s well toconsumer - chronicling...

in h> B f.i***»l to make seee- aniew tho fisheries -awrr .m-lmb-iV. and the fottswiag srtwle Usvsme .lil ff tl * atagBtf Of 17r?n: ll BSSBBBi thai Ue v^>U: sf ths Cal' si State* shill conti..1. pr* nnmoie-tcil tin- hr. I ts rstti. mb lt n. bin i. .,.1 ii tba uraad tisuk and auiall tbs ether r»- i ,rl Kn .oiwrtr*u<l; arm ta fir- Onll of et Uar- reta.) sud J I I ar« tn the sea whew the luuaM- [u. .' ...«. muries w»«- »- »»i Urns baieurfore ,;.",. v.., Hist the UihabitaitW ot the Catted Sta*** -aali alic UtK-rtjr U> issv Ssh ..f oveiy kl ! .,, .,,. j, , 0f tbs rnssl ol bew-fonndl .d as british fm,.m-*, sSsti nso (Ont rmt to rtrj or ewe tim *an*i(v on tbiJ i-il aiul sJv.o on ths oushbi. Bays sad t-rc-m. aj. . ...cc ..f BS* BaMoSll HafSoaSf** SomtB hsra. In As eries, and Iftat tim* Anjertesn tl-hfrmcn abali bate llUvri y tu dry awl mr- twh la any of ibo sn«¦ HI-siI I i. I irhor* an-t ereoBB sf Nova Tot's, Wa;.'ii*li-ii 1*1:mit anti lAfcreUor. s. lung hs tho annie bot SS -ot'U at tb'' WBBB, Sr e. stall be .lIUciI. it | hall not bo nv fu! Bm Hoi sui BsaStraaaa Ba ir] or nun' ti**ii ai arab telt!ou;oiii 'tuiiit'il a pi-ox ole. a;']-e,.'nv ni far that ssirpt**-" v.iih th- labssSssa a, ¦Bcgebrtefi wr .,«¦ s - sr* «' rbi* m-orjnd. Atm ri. BS fi-h-rn** riicbts aafSS BBSatSBalaSal ami bb_bJBBSB I ii the treaty of passer. Tho I'r.itod **.**(*.* ri-'.-.'i.sri a o mi mon shnrv ul tin- d""p-s- .. sso.l uvshorv ; -h ri-u and, with v. rtai aBaja*rsaj|J*B*JBl whs all. viii to exorcise Emited i "munal ptivi lej.'os. I' ... ri'btis ?,, rt? mit oonfinxl Hy tn.tiy. but v*. re rei oimucd iiy luJb i,trven>ments ns having a provious nnd esartassarus existence by virtue of tietaul ownership, enm-uest. ami oo- cu|o*t,t.ii ot the -skins liTOumL-*, So tar it related to the fijsht-riev fl*- tr. sly <-f 1 it*3 was a partition ag aSatBssSj. IBB Am-rn'iiii BSBBI to eat*. tinor to cn;u\ their sa. lent I-Bgh* . wir'u-at avdos'.. Hon; and as urti .*> iron diiu ii,ln.s Brass aaahBtHSd upton BBB* a* subjeets on tho roost* of tho Faitod State!.. Itv bbs trostr «*f teal taaaa n»bu waac spun rt-eo^iii/'d. and mad* prr;-'! ml ht return trw tho i-Tiiinei.it inn oi the pm Hos*- of BaBBBg, etirtni*- aad drrinc fish within h desi -listed rhn". KiLk ht'lt. The an*!ililli m*w fis-mro-s srticlv v.is tm follows: ¦Theres* rt >tiepees dave m'-"n re.nrrlir'cT tbe Iib- ertv ela!ur I bf 'li" Oatta*. s-,at-s f>r the IrmaMtan** thereof ta take 'i*-y *"<! t Itk is c rista essat*. bsys. lian'tor* ami rmd,. nf ll . I'i iinu-i c Majesty's Bamlalona la Amertea, I Islsimn th f*****r*rt*B*t r,-,,!!,.* »t,v ta*. m,MB*l*M»t* »f ' S*> PsB>»1 st at os ni ^i' Lavs mi ¦ r. In rsmmea with tbs .i ma rOsai ¦.. v.aj.iv. n.- Iibrrtj to rake *mti uf c*rr» tomi Ol '!'li Bari e' th" SSUth-TII rut-; nf N 'iv sri ¦: fsttcsaasi Irsai ..- Bag rn Ihe Batman i-'in.is on rr*>* wm i roasSi of Neut. ',. laod. hem tho <*'..! ' sae I', Qnlryt'ii Tslantt aa tuc .ksrea ''-n I«laVBil», an*! ahas ss the Moue' .Iciiv. on ri.i* fBBShr rn niw af I^nartnr. rn an' *lr e'i ", . it-l'* .it Hell norih«-iirdK Imleflnllet* along tho cse-t. 1 <¦" Brt»Jnrt*cn. |,.v rT'-r. tn B'lV of 'h" "\'-l.i-'v" r*Sh*> nf tb* lli-rjann B*f ("rrnfinr* i-rt r|,-.r r1:n V-.-orien i tl-h" rn mn sha! SBM I,iv- Bfsrrt* (ttl', -or tn drv ana eora Ss', Ul nnr o' fh* ea ' i ' '¦*. a rr-el-^ ,,' fgf -i,-.^, p^^t ,,f t),. i^st of \"wf»iirn.V ra*-*l twiisstmra .»c-.c-ih*j,t aaa o* the aassa af l*sh fart ir h"i aa -now a- rh" *aa*s, m ss rortma tli-n-^of ahafl h" setthal lt «hs'' ms) »>o lawfal far the tsl-1 fHhwrsn**a *,, ti"- n' ears P I ti -'".!! fsarl mn -<. *«r»t,«'.i a r, ,.n. ,,, wsrtBsis s-n-.-"iu'iil for ati'fi iaii|),>-o wlfh Ihe ii-htVtnut'v ]ir*|,iir»'.irs. tts p**as*rfaieSS o( thn p-o-iimi. Ai.d the f'n'i'-i ia*hs*sa aarsi M"*et -r-vr 111-r-tT l.-i.-i' f -> .-i'll veil ,," In B il bj ll tanis Hrs sot te r«|^ rtr*. ar ctn . 'Uh -r nr wfh ti tart" marisa mia** o* sary of Hr* eos . oiv. sr bariMif-t af IU* tt Bssbm H Am>*-rw>n. , ut ito'<ii|*-r1 itt tli^ ni urtl pi nrl hSWeVWI, 'hn' *'". ABS- BTM I t* is enter sm h '>tv« un hsrhora fm th* rrur foj-.,. u' ¦' mil of r gall i 'ol snd of wa other i . I'i* r i- -\ -i i: I.' fSatllellMSI .(- ti'av M c.', ,s,»i-\ t,, tSbiaau «i ".. ¦?. oi- eorlna Ssh I uti.er mano" arl all ajar abssli./ ibo ari', lifers h'l'hv Kn ,1 »n t',.-rr,. The TsBBaW of l hi ssh si I s Bania] nu uratan aii-nt- of til* tenHi'i-v in soram. 1 t rei th« si th" teint' rial of th.- a-. .1 with arrtaha a I Ul local ty BsfJltSBsl 'lair I "" I In she Treaty sf its;, ;. ¦ - : a the Alu.;, sal ' i ti af tis'.iins' " arhegB they BrsasaSd IO ti--'i-'" i I Tr«svv ai rhll -J U'liuiiev in comm n vt, perirefiiiil in iio"|t-s.Si ¦ahea-bn sad ¦sharBM aa tba BtssgiaaeB l ..... -. th of lahtBwIill f:m Mount Jotj ile ar.i northwa-il in(l"riiiii.-ly. asaj SB the BaM ai sf ai *¦*...h*m»*i frurri aha ) . .'cinpii". Islands. Bj virtue of Bslisrom Am t rsep-aee aad lushorc » to hs enjtiyed f irever" in eomaasai with »h¦. ! Ti* i bt te laka, ta ctr,- am; ta tiiref miles sf fl-"* remsii.iit. sa - in exrh-lltf" fSt (Ate U--'oil (ti lie I. BTourtdn oNon-hore. nnd et lot she Bas_o*esj j."mmrxT:»e of pearpfAnitr. Thu Aui'ri. nu Cacsm latin nnd Mr. T-u-sh, wen- evri-vrily ea with the tilinustoloRi- bee*tii.te (,n-:U Bl la;,.ii contt-ntling that tho legal off. "-T ol ths War sf isij was to stashed sba Treary al 178 aoBM'-ri'iitlj ti'.it bO saberies by thal e. rv :¦lion bad LspSl 4 '1 bsr rbvici bud been nn-o'l lc furn Tn atv of Gitent L.ul beaa Bi ;. , i Thal Ireuty did tit" lahsts tu ti., fisheries, the A-~. Conm.- inem But being aiiL; tn n_i- ¦. u|«*»a a eeirnrnon policy, vet saBBbaSrlBg ta thwart tb«-ir Beit ah '.¦>.!.asfjaaa1 aSBtaani ta deprive rho I'n.r. >l K-o4.cs of li-s __SSBaS rigJUa i Ani'Tii'aii osaU^aBaesjaBBi _ ;-¦- erjasia>ied H na* on ram "i. nt importance u.it; tl"- h. bi should not .Liv la? saa*wLrBaod bal dsclared t.. be if-.fm! Tb rU'taflf oyiaad with blags that Am- lean lishinjr Bsghhl ahoslsi !»¦ Bare*ei. Pot this word ."fotever" thea wese vfifbri': t<> ino tip oerTain iasl ra which werri' sbBbBjCBBBmI of lu'le vai o rape avlis Isixisi.ii n Braasaas ¦jrouiiiis elaew here. Th word *. p-iio'itiei'" in asaaai ta iadias Unitfii Stat'-s WBS s'-ili * a n-rhts aftoi tho War af lil3 I' within thu three-mile bi; sll ri chu i' pre, ioiujj en. »j....! exi pt this shehor. ri-jniirs, sraaal and wvtat, for the I'.-iit'd Stat's ., mr bj i to the iaahoas «»d ahetvees fVheries li lt would ba apart fmrn ia d(*tv*il etti mr ss th ittam**aj pears af iBteraatbaBal bbkerini.* whieh have followed thia SjBBIBl perix-tiiiiy. or to tlie temi>oi'.ir\ mQllilaBuWl I. lie- aprocitjr |a 1cj4 ami the Fisheries clauses of thu Treaty af lin, aiaSBh pravad disastrous ta Amortciin hrteimBht, Tl.e sum of tli" wbak matter is that treaty-Ww before Settetary Buy ard rypmn to meddle vviih it ref.'um.:,'...i ..ii.. asu*etoOS*ad ths sncient fisherie* ritrhts whi"ii w-is- aeejariied ha sasapBt*Mm, explotatiofl and coDSjuest is rnaeBhil days '1 h.- Tr-atr of I Situ no less than rbi- I n ,:iv nf ITM oonlirmod thu tonaucr in c."moon ami wm, a eliiirter af aVmut-iean rights Bf acts of msntime rwciprocify iniss. ii botweeu 1 bilf) sad IBio eoaorservial itrivissaaa -vi reh wen* unltJiowii in lolti were. B«hlsd to the li-.L. ms risltUs*. aud I>t Article XXIX of the Ti 1871 the binding sud tmaassaaisSBBSBl of ss_sjsas from < anatli*,!! purus to the (Tailed BlBtea directly BBBtlBlina.il I*BSBI v r- ti: aad rie-hlK embedded in tn sty hivr winn - tory BaVfatnl eiiti-i-'d upon his diplomatic What hus th" SeiT'tarv done with tisSSe ajBa*ttBB> tses alni riiiiiU ill libs treaty t Ile BBB on: rifieed. aaaBtaTsssd*SBj or u-in,rtij tlieUi uk". 'The pri-rileg-s aoi-nired Pr Anjei- XM\ of shrpaneiit of (.iriro-s he hos w-ithdrawB ls ubolitiou ot tu-.- dutn-s as mth '1 iii aaaa lirTTileges srhich are guanmreod hy BBelpTOcaJ lo'*B*.*t'o» tie bas siirroniiered f.,r ( einidian n-*- ui tiitruir foi a tBM msrUct for nob. nasas four ta af obuuniiitr shelli r BBBSaBS, woad ard wattu- wubiu the ibssb mihi batt, emieh the tToited Slates had i.-fore th- Hevoliition and ox;,re*tslv rettiirveiJ ii. tu* Itresgf of loin, ha has c,,n\, rvd mto privil bbb ( stcntatiously grjgBB d bj tb. Um.sh t.ove.-iini.iii with the be_cartj tsvot adaasl sf Bssearbsg Bbfaaiaulvud fisl.-ruieu n, buf psaabwVaas for the honieward voyag". Hy _B erratic t-yst in oi BBassBBnutt tb*- thre«-aail« belt m«ny bay» are clcnsed vthirh w»>re iireriously SBBB to Anierleun vissi Ls, BBsl the prohibited ares u, urtntrsirily eelnrged BBSS nnd there to four. »i*., _bb or even t-wei.1*- roihs. thiT'-by involving o direct sum-ml. r of siicw*ut rights. Various penalties are ruu;a-r- etoil fitr abuse of the four privili-frei. witiiin tins b'.lt wluob the I'Tiited States Basmtsas] in ititi ss inherent rights, and none is provided f.,r mt*-rr.jirr.o»- in Aiaoriran rlghtd to the letMiathog iiunure ILshom* and to tm tlei|>-».. B Bahagtaa As tor those, __sbsBI ri^Iii.s winch astsg BBattgaatw. and mitde nero, tual br tnt; treaties of I 7-<.'i and ifl saTe^iiards are BaSB}AsIsSha*l Them ls B<t a line itt tiji., tr.-uty vvliuiti lai, .i I BB i *^ Vi**. b**b*SSJ_ t' BJBSBBJ BS BaSBSJ .. '..' w-riU.-! of ihr rUor of th-i rom of Mai I ¦**. bar ia th- y, gab war* an.: abe pl ^T-ny Bl vi-.r^ m ^ MMWBMMm iioyolaUou. Secretary Bayard's treaty ls not n charter of American rights. It is a code of Canadian priv- ilcgrt larmutaled for futun- uae in forcing a revision of the American tariff. lt follows a long series of outrages by whiib American lteh- ernien were molested anal harassed tn the enjoy¬ ment of rights possessed by Ncw-l'.ngland colouists BOfON tho amilaWlma and dccl'ired in 1 blt* to be tin ir» " forever." No reimration te secured for threw wanton nets of violence. No immunity frrm siin:li«r BatfBgn is guaranteed for the future. Tin- gaBtSSBBta flag itself ia ilishonoreii by an ilMulting provision whereby flabm g vet,** ls bm required to show on their hows lise number of a Canadian gBgOjBjsj hy UfBaBB hostile cruiser* will he enabled to identify them ot their con vein nee What would ihc ht ry rt^BsBal Adams Bf Massachusetts Dav have said in bia OBJ to m doaradlBg a psormaal? Whm wouhl thc mataz- ible Jilin Adania. who in 1 TJ.i imperiously de- mand.-d thc fl*h<'rics or war. have thought of such un patriot ie diplomacy a- ilnlinaay Kaya rd's? Bow would Mr. Webster, who exclaim-d that the Go ve rn nt wimbi pn>r»cr the fishermen, . hunk ami Baa Bl ! i nb and sinker.' have regarded so ensven a surrender, so contemptible a cuni promisi ut Ainer:-nn ri^l-.ts!" to seize iv.\ri:u-rh-t>M coverty. _ \\ ES;n:\ouDiNAiiY iull ditblidlxki). DI -:: i. IBB BOB Tut: BIGHTS OT oWM.Iis. BAK- IUKIC TY KA¦ XT. Te fae Priitor of Thf Pr lg BBS. Sir: Yesterday a bill was introduced inf.) the \ ably tv, Mr. Hamilton, of rbis city, which ci-uuiiu* a very extrmrdiniin f-atiire as applied to Sha BtkBtg of pruperry in flic L'iXy uf N-'W- York. Ir »utbi;ri/>-s sha !>. purrmtTit of Dot BB, w hem rna they ns fiu, to a|>ply to the Suprenw- Cmirt for sha n pp.-ur rm.-ut of three comm iron¬ er, who Btay npprais', if thc DsaBanmBBBl thinks beat, ali tia- property ou tbe waler front from it. to the Battery, or. fur th vt mutter, all i t .<¦ City of New-York, nnd th it when the oath of office of tho comm aaloBen i> Med in the County Cloak's oeflee, tba pity, ipso btsjgB, is tn bacooBe a lard in foe af all the property fesBxJhod in the petition, sad may enter upon, use and en- perpetuity the win,le of it. kw lug the owner-, of the peoamrty without auy btesaBti what- .. r until four monti;.* alter tlie camm..-.sioxn;r> mjiv see lit to report and t.iieir rt-|><>rt >b:,ll Iv "-iifi:me'i. Juii.Mig tan what tn recollect of tba pBaeor*aanaja bi the Story case. se\eml ya rs arin be easaansed Id the operation, uni aaaasss wini" the aBfortunste owaen are not ratirtttd ta neeire a dollar from t.hc prupi.-rty wrcin Ind fmin them. A.- thc 'aw new- stands, tbe Deck Dc part m nt cannot sjrnd more than three millions af mouey m any on" roar The principal work in which their self leta ur-' anisiiil aa the water frsss bi in uni.-nillir W ,-,t at. t ¦ whtSb of BBB I¦¦< t. .Vs th-- law now is. they cr" antharmed ko apply fri m time to t.t^ wheaavar thai amal a parua .. perty, aa i *!: re ra mr. lag to prsveut rlieir making snob apnlicatiana audar tht pr trul law, ..-i ¦-.. v as with all that they require for the yur in Barrama* af thea Bwadag tba dntaaad thinftr. The pr set r, a«-r rises the ps ahtg agata shs value of all ri,:-. peopeity br one scanmiaaioa of I n sn N- jury of ladia mea te p emitted by Bay court lo >it upon tL Nia. san over again, ami saab power sh mid rea to I on"ra rfd by I :pt. and vii ;'." am :rem aoma * to I ,. t \ .;,.-.¦ ll' .; tem, hut th - npori te eoe V, " h' ¦'. . lve.-n Sew-Yi rk as .. ... .. I n.big tb m nf" nay inc* s I rb- wttnr , r-....'1-rr' ... ._ .,...»¦ :i--r- irrto til-' v oru- aoi - - '. vu.