s p k i t ual aec baces lcv e€¦ · aec baces cf lcv e we gladly prepare and publish this ... .,...

o voi, 120 NO.7 July 9 , 1972 S P ! K i T UAL an D H b A ll N G AEC bACES cf LCV E We gladly prepare and publish this -ressage of Truth for your Spiritual Edi - fication., He do this without charge to you, all we ask, to insure its continued- rovth, is a "Love Offering1' r to cover cst of handling. r-, IQ) tfP II r—— .... "X"if U- / \ - / — ( » t \ / / ■ :< \ \ • — v ..... -V/ ; \ V v y BROTHERHOOD 0? THE WHITE TEMPLE, INC.

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voi, 120 NO.7 July 9 , 1972

S P ! K i T U A L an D H b A l l N G


We gladly prepare and publish this -ressage of Truth for your Spiritual Edi­fication., He do this without charge to you, all we ask, to insure its continued- rovth, is a "Love Offering1' r to cover cst of handling.

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When the time came for Thotb to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records and certain mechanical devices. He then ap­pointed from among the highest of his people, guards to protect his mighty se­crets. In later times, the descendants of these guards became the Pyramid Priests while Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, the P.ecorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his pass- ing. In legend, the Halls of Amenti be­came the Under-world, the Halls of the Gods where the soul passed after death for judgment. During later ages the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the Tablets. As such he incarnated three times, and in his last incarnation he was known as Hermes, the Thrice-born.

The Brotherhood publications has produced a most attractive bidding of Dr, Boreal1s translation with a cover design of the original Tablets. The de­mand for this book on the Atlandear: Mys­teries has been so great that it is in its eleventh edition,

Price . » . $5*00

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l& o t h e ik o o d o k ik e W h it ? ' I m iu le A Jn c


L k D l z K h U l i r A

PUBLIC LECTURES GIVEN BY DR. M. DOREAL shortly before his passing in 1963. These very special lectures have been made into booklet form since the beginning of 1970. They contain great messages for the metaphysical student.

PRICE $2,00 EACHThe Universal Brotherhood of Man in

the New Age.Awareness.Spirit and Soul.The Mysticism and Mysteries of the New Age.Cosmic Consciousness, Samadhi, and the New Age.Astral Projection, the Astral Body,

^ T X ® ----------- j> -----

The Mystery of the Ark of the Covenant.

The New Golden Age.The Mystic Way.Bardo, Maya, and the Wheel cf Life. The Inner Light.The Supernormal.The Path to Attainment. Melchesideck.m l - _ rrt • _____^ A _ _ f

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Mantrams. Adam and Eve in tne first uycie.Mystical Teachings in the Gnostic The Two Ways.Works Concerning Jesus and the The Cosmic White Lodge and the Mysteries. Great White Lodge of this Earth.Our Relation to the Universe.

PRICE $1.00 EACHOn the Path Material Man and the Present Con­

ditions and Spiritual Man and the Future Conditions.

B.W.T. MAGAZINE — "LIGHT ON THE PATH" — 50<? a copy, $3.50 for a year in the U.S., Canada and Mexico and $4.00 a year for Foreign SubscriptionsBROTHERHOOD TRUTH SHEET — A Weekly Message of Truth, Sent to allB.W„T, Members and interested Seekers, without charge. All we ask, is a Love Offering, to cover the cost of handling and publishing.TEACHERS" CLASSES for B.W.T. Temple College Students only - 26 books, $10.00 per book. An essential work for B.W.T. Group Leaders, Minis­ters and Teachers.

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AVATAR BOOKLETS - 50$ each. These lessons are printed in booklet form beginning with February 1970, for FELLOWSHIP OF THE AVATAR MEMBERS only*JUNIOR TEMPLE LESSONS by Sesheta - $3.00 each - four volumes. Lessons specially designed as an introduction to Metaphysics for children and adults.

