
1 L ... ' 1 "THg SlfVENT"H' DAY 0,1' 'TUB -LO:RD THY GOD." , < , " WESTERLY, 'R. 1: 1 FIFTH.DAY, OCTOBER 27, 1864:. 1M of tbe faitbflll, a;od UJe in,oIt unlimited, yietory we will'ltreiiJtb· tbat eyery child cau ooder- elllCt.lo. proceed, .ithoot ire iJA'er for an 'lecoant, no,r u. rain otller alHl'nGbl. ylOto- stau/!. / ,Tbe AtmeDiao clljrlJ tecei.e Dq e.en,ror acknowled«aten' of liee. A poor' .ick Airl, for example, II wbich their natnral patho. pro-:! doeed. AI the fadi.!!g I .. f preachft to DI, mly ie lIee.l b1 itl 18IIIonl: Iltipt'nd, and ,aact no oolltribo'ioDI; IaODeY' whlcb pauee \b.roogh their Shall-.e Dot, tbeD, joiD. nating away her YOIlDg lire id a hke:thOlle.oHhIl,GretkOhnrch, Their bandL •• hand. io defense of every blgb and c;bamber of COJlfinemeoL All da, depend entirely ou the !lIIU- The fural holy principle. and IIhall Jlot OQf life' !OD" and all lhe nigllt, for weary A l'EITlV.t.L .T _ftJ&IJ, ". tribQ\iollS of ,\he f.ithfol ; it ia tbere- habit. and mallners of tbelr forer.. wurt be tbe eetablillh.em of trUth' week. and month!!, the p"tient IIDf The Tllrin corr"po*nt of·a LQIIo •• ill. Cure ra,re to- weet ,.ith, a •• thers and are wboll; occ:'Upied in We folio. in tbe foo'.,. of iQuo ferer IIDtrllrll on.·:ffiJt abe bearll the don piper gil''''' the fallowing IC)o prittl'. th(U1gh a few .Ie in eaay cir and In T'lirtbrin« } heir triolle .. , aad. !fbile our aanowl of hel\> lot ,8<) meetly, IIbe .. :, I cal tie and Duct. ill the ricb plalnl or pathway III rendered brIghter .. peaks of her disciplilJe 110 Iweetly, collnt of a receDt ",li,ioa. 08lebr .. . Tbe number of Armenianll in the Armenia. T.bey are more advanced their noLTe deed!!. \lor lotrering8 will IIhe exbibi18 ncb p"tien08 of bope, lioo there : ill at in thao tbe MOIIleD;,ls; an41 be 'light 'io' comparilOil wltli tbeir and lIoch tr.ust io Him II The Slh of .'lIiol,l foor bondred ,hollaand i If the government wodld alislSI theIr 81ifretlllrs· ' Lee 08, theli. IJb tot'ftrd, IItrong arm 18 beneath ber. ahe hve8 chllrch celebrate. the of tbe Gredr.... ,ti.e, , are dis. • fti,tt8 l:Iy the coliatrtletion of •• __ o1R 110 mQcb religion in tllat cbt.mber. VJrgin. is a da, of .great ver" (II ai.d "tlibllabinl' faciril;el' for iotl/r· pie of CiI:!ja,t. t.hther.orldly-windtldlatherand ber for tbe .orking P9Plllatloo of Pr:lm !\lore tbe cooo- pe r ll1lC!;ltjoo aod .sbame, tbrough life, frivololla liwterli are ali tpoohed by h. This date II ioseparably' "lnOlatted'l tb'JI .&00.000, of which ,than in- and w;hotie .eary feet, trembling' f>t... They feel it., Her e:J.II.mple ie a with 80me of tbe mOllt- fullldllr'Cllef.'1 ""y in A,i. cootain8 no, as thall tbe preaent'day. ", stamed the .itIod:r path '1ft to Cal ... they get no better preachiog we.,.orable aiege of at Conataotiuople. Tor· 81eud of retrograding, as It does at the heavy 'Crose, )1eft. blood· .. means of grace " to that wbole iabed traditiool of m,.i"rity of whom T ,be l.-a - aDI qllarter. H1!f deep. tran- glQriu08 aelhacrifice "aocieot terrhory of Tor thO great qllil J"yt!. be..id"tbe .eU oftalvation, aDd, with the lJigu.1 'tic,tOrY tt,aiu,eI. ,,; TItlTJI. revealtd'to tbe. aod m= ::m: t: I=':::.:. 8no1 ... II!')" " ,r q, ".. ,,""" ' an. elltertai.. lur !locooot of Our'world is a .orld o('realities- hnlor hW1!atth;;r«Jrir, tain." 'of Prillce Ji:q-elle. Oolhe. ,mi., .... of tile .\rmt!DiaD yillag'" ill a world of trlltbl. Itl creation was lin g<Jde li!fore, .d ia Ricbard uled to Illy, tbat of the 8tb, the heleafllered city ... " part of conn try. In severlll not the reaolt or Ijome 'r JOsel , on, n,Nicin g f our heart. 1\!ith .rhil Inlt feelingll of were free. aM piouB dllke, elated with ...... " .. " ,4 r , . . ..... , , of t\aeir villagel, particolarly ibfith d " e •. or Woiled dtoream!. 0 aw88beDoraalllcc)'8wr(ol 0& made atroul l crhadb y eeetin g thh at ! rlli l .. lucce.1 whieh popnlar *nperttltiotll ' I,' .• ' I ' ". neigbborhood til we n I s a -Wille r a r, 0 gs. {g >cu, PI0015 peop e a roe appIOf'B8 attributed- W ,be perwouu illtenln- . the. inhabitant8 literally dwelling cent 'plan, constituted a sytltem of and e.ery deed noted by tbe:record- that the tbinga Qf tbis world could tioo of Ihe Kotber of a ... en, Mad. Il t.; uw ... ;, 1I001M'I, if huui!' ea'n8t8. io a perfect laW' ,iDg au,,,l,blll.etand Ollt iD tile clear Ddt giYe." It was always'admitted a 80IeDln yow' 10 erect a magailWent rllce: The ri,_ is,.pf tiih., ell t"-u,,"''' l. .. called, beiog 8CCOped of trlltb, to,work ODl their harmoni· Jigbt of eteroi\,Y',,"trlltb; .JienAbe in Dundee"tbllt ttle life of Robert Wo- temple to his divine protecLre. OD iD a "om' A"aii,',itbe"tlMh' '!"V, ......... "'" ;t I' ., t Tn t ... r Gud' b II be b Ie' 1 ,. tbe Indace by ao open- ODS an","g OrJOII8 euec s. UI rll"" '" ,t! Dalure • a etlm more t aD e oqDen tbe'crown' of tbe' beigbt froiD heRcI--'" '""" B.ilf. :wlaOl "".1,1111 ,peal grabd8()n IiI II ijJ(l mo"tI. of a WillI.. These became a puwer iD the world-tbe to 1lII. aDd we, uotrain diliCOll_. impresaed aad moyed the .bich he had the en. 'If J.p\WJ.", , coo- centra,J, controlling agency in the by lin, shall be blessed with tbe rich cQlIlmllnity aroond him. We mighJ my's position and prep"red hill JIIa" aul ulal' t. en,Q,' alfocted oot on tbe 8ide of I. }Jill. bllt working of its lawil-the nneleus etl1lr It,Snrte .ilaom 'alitl multiPly j\lulltration8 'of thill for th't to d. evil... be ddilill'frel/e\\t" ' Iud rrBel!"hke .. &' aTtar. l!f I,f a 'geotl .. slope,., and all tbe e.r,t.h aroood' whrch crY"tali:u all the prill- . p&r&ak. of 'hil troth from lJiographi" aud from ob- time, ihe so .... rb Builie", the _nrk . 'l'W ! fIW"IIIftIiIIlIJ, the \leotie-.' on whlcli '" f . h h' I' b ,.., "T"''' ,I "" J J ", J' P fl'Qm ibe buule is thrown ciplell a Its growt . , ecrOWQencln: 'te llOr row, tbe Piedmolilese 'JII."ra, ........ )10, .......... 1- IN" ",fl·' fll bllck upoo the JOoC in 811Cb a manoer .MYIl .... created, ,endowed eued Il!fIlY jewell, reJlMlrIJ. A Gud!-fearinr JOilth OONipie. the wa'll brought to completion, alld be- JaG'*'!' fat ............. tiI:tkt ,VIOUI to, (be on tbree aidel there is often no wllh to perceive onr Ihall be cld .. I lame room witb aeveral giddy ectof- ClIrile the cliMen ptace' or IJepel"re q.rtwrlp&, ,,!I,t of an.y dwelling 'exitJ1ing oDder- truth8 ID nature and In whb God's 'OWIl' !Iignet, wilb fellow-clllrks, Qr fur the monarcb. of &9Oy. ' Jiiect Dot'apoJII!: .fur,'" Wfl. 1111'- "liierl\ty pl'eseutll The eo trance ill on the lower dltr"rellt 8tligell of hil graven 011 tbe'lleal. I II. c. dentl. Night 'and Di,lwing he bendtl .. Standing at a,.le...-11)II of ley ell r bact'. hi 'of,' •• I ... ,.. bul:a tbe and the mound the grc&t problem h8.,enr, been. the knee io praJer befute tbem. ,Tliey hnodred and thirty·three metrN IlOGlt1 ...... ft 'lIi'I ...... :"" "1' , ' , up /<it:tiie lOt' Cf'II-, ofttln tr.ihle liS it is r.ioJed foor or rednce (hem from tbe ______ -;tr at &nt; bllt he praya 00. The abo.e the leyel or tbe .ea, tile .Iait. " '11 , :G '1libll' Pb Q " th!) of tht bill- trllth for BOI OUT 'IOlB BOW. arly !emmder of thllt fearl_ .act or &0 the ot the ohareb at _ A..l.l.i' »lL...no;,>, "c"lt'!u!:8,1I.1I 'Y'" all t e 'tbere is to keep PIIG- enr 8Wce or 1111 has rellted de.VOtlOO a.wakell8 In the COJDfIIarlds a .... .tlicb for .... AUllltm1lla .JIM', 'of the ruof. wllicn has 110 appear. op?n .oor Cal', .otld. error. an antag- Oa:.!.ul.!tfi mlDd" of hr8 cumpaDlon8 tbe memo· and beallt] C&noot .... i1, iii! 1nIetI .. to" .the ,fQrtilailqo. of .Ii dlirerebt l.r.om tbe sorroundh.g ODlstlC pOwer, hae 110180 been at .ork. .And had If.tened lone. ry that tbey too IHt.d ODce been tanght 8Ilrpal.ed. His eye raD,et at -WI!! .,. . -'":I" . . , It il often oDly the dirt op- It. IItlllktl(Uorlh the land 'I0,!I!Jar the ti""tr ham. '0 pray. bllt no. hate learnoo to frum tbe .no •. clild barrier or Hi\! •• ..., tie \), lb. of the doorl!, and llle cattle and ,With 1\4 .JM:.a.J seeking every- .... Example is arrow of con- Aipi to the Apetdile 10 , t\'Je g about,lbat give . tbe trllth, or ThBlood man .houted In bl. ellr. v.icUop,; they \00 II ,chaill, and over tbil . alia 108 ,'1 prc$enee of a villagt;!. crush It wlthloItl snares. " tbe" hOe out yourrO'li'." God! aud are Juhn plaine at pjedmooti aud of . "'!' .. .f':-, _ .. ,... I And a few trtlCils lit thl'AC religIons dunng the eight months Thua have theBe t.o powers wag- Io'illo .. h; '-r4 OM - tile row. gell Jatm;», of JlIl:UlllIgham. saY8. In dy, and o. a' d_,. alld :l _:.., ......................... may st,ill (!o!iif,jn OTIr!8ti u llity, inteDse cllld wben' uo ed a deadly Mrire ; and tlloogb error J.;d' one or hid leoWrtllll II II I have a aid of a good teleecope tbe to' ........ _1-- - wbicll' ' .. 11 mtroollCI'a "bout the 'ulilegtt compt:'ned'by lIr- ,may far .. time have hetd tbe earlb .. BfJlnllilll,lV.IU""lIMe." to a Ohrjslian. of the (ar-raq:ied ea\bt'41ra\ aboUd' •• , ,eat '2311," 'tile c'ivllili!i.g hrlldeOCf!: , ,", in supreme challenged com- , ir I _ve auained W allf ill 41ieilnctly villible. E.er tile oor w ... DII v •• k, __ ,' d"cli'iot, .of,Otitlll' bor", gobdi Edncatiofl ' bat with God'8 .truthl •. has TIl. gpod 10 lee in tbe church of owe it, io 1MIliod of itl foanl!atioll, the bill o! RID ,bJ e " ill. t!\e .. illdll Ar'!le- is IlIlPp,orted, by" volqutary eyer vanquIsbed, whrle ''fbe'bOY hoe out Irls·row.' ' the way of means alld Silperga b .. beeD \be object 0( .. e 10 .... _ ........ ---- _( ,Ie t - , ': EVlirl parish bas ita. tlgbt. vlctorloul!. ball "'lIh tb«'l-ad tliet ... fe_bet" tlte&; to .the sigbt'of a"co,mpaoj(!n, wbo aDnU1l1 pilgrimU'e, -.nd the 100II: of .. ;ta =:-r- tt'fWht"'"if 8clenoo were eoltivllted ; . wilere'tbe I;hildren of tbe .. Iendor mlde ouly more ::!t In tlie lamfl' room 'wllh me, "Plen of tbe capft ... , acoompabied by hilt .... Mid ',ao, ..... . iii I .• .1e to read and *rite. the ;dar.P d W,hIQ\l-.t,-h{lll will ilubltr teL ' hil knee,' in prayer 011""" tbeir .pooleR, in hOllor of tbe .... , U II are somehi.gbeucbool., wbete ,mto r rty, -i llrlulJ'tl) f!at. to_4 .ala. li·tIeI'·""1 .. , , o'le\l)l' gecgraphy, .The liua!ds of truth " 1a1lt"",rt".t,BldoftoU. lOy I!Inmbermg COO8elellce, aod 1!ent their .mlil'hlllt ribbo •• , all4 by u.ir aud . iI. are fallgbt • bilt tbe greater part With oppoSitIOn and peraeclltlon. Let .' Il .. aI"aYlllut;your roW'. an arroW' to .m! heart t for, thoogh I jOYOll1 little .warml of eblldreD, ,lII0I '01 tlie ArmenIan alphabJlt; , children 'Of the poor families 118 read the record. ot the paat";'-Of' had been reJrgroo81y edocated. thad Irlldce .their way aloDIIi the.. .p _. - - rt" 'I!OOO removed.' and, Bpnreuticcd oor noble rerormer., .. ho !i&we lulled ""'"",L ...... ____ ..... _. prll1 er aod of!' the ceot; lakhig it'liy tornl to I om', at: Mio; ItlnS-.L I rid s ... "rt ..... ly ,.bo _JJ.LAJ:I .a.u;.D f, f God .. coo98raron to God U't'eH Bi'tI ikoil iO.80me'trtlae.'· Tile wea Ihy ClaS8e8 110 earlleSI.,. an P:'lr ':" "'" . T!t ' - J pro.i.iO'o of I 'I ii'" ,In. .. ,, _ .. ". , . send tll .. ir children to, huve welcomed and "',crl- BY lilY' co L. CtrTLJ:L Mlowed, and m1 preparation for lbe pere or the ,many !)tll,lIftl'I,: ' ," ; ,: of Europe, .or' fice, and death tbat out Qf onrtitian boDnd to be a; .ork of the mlniltf,1. - half a of-the family, t .. . But. WI, rr .. f 10,:lal Bod intellec- them tit hom-e.· the conflIct wblob error' fur-agea But remeDi- ee.ntnry r ..lled . away SIDI)Il IhE'n. tjcipation ()f a diDner -00 "'"' .... ,tllll' 1I\0gemePt .1P&It;,arre,\ed by, .tbe There is a fa(IJOll8 establisbment had been trIllmphaot, that tllere thoo .. OO .a,a bUt lIttle etiaDi))o,r a'l>d .. TliOlle who ,burden. \bemlel IGrpek 011 an,iltlan4"nelll",Vtlnice fUllnded by trotb. 10 lang mlg,\l' be re- carlltt!1 GOIpel. witbont ing )'ollih are Itl1I1I'eseDt to my im- with creatnre CO-l1Jf"ttl fof the ' of llle aD ArmeJllan named " Me.chitllr; :whlcb flle.ate aud a con IlginatiOD, aDd will Beyer be lorgot- do !i0 - of couree froin molinl Dlllip .. lUI'(\U'I1d!:4,cr,opt,the W"!ltern 'ell' a great impllise to tlie- make. heUer bomanlty. ADd I!-0t rurce aDd Owen ten, even amiddt the d for are two or tbrM 'fhIP.t!o'[dll'ided it- 'lanruage' utf ooly ID the great or men which preached Gud's troth on the b"aven. and through the Ilgee of eter- innt! on 'the "mmit .hieh dli"". 1'&11_.' .1111£. and ... .. !l til alloient' ArOlenitiD worb liave have their n.amel n.poo legililatlYe halle. Lily." wafing' trade on thelle occ:&l\ioli .. the ""PI of bllMr3. bnt 111 Ibe,lIves proetllimed1t to,the rllggl'd Tbe OClt d('fell1!e the foorlh and the groond ,il covered by tellllPO- tl,e Ar'menilAo. ondl'r O[toDfll" .. r"lo III well III t.allilatlonl of the,prlDcI- luwly an4 molt .' .of, tbe Fi.e Puiol-, .alttlo1lllh is fullnd.lD the rar, tentlarid etan, of e.e". ..... pel pr4'seutl 'bot fe1. the an'd'lcieutificpIQd'uclLiuns .sam,: love of Bnd 1fA, a Of had a loftier characters of . 4lfId qoality for tW ':, uf otber nation8. .., be aeen Qrdaioing band laid wbo re,meDlbl'r G:,,d;s dllY to It of lblll uou811al influx of •• j.l1i. , and co ented tlX .. writlen lanJ ADd rn our' mldsl, tboltp.we' . Hllnoah More preach. rile clear head and tbe p.ros· good supply of ba,·rel-orlitlmle. a wi' thfi '.!rich entirelJ' from not. enDgllltJ .may be .. dBwing.room' - {5l1rBe of the total abllt'llIer sical blluds aDd I et\tolu.'! a"" >dWy, dlaledt 8nd. ill' wbo, oodenbe gOldaoce' ophlll !wly cbapel-teut; FI:n.euc) the bottle ill. the bP-tit' terlrpl'Y- is 1I0re to be coog1'el[ateri ..... r .. ith ..... j .. 'by Dlltiotl8l to have' n. principle, $b .. 11 t!,y .their blellted teach- a hOllpi'lll .. d&rah aDee lectqnt. ActlOll1 louder lpot, .. OO wbere !the PiedillonuWe i ",-Mtli.l"e", aU thfl flood. They 1188 the !"gs ,tQ. red;em from of Npr- "ban WQrds. II YQO w,.b, t(,l coocemed, will .. tIJId ..... " , '!oR' in common COUyer, Its thraldom and, laid .. ide otb('rt!. tllDve OD' yoqrtelL stood, that the dancing ot ttiei'l' iOIl" Al'lllooil'" itltennixed suo) wltll 100Si'Dgll fer itli. woorl his pulpit.' never Baid' to bil troop!! II ite;" but !lnd ineelsant. BeCore nii:iI!.lfall II'MOffaf i!iit.'tl!o\:t'; had Hiey'oot .. ita' .Ol'd. from otiter'lall- tile true;; . ; .'" " .' 'iii ' be'et one I wal ever in." be tonk the lead. and cried Ollt II \le. thti teveleu are on tberr __ lrroaD'lii.-w litll •• rou.ed"froGl, that it, bBNly-lie :OO1lM- ' eacb of D8 become .. id a... I 811l, laid here fQl! the 1" Tbe witty" and g"y Lord march bnt mlpy linter 011 lIIallY rtr',rtll>, ed to ,.ille . '\ ' ...... I and labor to fref'! end that I may commeDd'''''' after kI,dg,rig. wita to anotllir bottle '01' two'io an .ha' cLI.iA of pr·J·;" ._" d t t r .. , and " S .. i1orl hive : lal., 0 Jim !U of city; .... d erro,,'wilb,whi6tilhe'Ii" preachere ill ginl the ooly forcao long, been f!elteie!t' 'JlWl:tt,(lI:1I III the tent,1I1a\'et , ,Il; minltlan In IIprte "f 1he day's T.tirinjltl8 ,;HI ... 'aDdtt,jll .. lIetll' of. Ptnl ,ackliowledged the ;c, at tile a. ,past .. mjllei ,wbell be eail, .. Be ed 'and o;rlifirlvt!rJoo .. Oor natipn. np.e,ds fdllo*- of IDe." • tIM lipil to the polilicany', )lui religjol1a1Y;.t '. the divine Jeau. have e,jDIr abw$ ,Socfally, Wit, all' a people. are' as hilt marvelou. life, '[hree hOllrl! after erlltiog ."n1 4rc1a errori;and,i Boly lI"iog'ill .pat thi8 ponr .ortd' yelling withollt iliterm'-illll _ie ll ill .oeiely,.," iliaD)' tbM art il dym, f?r t,o-day;' A .radianh·od moat bOiTib1y aiiltioidaiJt" ntal'i1lt'r: ,icel .nd pernieiOQII. (elt the Itoly ,Idie r*, tDlfltnci tile: The police baYe abdicated a\l ". rather tbao stem tbe tIde Io.e of JI'.OI\ io hid 10111. ' of U UIiIOO, ID",ity •• er theae tbe opinion. alld fearle8sly adf'oc&te obo GlJ!lpel, 6xetl at once an behe.erl· pllblic peace. &lid tuill' pleuant trDf.h •. " ' .,'," tioo w'Me it'kuown'to otben.- mean8,anythmg. 1\ meaod toatOlm,!!1 .ometimel taka the til. iDto ollr 'natitin is .. to;d., I lIMe fao ... ·the -.en or IIIllaalion, I ponftl himeelf ruto' the Wllrfd tbrougll ,,11th hallds by madTi IIl0jfin' a d .. boQfld. to'calLout;:"Bn I ever, &l18'liPIl'aiK1'tJtj, lifl!ll <If hie 'earthly Dolltf:fttll uf tJil!lr ",a\ef.lh.c'titiI Oor ani ptlJi\id.... COGI. the ..... ?'" COl'iM-like die ",,_leN. rll'el1' IndCllCtd' i."db- ,., III 1beitill'fllU W tilt and womeo. It I' 1 that Itve, tailliDI'" Il1\Ore _ilfantorf '-111 .. , power I ()f. the hero-apOlltle, II bnt thlln that,. of pro,okinc wbere :alt . Ibiit" i.'· that Ufeth in tme." _gain.nheir OWR •• " , i,& :: li'a\i/Nlil-'ie,t\fe 1':'&1' •• ' , I ., I i. Olle of tbe coilileqllell_ ltR! lMt!It.'tlt II III. or· ! Tn VOUt1Lrtttl, a .. u..t __ ,we ,.itUte4h 'loulll11 'will!." .Tlsi;, will flO , •• i, ..... ,.E' .• II

