s yt q iithin t yrlia sfyourr l ott tithei

W r olzt Jroalhitl Wows f 1 J WISE itAniNS Editor t Friday September 22 1005 r WFLKEKOK A II PATTOK t Il FLI3ENOII PATTON LA WYERSI 1 JAOKSON KENTUOKy J r WISE HAGINS H ATTORNEYArLAW i + OnUapverPostQfHco z JACKBOH KINTUCKT trAil buiineii intrusted to him will receive prompt sad careful at ¬ tentlonI t = JHHiinnnnimminnnnnnnTyjijnllHIiiL LAWYER f JAOK50N KENTUCKY > r Will practlca hi Breathitt and Maguffln Counties s 111W111UW1116hi1I1W11lWYr I11W1111H ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR JUSTIOE OF THE PEACE We are authorized to announce MIKE ROBINSON I 1FAS Peace for MagUterlM district No 1 Bufcject to the action of tile Repuljllcan party FUSION TICKET TOR COUXTT JUDGE f s S TAULBEE 7fFOR COUITI CLltl- rt t S II HUUT > J FOR COUNTY ATTQI N C > J i1Is1 HAOIN J FOR SHERIFF I r BREtIv CK1WF 11 FOR J mEn ott LITTLEp I JOIIK1I BLANTON iFOU COtJICTr SUlKKINTEDENT NOBLLs r FOR cono NIGH COMBS A COMPARISON OF ADMINIS ¬ J TRATIONS > Wo frftrojluul so many calls for 1It tho per containing a comparison of administrations that isa have decided to reprint tho artk e- We have Q6refull examined the 4records now on file in tho County fU Clerks office and submit below a comparison of tho records of 1001 the last year of tho Hariris admTn i istration with tho rccordsof 1904 the last year of tho Hargis admin F istration J IJ j IIAtJIKS ADJIIxISTRATIOS10- 1f fTotal tax charged for > i 1091 791 74 r L E Railway 3445 f Received from Bridge m 1901 J 2026 16 11 Total wtnrgablo forji Year 1901 0332 15 i HARD IS ADSIINKTRATjlNrl 904 Total tax charged J- 19W i Received r4 if ctyou see es has very this monoy cts of iho a fight to tit I jricncq jftint 00000 per Icriimcnl of ing our ad know that it Toro fb run it dga ind also impri vfcmcnts rw sea that have the present ad 10 records do not court house jail jtl3 r bond was ear 1904 uu of thtestwi in 1904 yVhy death tolteipu ies1 Cut dotvn tl seda lcalagse YJ 1 vti rotrr Si and youi noun M you expect of r h1o thorn if you rote for a man for tihigh oflico in the county ho stamlSJjndieted for tho high ¬ est sn oho lRw Wo are well satisfied with the election officers this year We think weeati have a fair election under them Their names appear in our columns this week CORRESPONDNCE HOWARDS CUE K Rober oao w1o has been con 4llned two at isa y- y to rido llorsclj ck- A Belle Dayid60nrwifo of John fe dsonlwliohad her arm- broken 5 m is suffering- intense pI Mrs Laura cjBKjvhg has bhen suffering tivitlitroublew- ent I to Jackson to cult Dr Hogg who gave icf great relief y Minoy Rose daughter of R Ni Rose died of consumption ws cently in Wolfe county She was born runo 5 1884 died August 27 1905 She leaves n fattier stepmother ono sister and four brothers to mourn her loss She was a noblo Christian girl and haul many friends who arc sad to hear of her death COPE BUAXGlIi Mrs Handle Amburgyis on the sick list li S Bryant of Oakdale was bt Frozen last week Walter Little of Jctts Creek has moved to Walkers Greek G B Woods nun II C Bryant wore at Ly mens Creek last week Dick Jennings of Oakdalo has sold his property at Frozen and is now in search of a farm Mrs Mnggio Crawford from 11olfe county visited her parents Ran1 A y and wife Sunday II G B Woods R Sllr ert Bryant are r1 E railroad- s is- t others Bread- S Ik iliinin Fu gate arc t nd f vh4t- ttts f of McIntosh fork 1R Noble is visiting his F el J B Noble V Morgan ci a9lisseshoon Callio Noble 1 1 Smith wer the guests o Mr find Mrs M C Noble Frjday GranViIhX Noble and Cracker Neace botliofiNcdarc oil their way to Tiie Mt Sterling market with a fine drove of young fleers r Many a man is today drinking lifes bjitter cup and preparing himself for the home ho fain would not go Let every true and pa triotk citizen of Brcathitt county becomeactuatcd b the sjMrit of true patriotism and comp to know the necessity of a peaceful and loving people and at the Novem b oiloaer ito the right oft- o an unbiased and un i a andvote for the SCf the Fusion ticket who it a fc Jawabiding n elm this ticket me t ad Anus to biiagllri8- a enera din RA rlct V = I JiAfJF t3t ADOWKI By tho tcoiilo of Mrcatlill County JH Convention Assoni bled We the citizens of Brcathit county in convention ossemblci regardless of previous politics afliliations but with an eye singl to tho redemption of Breath county hereby make tho followinj declarations of principles Resolved First That wo op prove the call time and place for holding this convention Second That wo believe in n free ballot and a fair count an honest and economical administra- tion of county affairs equal right to all and exclusive privileges to none n fair deal to every man and tho redemption of Brcathit county from tho misrulo it has hnt for the past four years ThirdWe believe that the power of tho people should bo suo preme that they should have 11 night to govern themselves nm1 that they should have a voico II tho selection of their ofliccrs Fourth Wo believe in a volt and economical administration oj tho fiscal affairs of tho counts that no more taxes should h collected titan is necessary fOI governmencconoinieally unnecessary taxation is unju taxation that the present tu irate is oxhorbitant outrage ot unjust and should bo reduce at least onehalf Fifth Wo denounce tho pre cnt county administration for it precodent citizens shot down on tho street of Jackson and instead of tho so called officers of the law makin tiny attempt to apprehend the mum derers they rushed to tho defens of those accused of tho rimes and wo condemn tho foul assassins tions of Dr B D Cox Jamc Cookrillnnd James B Marcum and point with horror and scorn at those officials win quietly stood by while tin victims