PICTURES OF DOREALDoreal, seated in his Study, wearing the Bishop's Robe........ $5.00Doreal, in the Temple, giving Blessing, wearing Bishop's Robe....$4.00Doreal, seated in the Avatar Chair, wearing Bishop's Robe..... .$4.00Doreal, as a young man................................... .$3.00GROUP LEADER LESSON PLANS (B.W.T. College Members ONLY) - No charge for these. Special help for Group Leaders, beginning Teachers and Ministers including Free Literature.RITUAL AND CEREMONY book 50$ for Group Leaders, Ministers and Teachers only.BACK NUMBERS OF COLLEGE AND CHURCH LESSONS may be replaced for 25<? each. EMERALD TABLETS and INTERPRETATIONS OF EMERALD TABLETS in SPANISH -A1* AO cxanV*

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Vol, 120 7/9/72Ho. 7(2otoi l/ibtiaiLGn5By DR. M. DOREAL (Part One)

Color, in the ancient world, was a very mysterious thing for color as we know it today was not present. The most ancient records show that distinction of color is of very recent date. Max Muller says, "It is well known that the dis­tinction of color is of recent date; that Xenophanes knew only three colors of the rainbow: purple, red and yellow and that Aristotle speaks of the tri-colored rain­bow; that Democritus knew of no more than four colors: black, white, red, and yel­low." Geiger says, "that fifteen or twenty thousand years ago, man was con­scious of only one color. He could not distinguish any difference in coloration between sky, trees, grass, earth or any­thing else. He could only distinguish light from darkness."

Pictet finds no name for color in early Indo-European language, and Max Muller finds no Sanskrit root-word for any reference to color.

Nowhere in the Bible, Rig-Veda, Zend-Avesta or the Homeric poems do we find the color of the sky mentioned. The Rig-Veda and Zend-Avesta are both largely taken up with descriptions of the sky and heavenly bodies; yet nowhere is there

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any mention o f the c o lo r of th e sky. In the Bible the sky and heavens are men­tioned more than four hundred tim es, and y e t th ere is no mention o f the c o lo r of the sky.

In Greece and A sia Minor, where the poems of Homer were composed, the sky is the most b e a u tifu l blue of any place upon e a rth ; y e t nowhere in the poems of Homer do we find the co lo r of the sky men­tion ed .

Etymology proves th a t the word 'blue' is descended from the an cien t word, 'b la c k ’ . The Chinese word, ’H i-u -an ’ , which now means 5 sk y -b lu e5, form erly meant 'b la c k '. The word ' n i l ' , which in P ersian and Arabic means 'b l u e ', is de­riv ed from the name, 'M ile ', which means the 'b lack r i v e r ' . I t is hard ly p ossib le th a t a t a time when man recognized only two co lo rs which they c a lle d red and b lack , th a t th ese appeared to them as

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Under red they included white and yellow and th e ir in term ed iate t i n t s , while under b lack they included a l l shades of green and b lu e . As sen sation s of red and black came in to e x is te n ce by the d iv isio n s of the o r ig in a l u n ita l c o lo r se n sa tio n , in process i f time th ese d ivid ed ; f i r s t red divided in to re d -y e l­low, then th a t red in to red -w h ite . Black divided in to b lack -g reen , then to b lack - b lu e, and during the l a s t th ree thousand y e a r s , these have s p l i t in to the enormous number of shades of color we now p erceiv e and name.

Radiant energy or l ig h t is v is ib le only between wave len gth lim its of 385 to 760 Hu (ten thousands of m ill im e te r ) , L igh t from a l l ordin ary so u rce s , in clu d ­ing the sun, a r is e s from en ergies in variou s in te n s it ie s of a l l wave lengths between th ese l im its , and is termed h e t­erogenous, th a t i s , in d is t in c tio n from homogenous: lig h t arisin g from energy a l l of one wave len g th . When heterogeneous l ig h t a r is e s from an in te n s ity d is tr ib u ­tio n among the wave lengths which is roughly co n sta n t, vie have w hite, gray o r n e u tra l l ig h t or c o lo r . When such l ig h t or energy, is passed through a prism or a g ra tin g , the co n stitu e n t en ergies o f varyin g wave lengths a re so spread o u t, as to r e s u l t in a s e r ie s of en ergies which under normal con d ition s w ill awake in a normal eye a s e r ie s of c o lo r s .


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Ability to perceive many color-shades indicates high development of the ego for the source of three-dimensional colors is in higher dimensions.