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"THg SlfVENT"H' DAY 0,1' 'TUB -LO:RD THY GOD." , <

, " WESTERLY, 'R. 1:1 FIFTH.DAY, OCTOBER 27, 1864:.

1M "Dfr"l1~ of tbe faitbflll, a;od UJe tP~, in,oIt unlimited, ~on6denCe~,.nd yietory we gai~, will'ltreiiJtb· Eogii~h tbat eyery child cau ooder-elllCt.lo. proceed, .ithoot delay~, ire iJA'er .sk~d for an 'lecoant, no,r u. ~ rain otller alHl'nGbl. ylOto- stau/!. /

,Tbe AtmeDiao clljrlJ tecei.e Dq e.en,ror a~ acknowled«aten' of t~ liee. A poor' .ick Airl, for example, II

wbich their natnral patho. pro-:! ~'~'~~' ~;~~~== doeed. AI the fadi.!!g I .. f preachft to DI, mly ie lIee.l .uaprotl~ b1 itl 18IIIonl: Iltipt'nd, and ,aact no oolltribo'ioDI; IaODeY' whlcb pauee \b.roogh their Shall-.e Dot, tbeD, joiD. I~. nating away her YOIlDg lire id a

hke:thOlle.oHhIl,GretkOhnrch, Their bandL •• hand. io defense of every blgb and c;bamber of COJlfinemeoL All da, ~ ~!llIell depend entirely ou the !lIIU- The fural ~opulatlOn re~aJn ~b~ holy principle. and IIhall Jlot OQf life' !OD" and all lhe nigllt, for weary A l'EITlV.t.L .T _ftJ&IJ, ". tribQ\iollS of ,\he f.ithfol ; it ia tbere- habit. and mallners of tbelr forer.. wurt be tbe eetablillh.em of trUth' week. and month!!, the p"tient IIDf The Tllrin corr"po*nt of·a LQIIo •• ill. Cure ra,re to- weet ,.ith, a •• ~thy thers and are wboll; occ:'Upied in We folio. in tbe foo'.,. of iQuo ferer IIDtrllrll on.·:ffiJt abe bearll the don piper gil''''' the fallowing IC)o

prittl'. th(U1gh a few .Ie in eaay cir hOllb~ndry, and In T'lirtbrin« } heir triolle pr~lIllr .. , aad. !fbile our aanowl of hel\> lot ,8<) meetly, IIbe \l\lmlltl¥l~ .. :, I cal tie and Duct. ill the ricb plalnl or pathway III rendered brIghter ~ .. peaks of her disciplilJe 110 Iweetly, collnt of a receDt ",li,ioa. 08lebr .. . Tbe number of Armenianll in the Armenia. T.bey are more advanced their noLTe deed!!. \lor lotrering8 will IIhe exbibi18 ncb p"tien08 of bope, lioo there : 1h,~l\il\h d'omini~na ill ,~tioiated at in agric~ltDre thao tbe MOIIleD;,ls; an41 be 'light 'io' comparilOil wltli tbeir and lIoch q~j"t tr.ust io Him w~aae II The Slh of ~I~~~~~~~:.:~ ~o .'lIiol,l foor bondred ,hollaand i If the government wodld alislSI theIr 81ifretlllrs· ' Lee 08, theli. IJb tot'ftrd, IItrong arm 18 beneath ber. ahe hve8 chllrch celebrate. the of ~u~'I~ike tbe Gredr. ... ,ti.e, , are dis. • fti,tt8 l:Iy the coliatrtletion of 1'0~. a~'ivi.K·~1l.alaiethe_wor"1 •• __ o1R 110 mQcb religion in tllat cbt.mber. VJrgin. is a da, of .great ~~i\';Vo\e!l ver" IID~q~alI1. (II 'Eur~ ai.d "tlibllabinl' faciril;el' for iotl/r· pie of CiI:!ja,t. ~ho ~i1lP!gI1 aatr~red t.hther.orldly-windtldlatherand ber for tbe .orking P9Plllatloo of Pr:lm 'turk~.y;. ~hey !6r~,IlC&~cely !\lore ~broogbOil" tbe cooo- perll1lC!;ltjoo aod .sbame, tbrough life, frivololla liwterli are ali tpoohed by h. This date II ioseparably' "lnOlatted'l tb'JI .&00.000, of which mo~e ,than agri~!llt,o~e wl,I~ld pr~gre'8, in- and w;hotie .eary feet, trembling' f>t... They feel it., Her e:J.II.mple ie a with 80me of tbe mOllt- fullldllr'Cllef.'1

""y in A,i. cootain8 no, as thall tbe preaent'day. ", stamed the .itIod:r path '1ft to Cal ... fam~y; they get no better preachiog we.,.orable aiege of ~lIil( (e~ide at Conataotiuople. Tor· 81eud of retrograding, as It does at the heavy 'Crose, )1eft. blood· .. means of grace " to that wbole iabed traditiool of \b;t:~~ ~~ t!~~~~i~!i

the~ m,.i"rity of whom T ,be l.-a -aDI qllarter. H1!f deep. tran- glQriu08 aelhacrifice ","~ "aocieot terrhory of Tor thO Ilabba"'~. great qllil J"yt!. be..id"tbe .eU oftalvation, aDd, with the lJigu.1 'tic,tOrY tt,aiu,eI. ~i~~~~;,=~i~ ,,; ;1~~i;":;7'll:.. Ar.~!~ till~r~~~~~o,~ TItlTJI. revealtd'to tbe. aod m= ::m: ':C:~n!o~:iC;e ~~u~o~ r.:~~ t: I=':::.:. ~I. ~r' 8no1 ...

II!')" " ,r q, ".. ,,""" ' an. elltertai .. lur !locooot of Our'world is a .orld o('realities- hnlor aiieillDpl~ hW1!atth;;r«Jrir, tain." 'of Prillce Ji:q-elle. Oolhe. ,mi., "'U1J~.' ~",IN .... ~"~~.,,,",nr. of tile .\rmt!DiaD yillag'" ill a world of trlltbl. Itl creation was lin g<Jde li!fore, .d ia bec~.g!ul Ricbard C~cil uled to Illy, tbat of the 8tb, the heleafllered city ...

y!,~'f::;;"vL,'~ " part of t~ conn try. In severlll not the reaolt or Ijome 'rJOsel, ~ia. on, n,Nicingf

our heart. 1\!ith K~ .rhil Inlt feelingll of reli~ion were free. aM ~be piouB dllke, elated with ...... " ..

" ~1'11' ,4 r , . . ..... , , of t\aeir villagel, particolarly ibfithd" ~tcbemll e •. or Woiled dtoream!. 0 bl~saDmCYa'gnl-u6t' aw88beDoraalllcc)'8wr(ol 0& g81(h~llolabe' he~I' hr!~. made atroull crhadby eeeting thh at !rllil .. lucce.1 whieh popnlar *nperttltiotll j~~~~~~§~i!ili ' I,' .• ' I ' ". neigbborhood til ',Elz~r(lom. we n I s a -Wille r a r, 0 • gs. {g >cu, PI0015 peop e a roe appIOf'B8 attributed- W ,be perwouu illtenln-

. At;\1o~djDJ,Lto the. inhabitant8 literally dwelling cent 'plan, constituted a sytltem of and e.ery deed noted by tbe:record- that the tbinga Qf tbis world could tioo of Ihe Kotber of a ... en, Mad. Arm~uis ~1iIf!:ix Il t.; uw ... ,gr~~d ;, t~ir 1I001M'I, if huui!' ea'n8t8. eiJtlbli~hed io a perfect laW' ,iDg au,,,l,blll.etand Ollt iD tile clear Ddt giYe." It was always'admitted a 80IeDln yow' 10 erect a magailWent rllce: The ri,_ is,.pf tiih., ell t"-u,,"''' l. .. called, beiog 8CCOped of trlltb, to,work ODl their harmoni· Jigbt of eteroi\,Y',,"trlltb; .JienAbe in Dundee"tbllt ttle life of Robert Wo- temple to his divine protecLre. OD iD a "om' A"aii,',itbe"tlMh' '!"V, ......... "'" ;t I' ., t Tn t ... r Gud' b II be b ~. Ie' 1 ,. ullb-,~of.tb tbe Indace by ao open- ODS an","g OrJOII8 euec s. UI rll"" '" ,t! Dalure • a etlm more t aD ul~ e oqDen tbe'crown' of tbe' hJt~1 beigbt froiD heRcI--'" '""" B.ilf. :wlaOl "".1,1111 ,peal grabd8()n IiI II ijJ(l mo"tI. of a WillI.. These became a puwer iD the world-tbe to 1lII. aDd we, uotrain diliCOll_. impresaed aad moyed the .bich he had 11!cOonoi1er~ the en. ~~, c~~, '1!ll!i)~~~=~~ 'If J.p\WJ.", PttIr,f\¥!\lI',r~. ~pppf , bal>j'.tiQo~, ~e coo- centra,J, controlling agency in the by lin, shall be blessed with tbe rich cQlIlmllnity aroond him. We mighJ my's position and prep"red hill JIIa" ClIlIQ~" aul ~~ ulal' 1),1N1\!r.~~ ~l'" t. ,!,1~r en,Q,' ~e~~ alfocted oot on tbe 8ide of I. }Jill. bllt working of its lawil-the nneleus etl1lr It,Snrte .ilaom 'alitl multiPly j\lulltration8 'of thill ~ame for th't COIIIba~ to d. evil... be ddilill'frel/e\\t" ' Iud h~~~ rrBel!"hke .. &' bllg~ aTtar. l!f I,f a 'geotl .. slope,., and all tbe e.r,t.h aroood' whrch crY"tali:u all the prill- . p&r&ak. of 'hil troth from lJiographi" aud from ob- time, ihe so .... rb Builie", the _nrk . 'l'W ,~r ! fIW"IIIftIiIIlIJ, the \leotie-.' }Iu'utl1i"A(afl.f~ on whlcli '" f . h h' I' b ,.., "T"''' ~ ,I "" J J ", J' P eltc",,a~ fl'Qm ibe buule is thrown ciplell a Its growt . , ecrOWQencln: 'tellOr row, tbe Piedmolilese Ircbit~ 'JII."ra, ........ )10, .......... 1-~~", ~~rt r,~\~~;'~h!lr, IN" ~~ ",fl·' fll bllck upoo the JOoC in 811Cb a manoer .MYIl .... created, a~cJ ,endowed eued w~th Il!fIlY jewell, reJlMlrIJ. A Gud!-fearinr JOilth OONipie. the wa'll brought to completion, alld be- JaG'*'!' fat ............. tiI:tkt

,VIOUI to, I~ ~4pa~I!1~. tl~ (be 'e~- on tbree aidel there is often no wllh ra~hlel_ to perceive an~ onr ear,h-I.b()r~, Ihall be cld .. po~d' I lame room witb aeveral giddy ectof- ClIrile the cliMen ptace' or IJepel"re q.rtwrlp&, ,~-~ ~vlt 8ia!18",~~' ~l¥l' ,,!I,t '~.,*,,!i '~~ ,~~- of an.y dwelling 'exitJ1ing oDder- t~e8e truth8 ID nature and In whb God's 'OWIl' !Iignet, wilb fellow-clllrks, Qr f~\low-stll' fur the monarcb. of &9Oy. ' Jiiect Dot'apoJII!: .fur,'" Wfl. Bi~III1.' 1111'-"liierl\ty pl'eseutll .n.othlQ~ The eo trance ill on the lower dltr"rellt 8tligell of hil graven 011 tbe'lleal. I II. c. dentl. Night 'and Di,lwing he bendtl .. Standing at a,.le...-11)II of ley ell r bact'. hi ~ 'of,' •• I ... ,.. bul:a ·~e~i~.'(iitruletrj.t. G~mInQtio~. tbe ~Iope, and ~re the mound the grc&t problem h8.,enr, been. J.~,'UJlJftMIft' ~ the knee io praJer befute tbem. ,Tliey hnodred and thirty·three metrN IlOGlt1 ...... ft 'lIi'I ...... :"" "1' , '

, up /<it:tiie ,e~d lOt' t~i!' fuu,rtee~h Cf'II-, ofttln tr.ihle liS it is r.ioJed foor or rednce (hem from tbe abetr~t ______ -;tr at &nt; bllt he praya 00. The abo.e the leyel or tbe .ea, tile .Iait. ~ " '11

, tlur~~:?~; i~~ :G '.t'~lall ,~r!l- '1libll' PbQ " f~\lt ~lHl.v,,' th!) ~vel of tht bill- prllcti~.t trllth for hu~aoity. BOI OUT 'IOlB BOW. arly !emmder of thllt fearl_ .act or &0 the Ilttpoh~ ot the ohareb at _ .~w...u.: A..l.l.i' ~ »lL...no;,>, iti~ "c"lt'!u!:8,1I.1I 'Y'" all t e 'tbere is no,f~lIce to keep PIIG- enr 8Wce t~e cnr~e or 1111 has rellted de.VOtlOO a.wakell8 ~reeently In the gD~P COJDfIIarlds a .... .tlicb for .... AUllltm1lla .JIM', .~.'";'" .~if~dM1' ~9,"W~D~. 'of ~t~'i~i~, the ruof. wllicn has 110 appear. op?n .oor Cal', .otld. error. an antag- Oa:.!.ul.!tfi :u=~,:," mlDd" of hr8 cumpaDlon8 tbe memo· ~atent and beallt] C&noot .... i1, iii! 1nIetI .. ~~ ':·:"'IIii~ llO~t~i~Y'1 to" .the ,fQrtilailqo. of .Ii dlirerebt l.r.om tbe sorroundh.g ODlstlC pOwer, hae 110180 been at .ork. .And m~t1y had If.tened lone. ry that tbey too IHt.d ODce been tanght 8Ilrpal.ed. His eye raD,et at will~' -WI!! .,. . -'":I" .