wore weltering in their overt blood without so much as raising a finger towards rendering them aid in their dying agonies and feel assured that tho timo 1m come and is now at hand for tin citizens of this bloodstained counts to call a halt and place a ticket be fore the people to bo voted for nt tho November election which if electedcan and will say that the law must be respected and rigidly enforced SixtlvpWe have seen our pan pels support that h luo them and tho money Urn t should have been spent for then comforbr given to men in compen- sation for their political turpitude Seventh We have seen ou voting places so changed that it h almost impossible for sonic of ou citizens to go to the voting place to cost their ballot We belitV 1 flat tho voting places should be a near the center of the voting pre cinctsas praciiewle and easily ac ccssablo to a1ltW voters therein Eighth W bolievo that th Jackson Bridge slmouldremain 11 the hands of the Fiscal Court ani that thomdney collected should b- used in payingoftho debt create ted by building k1 wo are op posed to the squandering of tin on highi salaries othe extravagancies Ninth believe that the jury service should be distribute among thojcitizons of all parts 01 the counLJ that no politica favoritism should be exercised ir I- TnnfijVoiiJiji4a ihat tit ortlio pu works oi tho county should be awarded nc cording to law tQ tho lowest am best bidder and not let to ccrtait individuals privately for pecunarj or political favors at the expense of the coTmty I Blevonth We bolievo that tin laborer is worthy of his I i ctnnd that tho finances or athitt county should bo put on if c5ish basis tad not compel claimants to wait two years or more for their money or compel them to discount their claims in somo store tom I merchandise at a large profit tu the merchant Twelfth That we honor and applaud Henry B Noble the present County Superintendent for his honest en ¬ deavor to uphold the law in the administration of his official du- ties ¬ MIl in time brave and patriotic island ho took in protecting his from being taken from tho hands of tho man the people had electedTbirteelith1yo pledge our ¬ selves and our candidates to work Made for tho and lira Kitt on the she so that ¬ and como hero I1n l nvcst and p- our mineral and s feel have perfect to their lives and ¬ mid tho tlontilntk tl hero is tho for iho for anti armies bo placed the to wit n lot ¬ any nod tho of the State of their pres ¬ eat or past publish of 1 rin ci C Blind Headache a year ago Mrs Allen of iI 1123 Augusta Ga I with sick headaches and backaches and get no until I tried WINE GIRD U I A NonIntoxicating Female Tonic 4 I Immedhitely to improve aud now I feel like a new woman and to it to all sick women for I that it will cure them as it did inc WRITE U3vegetable funchonsw rut III mw tones up to a surrl1lIr state of Tr yt rim + wlU WS muw for ctMcd tn lma It your S YrlIa sfyourr t IH y druggist sc IIthin l Allum rtatI1Id ryetpIM r IITS a oUiiiok ti t the two Indlvldualaobovc Is the happier If its i International Suite lieyounB chap Ii wearingth fn Itbecomes the thing the for i 1itrUrresi his suit to A succeiiful Uuc j r- I 1 tike Intcrnaitoncil Tailoring Co OF Jietv Chicago San Francisco THE LARGEST AND TUOVT SUCC SIUf CONCERN OF ITS KIND IN TIm iVORLD J v thei envy Its pleasure to so popular n l alter youve put their clotling to the test endorse every good we cnn say about them and more It have your measure taken and well sliow you what lilting mean from an International standpoint t SH 1Son v OKSONKY r I 9 tJ 3 j 5YSTEM1LOTHES < V Latest Styles fork v Falland Winter There is that snap and individuality TE about The System Clothes which attracts favorable attention everywhere They Look Well and Yea r Well We ouiocalln anJcxamine our line of Single and Double Breasted and Overcoats The Bell r will fit any foot bl designed and STERNILAUE h k HL Co CINCINNATI O SOLD nv 1RESTEIN EUSTER SUGGESSOBS G KFTMAIT os 4 r t reforms needed place county high piano should occupy capital- ists others can their money dovch timber rcsourc nd that they iirotection prop- erty further we indorse landtdatcs today Republican nominees respective olliecs Brcathitt County their liopubliciin device cabi- nFourteenth11e so licit allof papers regardless political affiliations1 to these declarations pulsJ B McLix Chairman HKXRY HURST Secretary About writes Mattie Broadway suffered blind could relief commenced 9ish recommend know pains regulatqs female Jot female organs proper health yearth trouble 11110411rIYIf JSA Every tortIWfIL whlchjof an easiest in world YorK youll represent thug besides Cihand perfect clothes Bell invite Suits System Clothes TO under earnestly DAY BROS I = COMPANY Wholesale and Retail hnrc the most complete stock of < IW GENERAL r MERCHANDISE 4 r Ever brought to Jackson7 Consisting ii of il > lJ l w DIo d1 o fjg jJ l r Ql t NOf1J1Ut IIIt i4Li- o4ijTq i J- 4 Jt e 110 J tt ot r S q 4e p t 4 R r i r I oe i LYe T have the finest line of shoes in East v ern Kentucky 4 Our incurs shoes nr of- the v j latest style 1 J For the Ladies we have the most Fashionable Lot of Shoes money could buy THE LATEST DESIGNS IN MILLINERY This Department is under the marf agement of Miss Margaret Basket can show you jgfl The Late Hats I direct from New York City Also i FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS- In all th Freshfrom If you need any House Furnishings or FURNITUREW- e are the people you are looking for we hue it by car loads to suit k every body Conic and see r USour a Q Riiimiimiiiiimmiimmiiiiiuimmii Iltlllllll 11111 UI i Prices eAIrRiglitJ C J Uh uhUu DAY BR OSl i ii 0 O MPANYt I we Jackson > K ntq Yfj r 1 i 1yyf M t EI f i ftM 1 f t 4