-jM in Tti'h .,,-.i-. te r sj, ., hardly posaibre in a civilized utr '' Ir is lb-' flrsl tint" we I- Heve, when a"\ ha* axes I \ - aili' I ... |. ..... -. fn- .) n rlie H'M ii'"' '1 :u ,T'.-i. hot, a- tte f,-rr, 1,r».*< n' Vf1-- v-'n" end f-.* ,' .-:- 1 tr .,-,.. t-., ;.. th ont "" iri *. -jt'-'' in le's . .... y,. rhe wi. I. Pr it'd to i '!*?... net trifl a then ... tire |>mrtTB-*w* of . . , fur tte* a-i- .. -:;.'--. ,,- r.....i ¦I-.. .iittii."' shall the enrh r Btw tad Ste r' . haime .,- i ',.r|-.. ,,»»:,.. i. . ,. rrrn- - \ m. u -ii Kee \,'-k head .... n ..i..| ti- i p rpetuitj a." ....... g] lille -li'Uii'l be ail rt< .! flam .. e r ur \ --te-l i t u was pa I fo v ni in ].. fair tn the BBrmerty-owans. NKW-YOBK TAXl'AYtt& Ni w-Yerfc, Feb. '.".¦. EOTERJ AND TBEBB' ABOUT TOWS. Noone en'jtTS t'. :-*lt^s an Ml" fl: >::* tl ttl* "BSlfleftll Tt-er C »|-« et .." \i.a n.. ni .re Usaf <in'..<v t an -' | ».,r ¦;:;.. » . SaSasal USS iiiiiu KS ;...-. tiiulrr. Mr. s-,.:*«iie is sutT.i .enllr iwate te taosi " 1-.1 *f -r ta ir.-eai .f ...ase ti * la BSS P'-ni" a w. II - s Uti DBkaaWB Usaamaaaaaa lualcaotriUuttiaeft ieaas, rit'n-r itaaaaa ia fall fa til tn it- ni tin,.,'.i ..iln:i:.'.'j a* A means o'auivi n'i ea i:n-ia.c it: I - it.-- vari .*;¦-: aarj tts ¦- i IT. toter it nm. at is attwaSl* kSBl I BtSSI BCattSSS BtwAteH laresae > 'all t at ¦..¦ ¦ taja* r (uk», *nj uurrrui *uli' tatt 'l.r.-' e ., IfttjaBa'sts - tttttt . sa stsstaaaa ness Ialaaaa4 tl 1 ia ]f. ni «hu i .noii an ta siiost wttsea. ture * tiirjT»ers.r eaa'i i-.a- tmra B| al baas popa'sr b. varaxes lulu Sastt un -un '*j uiuruiug. II wl'l ¦ona bc Hu- [ur tia ttJBaSS of farmt are flans n, " una u^ " arrnia He s ai Halt aflTA- aa! Limy thir,t---t. aaa ma auaw il aortas ssjviaaa»rat .. tad ttare lt al wags I »ai>>:y ul it.r...... a tau si :0e .errr BtaAS ey louiiiaia. Basal ia Btapwrlrsa' sat aattar. I*s mi»!' si- .J Mi nun. sum aa BBSSSUn ns'i't-t- ht tn I * f .. itnttu. »., uj.,>i>,- jl- wi.cii Sss Qty luniim Per lt leafle* o: nan of .. i gell i* <^ I al n t,- *, .. Mr. Baraasal BawYerk.* or "llr, ....:!'>. si i-t*t." « ..... : ot^<uuau nam ra ui i.r ni: 1 wm re ni lu tc I j Lui -ino a.-* uta. sS*«s atefl is in u- is.t tts - . stuiisl lae Traaaarr aa raealtyaol aeaiJ tata - . . >u,. rrtavtareffaiB w fevtio-ttr aaM alas UwU » ss jul aeolan t *.. it w*t a u.t o. atsraWstaaet ea 1.1* I»trt to gel a tl ur* fnattwl loss of ea',. Cj.i anna ii salaMma ni-..i Beaters aat y«.ii Boatatr, i.j. Aro metaana aoh iraarmttwOartsti tua luont,,, vt ta nie ^xto)¦¦¦ tts o: Petra lp trBieBstaitva/t BBtuaWslas iwsatf Sarm asyaamr. ottatssi ragAS-l i*» itAu- yaars. lui 1 o.aj, J nl^e at ni * «,.*, . 0.1 Ula,' .1 j li : ,r m is ,, tsartr -i-ys. ijj-i .id. Bot tar Ust uiou'l. oin s> i)o ti.", or twau'./.Jual lays' p^y. wlietin-r i.o I,,eui,I cou,.nu. lu uor.^r u tte au..u ya*t*i.ur ur 11 as un raiaau int Iwos.ur ... ll*-l a taff oj " wimont lose ot -+- Ills LAST PifBCBAMB. Fr The last .'.a-c.i b) Mr. Coreortn tUOPJ Bot bl ais lil. na.lu' »1* '. ... ni bar iii'-es Moan bora *b,tb an bo , ll H. 1' .f \e\» ji.t-ii. 'j'|lla Ba «¦*. tu ^ ..*«eii lt 1,111.*. If Alliel lu .re ii- ,,,,, oj a,- ;. .i,v- 1,1 the li ni ami Ural rBAlMitg 1 -«.- /7'-n ni:, r // 1 ir/-.'./.'/ j i.\ i>a WCi k ll t.AiM./ton g mtu'n th* lt. ' BeV /./. ie /.tl. Th- gJgBt 1 1 Cl BBB) r lin .. . * li'Il. strai^lii, dtVB and a.r .,,. ^ uni Inok +- ll.¦.'.Xii di li) ¦¦ ld, I !'. 'I m ni,ly at ml BOOB M;. i item I.e.-lu, 1, as a aoBtaO] ¦ .'. .ai t bcUc, Bbfl taid teVtt "bu ii'Aaa at kan.. how to dani.; hs taLev such a short stop that you think be must hare praetUed on a postage ttaoip. TALK AMOC1 CASDIDATES, MEX Wno COULD CAltRY THIS PTATB. To th* Hdit»r or in* PrMaaa Par: I bavo road **lth muon Interott ye r rolnranS of popular iibBsrratlon* relstlss to IIitsiOentlal can- dl'late*. It ls rosily amusing to read tin vlow* upon this lattject that conut from rwrfaln 'iin-tron- of 'li' ciiitii'ry. Aa an examplo. I will otto the a.ticle ap rtosrlng lu this BsSISlSB/i ls-u"> ov«r tim slpiatuni '...Ino Kepi-olican." In which rrV-iiaiur Sherman. Uov- ernor roioSor, Ponai, .r Hawley. All'- "O, nf lows. Bolicrt IJnruln aad t.cnma'. nonJanWn fUrrt-ou ar* cacti niooi.tiiwrl m connection with the BSBBBr-i Kl**'**- a* to BBS availability e* either an a rawlldato. li ls evident thar "Ohio Ko publican" l.nntv- nn'Ueit ai'i.'-r tho rioiitiorti stans, in la>*i garb, ar as sas'ttl ard make ths itstemo't that " H ib-os not aBSSB reasonabla that any min in Nr-vv York SS l,ar:ii.iul/.o ih olenolin thara.*- Tam- I- a min In New-Y.i. that SBS har¬ monize ti") elomofi'n hot-, ami ss the ttepiibln-an -an- tTJilatc carry this Sta o by fa\0Od ma.'miy Tl'at man rn t usnnrey M. Do pew ; but wbetli'r he would bo an arrrprnuio. eanuMato In th- otu" dnii'nfiii Stat's ls quits anoibar question, li ts alto evident ls *nv- ,, toti. .. ss -taaaa la ista State thai nnlthor Rober! Line-in BBf awBa*rBBf K.ir Btser, either or w-nm "Ohsa rt''r>-.ih:i.-air -"n's ta think w.iulil Ito suerossfiil. If nominated, ivould hw" * "Balk a*ar.a (»n riv o'tr-r !:ar*d. t.ei'.-ra! I'-nJamtn Harrison ls not. as stated by ****** bBSSBI Hean." ro- praM a*t sn sssaebg pafltBaaa, and Ita "stajrlng es" were fully proved in tn* la t [ml ana casi Balga. Tn mv JoognMnt, and I know u tay men ahssa ]i)sj.i,in am! tn fort:, at. .! entitle Kio,' opinion- tn rospeot wini honi slmllai SaSWS, i.eneral Harri ton. If mneiiiateiL would iu,t only " haime ii/ I ill 'ho Bte- ¦neala" hen., bal bo wntilit e»rrT lats HSste by s hanrt- ¦MHii" iiia'itiii anti lalio Ind.tua out af lbs SSS list, if tl.wisdeai and iirttslnsh ps-Tintiim" sf rho Rapohllcsn marty axhlblt themselvei in the aomtaatloa nf t.ein lin HarfrBroa, ala lUo.tloa st rsrtaln \KW-Yii_V. KtH BU AN. Sew Yorlt, Feb 27. IS*** <;r...T.i:.\r. j. d. cul foi f*B_ajtassVK To the ff of If ST i ' Ihe r i 1 it n r Sir-: U ls tl,'- ni],lilly gras Inc SBaSrB lion lli.it tho nominee ur tin' RBBnMaSaB Barty slioulil tie a n'-rn Vhs i- ie,' loeMlied alth any Bsstloe in iii- partv a Sith any sirat SM BB* Biol ll as auoriioy or In amy o' iseltjr, aaasa of tho brightest ;m1 bbbm taJeasarl MssfSfBraas aro mon anted iain sSta of ,lca-: ami, on account nf ide V".;, pmni Iienro .tliloh an s'tivf f-olttjcal lift brimr*. haeo mad' i.ni a fta batter spponents. Osr great il ttatesn. have never sneeeeded as Pra**SBV< il aaplrants; and lt In U"- p., -i!iic riril. uri' of riioJ das. .. afl u'liruariil m..> on;uiisiastio and loyal support of MH whole part*. I araali Die m aaggital sa the BepnbUe.au .--i a Maa wl"i. Iliooirh hr hs.* remained In th" bsrk- grsmnd for a, siiBahai ol yo^r*,, Vr?i on fgrtmtd at kai gtsrlnns military record a a .liv :-. ii-n an*] e,irp« oom naoder dining rh« lt War; beeaiiae »i bb honor .iii!.' and pralsosrorthy admlalstrsiton of th's i- Depart I.il and trr novomenbip of "'Iii..; mid be- tts and I ba as*| bs* >if .iii pm Bes ¦ d a aba .».¦ a "iniue what la Mgbust and ..-' ra rna mijoaBv of *n .' h sri'I w't-h an.) ,e.'ii(,-' if inprort meh a noni ns'ton, .¦. oral .lace' P. Ce*, nf Ohio, i- Mi- et.ii tfbose roten a'! ¦) md a-tfb -o»'!i a mail ro bjad, Ihe parry ¦-¦.ll close np ti.'- rap msde la lt* rank* ii 1 . ia assmed ,i> ei ,i" '. ( nitii.ii """" « BJ, TIIA1 KR. N.-w \ ... I sb. -~. 1 ira. IrCf-EW": ( \r\n.r.. Pnt-TJLAr*, v.\i..\i:TIl'. To t ll r P >H tor i, f Tkt 7 r tl ,| n e. slr; Mnea Kr Blah*t**i saense .liter s s**r«''S *--arl me.i ii aiii-w-t.|i--.i tn fsanw«f Cbsoasev lt B**r**w. snd ndmesl .i is re mu. i m soriv avalh*a bulara rle. Paran Lsus'is rrub ,'t .. In niifah 1." iii'in'--' lt- ..f the orpt.-r-. nf lilts V rn i-at-r. H wht^hsssM' " " i- II* ¦! .". (tl I '¦;..'. r*tNI< - I i" P opie." Vf:. Iii.'t h.inn" v ri || -. be i- mun o' or il.is, nnd srhat snd e."t in tl.e iviiv's nt bia r . resit/ tm ta -sr-rmr is en .. t ', is asl ; iii...... *tUautis I'l'n. JA.''!..*- ail ITU. Plttsfot-tt, loo. 27, l»«tn]. ir v rt r.i.'.tvi:, ,-nK\ DEPEW. T o i tl r L .: t n r 'if I ti r ! r l> 'i n r. BAr. v A rc.ie.i'i i!,'"lines tue ji iintsi.,,,-.. oi \- ii, tbs ti-'li' .:' i --. a1* the a ir twat man; »'>''. 'I ;..:a 1.1.1M i'i. li '.'..>. ; ra., I-..'. -.'¦ a>- VE r.!\I)Ei:i<il.rs RF POSTED FCBCHABK "\ ni:"VK si* c v ;! '. n -ii; i l'" -.vii' TO H t v fe; r. v ie .1 (. !'. e *.'¦ ' I S 11' ;,-. Th* v tnss "f < ni He "ini br Canal arni >nvon. soft! st tbe aieUoa sf Chi Utwrt hpaisii* a Tass was ..|.,t pare -. tv. D, Ogilra a.* stats spspfc. Tbs ..t.-.u pa ii u i it- oiiy I ri v' mi. m i.- .nt; .!:. bf .- r gverr Tt>r ni i.i.'in-.'tiiiiiis c le'it. Thl Bowsi ec, thal . .i,t it tbe of iu.- .-. p tl Iso :. ;i . iiy-.'i; iiiieie , aili U ls, i hen "i-", [un j uie that *Cr. VaodarbJlt will baaa .. l;.; .. i., i"rt¦. >¦] .r i- ort -re toranteti^r fhs**Tlatw in ii li i ..¦.. hUs la f J. T. .-un.ur,!, fur *r'J..-t hi ic.*"iti in v;. erin" Wolf" in i-Ti; r.T .>-. .'hi jim i, sow ta the Metre- nlii.iu ii.- .i. Ol An, u .is ctinaiilere.! t'.e lie.-i ;. !. iii Vine-.. x i.i'"V..ii I- A 1. -i- ipa Juill An ie s.i.e III 1-t, .,, A I -le A '-| :. ¦'' «'J. 7 ,' . ', ear tu K: I lui' a SUalUU nil l.tHMI. 1 (spencer sale « ii i re i*ori .i-s'^-n.'i for tu- ;,ut not » . ii f rimer ra* I -^ i bi " .r -..ul Wo i.: ;i iii,i i. ..'.-; on.t: '..it BtM 'l.i. - I.. i,t. -n Mn- ll'.lli.l.-o. "(aril !.'.,.. .-rt." - .. i. W' ai lu I,,",'..ii. ( ,.ic.i*.ii ¦M'O'.ne.: Ibe I'i.-/** I..11I1..-i.ii* ni"." I* "1'iiciit; i. v Ho.r li'itf." *::.-" i; H '.¦..- th" vt. ¦.' -.:.(,:,>: aai fe Boa**enn "eouset.'" -7.:;..o. lusat ut tbsl -!¦ I'.iii.ei- i'aliuer. .*. |.i..li¬ ne..I -:. SW tl IS ili'tcif ri. I.-tUic.-.. UUIIgbl ll-tl.M'- ,.,'i;et'e " iii' .-r-i'i" Hf.i,I al ;t BrunttUs. S.1 'Hu), ..ii - "li'iuit i-,-(..,n n .' I.IX TBS sale Vis.»ilm «: c nellie., i rei* .,..**, hfr Orbciossistsd il r ¦. i -r, ssa ,::-';.i;i thsa Bast sf say les. .Mayor li- ¦¦ ed yesterday at a bm I noun! ¦¦ a rsiva some of tbe Rpcnci aJ 'li I'-ii.ii. ig . -¦"hm bad rare sd i. Intlaiai ,,i iba the ease irssti ss sid thai Msyor c .; i ba th al i'i-r-.-.ilon of soo uaw nu i.) I'M ni' k Fni:n. ri..ns KAU SB tr BBCSBAXT tuisiivuis tvii |A»V' RS UN N(,i.A*-l>. t-i ion rue araa \< - t B'iien a pettifsa-ami* lawyer bsa aHTharlawi ..-. Ina I'. Isrartslilj i* .. -i" ,i ¦. al m Ue i ta ts a snail ir n.-sine Uer it:.in o' tlie oplthel iii'-" io- sbar ei.-i' of ntrst-u* whs da nsw i.iiie 1 vu v.- tt.i.;-;i'«. I'tiin .Nt .. "i n;., c ir-¦ is Mdt,* by aa ...a b ibe l.i-. sb KsriUnu riiii't. Loni ."''.nil *1t''alilll_' ¦¦! (iMII'T'IU Baaaa thal isa rrsltsr araa boro sn 111 *ii ». i:..i :. rea -i the 'r,.ri"ii in ii I., i.ui. .¦>. ibl ii ;.ri* - were Icli'iii. li nm fe.-..::. i,"|',,l:ii,- .Mr. (..ilUlil. TBS man >T 91* nil Alu, r. L. '¦¦ re ,, leuce, nnd wu le i-'.rc :,' . ¦- satire aaa! attn tie i. far lbw iltilesistlou a ai'isi moll| u eaanjtnr* ,,.'*.. ta ¦: '¦'¦ ¦' ¦nd -vui.n r-ttvi, ,,ii tu i. nj -n ,.,,13 .;n" ¦ m hs deaeirsstea "dvtvamlt rs" indi io tbosa nut self o-al ni tn.ileu.l '. 'ie "'' ¦a- ibe .saar aa ssinaisa asett \m *»rs*Ons tbsir i«»ds- pen lesea frunt Eb«I n : if tiust sod ess bs fossil innoi tie better an 1 *o SSH* toa .ulla. " leny ki tio- .- ''¦¦¦¦¦¦ '; exre|ii (/Ounsrsa RiwoS*. nu""''1 bm lie-l. ic stn oi-.ioii vi ,, ,1 .,, ,1.,./ I'.*; .oul nil nm >i i.-w;i,.,,..,i, Ml| ,. rsa, ts pot oroVM I;-..; nf oar v mu il .itt. '- '..'' i"iv d"." I*ot :..rn sack bee Mi Blaineresrlvsosay Hn«l*r;ill' tri.il. I in ,,,,,,,,i onii'.e wron-' iu teal Ill'illL. ll tu ,Ui or li, .'lic.oUI.liie "Iliel'"* I" ''" snytuui | M thew ls th*ar B#*»*aas flt Tia. ... I" i'm SS mc ii.i ferd, hna-nMy dest'os* to se* t-e- en.rr mi inr bb a tissis rrf ri seas wilt'" r ls wirb afssers rrsret we pti it rsl rho vi'-ii.iia ie ,. in « n UbrrS.n'eiie "Tl'..II. r I.- 'I .ru .t *srt "f P" n"t t a i.. neiii,Ki itt se 'i "' uni iiartimaix . xi -tin* ilifl-renees. " Tho Innilf News I* o.ti na; tba mad eaiosthrr fr* "¦¦*-'""¦. in,iced, then* ls ir..,..-i I tn ijiie-iinri arbstber Its pro a nil,ll nf .lei,, ., o [rall |f,.mn Bll»- i, .. ,,,- .11. > i"" K iit. -n iBowi no;, rf inntttn seq meses see ref i"r'v ¦ taaBSl___ ....m issn no;, r* isetttn *eaaMaass«e ref.. |.ir-\ ¦v.,, i, o.<e|.it tua r>i»uaO>s - for reovton* ev«r wuicu lt bsd no eouirot," IEE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Id!E IN¬ SURANCE COMPANY. TILL TEXT ur THE PkESIDE.VFS REPORT. fc"irrv BjjrXaU aUfawBax Biatiti. To tits Mum rms : The year ir-t-7 has rx-sa a prnaperona anw to tho company while decreasing its enpenses. tn compared with tho prevlnnt year, lt has Increased the mimh->r of Ita policies t ul the amount of Insurant* In force, Its Bataan, tts t-a-u arni Its surplus, in a satisfactory manne-, after paying clairol and an Increased ulvi- tlend. OPERATIONS VOR u*87. In taBa* th" company rocnlvoil: BBB BnaBBBBS .S4.4-J tstgS Og Bor lutt-ra-t no.; MBBS BjBaaJCIO 10 1'roSl aua Baa. MS.7J7 Kl Tot''' .-*. 87.lo.V3r.2 30 ruirtn- th» your lt dN'mriesI: T.r clan,,, ni .l«ath and matured sn lowmaiitt $3.t»G0.730 09 Sarpln* ratuinod te poU- cr-hollera. 