~,,\'fJ . r~,ilJ;lJd."" ~I\ed 'part.~illif o~ , It il often oDly the dirt op- It. ~ IItlllktl(Uorlh ove~ the land 'I0,!I!Jar the ti""tr ham. '0 pray. bllt no. hate learnoo to frum tbe .no •. clild barrier or Hi\! ~Ik •• ..., ~,~, ~'"'1.' tie ~h~r./!~'N~ \), lb. SIl~!ini811\ of the doorl!, and llle cattle and ,With 1\4 ",~ra .JM:.a.J seeking every- Th:IIIIB!~ .... I~:;:ft 1i:~rg~Uf. 8~,tr. Example is ~ arrow of con- Aipi to the mo~ d~lta'Ot Apetdile Jb'~D,' ~ 10 1° ~·]!"tt~II' , 1,~1~~~;;I~' ~~.lJit'JII,~t t\'Je f~ak8. g about,lbat give .wb~re. ~ . a~nl~llate tbe trllth, or ThBlood man .houted In bl. ellr. v.icUop,; they \00 II re~llmber ,chaill, and over tbil er~. ;Jt~'~·lltoallO~;~~. .

alia 108 cpalI,\'~~1l' ,'1 ~G~, \J!:e~ ,~. prc$enee of a villagt;!. crush It wlthloItl snares. " tbe" hOe out yourrO'li'." God! aud are Iroll~led. Juhn A~', plaine at pjedmooti aud of . "'!' .. .f':-, _ .. :..~,'.... ,... I And a few trtlCils lit thl'AC religIons dunng the eight months Thua have theBe t.o powers wag- Io'illo .. h; '-r4 OM - tile row. gell Jatm;», of JlIl:UlllIgham. saY8. In dy, and o. a' cle~ d_,. alld :l .~I~~ _:.., ......................... may st,ill _~, (!o!iif,jn 't~e, OTIr!8tiullity, inteDse cllld wben' uo ed a deadly Mrire ; and tlloogb error J.;d' a~b! ~~~'::~l1g~:!i. one or hid leoWrtllll II II I have a aid of a good teleecope tbe to' ~or, ........ _1-- -

wbicll' ' .. 11 mtroollCI'a "bout the 'ulilegtt compt:'ned'by lIr- ,may far .. time have hetd tbe earlb .. BfJlnllilll,lV.IU""lIMe." r~ibt to cOnBi~r-lnyie1f a Ohrjslian. of the (ar-raq:ied ea\bt'41ra\ aboUd' ~ ~ •• ~ i"""-~ , ,eat '2311," 'tile c'ivllili!i.g hrlldeOCf!: , ,", in supreme t!~y. challenged t~ com- "~~;~:;~1,; ~::~WIY , ir I _ve auained W allf _ClIln~1I8 ill 41ieilnctly villible. E.er tile ~bfl oor w ... DII v •• k, __ ,' 'd~!lbe d"cli'iot, .of,Otitlll' bor", gobdi Edncatiofl amoq~ ~I:)e ' bat with God'8 gr~at .truthl •. ~t has TIl. gpod 1II~D!mlled 10 lee in tbe church of Ohr~t,.l owe it, io 1MIliod of itl foanl!atioll, the bill o! RID ~.., .J~I ,bJe t~ ,~...- " f~oiA ill. t!\e :~f~, .. illdll o~ t~e Ar'!le- is IlIlPp,orted, by" volqutary eyer I!~n vanquIsbed, whrle t~e ''fbe'bOY hoe out Irls·row.' ' the way of means alld 1D~trulOental- Silperga b .. beeD \be object 0( .. e 10 .... _ ........ ----

~all'. _( i"!lor,a,~ ,~a8 dl.~pelf~. ,Iet- , ': EVlirl parish bas ita. tlgbt. vlctorloul!. ball llbo?~ "'lIh tb«'l-ad tliet ... fe_bet" tlte&; to .the sigbt'of a"co,mpaoj(!n, wbo aDnU1l1 pilgrimU'e, -.nd the .orki~r 100II: of 4~ .. ;ta =:-r-tt'fWht"'"if 8clenoo were eoltivllted ; . wilere'tbe I;hildren of tbe .. Iendor mlde ouly more !'&I~le ,.t..~~~~~:~:~~e":~\~ ::!t In tlie lamfl' room 'wllh me, "Plen of tbe capft ... , acoompabied by hilt .... Mid ',ao,..... . iii I

.• ~~~tW'Ii't~:~~n:~~~.::a!:~m::~ .1e i8ogh~' to read and *rite. the ;dar.Pd ~,a ~I'berv.ogb W,hIQ\l-.t,-h{lll ,A~laIt will ilubltr teL ' ~~ditlg hil knee,' in prayer 011""" tbeir .pooleR, .b~, in hOllor of tbe eD~lf!"'~ir ~ .... D:~'. ,

• U II are somehi.gbeucbool., wbete ~troggl~ ,mto r rty, -i ~n4~~W.~";o:-bl:.~,?ucaD.< llrlulJ'tl) f!at. Th~'~1Ie to_4 occa81on;dontheirne~tc.p. .ala. li·tIeI'·""1 .. f!J~ , , Datiub'l()"~n'/a,llqng"I4f o'le\l)l' histo~1. gecgraphy, .The liua!ds of truth have~ve~met " 1a1lt"",rt".t,BldoftoU. lOy I!Inmbermg COO8elellce, aod 1!ent their .mlil'hlllt ribbo •• , all4 by u.ir tttt~k-tt:z: ~':ldi 'n~ Df.iII~!:~I\, ,,~c aud . iI. 8r!l~ ,J~" ,~n- are fallgbt • bilt tbe greater part With oppoSitIOn and peraeclltlon. Let .' Il .. aI"aYlllut;your roW'. an arroW' to .m! heart t for, thoogh I jOYOll1 little .warml of eblldreD, ,lII0I I'~, ....!!!~·E~'~ ,~"tnr '01 tlie ArmenIan alphabJlt; , children 'Of the poor families 118 read the record. ot the paat";'-Of' ~ had been reJrgroo81y edocated. thad Irlldce .their way aloDIIi the.. .p _. - -~lie",'bI~~~1~Wl,~u~t'~~ rt" ~azarti' 'I!OOO removed.' and, Bpnreuticcd oor noble rerormer., .. ho !i&we lulled ""'"",L ...... '~ ____ ..... _. prll1er• aod ~t of!' the ceot; lakhig it'liy tornl to

I om', at: l"~hij'Gre"t. Mio; ItlnS-.L I rid s ... "rt ..... ly ,.bo ,,~.Leg _JJ.LAJ:I .a.u;.D f, f God K· .. coo98raron to God ~,~~~i=~~~~~:~ft:: lai~d U't'eH Bi'tI 'il'l~'J' gf~e'ill,&n~ ikoil iO.80me'trtlae.'· Tile wea Ihy ClaS8e8 110 earlleSI.,. an P:'lr ':" "'" . T!t ~Ilr.o ' - J pro.i.iO'o of I 'I ii'" ,In. .. ,, _ .. ". , . send tll .. ir children to, t~ huve welcomed pJ'lV~~IOO and "',crl- BY lilY' co L. CtrTLJ:L Mlowed, and m1 preparation for lbe pere or the ,many !)tll,lIftl'I,: ' ," ; ,: of Europe, .or' pro~ide fice, and eve~ death H~lr. tbat out Qf onrtitian i~ boDnd to be a; .ork of the mlniltf,1. -Ne~11 half a of-the family, nchDlt~·ia t .. . But. WI, rr .. f 10,:lal Bod intellec- them tit hom-e.· the conflIct I~ wblob error' fur-agea ~f.the G08~I. But remeDi- ee.ntnry b~1 r .. lled . away SIDI)Il IhE'n. tjcipation ()f a diDner -00 "'"' ....

,tllll' 1I\0gemePt .1P&It;,arre,\ed by, .tbe There is a fa(IJOll8 establisbment had been trIllmphaot, ~()OIe that tllere ~a thoo .. OO .a,a bUt tha~ lIttle etiaDi))o,r a'l>d .. TliOlle who ,burden. \bemlel IGrpek ~4:~e"y',()r~II\10~1\" j,tbe.~~8Il 011 an,iltlan4"nelll",Vtlnice fUllnded by trotb. 10 lang crDII~ed, mlg,\l' be re- carlltt!1 GOIpel. witbont ing )'ollih are Itl1I1I'eseDt to my im- with creatnre CO-l1Jf"ttl fof the ' of llle @clti!l'l1l~J ~b.ich: ~e,ArDll!nlan aD ArmeJllan named " Me.chitllr; :whlcb leas+,~. and.,eatabl.h~, flle.ate aud oradd~ing a con IlginatiOD, aDd will Beyer be lorgot- do !i0 - of couree froin molinl Dlllip .. lUI'(\U'I1d!:4,cr,opt,the W"!ltern 'ell' a great impllise to tlie- ~r' make. heUer bomanlty. ADd I!-0t rurce aDd Owen ten, even amiddt the .Iple~"r d eC(Jn~y for th~ are two or tbrM Chl,rlj~:' 'fhIP.t!o'[dll'ided 'tA~ n~i\l~ it- 'lanruage' utf Ii~,,"tllre. ooly ID the great deed~ or men which preached Gud's troth on the b"aven. and through the Ilgee of eter- innt! on 'the "mmit .hieh dli"". 1'&11_.'

.1111£. and ~bl ... I:i'.,~IIII,C'lnt'on .. !l til t¥ alloient' ArOlenitiD worb liave have emb1azo~ed their n.amel n.poo legililatlYe halle. B~njamin Lily." • wafing' trade on thelle occ:&l\ioli .. pre~"t', ~~.]!he, 1l\l\hI9~1 IIt.~.of r~prodoced b~Jbe "lWllit"f!llt~, the ""PI of bllMr3. bnt 111 Ibe,lIves proetllimed1t to,the rllggl'd Tbe OClt d('fell1!e o~ the foorlh and the groond ,il covered by tellllPO-tl,e Ar'menilAo. ondl'r O[toDfll" .. r"lo III well III t.allilatlonl of the,prlDcI- or,th~ luwly an4 molt .' .of, tbe Fi.e Puiol-, .alttlo1lllh is fullnd.lD the rar, tentlarid etan, of e.e". ..... pel pr4'seutl 'bot fe1. incid~n.t8 r()~ the p.t'1it'~ary an'd'lcieutificpIQd'uclLiuns t~e .sam,: love of trnt~, Bnd 1fA, ~'l!er w~re a ~urplice Of had a 1I._~nd loftier characters of . 4lfId qoality for tW "t?o-a!o.a'L~~.4ilCl ,hi81"f,i~'1 ':, -';'~~~~~IAe!"l'1'~I\,~nolls, uf otber nation8. .., I1fYID~ IDfloen~. be aeen Qrdaioing band laid wbo re,meDlbl'r G:,,d;s dllY to k~ It of lblll uou811al influx of '~ICIIiI.rw.~iiWl •• j.l1i.

, and co ented ·'t'!!~tilct'ild tlX Jnte~.. .. writlen lanJ ADd rn our' mldsl, tboltp.we' . Hllnoah More preach. rile clear head and tbe p.ros· good supply of ba,·rel-orlitlmle. a ~I~ wi' thfi 'Td¥IiIl~''''MIIif'llling\l*ge. '.!rich entirelJ' from not. enDgllltJ .may be Y~JllDg'l .. dBwing.room' - {5l1rBe of the total abllt'llIer sical blluds aDd I et\tolu.'! a"" ~\1tM411 >dWy, .~o,.fid. dlaledt 8nd. ill' con~idered wbo, oodenbe gOldaoce' ophlll !wly cbapel-teut; FI:n.euc) the bottle ill. the bP-tit' terlrpl'Y- is 1I0re to be coog1'el[ateri .wi~ho ..... i.lcillr,,~ir r .. ith ..... j .. ~ 'by Dlltiotl8l ~rherlJ to have' n. principle, $b .. 11 t!,y .their blellted teach- a hOllpi'lll .. d&rah aDee lectqnt. ActlOll1 ~k louder lpot, .. OO wbere !the PiedillonuWe

i ",-Mtli.l"e", aU "lr~l¥'l\ ,of,,~¥.r thfl flood. They 1188 the !"gs h~lp ,tQ. red;em from of Npr- "ban WQrds. II YQO w,.b, t(,l coocemed, h· will .. tIJId ..... " , rml)tr!1P\~J .t~ey, 1I11~11~ h~.e, '!oR' in common COUyer, Its thraldom 6r~la. and, laid .. ide otb('rt!. tllDve OD' yoqrtelL stood, that the dancing

't'i!in"ltiihM~t IJljCdrlS!lh!l1~ ot ttiei'l' iOIl" Al'lllooil'" itltennixed suo) wltll 100Si'Dgll fer itli. woorl his pulpit.' never Baid' to bil troop!! II ite;" but !lnd ineelsant. BeCore nii:iI!.lfall • II'MOffaf i!iit.'tl!o\:t'; had Hiey'oot .. ita' .Ol'd. from otiter'lall- tile true;; . ; .'" " .' 'iii ' be'et one I wal ever in." be tonk the lead. and cried Ollt II \le. thti teveleu are on tberr hotDe~"'lrdl

__ lrroaD'lii.-w litll •• rou.ed"froGl, that it, bBNly-lie :OO1lM- ' eacb of D8 become .. id a... I 811l, laid here fQl! the 1" Tbe witty" and g"y Lord march bnt mlpy linter 011

lIIallY rtr',rtll>, ed to


. '\

'...... I and labor to fref'! end that I may commeDd'''''' after kI,dg,rig. wita to crl~k anotllir bottle '01' two'io an ~,.gtna .ha' cLI.iA of pr·J·;" ._" d t t

r .. ~ , ~ and " S .. i1orl hive : lal., 0 Jim !U of t~ city; .... d 'he~ erro,,'wilb,whi6tilhe'Ii" preachere ill IIta)'.~er~.~~ lo~ger. ginl the ooly

