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Welcome to St. Gabriel the Archangel We are happy that you have gathered with us today to worship at Mass and to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in joining our parish family, please contact the parish office via phone or email (see below). If you are already a member, thank you for helping us bring the joy of the Gospel to the world!

Parish Staff Directory - Phone: 722-4914 Pastor, Father Larry Seidl x222 [email protected] Deacon, Tom Gritton [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Steve Pable x224 [email protected] Director of Worship & Music, Regina Reale x226 [email protected] Business Manager, Anne Greif x234 [email protected]

Christian Formation Center - Phone: 725-0660 Director of Religious Education, Jennifer Schneider x236 [email protected] MS/HS/Youth Ministry Coordinator, Brittany Schoeder x238 [email protected]

SMCS, St. Gabriel Campus - Phone: 725-4161

Pastoral PonderingsPastoral PonderingsPastoral PonderingsPastoral Ponderings

When is the last �me you shouted for joy? When you beat your brother at a board game? When the Packers got a pick six? When you got a raise?

When you aced that test? It’s kind of funny, the rela�vely trivial things that might

get us to shout for joy. There are other �mes when our deepest gra�tude or joy is be#er expressed in quiet moments, or even in tears. Our Christmas decora�ons proclaim “peace” and “joy”, but they seem almost out of place in our world of conflict and injus�ce and indifference.

The Third Sunday of Advent, with the rose-colored candle on the wreath, is known as “Gaudete Sunday”. (GOW-day-tay) It’s a La�n command meaning: “Rejoice!” St. Paul is telling us, along with the Old Testament prophets Zephaniah and Isaiah, to be filled with joy. Why?

Because “The Lord is near.” Because “The Lord, your God, is in your midst.” Because “The Lord has removed the judgment against you, He has turned away your enemies… and you have no further misfortune to fear.”

We might think, “Yeah, you keep saying all this stuff about God being near. Do you not see the mess we live in?!? Rose-colored candles? More like rose-colored glasses!”

Indeed. But consider that Paul was wri�ng this message of hope from prison, and would eventually be executed. John the Bap�st preached good news, but was beheaded for the amusement of an exo�c dancer. More recently, we remember Maximilian Kolbe, who died in an Auschwitz starva�on bunker, leading fellow prisoners in songs of praise. Recall the 19 martyrs just canonized by Pope Francis for serving the needy in Algeria. And those are just the more drama�c stories. Every day there are those laying down their lives in food pantries and shelters and classrooms and hospitals. When we remember that God is truly in our midst, we carry out even the most mundane work with joy.

Dorothy Day, the saintly spiBire who advocated for the poor and for peace, understood this well. She had an expression, “the duty of delight”, that helped keep her focus on the vision of God’s presence, even in harsh circumstances or with challenging people. Living in the joy of knowing Jesus was the cornerstone of her faith, and the inspira�on for all she did. It was her duty to delight in His friendship, so oDen found in the faces of the desperate people with whom she lived and worked. She believed that, even in unseen ways, Jesus brings mercy and tenderness and hope to any situa�on.

Today we are the crowds listening to John the Bap�st at the Jordan River. Our hearts are moved, some�mes profoundly, and we are s�rred with the convic�on that we have to repent and change. “What should we do?”

Let that be our prayer: to open ourselves wide to the Holy Spirit, this day and this season. To recognize Jesus at work in our lives and be able to say, “I know Him!” To find joy in responding to the love He has poured out in our hearts. To give generously and serve selflessly like so many disciples before us.

-Steve Pable, Pastoral Associate



Coffee and rolls will be served in S�ngle Hall aDer Mass.

10:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy of the Word


6:30 p.m. - Bap�sm class

6:30 p.m. - Rosary

No Holy Hour


3:30 p.m. - St. Vincent de Paul mee�ng


No Ladies in Prayer

3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Confessions


9:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. - Bible Study

9:15 p.m. - Mom’s Group

11:15 a.m. - Hospitality commi#ee mee�ng

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - Confessions

6:10 p.m. - Chime Choir rehearsal

7:15 p.m. - Adult Choir rehearsal


8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Church decora�ng

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.-Confessions


1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Confessions


Coffee and rolls will be served in S�ngle Hall aDer Mass.