1477.3*. IC Laneed and aurrtultrea l"»hcies. 57B.3.10 Od TnUlropaliar-lieiileet. go.114,301 31 '"tiraajii.Ue, to anaats, sal irst*. ni -t eal ex¬ aminers* faos. pnntlnr. oilflartlsin-.'. taral, real aaaateaasimi ornsrsv- Bauun. . f(7aq.»rr» 07 Tales.... . aVaiJBJJ 10 To:al »!)93.ll*2 20 «Hi.l')7.'.is.i J7 r.ea"<Tijr a balance of §1.057.37^ 73 to bo carrUnl to iBoratae out or aalgm asset*. M" UTA 1.1 TY. Tli» death ttaam in lOOT na ¦ kasvin flan thou.) in the preview few; teri they were l .** than was to Qnteil by mir tabte af moitalltv, making a ¦eWlag .f about OiMi.iH*). Ht'' psrymonl of 'I sib danu ls th- end fur which s ur- rnsm-ance com pto; N eneasd, and the may r nd r. it. vassal mem imf ni a mutual mp-iev ar loner., tho ,lnty nf [ti Baaaaamn a la p.v ail sonni i.>*«".* priinipfiy. .' all dis'inn *t ln-isiv* as fraud* H th-' honest roamfann v\u,- miine saga tko elatam Many ci rn panic, eiimpete, fur public favor br pretend.uk rn nata theft peBeres " Iwrrmtorrtabla" we hate in slated Pha this was as rhe Hirhts of bobe st tn- aunn a:..I puiiije mm-ii s, a snsal premium fnr ? M|d !n nu atbflr linet ans* tn*v» men. assuming -. il.ir 'il givn up iii; tci.ee. ¦tmm saairte rat tsetr ninds. In t ra.t ea* Where 'he Jirv ftntnd rho Btsnnr I.All eeo-rn -I <| "I.!,. Will.- p.'1'fCe |y Har,,,. |, said in a tetter srraaalns tor tho .1 ipnaM aa nf hi* affairs .' rai lated s 'f l st mellon ¦ All dis in sn ranee noUrlea taws boon talnsR Us aoott*saaaa wh eb »:ii niall.. .,, nm* >mm m r.n eassaa ol teeth, witt, 'i tarofttsa, and har icu* ri mi .Ut ter" BE Pl reOO* Bo parr af rta BOBl of bann B --o dlrastlj arni reatta avatar rta aaatrol o' rh- maaagansam as the accimnr. rt k enter rn ian atnaag dun rn th posrsll !- - n in;- an- a tenor. T!i' tomraa« oVth » Rn aa- an in rta tens run. BrtarrrlB". mi sail maaasfoil. rn pap taite .ti one srtth ¦vt n ¦" ratio an! oe,m.,mr ji -, aol geoerallj il li rr raj acta i- f'--il tn Incite rae expent-o ¦eowwsajri bs sow icc f-i- itnw h-s nets m the ways ti'tt'nv.'ii ,r.. or rn taaa aaa RI liol tl* tn B "'" ¦¦.:. t., pi eseni 'Tn'ti '."¦ .;. rw,;ii.'nr: \ bb rstfn nf e-.. ni ,,--. nf hoi al tba .' ;' iel ls lir BIBI atv! teatte. and lu th" ter.ial t 1 .... .'v rT>-oot ro my n arv h -atora of ai' sh I than thal ni his totara pa.ot "i's. ' .-¦ Will rl-- eeiiit more than a attar eau*': whieh i-:>. -i, new ¦. it for 1380 Th i loewi e on I. and BBts > ii l-l jadar eateltiis eoailtttons of He- RM Bad alT.j: iLi nu notablu niil.oi of CUillii. .:t ism 7 a have sol la Bf r al ai a ne; pia.Mr of S Kl W 3ft: and balance, peuBt as roal >-^tate \i .> tai >.i' ..'! bj ind aTasn of lio.o" Bi on xchangut, eta,, mee profit, 080*727 l :. !. vi. KSXA-TU -M.F.-s. Dnilag 18W ur- costoaag km mH lor ij"'jn.77; tn Thit brrnga rho tales of real a ,t np lo Taanary l.t.., .,-,,, tr hie h . i I 7. no- - Boase of ita in russ halal ky Ita mirranr tove : i.e-ti p.dd Baring tbe v.vu-; aad some ;i li -:; i.. Mai tl til Ital w.Li tOBlBUlBg tn q Mlj bj ti. ¦;..... have "¦.'. ii; tba cu.-,.: ni hntiit- puretaaad ..H .. ..- nf bonds now b*M. . ''¦ ¦" ¦¦..¦<¦ >».;. hut their par i il ne I* .r-i'n --J c.". less ll,an : proem tl MT ." i'i: [lit alli. -ive hy aiirUIss at tag sr I v .. bi ¦¦ > it heil a larKU ItVlag baa la*.'. I. ell.-eli.'ii. BJ Vf. PST 1TB I-' v irg the jr**' eon i -I si 'inrin!; fi' .-fr., r.rj :::i- o*t: and been idatte n,74tno: tho i ¦¦'. - a ¦' iii'i:'- only ai these run'- when rt; . focttitiei fat Ki-.at and sluctlot* eas] -.. ia, ami Ita rapid «S .. I'in; ii, ai, ni ail ti." tosooresa of oar cit ilizatu.n. fiii'ti..-.a In tba ; e..1.-r nantber nnd the -" ii ut viilni. ihoy are ma.!.- m tat satu ral aa areg a.* th.- ar tool ama .I r. utres "l we ala, inn. Thal Iii. l. iili! Bl ul i, atel the had (rom hem * f tr, The rot torre, De 'ember 31, i --7. C3,4>tf) poUi. | » aa bj the loommaadasdeta ;.t.",r.in;7 77 ,. a. L-ai- surplus of esV(4fi0,*a0 OX lmt thai lltialaiil o' snn-rt.ey aaatnam thal tba company will i per oem Banoal :..',:.¦. st; a:ui .a aSB2 We .i ' a dune rteitaatsi', lt Was a jw.. .I.-.IU in assume thal Wa mild not bobbi wtth "v'"' '¦¦ P du ri ag ta '¦'"" '"' ta ir ku il ne*)* iuu*r L-- expocted t.i run. i -. mptton cum- ,. .lie. the dtftereaae, l>cember "t. being gSiao.OOS, making ablll jr, by our oe u !, gui,4IT,- TOO 77 ead ' Ot¬ is i lew nf iii.- conan ' fer of fer nf t!i I sar uu .itu any tn flu- wm ld m.I Bi ly fan n whieh nie mri c ia ¦ I ir fanni, pi,, B BO TOTAL" I" -rt rOaVrr-TWTJ TT VHS. -,- aptnj bas . Tell t lor Pr-avti sa . gt3 '.''^ Intereeiand Reals . SIS i'¦'.'¦ ~' Balaam Prent ami Lam.. l.aio\.63« os B207 ICrJ.093 10 DI short i sr I'ssii malata an l Bnaawnsati SOVl.Vi.i « - ' ...."..¦ tr.'.i. ".:: n3 i i sad anetSnrraadered Polietea !"".'- -.- ... 1" i hi nu; :ct 'It-. . 0.10 '.le' 70 l«.*uce .Sci A***!* . J.VU- ¦- )f'j.'7.iiii-.-.ei:: io ,, Ofj.07 pm nm nf ita abate bas roue rn paste] taMara and tbstr ksaamVmarksj for i laitus. r|i\li!eiid,. ai. laBBBS] and -.uri- BtatfOd V di 'j.- -,7 per not, kan bom lo net t .-I al aa ai - .- nat of t.38 pa nul br Bxpeana ol BnaausBBamt, and 'J.:»7 per e.nt for tana Tlc- -i tko kattata of A merl- eaa gj , g un kali aaaaaaaej in tai tl »-A cpi |ls ot nt' « mbsn "cd. iv Og r OBTUSE, 1 I'lminier an I C -niel 't'rn*t * gna or bTsT TowT-Vitwaii « c*.. ****".»»* Ci.sili.o-, -iii'. N *.,.'* mis - ." "i »¦¦<« iraeta. purtoseo, *io*«as. ffl.ryiiunr tor taoaaaassuta; .lainaiieO. * ts ILLBD Aileofk'.l'or tl- fii-'*'- ,"»'1 ' furn itii:.-.l and tr .r trell rom naad Tllr. tu hi iX Onee Intra I'.-d tew ths bo is* inti Po id*t 1 hs'ns a,, na fl rd ,1 MBI It I* .'ll Befall BS ineolt- in all e.-e* where s Int mn ur a Ila lair at IB or for laieeeaJ u .*. I . l'"'""- . i "-.<"¦ .'»"'» »n<1 a-ss.rruaes ll i* srlMBill B rival Av.,i' lin. lal mus. Lura.u« oa. li nellie esief^'Iy imlere purc.ia-t»». i .ii 'nil« rr foi Plattar/a tettante. . BB r BOBl ??nlere BBtfasV' --aaStai lia. Kiuiaa * i". «i iii-i:ii.i.it" ¦ v. e-t wsrii «» latfsreasuiw rarest ms aoiutw. oee sr^iseasiale itsjinte drasSMIa'ortlers f»l Hr In k.ii icjr. U»er aaa ii.aUuiu CtVa-^Bitaaaasuja ..*i,a.-i.«u». FROM Go\S WELL toCONSUMER HOW THE NATURAL OAS IS STm.IrTD. IBPBOVKMKXT9 IS TUB SY8TKM-COXSOUDATI0S ea iMTKassTs. P.'TTsrirm,. gell. 2D.-Tb* inaaiitaeiurers of P.tU bsrg wera slow tu adopt natural gsa as a Baal In iho Srst riane, they were lu doubt as te ths extent sf tbe f-ss o-sldn and th" perms ni nt ehsrsstsr of tito ..opelr: befttdes. there was an la**ha<mttble supply ot psi e.isl at their very doors, which cont,, be had choaply arid they were f-ette/railT d-'oosed tn lot foll enrmg-h alone, and not to be led ttir ht what they roganled st strang" gods. It hi true, that u o*rIy ss tP74. a Urtu doini? bU'lDeii uear the city lie ran piping eas from lui lier I outuy. but all kim ¦> I"t!.*t> as to th.-* advantages which the Brm thn.t obtained ovor their sorttpe'liors weis ekej-r'.y guardod, and UM BBaBBBSSas was croped g->nerally that lt was enjoying an aipeiuivo luxury In bavins* o.haogail troni coal tn gas. It wart not until thc ute of us'iiral gas Um anio more (-or-errM that tts superur ads-ant i*-es both as regards eeooomy and tao charact-r of the ainJeitils priaduoerl, were fully apBreeaatsd. Ia laet, rina/ mannfaatnnar* Me 9lm i.ih tat admit all that msy bo tald In itt favor, their renounce being duo to a dm- not Ui ensMiiraxo fort her eowretrtoo by lnvlt ng establishment*, lneafed In other rrsrts ef tbe eonntry to mmmc to thu vtrtnlty. In the early kifIMS of piping; ea* from the Iffeftory, Mn1 r»y,ville and other dhrrtcts. a Isi-gB nmiter ot oompanles wore formed which wore BBtasBBBBBLtj eo;i- Ml iatsi inti, wt.ai ls now known ai Hie. I'hliadeli lils Company. Ye a long ttmo there appeared to bo no practical way sf .ontnilllu,, Ur; g:s. aid bruce tt was tiirnod directly fmra the BM .itv o: thu well lulu ninia* which were laid fj-usi tho km dutrieis io the city. Of '¦'iiii,o. tbs praaaaia on tliete tua. ut was vo.y it ev and ranr-h. ss twenty mule feot sf gas wore on- talBBBBBl into BBB fotw. Tho result was heavy Mi lion and BSBBSeaaml retardation of the dow. so that, by tho time tho iras reached Ino city, tho di ess ure on BBB pt lies wa* very miicn rr du oed. To .tooan extent thu W the ena'Jr on of sflMBS today; bit h. pla lae heavy tiosins welghreit ,'.i»wn to BBB ground in proper B, it lui leen piatlble to shot .n the gas at tho inoiith of ih1 wen amt %m penult Itt escape lu such fuliime only as 'Inrtlree-. In erder to regulate tho pressum before tho ga* en¬ tered tho city limits, sf .ti.ins wan SltahtTihei whero the iras wa.) paSSSi tbiotigU valve*, MhtSh regulated Ibo flow. At tho same, time, tho. I.zo of the vtpo Into which it w»t loruilttsd to es-apu Mai by VhtSh tho city was supplied wa,- nia:ortally in.'re led. Th,..*. st ibo .limos A- Laogiiim vtor.s. to wa.eh I rein rai, lin- oilier day, tho tugh pr. ss ire maia pipe war, oitly IVaafere nu:hes In diameter, and at IBS time thai 1 vinliud that wui'id ll was carrying a pressure of abwut i'-ii poumU to tho si|uaro ln;h flt: pipe wh oh r«- nclved th'j grvt for ihe woila* was tw Ive la hus In aasetar, bal esselei aa y aaa pound to the agaaaa Inch, the re'tiicTlon ni pc -s ire being etfwt-d in part by the tj.ip.vrai on p-rmlrtixl by tin; ag of th* I rget pipe and partly by kohflng bash the gm 'n the hig.i Ii-s-iiio main. Th; nmv¦ m-*nt ,jf tiie ralvsa ls .ititomatic. hewping rho prns-nre In IBB etty ri1"* ileady. Tb se raduefag itstiaaa, as they aro failed. needed now than formerly. beeaiBM lt is | os sible to regulate tho auioiini. ol ta, lbat laeweo the lias laaUrtSt, about twenty tu ;s aw,ty. At ut her sta Uttsa whisk i haas v.^tod. Uio flu* araa ta *<-i. asg iilaiod lu thia way thai tho paaHiiaa lu tn- pin'-, a taa] saasred isa city, was as greata than thai uetiio.1 tin consumption, anil bSSSB tao v a*v - .. Th i hartiers VSBBBJ Om mn.pasy wai argsaUMai M i--:j by-some mbmuImIswiiii si fctmsarg, tW tha osi. m.. - sad Mhet s-.ib a h munro. U.S. It his Since aitond many IB* I lill BBS la both Fit. I .; i,, ai imenta, and b tay .1 to thal of Hi. Phi il Iphla nip.ii-.. 'il.i, ha* ."¦ d in part u> tin: improved ,'" gipa baa i, th* * * Bise b lag iu- Bttj. Hmm a. tl ag ls a graahasl asdamlsaa la tha oas pesa»*tt4 aad isdiMlsg ihe tr,,; ii dil Iud cnn.pauy bao Bsd li gt** W*e . pipe in the woni, Mading iro.ii it- asMM a, Mas * vin.- tn Pittahoirg fur itu' arv BbJbs, i- steen Inchea la IBs awn sn nines Ms*a n tamas) iu u a, aai c., - is au ei a pipe iwensi lau* iitass* lo a**us i ,i BOOM ..Itu: il KS* I S ni uko .i/.., -..i;l..i:., tu.' h.s. ic lui) ;.i ats ....,..'.., i to ca ry fas r..| < :,-e fr" n IO'S '.> ...:>. !.'¦;.,¦:¦. ll - .^. IUC.1. ... ls luiA i ii. howasea, ia*»« tha u*-^ res...i., aiay U..- ou- MU ,o u l .a te,nc, - (:e..ut- ol tui cuninin. y ha bras t.Jie.i io d lue. Sr ll.O^ VV lil lUM]/ Bil ai.< a.'' I'M no Ol ill,' ^ll. pas-i.n. chrongn lt. lao oi'liiiiiy ga* Bat terve ins por-pase. In ihe o*n*.in..,' nf SS] i.' BB ' ¦.'. J-;' -etl^t: u. c. ebai g * in issi pa Isa af u as B*as gb . c-. ., sum lei month, for ihe whale ho.- n.is simla ls r,, !*. abandon d, ji li i- ss .i i ni et tia* bess Un\ l»*xl wuieii vi ul aiaj'.v.-,' mil 1,1. p t. totara the active csmgetUion tit.r h.,s .¦¦..-..': it;w"ii tba fbllatlelpbia a..'t ih . irs V..1. y umpany bsa kepi down th-j p fa rh- n-- of uatirral (.ao to an e\t;' ni rj low gg, r-. w ue* lu non bsa .'-'i to groat wsso* ou tn- latoof BBa*Bsfs*t- t'j thaaa h a gaea ih same BSSi H or UUlo. alni l.i Ml T ea base been *>i ImpsrfocUy e is* d i.hit the wmte of gm i-t-. beau Bsarfj ai am mu' co. sum ..'. lu J.tm ry las* a ween t.i I » or. ."inih tar a. pei-iini io n n ¦;.. oin yoavs. an tu.-.i i.ia, e- tho wucbing af both .;.*u:i.aj..;- auder one a,au¬ lt. 1 oi a.i pi .ur.o.ui.e COU> wt'i e. sp r "eri i-i .". la r- lerlally reduotsg sha opl*rarta,, mi eases, and at tbe situe (nee gt* n^ lb* 'loll...,. " Bil] lb irg and US vu'in'n HMO .' fi..oils nf on . c. rpor it lon The eontrsci a lo« inide before Ihe eonsBtttaibM ah ss (lr Bl Whl ld J- il ¦' w li i:,a ami from ISM source aJooe a barite re^ ¦. |.i- ed ni tha future. TM are io be tl lided seen the two eon i.an ra la .. | their teapealtve reg1 ta kt boBi- to th- com ih" capselty of the ppo lines reich og this e .iblc me v ¦¦ twenty io ir h.,iirs. Dui ng the slater aaasas bO Ihts ga ls io sui sd arti I-- m rh there a inrplrs. 