forcao long, been f!elteie!t' 'JlWl:tt,(lI:1I III the tent,1I1a\'et , ,Il; minltlan In IIprte "f 1he day's P~~'~~~:~:j~fl~! T.tirinjltl8 ,;HI ... 'aDdtt,jll .. ~t lIetll' of. Ptnl ,ackliowledged the ;c,

~~~I~~~· at tile p'r~.9t!d,ay, a. ~u ,past ~gell. ~ .. mjllei ,wbell be eail, .. Be ed 'and o;rlifirlvt!rJoo .. I~. Oor natipn. np.e,ds rp~lJrm-"oclIlI" fdllo*- of IDe." • ~l'tla tIM lipil to the polilicany', )lui religjol1a1Y;.t '. the divine Jeau. have II~ 811C~ e,jDIr abw$ ~

,Socfally, Wit, all' a people. are' -t~ per~lIa8ioJl8 as hilt marvelou. life, '[hree hOllrl! after ~~:~~~~:~~~:~~~! erlltiog ."n1 4rc1a errori;and,i Boly lI"iog'ill .pat thi8 ponr .ortd' yelling withollt iliterm'-illll _iell ill .oeiely,.," iliaD)' tbM art il dym, f?r t,o-day;' A .radianh·od moat bOiTib1y aiiltioidaiJt" ntal'i1lt'r: ,icel .nd pernieiOQII. (elt the Itoly ,Idie r*, tDlfltnci ~lb tile: The police baYe abdicated a\l ". rather tbao stem tbe tIde Io.e of JI'.OI\ io hid 10111. ' fO~er of G\~. U ~ "'1.t~1 UIiIOO, ID",ity •• er theae cli8tU~~.lIf tbe opinion. alld fearle8sly adf'oc&te obo GlJ!lpel, 6xetl at once an behe.erl· w~th ~he1r dlVl~e Be~ pllblic peace. &lid tuill' Otll~lI!. pleuant trDf.h •. " ' .,'," tioo w'Me it'kuown'to otben.- mean8,anythmg. 1\ meaod toatOlm,!!1 .ometimel taka the til. iDto

PollitkJalI',~, ollr 'natitin is .. to;d., I lIMe fao ... ·the -.en or IIIllaalion, I ponftl himeelf ruto' the Wllrfd tbrougll ,,11th hallds by madTi IIl0jfin' ~ollni1tIf' a d .. g~rllf!lr"i~ boQfld. to'calLout;:"Bn I ever, &l18'liPIl'aiK1'tJtj, lifl!ll <If hie 'earthly Dolltf:fttll uf tJil!lr ",a\ef.lh.c'titiI Oor r::;:~:~=~;~b ani ptlJi\id.... COGI. the ~se.t~i." ..... ?'" COl'iM-like .~etI die ",,_leN. rll'el1' IndCllCtd' i."db- ,., ~o .LIiI.JI"')~"I~.'"

III 1beitill'fllU W tilt and womeo. It I' n~t 1 that Itve, tailliDI'" Il1\Ore _ilfantorf '-111 .. leue"i~""L~~!~\.J.Cnl~;J~'ll."" , power I ()f. sai~ the hero-apOlltle, II bnt Ohri~t thlln that,. of pro,okinc ~priuw wbere

.~t;~:~~:! :alt . Ibiit" i.'· that Ufeth in tme." _gain.nheir OWR .ill~W •• " , ~ i,& :.";t;~M;~. :: li'a\i/Nlil-'ie,t\fe 1':'&1' •• ' , • I ., I i. Olle of tbe coilileqllell_ 'o~: ltR! lMt!It.'tlt II III.

or· ';1l0~1I&,:.htJ ! .,d~. Tn VOUt1Lrtttl, P.lU1i,~· a .. u..t t'8.lftr~flbe·N1ItIvk11.:~hlif __ ,we ~j~i;'.~~;~~;i~~li,tt: ,.itUte4h 'loulll11 'will!." .Tlsi;, will flO , •• 'fl~: tbI=;~. =~a:=:

cO~l1JtibKi- i, ~!l!Q' ..... ,.E' .• ~,~:'n!.,\;pllre! II

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THE , .

• illini.n ne\V' .nd or enY)', MlIOD!t brtll~n, ltll1inl!r8 iilltoitbe 888emliJies tbiB chuich. I-ll Bnch be ChIU.,1)- ell}lila,ILr.m conviction, tbafUIe

.QI:slli~pl.,.,ilb the deaign tbe die o~ re/foiM\fon, it beetI condncted for ....... Bcen, of causing remark, earnest advocate a~d only to the Pallsover jndgment of the church, a b.lf, 'by I.nd

. .~ .. ,l!r.l!h.is_u~ ,.' li~U.Jll.ol. .if jt ~.!.n ~'~;~;J~;;t;;;rt,~~qL1iii~~d~~ l::i~~~~~:-~~.l!ltf!.Otl*~~~~~=~~=:.:-~ ... . earnest, solemn,' and worsbiprul time and money to aid in the work lion or tbe cborch, it is so indepen· h

eJii'facter which ought always to generally, and~ the denolliination ape- dent1>f tne Lord's Supper; and tblit tbill subject, tlillm it FRiEDIIJ:N ON rm: WU~IR~IIIP:r:··7P~'f~}b.j3ltl~~~~~~"'~.~I~; pervade socb assemblies. . cially. lIe was also a good scbolar was not an institution of the in obtaining a cle.r Eaton, General

cJeBligns These, tben, are tbe ilemands of in some Idepartments of knowledge; churcb, I infer from the facit, tbat of the order in which Freedmen for the Department of tbe propriety-to be prompt in attend- but he was more. accnstomed til 'B'tody 'ffi'.tiOt ui.ntidI1ed •• admini&terlld by Tbe Tennessee and tbe State of Atkanl"",, .... ' .... P ~\aj~11I ~~~~~

... nu .... DI.IJlllc,~ •• ~!!!J!lc,! ~n$, .. ~ ... ~~U!ntion, plIoture, Ilnd man, ,.~ban _ boo~. . 5111~~.iPider.,of ,the oCIlUEeh.· " ~he_,!On~,!:i~£,;:=:,,~ .. _:" ~~~tr~ii~~~§;~~~~~~~ •. in-' api>earan~e, and modest -in home ~as often the resort of minie- cburcb'rite, ill the,Acts or Eristles. ment, that _ port: . .

ilj~~~~~~~~i~ GL!.ll\D. ters and educated ineo of other d~ :·,~ .. '~:lbe midst of the interesting tbe Passover, .wb'etlier at tbe p.~op'er 11" !his lI~pen'llibll! embracil'lr (be

..,....:.;:.....;...;...;....._.,-_ nomiulltions. At socb times, be was remarks of the Savionr we are in- time or ant.ioipating il, ill< ullimpor- tferIltoc~ 'Wldt~ln thetbhn~. of:o~r arID, t' OTT " • ' • • t I' h hi f rom alro own e mlH11111pp , 0

REV • .ELI S; B4.U.l.DY. not Blow to advocate E'speCIally God's formed tbat tbere was a strife among .an. t, IlUtnmences . t e I!~ 0 the Red River togetber with lhe Eli S~ .Bailey' wits bu~n'Sept. 23d, ;!I0ly Sabbatb, and compe\le~ ~Ilny the dleci~le8 as ,to wbich: of them tbe Lord's Soppe~, ~~ of the inci' State of .Arka •• S,' numbered iil itl gun i. faIIlllitu

1783, atrWest GreenwJcb. R. 1. an educated man ~o show biS Ig~Q' Bqould be ihegreatest. The Sayiollf ~entli,conn~dted wIth tbe betrayal of care durlDg the ~aBt year l1S,~ send. a .ter1trr:~~t.~~:~t~

~l::~;~~!~l the age of fifteen, he commenced a rance on this, Bubje<i., . ", iook obcllolli~u no doubt to impreia our Lord j but these incidents are freedmen. Thele ~~e DOW dl~po8ed be.rd. kl ~~n.jr.d~.b;.' . . . "t' • the d b II a8 folloWII: tn mIlitary serYlce a. ed gun orl ....... l1· ""1 .. 'ri~l ,r: coorse of sludy with reference to He was emlDenlt,. a Reformer. 011 them' a most important le8son. no gIven In sam. or er y a . sol1liers lau..Aresse8 coob bmc:enI~ h' b b' II' ''t.:! .• ~

h d· I •. Th ... d H d d I f 11 ' .. '. It th t J d ' tat ,...,.. '.' 11' IC II _Il wred t e me lCa pro,esslOn. eBe ".U· e are a ways to 0 ow where When the solemDltIes of the Supper .ppear. a u all was pl'e6en servants, and laborers ID the 'f.riOUII lerent ~;~:a;(j;~: ies were porsu~ at,Pawoatuck and troth led, thougb DO hntnan fo.otstep are 9~er, }~ give them an.exhibition ~he p~~8.ov~r 8?pper .. W~at is.8.aid staff depar~mentll, U,H;O; ill citle~, tbumb keter, R., I., till completed. He marked tbe way. He entered the of bumiJitr thai will 1I0t eaaily be of tqe dipPing In the dish,' tbegl'lng o~ plantatIOns, and In freedDlfln iI mnzzle, al:t~~·~r~f:ii:]~·

, practic~ his profession a few years fastnessesl>f popular Il§l"ors and si~8, fotgot~. b~ rises from: lupper la,1 and rel!ieving of, the sop, trallllpired vthlII agel6, n·suodocared fori' '12'~~'r Of i. one of .... " •. . E d.~ d B k ' " t. the I t tb t tb . i' ese,'" .. re eDt re y lIel 11Ip- deroul '""tWII!&

at xet.,r, tin ... en remove to roo ~ and fearlessly g"ve tbem battle. He' aside' his garments and takes a tow· a p&88over leas, • e inS I- porting-the eame as .ny indultri.l hi •• field, N. Y., where be continued bis was an earnest temperance man and Ill' and gird~ hims:It:: After tiiat, be totion or the Lord'. Supper rollowed, clalls anywbere, as planterl ftJecba .... npf :.m:h, " ltfl "&1ft,

f.Uliw.'~lth,en8' prores~i?l\ about fifty .years, with 80 tempera.nce lectuter, wben it was ~ured water into a'basi~ and with- and tb~t the! feet-wasbing was. IIUb- iCil, barberi, backmen, dr.y'men, &0., rim ·~'Olll tbe4ac& ' ,.to rev,i mncb 88sid~ity and faitbfulness, as unpopnlar to be so, and did more t one word of commen; or expla- lIequent tranllaction" Thi. r~1ieveB conduetin~. enterprieB .on their own ron~ded with 'cle .. ,.,.; an to Secure an extensive practice, from than mauy'Of.his assodate" i<>ald :~tillU. b .. :'.n to wa8b bill dillciple*, us of the conclusion, tbatJudas was TrebBpon8~1I~ty, lQOr oaollo.bl~ labob~l. deep r&Yjnfll. 'WetH.rorw

th .' 'I r h' h b d - . L f b . e re01alnlOg' ," reoeI .. e IU SIlt- men elltim.te lbat ..... Ii 'r~~~:'r,~:! IneBtlma· e aval,S 0 . w IC e supporte a the temperance refoJillation. ~He al- feet.' Pauing tbrotigh, be comes to present 0111jlt er 0 t ose occaSlonli. enoe from the government. Three rei " .... 0, man jj ;::::;;":"_~~~~"'.:"".:': h~~:,~~~ large family, and accumula~e? some- so labored and lectured on the quelf· Peter_ . Pe'ter cannQt sIrlf'er this j be 0d n rleceiving t~de SUrP, be weut imme- ;bo1?I~.pd 0bf them .1"1' membeB of ::t,. e;"~II!!:~I~:t..~'~t!':

t,Vj=I~,~~:~;lt~~~;/g1:g~tfO' .011" what beyond present neces8ltles. In tion embodied in tbe eeventh' com- objects .mollt decidedly .nd inquires, ate y out, au 0 course wa. not ,amI le8, 11' Qse headl .re oar"fn, bil murderou. work with .... all gen· his prores,sion as a physician, be mandment, and Bought to exalt tbe "Doat tbou waah iny f:et 1 Never I" a pa.rticipant in either of lhe foIlow· on plantatioDl, and bave under cult .. earnMtMM nd \'Iror .. ". M

st""d 0' th b tte lb'. H ' .. vallOn 4000 acrell of cotton; .nd are firllt commen ...... " "'" am ng e e r c ass, e.m~ moral s.entlmentli of tbe people. e Noexplanation is giveu. .. If I'waBb 109 "xerCilles. to pay the government for tbeir IIUb- ;""'. ,

res~ecte,d a?~ consulted b! nClgh· was an early and earnest advoca.te thee not," says Jeaue, " tbou hast no ' The question then arises, in wbat eistence from tbe firlt 'In?ome of the Il1T1JU1AL lbv.lffl [II' BlOoxtt.:N . bormg phYSICians, and bavlDg good of human freedom, and did wbat be part with me." The ardent and hasty way are we to profit by lbil transac· crop. The other ',200 lDclodllII tbe Y "'e";' ,"';t. d be' I.~. 'th b' r tIi' (tb add the .-J: .BOlll .. to won er 11' I'll till! 811Cce8S WI 18 plio len '. . could d~ to ~ebuke tb~ sin of slavery, disciple is lubdol'd, aud exclaims, tion r Tb~ reply mU8t be, in. the Ole ove~he n crl U\:I money, is. 'ooIllW, fro .. to pay &he

In 18~6, be was married to. M~8S and to.1OS?lre a uDiversal love of "Not my .feet only, but my .ban~s same manne~ as were the OOVIpa?IOnl tbe ll:'~SO, 'and Qf the war, will .... OOIIfott ~er~y C1a.r~, of E~eter, R. I., wltb humanIty, ID any color. He op~ed and my bead." No esplanaLion lB of .tbe SavIOur. In all our lOfer- tbeir care j and in- io the ltatelllent, tbat .. ID~

PDPlW:ftB$'Or PUBLIO W01Ul:IIJF. whqm be Ined happIly more tban fif- seCl'et 80ci~ties and political in- given, and they had full oppor- course with oU'!' brethren, we must . b."e re'feJ1ne t.~.of'tbe'olfile .. ot'Brook. .... '~riminal careles8- ty years. trigues, and Bought to pnrify pnblic fot conjecture and reflection. rem~mber tbe example of tbe blessed now u'lJlder 500 ,acree d Iyn d .. rin, tbe~P,.., ........ """"Id

"'.'" At the age of fifteen be professed f t th b' t 'H H th ba" f th J H" 't t be • b'bed corn, 60 acrell of 'feg'etab etl, an" "~U-YV'" IK!"",,"'~'."'" IUIp.rdollable ignorance, religion' and united .:vitb the Sev- Ben Imen 0\ 0 er su. ~ec a. ,e e .88nres em ~ \ It ~ not or .e esdos. IS Splrl . mUll T _ Ihm I '1500 acrell' of cotton, be"ldee, tbe tot be'~...iJlrrOar, alll1l1rYa Ibl KH: .. ~ol. jr,{ltlll,111)f4lftllOoj'W' the proprieties of ' -, . . . knew no po ICY, or time-servIng. parpose of cleanl1Og. I He that 18 an become promlDent. 110 t ere am· work done at wood-cbopping, &C." .an. ,u~ noomSll ,0 .,. rtlnuiC

Publici wonbip, enth·day Baptl~t Ohn~cb of Hopkm- Daty wu bis ; rellults, GOd's. washed needeth not~ Bave to wash bis bition in our mind~, upiring to be In the Tblr~ Oonr~ Dttlrlef, .nn,nlfl' be character- ton, R, I. On re~ovlng to B:ook. When smitten down with paralysis, feet, but is clean eve" whit; ye are great among our brethren f Let tbe Tin: EPISCOPJ.L ClItJ1tCH MI8SIOJfAttY e" ~-:n~ IIID~d=' Ii

1""'~."!,,,,'o'r(lerlytll.nn,~IAt,v'ande.rneat field, hecbanged bUI memberllblp to he regretted most of all that bis clean, but not all." Tbe traitor was humility of Christ be our example; 8oCIm.-Tbe .onual bnsinesl meet· wboee~J:llIIaon i::" .,.. ,til; jiof,!mii,lt;r.,., ,;:P'Ciinj:~Dlt. among tbe ~he ~roo~field .~burch. work was done befor~ bis life was not inchJded, for he w .. abllCnt ou let _ us imi~.te i~ ~ true, Cb~illtian ing of tbe • Episcopal Cbu~ch K\.. ~ne JMlrtlOU in tbat w~ Ntirh ..

i»"c'm,;ilne,18 'in attend- HII! mmd was,early tnrned toward ended. He )Was· then In a most hap· bis work of tre&llOn. After be bad greatnells 111 exblblted only ID tbe Society w .. held in BOltOD ~nveetUlent of b.tr.a .tnlqo cIolI. call upon tbe ministry. After repeated call. py rrame of mind, and evidently, ac· wssbed thel.r feet, aad takeu his gar· most llelf-denying dntiell of ullefol- Oct. 19tb. Re •. Henry·Dyer, of New In bUnt~ed Sta':t~rl:".aod.i\"

19P1H~,~n"",~t~.\'I~.oD.abl:ehonr81 or of' tbe bburch~ b~ at length con8e~t- cording ~o ~is a~i1ity, continned 1.0 ments, and eat down, be asks tbe ness: unmilldful of what the 'world York: read the fifth Innual r~port, ~toer~p~nlb:1l .lnOQIII~~6iP;ltO,oOl. lIeepins a' bUlinells ed to. engage ID It; .nd after satls- bold to bts IDtegiity and hope to the question, ~'Know ye what 1 bave admlrCil or accountB .. great and sbowl~g th~ IUCoeSI of tbe Il00WtY,'1I Another m.n p~, •• Ix _" Oft. ta •• promptnels be tbe fying botb himselr and tbe cburcb, last. His life. labor, and worb done to you 'l'/ Not one of tbem had honor.ble. Let bim tba~, would be operat!oDl m the Wesl :rhe mi. able income of fl!. It .,pean thM

IWI\lt!iid.I"bl~:.UlIt.eI!ellt!and respect 'and that it was his appropriate work, be praise bim. lie was eighty-one nnderstood, It Ye call me Lord and great. become, in reality, the lIervaat ~ona~lel :m~lo?t~d faa;: lljgrh~ed tbe gO'ferD01ent II deri ..... aD &II­

. in worldiy af- received license from tbe Oburch. In years .nd thirteen days old whell be 'Master, and ye say well, for 10 I am. of all. Have we ambition'? Let it e~~~t i,!ef8ltfo i~~ty in't;6,f Ir.g- ~uh·lbrlet'fepaef ~L'ltOlto tl~\ for .. ,anelloee. 1819 h . d d" b d' d ' be t m'b't - 11 • I" ,. •. ID. .n, 0 ~OO yn. . ~ ~'!it~'.~~QabJ!j.o,inGOd'.ser- .',erecelve orlDatlOn,att.e Ie. J.B. If I, then;yonrLord.·andMaster, .oe 1.1 oorex~e.nc~lnee-Dyer, andal,oDr.Tyn&:. of New " ,,', i ... ~ ad, wo.ehip;, . SODl8 of tbe re- session of tbe ,Geheral Oonference lU liave wallhed yonr (eet,. 1e .Iao ongbt 'fatmg IIOclety to ObiistIanlty and York, presented t~e subJect of. tbe SIllOWI .... ri w., 1_.101.':"" "of:ij" .... lit ' of promptnelil are Brookfield. About foor years he I.. An Fssay reid ~:~~!~:r.Dee at Iii..... to wash one anotber'1 feel" Iii view be.vell. Do we pollee.. talanta r .PPC/i al from 1I1Y~I, .nd a com~lItt.ee cue 11'110. reoend,' trw: Ii.. Bole. •

, ",' b d . ta tt Eld H or" k _.1' ... -~ • ed Let h be -'--~ t th ~ t of ve .11'1101 appolDted. George D, ' .,.." , IfJll,...·'.;:.' ", , I' ore asUSl8 no. enry lOr, centmeeUnglnlliltoa.Wla"bylohnlluaon. ofwbatb .... JuBt oworetr.UlpIr, tem axe ... ..,u 0 ecomor M f N Y k tr K ... whe",.v-8.B"'~'_"'" , I ., f, th' C tb Oh b 1 h h U 1 f ~'. d d . d' organ, 0 ell' or, eUDrer, • -" 1!I"

