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2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke Chapter 1 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The commandments of the Lord B. Those things which have been fulfilled C. The gospel of Jesus Christ D. Jesus’ genealogy 2. According to Luke 1:3, how did Luke describe himself when he said that it seemed good to him to also write an orderly account of the gospel? A. Being righteous before God B. Having had perfect understanding of all things C. Being advanced in years D. Having an angel of the Lord appear to him 3. According to Luke 1:6, how did Luke describe Zacharias and Elizabeth? A. Exalted B. Blameless C. Faithful servants D. Pure in heart 4. According to Luke 1:7, why did Zacharias and Elizabeth not have any children? A. They just didn’t want kids B. Only Zacharias was too old C. Elizabeth was barren D. They were not married yet 5. According to Luke 1:9, as a priest, what was Zacharias’ lot to do in the temple? A. Pray B. Sacrifice C. Burn incense D. Sing psalms Page 1 of 99

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Page 1: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke

Chapter 1

1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The commandments of the LordB. Those things which have been fulfilledC. The gospel of Jesus ChristD. Jesus’ genealogy

2. According to Luke 1:3, how did Luke describe himself when he said that it seemed good to him to also write an orderly account of the gospel? A. Being righteous before GodB. Having had perfect understanding of all thingsC. Being advanced in yearsD. Having an angel of the Lord appear to him

3. According to Luke 1:6, how did Luke describe Zacharias and Elizabeth? A. ExaltedB. BlamelessC. Faithful servantsD. Pure in heart

4. According to Luke 1:7, why did Zacharias and Elizabeth not have any children? A. They just didn’t want kidsB. Only Zacharias was too oldC. Elizabeth was barrenD. They were not married yet

5. According to Luke 1:9, as a priest, what was Zacharias’ lot to do in the temple? A. PrayB. SacrificeC. Burn incenseD. Sing psalms

6. According to Luke 1:11, where did the angel appear to Zacharias? A. In the Holy PlaceB. On the right side of the altar of incenseC. At the altar of sacrificeD. At the entrance to the Most Holy Place

7. In Luke 1:13, what was the first thing the angel said to Zacharias? A. Do not be afraidB. I am GabrielC. You cannot speakD. You will make ready a people for the Lord

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Page 2: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

8. According to Luke 1:16, what did the angel tell Zacharias that his son would do? A. Fill the children of Israel with the Holy SpiritB. Turn many of the children of Israel to the LordC. Give the children of Israel wisdomD. Make the children of Israel great in the sight of the Lord

9. According to Gabriel in Luke 1:17, how would John go before the Lord? A. In the spirit and power of the Holy SpiritB. In the spirit and power of GabrielC. In the joy and gladness of the LordD. In the spirit and power of Elijah

10. In Luke 1:19, what did Gabriel say that he was sent to bring to Zacharias? A. The gospelB. A prophecyC. Glad tidingsD. A commandment of the Lord

11. According to Luke 1:20, what punishment did Zacharias have to bear because he did not believe Gabriel? A. He could not leave the templeB. He was mute and unable to speakC. He could not serve in the temple any moreD. He would not hear any more from Gabriel

12. According to Luke 1:22, what did the people perceive about Zacharias when he came out of the temple? A. That he had seen a visionB. That he was blindC. That he was weakD. That he was unable to walk

13. According to Luke 1:24, how long did Elizabeth hide herself after finding out she was pregnant? A. 3 monthsB. 4 monthsC. 6 monthsD. 5 months

14. According to Luke 1:27, to which house did Joseph belong? A. The house of BoazB. The house of DavidC. The house of JudahD. The house of Jacob

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Page 3: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

15. According to Luke 1:28, how did the angel Gabriel greet Mary? A. “Be happy and do not worry”B. “Do not run away”C. “Rejoice, highly favored one”D. “Rejoice, I am Gabriel, sent from the Lord”

16. According to Luke 1:30, what did Gabriel say Mary had found with God? A. BlessingsB. SalvationC. HonorD. Favor

17. According to Luke 1:32, what did Gabriel say Mary’s son would be called? A. ImmanuelB. The Great OneC. The Son of the HighestD. The Prophet

18. According to Luke 1:35, what did Gabriel say that the power of the Highest would do to Mary? A. Overshadow herB. Cause her to bring forth a SonC. Make her live foreverD. Cause all people to bow at her feet

19. In Luke 1:38, how did Mary describe herself after talking with the angel Gabriel? A. Blessed of the LordB. Favored by GodC. The maidservant of the LordD. Magnified by the Lord

20. According to Luke 1:39, where did Mary go after speaking with the angel Gabriel? A. BethlehemB. Into the hill countryC. To the templeD. To the city of Jerusalem

21. According to Luke 1:41, what happened when Mary entered the house of Zacharias greeted Elizabeth? A. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy SpiritB. Zacharias was then able to speakC. An angel began to speak to themD. She cried with joy

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Page 4: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