In h i s t o r i c a l an cien t tim es the ego had not reached the s ta te where i t could re ce iv e the l ig h t which f i l te r e d through from oth er p lan es . The f i r s t mention of the opening o f th is sense in man was the bow or rainbow of God placed in the sky, as a sign to Noah th a t the world had be­come p u rified and th a t c o lo r , the emana­tio n of a s t r a l or c e l e s t i a l l i g h t , could now p en etra te the l i t e r a l darkness of the m a te ria l p lan e . The an cien ts who were able to p erceiv e c o lo r were those who had l i f t e d th e ir consciousness from the le v e l of th e ir fe llo w s, and th is power was in those days looked upon in much the same l ig h t th a t c la irv o y an ce or o c c u lt powers a re today. For th a t reason those who had th a t power never made r e f ­erence to co lo r in connection with God, the Heavens, or oth er things p erta in in g to higher p lan es. U n til the power of p ercep tion is expanded, man can never see th e g re a te r and more v ib ran t co lo rs which a re an in te g ra l p a rt of the c e l e s t i a l harm onics. Thus in an cien t days the man who was able to p erceiv e c o lo r was more c lo s e ly attuned to God than h is fellow s and l i t e r a l l y heard unspeakable words th a t he could not u t te r to h is fellow s who lacked h is sense of color p ercep tio n .


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In the f a r p a s t , (and by th is I mean be­fo re h i s t o r i c tim es) in oth er c y c le s , man a tta in e d the f u l l v is io n of c o lo r , and in gaining i t a lso gained the power to look in to o th er planes and dimensions which were p en etrated by the variou s co lo r-en erg y waves.

In the g r e a te r , Macrocosmic World th ere a re waves of l ig h t and c o lo r , un­imaginable in the f i n i t e W orld,and these a re glimpsed as c e l e s t i a l harmonics by the enlightened soul which is ab le to p en etra te to the v a s te r realm where God, the Cosmic Consciousness m an ifests as L ig h t.

In a l l g re a t an cien t r e lig io n s and p h ilo so p h ies, God was symbolized as L ig h t, and a l l emanations from the Supreme Source were in the form of L ig h t. Ac­cording to a n c ie n t, s e c r e t teach in g , handed down by word of mouth, th ere were th ree g re a t primary c o lo rs through which God f i r s t m anifested in the m a te ria l world and th ese were yellow , blue and re d . The co lo r ’b la ck ’ was a lread y inthe space in which worlds were c re a te d and i t was upon th is black lig h t or c o lo r th a t the primary c o lo rs from the Macro- cosmic World played to produce c r e a t io n .

(To be continued)


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Dear Students and F rien d s:

The weather in Shamballa over the week­end was clou dy, cool and ra in y . Today (Monday) we a re s t i l l having a n ice slow ra in fo r which we a re most g r a te f u l .

Dr. w. Whitby gave the Fellow ship of the A vatar S erv ices Sunday evening. This message w ill be p rin ted in book form and mailed to the Fellow ship of the A vatar members w ithin th e n ext few d ays,

we were su re ly happy to welcome Paul Carlson and Je a n e tte S i l l to the Avatar Meet­ing Sunday evening. They a re new students of the Brotherhood from Boulder, Colorado.

P lease remember to address a l l m ail and make out a l l checks and money orders to the Brotherhood of the White Temple, Route 1 , S e d a lia , Colorado.

Tie must have cash co n trib u tio n s fo r the books o rd e rs . tJe do not have the O ffice P er­sonnel fo r C.O.D. or fo r C red it O rders. P lease allow two to th ree weeks fo r book d e liv e ry . The 20% d iscou nt is s t i l l a v a ila b le fo r Brotherhood Members on Book Orders of $ 1 0 .0 0 or more (not on the s ix books fo r $ 5 .0 0 ) .

When ordering the T each er's C lass L esson s,

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Group Leader Lessons or the M in isters S p ecia l C lass Lessons be sure to w rite f i r s t fo r an a p p lic a tio n fo r each of th ese S p ecia l Study Groups. Dr. Doreal req u ired th is of everyone taking these g re a t le sso n s .