1' la | ;i ^ i^lleveU that thu sa«tng in *h; waste af pa on of Imp snd ii.f meters which win ena la the in proportion lo th" airviunt actual!) i lij e.,itai m any inets'aso io eonsumpi un i in tnboi ol awn ms which w-Ml peohshf* chance from <. era, ami the ; ami aatMlaaj est bl'shiTsnti tha a be attracted bera on account of rho creal economy la the use of the fool to be obra nod. The mpply could bi Increased m-Mrhal ur j.tent without drill ng any new wells, hoth cumpsp'os hiving a rea >rve of wells iu tho ',; rrarsvllle and Hickory districts, whick a;-" that down until B-eded, but which cai, be turned on to th" main line si a-v H if tins eoaetaatan paovsa m ba rserwet. rh,» Pnther ol et^ .xi'iU tn this fiemit y will b-> n-e.li| only io supply ihr Haee .,f those which beeoe ... v Asl il io n»r. of tb* Petted . deal Survay. lachacga ot .' Coal Statistic*, baa esprese-,d the bop^f th-.t oTcoeti :, per cn* of th-* liB"wu itar- territory bes yet t.n brough) Into remit* .. tupi Iv <. m ¦ I Other experts tell nie »hv the ftesl >d --as rorri- ii,.", i- largs a* aU the pa-role'in fieiia ive been developed T' " faith In the practical hmiasnatlhlMtj af ttl aupply, is j id by tho enormous es sb-Mhmeni - teuSll'SSlaal rrein-m- the bj- t'.'lil*. At CU*SBS win b- ass*tua tl tnmmer whWi roi er thirty ;i v arr-ss, sad ll cost (,\,.r They will bs toasted directly aver rsa ."! mr on- vr*\\ v*rlM n'o**'1 rfiae inneli all ..! ie»"|ed They will be th" larre*-- Mm the '.ntrv, bavins a eapartts of no-" ts-' al' the nt her* i' the ****>¦ ra pin'* af rh" sra" de-ni-.! to th' .f wtadnw gtae*. m w*«*sl h b ¦ r.,"*.- a »rl i '**'H iv eonSned, Tha Vforka ,-u BVaseaoar wttl also ste-ala their gie annrlr fruin ¦¦ and a eorsorailon aaa b.--n f. r a i hr seine PhttaitiMphla rr*p**-il'ar« rn conafrnet large iron Brilia over ". .- **-'' _ *_*. P<"nt M '//,./' />. r.(.Mtrw pr'f.-tnfRv-on Ts*s-s»-, taasrsstr ia st t rViiTlng"i-l,1 lim* '.-.>¦. ¦ n.mDury lo U BaacLffa liosiayn. BStb oi .New \ ¦¦ s CBS_ _____r_Waaa**aB MED. rovrvrrr rv-cin pssrssrv ll Isha, *"B of An-is (dsott caiii'im i. aad BT-tnd««Mi « ¦'. h J lin ('oiurs'lui. of na'iifi'.n- .*, ,,t: .nd, in Uta laVh***' li * .«-¦ j- ..rv .* MtHro r"l'»n.'n trfnlt eraudtiothnr. Mot ,. u t ., ,. .co i_oa.', tiroj.-ru. un I'uuitiar. viar'-h 1 s* 1 p. ni. I rttef Bl 'i" ¦ral*. Kindle a'.i.l Itia-sr*. I ,-. I'l-ie, Wedneo.laT. Pabrnsrv Bf, st h»r rest lane*. Nu 171 Hi'lanfi... "alie liioi-an. widow ot J. P . ir ad | star ia tV iilhresr .' her tra JBtSfllSii BS fr et In Of th* fiu./ ira - .-om'tfullr Inrlrtl lo s**s*Mim* .1 mri. iir*i,.»i at Bsase Csaron. aa Fn-Uf. .Marc t Bl 10 i-i. rt.ovrj. I'lVr-s-vm-r"' '"". Ba _ w-tr ti>v,.,t. na li'iiir- pnciir gt K.-imn-.' w.f" *¦. Vre'«r k Kl.iT.I.'oiia* aait .laiirhiar o.-Jam.r* VT Cuor *. ul SSBB cr.'-,, N r "i tn. -JJ-fi --".. o' 'it ira. Psseral *-r**Ma* b»IH* "i >^n ..' .>;;-*.;,*',.". .¦v*-' ... ..ir^nr lO'tioi on rharmlor .lansll !. st 10.Wi. m. lliiertnnoi al BJS*lliaS.B, arael ra arBlss*t%» minliu, F«i>rasr*r '.'B. f.inm i.m nita* T fi r*sr .' * * if* fnimr-K fr*** SH IBS* *M MSSSt loSJ Micoa-*t..on Frulsy. Mar.-'' j. *¦' ii SO i*o*M S i. BB I y V nov: -At Mt'w»i»*e Wi*., asmlsr. r*'M-,iar» 2fl mt tT11, . Mg i isbom Lessst* saaasi laaaB lor o' U (i I.nuiioT. in ar -Nt T*or. Fu rr-1'n> Bl. rams* I sos r.iurca, *».lw.tusot, st'J a'stott* Walu-* tar, Kent nary '19. i gerri n Ba*>asi ls*» ra* i* n r'.f* r>< !..»*. in fllnlrSS M Bl.SIJB ia.rurr BB, . hs'lutro *,. ».,,,. ,., \i,.,,..,, Look wood 1': I e. 7-t.i fntr «f li*i aan. Fii'inn: f-t-icn, * , ,t other telu, .'-.liar. -t. tin Kn ar. Bl IS I u Iiilrrineo-ot Naraals ...m.. fr. U.' . - 11 i. H a.v- nil- Ji'.tt ii.. Andria* liaison, tn tb* 00th k » . '"- Bolo: iva* oiil nat lt ur- r*« >o- fatlf i'ir'c*1 t., .iilo'id tbs tn.- tao-. ISI W»,i Had *t_iMi «... M indi J. al I Ml D m. ravi .<.* gaaar* ni a* l-l i-lVK-nti VsttSSraSaf rsiirnlnf. Otoar B. BBfSBBo, in iso Salli ra*r ot Ms Bsa -- i' Ut tote fatviiaaea Ho, \S>jti W sol :sHB- *w ti.iUT, al 1 j .*.*-*, Mata* ItBtn.oetAeels oe Tweeter. Peh*«B»rr ««. I"***, athv rtsi.lsnco. It'J* West ima tt. af i.ho.i mini a. Leola I' l.-.o. torr witow ot Hrilln ,V. Ra', an.l oti'y .Uiir.itere! i o'! Ororta P. Hu rr. in tat :«*tl* r«ar «f Sir sar B'!tt'»ss ssw frion.fs ar . r-t statfa » ¦ rile !¦> Aiton 1 t a reearel ea Fri sr March «. iso a ter lau reAi.leats.tS tram p. m tnttaai rm lAor oirtioe. ( fatsrmeor slB'isieiawn BA VD- -Qa Wi, lass ir. Pehraa rr ??. l**\at ht ¦ rsa e"ai a iD Port. rWrr. !. Jere,...- «*.o ». Ii* ".. Is ttl 1th yeer. Pnnera. rr.cn Ra .'let t-'Barctlu Pendle* er oe snarl if. Birch I. si 1 p "i , , ,. ... rtrrra«etm wattlursl PurtctesftroaamrA ef t*tm Man I eas uar at. »TOBa--*)a lelirttiurr -'*. *i**ieer Q Moses, la Us CS, Asor of hi* tia . .. its **ir*-»t*i sMesa* atwnnsatBsSwfewin»i t.i"*t« ». fi asaal **tr».es al ia* Casu S o. Ha I r-wsaaa Attest, en ur-' IW, s PBsabwjbm st w*»nj»*,. WALL.Si TSaoiAsriile. If. aa Ssa tar Krbrasrr Bi lll..liai-i Bf i**1,. toa o' tris tale WI lion Well. fti'ST. srrn-o. wp ba h it is rsBattwe-* -.1 .O, Sr .: ¦.'. rrsnt i Will. Ba BtaagBateSaWn l Brets? .-aoi u-. live. I. »: lo feta ll ls i'ri|ti*s»t Ihtt mi 1<.w«ra t*» sent WlLf.AKlv On Wotoott .r, FoOr teer M et i'll rev * ¦-e .¦r sr two. u-wcra ll. Wald. \t« ie.jSei j. M *. ll .itu: L. Wi lara Vowel swrrVsa si i'm- ants* "Ti ' ir. WiM'i'.'.il I M li. Carrissa at Now. t'.ec'tsUa sl^t.uu OB afriTalei I -J 0 ai. If tn fro.ii Vs * Tort. WWOtt-Al hi* lats r-wHeace. Mg W*** t :ih-t'. tioorss W Wa.*!, ww! St rsa*-*. Pwastai tat tit it silos i' asea of tat IdTiae IMtsrettr ".its t»o.. rorner liis-ot., itut.ler aaaaiaa. .'. Trta ..'. Ute*. I'.stiaSifo* saul monks, otu \ .* ,1 t.sslfn Be M >-I A.M. .foi. a \ '.. - ia Peal Ni St il. A. H let S'i rieni *rm* emt Nsvr V-.-,-r io,, g. N t. -. . . i -.» t'Mweriak-r.' Aas-ti tots, aa I s-s >' .ri US ¦- .laiI itu. 09. drlt-rof 1'n I Pnefliea, j-,, .urics.1. Special Notirrs. A.. aftamn I- Bas Ara. Aa lionet,.-. Bvillus. i. s Kata . i KI7 IBB -I t lilli. aJaVJOLtTTtCLT WITaOTT ii .srjp.'.-n. i m: i scost'n \ COLLtOTION Ot* AS lTuiTs ..ow ox ntr.r r.\-niRTn >v ntiniHorsiLE in iituai >- totvi, Vs-t1! ?, al Stfetatk. Cataaaewe Vet, 1 lo US) nielesl tr. 'lr.,, .ai jT-.ro.*. sitrtr on I (I .M ii'ik ... .t*. a el ur *.* n*ar HATI rt uar, Bars % si .i resets, rai asea,e* Baa 17 > *> 3.*>'i inaltislvo. I- III .fi, le 1 > til Vt irtHt o -i VII IV Mil- ,,»¦.. < »'-wt. Ci.'oti- V... | *.*'«. w:tu TS lois . u-a t. ilrant, v.o.i aaa BHtef oriel went*. ',»t*i c* if K-u-ir.u ti r [TBB0 iV. B .rot rf ri tooles. ctra*e-iwt Viv* a si io nt* Wats S'I BM-a ..lio.olt n ul'f-. ir.i. i-i,l ttir v\En BSOAi P.VEXl .'.. ..( ". .: : ;.'..« r i al"*n«-So-, 'il.! 11 A-M. w.ta i l l.iie >. e .-, . ._-r .. etui on Pa nita*-. lilt R«,l. i > PrVBBIBO Bare h s r ; . teas*, x .». SS* teTatt, mlUi .! a »»i ni'. i IIB BBB Ttl rilsj'fl -1'.- h-n.o ,l rholr susetta* le r as f".*ti Bl <-.. M I it. -il IS'-sal* Bono-. -t»piiar t Caa, 17m *:. ai,.! Bri SSSraaj Ssaa, w Oate, mis Bnss«1*af s *. '. ami te, 1 in ir, ot r*oeii liruiiliiTiiii jtl-av* ll n. flers -oa, MT Sta* s»e_ A.. WISisa P. Beer-, teattaataa Muaajk'* tncri >m .; t - v tos pi rr i % v i SLILE THIH KVI.MMi. AND lO-Mul.liOW KP.IDATI BVBBIBU, Karat laevt tal tf* art, itu: bi&coxd ro.:no\ of rai r»oo pms f' i \ l; s w,io»i. io t'sw of aa ii .r ,' a-sa Ms rina n -i jstt-tii for sate* rs*».e ,* siren.- ^.lltitA ,.-.t, MK. i'lIVUl.t-:-; W. sIVSKIsTnCal h-vt 'obi Iel iieilf wi i <¦'<, this ohe*iT t*i >r,i.i rt-iv Inctadet ot -oll-rt »x I SSBtS nt Aflr»t, B-rinr-r. 'lift, limn,.ss. Onsittat, Uo'isata, j ta t»italie, o.t. r IT», ne;'-, nm. Baaet Piton tere (feast, Horinati t*ih»i. I t i ' . .r -t ie. I^s-s. leiia'nats. Petaaarati. ea a -.ll' ri Katst !tc. R .ri.-t. s.-ur-coi-. ..,,.,. ,.,-.«, Ve. r.tsee'. Viln-r. \ollin, Yoit« a4 t»o, .r ¦¦« A.. Kirbrrl <*«at'i-vi ls. li. ii,*t.-.. RV 08 ru I .t ' a. ai'.t i-.vr.r.K.:i">. -r, ibo eu iBOAorrar. BrXat.VPIB'O -I i.rr. Till* Till' SUSI I KMi.i'. Al.- -.! a t*nix»*n -v iip o:r. .., BY TBK H1 lal JOS Pi P.H.t.S IB Also t low rt let*1 .< faa ni,i. a san bow ob p :. i sit maj A.. a»-S»--» Jet >o*>i-f i COIH.IVKU fl '.s.rr. -> ,<...». - ... i-ea arti . IP « .. Prts . l a , i t' . ,r. A,- atoUeri .uni--' letti I BT OB Ttl I KB .'. FIl'TH AV EN UK Al V «; \'.' ~ .. ... bab ai uar. vow os- a errBrno v AMK-I'A * Ll.Vrn'' i, 1.1 JEKTIM M N l i Ts he -ol.t hy a Kieta v. ;. March 7. ^i s e's ,-rx.__^___ Tli'lieiimi'tirfit i" Blore ¦- UF TITF AB i'. .I'M «J VI ll K W.ll ie ll-l .1 'Mt rum I* ... I) ll.'.- Si SaawM be ?. j 1 BaltJ tl ai. laassBBWd, a-t .; tl pal m.iy n.-i-n- ¦ tl Bsa .il for lisa .. li hv bo r i, it ls desired t hteamenta, ...,,.. rn hy lhe tattt.-at v. -». a ahlt Pore's tho wit-b »ns na M >r -i -- i* I r i libm i \ | a ss fat ai.-a.oeiiiu Ai « iVttor- 'or ^ , ti S i>. m. fal I. lea .Is, uer «:**tti,lili, A rs jo n In t. t fer . Anu-cu-atti -.i Part Drtsttteeeti ,io«r»ieoui. ttl ¦>' kt »i P - '-I isplBfl/ I, i fi i. a ,lita asit "iii*ti-wi iK m**t ^ ir-c ., ttor- f"| ^f p n:. si i-i a i .trilie eui . i ¦ M inti v r -t .. .hi - .1 n,. Pit JaaatStt, t'lrsr mi, R-ri/* m-' ..t eetara -e *-.-i.i«ai;i H-.O'lo -il I ,.. u fr Bot S amt -a rn ts. per sn s it 1 p m. ~r HarmaOwt poi st,-* tat ar p. -.,. Cir i.uu;i.-«i.- .:.,,. i a .a i aal v. ita er stet ns '' r . W .ti ¦_- a Stoats ttsat oe tBtssmd .ms (Mr of >v i»< a .. -i: *r -..'» : : -l narri .*. tlaosa S I-..tn fi rares BATOaUaAV . AiSc90a> m fir a ri .o. mr.tea asela » lt, vi* Nial ia iipatia at .. . I "ir - a: a il *>. fe . efl | t ii ritA, sssia*sseatiowa ettera lu V aeee, *¦» r. .... , . lp ... - . tir'-r al ,. -i or ii- -,i. ri. a ». r ' i ,-. -. to*) -in i; t i tut a .,.> s. ?ia li i:-" . - 1, ,1 lie il'r-'.o I a -r ,i it Nwluerl 11 '.::.¦ ta h ni SSS -i el luiMUi t. oar *i iJ>- ... a -.1 sB'i bayti. pei ... i ,,,,» Bate, »» I.lmen. per Heamshn (..ii r. -x. uaasaat BC Nt) A I i i M «-. -e. rta 'tirio, r-v t - o I., .lir. s'ti.i v-r Hi * * al Malls for A>iairilia, l / III -a- . ri - r.».,i ttaoa iior* MArch '1. SJ >> s ru. ir sn H ti at \..¦.»'. i Bees i w.to Ri ii ssaSti Brr aatsrtltt B**ls r- toa aad I Af ie, ,-r **oiiit> i. n Bates r, -.. i- . , tieae tare S »¦ " e. '. vi, f ,,# Sot*:' ¦> ,t.i ... . Blt r .n. i- *, ., ii. .. . a ai Baals i»«- be r^:i r Tampa, Pla, i -r Wesi. Put ti ,. ... t..ii wlhfij m t- ... na "Th» r,)-,. f. : * lana i. .i bau lit to- -ivinv ..-.-- tl .l^aiiiei -, are eli-Lar. I.-1 .:« e.< he s.aie u, HT .V'.V ., \ '. Pisr Ogee. New.y.irlt. V V.. Fol, '.'A :.*-_ |iolitiral iVdires. 1*i-snit! ¦'mi iiasiirj tia-, ui*-. liiE BBPOBUCAB Vj iDM'.isI iu tho s»»- a ut mBLM Botmaacga nf toe ct.-t'N'Tr ot aaa ro 11 si 111 aieetat Ita p .t * atr^iaiftar tiate. i TU IH .V. MA I'.i il J^l fer tho pitrpo*.'o'e'e'tiiii: 11 .) n-a nata Pat .' .' ila Baal "M Vim Pr>«s.'lear. a SatVattfT aal » Ti-.tie Fn-o'i*,! i*ei> is : ias. n ra Bat a *i OBI sra ss I an ' '.'". n! K.o.-ti n-. t "'tiii hor of .. '. .1 i mu raw In BBtaa Bti bSBWM ts sa-.i:,t:. a I NB t tro mOB Tie liter*, eicepr lt it lil trie '.'* S A tSSS f . thar* »h .'.1 tte A .ci :¦. ' f - t iBI WaSflJ lo .-na ..tufti .j- uiimt. tm -w> . .I UarO, irtalw.it* tao f rm-r Itrwa wf kinasliriSs-e. 15 ¦aatkaBt tad »nr th* lurni'f taasB at snits- iiroiae. a otassttiase saotatUos ..' I womera ruo ttsoB ai sta - ' ' totafaBatmta veSeOOw ai mst prtaial eosttki waits imper, w DBHB IaWt r iiiiinr-itioeul oi lh» BBttSlB »l:ers'.r u>':i*tiiina sh lt I hs piacss eesijiualeJ SB hilling ta* Priti irios Sro a, ral- ow* i 1st Asse'ch'r l> sT'c.t .9 P as*,. .J omn in Otairiel. ...s-s till raaf I mt Stl A*t ru lr li or'I Itoi.tn s .. mo. Sib Aaou-u tit BaiWaB BASH .s DtttataaSt \ lir.CI .... ..No l^> .»'».! llsus.O »4, m.i A-*--ii''.!v l> trial . . >i raer-atj Tilt *«.satott' inoinst .Nu ii- a n I'rwsa, sm a.ii.av li s i i ... ...» et.:. Me is n.r.i at, PC't.- .-. Ni. lier «t. iii li A.sriu'iiv ln»uau. Ne '.- a imo a. 1 lit a.blt Oittrifi . ,.*,»-. Itm Ass-oi'iir iistrift. Se 74ii ,t t.*t, l :i Ass i . S » ... -, u ,to, Ult Aaaeaiwlr IMsirtri Nu. ml rael i'.'tha*. 1Mb AtaaaliW Matris fe i- lt aara ISia As*-nillir D.sita.-t.. ili.iK HU Hu: s,. IS) itt 17tli Attniin.iir I'ltlri. t NV li Wes \ ,», -I A-t*.m'.iv Ol,ir et .iva. Illili Assembly Distrii t laatstta'S Hall, car. ll v. .ntl m -.1 '.7 a -W ..'Ort Aiseoitilr Dtrrtet .Vo, i.,; ait -,,t 4W Hat Atsc I. i- I's rei. N >.* Ital S.Mt afc .'-.'t Awi-iu'ilr lii.'r:,-i \, I :.. ,t.|.,»«, .jj.i astsaWp OktSretl nuaorbiauii u*.i. lism-at, aaa 24'h A*a.-mhlr ru.trtct- "'' "'.* .Jil W.rt-Holli aim's Hilt. Conrtl.intt tTS.,n-ar tt nib Wo*4.A'tawaae.Ital t*. ira.kui.; a..m io .-i's H..1*1 Kli<*irii(s mm Tlis pn"i maB lie kant agaa fro n B togg m. oii-opt thal In Bia i'tii ami a.lti Autiaiiir Du rlcts. troa wi. ca r*i lasts iiafls been mceirol as itroflia a lor la Artkle \ ^f tat ''aa. stltari.in, 'a., gatts s.a.. uyua ai 'J a. re. aa I aleta I' 'J p. au rio- Ii«ito,fr. ataB 'n BS l> a--i i pta>r .lt t o li tltat hoi.-*, ai ono or ws,,-h atatwtSB ililli be raciratio!s l v»He*ra BStannBBSnse taajBl wilu ta* letter af VS* al stitt ot frv*a A to M. ins osire, jo * t i, .,- ,sr tU* flu^tt B eB ttsBSB wt...ss a-irruMita aoutijaoce wita ^er lettsi ef tte alslsAbel tr.im .S lui, lu.iaetre Or Mini as Ito ai-PltiLd ax i-iiM'Y ISBBJMill a V. i. BtU Beta* . .*. ,*.. Q'ir.t.lAB h. Bau \M\.t *^_..-»» «\ IMOtAS iua.I.M. t«»rrrlanrt hoi,us n evrirn. Cauklraaaa al its ^Att-ul"e CiKBruMiee,