, ,mlDiiltllr'. b.. aelecte4 with e p.~.or o. e urc. 0 t e or- In t e minutes of tbe Genera Oon- in a contention .bout who ibould be 0 8uuerIDg vIrtne, an, . e~pon mg made an abstraot report; In b.nk luit al*'nlt the K.\dI· lie 1 ...... _ ~ p ..... i.nd prep.r~ to read,'. leAon gamzation,lD.1823,oftheSecondSev. ference for last"year, I obBerve tbat tbe greateat, how. must tbey bave b~arts, .nd t~e expansIon' oC the 0ct?ber he, 186S, $2,\181; receiptl anee ColDplln1 or Nil" 1'0rt.tO r;.

) "'" SerlPlll,e1 u ali opening enth-day BaptIst Ohurch 0 f Brookfield, the writing of an essay on "Feet· drawn back upon_ tbemselves under kmgdom of CbIlst. H.ve we wealth 7 ~uryn.g the ye.r from cb~bel .nd cover ~ tboo .... doUala 11.,... !

~:II~rj8. ; dM' ned to· instruct 'and he became its pastor, He continued W uhiDg," as referred to' by Cbrist, such an exbibition of trae gteatness, Lay it down at tbe toot of the eroA; Itndl'fldroaldll, '2~'th585.; ~ U ulted.~5t~-1' policy.r jblDrUCII C)~ tile Ill. 01 rna· ,.., , ' to tho b b 'tb t' te • J b 13 I' . ed ,- . d h '1" "t t H' 1. b b' h bee rWlt un, WI In..,reilt, ~,., 'm..ndlj'oC hill bearers for . serve IS c ~rc ,WI ou m rrup· m 0 n :~, was ~lI8tgn .., me. in soch a prOfoan 1.1 umllaling Iml a e 1m '1'1';0, t oag nc '. .me total, $31,088. Expenditure.-mil- cll'Uac,klnl, of Roxba'1 ............

~"Nv.,.,to"J~b~" .. ,One.balf, ·tw.o- tiO~, tW~tY'81X y~ars, and b~d the I am a,;are that. tbls passage bas transaction, when, he adds, "The poor t~ alle:V1ate the lIufFenngs of sionarieB, 'U,OllS; foreign C?m!Dit- ed b~"Wnd. "'!'be de,... WIlDlbtI tllildl~'1 OClI~lourtbs of the .• udi- lIatl8r;'ctlOn or lleelDg tbe frUIts of been varloasly estimated, an~ many servant is.not greater tb'_n bi8 L.ord, ?umanlty. Or ~ve we wwer 7 :t:et tee, .5,568 j rent, Illarillll, pn.n,ting, the pollqy ~ ~DI~ \iIIt .",. enee the c may be are 'Present labors !n the enlargement of the bave been gerplexed to know 1D wbat nor on& lint grllll.ter Ulao he tbat It be ued to raise the fallen, cberlBh etc., $2,.260. Tbe _.ctoal receipts IIf tainlil.·that it w~~'-Qtd' tot ....,. it .1~"tiniJ,·'ot tbe ~erviCe. ' He . , and, in the conversion of ligbt it was to be understood, or sent bim!' .. The "ktngs of the Gen- weak and f.inting ODel, dilpel {bet society :e~e .,,39:. more ihan tb.t tbe' ~-, lor ~ u .. ~C1D'''to:~~t.d. 'Lazy ,10itei-erB and many son Is. During tbis time, be 1110' wht wal!l the purpose of the Saviour. tiles exercise lordsbip over tbem; jealousy and envy among brethreD. 'la;, ~~~ .• nTh!r: efr: t:r::ce 1:, ,to hli" _~b, leiI ,~ ...... 1" ""pU. ill' ,be'valllibqle and about bored almost withoat cbarge to tile It will be recollected, that some ye are not 80. Bnt let tbe great- In fine, he that possesses most of the hand of '6,22S, including tbe tro.t ttl :,:,,; .;t ... ,:;:r.::. tb.laor ..... y, ,be~r his 'foice, and be. churcb, and ,also pre~ched m~ch for, . ago, • O1Y attention was c~lled elt .mong you; ~e •• the young. bnmi1i~y, meek~esl~ .nd &,entlene~ fnnd. were mMte;'- :tlil th.t ,~ .. ~l.tiJ:ll!1l~r:';:'Wi~h tbe' entrance otb~~ churches, a?d_1D de.t~t?te 10- to tbls snbJect, by mY';forthy fIlend, and be tbat i~ chief, ~B one that of.O.hrl.lt. and Imbibes 1I10llt .of hIS SLAVERY AND REULLION-::=-1lx.Secre. froM an. o'fer ctOllll III etjtU~. t'tw, 'trampiDIr of filet' the C,.htI8S. He contlDued t~e actIve I.· tbe late Dr. Wm .. M. FahDeltook, Bod IlE'r>vM." "I am 10 the midat of you spmt, 18 -truly the greatest 10 tbe te Ob' h to . t, n<1 na~ral,'.114 tile ~iiii~i':'.'~<lo( t:.'.',;.tii-:-t~.'r.tili~": ~f borl'of tbe,ministry till the Bummer a lengthy treatise upon it was laid as one that· serves,." The teaching, kingdom of beaven. , K

ry 8Ile'te.lDd~ IIpeec •• abellovthmgloJl, P.boll~I~IIDteal , .. atlllj'llb "Ue.!~~,!, :'!'Ii"H~ J'I'r". ,', • iii f 1860 b h' It d d b d f h "P' '. ' y., presen In a nu... a aw t an natora. TIre a~ .... r ....... flOt).')Mie, tal~' ,·of .ilke, ·the ad. °b" I' ..... enr'tnll ':'"°hr ~das en e 0_ • tz'~ reba edrs 0 ~ e. roltestant hke the exam?I~, wu co~c1asl'Ve;.a and tile reason of tbe President'l .. erdict or e1eftn thoa ... ~ life hu.' .

1 Ji"tlnl" ~'oriDoline; ,the ~billpering ~ para YSIS 0, e ~Ig t SI e. DGnth'~ '. t e enomlDatlOna. pa.per leoon of .Ohrlstlan gre~tnel.'" humll- :&VEBET'r 011 THE OAJ[PAlG1I. control over Slllofery in Statel in re- d~ dt~~' ~n~. tbiri;r,"tlJlee OMIts (or ,. "e~n~etplng. ; new .~en be bad deCIded to enter ~be at t at tl~e. I was .not able fully to .nd klDdness, combmed 106''~ On Wednellda~ of llIoIlt week, Ed· bellion again~.t the Feder.l Goverli'- plautt,II:! 'ji , I

• I garang :an~ _be muustry, be at. .once took an actIve agree WIth tbe wrl~r, a~d ner never to be forgotten, a~d wbloh ward Everett delivered .. address in ment: . . '. .. . '('I!"~~'f!~~a[~f~ig "t new ~onl\eti and and prominent position in the de- com~ended tbe conSideration of the ... as the key to theIr nnpar· Faaenil Hall, BostQn, on the il'lIneB of "Th 0 tit l' ided f, TJrI ,S'l'UJp~ lto~OJ:.1 b,u I!eel

,Ill: tlie '\fatalogoe of n?mination, and did aocording to hie su?ject to tbe readers, witb some alleled IUCceSS in gaining co~ver,ts to the Prllllidential 'C&IDpaip. He be- raiRinge .rori::, .!d0~J~o~e Pre~~ beard. from, 1'1.,-= .... · It ,.'"

dlat.thnN whi4h :e't'ery observant ability b,> develop it in atl its gene. brIef commentli on my parI. Thole Chr~~ They learned that true dis- by saying, that be had never ad. ~nt Oomm.,der-in-cblef. n g ... e ~" ~he·.... by .. rebft ODe ·k.ow,.-bat 'which' need not be ral inter4l.~: In 1815, . he was • wbo were readers of that paperr will ciplea were all peers, .nd thai true drelsed hiB fellow' citlz~s under alum, tilerefore,-.ifI111 power to tab all Lieutell.bt ~,.lIte,·"O ... t.

, wrCn -I"while . outside the rattling d,le".t. \0 the Genaral Oonference recollect from that treatisel tbat oor greatned"'as exhibited by tl!~t un- deeper Bense of responsibRlty than at ~ptlti' neceef tla" to t~~aal proe- .o( 'lH!}aIt1~!» ~"'~M,,! ~ ~ ,'.1' " ;. 'G S tb d B f t b th b' . • . h' h b . . "va on 0 war. "' .... -, ....... Xl f. 1:' , I). ~Band tbetra.!ppofhorsel, tJietlrllt\lme, and wall oneoCtbe erman even· ay ap II! re - am ItlOOI SpIrIt .. IC eBteem~t prelent tIme. Th. C9antry, he men in the ud h..,e laid and the ' ' 'r,IC:" ,lj '.

or t'll};' :the'. bnsYe witlifn. .It the ' Deacons William Utter and ren of tbat da~. and probably of tbe o_tbere better than themsel .. Cil, and is said, is rent by civil war; bnt the po- propolition h. pMMd ulICb.lIe»ced. the reI1ie!_ took· ~, , lJo &ltder; : .wpgpg undllr tb. cODlci. , are now the only sorvlv- present,. prac~lced. feet·wasbing in avene to lording it ove( tbe heritage Utic.1 contest, in wblch we ate en. th.t in ~ ~ iD.nrreetion.or foreign Bennlld&, ~~ .. ~ P"I1~~'" OUI" thai he rill leading In :'ail1 iilg *0 that Oonference connectIOn wltb the Lord'1I Sapper, of God. gaited atllome jll fraCht wit.h great. war, th~ IDltUutlOD of .Slave", 111_ but iit ,the 801\)1'''' ~

,. ,,', , .' d the 't t te~ th b.; , ' . be llubJect to locb dlspo,Al II. the tiell refuted to .I1.,.,ll; ~*11ir'_"ft. .\~11.1~" lip, be 'linds ten'paira of At the Oonference of 1819, be recen'- an wrl e~ rea a e IIU ~ect 3d, It may be o~er'fed, tbat thit duger j or" rather, be added, 1n n.tion.l jntereate Iboold ·requira.· In ioUl ~~'t~~~ apqn ';.Q~Q: new':b~t' or ed ordination. He has been Modera· undertbefollo~'nn~a,rr'n~eme1lt·: I,lIt: wall calcal.ted. to cultivate hisjndgment, it depended ve" mocb other words, tb .. t with iDluITectloll ,lJ, rable el~,ua' ~1i"~I, cr<>wding to itS fa~or- tor ot the Conference nine times, and AI a' figurative mJonctl~n ; ~d. As trne Cbristian h08pit.lity, teacbing 'Upon the rellult of tbis politic.1 in a el."eboiding S~te. the ,w~Ul bllI·Bf!lI. ito ~i 111_ O'il' .ir' fdlI w once morl!' tban any other persoo. an.ci of coarte.y, or 1001,1 ~Ir~ue j that no office is too humili.ting that test whether the civil war sh.U be pow.er over Slave~y mUlt p~ tp tbe

__ 1 po.. ,,' . '. ad AI an express oomm.nd In h' . ." -iJ ( National.Governmen1.. Tn my juq-*_.bttlWdai).tlt trJee~ hia:p"ti as a:~11 medi~1 prGf~lon wo~ld. not ad-' . . 18 11' .. 11 add.~· the comfort and baPlli- brought to a lucoelS nl anabo,l;~orable when inloIreCpoD a? 'tM ' .. ' fiillIL '1, ~tr.~lotJ~~ !p':ir~' Or!l&fS tnll orbll Journeying' much distance. remarks, he ende&Tored. to lIbow n~8I of'pur frother. and fellow 1a- ~e, or wbether.U th9 _ tf~.lUre power over S!.v~r1. "itb '" -:,,~,~, -, ...:..."...,-::... ....... , .. ,""'. .' 1.\1 t J, D'~.nq: ~.,'re. ror",;-h~~~ laY', For 'twenty y~.arli be was, gilne~al1y !hat ~he ~rst al!d. ~econd IteQl8 w:ere in the. kinl{d'Qm and patieaoe or which ba~ been ez~ed, atl~ all tbe that po:wer came • ~be daty ~ p.~ an D~~tJ11 ~ • .:.:-o~ J Wi .. II ;'r l.aaln'f,,-, .. tpb,tb~!.Qrde,OlIt of Chosen.Moderator wheu In at~ud- Inyalld In ,s?stalnmg the p~actlce, Cbrist., It is a.id (1 Tim. 5: 9.1G,) preelona blood whIch h.a been shed, end to It .• ),fr. LlDcoln w~,bouud to , _ ~ I."e - ... ~iek .• 111_ tM" ..... aWon : ~W:h.~, wOdder th t ~ce. -# ~ • and. bued btl argoment m.lDly on of tbose tb.t are widowl indeed 'loUd sban have been worse tban wasted. do th.~ ,!blcb WM n~ary tor the ~. adJol.inl' bttl=:';"'bliJoI=,,

:1 " ' . . a ,. h h' d . . 'd . , '.. 11&1 vatlou oC the Repubbo." .. - the Jril!l'tf_ ....... W· .......' ..,~tormall1'.lId poorly, or. that ·In 18jO, be was apPOInted stand t ,e \ It ,a posltlye (lomman,' and are to be tbel'eCIplent8 of tile chart- He contiDued:, - ... .~~. i . --.

~@~~,oh~~~un~bt~,iotel1the ing Secretary.of the Oon~erence. blDdltlg o~ the cborch. In my tiesoCthechurch,tbeymuetbewell "~he're~ult of tli&!. A -Q~ol{,or'Avmomr.~Tbe IIID~.~,~a!lil.t.~~1J."" ~~tllJ:l.,oh le~ .. t!!e JII~tI/.r,. of the The don ble .lIervlce of Recording and pry,.1 a~ml~ted it to be a com~.nd repo~d for good wor);,.. .. U sbe I!lectl?n will go ~ar t~, deCide P",bytlria'h. Synod which recentl'" delttroyed bJ '~", '1'iIit,. ,)s,.boil le11110D Sacb" want of OorrelpondlDg Secretary wu de ... olv- by IlDphcatlOn-an example glv;en, h .... e brangbt up children' if Ibe questIOn, whether, In con~lience I" ed as' I' »kl " a quarter of,. DlIlIloL ......... ,...;..~Die .. 'or' ed upon him. He continued, b~ 1111. with.n obligation implied, to 'p~ h&ve lodged I!Itrangers • if sbe have our party dissen~01?8, it. ill nece ..... " C 08'd • bl 110n l~_~':'OO yn, w .. aIIlos.w to '''t, tlOO,OOO. 'l'" ~ LlL,h~ l " '. 1" tice it amon themselves ' . ; :J' • / • fur twenty~wo qnlhon. of freemen to com era y exerc~ 1J1 E_tp<!:d, lie 'Oot. I" ' • .,.,.

'lfrI41c1u_.oi"IIIIICbmbhied •• nd iii nua apPolOtmentl,tohold.tb&office, g '. Wa3.M~ lhe"lG1.nti (tel; If,abe hue .nocoQlbi."ltrogcle~lel!8.thaa a(lare.olntio~'04~ b Re l( ",", .. ~ , ~!!tll~~.i~le! , . ",:""'; .. ' with' tWo exceptiona, till 18'&0, milo\'- In the prelient eSlay, my pOlition r~liey~ the aftlictec1; if 8he h •• ~ h.1f tb~ .mOlln"of .. mJ¥ tree .Dd Van Dyke, iIt:which II'r! 'f., ~ ect. ,," .dIt,t.." ... iae.a "'l1 t'wOoo""" 'I.i~~,!l1prppri,et~,' ... QlJi~otion- W~ ~,8 t.i01~ o~:B~rvice eigbteen Yea1'$. will be, ~t._ Tba! it. w-:a _ not con- dil~~tly followed e'fery~ ~L1' II~ poJIDl&!oi9D, wagi.nll .n General !A~-.wi'" Jl()1t::"at- 'I'M J_:,," _u..t.a,~ ...... , . \ abI ... ~'" ClMUDIHI, .. that' of ,i~ DllrlOl. the tIme, mnch valuahl,_ cor:- nected With the Inlltltution . of" tbe Tbl8'18.n act or courlieli, 110t 110W vo~r. &n:d t!hl;able wlfr ti .. nllhip . iil 'diatllluillr'lb!t. Dr. Ito-

ra.~lnt ... ioe. If tbe party r8llpond~ce pUlled t?rousb bis Lord'i Sippel;. id. Th.t it w .. gi~en ~qll1red in common ~pitaliiy ; b~t :fu~:::= e ,,':cI~r mOUllt.in P1ieetenI, ~r: ~t. ~uli,"'n a..: gJ"ouJld . ,it vergel balld.,,!I~btbeSabbltarlan.'ofEng- toteaeb bnmIlIty; ad. ~at it ~tle bet~en!lmer.Wdalllopg tbollC lold of • ,wbile ofdilloyaltj. ;.JU,.VuaDike .......

lQj~OJ~ir4Jlia.I:lb .•. For a pr.ying land;l.Hnepresented tbe views of the calculated and intended ~ culti- Chri.tiaa virtue: that C<!D8titute • every penIJ?n it,. and iii tbe"n..omtio.. "hiek ;he .offered Ilfl",lI,.,I.""~ nP .U~ .. or think or bis denomination 'to.tbe $fl88~On of Oon, v.te Cbristian kindnes •• mong them,· coDBiIt.ent doer of good "OrIlliWbich every p~om!nent actlV1ly ~b.'· the .... ~ .. ~_I AM"'Obblr L_. . 'I BII.~~.':';':'~~~';:;,!J ,"'.' ' , ' ' . ' npportlDg It, the length U1l .... r .. -...... - i

....... ,IIIJIb,ii, .. boOtit while the min. gre.1!8 th~t wadertook. to eloae tbe "b. That itll pr.~ice among tb~ .~re ~pecially.e~ted .... teet Ii and breadth of the the object tbority .. t~ handle or'ohn~l~e nbtb-11IlJ1=~'~: mall BeIVIce of the UnIted States. on was·. duty, itnphed -by' the terml l~'fe ail~. co~dtlllce In tbe household of the fiercest I &Dd 0 the jog but tliat wliich il .eCo~~icial.." II Sonday. The famoUl Sunday Kail u1l6d," 1 haie given you .n 'example, of. faith: . ' common enelPY ~ Vaa Dyte'~ .rNoluuOU' .... oanad' Repllrt of Hon. :a.,K.Jobueon em- tb.tyellhoulddo &8 Ihavedoueto ,'tb.:.Tbatthepraoticeoffeet-W'ash- bythe._urances 'foted down, on the I .. , .a,. oCtile V*:t,

• bb~aced ~ ~lFmen~ preeeDtedth~ YOTha ." to .-I th" bad : .1II01lg the .P?'tltlll 11''' • 'Chris· platforlD8, th::th6y do witb ae.iOll,bythe4eoiiln'foteofeijht1. OCL.!!~a:,~ ble"Qli, and .~~. con_IDlng.our 'fleW8 upon a,. ". e cus. mil '"~ e I~ _no tlan,duty, is, implied by the example _.feeble, jncompeten~ .ntag. eight to fifteen.' . . .&1"' .... : pr~ ... OJ go ~\abJlfCtr, ,; , doubt. an Infinence on tIlll OOC&810n. gf\'!ln, .nd the S.viaur'. teacbinr i,n The politic.t., DOW ' ..

","'d,~,-.. J(IN.r,', Simple: propriety .;In 18$0, ~a w~ appointed by the Feet.w .. bing was practiced as ~n reap89t to it . "That," I:U •• doae . at the N~rth ii, mJ opin· •• ~lIiIIf'tI.frWitp:n •. 'ma. aHeDti.,., KiMioll&rl hrd one oC the Ediion act of hollpit&lUy ,to lome. eIted;; w-you, ye 'aleo ,bould dO.'1 ''If I, IOU, a ~ter .vll tbu lou

l:lirIlolI<~aiJt!I ..... ~·\Iti,"il\'';i·lo'fti tor GOd of'tIIe! 'I &uenlh-d4y Baptisl··Jlag. for Ibortly before, ~bile .t •• pper;" 'your lord .1Id master, bave wllhed Pl1?thhed bha:!~ •. , ~ttiC)ne r"'I",;r'fo.dtllh~'~ . 'j . , "f -.;.. ·thi 't... Db • , b the S· " WI oQt) ..... -',' III lDaQ a fll ig~ ~IW. ,',,' ~ ,s capach,1r he wrote .,. .~. .oa.~ , •• 'fIOUT 10llr'feet, 1e ought alBo to ,.,ash on!, w.artb 'fleeta