22. In Luke 1:43, what term did Elizabeth use to identify Mary? A. FavoredB. Magnified by GodC. The salvation of IsraelD. The mother of my Lord

23. According to Luke 1:48, what did God regard about Mary? A. The faith of His maidservantB. The lowly state of His maidservantC. The readiness of His maidservantD. The mercy of His maidservant

24. According to Luke 1:52, who had God put down from their thrones? A. The richB. The descendants of DavidC. The mightyD. The tribe of Judah

25. According to Luke 1:58, who rejoiced with Elizabeth when they heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her? A. Her neighbors and relativesB. Mary and all her friendsC. Her sistersD. The whole city

26. According to Luke 1:61, why did they question Elizabeth about naming her son John? A. Because it was a common nameB. No one among their relatives was called by that nameC. Because it was not a priestly nameD. They did not agree on his name

27. According to Luke 1:63, how did Zacharias communicate that his son’s name was John? A. The angel loosed his tongue and he spokeB. The angel opened his mouth and he spokeC. He made signs that his name was JohnD. He wrote it on a tablet

28. According to Luke 1:65, where were all the events surrounding John’s birth discussed? A. In the templeB. Among the other priestsC. Throughout all the hill country of JudeaD. Among their relatives

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Page 5: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

29. According to Luke 1:67, after Zacharias praised God once his tongue loosed, he was filled with the Holy Spirit, and .A. PrayedB. ProphesiedC. FastedD. Went home to see his new son

30. In Luke 1:69, early in Zacharias’s prophesy, he stated that the Lord God of Israel raised up a .A. Plan of salvation for usB. Possibility of salvation for usC. Horn of salvation for usD. Lamb of salvation for us

31. In Luke 1:76, Zacharias’ prophecy includes the statement, “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Highest…”. Who is the child to which he is referring?A. John the BaptistB. JesusC. LukeD. David

Chapter 2

1. In Luke 2:1, Caesar Augustus issued a decree that all of should be registered.A. SyriaB. NazarethC. BethlehemD. The world

2. According to Luke 2:7, why didn’t Mary lay her firstborn son in the inn?A. The inn was too far awayB. Mary needed to restC. Joseph was busy registering his familyD. The inn had no room

3. According to Luke 2:9, why were the shepherds that were guarding their flock at night afraid?A. An angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around themB. An angel appeared and warned them not to seek the childC. They were surrounded by wild animalsD. They saw strange lights in the sky

4. In Luke 2:10, the angel brings the shepherds .A. A warningB. The location of 10 lost sheepC. The location of 1000 lost sheepD. Good tidings of great joy

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Page 6: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

5. According to Luke 2:12, what does the angel state that the Babe is wrapped in?A. FurB. Swaddling clothsC. Animal skinsD. Palm leaves

6. According to Luke 2:16, who did the shepherds find with the Babe in the manger?A. Only MaryB. Only JosephC. Mary and JosephD. Elizabeth and John

7. According to Luke 2:18, who marveled at the things that were told to them by the shepherds?A. Every JewB. Jews and GentilesC. Believers and unbelieversD. All those who heard

8. According to Luke 2:21, who gave Jesus His name?A. ZachariasB. The angelC. MaryD. Joseph

9. In Luke 2:22, in what city was Jesus presented to the Lord?A. JerusalemB. BethlehemC. NazarethD. Galilee

10. According to Luke 2:24, what sacrifice is mentioned?A. A turtledove or a young pigeonB. Two turtledoves and a goatC. A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeonsD. Two turtledoves and a ram

11. In Luke 2:25, who was mentioned as waiting for the Consolation of Israel?A. AnnaB. SimeonC. JosephD. Moses

12. According to Luke 2:26, what would Simeon not see before seeing the Lord’s Christ?A. The inside of the templeB. NightfallC. DeathD. The Feast of the Passover

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Page 7: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

13. According to Luke 2:27, how did Simeon come into the temple?A. By the SpiritB. By the doorC. By the LordD. By chariot

14. In Luke 2:34, Simeon told Mary that Jesus is destined for which of the following?A. The fall and rising of many in IsraelB. A sign which will be spoken againstC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B

15. In Luke 2:36-37, Anna is described as .A. A widowB. 87 years oldC. BeautifulD. Unrighteous

16. In Luke 2:38, Anna spoke to all of those in what town that looked for redemption?A. NazarethB. GalileeC. BethlehemD. Jerusalem

17. According to Luke 2:41-42, how old was Jesus when He went with His family to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover?A. 11 years oldB. 12 years oldC. 13 years oldD. 14 years old

18. According to Luke 2:43-44, how many days passed before Jesus’s parents realized He was not traveling with them as they returned home?A. 1 dayB. 7 daysC. 3 daysD. 5 days

19. According to Luke 2:44, when Joseph and Mary were traveling back from Jerusalem and realized Jesus was not with them, where did they first search for Him?A. On the side of the roadB. With relatives and acquaintancesC. At the campsite where they stayed the night beforeD. At the city gates of Jerusalem