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Page 1: S WELL toCONSUMER - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1888-03-01/ed-1/seq-5.pdfspun rt-eo^iii/'d. and mad* prr; ... a 1cj4 ami the Fisheries clauses of

in h> B f.i***»l to make seee- aniew tho fisheries

-awrr .m-lmb-iV. and the fottswiag srtwle Usvsme

.lil ff tl * atagBtf Of 17r?n:ll |» BSSBBBi thai Ue v^>U: sf ths Cal' si State* shill

conti..1. pr* nnmoie-tcil tin- hr. I ts rstti. mb

lt n. bin i. .,.1 ii tba uraad tisuk and auiall tbs etherr»- i ,rl Kn .oiwrtr*u<l; arm ta fir- Onll of et Uar-reta.) sud J I I ar« tn the sea whew the luuaM-

[u. .' ...«. muries w»«- »- »»i Urns baieurfore,;.",. v.., Hist the UihabitaitW ot the CattedSta*** -aali alic UtK-rtjr U> issv Ssh ..f oveiy kl !

.,, .,,. j, , 0f tbs rnssl ol bew-fonndl .d as british

fm,.m-*, sSsti nso (Ont rmt to rtrj or ewe tim *an*i(v

on tbiJ i-il aiul sJv.o on ths oushbi. Bays sadt-rc-m. aj. . ...cc ..f BS* BaMoSll HafSoaSf** SomtBhsra. In As eries, and Iftat tim* Anjertesn tl-hfrmcn

abali bate llUvriy tu dry awl mr- twh la any of ibo

sn«¦ HI-siI I i. I irhor* an-t ereoBB sf Nova Tot's,

Wa;.'ii*li-ii 1*1:mit anti lAfcreUor. s. lung hs tho anniebot SS -ot'U at tb'' WBBB, Sr

e. stall be .lIUciI. it |hall not bo nv fu!

Bm Hoi sui BsaStraaaa Ba ir] or nun' ti**ii ai arabtelt!ou;oiii 'tuiiit'il a pi-ox ole. a;']-e,.'nvni far that

ssirpt**-" v.iih th- labssSssa a, ¦Bcgebrtefi wr .,«¦ s -

sr* «' rbi* m-orjnd.Atm ri. BS fi-h-rn** riicbts aafSS BBSatSBalaSal ami

bb_bJBBSB I ii the treaty of passer. Tho I'r.itod**.**(*.* ri-'.-.'i.sri a o mimon shnrv ul tin- d""p-s- .. sso.l

uvshorv ; -h ri-u and, with v. rtai aBaja*rsaj|J*B*JBlwhs all. viii to exorcise Emited i "munal ptivilej.'os. I' . .. ri'btis ?,, rt? mit oonfinxl Hy tn.tiy.but v*. re rei oimucd iiy luJb i,trven>ments ns

having a provious nnd esartassarus existence byvirtue of tietaul ownership, enm-uest. ami oo-

cu|o*t,t.ii ot the -skins liTOumL-*, So tar a» it

related to the fijsht-riev fl*- tr. sly <-f 1 it*3 was a

partition ag aSatBssSj. IBB Am-rn'iiii BSBBI to eat*.

tinor to cn;u\ their sa. lent I-Bgh* . wir'u-at avdos'..

Hon; and as urti .*> irondiiu ii,ln.s Brass aaahBtHSdupton BBB* a* subjeets on tho roost* of tho FaitodState!.. Itv bbs trostr «*f teal taaaa n»bu waac

spun rt-eo^iii/'d. and mad* prr;-'! ml ht return

trw tho i-Tiiinei.it inn oi the pm Hos*- of BaBBBg,etirtni*- aad drrinc fish within h desi -listed rhn".

KiLk ht'lt. The an*!ililli m*w fis-mro-s srticlv v.is

tm follows:¦Theres* rt >tiepees dave m'-"n re.nrrlir'cT tbe Iib-

ertv ela!ur I bf 'li" Oatta*. s-,at-s f>r the IrmaMtan**thereof ta take 'i*-y *"<! t Itk is c rista essat*.

bsys. lian'tor* ami rmd,. nf ll . I'i iinu-i c Majesty'sBamlalona la Amertea, I Islsimn thf*****r*rt*B*t r,-,,!!,.* »t,v ta*. m,MB*l*M»t* »f ' S*> PsB>»1st at os ni ^i' Lavs mi ¦ r. In rsmmea with tbs.i ma ;¦ rOsai ¦.. v.aj.iv. n.- Iibrrtj to rake *mti ufc*rr» tomi Ol '!'li Bari e' th" SSUth-TII rut-; nf N 'iv

sri ¦: fsttcsaasi Irsai ..- Bag rn IheBatman i-'in.is on rr*>* wm i roasSiof Neut. ',. laod. hem tho <*'..! ' sae I',

Qnlryt'ii Tslantt aa tuc .ksrea ''-n I«laVBil»,an*! ahas ss theMoue' .Iciiv. on ri.i* fBBShrrn niw af I^nartnr. rn

an' *lr e'i ", . it-l'* .it Hellnorih«-iirdK Imleflnllet* along tho cse-t. 1 <¦"

Brt»Jnrt*cn. |,.v rT'-r. tn B'lV of 'h" "\'-l.i-'v" r*Sh*> nf

tb* lli-rjann B*f ("rrnfinr* i-rt r|,-.r r1:n V-.-orien i

tl-h" rnmn sha! SBM I,iv- Bfsrrt* (ttl', -or tn drv anaeora Ss', Ul nnr o' fh* ea ' i ' '¦*. a

rr-el-^ ,,' fgf -i,-.^, p^^t ,,f t),. i^st of \"wf»iirn.Vra*-*l twiisstmra .»c-.c-ih*j,t aaa o* the aassa af l*shfart ir h"i aa -now a- rh" *aa*s, m ss rortmatli-n-^of ahafl h" setthal lt «hs'' ms) »>o lawfal far thetsl-1 fHhwrsn**a *,, ti"- n' ears P I ti -'".!! fsarl mn -<.

*«r»t,«'.i a r, ,.n. ,,, wsrtBsis s-n-.-"iu'iil for ati'fi iaii|),>-owlfh Ihe ii-htVtnut'v ]ir*|,iir»'.irs. tts p**as*rfaieSS o( thn

p-o-iimi.Ai.d the f'n'i'-i ia*hs*sa aarsi M"*et -r-vr

111-r-tT l.-i.-i' f -> .-i'll veil ,," In B il bj lltanis Hrs sot te r«|^ rtr*. ar ctn . 'Uh -r nr wfh ti

tart" marisa mia** o* sary of Hr* eos . oiv.

sr bariMif-t af IU* tt Bssbm HAm>*-rw>n. , ut ito'<ii|*-r1 itt tli^ ni urtl

pi nrl hSWeVWI, 'hn' *'". ABS- BTM I .¦

t* "» is enter sm h '>tv« un hsrhora fm th* rrur

foj-.,. u' ¦' mil of r galli 'ol snd of waother i . I'i* r i- -\ -i i: I.'fSatllellMSI .(- ti'av M c.', ,s,»i-\ t,,

tSbiaau «i ".. ¦?. oi- eorlna Ssh I uti.ermano" arl all ajar abssli./ ibo ari', lifers h'l'hv Kn

,1 »n t',.-rr,.

The TsBBaW of l hi ?« ssh si I s Bania] nuuratan

aii-nt- of til* tenHi'i-v in soram. 1 t rei

th« si th" teint' rialof th.- a-. .1 with arrtaha .¦ a I

Ul local ty BsfJltSBsl 'lair I "" I

In she Treaty sf its;, ;. ¦ - : a theAlu.;, sal ' i tiaf tis'.iins' " arhegB they BrsasaSd IO ti--'i-'" i I

Tr«svv ai rhll -J U'liuiiev in comm n vt,

perirefiiiil in iio"|t-s.Si ¦ahea-bn sad¦sharBM aa tba BtssgiaaeB l ..... -. thof lahtBwIill f:m Mount Jotj ile ar.inorthwa-il in(l"riiiii.-ly. asaj SB the BaM ai sfai *¦*...h*m»*i frurri aha ) . .'cinpii".

Islands. Bj virtue of Bslisrom Amt rsep-aee aad lushorc » to hs

enjtiyed f irever" in eomaasai with »h¦. !

Ti* i bt te laka, ta ctr,- am; tatiiref miles sf fl-"* remsii.iit. sa -

in exrh-lltf" fSt (Ate U--'oil (ti lie I.BTourtdn oNon-hore. nnd et lotshe Bas_o*esj j."mmrxT:»e of pearpfAnitr.Thu Aui'ri. nu Cacsmlatin nnd Mr. T-u-sh, wen- evri-vrily ea

with the tilinustoloRi- bee*tii.te (,n-:U Blla;,.ii contt-ntling that tho legal off. "-T ol ths Warsf isij was to stashed sba Treary al 178

aoBM'-ri'iitlj ti'.it bO saberiesby thal e. rv :¦lion bad LspSl 4 '1

bsr rbvici bud been nn-o'l lc furnTn atv of Gitent L.ul beaa Bi ;. , i ThalIreuty did tit" lahsts tu ti., fisheries, the A-~.

Conm.- inem But being aiiL; tn n_i- ¦. u|«*»a a

eeirnrnon policy, vet saBBbaSrlBg ta thwart tb«-ir

Beit ah '.¦>.!.asfjaaa1 aSBtaani ta deprive rho I'n.r. >l

K-o4.cs of li-s __SSBaS rigJUa i

Ani'Tii'aii osaU^aBaesjaBBi _ ;-¦- erjasia>ied Hna* on ram "i.nt importance u.it; tl"- h. bishould not .Liv la? saa*wLrBaod bal dsclared t.. be

if-.fm! Tb rU'taflf oyiaad with blagsthat Am- lean lishinjr Bsghhl ahoslsi !»¦

Bare*ei. Pot this word ."fotever" thea wese

vfifbri': t<> ino tip oerTain iasl ra whichwerri' sbBbBjCBBBmI of lu'le vai o rape avlis

Isixisi.ii n Braasaas¦jrouiiiis elaew here. Thword *. p-iio'itiei'" in asaaai ta iadiasUnitfii Stat'-s WBS s'-ili *a

n-rhts aftoi tho War af lil3 I'within thu three-mile bi; sll richui' pre, ioiujj en. »j....! exi pt thisshehor. ri-jniirs, sraaal and wvtat,for the I'.-iit'd Stat's ., mr bj i

to the iaahoas «»d ahetvees fVheries lilt would ba apart fmrn

ia d(*tv*il ettimr ss th ittam**aj pears af iBteraatbaBalbbkerini.* whieh have followed thia SjBBIBlperix-tiiiiy. or to tlie temi>oi'.ir\ mQllilaBuWl I. lie-

aprocitjr |a 1cj4 ami the Fisheries clauses of

thu Treaty af lin, aiaSBh pravad disastrous taAmortciin hrteimBht, Tl.e sum of tli" wbak matter

is that treaty-Ww before Settetary Buyard rypmnto meddle vviih it ref.'um.:,'...i ..ii.. asu*etoOS*ad thssncient fisherie* ritrhts whi"ii w-is- aeejariied ha

sasapBt*Mm, explotatiofl and coDSjuest is rnaeBhildays '1 h.- Tr-atr of I Situ no less than rbi- I n ,:iv

nf ITM oonlirmod thu tonaucr in c."moon amiwm, a eliiirter af aVmut-iean rights Bfacts of msntime rwciprocify iniss. ii botweeu

1 bilf) sad IBio eoaorservial itrivissaaa -vi reh wen*

unltJiowii in lolti were. B«hlsd to the li-.L. ms

risltUs*. aud I>t Article XXIX of the Ti1871 the binding sud tmaassaaisSBBSBl of ss_sjsasfrom < anatli*,!! purus to the (Tailed BlBteadirectly BBBtlBlina.il I*BSBI v r- ti:

aad rie-hlK embedded in tn sty hivr winn -

tory BaVfatnl eiiti-i-'d upon his diplomaticWhat hus th" SeiT'tarv done with tisSSe ajBa*ttBB>

tses alni riiiiiU ill libs treaty t Ile BBB on:

rifieed. aaaBtaTsssd*SBj or u-in,rtij tlieUi uk".'The pri-rileg-s aoi-nired Pr Anjei- XM\ ofshrpaneiit of (.iriro-s he hos w-ithdrawBls ubolitiou ot tu-.- dutn-s as mth '1 iii aaaalirTTileges srhich are guanmreod hy BBelpTOcaJlo'*B*.*t'o» tie bas siirroniiered f.,r ( einidian n-*-

ui tiitruir foi a tBM msrUct for nob. nasas fourta af obuuniiitr shelli r BBBSaBS, woad ard

wattu- wubiu the ibssb mihi batt, emieh the tToitedSlates had i.-fore th- Hevoliition and ox;,re*tslvrettiirveiJ ii. tu* Itresgf of loin, ha has c,,n\, rvdmto privil bbb ( stcntatiously grjgBB d bj tb. Um.sht.ove.-iini.iii with the be_cartj tsvot adaasl sfBssearbsg Bbfaaiaulvud fisl.-ruieu n, buf psaabwVaasfor the honieward voyag". Hy _B erratic t-yst in

oi BBassBBnutt tb*- thre«-aail« belt m«ny bay» are

clcnsed vthirh w»>re iireriously SBBB to Anierleunvissi Ls, BBsl the prohibited ares u, urtntrsirilyeelnrged BBSS nnd there to four. »i*., _bb or even

t-wei.1*- roihs. thiT'-by involving o direct sum-ml. r

of siicw*ut rights. Various penalties are ruu;a-r-

etoil fitr abuse of the four privili-frei. witiiin tinsb'.lt wluob the I'Tiited States Basmtsas] in ititi

ss inherent rights, and none is provided f.,rmt*-rr.jirr.o»- in Aiaoriran rlghtd to the letMiathogiiunure ILshom* and to tm tlei|>-».. B Bahagtaa Astor those, __sbsBI ri^Iii.s winch astsg BBattgaatw.and mitde nero, tual br tnt; treaties of I 7-<.'i and

ifl saTe^iiards are BaSB}AsIsSha*l Them lsB<t a line itt tiji., tr.-uty vvliuiti lai, .i I BB i

*^ Vi**. b**b*SSJ_ t' BJBSBBJ BS BaSBSJ .. '..'

w-riU.-! of ihr rUor of th-i rom of Mai I¦**. bar ia th- y, gab war* an.: abe pl^T-ny Bl vi-.r^ m ^ MMWBMMm iioyolaUou.

Secretary Bayard's treaty ls not n charter ofAmerican rights. It is a code of Canadian priv-ilcgrt larmutaled for futun- uae in forcing a

revision of the American tariff. lt follows a

long series of outrages by whiib American lteh-ernien were molested anal harassed tn the enjoy¬ment of rights possessed by Ncw-l'.ngland colouistsBOfON tho amilaWlma and dccl'ired in 1 blt* to betin ir»

" forever." No reimration te secured forthrew wanton nets of violence. No immunityfrrm siin:li«r BatfBgn is guaranteed for the future.Tin- gaBtSSBBta flag itself ia ilishonoreii by an

ilMulting provision whereby flabmg vet,** ls bm

required to show on their hows lise number ofa Canadian gBgOjBjsj hy UfBaBB hostile cruiser*

will he enabled to identify them ot their con

vein nee What would ihc ht ry rt^BsBal AdamsBf Massachusetts Dav have said in bia OBJ tom doaradlBg a psormaal? Whm wouhl thc mataz-ible Jilin Adania. who in 1 TJ.i imperiously de-

mand.-d thc fl*h<'rics or war. have thought of

such un patriotie diplomacy a- ilnlinaay Kaya rd's?

Bow would Mr. Webster, who exclaim-d thatthe Go vernm» nt wimbi pn>r»cr the fishermen,. hunk ami Baa Bl ! i nb and sinker.' have regardedso ensven a surrender, so contemptible a cuni

promisi ut Ainer:-nn ri^l-.ts!"

to seize iv.\ri:u-rh-t>M coverty._

\\ ES;n:\ouDiNAiiY iull ditblidlxki).



Te fae Priitor of Thf Pr lgBBS.Sir: Yesterday a bill was introduced inf.) the

\ ably tv, Mr. Hamilton, of rbis city, whichci-uuiiu* a very extrmrdiniin f-atiire as appliedto Sha BtkBtg of pruperry in flic L'iXy uf N-'W-York. Ir »utbi;ri/>-s sha !>. purrmtTit of Dot BB,w hemrna they ns fiu, to a|>ply to the Suprenw-Cmirt for sha n pp.-ur rm.-ut of three comm iron¬er, who Btay npprais', if thc DsaBanmBBBl thinksbeat, ali tia- property ou tbe waler front from

it. to the Battery, or. fur th vt mutter, alli t .<¦ City of New-York, nnd th it when the

oath of office of tho comm aaloBen i> Med in the

County Cloak's oeflee, tba pity, ipso btsjgB, is tn

bacooBe a lard in foe af all the property fesBxJhodin the petition, sad may enter upon, use and en-

perpetuity the win,le of it. kw lug theowner-, of the peoamrty without auy btesaBti what-

.. r until four monti;.* alter tlie camm..-.sioxn;r>

mjiv see lit to report and t.iieir rt-|><>rt >b:,ll Iv

"-iifi:me'i. Juii.Mig tan what tn recollect oftba pBaeor*aanaja bi the Story case. se\eml ya rs

arin be easaansed Id the operation, uni aaaassswini" the aBfortunste owaen are not ratirtttd taneeire a dollar from t.hc prupi.-rty wrcin Indfmin them.

A.- thc 'aw new- stands, tbe Deck Dc partm nt

cannot sjrnd more than three millions af moueym any on" roar The principal work in whichtheir self leta ur-' anisiiil aa the water frsss biin uni.-nillir W ,-,t at. t ¦ whtSb of BBB I¦¦< t. .Vsth-- law now is. they cr" antharmed ko applyfri m time to t.t^ wheaavar thai amal a parua

.. perty, aa i *!: re ra mr. lag to prsveut rlieirmaking snob apnlicatiana audar tht pr trul law,

..-i ¦-.. v as with all that

they require for the yur in Barrama* af theaBwadag tba dntaaad thinftr. The pr set r, a«-r

rises the ps ahtg agata shs value of all ri,:-.

peopeity br one scanmiaaioa of I n sn N-

jury of ladia mea te p emitted by Bay court lo>it upon tL Nia. san over again, ami saab powersh mid rea to I on"ra

rfd by I

:pt. and vii ;'." am:remaoma * to I

,. t \ .;,.-.¦ ll'

.; tem, hut th -

npori te eoeV, " h'¦'. . lve.-n

Sew-Yi rk as

.. ... ..

In.big tb m nf"

nay inc* s I rb- wttnr,

r-....'1-rr' ... ._ .,...»¦

:i--r- irrto til-' voru-

aoi - - '.

vu.-jM in Tti'h .,,-.i-.

te r sj, ., hardly posaibre in a civilized utr''

Ir is lb-' flrsl tint" we I- Heve, when a"\

ha* axes I

\ - aili' I... |.

.....-. fn-

.) n rlie H'M ii'"'

'1 :u ,T'.-i. hot, a- ttef,-rr, 1,r».*< n' Vf1-- v-'n" end f-.*

,' .-:- 1 tr .,-,..

t-., ;.. th ont "" iri*. -jt'-'' in le's


.... y,. rhewi. I.Pr it'd to i

'!*?... net trifl a then ... tire |>mrtTB-*w* of.


fur tte* a-i-.. -:;.'--.

,,- r.....i¦I-.. .iittii."' shall

the enrh r Btw tad Ste r' . haime.,- i ',.r|-.. ,,»»:,.. i. . ,. rrrn-

- \

m. u -ii Kee \,'-k

head ....

n ..i..| ti- i p rpetuitj a."

....... g]lille -li'Uii'l be ail rt< .! flam

.. e r ur \ --te-l i t

u was pa I fo v ni in ].. fair tn theBBrmerty-owans. NKW-YOBK TAXl'AYtt&

Ni w-Yerfc, Feb. '.".¦.