10:00 a.m. - Children’s Liturgy of the Word

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High School class for grades 9 and 10 at 6:00pm this Sunday.

CFC Classes for Grades 1-6 on Monday and Wednesday.

EDGE class for grades 7 and 8 on Wednesday.

Important dates coming up:

Dec. 24-Jan. 5 NO CFC classes, Christmas Break Grades 1-11

Jan. 6 Confirma�on Retreat

Thanks to some large dona�ons, we are able to keep ahead of our expenses and avoid dipping into the line of credit. The net loss showing at the end of November was expected and hopefully will not cause a problem as we move into our peak giving period. Please con�nue to be generous as the parish will face big hea�ng and snow removal bills over the next several months. Don't forget our road repair fund as we are almost halfway there!





MON. DEC. 17 7:00 A.M. Communion Service

TUES. DEC. 18 7:00 A.M. Bob & Millie Yost

WED. DEC. 19 7:00 A.M. Colin Konetzke & the

FOCUS Missionaries

THUR. DEC. 20 7:00 A.M. Communion Service

8:15 A.M. Jake Nennig

FRI. DEC. 21 7:00 A.M. Karen Stenson

SAT. DEC. 22 4:30 P.M. Sue & Jodi Dehn and

Tony & Irene Bombinski

SUN. DEC. 23 8:00 A.M. Our Parish Family

10:00 A.M. Wayne Sorenson &

Jackie Bridges

“Daily Discipleship” News and Events

for St. Gabriel Youth Ministry

Happy Gaudete Sunday! Truly this is a

week of rejoicing as Christmas is almost

here and we celebrate the joyful coming of the Word

Incarnate, Jesus Christ, born as a baby! As this �me of year

is filled with memories and tradi�ons, I am reminded how

blessed I am to be a part of this parish family. Some days it

seems my interview was only yesterday and it is hard to

believe how quickly the past three and a half years have

flown by! I have truly been honored and humbled to get

to know the families of this parish community and walk

with ya’ll on your faith journeys. You have taught me

what it means to be a disciple and deepen my prayer life.

In my personal prayer, I have been hearing the whisper of

the Holy Spirit, sharing the importance of abandoning self,

trus�ng completely in Him, and be mindful of the giDs I

have received through His grace and the grace of the

sacraments. Let me tell ya’ll... this is slightly terrifying!! Yet

there is peace in knowing God is so near! I share with our

teens, especially those in Confirma�on prep, that being a

disciple is not easy; we are not made for comfort but we

are made for greatness! I find comfort in reflec�ng on the

passage where Christ calls His Apostles. He called them at

the least opportune �me for them; He didn’t give any

direc�on or �meline-- what they were doing or going, but

simply said “follow”, and they all did! Moreover, it is with

a meek heart and in the virtue of charity I wish to share

with you that my �me at St. Gabriel is coming to a close.

ADer a lot of prayer I have discerned that God is calling me

elsewhere at this �me in ministry. I will s�ll be in the

Valley but will no longer be employed by St. Gabriel. I will

embark on this new chapter beginning February 1st


2019. I thank you for your understanding and your

kindness. My prayers are with you and the St. Gabriel

family during this �me of transi�on. Jenny Schneider, our

DRE, will be your main contact aDer I am gone. Please pray

for her and Father Larry as they figure out the next steps

once I am no longer in this posi�on. If you have ques�ons

or concerns, I am happy to answer them. Please know

ya’ll will always have a special place in my heart.

Peacefully and Sincerely Yours, Bri'any Schoeder,

Youth Ministry and Faith Forma+on Coordinator

Stewardship of Giving

December 8th/9th Envelopes & Loose Giving $22,398

YTD Envelope/Loose Giving/Electronic $350,009

YTD Budgeted Giving $343,350

Capital Improvement $226

Road Repair $525

Total YTD Road Repair Collected (Goal is $35,000) $15,766

As of November 30, 2018

YTD Total Parish Income $419,464

YTD Parish Expenses $469,832

Net Loss ($50,368)

The Altar Candles burnforthemonthofDecemberinlovingmemoryofJackieBridges


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Mass Servers

4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - K. Daniels, VOLUNTEER needed 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - R. Simonis, H. Verstegen 10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - L. Meyer, H. Jensen