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Page 8: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

20. According to Luke 2:46, how many days passed before Jesus was found by His parents?A. 1 dayB. 7 daysC. 3 daysD. 5 days

21. In Luke 2:48, how were Jesus’s parents described when they found Him in the temple with the teachers?A. AngryB. OverjoyedC. SadD. Amazed

22. In Luke 2:52, Jesus is described as increasing in what?A. Knowledge and depthB. Understanding and loveC. Wisdom and statureD. Intelligence and reputation

Chapter 3

1. Luke 3:2 says that John is the son of this man.A. CaiaphasB. ZachariasC. AnnasD. Tiberius

2. According to Luke 3:2, what or who came to John just before he began preaching?A. The Word of GodB. The High Priest of JerusalemC. The brother of HerodD. A great vision

3. What did John preach in Luke 3:3?A. The Jews will revolt against RomeB. A baptism of repentance for the remission of sinsC. All Jews are saved because they are descended from AbrahamD. Jesus should replace Annas and Caiaphas as the high priests

4. In Luke 3:4-6, John references the words of which prophet when it says this: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord. Make His paths straight…And all flesh shall see the salvation of God’”?A. JeremiahB. DanielC. IsaiahD. Ezekiel

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Page 9: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

5. In Luke 3:10-11, when the people asked John what they should do, what did he tell them to do?A. To give their extra tunic and food to those that had noneB. To pray for mercyC. To make crooked roads straightD. To gather for three days of feasting and preaching

6. In Luke 3:12-13, when the tax collectors asked John what they should do, what did he reply?A. Sing songs of praise to GodB. Pray for forgivenessC. Leave your jobD. Collect no more than what is appointed for you

7. In Luke 3:14, when the soldiers asked John what they should do, he told them to do all these except?A. Do not falsely accuse anyoneB. Be content with their wagesC. Leave their jobs at onceD. Do not intimidate anyone

8. In Luke 3:15-16, John said that he baptized with water, but the One mightier than John would baptize with what?A. The Holy Spirit B. FireC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B

9. In Luke 3:18-20, what did Herod do when he heard John’s message?A. Looked for an opportunity to kill JohnB. Married Herodias, his brother’s wifeC. Shut John up in prisonD. Repented of the evils he had done

10. According to Luke 3:21-22, what was Jesus doing when the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove and a voice from heaven said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased”?A. Rebuking Herod for his evil deedsB. Praying after His baptismC. Sharing His food with othersD. Traveling to Jerusalem for the feast

11. According to Luke 3:23, how old was Jesus when He began His ministry?A. 12 years oldB. 18 years oldC. 26 years oldD. 30 years old

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Page 10: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

12. According to Luke 3:23-38, these men were Jesus’ ancestors?A. Esau, Eliphaz, and OmarB. God, Adam, Judah, Levi, and DavidC. Philip and HerodiasD. Herod, Caiaphas, and Annas

Chapter 4

1. According to Luke 4:1-2, after Jesus was baptized and filled by the Holy Spirit, He did all these things except which one?A. Was led by the Spirit into the wildernessB. Was tempted by the devil for 40 daysC. He ate nothingD. He baptized others

2. In Luke 4:3-4, how did Jesus respond when the devil told Him to command the stones to become bread?A. Jesus did as the devil suggested, ate, and was filledB. Jesus said to the devil, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”C. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”D. Jesus said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

3. In Luke 4:3-13, how did Jesus withstand the devil’s temptation? A. By running from the devilB. By quoting scripture that addressed that temptationC. By having friends encourage Him to resist the devilD. By sharing bread with the devil and asking him to stop the temptation

4. In Luke 4:3-13, Satan used all the following to tempt Jesus except which one? A. Offering Jesus the authority to rule the kingdoms of the worldB. Offering Jesus the glory of the kingdoms of the worldC. Encouraging Jesus to tempt the Lord God by casting Himself off the pinnacle of the templeD. Promising Jesus a life of only happiness

5. In Luke 4:5-8, when the devil offered Jesus all authority over and glory from all kingdoms of the world for worshipping the devil, what was Jesus’ response?A. Jesus did as the devil suggestedB. Jesus said to the devil “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”C. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”D. Jesus said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

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Page 11: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

6. In Luke 4:9-12, the devil quoted scripture that says that the angels will take care of Jesus physically even if He threw Himself down from the high place. What was Jesus’ response?A. Jesus did as the devil suggested, ate, and was filledB. Jesus said, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”C. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’”D. Jesus said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

7. In Luke 4:13, what did the devil do after Jesus resisted his temptations?A. Left Jesus until an opportune timeB. Determined to incite men to kill JesusC. Increased his determination to cause Jesus to sinD. Went away angry

8. According to Luke 4:16-17, what was Jesus’ custom on the Sabbath day?A. Go to the wilderness to fast and prayB. Go to the synagogueC. Rest and relaxationD. Travel to Jerusalem