EOTERJ AND TBEBB' ABOUT TOWS.Noone en'jtTS t'. :-*lt^s an Ml" fl: >::* tl ttl* "BSlfleftll

Tt-er C »|-« et .." \i.a n.. ni .re Usaf <in'..<v t an-' | ».,r ¦;:;..»

. SaSasal USS iiiiiu KS ;...-. tiiulrr. Mr. s-,.:*«iie is sutT.i .enllr

iwate te taosi " 1-.1 *f -r ta ir.-eai .f ...ase ti *

la BSS P'-ni" a w. II - s Uti DBkaaWBUsaamaaaaaa lualcaotriUuttiaeft ieaas, rit'n-r itaaaaa

ia fall fa til tn it- ni

tin,.,'.i ..iln:i:.'.'j a* A means o'auivi n'i ea i:n-ia.c it: -¦ I- it.-- vari .*;¦-: aarj

tts ¦- i

IT. toter it nm. at is attwaSl* kSBl I BtSSI BCattSSS BtwAteHlaresae > 'all t at ¦..¦ ¦ taja* r (uk», *nj uurrrui

*uli' tatt 'l.r.-' e .,

IfttjaBa'sts - tttttt . sa stsstaaaa ness Ialaaaa4 tl1 ia ]f. ni «hu i .noii an ta siiost wttsea.ture * tiirjT»ers.r eaa'i i-.a- tmra B| al baas u» popa'srb. varaxes lulu Sastt un -un '*j uiuruiug.

II wl'l ¦ona bc Hu- [ur tia ttJBaSS of farmt are flans n," una u^


arrnia He s ai Halt aflTA- aa! Limythir,t---t. aaa ma auaw il aortas ssjviaaa»rat ..

tad ttare lt alwags I »ai>>:y ul it.r...... a

tau si :0e .errr BtaAS ey louiiiaia.

Basal ia Btapwrlrsa' sat aattar. I*smi»!' si- .J Mi nun. sum aa BBSSSUn ns'i't-t- ht tn I * f

.. itnttu. »., uj.,>i>,- jl- wi.cii SssQty luniim

Per lt leafle* o: nan of .. i gell i* <^ I al n t,- *, .. Mr.

Baraasal BawYerk.* or "llr, ....:!'>. si i-t*t." «

..... :

ot^<uuau namra ui i.r ni: 1 wm re ni lu tc I j

Lui -ino a.-* uta. sS*«s atefl is in u- is.t tts - .

stuiisl lae Traaaarr aa raealtyaol aeaiJ tata - . .

>u,. rrtavtareffaiB w fevtio-ttr aaM alas UwU »

ss jul aeolan t *.. it w*t a u.t o. atsraWstaaetea 1.1* I»trt to gel a tlur* fnattwlloss of ea',. Cj.i anna ii salaMma ni-..i Beatersaat y«.ii Boatatr, i.j. Aro metaana aoh iraarmttwOartstitua luont,,, vt ta nie ^xto)¦¦¦ tts o: Petra lp trBieBstaitva/tBBtuaWslas iwsatf Sarm asyaamr. ottatssi ragAS-l i*» itAu-

yaars. lui 1 o.aj, J nl^e at ni * «,.*, . 0.1 Ula,' .1

j li : ,r m is ,, tsartr -i-ys. ijj-i .id. Bot tar Ust

uiou'l. oin s> i)o ti.", or twau'./.Jual lays' p^y. wlietin-r i.o

I,,eui,I cou,.nu. lu uor.^r u tte au..u ya*t*i.ur ur 11

as un raiaau int Iwos.ur ... ll*-l a taff oj " wimont lose ot



The last .'.a-c.i b) Mr. CoreortntUOPJ Bot bl ais lil. na.lu' »1* '. ...

ni bar iii'-es Moan bora *b,tban bo , ll H. 1'.f \e\» ji.t-ii. 'j'|lla Ba «¦*. tu ^

..*«eii lt 1,111.*. If Alliellu .re ii- ,,,,, oj a,- ;. .i,v- 1,1 theli ni ami Ural rBAlMitg 1


/7'-n ni:, r // 1 ir/-.'./.'/ j i.\ i>a WCi kll t.AiM./ton g mtu'n th* lt. ' BeV /./. ie /.tl.

Th- gJgBt 1 1 Cl BBB) r lin ..

. * li'Il. strai^lii, dtVB anda.r .,,. ^ uni Inok +- ll.¦.'.Xii

di li) ¦¦ ld, I !'. 'I m ni,ly at

ml BOOB M;. i item I.e.-lu, 1, as a aoBtaO] ¦.'. .ai t bcUc, Bbfl taid teVtt "bu ii'Aaaat kan..

how to dani.; hs taLev such a short stop thatyou think be must hare praetUed on a postage ttaoip.


To th* Hdit»r or in* PrMaaaPar: I bavo road **lth muon Interott ye r rolnranS

of popular iibBsrratlon* relstlss to IIitsiOentlal can-

dl'late*. It ls rosily amusing to read tin vlow* upon

this lattject that conut from rwrfaln 'iin-tron- of 'li'

ciiitii'ry. Aa an examplo. I will otto the a.ticle ap

rtosrlng lu this BsSISlSB/i ls-u"> ov«r tim slpiatuni'...Ino Kepi-olican." In which rrV-iiaiur Sherman. Uov-

ernor roioSor, Ponai, .r Hawley. All'- "O, nf lows.

Bolicrt IJnruln aad t.cnma'. nonJanWn fUrrt-ou ar*

cacti niooi.tiiwrl m connection with the BSBBBr-i Kl**'**-

a* to BBS availability e* either an a rawlldato.li ls evident thar "Ohio Kopublican" l.nntv- nn'Ueit

ai'i.'-r tho rioiitiorti stans, in la>*i garb, ar as sas'ttl ard

make ths itstemo't that " H ib-os not aBSSB reasonablathat any min in Nr-vv York SS l,ar:ii.iul/.o ih olenolin

thara.*- Tam- I- a min In New-Y.i. that SBS har¬

monize ti") elomofi'n hot-, ami ss the ttepiibln-an -an-

tTJilatc carry this Sta o by fa\0Od ma.'miy Tl'at

man rn t usnnrey M. Dopew ; but wbetli'r he would bo

an arrrprnuio. eanuMato In th- otu" dnii'nfiii Stat's

ls quits anoibar question, li ts alto evident ls *nv-

,, toti. .. ss -taaaa la istaState thai nnlthor Rober! Line-in BBf awBa*rBBf K.ir

Btser, either or w-nm "Ohsa rt''r>-.ih:i.-air -"n's ta

think w.iulil Ito suerossfiil. If nominated, ivould hw" *

"Balk a*ar.a (»n riv o'tr-r !:ar*d. t.ei'.-ra! I'-nJamtnHarrison ls not. as stated by ****** bBSSBI Hean." ro-

praM a*t sn sssaebg pafltBaaa, and Ita "stajrlnges" were fully proved in tn* la t [ml ana casi

Balga. Tn mv JoognMnt, and I know u tay men

ahssa ]i)sj.i,in am! tn fort:, at. .! entitle Kio,' opinion-tn rospeot wini honi slmllai SaSWS, i.eneral Harriton.If mneiiiateiL would iu,t only " haime ii/ I ill 'ho Bte-¦neala" hen., bal bo wntilit e»rrT lats HSste by s hanrt-¦MHii" iiia'itiii anti lalio Ind.tua out af lbs SSSlist, if tl.wisdeai and iirttslnsh ps-Tintiim" sf rhoRapohllcsn marty axhlblt themselvei in the aomtaatloanf t.ein lin HarfrBroa, ala lUo.tloa st rsrtaln

\KW-Yii_V. KtH BU AN.Sew Yorlt, Feb 27. IS***

<;r...T.i:.\r. j. d. cul foi f*B_ajtassVKTo the ff of If ST i ' Ihe r i 1 it n r

Sir-: U ls tl,'- ni],lilly gras Inc SBaSrB lion lli.it tho

nominee ur tin' RBBnMaSaB Barty slioulil tie a n'-rn Vhsi- ie,' loeMlied alth any Bsstloe in iii- partv a

Sith any sirat SM BB* Biol ll as auoriioy or In

amy o' iseltjr, aaasa of tho brightest;m1 bbbm taJeasarl MssfSfBraas aro mon antediain sSta of ,lca-: ami, on account nf ide V".;, pmniIienro .tliloh an s'tivf f-olttjcal lift brimr*. haeo mad'i.ni a fta batter spponents. Osr great il ttatesn.have never sneeeeded as Pra**SBV< il aaplrants; and ltIn U"- p., -i!iic riril. uri' of riioJ das. .. afl u'liruariilm..> on;uiisiastio and loyal support of MH whole part*.

I araali Die m aaggital sa the BepnbUe.au .--i

a Maa wl"i. Iliooirh hr hs.* remained In th" bsrk-grsmnd for a, s iiBahai ol yo^r*,, Vr?i on fgrtmtd at kaigtsrlnns military record a a .liv :-. ii-n an*] e,irp« oomnaoder dining rh« lt War; beeaiiae »i bb honor

.iii!.' and pralsosrorthy admlalstrsiton of th's i-

DepartI.il and trr novomenbip of "'Iii..; mid be-tts and I

ba as*| bs* >if .iii pm Bes ¦ da aba .».¦ a "iniue what la Mgbust and ..-'

ra rna mijoaBv of *n .' h sri'Iw't-h an.) ,e.'ii(,-' if inprort meh a noni ns'ton, .¦.

oral .lace' P. Ce*, nf Ohio, i- Mi- et.ii tfboseroten a'!¦) md a-tfb -o»'!i a mail robjad, Ihe parry ¦-¦.ll close np ti.'- rap msde la lt* rank*

ii 1 .ia assmed ,i> ei ,i" '.

( nitii.ii"""" « BJ, TIIA1 KR.N.-w \ ... I sb. -~. 1 ira.

IrCf-EW": ( \r\n.r.. Pnt-TJLAr*, v.\i..\i:TIl'.To t ll r P >H tor i, f Tkt 7 r tl ,| n e.

slr; Mnea Kr Blah*t**i saense .liter s s**r«''S *--arlme.i ii aiii-w-t.|i--.i tn fsanw«f Cbsoasev lt B**r**w. snd

ndmesl .i is re mu. i

m soriv avalh*a bulara rle. Paran Lsus'is rrub ,'t

.. In niifah 1." iii'in'--' lt-..f theorpt.-r-. nf lilts V rn i-at-r. H wht^hsssM' " " i-

II* ¦! .". (tl I '¦;..'. r*tNI< -

I i" P opie." Vf:. Iii.'t h.inn" v ri ||-. be i- mun o' or il.is, nnd srhat

snd e."t in tl.e iviiv's nt biar

.resit/ tm ta -sr-rmris en .. t ', is asl

; iii...... *tUautisI'l'n. JA.''!..*- ailITU.

Plttsfot-tt, loo. 27, l»«tn].

ir v rt r.i.'.tvi:, ,-nK\ DEPEW.T o i tl r L .: t n r 'if I ti r ! r l> 'i n r.

BAr. v A rc.ie.i'i i!,'"lines tueji iintsi.,,,-.. oi \- ii, tbs

ti-'li' .:' i --. a1* the a ir twat man;»'>''. 'I ;..:a 1.1.1M i'i. li '.'..>.

; ra., I-..'. -.'¦a>-


"\ ni:"VK si* c v ;! '. n -ii; i l'" -.vii' TO H t v fe;

r. v ie .1 (. !'. e *.'¦ ' '¦ I S 11' ;,-.Th* v tnss "f < ni He "ini

br Canal arni >nvon. soft! st tbe aieUoa sf Chi Utwrthpaisii* a Tasswas ..|.,t pare -. tv. D, Ogilra a.* stats

spspfc. Tbs ..t.-.u pa ii u i it-

oiiy I ri v' mi. m i.- .nt; .!:. bf .- r gverrTt>r ni i.i.'in-.'tiiiiiis c le'it. ThlBowsi ec, thal . .i,t it tbeof iu.- .-. p tl Iso :. ;i . iiy-.'i; iiiieie ,

aili U ls, i hen "i-", [un j uie that *Cr. VaodarbJlt willbaaa ..

l;.; .. i., i"rt¦. >¦] .r i- ort -re toranteti^r fhs**Tlatwin ii li i ..¦.. hUs la

f J. T. .-un.ur,!, fur *r'J..-t hi ic.*"iti in v;.

erin" Wolf" in i-Ti; r.T .>-. .'hi jim i, sow ta the Metre-nlii.iu ii.- .i. Ol An, u .is ctinaiilere.! t'.e lie.-i ;.

!. iii Vine-.. x

i.i'"V..ii I- A 1. -i- ipaJuill An ie s.i.e III 1-t, .,, A I -le A '-| :. ¦'' «'J. 7 ,' .

', ear tu K: I lui' a SUalUUnil l.tHMI.

1 (« (spencer sale «ii

ire i*ori .i-s'^-n.'i for tu- ;,ut ,« not »

. ii f rimer ra* I-^ i bi " .r

-..ul Wo i.: ;i iii,i i. ..'.-; on.t: '..it BtM'l.i. - I.. i,t. -n Mn- ll'.lli.l.-o.

"(aril !.'.,.. .-rt." -.. i. W' ai lu I,,",'..ii. ( ,.ic.i*.ii

¦M'O'.ne.: Ibe I'i.-/** I..11I1..-i.ii* ni"." I*"1'iiciit; i. v Ho.r li'itf." *::.-" i; H

'.¦..-th" vt. ¦.' -.:.(,:,>: aai fe Boa**enn "eouset.'"-7.:;..o. lusat ut tbsl -!¦ I'.iii.ei- i'aliuer. .*. |.i..li¬ne..I -:.

SW tl IS ili'tcif ri.

I.-tUic.-..UUIIgbl ll-tl.M'- ,.,'i;et'e"iii' .-r-i'i"

Hf.i,I al ;t BrunttUs. S.1 'Hu), ..ii -

"li'iuit i-,-(..,n n .' I.IX TBS sale Vis.»ilm«: c nellie., i rei* .,..**, hfr Orbciossistsd

il r ¦. i -r, ,¦ ssa ,::-';.i;i thsa Bast sf sayles.

.Mayor li- ¦¦ ed yesterday at a bmI

noun! ¦¦ a rsiva some of tbe RpcnciaJ 'li I'-ii.ii. ig .

-¦"hm bad rare sd i. Intlaiai ,,i ibathe ease irssti ss sid thai Msyor

c .; i ba th ali'i-r-.-.ilon of soo

uaw nu i.) I'M ni' k Fni:n.

ri..ns KAU SB tr BBCSBAXT tuisiivuis tvii

|A»V' RS UN N(,i.A*-l>.t-i ion rue araa \< - t

B'iien a pettifsa-ami* lawyer bsa aHTharlawi..-. Ina I'. Isrartslilj i* ..

-i" ,i ¦. al m Ue ita ts a snail ir n.-sine

Uer it:.in o' tlie opltheliii'-" io- sbar ei.-i' of ntrst-u* whs da nsw i.iiie 1

vu v.- tt.i.;-;i'«. I'tiin .Nt .. "i n;., c ir-¦

is Mdt,*by aa

...a b ibe l.i-. sb KsriUnu riiii't. Loni."''.nil *1t''alilll_' ¦¦! (iMII'T'IUBaaaa thal isa rrsltsr araa boro sn 111 *ii ».

i:..i :. rea -i the 'r,.ri"ii in ii I., i.ui. .¦>. ibl ii-¦ ;.ri* - were Icli'iii. li

nm fe.-..::. i,"|',,l:ii,- .Mr. (..ilUlil. TBS man >T 91*nil Alu, r. L. '¦¦ re ,, leuce, nnd wule i-'.rc :,' . ¦-

satire aaa! attn tie i. far lbw iltilesistlou aai'isi moll| u

eaanjtnr* ,,.'*.. ta ¦: '¦'¦ ¦'¦nd -vui.n r-ttvi, ,,ii tu i. nj -n ,.,,13 .;n" ¦

m hs deaeirsstea "dvtvamlt rs" indi io tbosanut self

o-al ni tn.ileu.l '. 'ie "''

¦a- ibe .saar aa ssinaisa asett \m *»rs*Ons tbsir i«»ds-pen lesea frunt Eb«I n : if tiust sod ess bs fossil

innoi tie better an 1 *o SSH* toa

.ulla. "

leny ki tio- .- "¦ ''¦¦¦¦¦¦ '; ^«exre|ii (/Ounsrsa RiwoS*. nu""''1 bmlie-l. ic stn oi-.ioii vi ,, ,1 .,, ,1.,./ I'.*; .oul nilnm >i i.-w;i,.,,..,i, Ml| ,. rsa, ts pot oroVM

.¦ I;-..; nf oar v mu il .itt. '- '..''i"iv d"." I*ot :..rn sack bee Mi BlaineresrlvsosayHn«l*r;ill'

tri.il. Iin ,,,,,,,,i onii'.e wron-' iu

teal Ill'illL. ll tu ,Ui or li, .'lic.oUI.liie "Iliel'"* I" ''"

snytuui | M thew ls th*ar B#*»*aasflt Tia. ...

I" i'm SS mc ii.i ferd, hna-nMy dest'os* to se* t-e-en.rr mi inr bb a tissis rrf ri seas

wilt'" r ls wirb afssers rrsret we

pti it rsl rho vi'-ii.iia ie ,. in « n

UbrrS.n'eiie "Tl'..II.r I.- 'I .ru .t *srt "f P"

n"t t a i.. neiii,Ki itt se 'i "'

uni iiartimaix . xi -tin* ilifl-renees. " Tho Innilf NewsI* o.ti na; tba mad eaiosthrr fr* "¦¦*-'""¦.

in,iced, then* ls ir..,..-i I tn ijiie-iinri arbstber Its pro anil,ll nf .lei,, ., o [rall |f,.mn Bll»- i, .. ,,,- .11. > i"" Kiit. -n iBowi no;, rf inntttn seqmesessee ref i"r'v

¦taaBSl___ _¦....m issn no;, r* isetttn *eaaMaass«e ref.. |.ir-\ .«

¦v.,, i, o.<e|.it tua r>i»uaO>s - for reovton* ev«r wuicu ltbsd no eouirot,"


TILL TEXT ur THE PkESIDE.VFS REPORT.fc"irrv BjjrXaU aUfawBax Biatiti.

To tits Mumrms :The year ir-t-7 has rx-sa a prnaperona anw to tho

company while decreasing its enpenses. tn comparedwith tho prevlnnt year, lt has Increased the mimh->rof Ita policies t ul the amount of Insurant* In force,Its Bataan, tts t-a-u arni Its surplus, in a satisfactorymanne-, after paying clairol and an Increased ulvi-tlend.

OPERATIONS VOR u*87.In taBa* th" company rocnlvoil:

BBB BnaBBBBS .S4.4-J tstgS OgBor lutt-ra-t no.; MBBS BjBaaJCIO 101'roSl aua Baa. MS.7J7 Kl

Tot''' .-*. 87.lo.V3r.2 30

ruirtn- th» your lt dN'mriesI:T.r clan,,, ni .l«ath andmatured sn lowmaiitt $3.t»G0.730 09

Sarpln* ratuinod te poU-cr-hollera. 1477.3*. IC

Laneed and aurrtultreal"»hcies. 57B.3.10 Od

TnUlropaliar-lieiileet. go.114,301 31'"tiraajii.Ue, to anaats,

sal irst*. ni -t eal ex¬aminers* faos. pnntlnr.oilflartlsin-.'. taral, realaaaateaasimi ornsrsv-Bauun. . f(7aq.»rr» 07

Tales.... . aVaiJBJJ 10

To:al»!)93.ll*2 20

«Hi.l')7.'.is.i J7

r.ea"<Tijr a balance of §1.057.37^ 73 to bo carrUnlto iBoratae out or aalgm asset*.