.4/1d iI·IIIiU.· ,IC ~m •.• rtlclelJ o( liter.ry value. , ~11 hOllt WIth ~a~nr net· .ano~:! feet.", 'the terIQ/,Ye ougAI, I~ we art.re;;t:l:: Ij~.".!JI'C.1IeCl1 0I1rilIUaJlI:Ultl.... Ia Ilia, OD Ute organinnOD or the Tected thll act or hoiPlt.'lty~. :and and Ye. ~t illlply, if Jlot .n iUl' m

1 ...... U~,.i.! kIIow thfa-he ill K~1i0ll.t1 ·BO.rd, he ... .chilleD I.id," Simon, Beelt tb!la this womanf peratiYII;ClO1I!iDaad, llnqReno .. bly. G ,pr, ... tl( IUffering P~ident" add'held the oftice contiI\- !entered into thy houlI8 ; thOll , .... ~ itl'Ong. &dmoniUon, i all~ d~,110 Itrong. l:t~ of AJlIPii, ~ hll t.lt hi. re- Donlly till 1881, :with the e~ception me DO water for, my f~ j bat .~e ~recommend. to, pracU~ to the~ now,to e~lnr~ an

' jll{:i=i=~~=IQB~.~:ihQ'lr8Iy. two ;ye.rl; -B •.•• red .n ear- b.th wuhed my reet WIth te.B.1' ," to b. equlnlent to oCthe U'n~on •. II:CI detmJ,.td ".nythinS ll.t part in de .... loplal a mill8ionar, p'ut wh.tever m~,ht .~ ... e '~11- .the oommaad.: '. : .. ,_ ~~ ~~, the.North}

·• .. t1I11Jll~ldn and in_lit ill tbe dellomill.tion, 6nd In of tbe !J~ Ita: ~or.1 (Groe If we wnllle -that the washiDg Alloding- to tDe .,.,a,. ~:jl~bi"Iie~ia!l.ie: it ~ta..ad,aPbed life performed lateral ... no\ be ,loIt _pon UI. ' it theu remainll t? hi,' the

":I~i~~:~:: ,pec1ll~r; lou.,.' ia "'is aer'fiCe. In 18SU, .. ~·' Pirat, I will re!darl', iliat . n\lder' wh.t circlllJl8tau' Everetl '¢IitE~tiiIl' 'u'¥,; •• .. and:~&o .U .ppointed, Oliff- Of a OoUlmlt~ not to h.ve been _lIitlered .. -:~ ~,be' pr!lC$iCed., ~; ... e~.miDation ohh~ pqlJc,ijljt:ld

';I;m~:ll.te tt;.'coti\Iile:.nd ltubUeh a U, •• Boot De(ltH' ,nUt Ute Lord'. 'SapPer, for of .U wI» .... e·' wriU8Il.iB tile Gpoll which each of !~I. III ~r't~&. 4e,lIom!ii'~iJ.·:; ,Thil iNalted t~' , ~~~;: JiI.t.' II" "iII aDd :A_OI, tbe Apdit~e.:, 11l8" ta1l .... :' , .~MiD.

'PPl~J, fJl;tbe, ~t. ,deD~ln.tiO~J ~mll .n~t . 1)1 ,,~~ : ~IC. . to ~h&. behef}h.t it. ~ ~~ , ... " .••• 8ot>1I •.. ,., ~o' _ II :~. ,; , r~.~ .~ b~to9 ~~._~j.e~ pi~iioa, aho,wn __ • , ••

• ~I.:~;::;:oUbe8n".r. ,01 ;to he,u,*.,_Ma;.tlI. ... -"'1,111\ k tlaln~ ~ tf .. ''Of l tl._~, .• ' 1~lIh."~:._~" IIwj"'8nI1 .... t!'_ •. ~.1~J( .. ., •• ,c ... ",Z,~ _oatti~ I aiftd tiiilliiII~IMfjIl1"'·"'1~2

'==~r:=I,.~:~ltt~tlJj~'~~ l~;!Pciii~ijjlANI~ 1:::a"-!U\'o'"ni' 'or : .. ruu ~ IICODd ~ ....... tiIU ~!I,""''''' •. ,,"k.j*V ..... l:Jtr};)<J!I~r~'~~~\'~"':: ~


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.• ~~ ,MoN, nl~."i,,)· o1l.l'loroett.ontbelpprDAllhoh . Tbe recen~ Ihe1Iba. of the oilTO( repOrt, preaentlY' .toft' til' ttiJwncJl " .. ,~ .Uf~D~"~tif>~'~~~~~1~5~~~tori'~'~~ ""41!! "''''8'11'- body of rebels after our 1I0ppliell 'Oharleeton by the Uoion'.!1Uut"il ed excitemetlt, racin« 'aWind'·tiIe 1o ...... -An&lijGutMi ~;~~I~liiii~il .t. • , ( Itated to be 'YlIf1, .ntei 40mg much enolOlnre, and ooold M.' ,lie qS.I~ 'lilt&-Board ~ tJla , . . , wem-hall been couye1i!d to pointa 0 damage to-build£ngl; ,and colltlider. for lome hoon.' Two ;'omen' .. a~ --1, 1IoItiIt,. w1Il

: ",. IIWlOP 'fIIB!YBU, lafety. The rebels came aloog, ble injury to'per80DI. ',OD tine pigh\ 01 were teen to fan at WoolWich' roUl'th-4&y,lI'OT. 18th,l8U. ",.!,,: ,~UlDAX" , ' , , , lII~rched.in,bo"8Jic1hj,IitUetocap- lately,tbecauoDlClio« luted from' fOoT,mila off', and a lmma,o fi~ __ will II"'~, Tbe ... _, ..... O( tlMl .. t ~ tnre. lOon marched out "'gain, and. lIix till ten o'cloek,.tlJe .bow averag- fell at 'Deptfor~, abon' ... far a~;

101 .. ", ' ' I' ed fog over fort,. per boar; OD aa· e,tate lD BeIYldere, two « rrom S~.~ ,11 " ", ' after each linch perfol',Jllanc;e. c aim The Richmond' Extlmifte'l' of tbe tbree miles from the mapzintll," -/4illillrill; It.al.t&zlce. ano&her .1010'1 , ~9Q OIJ: a great achievement. Nearly all 19tb Oct. hall a IOllg article on the ton of glull)s reported inlufBcient to d.y, Oot. 18&ll.,:A cli.patoh' frOID tbe. towns are again re-occnpied ntter demoralization of the rebel repllce thai b~ken. All the church­(len. Sherlda,w hitlUel'( ~ dated ,t 10 Union lIIidiel'll. and 'their, garrisoDi cavall'1' and the complete em,elenc.f el for fifteen mde8 around, and molt O'oloc:.~ ,!~~'f,,,f,,h~ givell thl'l ani .torel han been Baved. of onn4 which, it BIIoY8. is perhaps of them for tWeDtf milell, hue,.u(-loilQ"i .. ,..... . .liOC &1M' ... "or:· not. exceeded by that of any nation fered by broken wlDdo~. and cnct -I' )(lSIOURI. in the world. ed walla.-N. Yo Evening Post. " ',. ,

A~:;t~iMt:O;'to A dillpatcb from JefferBon City. ~ .. iii Oreek Am&\18 AND ABmoRS OF RnIu..iOlfi t"t~=~!~~~rel daylight, alld Mislouri, saya' that General CurtiB THE rOlim: or GUNPOWDBB., . -N euly one hundred personl .Ii and driven in wal' 8ghting the'rebel Gen. Price'll At Erith. i~ Englaud, onSalorday, recently, arrellted in Baltimore, toe

cO~~~~:,!Y~,~:: InOllt of ths1ine adYlonce aU Friday. Oct. 211t, on the the l&t,o( October, one handred aod principals or lIIIBistanti in 8ellin~ Church Wtt4'. nice ~t II' with the Little Blue riYer, ten m.ilea' fr~m In. fifty thousand poondil of gunpowder goodll to IImugglerli. for the purpoN ture, a.nd 1Ive dOlIa.Jror

(~,n~"Jliec<e. of artillery. I dependence. Gen, Curtia mond were accidentally exploded, can.8ing a of ronning the blockade. Tbey are Hllen ,BJir.&dI! to' aoemp3DY hijlt4-1tct where I ' h report heard at the distance !)f over on trial before a mjlitary tribunal. 'afA regurar m&ithlg,

""-alliru ward 1I01'ne' days ago. wit a consid- IIDoere th--.. ~ ~Or n.':tr -~DI"~;'" !I.,~" n from ninety miles, and a sbock whicb peo- ~ ...... " ..... ~. alld armiel between , erllble body of troop!!, from Kanll&1I pIe liviDg twenty-five mileB away SUlDUBY OF nWB., H. B. dlelon and Newtown, haYing beeD Oity, on 'the weltern border of the thought to be the effect of an earth- A lingnl~r cue of IIIlPPOaed mur- The PMtor of tile Trenton O~i~rcl~. drlYoa _k aboll' fonr mild. ,Tbere State. and it appears that be has now qnake. The gnnpowder was con- der i .. jus' now tbe topic or w6ncte~ halt of tile Chv.rob. would re-J~.olIfQjlt, Ucio.lUbe "alr,m b •• d, and .quickl,. met and' checked the adnnc6 tained in two b&rgell, and a large in Brooklyn, N. Y. A boatman in through tile .ub.ta.nUaI .nl ... , .... IIIr7:; ,'orllled a compact P' h' 'd h and a small magazine., sft·rch of drift·wood near the J)a..... Boa.rd,t- pelnlDi n_ to .. _" .. -"-I. .J "'d.'. -" I t.i to I rice. w 0 111 BioI to ave an, army h h l ~ ." U r -JI" VII '_ 11." II me repn IMI Thia is per lopS t e greates qnan- yard. dragged from the water a"bnn- hOllle a.nd'auatelll the goopel ami.nor ao aUMk ., \be, enemy, wMoh 'lfu thirty thousand. Curtis holds a good tity of gonpow.der ever exploded at dIe which contained tbe trunk only balldliMiwly don. at. abont 1 P. M. pQsition. and is prepared for a regnlar One ,time. Even Grant's great mine of a young man. -the bead. lilgs' and

,111 ... ".1*1 ' (rom" 'tbo left to right ROlleQranB, with another considerable into the air a regiment of infantry and otherwise diapoaed of .• The lIi111t:~t '~~'acked with great yi~or. army, ill olose on PeiGe's rear. and and a batte·yrot artille~y,' and Imade son had evidently been dead hntlltC~ ""Wb'C"liipd Natfa .. the eaemy, cap- a crater as. 0 an ,axtmct vo cano, few huun, and from the the ChlUo;h In

AI '. 'I';,f(;;"n.~ aome changes. engagement, if Price will stand to it. before Peter.bnrg, whioh blew np arms having been cnt and, lIawed oft' lm~~~~~~~~~~~~~

tiriar" aaeordlng to the I&lt report, will Boon be OPOIl him. if Curtis can containEld only fourteen, thouil&Dd mnst baYB been 'II man of Shrth·d&t before 1.IiJ 'third forty-three pleOlll !>f artillery and Bncceed in holding the rebel chief tan pounds. At Erith more tban ten and fasbionable appearan~. .Olber .... mber (l9th), IBM, ioi lot o'dloilek *i~~~~r 1~. ~~ very !!lapy prilOoers. I do not know wbere be now ill. The rebels baye times this quantity was exploded. ' partl! baVi been foond, but tblls far w. B. Gl11ette iI reque&tlld~' ~~::~~:~ ill ahe

lbe 10ItMl1 of the enemy. Wagons, dd" I . th' . f tbe sudden liberation or snch all im· iB there the le8lt clew to tbe perpe- . 0; • Whitford 18 ;~~l~i~~ Christian religion. ambu,Iance." , lind caiBlOn8, in ah ItSlona tOWGDII 101 Se IbnterlOr 0 mense force aB was contai~ed in trators of the morder-if murder it prOBeRt lUI euay or ~~~~la \~:~PC~:~I; ;~EE~!e~§~ Jargei ;\lI, mbel'll"a.." ill our Cllaelllion. t e tate. enera an om was these seventy tous of guupowder. . cosllityof educating our ber 10--.... BleMed a.re the die in

, i. d I I IS iusUtutlOll8 ot learDlng. -Tbet1r al~ burnt' IIOme oft eirtrains. skirmisbiut with the rebe Sbelby al Fortun~tely, oJ.lly' twelve perBonB 'AIl the principal rai1waya- are w. B. the Lord!' , JI .....

Get~raJ' ~nr i. a prillOner in d., Fridav between Booneville and were kIlled and ~bout twenty wound- -"optl'ng 'be pollt.offioe carll, at the lu Kilton, WIs'4-0ct: loth .. :lsM,' ot bUt01ill I, b-,.;.'.o I d'h ", ed b th -bl f h..... • Ali'" It' IB JlOT A Dn-I1' remlttlng feverlyr. B. P'. \iOLU!I8, aged 10

Ou, _I, ".ete y" 'an per apll W-verly' ' ; ut e tern e 'power 0 suc a request of the P~' "Bice Departmeo not a humbug. bot.. yea.r •. Dr. (lolnnl '"'" &lIIOD,·j.be e .... 1y ..... ... o~Il'!["ont\"',·u'. I b-"e "" re,re" ~ . .. • f d bett h ~1rV \.l W . d' ..... , "" u...... W. b d" maBS 0 gunpow er Iii er, own h' hid ... I th b fit' an'" the "-0'" Hair en in i.consU1, an ,or. mau.y Y"'" -lb. JIiM'oI: ~':a1 ,Bidwell killed Heayy 8g tmg 18 reporte In m.iB· 11' Ie a rea y lee s e ene s ,u u..u •• been Wlofo.l &Dd minneDt ID hli profellion.

t • • S d 0 "Cld h de- b! the effectH of the H~dden explo- the arraugement Tbe Erie COmpa- Never failing to chinge Gre,y&n4FacledH&lr He embraced religion, lUI' 1I'IB ,baptilled ,by ~11:GeDer.11l Wrigbt, Groyer; and lourlon atur loy, ct ... "" t e ilIon upon the 8Urro~ndlDg country ny is building two car8, and will pro- or'lrhluen to the original Eld. stiUmanCoon,'It).lfred.N_T. n.1I'''t~~=:~=~ Jicklittll woonded. Wrigh~. il alight- tails of which have DOt come to hand. ~elQw we baye comptled, from a con· ceed with foar mo.., immediately. and motlng a new and healthy :jf'!'~ti~.ieBr:':::'~l::l~ ~1~1I;~: [,. 1, woaDded. A.aiN at timel looked It woold l8elD bowever that Price Blderable number of repor~II, the not.. in a Bhort time it is expected that the where it has become thlD or friends W88 ardent 'J,Dd o~nlltlLnt. By .t\uQD :t:=*~,l~:;;;=~ !)adly,! but ,by 'he. galllin,y ofour with twenty.eight thonH~nd men wa~ worthy. phenomena of thIS remark.. car. will rno throogb" from New not.tatn or Injl1te the Ii.. will be held in fond remembrance .. whUe 0 ...... ve o-cerl and "'eD dl ... ter b.. • bl dent. ~4 balf ,~- prl- oCother tile commullity that has.o loni reUen otl1i1e

beeU(~ w ~_.l I:: ' I -.I·d . moYin'g towards the Kaue .. line his e accI ., h' t 'Ie c" th 1:'ork to St. Lonis. eft'ectiDg a ' ~and IB of"twt"'ce -the valne. eervlce ... uklJlruI phye1clan, wnt Dot,1OOII n CODa...... n"" a ep eoul YIO ' ,At mar .. t an 11'0 ml II rom. e of one day in the transmis8ion of the Corget him. In hisl&st 4&y. of a!ck-. he

lor.,.~ , • march being Hbarply oontellted,in spot not only w. er,e doore &nd, WID- mails. All the companl'eo on the r.re Bimple, and can be obtain.d manifested deep Inlere.t In hi' 10111' •• 111. r d' b d ti b'" BI h'l G C d hed b t h ~ ltore. We will 88D, d fa.re, 8.nd left gt'stlfJrlng evld.nca th.Il.' .... , ID. Ilpate date at noon on ront yuen. ont,w'.e en, ur- ow~ smas lD, n. o~_. were NewYorkalld Boston line haTe de- reconciled to God. HegaVllllut&ry_ •• l

0 , 0 S ' fl k d G PI tally deltroyed One reSIdence receipt of 25 cenbi. with to his famil .. , and quietly &Ooen\e4 bII 'Tbul'lda", cL II tb, heridan givel tis is on hiS an • an en. easan- par I. . ' cided, to bnild the postal cal'll, as D ., ~ " , d to < .. ~ a oant of fiv R. J. change. D ••••• \,further .. p' .tticularlll of hi. victory, ton presses his rear, Todd, the W&II Injure -- m e has the- New York Central. 'I.n N<JI'th Btontngton, CloD!!., I!epto' nth,

thon.saod dollars. One hnndred Th 0 I fI I Be 186'. of typlloid fever,)(DY "1JI.Yo~ \He • ..,. : ' torious gnerrilla chief, ill among the yards of river embankment were e 0 !ecl?r 0 nterna. yeDne obild of Alfred and Nau.cy)(&ry C~ke, &i~d

"The attack, oa tbe enpmy rehel dead. blown away; fortunately. the tide for .tbe. distrICt. of Ll?ullvdle. Ky.. 6,ye&1'l,1. month, a.nd 13 day.. . .-made about three P. M .• by a KISCELLANEOUIl l'U:KS. was low and the damage was repair- hasdIAnt!tltn.ted sUEltsagamollt th~ ~da~B . ro:!.r:':"'&h~.~n=~' , . balf .heel of tbe' .bole line, witb a ed with great celerity, else a large an .merlcan. ~prell8 omp ~Ie. n Your Angle, "hom yon loved while here, di,ieioD of o\lyalry, turning each The capital of the Sonthern Can- and populooll region, the whole of tb~t CIty, ~or falhng and refosmg to "Fno" the .. rmy hos.plto~I-Jhe a!?;;: ':'~:':'~;d~ flank of the enemy, the whole liDe federacy must be a desirable locality the Erith and Belvidere district, co~ply WIth tbe 8ta~p law. The batUe·fleld-themanslon r!ipI',an<1n'llD' To lbal bI1gbl world above; advancing. Tbe enem1, after a stnb. to \iYe in just at pre/lent. All the would have been submerged. A SUIt WIiB brought agalDst the Ad~mll ble abode of the PO(·,t-..fr"iIi!i A b_dIileeling on _.bortl,

born: reliltancet brbke &lid fled, and eyidence tbat comes to us exhibits watcbman at Graveseud. Borne miles ~ompany for $200.000 f~r the nol.· !::~:;~~e!d :r:'~:'anmd4tijl[+tn Cl:h~ralna=:~ p:'~;;ha.,' ,,', were pUlbed W th YIgor. The artil- the fact that the iohabitantl. rich and off. one, of the 'tery few who Haw tlo.n of the law, and against the Am· from every nook and coroer :oC Sh! =:;:: ::.r;'l:lw. dlflbl, ler1 caplured will probably be over poor, old and young, sick and 11'·)11, from a distance the great catastro- erlean Company ~or $200.000. world-is polll'ing ill the e,,,hIGn,,.,,C the,..... "A nUl. angel now." It. P. r.. nrty piece.. Thil, of conrse, iDolude. are all forced into the Henice, school. pbe, as well as beard the awful The Newfoundland papers ,."",,,~t tonishing e!fecta o( DauR'. Brr. Hopldnlon, Ott, 2,1864:.