9. According to Luke 4:16-19, what verses did Jesus quote from the prophet, Isaiah?A. Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, and mindB. Love your neighbor as yourselfC. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal lifeD. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord

10. According to Luke 4:20-22, after Jesus read from the book of Isaiah, how did the people respond when He said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”?A. They marveled at His gracious words and said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?”B. They repented and were baptizedC. They followed Jesus to continue to hear His teachingD. They asked that Jesus stay with them a few days

11. In Luke 4:28-30, when the people of Nazareth thrust Jesus out of the city and up to the brow of the hill to kill Him, how did Jesus escape?A. Jesus went down the hill and escapedB. Jesus was rescued by the disciplesC. Jesus passed through the midst of them and went His wayD. An angel rescued Him from the angry mob

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Page 12: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

12. According to Luke 4:31-34, when Jesus was in Capernaum, a man in the synagogue had an unclean spirit. What did the unclean spirit know about Jesus?A. The spirit said that He was Jesus of Nazareth and was the Holy One of GodB. The spirit said that Jesus was Joseph’s sonC. The spirit said that Jesus would die on the cross for the people’s sinsD. The spirit said that Jesus was born in Bethlehem

13. In Luke 4:35, when Jesus was in Capernaum and commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man, what did the unclean spirit do?A. The demon made the man use a donkey’s jawbone to hurt those gathered B. The demon killed the man as he came out of himC. The demon caused the man to fall into the fireD. The demon threw the man in their midst and then came out of him

14. According to Luke 4:36-37, how did the people react to Jesus commanding the unclean spirit to leave the man?A. They thought He was the crazy son of JosephB. They felt sorry for the unclean spiritC. They were amazed that Jesus had the authority and power over even the unclean spirits and they spread the word to every place in the surrounding regionD. They were frightened and ran home

15. In Luke 4:38-39, what did Jesus rebuke so that it left Simon’s wife’s mother.A. An unclean spiritB. LeprosyC. A feverD. The devil

16. In Luke 4:42-43, what did the Jesus tell the Galilean crowds who sought Him?A. That He had been sent to preach the kingdom of GodB. To sit in groups of 50 so He could feed themC. That He would preach again that night in the synagogueD. To bring their sick to Him for healing

Chapter 5

1. In Luke 5:1-3, when Jesus taught the people near Lake Gennesaret, where was He sitting?A. In a boatB. On a hillsideC. In a gardenD. In the temple court

2. In Luke 5:4, when Jesus finished speaking from the boat in Lake Gennesaret, what did He tell Simon to do?A. Go to the other side of the lakeB. Row to shoreC. Let down the netsD. Feed the people

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Page 13: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

3. In Luke 5:7-8, when Simon Peter saw the great number of fish that they caught when Jesus told him to let down his nets for a catch, what did he do?A. Fell down at Jesus’ kneesB. Mede a sacrificeC. Rejoiced and gave thanksD. Let down his nets again

4. In Luke 5:8 after the great catch of fish, what did Simon Peter say to Jesus?A. I will follow you anywhereB. Truly you are the Son of GODC. You are the MessiahD. Depart from me, for I am a sinful man

5. In Luke 5:9-10, after the great catch of fish, Jesus told Simon not to be afraid and that from now on he would do what? A. Serve the Son of ManB. ProsperC. Catch menD. Teach men

6. In Luke 5:12, a man fell on his face before Jesus. The man was full of what?A. An evil spiritB. LeprosyC. FaithD. Zeal

7. In Luke 5:14, what did Jesus tell the man He cleansed of leprosy?A. Go show yourself to the priestB. Come follow MeC. Tell everyone how you were healedD. Return to your home

8. In Luke 5:16, what would Jesus do when He often withdrew into the wilderness?A. RestB. PrayC. SacrificeD. Teach

9. According to Luke 5:18-19, what was wrong with the man that was let down from the housetop through the tiling to Jesus?A. He had leprosyB. He was demon possessed C. He was paralyzedD. He was blind

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Page 14: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

10. In Luke 5:20, Jesus forgave the sins of the paralyzed man when He saw what about his friends?A. Their loveB. Their strengthC. Their diligenceD. Their faith

11. In Luke 5:21, when Jesus forgave the sins of the paralyzed man, what did the Pharisees accuse Him of?A. BlasphemyB. Being demon possessedC. Being drunkD. Healing on the Sabbath

12. In Luke 5:21-25, how did Jesus demonstrate to the scribes and Pharisees that He had power to forgive sins?A. By casting out demonsB. By healing the paralyzed manC. By feeding the five thousandD. By healing the blind man

13. In Luke 5:27, where was Levi sitting when Jesus called him?A. At the city gateB. In the temple courtC. Under a sycamore treeD. At the tax office

14. In Luke 5:29-30, when Jesus was feasting in Levi’s house, why did the Pharisees complain?A. He was eating with sinnersB. He was eating unclean foodC. His disciples did not wash their handsD. He was eating with Samaritans