Readers & Commentators 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - J. Zolkowski, R. Genske 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - A. Solowicz, G. Elmer 10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - C. Dixon, C. Nowak


4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - M. Kriz 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - P. Walbrun 10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - A. Jensen


4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - P. & S. Frymire, D. Kranzusch 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - G. & M. Kresal, T. Harter

10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - S. Vitale, S. Van Frachen

Extraordinary Ministers 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - P. Makovec, H. Miller, B. Haga, L. & T. Gri#on, M. Widener, B. & J. Wernimont, M. Simonis 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - B. & D. Koller, N. Handevidt, T. Gri#on, K. & J. Rappl, S. Vellella, C. Liebhauser, P. Walbrun

10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - S. Pitz, N. Herrmann, J. Buhl,

J. Koshollek, D. Willing, J. Preissner, L. & T. Gri#on, P. Jensen

Ushers 4:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 22 - P. Reich, W. Perket, J. Marx, A. Chipman, G. & M. Reckin, L. Sturgell 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - R. Harpt, D. & E. Risgaard, P. Wolters, H. Jacobs, R. Fedenko, G. Hintz, P. Sprangers 10:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 23 - J. & S. Vosters, M. Mabie, C. Dixon, J. Verstegen, V. Nowak, S. Pingel, I. Heinen, L. Zimmerman, S. Abraham

Sacramental Life: Registra;on of New Members: New members are welcome

to the Parish and are asked to call the Office at 722-4914.

Bap;sms: A class for those reques�ng Bap�sm is held once a

month. The next class is December 17 at 6:30 p.m. Please call

the Parish Office for dates and �mes, and to register.

Care Ministry: Please no�fy us at the Parish Office of your

desire for prayers, home visits, Holy Communion, Anoin�ng of

the Sick, or simply a visit from a fellow parishioner. We are

here to help you through your �me of need.

Hospital Visita;on: Please no�fy the Parish Office when

you or someone you love enters the hospital. Fr. Larry and

Steve Pable make regular visits to the area hospitals.

Marriages: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance.

Prayer Chain: Call Kathleen at 725-7455 to add a name.

RCIA: Adults interested in becoming Catholic par�cipate in the

RCIA Process. Contact Lori, 585-9620 or Roxanne, 722-2585.

Reconcilia;on: Saturday 3:15-4:00pm or by appointment.

St. Vincent de Paul Help line: 727-1766

24 hour: Suicide Preven�on Crisis Line, 920-233-7707

24 hour help: is available for unplanned pregnancy, call 731-4354

IN SYMPATHY Prayers & sympathy are offered for the families of

Donald Wichman, Emily Chambers, and Mary Ann

Bri#nacher who were called home to the Lord.

May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed

rest in peace & glory.

Christmas Scrip Tips – last minute gi? ideas!

GiD cards and cer�ficates make great stocking stuffers! We have many available for purchase at the Scrip table aDer Mass or in the parish office during the week including $10 gi? cards for Amazon, Arbys, Barnes & Noble, Bath & Body Works, Burger King, Culvers, Cousins Subs, Dairy Queen, Jimmy Johns, McDonalds, Papa Murphy’s, Pizza Hut, Subway, Starbucks, Taco Bell, and many others. We also have $25 gi? cards for Kwik Trip, Marcus Theaters and many restaurants! Stuff your stockings with giD cards purchased here at St. Gabe’s! This is your last chance to order Scrip in 2018!! The next Scrip order a?er this week will be submiIed January 6


and will be ready for pick up on January 10th.

Thank you to all volunteers who helped sell

�ckets for our candy cane raffle that was

held at the St. Nick Social. A big thank you to

Sara VanFrachen for seWng up the volunteer

list and promo�ng the event. The profit on

the raffle was about $5,000. The winners were: $1,000-

Richard Makovec, $500- Nancy Zolkowski, $100- Joe

Miller, Lynn Hopfensperger, Chris Knapinski, Kathy Heger,

Phil Florek, Tom Jorgenson, Kathy Boelter, Tony Koehn,

Cur�s Dixon, and Nancy Zolkowski.

The Social Concerns Commi#ee thanks all the parishioners who donated to Winnebago Mental Heath Ins�tute. Linda Schueler, Volunteer Coordinator (in picture), was so

apprecia�ve of the many giDs that were donated.