M" UTA 1.1 TY.Tli» death ttaam in lOOT na ¦ kasvin flan thou.)

in the preview few; teri they were l .** than was toQnteil by mir tabte af moitalltv, making a

¦eWlag .f about OiMi.iH*).Ht'' psrymonl of 'I sib danu ls th- end fur which

s ur- rnsm-ance compto; N eneasd, and the mayr nd r. it. vassal mem imf

ni a mutual mp-iev ar loner., tho ,lntynf [ti Baaaaamn a la p.v ail sonni i.>*«".* priinipfiy..' all dis'inn *t ln-isiv* as fraud* H th-'

honest roamfann v\u,- miine saga tko elatam Manyci rn panic, eiimpete, fur public favor br pretend.uk rnnata theft peBeres " Iwrrmtorrtabla" we hate inslated Pha this was as rhe Hirhts of bobe st tn-aunn a:..I puiiije mm-ii s, a snsal premium fnr? M|d !n nu atbflr linet ans* tn*v» men. assuming

-. il.ir 'il t» givn up iii;tci.ee. ¦tmm saairte rat tsetr ninds.

In t ra.t ea* Where 'he Jirv ftntnd rho BtsnnrI.All eeo-rn -I <| "I.!,. Will.- p.'1'fCe |y Har,,,. |, saidin a tetter srraaalns tor tho .1 ipnaM aa nf hi* affairs

.' rai lated s 'f l stmellon ¦ All dis insnranee noUrlea taws boon talnsR Us aoott*saaaa wh eb»:ii niall.. .,, nm* >mm m r.n eassaa ol teeth, witt,

'i tarofttsa, and har icu* ri mi .Ut ter"

BE Pl reOO*Bo parr af rta BOBl of bann B --o dlrastlj arni

reatta avatar rta aaatrol o' rh- maaagansam as theaccimnr. rt k enter rn ian atnaag dun rn

th posrsll !- - n in;- an- atenor. T!i' tomraa« oVth » Rn aa-an in rta tens run. i» BrtarrrlB". mi

sail maaasfoil. rn pap taite .ti one srtth¦vt n ¦" ratio an! oe,m.,mr ji -, aol geoerallj

il li rr raj actai- f'--il tn Incite rae expent-o

¦eowwsajri bs sow icc f-i- itnw h-s nets m the waysti'tt'nv.'ii ,r.. or rn taaa aaa

RI liol tl* tn B "'"

¦¦.:. t., pi eseni 'Tn'ti '."¦ .;. rw,;ii.'nr: \ bbrstfn nf e-.. ni ,,--. nf hoi al tba

.' ;' iel ls lir BIBI atv!teatte. and lu th" ter.ial

t 1.... .'v rT>-oot ro myn arv

h -atora of ai' shI than thal ni his totara pa.ot "i's.

' .-¦ Will rl--eeiiit more than a attar eau*': whieh

i-:>. -i, new¦. it for 1380

Th i loewi e onI. and BBts> ii l-l jadar eateltiis eoailtttons of

He- RM Bad alT.j: iLi nu notablu niil.oi ofCUillii.

.:t ism7 a have sol la Bf r al

ai a ne; pia.Mr of S Kl W 3ft: andbalance, peuBt as roal >-^tate

\i .> tai>.i' ..'! bj ind aTasn of

lio.o" Bi on xchangut, eta,,mee profit, 080*727 l :.

!. vi. KSXA-TU -M.F.-s.

Dnilag 18W ur- costoaag km mH lor ij"'jn.77; tn

Thit brrnga rho tales of real a ,t np lo Taanaryl.t.., .,-,,,

tr hie h .

i I 7.no- -

Boase of ita in russ halal ky Ita mirranr tove: i.e-ti p.dd Baring tbe v.vu-; aad some;i li -:; i.. Mai tl til Ital w.Li tOBlBUlBg tn

q Mlj bj ti. ¦;..... have

"¦.'. ii; tba cu.-,.: ni hntiit- puretaaad..H

.. ..- nf bonds now b*M. . ''¦ ¦"

¦¦..¦<¦ >».;. hut their par i ilne I* .r-i'n --J c.". lessll,an : proem tl MT ." i'i:

[litalli. -ive hyaiirUIss at tag sr I v .. bi '¦ ¦¦

> it heil a larKU ItVlagbaa la*.'. I. ell.-eli.'ii.

BJ Vf. PST 1TB I-' v

irg the jr**' eon i -I si 'inrin!;fi' .-fr., r.rj :::i- o*t: and been idatte

n,74tno: tho i¦¦'. - a ¦' iii'i:'- only

ai these run'- when rt; . focttitiei fat Ki-.at andsluctlot* eas] -.. ia, ami Ita rapid

«S .. I'in; ii, ai, ni ail ti." tosooresa of oar cit ilizatu.n.fiii'ti..-.a In tba ; e..1.-r nantber nnd the -"

ii ut viilni. ihoyare ma.!.- m tat satural aa areg a.* th.- ar tool ama.I r. utres "l we ala, inn. Thal Iii. l. iili!

Bl ul i, atel thehad (rom hem * f tr,

The rot torre, De 'ember 31, i --7.C3,4>tf) poUi. | » aa

bj theloommaadasdeta ;.t.",r.in;7 77

,. a. L-ai- surplus of esV(4fi0,*a0 OX lmt thai

lltialaiil o' snn-rt.ey aaatnam thal tba company willi per oem Banoal :..',:.¦. st; a:ui .a aSB2

We .i ' a dune rteitaatsi', lt Wasa jw.. .I.-.IU in assume thal Wa mild notbobbi wtth "v'"' '¦¦ Pdu riag ta '¦'"" '"' ta ir ku ilne*)* iuu*r L-- expocted t.i run. i -. mptton cum-

,. .lie.

the dtftereaae, l>cember "t. being gSiao.OOS, makingablll jr, by our oe u !, gui,4IT,-

TOO 77 ead ' Ot¬is i lew nf iii.- conan

' fer offer nf t!i

I sar

uu .itu any tn flu- wm ld m.I Bi ly fann whieh nie mri c ia ¦

I ir fanni, pi,,B

BO TOTAL" I" -rt rOaVrr-TWTJ TT VHS.-,- aptnj bas

. Tell tlor Pr-avti sa . gt3 '.''^

Intereeiand Reals . SIS i'¦'.'¦ ~'

Balaam Prent amiLam.. l.aio\.63« os

B207 ICrJ.093 10DIshort

i sr I'ssii malata an l Bnaawnsati SOVl.Vi.i« -

' ...."..¦ tr.'.i. ".:: n3i i sad anetSnrraadered Polietea !"".'-

-.- ... 1" i hi nu; :ct'It-. . 0.10 '.le' 70l«.*uce .Sci A***!* . J.VU- ¦-

)f'j.'7.iiii-.-.ei:: io

,, Ofj.07 pm nm nf ita abatebas roue rn paste] taMara and tbstr ksaamVmarksj fori laitus. r|i\li!eiid,. ai. laBBBS] and -.uri- BtatfOd V

di 'j.- -,7 per not, kan bom lo net

t .-I al aa ai - .-

nat of t.38 pa nul br Bxpeana ol BnaausBBamt,and 'J.:»7 per e.nt for tana

Tlc- -i tko kattata of A merl-

eaa gj , g un kali aaaaaaaejin tai tl »-A cpi |ls ot nt'

« mbsn "cd.

iv Og r OBTUSE,1

I'lminier an I C -niel 't'rn*t* gna or bTsT TowT-Vitwaii « c*.. ****".»»*

Ci.sili.o-, -iii'. N *.,.'* mis - ." "i »¦¦<«

iraeta. purtoseo, *io*«as. ffl.ryiiunr tor taoaaaassuta;.lainaiieO. *

ts ILLBDAileofk'.l'or tl- fii-'*'- ,"»'1 'furn itii:.-.l and tr .r trell rom naad

Tllr.tu hi iX

Onee Intra I'.-d tew ths bo is* inti Po id*t 1hs'ns a,, na fl rd ,1 MBI It I* .'ll Befall BSineolt- in all e.-e* where s Int mn ur a Ila lair at IB

or for laieeeaJ u .*. I . '¦ l'"'""-. i "-.<"¦ .'»"'» »n<1

a-ss.rruaes ll i* srlMBill B rival Av.,i' lin. lalmus.

Lura.u« oa. li nellie esief^'Iy imlere purc.ia-t»».

i .ii 'nil« rr foi Plattar/a tettante.. BB r BOBl ??nlere BBtfasV' --aaStai

lia. Kiuiaa * i". «i iii-i:ii.i.it" ¦ v. e-t wsrii «»

latfsreasuiw rarest ms aoiutw. oee sr^iseasiale itsjintedrasSMIa'ortlers f»l Hr In k.ii icjr. U»er aaaii.aUuiu CtVa-^Bitaaaasuja ..*i,a.-i.«u».



P.'TTsrirm,. gell. 2D.-Tb* inaaiitaeiurers of P.tUbsrg wera slow tu adopt natural gsa as a Baal Iniho Srst riane, they were lu doubt as te ths extentsf tbe f-ss o-sldn and th" perms ni nt ehsrsstsr of tito..opelr: befttdes. there was an la**ha<mttble supply ot

psi e.isl at their very doors, which cont,, be hadchoaply arid they were f-ette/railT d-'oosed tn lotfoll enrmg-h alone, and not to be led ttir ht what

they roganled st strang" gods. It hi true, that uo*rIy ss tP74. a Urtu doini? bU'lDeii uear the city lieran piping eas from lui lier I outuy. but all kim ¦> I"t!.*t>as to th.-* advantages which the Brm thn.t obtainedovor their sorttpe'liors weis ekej-r'.y guardod, and UMBBaBBBSSas was croped g->nerally that lt was enjoyingan aipeiuivo luxury In bavins* o.haogail troni coal tngas. It wart not until thc ute of us'iiral gas Um aniomore (-or-errM that tts superur ads-ant i*-es both as

regards eeooomy and tao charact-r of the ainJeitilspriaduoerl, were fully apBreeaatsd. Ia laet, rina/mannfaatnnar* Me 9lm i.ih tat admit all that msy botald In itt favor, their renounce being duo to a dm-not Ui ensMiiraxo fort her eowretrtoo by lnvlt ngestablishment*, lneafed In other rrsrts ef tbe eonntryto mmmc to thu vtrtnlty.

In the early kifIMS of piping; ea* from the Iffeftory,Mn1 r»y,ville and other dhrrtcts. a Isi-gB nmiter otoompanles wore formed which wore BBtasBBBBBLtj eo;i-

Ml iatsi inti, wt.ai ls now known ai Hie. I'hliadeli lilsCompany. Ye a long ttmo there appeared to bo no

practical way sf .ontnilllu,, Ur; g:s. aid bruce tt was

tiirnod directly fmra the BM .itv o: thu well lulu ninia*which were laid fj-usi tho km dutrieis io the city. Of'¦'iiii,o. tbs praaaaia on tliete tua. ut was vo.y it ev

and a« ranr-h. ss twenty mule feot sf gas wore on-

talBBBBBl into BBB fotw. Tho result was heavy Milion and BSBBSeaaml retardation of the dow. so that,

by tho time tho iras reached Ino city, tho di ess ure on

BBB pt lies wa* very miicn rrdu oed. To .tooan extentthu W the ena'Jr on of sflMBS today; bit h. pla laeheavy tiosins welghreit ,'.i»wn to BBB ground in proper

B, it lui leen piatlble to shot .n the gas at thoinoiith of ih1 wen amt %m penult Itt escape lu suchfuliime only as 'Inrtlree-.

In erder to regulate tho pressum before tho ga* en¬

tered tho city limits, sf .ti.ins wan SltahtTihei wherothe iras wa.) paSSSi tbiotigU valve*, MhtSh regulatedIbo flow. At tho same, time, tho. I.zo of the vtpo Intowhich it w»t loruilttsd to es-apu Mai by VhtSh tho

city was supplied wa,- nia:ortally in.'re led. Th,..*.st ibo .limos A- Laogiiim vtor.s. to wa.eh I rein rai,lin- oilier day, tho tugh pr. ss ire maia pipe war, oitlyIVaafere nu:hes In diameter, and at IBS time thai 1vinliud that wui'id ll was carrying a pressure of abwuti'-ii poumU to tho si|uaro ln;h flt: pipe wh oh r«-

nclved th'j grvt for ihe woila* was tw Ive la hus In

aasetar, bal esselei aa y aaa pound to the agaaaaInch, the re'tiicTlon ni pc -s ire being etfwt-d in partby the tj.ip.vrai on p-rmlrtixl by tin; ag of th* I rgetpipe and partly by kohflng bash the gm 'n the hig.iIi-s-iiio main. Th; nmv¦ m-*nt ,jf tiie ralvsa ls

.ititomatic. hewping rho prns-nre In IBB etty ri1"*

ileady. Tb se raduefag itstiaaa, as they aro failed.needed now than formerly. beeaiBM lt is | os

sible to regulate tho auioiini. ol ta, lbat laeweo the

lias laaUrtSt, about twenty tu ;s aw,ty. At ut her sta

Uttsa whisk i haas v.^tod. Uio flu* araa ta *<-i. asgiilaiod lu thia way thai tho paaHiiaa lu tn- pin'-, a

taa] saasred isa city, was as greata than thai uetiio.1tin consumption, anil bSSSB tao v a*v - ..

Th i hartiers VSBBBJ Om mn.pasy wai argsaUMaiM i--:j by-some mbmuImIswiiii si fctmsarg, tW tha

osi. m.. - sad Mhet s-.iba h munro. U.S. It his Since aitond

many IB* I lillBBS la both Fit.I.; i,, ai

imenta, and b tay.1 to thal of Hi. Phi il Iphla nip.ii-.. 'il.i,

ha* ."¦ d in part u> tin: improved ,'"

gipa baa i, th* * * Bise b lag iu-Bttj. Hmm a. tlag ls a

graahasl asdamlsaa la tha oas pesa»*tt4 aad isdiMlsg ihetr,,; ii dil Iud cnn.pauy bao Bsd li gt** W*e.

pipe in the woni, Mading iro.ii it- asMM a, Mas *

vin.- tn Pittahoirg fur itu' arv .¦ BbJbs,i- steen Inchea la IBs awn sn nines Ms*a

n tamas) iu u a, aai c., - is au eia pipe iwensi lau* iitass* lo a**us

i ,i BOOM ..Itu: il KS* I Sni uko .i/.., -..i;l..i:., tu.' h.s. ic lui) ;.i

ats ....,..'.., i

to ca ry fas r..| < :,-e fr" n IO'S'.> ...:>. !.'¦;.,¦:¦. ll - .^. IUC.1. ... ls luiA

i ii. howasea, ia*»« tha u*-^ res...i., aiay U..- ou-MU ,o u l .a te,nc, -

(:e..ut- ol tui cuninin. y ha bras t.Jie.i io dlue. Sr ll.O^ VV lil lUM]/ Bil ai.< a.'' I'M no Ol ill,' ^ll.pas-i.n. chrongn lt. lao oi'liiiiiy ga* Batterve ins por-pase. In ihe o*n*.in..,' nf SS]

i.' BB ' ¦.'. J-;' -etl^t: u. c.

ebai g * in issi pa Isa af u as B*asgb . c-. .,

sum lei month, for ihe whale ho.- n.is simlals r,, !*. abandon d, ji li i- ss .i i ni et

tia* bess Un\ l»*xl wuieii vi ul aiaj'.v.-,' mil 1,1. p

t. totara the active csmgetUion tit.r h.,s .¦¦..-..':it;w"ii tba fbllatlelpbia a..'t ih . irs V..1. yumpany bsa kepi down th-j p fa rh- n--

of uatirral (.ao to an e\t;' ni rj low gg, r-. w ue* lunon bsa .'-'i to groat wsso* ou tn- latoof BBa*Bsfs*t-

t'j thaaa h a gaea ihsame BSSi H or UUlo. alni l.i Ml T

ea base been *>i ImpsrfocUy e is*d i.hit the wmte of gm i-t-. beau Bsarfj ai

am mu' co. sum ..'. lu J.tm ry las* a

ween t.i I » or.

."inih tar a. pei-iini io n n ¦;.. oin yoavs. an tu.-.ii.ia, e- tho wucbing af both .;.*u:i.aj..;- auder one a,au¬

lt. 1 oi a.i pi .ur.o.ui.e COU>wt'i e. sp r "eri i-i .". la r-

lerlally reduotsg sha opl*rarta,, mieases, and at tbesitue (nee gt* n^ lb* 'loll...,. " Bil]

lb irg and US vu'in'n HMO .' fi..oilsnf on . c. rpor itlon The eontrsci a lo«inide before Ihe eonsBtttaibM ah ss (lr

BlWhlld J- il ¦' w li i:,a

ami from ISM source aJooe a barite re^ ¦.

|.i- ed ni tha future. TM are io be tl lidedseen the two eon i.an ra la .. |

their teapealtve reg1ta kt boBi- to th- com

ih" capselty of the ppo lines reich og this e.iblc me .¦ v ¦¦ twenty io ir h.,iirs.

Dui ng the slater aaasas bO Ihts ga ls io sui sdarti I-- m rh there a inrplrs. 1' la | ;i

^ i^lleveU that thu sa«tng in *h; waste af paon of Imp snd

ii.f meters which win ena la thein proportion lo th" airviunt actual!)

i lij e.,itai m any inets'aso io eonsumpi uni in tnboi ol awn

ms which w-Ml peohshf* chance from <.

era, ami the ; ami aatMlaaj est bl'shiTsnti tha abe attracted bera on account of rho creal economy lathe use of the fool to be obra nod. The mpply couldbi Increased m-Mrhal ur j.tent without drill ng anynew wells, hoth cumpsp'os hiving a rea >rve ofwells iu tho ',; rrarsvllle and Hickory districts, whicka;-" that down until B-eded, but which cai, be turnedon to th" main line si a-v H

if tins eoaetaatan paovsa m ba rserwet. rh,» Pntherol et^ .xi'iU tn this fiemity will b-> n-e.li|

only io supply ihr Haee .,f those which beeoe... v Asl il io n»r. of tb* Petted

. deal Survay. lachacga ot .'

Coal Statistic*, baa esprese-,d the bop^f th-.toTcoeti :, per cn* of th-* liB"wu itar- territory bes yett.n brough) Into remit* .. tupi Iv <. m ¦ IOther experts tell nie »hv the ftesl >d --as rorri-ii,.", i- largs a* aU the pa-role'in fieiia

ive been developed T' " faithIn the practical hmiasnatlhlMtj af ttl aupply, is

j id by tho enormous es sb-Mhmeni- teuSll'SSlaal rrein-m- the bj- t'.'lil*. At CU*SBS

win b- ass*tua tl tnmmer whWiroi er thirty ;i v arr-ss, sad ll cost

(,\,.r They will bs toasted directly averrsa ."! mr on- vr*\\ v*rlM n'o**'1 rfiae inneli all

..! ie»"|ed They will be th" larre*-- Mmthe '.ntrv, bavins a eapartts of no-" ts-' al' thenther* i' the ****>¦ ra pin'* af rh" sra" de-ni-.! to th'

.f wtadnw gtae*. m w*«*sl h b ¦r.,"*.- a »rl i '**'H iv eonSned, Tha

Vforka ,-u BVaseaoar wttl also ste-ala their gie annrlrfruin ¦¦ and a eorsorailon aaa b.--n f. r a ihr seine PhttaitiMphla rr*p**-il'ar« rn conafrnet largeiron Brilia over ". .- **-''

_ *_*. P<"nt

M '//,./' />.r.(.Mtrw pr'f.-tnfRv-on Ts*s-s»-, taasrsstr ia st

t rViiTlng"i-l,1 lim* '.-.>¦. ¦ n.mDury lo U BaacLffaliosiayn. BStb oi .New \ ¦¦ s CBS______r_Waaa**aB

MED.rovrvrrr rv-cin pssrssrv ll Isha, *"B of An-is (dsottcaiii'im i. aad BT-tnd««Mi « ¦'. h J lin ('oiurs'lui. ofna'iifi'.n- .*, ,,t: .nd, in Uta laVh***' li * .«-¦

j- ..rv .* MtHro r"l'»n.'n trfnlt eraudtiothnr. Mot,. u t ., ,. .co i_oa.', tiroj.-ru. un I'uuitiar.viar'-h 1 s* 1 p. ni.