15. In Luke 5:30-31, when the scribes and Pharisees asked why Jesus ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners, who did Jesus say needed a physician?A. Those with leprosyB. Those who are sickC. The scribes and PhariseesD. Those who seek righteousness

16. In Luke 5:34, when Jesus was asked why the disciples of John fast often, but His disciples eat and drink, to what did He compare them?A. Sheep without a shepherdB. Friends of the bridegroomC. Tax collectors and sinnersD. Those pure in heart

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Page 15: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

17. In Luke 5:37, the parable of the wineskins says no one puts new wine into old wineskins. Why?A. The wineskins will burstB. The wine will not be goodC. The new is better than the oldD. The old skins taste bitter

Chapter 6

1. In Luke 6:1-2, what were the disciples doing which the Pharisees said was unlawful on the Sabbath?A. FishingB. Healing on the SabbathC. Eating with sinnersD. Plucking heads of grain

2. In Luke 6:3-4, what did Jesus say that David and his men had done which was not lawful?A. Built an alter and made a sacrificeB. Ate the showbread in the house of GodC. Raided villagesD. Entered the Holy Place

3. In Luke 6:7, when Jesus was teaching in the Synagogue, the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him to see if He would do what?A. Give them a signB. Forgive sinsC. Heal on the SabbathD. Speak to a Samaritan

4. In Luke 6:8-11, when Jesus asked, “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or destroy?” and then healed the man with a withered hand, how did the scribes and the Pharisees respond?A. They were filled with rageB. They praised GODC. They were offendedD. They tried to stone Him

5. In Luke 6:12-13, after Jesus went out to the mountain to pray all night, what did He do in the morning?A. He went to other villages to teachB. He went to the synagogueC. He healed a man with leprosyD. He chose twelve apostles

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Page 16: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

6. In Luke 6:17, after Jesus chose the twelve apostles, a great multitude of people came to hear Him and be healed. In addition to Judea and Jerusalem, from where did they come?A. The wildernessB. The seacoast of Tyre and SidonC. SamariaD. Nazareth

7. In Luke 6:17-18, After Jesus chose the twelve apostles and came down from the mountain, why did a great multitude surround Him?A. To crucify HimB. To make Him kingC. To hear Him and be healedD. To be fed

8. In Luke 6:19, when the multitude of people sought to touch Jesus, power went out from Him and healed whom?A. All of themB. Those with leprosyC. Those with great faithD. The demon possessed

9. In Luke 6:20, Jesus said, “Blessed are you poor, for .”A. You shall have great richesB. You will be peacemakersC. You shall be called sons of GodD. Yours is the kingdom of God

10. In Luke 6:23, Jesus told His disciples to “rejoice in that day and leap for joy” for what reason?A. Indeed My hour has comeB. Indeed great is the Father’s loveC. Indeed your reward is great in heavenD. Indeed the kingdom is at hand

11. According to Luke 6:26, why did Jesus say, “woe to you when all men speak well of you”?A. For you are receiving your comfort in fullB. For so did their fathers to the false prophets C. For man’s ways are before the eyes of the LordD. For the Father who sees in secret will reward in secret

12. In Luke 6:27-28, Jesus told His disciples to “love your enemies” and do what?A. Greet them with a holy kissB. Bless those who curse youC. Pray for those who spitefully use youD. Both B and C

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Page 17: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

13. According to Luke 6:29, what did Jesus instruct His disciples to do to “him who strikes you on the one cheek”?A. Be slow to angerB. Be slow to speak C. Do to him likewiseD. Offer the other also

14. In Luke 6:29, what does Jesus tell the disciples not to withhold from him who takes away their cloak?A. Any taxes due himB. Any good thingC. Their tunicD. The hand of fellowship

15. In Luke 6:32, Jesus asked His disciples, “If you love those who love you, what credit is that you?” Whom did He say loves those who love them?A. Even demonsB. Even sinnersC. All menD. Even a good man

16. According to Luke 6:34, Jesus said that sinners will lend to sinners for what reason?A. To receive as much backB. For great is their rewardC. To multiply their talentsD. For God sends rain on the just and unjust

17. According to Luke 6:35, what did Jesus tell His disciples will happen if you “love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return”? A. You will be sons of the Most HighB. You shall receive these things back sevenfold C. Your reward will be greatD. Both A and C

18. In Luke 6:35-36, Jesus said the Most High is kind to the unthankful and evil. What reason does Jesus give the disciples to be merciful?A. That it shall be given unto youB. That your reward may be in heavenC. Your Father also is mercifulD. That it may be well with you and you may live long upon the Earth

19. According to Luke 6:39, when speaking a parable to them, what did Jesus say would happen if the blind lead the blind?A. They will both overcome adversityB. They will both fall into the ditchC. They both will get lostD. They will encourage one another

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20. In Luke 6:40, Jesus told the disciples that a disciple is not above his teacher. Whom does Jesus say will be like his teacher?A. Everyone who is perfectly trainedB. He who hears the word and obeysC. He who hears the word onlyD. Everyone who buffets his body daily