We are happy to announce th a t L es­son Number Five of the M in is te r’ s S p ecial Class Lessons has gone to the P re s s .This new p u b lica tio n w ill soon be in the m ail to the F i r s t M in is te r’ s C la ss . As soon as the Brotherhood students f in is h the four and a h a lf years C ollege Course and re c e iv e th e ir diploma they a re e l i ­g ib le fo r applying fo r th ese S p ecia l L es­son s.

There is a g re a t opp ortu n ity fo r q u a lifie d workers of T ru th . Many, many a re seeking to know the purpose of l i f e . The Brotherhood of the White Temple L es­sons have the answ ers. I f you as a B.W.T. student a re in te re s te d in becom­ing a Group Leader, Teacher or M in iste r, w rite to Headquarters fo r Inform ation .

In Cosmic Harmony,

Dr. W. Whitby

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Ju ly 9 , 1972 , 5 :4 5 p .m ., Neophyte Review C la s s .

Ju ly 9 , 1972 , 7 :0 0 p .m ., Dr. W.Whitby w ill give a M etaphysical L e ctu re .

Ju ly 1 6 , 1972 , 7 :0 0 p .m ., M etaphysical le c tu re by Dr. I r i s Rawls

MEXICO, M erida, Yucatan: Dr. P . Gonzalez M ilan, meetings held Monday a t 9 :0 0 p.m. a t C alle 30 #502-p x 6 3 .

MICHIGAN, Empire: Dr. James B. C a rr ie re , MsD., P. 0 . Box 132 , fo r M etaphysical In s tru c tio n and Counseling c a l l 6 1 6 -3 2 6 - 3651.

NEVADA, Las Vegas: Paradise Metaphysical Center. For information or Spiritual Coun­seling, call Rev. Maxine Dowell, 7 3 6 -4 2 0 5 .

NEW JERSEY, Trenton: M etaphysical Counsel­ing and d iscu ssio n s by Rodney F . M o rtilla ro , 35 Atkins Avenue. Phone (6 0 9 ) 5 8 6 -4 5 2 9 .

OHIO, Toledo: M etaphysical In s tru c tio n s and D iscussions by Bertha E aton , 2058 Eastbrook D rive. Phone 4 7 3 -9 8 0 3 .

OREGON, P o rtlan d : Welcoming those seek­ing B.W.T. M etaphysical In s tru c tio n , p lease c o n ta c t "F o o tstep s on the P a th " , study group. Je a n e tte G onsalves, 13110 S .E . S tark S t r e e t , Ho. 4 . Phone 255- 8069 .

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OREGON, Portland: Those seeking counsel on the New Age Metaphysical and Spirit­ual Enlightenment may contact Dr. Carrie Moffit at 1720 S,E. 3$th Avenue. Phone 232-6564.OREGON, Roseburg: Hew Age Brotherhood, Metaphysical Instruction, meets each Thursday at 7:30 p„m. Call Dr. Mary Musick, 679-5787 for information.WASHINGTON, Seattle: etaphysieai GroupMeetings, 8:00 p.m., every Tuesday at 13405 Interurban Avenue, S. (98168) by E. S. Gebaroff, Jr,AFRICA, East London, Abbotsford: Little Temple of Light, 7 .Jyse Avenue, Abbots­ford, South Africa, Drs. Paul and Kay Seebach in attendance Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 p.m. Call on us or telephone East London 88455.CALIFORNIA, Placerville: 3 . . T . Metaphys­ical Study Group and Counseling. For in­formation call Dr. Vivian Teanev or Dr. Dorothy Dickinson, Tt, 3, Box 4103. Phone Area Code 916-644-1778.CALIFORNIA, Sacramento: B.W.T. Metaphys­ical Study Group and Counseling, For in­formation call D r c Kathryn Reagan, 2601 Fifth Avenue. Phone 451-9034.CALIFORNIA, Sun Talley: The Church of Divine Harmony, 10064 Stonehurst Avenue, conducts Sunday worship at 11:00 a.m., Sunday School at 10:00 a.m., and Wednes­day Class at 8:00 p.m. The Ministers, Drs .Marian 6: Geo,Jones, phone 767-4937,

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