what were oaptured (rom onr troop' are clolled, theatres closed, printing thouder and felt the shock •• ays: tht the cod fishery has proved a ftBS. Thousands J1pon of letters in tlle'earl, morning. Attlealt six- offices IIhut up, railroad companies "On turning round I saw as it were ure thiJI season. The shore yoyages like the followlngmay be out omcl: teeD bUlldred prisooul'II ave been sospended, proYisions very scarce. a pillar of fire rising to tbe clouds, are over. resn ltiog in the smal\8lit Bedobury, 16,1863. broo,b' t. ; allO wagonl nd ambu. and all are beginnini to realize that wbicb it appeared to IItrike and then catcb on record, and newll from La~ ...... I h&ve &nnl"!:.i laDC811 io 11l!'P, .~ml!efl. lrbia m<?rn. Grant can captore the oity whenever spread out like a huge fan, present- rador shows that the catch ther~ II a illg the c .... .,. iilade a d.b at Fllh- he determinell to do 110. A. few days, iDg a most beaotifol and graud IIpec· far below the average. The herring

, ar'1 Bill ... ' ilwded. it", the eDemy or weeki, at fartbest. will witne&& itl t&Cle." 'fisbery ~t Labrador is als? a eam· haylD, flecl1..tinr the Di,ht, leaYiug downfall, and' the rebels are folly The destruction of houses and plete fatlure. the catch belnr very 001,. a Imllt _pard. . aware or, it. other material near the scene of ex- inconsiderable.

"I ba .. to' .. ~&' tbe 108801 many Major·Gen. George H. Stoneman. ploaion waa. of courle, compl~te. A proprietor of a pilltol gallery in nluable O~O!i"""'kt11ed,and wounded, ODe bundred officefl and foor bun- One report says: "The buildings New York attended a wedding , .mon, them OOlonel lo~h Thor- dred soldiers, recently:, exchang~.: tbat 'ately covered lIo~e acrel. are, one. _o~, ~is 1J~!frt~~~tie{:~~~~~ born, 'oomtnl'litHbtr ... dI'tllfoll" of artiTed Iii AtlaI1ta hist "eeL ';A. tr,!'11 of tumbled earth MId bnekll and In t1ie ,ml'l1s~£' Crook'il command. kmed'; Colonel J. of carB, conyeying the silver ,band of' musire fragments of timber; he drew a revolyer from hisl'0cket Howard ~ Kitchen, commanding a the ThirtY'lIecond ){uBachnl!ltts, reo beams of half a ton weight bave been and shot bimllelf in 'two places. brijfade, wO'l\ttded; Oolollel ,R. G. ceived them at, Rough.and Ready. bloWII: like featberl acrog tbe adja- Tbe ,workmen employed on the unleen: MoKensie, commanding a brigade. On reaobing the depot ,at Atlanta the ceDt field8." 'T~e pr~pe~ty ~es,t'r?yed. tunnel under Lake Michigan. at woundell uY"relyz _ bnt woold not band stnck np • The Star.spangled the 8urronndlng dIstrIct 18 estunat· Chicago recently found unmistaka· leno tho tlelct .Many of onr men Banner.' amid tbe glad acolaiml of ed at five millions of dollarl. A ble evid~nces of oil. Instead of 11'''

captured in the, morning han ~a.de both th\ 'prisonerll and their more clock in a hoase seven ,mil~8 &tl'ay ter, the Cbicagonians bid fair 10 otJ. tbeir eleape, and are comilg in, for~unte friendll. was- .topped by tbe explOSion. At tain in8ammable material 'for city ll:~~~~~~

Early's army, dIed thll ~ornlDg," 'husband at,Fort Pillow, \0 whom ,ZIIiOlt, a shower of letters, IDVOIOOS A man from Richmond, M308I, re- ~-,,~.,,-

H~t::: ii tbe C1 of Vol·

LETTEU Nathan Wardner, James B&l1ey,Abeliltm·

ma.n, Solomon C&rpenter., B. G. IItln_, G. W. Knap'l' Jonathan AII811 (all rlgbt) , W. G. Quibell, . C, West, 'rbOfl, PIILo,!. C.lI. Lan.· worthY', Lucretia Jobnaon. A. ". OOon, B& •• dolph Drake, JohD ilanforn, Ethan Lanpbe.If.

An JUlyment8 for the 8J.BBU'H n.<OOKDD, acknowledged fr'ozii weel. to paper. Penon. 'e:,~J:~t:~~:~~l~~:~ Ilelpt o! w\llch I. II. .houldglve 11.­eloD_

" '-- ! , • .",¥ Alaen H. Bllrdlck. D8n~ ... ,IJ,OO, ';fI;JJ~;I::;Df.ii~,iA~fl1 Stlas Johnson. Georgia. Vt., 2 oa !'

Caroline Champlin, Trenton, MID2 00, 21, ;~~~i~~~I;~ AlaMon G. Coon, DeR\1yter, 2,00 20 (2 Wm, G. Crandall, ," 1 00 20 (1 0, A. Burdick, Alfred. N. Y:l 1 00 '0 M Jobn R. Hillard. Nunda. N. r.. 1 00 II 89

W. G, Qnlbeil, Adams Cente!" 1 00 20 26 "l~~i~:~~~~~ John Sanford. Portville, N. r., 2 00 20 62 Mra. Chapmah, RODg Kong,Oh.,1S 60 21 ,.

Rllmaenr, comlll;a~"iD' ~ ,dl'!ilion in -Mrl., Major Booth, who lost \yoolwicb. fonr milell ffom tb? mll:lI:" nse. &1 ~~1~~~~~~lS~M&J.~l~ Gelleral Grall"'l appreciation of much attention wu shown, hall been and other. papers fell, sho!tl, . after cently purcbued a flook of .heep a~

the .1 t i.t CedU'Oree)t.i. lately eenteneed 'by milit&ry commis- the I;lxploal!'n, and an examlDat.ion o( $8 per. bead; and while driving them '" , ,0 o~ , . ' " sion to one. jear'e imprisonment in these fir.t lOformed the people there home Bold them at $~ Wr head, i~~~~~~~~~~~~!

ed iD the (OllOW\Dg delpateh, the State Prfson at Alton, for receh'- of the lcen!! of t!Je. accid8l!t. Pe~.onl clelriug about~500 in the opera-ThurMay eY~iD':" , ing a bri~ and permitting a rebel at that place ~eport:." ImJDedu~tely: tion.' believe the Plan~~on In addition to our-;;;;;:-in buaineu' qt rno·

.. t bad a ealute of ODe hundred woman io pall! tbrough oor linell la. after tbe calannty an ~mmens~ p~\Iar Tbe IItable at the Riverllide Trot- life. =~fo~ t:e1~,:t,,~;:::e are. He;iI: . gaOl froID elCb o( the armiell bere den with gold qainine &c. She w.... smoke 10116 from the spot bl~h Into ling Park. in Brigbton, MIiBS., _p'r., STEREOBCOfI!lS --·AND STEBEOSOOP.IO' th;~:-~~~~ffi~l~i~~~1 flna t. hOD~r o( Sh.ri~ln'I.lut 'l'i9" on picket. duty. or ea:ployed by ,de- th? air, thick, black ,and pa pable, destroyed by fi.., Oct. 19tb, with .;' .... ~~~~~l~~~!;;::';'~ VIEWS. Ior1" ,TurDlng .ba~ bId faIr to be a tectivell to examine women pusmg WIth a hoge spreadlDg" top, and twenty-three hor_, iDcludiog IOIDI more of thJ. Of the.e we have an lmliIenoe &lIlCrtlIIent.

"di ... ter into • I ,Iorlooll 1'ietory, through onr lines and cU1l1dD't .ith- aboot a quarter of an hou.r elapsed of the best trotting .took in the b~~r'~~~n~, ="~I~s ~ e:=~:rG~;'~~ ,"mpl Sheri4a!J;, wbat I baye aI- stand tbe temptation. before it died Iwa1.'" country. rr, &c., &0. Also, l!eVOlvlnf, ~~~~~~~~~~ ~;:.Ii;.'iim,;! "loy. thot1gbl'hl., 'o~ of tbe ablelt About two thousand rebels, witb , .In. and near ,Entb,. two ~or three Tbe steamer J. O. 1",I·n blew up. fr~';,Dy·.v:.,~l~ ~"Il~~;!~I~~~I~~~:, oO'tIIoelJlIt\ of -a.raIL" , .. " . 't' f "11 ... - J lL mdell from the mag8Z1net, ,or lome i'" h f S .v ," wo pleoee 0 ar.l ery, aql,lQr. _ afte th I' "the recently,' while lying at Eddyville. tng. • Teo Stamp.

A dltpMola fl'QID <mtnI8beridan. ThompllOn, attacked Seda!i~ Mo.,~!" :~~thte~eayeJ a:d ~:~m~I:'\" Meo on th.!l Cumberland Rim, destroying o;ured. me. • wowe;:~;~~r!!i~.IIi1pto dated ~~. ~ar Ortelt, , afternoon of C8DtIy, and dro,. the mlhtl~ .o~' of were tbrown yiollllntly from their the boat. alid killing a large number ... • • Bend us ~e:$:~~ the United Btates, and we manlitaoture 1m. J'rld •• , fI''', tbe rout nf the enemy the. place .• A t4!, w of the ml1Jtla bed. " le-rcely a honae in the place of' pel'llon& more of y01Il' P1&Dtatton meDlM! quantities. 1n creal varlety; reb.tog

'I 'I th ~ t rialted the attacloo but - inyrice from 60 cents to 150 each. Our j.L. 11''' 10 GOlllple~, tbit.t wben he reach· I e or .. d"--.o .. d ... I d' had a pane of glasll left wbole. At All the 'banks of Philadelphia. ex· la.rltyof which are dally BUMS have the reputation of belDi sup'erlor

li T" b "bad t . y lIurr"n ~ ... n were paro e 'W I . h ~ 'I d' ta t d M t ~ , h Id t' f th' guest.IJ of our bOUl!"el1·ao.,_'?'~~1!: hi beallt" oM-linrabilltyto anyotben. TIle)" • .l Qallt "ac.lOlI, e no a am- lbo. Th'" ":<:'_111 ..... r~ -Ie....... .00 W.IC , ,our ml e,s IS n. oor ""p loor, e mee mgs 0 elr.,! ' ...... of .... au .. .. _...... .. v >v ....... d h kh Id I k' died -,hIDgltOD,," willbeHDtbymail.free.oor_lp' 'r_lMt,., .Ie orraniled te,iJDeDt. For &en witbeut parole:-The rebel. left dur- atid w1Od?w fram.es an 8~.es were stoc 0 ers. ast wee ,an rello v - AIi"'-Fine.41bu~mad;e w,order .... 1DtI. the track o( tbe fl1ing (oe wu ing the night. and a (edoral illfantr; II .... k1O, podrtio ODS of ce:llDegr.~dl to accept the act by wbich tbey Qan ..... I h~;:tt~t'~80:Wlle~ cARD PHOTOGIUl'HS,

C. ri ed the t . wa BUa en wn. man" p ~u become National bartks. tore to ;::~::~:~~~P!~1~;:;::: Our Cata!ope now embrACe. GO'1f1Id with arma an~ ."ccont1'8- or~ ar • ra nex mOrDlDg. . were violently thrown out of tbeir The earnings of tlie Efte Railway Wlth the mQst THOUSAND dllferel1t 811bjecta (to IIIt'Iltil,.1IId at Sh.rida.'.',headquart- Dllpatohee from New Orlla .. "" bedll, and Beversl persoul were' injur- for 'the month of September. 186t, S1Ip8rlntendent""I,i\Rt'R' ~~':'o~~f:'~~~rf=, .VlBHlllIOlIl,1

erl were g.&bered (orty-eigbt pieDel ~alro Btate that thirtt;tlD flap, pelong- ed. In con~ection 1!ith the showers were $I,~01.005 '15, and for Septem- ~~;~i1~:~~B,~~r;~~ 100 Major GeDerel8, !!~~n;: ol ....... nnd,artille • 'lb. II accident Ing mOBtly to Indiana regiments, of paper a slDgnlar clrcnmstance QQ. ber. 1863, $816,801 ,lIi. Increue c, 200 Brig. Gener..l •.

--:: " " 't1 '-. recaptured f~m' tbe Rebelll curred. II A lad named EaTeI wr.e, $4.7' 204. 54. 27. OoIonol8 •. of tti!' :~~~r ..... lqtetted only wblle $bey were beinlf lent to Re~t Itanding Dear tbe royal gnn factoriel ' . ~~ ~::; g~~:~, :If!l~;~ej~t,~'~~ beoMa.or ~108l of eight h1llldre,d headqnarlen. A matI w,as allo at Woolwich. in whicb be w ... em- Nearly all the cotton factories in "... 75 Navy o~een. to ODe UlOIIADd meD .. pri*>ner... tuted; containing full r~toml of • pl01ed, and picked op one ofthe tom Woonsocket. R. L, are ,stopped for eurad me of a ~:f:l;db::"-8t.!i1:e1i~~~~'~ 1M Prominent ~or:l~

I el C. \he t d f th want oC cotton. There are twenty and urtna.ry organ. " ~ , oroee o~ W~ II e 0 e rl'1'- piecel 'of paper whicb reU arouDd cotton milll in tbe town. The ·wool. &1'1!1 ' It ~t.IJ like C~l:r:.:~raytI!i,

.,.: ',:,". ,., , .• " , er,an~aletterfromth.,Goyernorof bim. Hefonad iVto'bepartofthe en mills are in fall hl&llt. YO, . C.Q.J(oo .. "Oj 1'IIe flpor~ fr~m G. Bn,' ,Gr .. , t do LGuielana. '? "* Bebe! Gtmmlment, P'" of II ledger in which liil oncle. '-e Pla.ntation Bitten

'Do\,oO,er an, "1\\1111,, b., ,.how r~DUlleildlnl11le ~mlng Q{DBpoeL foreman 1!mployeda~ thtl exploded Tbe estate of a deceased nwident at;'';,.. the ~d _. dill .... and iadIlli.,. ,1a pt. 'Gi!II:'AuP,l'.~" o!dered a !Ogllter bad \bat morning enterwd of Bollil, N. I1.,.haI ~n b&ualeclnatan·.· ~~:~~~;~:

. • .. _ "1' hi Ii of d18loyal Oltlll81111 10 Faoquler and a memorandum, lie bad attached ed, beclolWe Uie MOD aDil, heir baa oompoled of ae ;; pIUIIII (Qr;_ ~, ,I~" ~ W 0 Aleulldria Cl!''\IDliel, Y a., for the pur- bis signature aUhe foot, togetber been JOf:' two yeans loll oflioer in the WIntergreen. aa.an..

, fa '* bUd.. . "pole of having" detaIl to &CC01Dpany with the u~e of tbe entry-nalllely, rebel army; &II pruarnd In perfectly .U!LIL J' tr.ine'oa the Ilana ... railroad, to October ,1- lI1U." At Qbatham, Potaioel have gODe down to twen- BuJIJ. •

, IDCQrI1l.atioa,w" recIIIltl,ibroalht be .tationed on p~ominent pal'tI twenly-fiv~ mUet distant,. the win- ty·fiyei:entll a bushel in New Hamp- , "=;.:~~~~~lrou'bl.dwlth ,i,q, nn." ,B.a~.~' 101118 ofl hi. the' engine' and cars, in vie" ot th. dowl in. the, great wornhope were shire. All the crOPIl. eBpecially GOrD PerlOn of AOde:

tary the beart, --1'!-- . , gaerrilla.,ookatJ8II. A, receD.t train . IIbaken, and doors werll and potatoes, are tnrDing ont unu .. - wealm_,l&sBItu e, torpid _ IOlclltre laua pnaolleu d 11 II lack of appetite, distress , , , ,I •• , r I ,;.I' '" , carried tbrile doetor. ,!lll forced open. a y we • liver collIItIpatioD &c delli',," to sJ1Jl'tr 11 .. _ •• , W.;beea pat, to ~rk meD. ,'," . , ' , ., AtDeptCord,fouror five.mfle".oft', TbeManchellterPrintWorkil.bave they'wIllnottrr tbem:' I

OD'JJI!Ii,Jr.t.iloatione aronnd Rich- A F«t~ ·)(omoe OOI'reIpOIident one hundr,.,d and 6fty gaslights, 10 a made thiB year 14.,000,000 yardl ofd~ 'I'bey are reOOIIimllllded the hJgt'81tl m~ ;~~~ ,dllCil .,ut a lot. of l'llbel of the N e;r .'Yorlf Ht:ra1il gI .... ao f~tor~ were blown onh" on~ laiDeB. aDd. print c1oty, and 5&,000 m..uca! ... th~~rI~ti:u~, :an~d~~:~:E;~t.:~ to Pf~'h~ ,.tork on Daleb Gap interetltinr account ot ... a~ece.,uul lame thlnl occnrred at a pohce dO"~n of ~slery. eqnal to T95'r mllee, prod_ a.n elreot. They C~_.I:!' . ~.i..ili.O.l tbe bet., of expedition of a porilo~ of ·the Twen- Btation in Whitechape~ Lood.on. 01 cloth, or twenty milell, r.r.cce~iDlly lIgretable. ,pura, _'0 ,..,. ...... ,re \ieth New, York can1ry, ,~btcll"." The people of Sobam,. eIghty m!leB 1Ir. S. D. Oue, uf Canton r.Ddhatmleu; f"(',l,,,,,,,,~t';WUltba Ge •.. ~ r808n~1dilpatehedfromSatl'ol~ V!'-; from Erlth. heard a nOIBe resembh!lg Oonnecticnt. findl that by graftiri~ lIi~~.lny penon .W,it4.~I' ~ to iNa, &lie colored IOldlln to break up coatrab~ll ~c, 'WItli tbnoder; and felt a ahock, wblch his chelltnut treel! the nDt. are ntlt ~onBiUeI'lID bulk to hi. b*;P4~ or war aJMI North Caroli ... '1'bcaJ 1Iad.eome YW1 \hey attribnted to \IJl earthqn.ake. onlylarget bat riPen earlier. a,lrindlet &~d !mpOlteI'. tbitefi''''"'t) • .:i:, li...o1iel'I.~ ... 'hn. li,:ely.iirmilhe. wlUi ',he, ~be", The IOnnd of the tremen~ooB report The rebei. entered Mayfield, K1 ~n :xur Jlatoa:aI:~:~I~n=~

, -r,lf!i'!l!"-', ii- .", d.tr01ed lu, •• toru at c;ottoD, Co· Ipread eYetr (prtoor, far It 11''' 10~ Wed __ .l 0 t. 10th b "tb' ,,0 el re _re •. li.a.-lIlIfI.&IIe,D.teIa b' '-"...:II _ .. ~ ~ -I-thi iii d,.- be d'lt nt th oder at a OD ,n ..... ay, c.! nrn. e .tu~, f'l'wbiCII .. vera!' . ", ,",,-,.",. eoco, ---1, ,--,....... •• ~ poBe .... . I a. u In b coun lionle, and commltted In ,rIP. See th&t Gap C ..... " ""';;" .' L\ li'~ '",' .m~ll '''mI, ..,.. buUilDI' __ .'or, place ,ninety-(onr ~lleII away. t e other depredations; , priY* UDlted Statal ~

~11 ",j _: tilelr ltorage, .ad • raUro.a ,.lM10D, OfJlltal Pal~, m LoDdon, 10m, i '. h 'B, .I11.worth. 'f i.' unmutDate4, &DiI Blp&ture SIal". ..Ihap'lired 01Ml balldred and 1Ortl" were Ylolen\ly forced opeD) e~.la , ". . dlI 0 YOD, Ifde labeL

.tJ,i' ad fl,. beef caUle,' .. y~aI pri~DI)r., painting. knQ$lied dOWll frOID .Xe,. :mm1tted he'~ ~few day. 1014 by' reqecfable de&lM1n"~:lqlilout 1_ 10" IOl\Ie tllegraph apparalUl, and Yari- the •• IIf. "ago, • canll8. mea poor habltuli\Obe. ' 1>.

ffOl.d:,.,tOlli; .. ',:J,.,., ..... \ o. 'otber thing., ot .~' after Tbe m<!iit r~mlrt~ble. erect. of the tr~e tn nrapplng farms. " .' ~~. ~'~;,~'~I~"~~~~~~~ which they returned to S.f.lk. exploliOn '''II' upon anlmall In t1l8, Good potatoel have beea, IOld In ,.0.*-11001:1 111 a letter whicb large ~OD. aro~nd. The. mortalitr. ~e .. YQJk I.a~y at " and Ii 50 1M!f; JBW'

11.-1 Ia 01 \be TrUID amollg 'CaDary bml!! for nnlee arouna b~l:,' ~bl. ,11. pat "'I~"c'llt'.'~~' l'T 'h~ Will yery great; theI dropped from tI¥t .ullINt rio""., , . 'i l:ii~)ii~~lt:di~;:.:1.