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olzt Jroalhitl Wowsf1 J WISE itAniNS Editor t

Friday September 22 1005


t Il





trAil buiineii intrusted to himwill receive prompt sad careful at¬

tentlonIt =




Will practlca hi Breathitt andMaguffln Counties s

111W111UW1116hi1I1W11lWYr I11W1111H


MIKE ROBINSON I1FASPeace for MagUterlM district No 1

Bufcject to theaction of tile Repuljllcanparty







r BREtIv CK1WF 11FOR J mEn






> Wo frftrojluul so many calls for1It tho per containing a comparisonof administrations that isa havedecided to reprint tho artk e-

We have Q6refull examined the

4records now on file in tho County

fU Clerks office and submit below acomparison of tho records of 1001

the last year of tho Hariris admTn iistration with tho rccordsof 1904

the last year of tho Hargis adminF istration J IJ


IIAtJIKS ADJIIxISTRATIOS10-1f fTotal tax charged for > i

1091 791 74

r L E Railway 3445f Received from Bridge m

1901 J 2026 16

11 Total wtnrgablo forjiYear 1901 0332 15i

HARD IS ADSIINKTRATjlNrl 904Total tax charged J-




ifctyou see

es has verythis monoycts of iho

a fight totit Ijricncq jftint00000 per

Icriimcnl ofing our adknow that it

Toro fb run it

dga ind alsoimpri vfcmcntsrwsea that have

the present ad10 records do notcourt house jailjtl3r bond wasear 1904uu of thtestwiin 1904 yVhydeath tolteipuies1 Cutdotvn tl seda

lcalagse YJ

1 vtirotrrSi

and youi nounM you expect of

r h1o

thorn if you rote for a man fortihigh oflico in the county

ho stamlSJjndieted for tho high ¬

est sn oho lRw

Wo are well satisfied with theelection officers this year Wethink weeati have a fair electionunder them Their names appearin our columns this week


