainbow Rm, JAM or Kids Klub this week :)

    God’s Work, Our Hands

    Sunday, March 31 @10:30am and Wednesday, April 3 @ 7pm

    Join us for this family servant event


    Some Highlights for Youth Grades 6-12

    10-31 NO CLUB


    Christ the King will be at Green Lake Lutheran Bible Camp June 16--21 (week 2 of camp). All CLUB students are required to attend one year of camp. Transportation and registration fee are the family's responsibility and fundraising will be made available to cover the rest. Register online at gllm.org and BE SURE TO SELECT CTK from the dropdown menu. Looking forward to seeing you at camp!

    Once again, our preparing and serving an Easter morning breakfast as a way to raise funds for camp, future youth trips and other youth programming. Help us make this year a success!

    CTK at GLL

    Have a game? Maybe a dance show?

    Be sure to let Billie Jo know! Text or

    email me YOUR special events

    because I want to cheer you on!

    Senior High on Wednesdays

    Every Wednesday, High School students gather in the youth room for fun and faith.

    Come around dinner time, worship together and then head to the youth room!

    Here's what to look forward to in February.

    2/6: Pizza Making 2/13: Valentine Making

    2/20: Hoops 2/27: Capture

    the Flag

    Save The Date! Youth Fundraising Breakfast Easter Sunday: 4/21