I rttef Bl 'i" ¦ral*.Kindle a'.i.l Itia-sr*.I ,-. I'l-ie, Wedneo.laT. Pabrnsrv Bf, st h»r rest lane*.Nu 171 Hi'lanfi... "alie liioi-an. widow ot J. P. ir ad | star ia tV iilhresr .' her tra

JBtSfllSii BS fr et In Of th* fiu./ ira - .-om'tfullr Inrlrtl

lo s**s*Mim* .1 mri. iir*i,.»i at Bsase Csaron. aa Fn-Uf..Marc t Bl 10 .« i-i.

rt.ovrj. I'lVr-s-vm-r"' '"". Ba_

w-tr ti>v,.,t.na li'iiir- pnciir gt K.-imn-.' w.f" *¦. Vre'«r k

Kl.iT.I.'oiia* aait .laiirhiar o.-Jam.r* VT Cuor *. ul SSBBcr.'-,, N r "i tn. -JJ-fi --".. o' 'it ira.

Psseral *-r**Ma* b»IH* "i >^n ..' .>;;-*.;,*',.". .¦v*-' ...

..ir^nr lO'tioi on rharmlor .lansll !. st 10.Wi. m.

lliiertnnoi al BJS*lliaS.B,arael ra arBlss*t%» minliu, F«i>rasr*r '.'B.

f.inm i.m nita* T fi r*sr .' * * if*fnimr-K fr*** SH IBS* *M MSSSt loSJ Micoa-*t..on Frulsy.

Mar.-'' j. *¦' ii SO i*o*M S i. BB

I y V nov: -At Mt'w»i»*e Wi*., asmlsr. r*'M-,iar» 2fl mttT11, . Mg i isbom Lessst* saaasi laaaBlor o' U (i I.nuiioT. in ar -Nt T*or.

Fu rr-1'n> Bl. rams* I sos r.iurca, *».lw.tusot, st'Ja'stott* Walu-* tar, Kent nary '19.

i gerri n Ba*>asi ls*» ra* i* n r'.f* r>< !..»*. infllnlrSS M Bl.SIJB ia.rurr BB, . hs'lutro V» *,.

».,,,. ,., \i,.,,..,, Lookwood 1': I e. 7-t.i fntr «f li*i aan.

Fii'inn: f-t-icn, * , ,t other telu,.'-.liar. -t. tin Kn ar. Bl IS I u

Iiilrrineo-ot Naraals ...m.. fr. U.' .- 11 i.

H a.v- nil- Ji'.tt ii.. Andria* liaison, tn tb* 00thk » . '"-

Bolo: iva* oiil nat lt ur- r*« >o- fatlf i'ir'c*1 t., .iilo'id tbstn.- tao-. ISI W»,i Had *t_iMi

«... M indi J. al I Ml D m.ravi .<.* gaaar* ni a*

l-l i-lVK-nti VsttSSraSaf rsiirnlnf. Otoar B. BBfSBBo,in iso Salli ra*r ot Ms Bsa

-- i' Ut tote fatviiaaea Ho, \S>jti W sol :sHB-*w ti.iUT, al 1 j .*.*-*,

Mata*ItBtn.oetAeels oe Tweeter. Peh*«B»rr ««. I"***, athvrtsi.lsnco. It'J* West ima tt. af i.ho.i mini a. Leola I' l.-.o.

torr witow ot Hrilln ,V. Ra', an.l oti'y .Uiir.itere!i o'! Ororta P. Hu rr. in tat :«*tl* r«ar «f Sir sar

B'!tt'»ss ssw frion.fs ar . r-t statfa » ¦ rile !¦> Aiton 1 t a

reearel ea Fri sr March «. iso a ter lau reAi.leats.tStram p. m tnttaai rm lAor oirtioe.

( fatsrmeor slB'isieiawnBA VD- -Qa Wi, lass ir. Pehraa rr ??. l**\at ht ¦ rsa e"ai a

iD Port. rWrr. !. Jere,...- «*.o ». Ii* ".. Is ttl 1th yeer.Pnnera. rr.cn Ra .'let t-'Barctlu Pendle* er oe snarl if.Birch I. si 1 p "i

, , ,. ...

rtrrra«etm wattlursl PurtctesftroaamrA ef t*tm ManI eas uar at.»TOBa--*)a lelirttiurr -'*. *i**ieer Q Moses, la Us CS,Asor of hi* tia . ..

its **ir*-»t*i sMesa* atwnnsatBsSwfewin»i t.i"*t« ».fi asaal **tr».es al ia* Casu S o. Ha I r-wsaaa Attest, en

ur-' IW, sPBsabwjbm st w*»nj»*,.WALL.Si TSaoiAsriile. If. aa Ssa tar Krbrasrr Bi

lll..liai-i Bf i**1,. toa o' tris tale WI lion Well.fti'ST. srrn-o. wp ba h it is rsBattwe-* -.1 .O, Sr .: ¦.'.rrsnt i Will. Ba *» BtaagBateSaWn l Brets? .-aoi u-.

live. I. »: lo feta <¦ll ls i'ri|ti*s»t Ihtt mi 1<.w«ra t*» sentWlLf.AKlv On Wotoott .r, FoOr teer M et i'll rev * ¦-e

.¦r sr two. u-wcra ll. Wald. \t« ie.jSei j. M *. ll .itu:L. Wi lara

Vowel swrrVsa si i'm- ants* "Ti ' ir. WiM'i'.'.il I M li.

Carrissa at Now. t'.ec'tsUa sl^t.uu OB afriTalei I -J 0 ai.If tn fro.ii Vs * Tort.

WWOtt-Al hi* lats r-wHeace. Mg W*** t :ih-t'. tioorssW Wa.*!, ww! St rsa*-*.

Pwastai tat tit it silos i' asea of tat IdTiae IMtsrettr ".itst»o.. rorner liis-ot., itut.ler aaaaiaa. .'. Trta ..'. Ute*.I'.stiaSifo* saul monks, otu \ .* ,1 t.sslfn Be M >-IA.M. .foi. a \ '.. - ia Peal Ni St il. A. H let S'i

rieni *rm* emt Nsvr V-.-,-r io,, g. N t. \» -. . . i -.»

t'Mweriak-r.' Aas-ti tots, aa I s-s >' .ri US ¦- .laiI itu.09. drlt-rof 1'n i« I Pnefliea, j-,, .urics.1.

Special Notirrs.A.. aftamn I- Bas Ara. Aa lionet,.-.

Bvillus. i. s Kata . i

KI7 IBB -I t lilli.

aJaVJOLtTTtCLT WITaOTT ii .srjp.'.-n.i m: i scost'n \

COLLtOTION Ot* AS lTuiTs..ow ox ntr.r r.\-niRTn >v

ntiniHorsiLE in iituai >- totvi, Vs-t1! ?,al Stfetatk. Cataaaewe Vet, 1 lo US) nielesl tr. 'lr.,, .aijT-.ro.*. sitrtr on I (I .M ii'ik ... .t*. a el ur *.* n*arHATI rt uar, Bars % si .i resets, rai asea,e* Baa 17 > *>

3.*>'i inaltislvo. I- III .fi, le 1 > til Vt irtHto -i VII IV Mil- ,,»¦.. < »'-wt. Ci.'oti- V... |

*.*'«. w:tu TS lois . u-a t. ilrant, v.o.i aaa BHtef orielwent*. ',»t*i c* if K-u-ir.u ti r

[TBB0 iV. B .rot rf ri tooles. ctra*e-iwt Viv* a si iont* Wats S'I BM-a ..lio.olt n ul'f-. ir.i. i-i,l ttirv\En BSOAi P.VEXl .'.. ..( ". .: .» : ;.'..« r i

al"*n«-So-, 'il.! 11 A-M. w.ta i l l.iie >. e .-, . ._-r ..

etui on Pa nita*-.lilt R«,l. i > PrVBBIBO Bare h s r ; .

teas*, x .». SS* teTatt, mlUi .! a »»i ni'. iIIBBBB Ttl rilsj'fl -1'.- h-n.o ,l

rholr susetta* le r as f".*ti Bl <-.. M I it.-ilIS'-sal* Bono-. -t»piiar t Caa, 17m *:. ai,.! Bri SSSraajSsaa, w Oate, mis Bnss«1*af s l» *. '. ami te, 1 in ir, otr*oeii liruiiliiTiiii jtl-av* ll n. flers -oa, MT Sta*s»e_A.. WISisa P. Beer-, teattaataa

Muaajk'* tncri >m .; t - v

tos pirr i % v iSLILE THIH KVI.MMi. AND lO-Mul.liOW KP.IDATI

BVBBIBU, Karat laevt tal tf* art,itu: bi&coxd ro.:no\

of rair»oo pms f' i \ l; s

w,io»i. io t'sw of aa ii .r ,' a-sa Ms rina n -i jstt-tiifor sate* rs*».e ,* siren.- ^.lltitA ,.-.t,

MK. i'lIVUl.t-:-; W. sIVSKIsTnCalh-vt 'obi Iel iieilf wi i <¦'<,

this ohe*iT t*i >r,i.i rt-ivInctadet ot -oll-rt »x I SSBtS nt Aflr»t, B-rinr-r. 'lift,limn,.ss. Onsittat, Uo'isata, j ta t»italie, o.t.

r IT», ne;'-, nm. Baaet Piton tere (feast,Horinati t*ih»i. I t i ' . .r -t

ie. I^s-s. leiia'nats. Petaaarati. ea a -.ll' riKatst !tc. R .ri.-t. s.-ur-coi-. ..,,.,. ,.,-.«,Ve. r.tsee'. Viln-r. \ollin, Yoit« a4 t»o, .r ¦¦«

A..Kirbrrl <*«at'i-vi ls. li. ii,*t.-..

RV 08 ru I .t ' a.ai'.t i-.vr.r.K.:i">. -r, ibo eu iBOAorrar.

BrXat.VPIB'O -I i.rr.Till* Till' SUSI I KMi.i'.

Al.- -.!a t*nix»*n -v iip o:r. ..,

BY TBK H1 lal JOS Pi P.H.t.S IBAlso t low rt let*1 .< faa

ni,i. a sanbow ob p :. i sitmaj

A.. a»-S»--» Jet >o*>i-f i

COIH.IVKU fl'.s.rr. -> ,<...». - ... i-ea arti . IP « ..

Prts . ,« l a , i .» t' . ,r.

A,- atoUeri .uni--' letti I

BT OB Ttl I KB .'.

FIl'TH AVENUK Al V «; \'.'~ .. ... bab ai uar.

vow os- a errBrnov

AMK-I'A * Ll.Vrn'' i,

1.1 JEKTIM M N l i

Ts he -ol.t hy a Kieta v. ;.March 7. ^i s e's ,-rx.__^___

Tli'lieiimi'tirfit i" Blore ¦-

UF TITF AB i'. .I'M «J VI llKW.ll ie ll-l .1 'Mt

rumI* ... I) ll.'.- Si

SaawM be ?. j 1 BaltJ tl ai. laassBBWd, a-t .; tl pal m.iyn.-i-n- ¦ tl '¦

Bsa .il for lisa .. li hv bo r i,it ls desired t

hteamenta, ...,,.. rn hylhe tattt.-at v. -». a ahlt

Pore's tho wit-b »ns na M >r '¦ -i-- i* I

r i libm i \ | a ss fat I«ai.-a.oeiiiu Ai « iVttor- 'or ^ ,

ti S i>. m. fal I.lea .Is, uer «:**tti,lili, A rs jo n In t. t fer .

Anu-cu-atti -.i Part Drtsttteeeti ,io«r»ieoui.ttl ¦>' kt »i P - '-I isplBfl/ I, i fi i.a ,litaasit "iii*ti-wi iK m**t ^ ir-c ., ttor- f"| ^fp n:. si i-i a i .trilie eui . i ¦M inti v r -t .. .hi - .1 n,. PitJaaatStt, t'lrsr mi, R-ri/* m-' ..t eetara -e*-.-i.i«ai;i H-.O'lo -il I ,.. u fr Bot Samt -a rn .¦ ts. per sn s it 1p m. ~r HarmaOwt poi st,-* tat ar p. -.,.Cir i.uu;i.-«i.- .:.,,. i a .a i aal v. ita erstet ns '' r . W .ti ¦_- aStoats ttsat oe tBtssmd .ms (Mr of >v i»< a .. -i:*r -..'» : : -l narri .*. tlaosa SI-..tn fi rares

BATOaUaAV. AiSc90a> m fir a ri .o. mr.tea asela » lt,vi* Nial ia iipatia at .. . I"ir - a: a il *>. fe . efl |t ii ritA, sssia*sseatiowa ettera lu V aeee, *¦» r..... , . lp ... - .

tir'-r al ,. -i or ii- -,i.

ri. a ». r ' i ,-. -. to*).¦ -in i; t i tut a .,.> s.

?ia li i:-" . - 1,,1lie il'r-'.o I a -r ,iitNwluerl 11 '.::.¦ta h ni SSS -i elluiMUi t. oar *i iJ>- ... a -.1sB'i bay ti. pei ... i ,,,,»Bate, »» I.lmen. per Heamshn (..ii r. "¦ -x.

uaasaatBC Nt)A I i i M «-. -e.

rta 'tirio, r-v t - o I.,.lir. s'ti.i v-r Hi * * al

Malls for A>iairilia, l / III -a-

. *¦ ri -

r.».,i ttaoa iior* MArch '1. SJ >> s ru. ir sn H tiat \..¦.»'. i Bees i w.to Ri iissaSti Brr aatsrtltt B**ls r- .» toa aad IAf ie,,-r **oiiit> i. n Bates r, -.. i- .


tieae tare S »¦"

e. '. vi, f ,,#Sot*:' ¦> ,t.i ... . Blt r .n.

i- *, ., ii. .. . a ai Baals i»«-be r^:i r Tampa, Pla, i -rWesi. Put ti ,. ... t..ii wlhfij m t- ... na

"Th» r,)-,. f.: *

lana i. .i bau lit to--ivinv ..-.--tl.l^aiiiei -, are eli-Lar. I.-1 .:« e.< he s.aie u,

HT .V'.V ., \ '.Pisr Ogee. New.y.irlt. V V.. Fol, '.'A :.*-_

|iolitiral iVdires.1*i-snit! ¦'mi iiasiirj tia-, ui*-.


iDM'.isI iu tho s»»-

a ut mBLM Botmaacganf toe

ct.-t'N'Tr ot aaa ro 11si 111 aieetat Ita p .t * atr^iaiftar tiate. i

TU IH .V. MA I'.i il J^lfer tho pitrpo*.'o'e'e'tiiii: 11 .) n-a nata Pat .' .' ilaBaal "M Vim Pr>«s.'lear. a SatVattfT aal »Ti-.tieFn-o'i*,! i*ei> is : ias. n ra Bat a *i OBI sra ss I an ' '.'".

n! K.o.-ti n-. t "'tiii hor of .. '. .1 i mu

raw In BBtaa Bti bSBWM ts sa-.i:,t:. a I NBt

tro mOB Tie liter*, eicepr lt it lil trie '.'* S A tSSS f . '»

thar* »h .'.1 tte A .ci :¦. ' f - t iBI WaSflJ lo .-na ..tufti.j- uiimt. tm -w> . .I UarO, irtalw.it* tao f rm-r Itrwa wf

kinasliriSs-e. 15 ¦aatkaBt tad »nr th* lurni'f taasB at snits-

iiroiae. a otassttiase saotatUos ..' I womeraruo ttsoB ai sta -

' '

totafaBatmta veSeOOw ai mst prtaial eosttkiwaits imper, w DBHB IaWt r iiiiinr-itioeul oi lh» BBttSlB»l:ers'.r u>':i*tiiina sh lt

I hs piacss eesijiualeJ SB hilling ta* Priti irios Sro a, ral-ow* i

1st Asse'ch'r l> sT'c.t .9 P as*,..J omn in Otairiel. ...s-s till raaf I mtStl A*t ru lr li or'I Itoi.tn s ..mo.Sib Aaou-u tit BaiWaB BASH .s DtttataaSt

\ lir.CI .... ..No l^> .»'».! llsus.O »4,m.i A-*--ii''.!v l> trial .

. '¦ >i raer-atjTilt *«.satott' inoinst .Nu ii- a n I'rwsa,sm a.ii.av li s i i ... ...» et.:. Me is n.r.i at,PC't.- .-. Ni. lier «t.

iii li A.sriu'iiv ln»uau. Ne '.- a imo a.1 lita.blt Oittrifi.

,.*,»-.Itm Ass-oi'iir iistrift. Se 74ii ,t t.*t,l :i Ass i . S » ... -, u ,to,Ult Aaaeaiwlr IMsirtri Nu. ml rael i'.'tha*.1Mb AtaaaliW Matris fe i- ltaaraISia As*-nillir D.sita.-t.. ili.iK HU Hu: s,. IS) itt17tli Attniin.iir I'ltlri. t NV li Wes \ ,»,-I A-t*.m'.iv Ol,ir et .iva.

Illili Assembly Distrii t laatstta'S Hall, car. ll v. .ntlm -.1 '.7 a -W

..'Ort Aiseoitilr Dtrrtet .Vo, i.,; ait -,,t 4WHat Atsc I. i- I's rei. N >.* Ital S.Mt afc.'-.'t Awi-iu'ilr lii.'r:,-i \, I :.. ,t.|.,»«,.jj.i astsaWp OktSretl nuaorbiauii u*.i. lism-at, aaa

24'h A*a.-mhlr ru.trtct-"'' "'.*

.Jil W.rt-Holli aim's Hilt. Conrtl.intt tTS.,n-ar ttnib Wo*4.A'tawaae.Ital t*. ira.kui.; a..m io

.-i's H..1*1 Kli<*irii(s mm

Tlis pn"i maB lie kant agaa fro n B togg m. oii-opt thalIn Bia i'tii ami a.lti Autiaiiir Du rlcts. troa wi. ca r*i lastsiiafls been mceirol as itroflia a lor la Artkle \ ^f tat ''aa.stltari.in, 'a., gatts s.a.. uyua ai 'J a. re. aa I aleta I' 'J p. aurio- Ii«ito,fr. ataB 'n BS l> a--i i pta>r .lt t o li tltathoi.-*, ai ono or ws,,-h atatwtSB ililli be raciratio!s l v»He*raBStannBBSnse taajBl wilu ta* letter af VS* al stitt ot frv*aA to M. ins osire, jo * t i, .,- ,sr tU* flu^tt B eB ttsBSBwt...ss a-irruMita aoutijaoce wita ^er lettsi ef tte alslsAbeltr.im .S lui, lu.iaetreOr Mini as Ito

ai-PltiLd ax i-iiM'Y ISBBJMilla V. i. BtU Beta* . .*. ,*..

Q'ir.t.lAB h. Bau \M\.t *^_..-»»«\ IMOtAS iua.I.M. t«»rrrlanrt

hoi,us n evrirn.Cauklraaaa al its ^Att-ul"e CiKBruMiee,