fe:t::c:aI;:~I: enlire perclift 'and diecl of frigbt.,·or '. ! J lr~j~ • .,'l .. ~.~.iW,i..,.~.~~ D1 de'" of ~ .. esion~ Parrow wete ,'1, . 8PBOUIi -Imom. "

t!!~:~:.t:~!~~~~~l ba.}11 (rlpteDed, ani dropped ~ fro!8 .rJ\1ft'pW-P by 'llt\aoll '4 ,do ' iii tlM!it pete'*. &0 ~e bottom.- of .-theIr 'ilaton'; 1(&11., .. ita:ur. . ~b,.~: ..... dfWI '~~=~'Uearet. ref"In~' CO.,.II: for·.1OIIHl .. itl."l:.~ \rU .... KOIII wolI4t ~

~!iii!~i~~~~~1~;~a~~~~e. la •• "., caaAnJd,othar _1.... i.,.s}c:,'i.ek ;1(.111' V'iL jt1Jiladlii·l ... ~ •• ~d .• JlDPtoID. of &be ii ..... t j;.~"8oil"''' OlIN. Pltoa.'iIIIW: ~:t~!:tl~~':;man1 milea from,lriUl '.o .... ,.., ... ..., .... tAI,l' '" L,;;

doIlleon.'oI,iaj ~t!!fJ.@l4!t.~'~~ ',';'! ,~;j·IJ· '.' !", .. IL~j'''; l~:!J~:~~~~~ " ';"I&IIII1lD aotio~;'l~.~~"'''' h.~lh<P ..... ; i "t.,hb l):..·_L4ILJ.~Jli.lLii'j .. _iuiilli~~~iJ" --

... :'10;[.' ,i!r.~·.l.",F.0 U"i~~~

• ,

Page 4: s3.amazonaws.comVol+20+(1864)/Sabbath...s3.amazonaws.com

"'~i:::eI*ir-;Doa;~l'.1 MI!~ ·li 0 0" I)". It&t'" 0,," ~it, J~:C:1 'fl It 0 l V • 8 1'1' ,I • ,NI .• "0 I) .. .,bde I 'pe~"renoe hi the laahia IIjJ~eJr:IO; i\,;l' " " ' ",,,~,: '~~"Mi~j;-j,'f:,n,ilw'JIr a ligorr,u.' appeti. for 1.e'I\l!bIIlC. "" ..... , '1I,reecJ to tbe O-;~~:ri!~~1:!:~j l'UJJQ.l'OilR ILURl'FtUl'dJUI8 • • ~~i~~~.~~~n~:::'t; ~~)\~,.~'lrllI'.84lk1i"" 10 "romillta, a'd., of como lIomber o~ 'J'ftult "as. IbaL 1l I , '1

.... """~ Ilm'I"~' , •. " ' .' - ,'\'; ',-='- .. fOdr. and \heIr mellll ffOrfeit."; NaIlS *rae; No. t, i"l~:fij ~ .a 1-· tb iN ...... • .... , , - , .. B1IQ.~lr.u;,NIIWl~ 1[OW _ .. ,.8' .dUn ,w_ ~- an lL. lonr; ""- ¥DOn ...

, , .hie ..... lieul ... tbe to U1e ,000IDia .. ioa. ,'ll.· Iu ",hukl!il, ':~Q'illi!1""" -x:'.;.... ~b~' a""or"~l,.:rid no\ repr __ n~ ~

I , 1 ,

,.' -nt~' .. rl pl.e., 9f' my: qal1yj[y. ,mOll"of 'fli~ ~blS il Dot .'range, iu ,HU5G HQI8II1.-:-Mnller. t~ alJeiCPd tilt.bleJ.l t)ll Iililuiuci'ealed'lo-iilue or tbe ... ery smlll DuqalJer of rail"ItY murder.". bal Tb.ati.entiDp ,!Hloe pllbU'! a,,4 ~"'14

lIolclierM I jiro~'61.fpDe hQl!~~ p.)~ ceut. 1riIA prufe.iUIL Tbe Itraoge thine teen the cause 01. uother io lbe l~t, 'wenty &"e yeM~" bJ! ratber/ that ~he nllmber of miuiatel'l according to thi! L')lIdon IlITltsd toOtlr ..... &a1l7 o.laft .. .o~ meue or ,he careflll hOlbUdr, alld ~ceUl:d durin, tile year Will' 10 .. 1.d. Jub Bartlf'tt, au "1>1*'"tt~. to11'lANO FOllTES, which for 1'olum. &114

.sner·1 applicatiQn or mlD1ltee. 1I000t ur.tbe .~ll. In hw~ ooe of theae fUDr a printer, "orkin .. io an ' ought ,to ~,r\lQjtQurd... a buainelll Chancery Llne, bas 10flt bia rul" ; for he lefe the miniatt'y. not tbe ~treclll of a too 1t'IlhurJJ .. bllt by CfOtIllrain r Qf:eirce m· pbae Ute, ~ gillation ltanCll!,,.after oril,. a feW yearll or min- gaged tn'· _orking' 'qlit

unu .. , ialerW life] Tbe'collc/oeioll rrOlD tlie to ila fiulJ 8()en~: '~i1C;,r!~~~rl;~~1~;~;'ThI~~rili'~ wbote yi". i~, tha.t prufet!8iooal men. tbe bo,'s nlit,d had ~ltii,.ii'd

. ~I~,,~!D,ile~iut u a clUt!. live 1''''1(''' than men in feu with Motler's I~~neral.':';"- OArUti/l7& WGlchIll4Jl. "'e-tinaMu to ~ endeayortid to'

During tbe INt -win!I" •• contra.. hMlld ~I/le inlO lhe ft!deral linelJ in

cn"":lla.l~:1 Nurth QamTiu, and WH mNched IIp _-'-... , w tbe.officer of tbe a&y &0 give an

·-·.W'ifUlr acculJ'tt of blmlll:lf. whereupon the fvllowlOg cuJl"quy eUlued :

.. "!luJ.t i8 1"0 r narue 7"

.. My ,,&lIIo:'s Slr.m."

:~~~.~~~~~~!I .. Salll what 7~ 1mb .. ' .. Nu, S&h ; not Sa. Wat. I'.a jilt q .. ~aR1~ .J"

self a lri1'id imptelllliOD of (h~, '1Ii"'t!'" lion flf han,(lllg, .nd though a ch8f'rfol dil!pOl'ition, had e'f)8n """ .... ed his intellectual eotl'tI~i.lllm ry bim So far all to eXpre!8 is lJe banged biwMelf. He tben tlltt'd a s!'riea of eXJlf!rimenllll rnpe attached to a ventilator uffioe. and, his root slipping on gll'.11 iolMid iLl, the ftoor 10 Ibe room belo", be ; III Riled o"n ra.sb

h"'-..... lir"M'm .sl~rii,~~jiinfJj~,1 '~Wbat', your otber name t" '~;(~;7i ... I lIa~a" go& 01) oder na_, Bah. Y"nn.-A Verbloot brb'lm

l'ae Sam-dal'. all." dlpr lately agret'd with' a Pr'Jvi,lIeIICe " Whlll'.your ma~ter'lI .ame I" merchant tCl 8,,11 bi,u a load or brG",m~.

or to t~ .. I'~' got nu m .... a nllw: ma8&8~ jthe pal ment to bl! made balf 1D!,ca.1II b .. llp;.It tbi, would let rree rllnn~d aWaY-Yali I yab I 1'018 free a"d !'talC in goods from tbe mo..i •. lod"as to prhfit, nigg-.. r now." dence man's IItore at COliI' nrl'A_

IOmefbing like barning- ., Well. wbat's yoor father'. and The brooms w .. re brongbt in order to lilt the &llbes' IJUlther'. nlUDe t" ca-b for half of them paid

Bot bttw .lftall Wlf-who b .... e none, ., l'.e goi none, Sah-aebber had .. NIIW wm.t "Ill yon haye [or or OIl~'a'p1Ar~ 'Or (6el'4l cooyen;ellces. n'De. l'oIe jift Sam--ain't uobody llIajnder' or YOllr bill?" eay!! manDre'? Anlwer: Haye .. elk" merchant. .. You Pruvid.!nce ~.Ij -,ar;<! for the co,,~, 'wilb a ... BaYen't you any bro\bera and are cule," WAIl the ~low tIIply j

. ' . .te., and each tnstr1l1llent belnl made rin.t.O'

I ~ I •

the per!onal aapervlalon of Mr. J. H. Gr,IV8JI' , • I

teen, who h .. hIld .. PraQU""l e~'le_

ove\l 30 ye .. rlin their .... l1ur .. otllre. ,.

warranted In every pattioular. I • ' I

The .' GroveJteen Plano Forte ~ reoelved the

hi,helt award ot merit .,er ill

offtera at lh. C.le'btate4 , 1

World'. Fltlr.

(Iur ware·rooa.,

tI~iid ~n oo~ lide. iF corlYenient; ailltel'l t" ~etl at C08t. p'rt'tty mach 'all 1!'iib ph~n~ of ~ding of straw, or .. ~o, &b 1 neber b.d Done. No lInd make mlllley; I d .. n't see B1 tile Introduction of ImproYe1ll8nll moek. or allqyium, IIr dirt fmm lite brDdder. no .i,ter. no fader. no mod. is dllne. Nebw, 1 don't koow "''hnnt'i f' • ,

ood "- I '-'--' ,.. b • . J make .. oWl .ore Der, fl>et P).A= F .... l •• w •• or .n1 o'ner P ace " ... rre It 'Ier, no mallla_notbin' bnt Sam. your gn ..... ~. lit one Ilrtrc e, po, ..-....,. " e.D be IIpareJ ; throw 'he 'When YOIl _ Sam, you lee all dere a~ it w"n't mllke any odds ... i,thl"'."'; by IIIlUIllraotarllll l&rtll" .Itb a .trleu, into heapS', ullder cOYer,' if I, of Oll.~' 1 gn!'"", I'll take bro ,mt!; alld add .. mach dIrt or more every - them like a bUll". and caD cub ~yste~~ are enabled to o~e~ the .. In·

'iii ct.y. :Otl to this Map tbruW' every· SDlPLIOlTY 1.1 STYLi, jU8t what )'otl paId f<lf 'em I" strameo~ at a price whic/l.ilI precillde aU .. ,'rdi ..... •• or tblng that 'Can be raked or scraped; A Jetter fell ioto my haud~, wbid! fln aaying. the peddler. reloa.Jiojil:

.... ~II.I:i.\l "' ... ple. Wbat be old re~e.,-, chiP mannre, hOl'll6 dro ..... a Sc"tcb sernht Irirl bild wrltl.,on to broom~, .jIIm~ on:bla cart , '~'ornia~~ad eYen to ping's; 8ud<, Sltlt. old or new. old her lover. It .. IItyle chMrmed me. It regolMr V ~rm.\1lt ~riD, and' u<u,,,,, , .' ',Hi! tl'a,',,~.I,t .. r ''''IDId' buw brrne, &0., &0. Every farmer can do was lairly illiIllU",We. I wond .. red ODDS m Ein~

" ", ~_.T thid. alld make acreM rich every year. I ' . L_ CI· ... U~8td ces I' II're a'-bebuld wJ~P!'I! •. d.fU,\Q.1UlU tile loli. IUW,IO...,r .~ ... ~n n", "e tilde and ,,,"1111' -whicli I1l1ooeOO the whicb o'her"i~e might hllvp. to Ifrow conld have acquired lie) "Ieg-ant alld A. clergy.nau b:&d \.,) daladl.telr,

Prlces.-No.l. Beven Ootan. rollDd !eor·

nora. Rosewood p1,.m c..,. ~1"

lempti.t or ~hle. ·'ate.truin, never poor .-Moore·, Rural New Yorker. pe,r.,ct • style I .bo"ed Ihe letter wbo were wuch too fond

,,:,;r;;~~~~~~~~~~i~i:i die. Tile THear a,"II.OO lbe olli· - to IIOme of my literary friend. io New wbicb was.a great rri~1 to ci .. I's droa'l("',dll' ~Jyer ~ plaleau THE ¥AlUEAOrU&E or BILK. York, and they onMniDtOlldl, agreed bltd often r!lprove4 in wbere tbe freeb 1IpriD«in., yiuee rise Tbe Nll-w Yort Evening Polll b"" that it wu ~ mudel of beaoty and and preaching one up amid a tttd,'e lI,\\Ci.rup'ofi.. Stately an ioterettting article upou .ilk and elegance. I dewrmill~d to lolve my on tbe aiu of prilJe, be

No. 2. Seyen Octave., rollDd oorp.fI,.BoIe

.0011 heuy IIHIllldlnK. '300.

fnrts iultfrown otew: tbe deep calm iii mannr"clnre. From it we learn myMlery. anti 1 ""11\ to the hOMe ca~ion to notice. among otber U~llll{i~, liard, in wbicb'lie t!iil.fx;bea of a aa- Ibet'in 1880, tbe anunal producuun 1¥here ahe was eOlployed. aud .~ted pride io dres8. Afterapeak -Y1. as if waiting for ita resurrection, uf'mltnufllctllred lilt in Ibis country h'ow it was lb,.t in ber bumble efr. con .. iderable lime on tbis aUbje4t, and crumblio-, qme. shattered wu elllhnated at $2,000,000. and in life. IIbe bad acq I}i suddenly .topped abort.

aod brt)teD .belll of houses, .iffce tllen the production bas greatly beautiful thMt the wU(ll1 with feeling lUlU expressillll ~ ... ,.-Ihe DlH.rgin oJ-1'a&el'll on wbiela increleeiL Tlie 'wannfaclore is mindd conld oat bot ad· yuo will 8ay, • look at hOlAe

fI lated llfHi '~atllentll Of l maInly confined to llewlnt "tlk apd .. Sir." IIhe said, .. I came g~ rriend", I du lopt a' ~,d;·~'~I;;d;;bb';"~fii,~q.~ ·-."~"11eP9~r, 'J. ~ gfay- ei!1t tl'immrog8~ thoagb it embraces tbil conntry four year. ago, Tben my heart aebell"

~.iod: eoated: •• .. 14ier. clamber (j'~r' the WOYeU lilki .1 "ell. No better did not tno" bow to read or wrlh A few evening~ lIince, as a "", llle:;;~.~~,~ beaps of and cre!'p aewing silk tha,n tbe' American ill But since then I ha .. e learned ho,;' 10 ob tbe Lowell Rililroad waa

1511~~~~~~~~i'~'~' bar. made HI tbe world. Indeed. 80cb is read and wrile, but'I have not lelirnt 8toppiug at _ IItatiou in, So'lJlefyillle Li~t. it. excellence tbat it bas driven the bllw to spell i 80 al"aI8• when I'lt tbe puaengera io ODe ,thlll,c .... boo&ed citizen. o'llier kind. o~t of too , .. rket Tbere down to "rite. a ldter, I chOOse w .. re Itardtd bv a IIU ... U.

tlitough the city of i, DO reM6n why the mll.ltofaetul'fJ' ()r thuB8 words wblcb are 80 shrlrt and nile "oice. er;iog. lM;;ri ....

groop of boata In tbe llill&: iii aU it~ r.rm. sbould not be limple that I am .lIre I know bow to Winter HIIlI' and at the tbe I;l,arbor i. eUI.ged in .Istty inereaaed in thill conntr,.. On lpell ~lli!bI," There W&II th.e "bole. Ie a lady ... Ulft trliog to

h~'I'.II.QlriI to rai}ie to tile surface'the the eontrary. tbere it! eYety iuduce eret. The tt:~ly of tbls Ilmple,ullod. bright Itttle ("lluw of lOIlr "VI,;.~IIDII rottitd 81lip, All 18m ment Co the InYelljllent of capitlll ed S~te~ g111 coodeose. a . wor!d. yell.... Youug America

poWer I"depatted. ' Eocir. labor-io ita manoractore. Tbe rbelorlc IOto a Dutsbell. Slmphclty .. What'll tbe hort, mother! t!~ne uf ,d¥!l\llMt\OU" alid 8e!,nlritr, In 8ay noth~ng or the i.. IlPIIllty. 8 mplicity i. puwer.- keep etill. folk" would tbiok

] ""JIIII15 ;(tecly; touuded.' knOll .-lid- pnee or g •• ld and rates ~ Fitz Gmm lltJ/ltclc, the cunductor I" ~~"!n'~i. and' friiifUlating pl~ill; Ilfr<ltd" al1lvla protectiOII. Wften .bill«11 are in, col)fb,.iOl~.

:~~~~nlll:=~b~~!'-~ d~~ented '"ilb gra.. celS or wllaving it j" iitppl .. r. ,PURl: AD "9" TOIIIO -The Sr#pIi. tbey ate Rid to be topBlI tiu· ... , apread froOl tbtl aud more readil, learned. than .~ : Mt:dlcine Can Iie"er add D'lM' Ttau elpt'H1Ifon ill deri"ed

.0000lt'I',JiD' ~to.,bp. gtelt' ill the pllle~u;, of (jitbet totton' or' ',!,ool. Its t,d .. 1 to tbe b.xly. h cannot bel.l wa, in .biob tnrf forrUIl) i8 'I.~ tbrough wblcb roll, tbe etreaotl.:dl iiuIDption ball for many an nicer In tbe lunia or .pine; it 16 dr, on its being ct1t; tlie .ii"f .. , ... the TCllern"ya. ,Wilbilllhat b~tro" IIftn .-nty larKll, and is CiluDOt t-tI',-c\ tbe abttorption or of the gronnd i, pared otl'; froat, onCtt ';Mte w,t1i' ttr,e leUtli of on tbe inorease. During tbe to~CI88 wh.ie~ Ilane it; It gtoltVing Ob it. alld iile beji,trr'-!il tbe ,'PIil"'lltn pqwe~. ",here the thun- preyiOIl8 to, 1860. the importtl 8tntl.gbten !lie cort:ed "'IDe. or tarned d"woftrd,"'8d lert dllr of t.be cannoa-ne"er cealed da,f lIiI~ aQlvunted 10 '60.000.000. be- or g'~ blood to the feeble ~~I;-. in tb., IItate, tban • • ~'U"t."~'ifl~, rllill~nikl~Jilr ~t-- to or .. 11 IIie'dr1 can the must perfect mechaDlsm 1m- dr, b..rore bd~ i'tri'ied .... ,aY ••

ir.d:"hea "from -Olotii"tlj· .c1~iJ. au4 1>'0 tbe twenty par .. nat.llral Altfenglb or toile .to tlle A tecelll I,,', pI",,, n ..... '. 1 ..... :fWda bill f,., fOD, S they amolUlted to DItIt!Cles tli&t, t!UPPOT. t.he IplDe or I 'a~d tbe rennii .. d ... iy. mb". tbe Illbb. :Medicine. are gene' Pli?<'~ .ouf·~n .• I" _.... of •• :-~ t e .. te 0 .. w,.ur·roo, .. ",u, Iid"tb';r .. r.~om lllnoDlltecl' to tDO Q® - ra 1!Dert,..... too ten IDJllr""",. lift d

000 -Prov Pret.. ' • Tiley dNWY aPlllltite and dlge8t1on, tab e C1rliirch a~e~'~'I~~~l;dI)f~I~ ~~'pl,~~tif~~I'WI~'II:V~,1 . ~ which ill the Bource of etreuglb. was

. DE '.lI'alOAB UiliaA. M~baJli~1 appliance!! are QolYIlt¥! riI!.' T ~;!c'f' rot a4j.o.~IIl.to take 011' ~e weigbt.

Sir v,.~rl~ ....,"', at a aclenti6 .. frnm \~ dlse.!Ie4, ,art., aDd aid, tbe ml'e\inr .. ' I.CI\Ily, declMred' tbMt tbe .. If"c~ oK a' ao,~gitl&l opefltiull, vr. grl'a\e.::, pllr~ vC t6f A11\can Sahar. "bat is rar better. to pruea, iy u6' h ... ~ no 'Ttl'y dl.tiuct.pvlogieal ~ ... it" Tlle.fle ill. _no tcue_Inni~ but penOctbeell beneatb the ocean. iiiil' . Ii r. ,,--tbe high eQ~.t ollL rlnocy so insulaitiCi pure air,; t \l~e II no DI1I'terial to

..., p~ir bot bloOd.' In all dllle_el' frOID 11Ie--bud,. of'tlie colltioellt, anll in;'ti;l~ ill'" 'low condition ·"t pr"~lltIbll ill on~~Uk"n ellDn.etioD tar (orce, more ,&ir OIo~t ~.~, .. t~e'~.1 witb SpMin. Si"cil1 and South lwly; I ~ A '

uod be 1'llu8t' -"'d bls 'tbeMy b,'a. t lat wo~e uO" may lJe - •• "" the 'red tiloolhhat p111oi11lnr . tbe' 'prolii\ble \'f~ 011 \be torte "to ,be mllBC1E!lL climate or Enrupe of tlie 01 .. pine wilt nAt 'bi Ib,,, 'ya.t ... udJ ,plain. , Actofololltl tubercle

.v .. ', ... ·~·.lroeco. he lIaid, wlli~b. when D')r Will tbe ulcer "U,r.a bearty lIow'melt. 'so rapjdf1ttiIJ lIDtlw!i'ol,rI

~l"~~~~~~~l~~li~~:o~r~:~~Df~j'l ~::::~~J:~~~:,a...s Alp~ .1

lIro. 3,Beven Octa1'8, roand corner., Bole·


DescrlptivI, Cil'Qwau • rr:,., ' S~FE1'Y~' 8PEE~ A!D 'ooMto1t'l'.


&t J p ...

River, roo~ 0( v .. tr.Y~~~~~;"t •• ~pre.~I • )'OR NEW tb&re _ectleg .,>tll thli TrIOla lre.a: tie abo"e POIOU, via rlod Woroe8ler~ il9ston aod \Vpr~8ter. ol!llter and Ndhua, and New London Bortbero Bailr ........

Frelghl t.<keo .. t the 10"8l!1 rat... For In· torm .. lloo,loqulte or E. II •• A.BTIN.

A~. lIlI itlMi fif4lr.

TeE IIluHLAND WA~!tt' l"g .. ln Aued up for tire' reCeptlOD

patlenta, ' '1

1L, P. 1Yl ••