Many thanks to the parishioners

for suppor�ng the Boys & Girls

Brigade Christmas Giving Tree

Project and the Thanksgiving

food collec�on for St. Joseph

Food pantry. We filled the truck!

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Grace Notes Advent Dares Us to Dream - Advent is a �me of

longing, longing for the kingdom made present in Jesus

Christ. (con+nued from last week)

Advent does not provide ready answers; it calls us to

faith. A line oDen used in the Advent liturgy should become

a mantra for us: “O, come, Lord Jesus; O you heavens, rain

down your salva�on. Lord, just let it pour upon me.” Texts

such as these are put not just on the lips of individual

Chris�ans. In the liturgy the whole church cries out longing

for fullness. During Advent the church itself makes its own

the words of the prophet Isaiah, words spoken during

some of Israel’s most difficult years. How can it be, we ask,

that the church makes its own the pathos in Isaiah’s heart

as he cried out in the wilderness of his being for

consola�on, for a path of salva�on in his personal

desert? Yes, the church cries out: “Come to us, Lord, with

your peace that we may rejoice before you with our whole

heart.” Freely, openly, the church admits that it is restless.

But what else is to be expected since the church is not yet

fully at home with its Lord?

And so we shun the tempta�on to cynicism, the

tempta�on that makes our smallness of spirit the norm.

Because we know Jesus, we hope for more. We should

take consola�on that the church in its Advent liturgy

admits to its incompleteness, its smallness of spirit, its

tempta�on to se#le down and idolize its current

structures as nigh-on perfect. Andrew Britz,

OSB (con+nued next week)

-Regina Reale, Director of Worship & Music

St. Mary Catholic Schools NEWSSt. Mary Catholic Schools NEWSSt. Mary Catholic Schools NEWSSt. Mary Catholic Schools NEWS

Now Hiring - Please visit h#p://smcatholicschools.or / about-us/human-resources/ for more informa�on on our current openings. SMCS Christmas Concerts - join us in celebra�ng the Christmas season by a#ending our upcoming concerts: Mon., Dec. 17 MS/HS Band Concert, Tues., Dec. 18 SMCS Elementary Band Concert Looking for the perfect Zephyrs Christmas gi?? Visit h#p://smcatholicschools.or /apparel/ for new Spirit Stop hours and 10% off for the month of December with any item that contains columbia blue. Holiday Office Hours: Elementary and MS offices: Closed December 21-January 1. High School Office: Open 8:00a.m.-12:00p.m. December 21,26,27,28,31, closed December 24,25 and January 1. Zephyrs Family Night - December 20th: FREE Admission for all parents and students at the Zephyrs Boys Basketball Game. Varsity �p-off is at 7:15 p.m. (JV2/JV @ 5:50p.m.) FREE Gatorade and popcorn for all students. Z Cabaret: December Promo;on - February 8 & 9, audience members will enjoy an in�mate evening. Hors d'oeuvres and entertainment included with cash bar available. Use Code: DECEMBER at checkout and receive $5 off each �cket! Valid now through December 20. Table sea�ng is limited, so purchase your �ckets now at h#ps://www.show�x4u.com/events/smcsfinearts

To find out more this week, check out the SMCS website at www.smcatholicschools.or /newsle#ers or the SMCS Facebook page at hIps://www.facebook.com/TCCES


Sunday: Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18

Monday: Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17

Tuesday: Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25

Wednesday: Jgs 13:2-7,24-251/Lk 1:5-25

Thursday: Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38

Friday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/ Lk 1:39-45

Saturday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1: 46-56

Sunday: Mi 5:1-4a/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45

Peace Light From Bethlehem

The Peace Light From Bethlehem has arrived. It

will be available for all to receive aDer every

Mass this weekend. Candles will be available to

purchase, or you may bring your own lantern or candle.

CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS MEMORIAL If you would like to remember a loved one this Christmas with a dona�on, please complete this form and return it with your dona�on to the parish office, or place it in the collec�on basket. Your dona�ons will be used to purchase flowers and decora�ons for the Church this Christmas season.