21. According to Luke 6:42, who did Jesus say tries to remove a speck from his brother’s eye when he does not see the plank in his own eye?A. A SamaritanB. A PhariseeC. A hypocriteD. A sinner

22. In Luke 6:45, Jesus said, “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.” From where does man’s mouth speak?A. Out of the abundance of his heartB. Out of desolate placesC. Out of his best intentionsD. Out of his strongest desires

23. In Luke 6:47-48, Jesus describes a man who building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. Who does Jesus say is like this man?A. Whoever comes to MeB. Whoever hears My sayingsC. Whoever does My sayingsD. All of the above

Chapter 7

1. In Luke 7:1, when Jesus had concluded all His sayings in the hearing of the people, what city did He enter?A. JerusalemB. CapernaumC. BethlehemD. Antioch

2. In Luke 7:1-2, when Jesus entered the city of Capernaum, who was sick and ready to die?A. LazarusB. A centurionC. A centurion’s servantD. A Samaritan woman

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3. According to Luke 7:3, when the centurion heard about Jesus, whom did he send to plead with Jesus to come and heal his servant?A. One of the twelve B. A messengerC. One of his soldiersD. Elders of the Jews

4. According to Luke 7:4-5, when the elders of the Jews came to Jesus, begging Jesus earnestly to heal the centurion’s servant, what did they say was the reason the centurion was deserving?A. He has kept all the commandments from his youthB. He loves our nation, and has built us a synagogueC. He helped rebuild the temple after our people were released from Babylonian captivityD. He is an important man, a leader of great importance to Rome

5. According to Luke 7:6-7, when Jesus went with the elders of the Jews to heal the centurion’s servant, and was not far from the centurion’s house, what message did the centurion’s friends bring to Jesus?A. Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy that you should enter under my roofB. It is finishedC. If you had been here, he would not have diedD. Come and see Lord

6. According to Luke 7:9-10, Jesus marveled at the words of the centurion delivered by his friends. What did Jesus say He had not found, not even in Israel?A. A friend such as thisB. One so humble and selflessC. Such great faithD. One willing to lose his favorite servant

7. According to Luke 7:11-12, the day after healing the centurion’s servant, Jesus went to the city of Nain with many of His disciples. What was happening at the city gate?A. Multitudes were gathering to be healedB. A dead man was being carried outC. The chief priest and scribes were plotting how they might arrest JesusD. Someone touched the hem of Jesus’ garment

8. According to Luke 7:12-13, the man being carried out of Nain was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. What did the Lord say when He saw the widow and had compassion on her?A. Fear not for I am with youB. He is not dead but only sleepingC. Your son will rise againD. Do not weep

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9. According to Luke 7:12-14, in the city of Nain, when Jesus came and touched the open coffin of the widow’s son, what did Jesus say?A. Come forth B. Dust you are, and to the dust shall you returnC. Your faith has made you wellD. Young man, I say to you arise

10. According to Luke 7:16-17, after Jesus healed the widow’s son in Nain, fear came upon all, and they glorified God saying what?A. Surely this man is the Son of God B. God has visited His peopleC. A great prophet has risen among usD. Both B and C

11. According to Luke 7:19, two of John’s disciples were sent to ask Jesus if He was what?A. The new High PriestB. The Coming OneC. The SaviorD. The Messiah

12. According to Luke 7:21, when were many cured of infirmities, afflictions, and evil spirits?A. When they believedB. When they called Jesus LORDC. After they had returned homeD. At that very hour

13. According to Luke 7:22, what were John’s disciples instructed to go and tell John regarding the poor?A. They were made richB. Their debts were erasedC. They were given foodD. The gospel was preached to them

14. According to Luke 7:23, who did Jesus say was blessed?A. He who is not offended because of MeB. Those that followed John’s teachingsC. The poor in spiritD. Those who had their sins forgiven

15. According to Luke 7:28, Jesus said that there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist. Who did He say was greater than John?A. All who believed in JesusB. Those who were least in the kingdom of GodC. The childrenD. Those who heard the word of God

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16. According to Luke 7:29, even what group justified God after hearing Jesus?A. The scribesB. The PhariseesC. The tax collectorsD. The high priests

17. According to Luke 7:30, what group rejected the will of God for themselves?A. The scribes B. The Pharisees and the lawyersC. The tax collectorsD. The high priests

18. According to Luke 7:31-32, to what does Jesus liken the men of this generation?A. Reeds blown by the windB. Children in the marketplaceC. Wolves in sheep’s clothingD. A rudderless ship

19. According to Luke 7:33, John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and what was said about him?A. He loves all unconditionallyB. He is speaking in tonguesC. He has a demonD. He does not speak the truth

20. According to Luke 7:34, what was said about the Son of Man when He came eating and drinking?A. He was a gluttonB. He was a winebibberC. He was a friend of tax collectors and sinnersD. All of the above