Rober oao w1o has been con4llned two

at isay-

y to rido llorsclj ck-

A Belle Dayid60nrwifo of


dsonlwliohad her arm-

broken 5 m is suffering-

intensepIMrs Laura cjBKjvhg has

bhen suffering tivitlitroublew-ent


to Jackson to cult DrHogg who gave icf great relief


Minoy Rose daughter of R NiRose died of consumption ws

cently in Wolfe county She was

born runo 5 1884 died August27 1905 She leaves n fattierstepmother ono sister and fourbrothers to mourn her loss She

was a noblo Christian girl and haul

many friends who arc sad to hearof her death


Mrs Handle Amburgyis on thesick list

li S Bryant of Oakdale was

bt Frozen last week

Walter Little of Jctts Creekhas moved to Walkers Greek

G B Woods nun II C Bryantwore at Ly mens Creek last week

Dick Jennings of Oakdalo has

sold his property at Frozen and is

now in search of a farm

Mrs Mnggio Crawford from

11olfe county visited her parentsRan1 A y and wife Sunday

II G B Woods R

Sllr ert Bryant arer1 E railroad-

s is-

t others Bread-

S Ikiliinin Fu gate arc

tnd f vh4t-

ttts fof McIntosh fork

1R Noble is visiting hisF el J B Noble V Morgan

cia9lisseshoon Callio Noble1 1 Smith werthe guests o Mr find Mrs M CNoble Frjday

GranViIhX Noble and CrackerNeace botliofiNcdarc oil theirway to Tiie Mt Sterling marketwith a fine drove of young fleers

rMany a man is today drinking

lifes bjitter cup and preparinghimself for the home ho fain wouldnot go Let every true and patriotk citizen of Brcathitt countybecomeactuatcd b the sjMrit oftrue patriotism and comp to knowthe necessity of a peaceful andloving people and at the Novemb oiloaer ito the right oft-

o an unbiased and uni a andvote for the

SCf the Fusion ticket whoit a fcJawabiding n

elm this ticket me

t adAnus to biiagllri8-

a eneradinRArlct V



By tho tcoiilo of MrcatlillCounty JH Convention Assoni


We the citizens of Brcathitcounty in convention ossemblciregardless of previous politicsafliliations but with an eye singlto tho redemption of Breathcounty hereby make tho followinjdeclarations of principles

Resolved First That wo opprove the call time and place forholding this convention

Second That wo believe in n

free ballot and a fair count anhonest and economical administra-tion of county affairs equal rightto all and exclusive privileges tonone n fair deal to every manand tho redemption of Brcathitcounty from tho misrulo it has hntfor the past four years

ThirdWe believe that thepower of tho people should bo suo

preme that they should have 11

night to govern themselves nm1

that they should have a voico IItho selection of their ofliccrs

Fourth Wo believe in a voltand economical administration ojtho fiscal affairs of tho countsthat no more taxes should hcollected titan is necessary fOI

governmencconoinieallyunnecessary taxation is unjutaxation that the present tuirate is oxhorbitant outrage ot

unjust and should bo reduceat least onehalf

Fifth Wo denounce tho precnt county administration for itprecodentcitizens shot down on tho streetof Jackson and instead of tho socalled officers of the law makintiny attempt to apprehend the mumderers they rushed to tho defensof those accused of tho rimesand wo condemn tho foul assassinstions of Dr B D Cox JamcCookrillnnd James B Marcumand point with horror andscorn at those officials winquietly stood by while tinvictims wore weltering in theirovert blood without so much asraising a finger towards renderingthem aid in their dying agoniesand feel assured that tho timo 1mcome and is now at hand for tincitizens of this bloodstained countsto call a halt and place a ticket before the people to bo voted for nttho November election which ifelectedcan and will say that thelaw must be respected and rigidlyenforced

SixtlvpWe have seen our panpels support that hluo them and tho money Urn t

should have been spent for thencomforbr given to men in compen-sation for their political turpitude

Seventh We have seen ouvoting places so changed that it halmost impossible for sonic of oucitizens to go to the voting placeto cost their ballot We belitV 1

flat tho voting places should be anear the centerof the voting precinctsas praciiewle and easily acccssablo to a1ltW voters therein