In memory of: _________________________________


Amount: _____________________________________

We’re having a party – a church

decora�ng party! Many hands

are needed to decorate and

transform the gym and church for

our Christmas celebra�ons! We

begin at 8:00 am on Friday,

December 21st

. Come any�me between 8:00 am and

noon. Please bring your favorite cookies to share!

Known as “Bambinelli Sunday” (“Bambinelli”

is the Italian name for the figurines), the

tradi�on of blessing Na�vity scene figures of

the infant Jesus during Advent was started

by Pope Paul VI in 1969. The blessing will

take place aDer all Masses of the Fourth Sunday of Advent,

Saturday, December 22nd

and Sunday, December 23rd


"Thank you to everyone that helped with

the St Nick Social! Your giDs of �me &

talents (including desserts for the cake walk)

brought pure JOY to all those who a#ended,

and we could not have done it without you!”

Mary and Michaela Kegley

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T of the Month: Sandy Janss

It would be almost impossible to count how many people this humble lady has touched by her kind and generous giving spirit. Her belief, love of God, our church, and all humankind is incredible. She has been a long-�me member of St. Gabriel.

She has donated her �me and talent in many ways to make St. Gabriel a comfortable place to worship. She is a lady of deep faith and prayer. Each Monday night she joins the Rosary Group at St. Gabriel to pray the rosary. She started and helps lead the Chaplet of Divine Mercy monthly. She has volunteered at St. Vincent de Paul for 18 years and has served as president of the St. Gabriel Chapter. She has also worked at both the conference and store level following the Lords message to show mercy and help the poor among us. She has been a bold disciple for Christ since making a Cursillo and being an ac�ve member of 4th Day Cursillo mee�ngs. She has given over 100 hand held prayer crosses to people she meets in all walks of her daily life. Why? Because according to her "God has called me to do it" God expanded her ministry about 9 months ago when she was diagnosed with a serious medical condi�on. She lovingly shares the Word of God and the crosses with all those she meets at doctor and hospital appointments. What a blessing and wonderful witness to all who are suffering and in pain. In St. Paul's le#er to the Thessolonians he writes: Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. This truly describes Sandy.

If anyone would like to nominate an ac�ve volunteer in the parish or community, nomina�on forms can be found below the award frame outside of the chapel.

Sponsor of the WeekSponsor of the WeekSponsor of the WeekSponsor of the Week

Our bulle�n is furnished without charge. The adver�sements that appear defray all publishing costs. Please patronize our sponsors as a thank you for their generosity and let them know you saw their ad.

Gree�ng to all the wonderful Baking Elves of St. Gabriel

Parish. It’s that �me of the year when we put FIRST the

members of our parish family, who are in nursing

homes or living alone and are unable to bake, in our

thoughts preparing for Christmas.

Please share some of your favorite small breads with

others. We will be assembling our bags and taking them

to our members aDer December 18th. A container will

be in back of church for your special giDs, or you can

drop them off at the Parish Office on Monday or

Tuesday. As of now we have a count of 50 members

who are on our list. If you have any ques�ons please

call Rita J. Hilliker at 725-4901. Thank you and God

bless you for your kindness.


Wednesday, December 19 ............................. 3:30-5:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 20 ................................. 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Friday, December 21 ............................ 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Saturday, December 22 ................................. 1:30-4:00 p.m.


St. John ................................................................... 4:00 p.m.

St. Mary ..................................................... 4:00 & 10:00 p.m.

St. Margaret Mary ....................................... 4:15 & 9:00 p.m.

St. Gabriel .................................... 4:30, 6:30 & 11:00 p.m.

St. Patrick .................................................... 4:30 & 7:00 p.m.


St. John .................................................................... 8:00 a.m.

St. Gabriel ......................................................... 9:00 a.m.

St. Patrick ................................................................ 9:00 a.m.

St. Margaret Mary ................................................... 9:30 a.m.

St. Mary .................................................................10:00 a.m.


Holy Day Masses at St. Gabriel

Monday, December 31 .......................................... 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, January 1 .................................................. 9:00 a.m.




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Julie Endres - Owner



FOR EMERGENCY ASSISTANCEcall St. Vincent de Paul HELPLINE: 729-4571for the cities of Neenah & Menasha

Volunteers needed for St. Gabriel’s Conference of St.Vincent De Paul

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