21. According to Luke 7:35, by what is wisdom justified?A. Her childrenB. Her faithC. Her serviceD. Her works

22. According to Luke 7:37, what did the woman bring to the Pharisee’s house?A. Unclean foodB. Her sick childC. A man who was not her husbandD. An alabaster flask of fragrant oil

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23. According to Luke 7:37-38, what did the woman use to wash the feet of Jesus?A. Her tearsB. WaterC. The fragrant oilD. Wine

24. According to Luke 7:38, what did the woman use to wipe the feet of Jesus?A. A towelB. The hair of her headC. The hem of her garmentD. She didn’t wipe them

25. According to Luke 7:41, how much did each debtor owe the creditor?A. One owed ten shekels and the other fiveB. One owed fifty denarii and the other tenC. One owed one hundred talents and the other fiftyD. One owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty

26. According to Luke 7:44, what did Simon NOT give to Jesus when Jesus entered his house? A. Water for His feetB. Food to eatC. A place to sitD. A welcome

27. According to Luke 7:47, why were the woman’s many sins forgiven?A. Her strong faithB. Her sacrifice of oilC. She loved muchD. Her request for forgiveness

28. According to Luke 7:47, what happens to the one to whom little is forgiven?A. The same is not gratefulB. The same loves littleC. The same doesn’t understand great loveD. The same is not changed

29. According to Luke 7:49, what did those who sat at the table with Him begin to say to themselves?A. Why didn’t Simon wash His feet?B. Why didn’t Jesus forgive me?C. Who is this woman?D. Who is this who even forgives sins?

30. According to Luke 7:50, what did Jesus say had saved the woman?A. Her faithB. Her sacrificeC. Her loveD. Her actions

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Chapter 8

1. According to Luke 8:2, how many demons had come out of Mary called Magdalene?A. SevenB. FourC. TwentyD. Ten

2. According to Luke 8:5, what happened to the seed that fell by the wayside?A. It was trampled downB. The birds devoured itC. The wind blew it awayD. Both A and B

3. According to Luke 8:6, what happened to the seed that fell on the rock?A. The wind blew it awayB. It withered away because it lacked moistureC. The birds came and ate itD. The rains washed it away

4. According to Luke 8:7, what happened to the seed that fell among thorns?A. It produced fruitB. The heat of the sun withered itC. The thorns sprang up and choked itD. The wind blew it away

5. According to Luke 8:8, how much crop did the seed that fell on good ground yield?A. DoubleB. TripleC. TenfoldD. Hundredfold

6. According to Luke 8:11, what is the seed?A. The law of MosesB. The rituals of the PhariseesC. The word of GodD. The words of the prophets

7. According to Luke 8:12, the devil comes and takes the word out of what lest they should believe and be saved?A. Their ears B. Their thoughtsC. Their mindsD. Their hearts

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8. According to Luke 8:13, how do the ones on the rock receive the word?A. With anticipationB. With hesitationC. With understandingD. With joy

9. According to Luke 8:14, with what are the ones who fell among thorns choked?A. CaresB. RichesC. Pleasures of lifeD. All of the above

10. According to Luke 8:15, what do those with a noble and good heart do with the word?A. Treasure it and teach itB. Keep it and bear fruitC. Understand itD. Hear it and follow it

11. According to Luke 8:19 who could not approach Jesus because of the crowd?A. His mother and brothersB. The scribesC. His apostlesD. The Pharisees

12. According to Luke 8:21, who does Jesus say are His mother and brothers?A. These who hear the word of God and do itB. These who believe like childrenC. Those who follow the law of MosesD. All people

13. According to Luke 8:22-23, while Jesus and His disciples were in a boat crossing the lake, what did Jesus do? A. Walked on waterB. Caught a fish with a coin in its mouthC. Fell asleepD. Prayed for the multitudes following Him

14. According to Luke 8:24-25, what did Jesus ask His disciples after He rebuked the wind and the raging water? A. “Why are you afraid?”B. “Where is your faith?C. “When will we reach shore?”D. “Whose sin has brought this storm?”

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15. According to Luke 8:26, where did Jesus and His disciples sail after He rebuked the wind and the raging water? A. The country of the GadarenesB. The country of GoshenC. The country of the GalatiansD. The country of the Nazarenes

16. According to Luke 8:27, where did the man possessed by demons live? A. Outside the city in the refuse dumpB. With the lepersC. In the tombsD. In deserted ruins of an old house

17. In Luke 8:29, what restrictions had been placed on the man possessed by many demons? A. Only vinegar and gall to drinkB. A guard to keep him away from the cityC. Chains and shacklesD. Bonds made of green rope

18. According to Luke 8:30, what was the name of the man possessed by many demons? A. LegendB. LazarusC. LuciusD. Legion

19. According to Luke 8:32, where did Jesus permit the demons to go?A. Into a herd of swineB. Into a flock of sheepC. Into a pack of wolvesD. Into a herd of cattle