Eighth W bolievo that thJackson Bridge slmouldremain 11

the hands of the Fiscal Court anithat thomdney collected should b-

used in payingoftho debt createted by building k1 wo are opposed to the squandering of tin

on highi salaries otheextravagancies

Ninth believe that thejury service should be distributeamong thojcitizons of all parts 01

the counLJ that no politicafavoritism should be exercised ir


TnnfijVoiiJiji4a ihat titortlio pu works oi

tho county should be awarded nccording to law tQ tho lowest ambest bidder and not let to ccrtaitindividuals privately for pecunarjor political favors at the expenseof the coTmty

I Blevonth We bolievo that tin

laborer is worthy of his I i ctnndthat tho finances or athittcounty should bo put on if c5ishbasis tad not compel claimants towait two years or more for theirmoney or compel them to discounttheir claims in somo store tom

I merchandise at a large profit tuthe merchant

Twelfth That we honor andapplaud Henry B Noble thepresent County Superintendentfor his honest en ¬

deavor to uphold the law in theadministration of his official du-ties


MIl in time brave and patrioticisland ho took in protecting his

from being taken from thohands of tho man the people had

electedTbirteelith1yopledge our ¬

selves and our candidates to work


for tho andlira Kitt on theshe so that ¬

and como hero I1nlnvcst and p-

our mineral and sfeel have perfect

to their lives and ¬

mid thotlontilntk tl hero

is tho foriho for

anti armies bo placedthe to

wit n lot¬

any nod tho ofthe State of their pres ¬

eat or pastpublish of 1 rinci


Blind Headachea year ago Mrs Allen of

iI 1123 Augusta Ga I with sickheadaches and backaches and get no until I tried

WINE GIRD U IA NonIntoxicating Female Tonic

4 I Immedhitely to improve aud now I feel

like a new woman and to it to

all sick women for I that it will curethem as it did inc

WRITEU3vegetablefunchonsw rut III mwtones up to a surrl1lIrstate of Tr yt


wlU WS muwfor ctMcd tn lmaIt your S YrlIa

sfyourr t IH y

druggist scIIthin l AllumrtatI1IdryetpIMr

IITS aoUiiiok

ti tthe two Indlvldualaobovc Is the happier If its

i International SuitelieyounB chap Ii wearingth fn Itbecomes the thing the for

i 1itrUrresi his suit to A succeiiful Uucj



1tike Intcrnaitoncil Tailoring Co


OF ITS KIND IN TIm iVORLDJvtheienvyIts pleasure to so popular n l alter youve put their

clotling to the test endorse every good we cnn say about themand more It

have your measure taken and well sliow you what liltingmean from an International standpoint

t SH 1Sonv OKSONKY r

I 9

tJ 3


V Latest Styles forkv Falland WinterThere is that snap and individuality TE

about The System Clothes which

attracts favorable attention everywhere

They Look Welland Year Well

We ouiocallnanJcxamine ourline of Single and Double Breasted

and Overcoats The Bell

r will fit any foot

bldesigned and







reforms needed placecounty high piano

should occupy capital-ists others can

their money dovchtimber rcsourc

nd that theyiirotection prop-erty further we indorselandtdatcs today

Republican nomineesrespective olliecs Brcathitt

County theirliopubliciin devicecabi-

nFourteenth11e solicit allof papers

regardlesspolitical affiliations1 to

these declarations

pulsJ B McLix ChairmanHKXRY HURST Secretary

About writes MattieBroadway suffered blind

could relief

commenced9ish recommend


pains regulatqs female Jotfemale organs

proper health yearthtrouble

11110411rIYIf JSAEvery tortIWfIL

whlchjof an

easiest in world




Cihand perfectclothes



SuitsSystem Clothes




DAY BROSI =COMPANYWholesale and Retail

hnrc the most complete stock of<IW



Ever brought to Jackson7 Consistingiiof il >lJ l


DIo d1o

fjg jJ lr

QltNOf1J1Ut IIIt

i4Li-o4ijTqi J-



J ttot

r Sq 4e pt4 Rr

i r I oeiLYe Thave the finest

line of shoes in Eastv

ern Kentucky4


incurs shoes nr of-

thev jlatest style

1JFor the Ladies

we have the mostFashionable Lotof Shoes moneycould buyTHE LATEST DESIGNS IN

MILLINERYThis Department is under the marfagement of Miss Margaret Basket

can show you jgfl

The Late HatsI

direct from New York City Also i

FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS-In all thFreshfromIf you need any House Furnishings or

FURNITUREW-e are the people you are looking forwe hue it by car loads to suit


every body

Conic and seer



Riiimiimiiiiimmiimmiiiiiuimmii Iltlllllll 11111 UI

i Prices eAIrRiglitJC JUh uhUu



Jackson > K ntq Yfjr 1

i 1yyf Mt EIf iftM1