20. According to Luke 8:34, where did those who saw Jesus miraculously banish the demos tell about it? A. In the templeB. In the city and in the countryC. In Pilate’s courtD. In their synagogue

21. According to Luke 8:37, how did the multitudes respond to the healing of the demon possessed man? A. They praised JesusB. They brought their sick to Him to healC. They asked Jesus to departD. They begged the man who had been possessed to become their leader

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22. According to Luke 8:41, what job did Jairus have? A. Ruler of the synagogueB. Centurion of the Roman armyC. HerdsmanD. Tentmaker

23. According to Luke 8:42, why did Jairus come to Jesus?A. His son was dyingB. His daughter was dyingC. He was a leperD. He wanted Jesus to stop teaching

24. In Luke 8:43-44, what did the woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years do?A. Touched the border of Jesus’ garmentB. Begged Jesus to stop and heal herC. Asked Peter to take her to JesusD. Touched the hand of Jesus

25. In Luke 8:48, what did Jesus say to this woman after her flow of blood had been healed?A. “Go and show yourself to the priest.”B. “Rejoice in the Father’s love.”C. “Your healing is a sign from your Father in heaven.”D. “Your faith has made you well.”

26. According to Luke 8:49, what message did Jairus receive from his house?A. “Your brother is dead.” B. “Your wife is dead.”C. “Your daughter is dead.”D. “Your son is dead.”

27. According to Luke 8:50, what did Jesus tell Jairus to do and his daughter would be made well?A. “Go and sacrifice a lamb”B. “Only believe” C. “Pray without ceasing”D “Send for the high priest”

28. According to Luke 8:56, after Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter what did He tell her parents to do?A. Tell the chief priest what had happenedB. Continue to grow in faithC. Sell their belongings and follow HimD. Tell no one what had happened

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Chapter 9

1. According to Luke 9:1, what power did Jesus give His twelve disciples besides the power and authority to cure diseases?A. Power and authority to raise the deadB. Power and authority to change stones to breadC. Power and authority to make the sun stand stillD. Power and authority over all demons

2. In Luke 9:2-5, Jesus sent out the twelve to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. What did Jesus tell them to do when they went out of a city where they were not received?A. Throw dust into the airB. Shake the dust from their feetC. Put on sackclothD. Ask God to forgive those who refused to listen

3. According to Luke 9:7, who was perplexed when he heard of all that was done by Jesus?A. CaiaphasB. PilateC. HerodD. Felix

4. According to Luke 9:8, what specific Old Testament prophet did some say had reappeared as Jesus?A. EzekielB. ElijahC. DanielD. Jeremiah

5. In Luke 9:9, what had already happened to John the Baptist when Herod heard of things that Jesus had done?A. He was in prisonB. He was beheadedC. He was exiled to a small islandD. He was crucified

6. According to Luke 9:10, where did Jesus take His apostles when they had returned from preaching?A. BethanyB. BeershebaC. BethsaidaD. Bethlehem

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7. According to Luke 9:13, what food items did Jesus and His apostles have available to feed the multitudes following them?A. Two loaves and five fishB. Three loaves and four fishC. Five loaves and two fishD. One loaf and one fish

8. In Luke 9:14, about how many men did Jesus feed with the five loaves and two fish?A. 3,000B. 5,000C. 10,000D. 4,000

9. In Luke 9:17, how many baskets of leftover fragments were taken after feeding the multitude following Jesus?A. 12B. 7C. 5 D. 3

10.In Luke 9:20, who identified Jesus as “the Christ of God”?A. AndrewB. PeterC. JamesD. John

11. In Luke 9:22, at what time does Jesus tell His apostles that He will be raised from the dead?A. On PentecostB. On Judgment DayC. On the third dayD. On Passover

12. According to Luke 9:27, what does Jesus tell His disciples that some of them will live to see?A. The fall of the Roman Empire B. The glory of GodC. The kingdom of GodD. The Son of Man

13. According to Luke 9:28, who did Jesus NOT take up on the mountain to pray?A. PeterB. AndrewC. JohnD. James

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14. According to Luke 9:29-30, what happened to Jesus’ robe when Moses and Elijah talked with Him on the mountain?A. It became white and glisteningB. It became gold and shiningC. It became bright shining as the sunD. It became as the bright morning star

15. According to Luke 9:30, who talked with Jesus when He went up on the mountain to pray?A. Moses and JeremiahB. Moses and ElijahC. Moses and ElishaD. Moses and Isaac

16. In Luke 9:35, a voice came out of the cloud. What did it say?A. “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”B. “This is my beloved Son. Follow Him.”C. “This is my beloved Son. Hear Him!”D. “This is my beloved Son. Come to me.”

17. In Luke 9:38-39, a man from the multitude implored Jesus to look on his son who had an unclean spirit. What did the man NOT say that the spirit did to his son?A. It takes hold of him and he thrashes about B. It seizes him, and he suddenly cries outC. It convulses him so that he foams at the mouthD. It departs from him with great difficulty, bruising him

18. In Luke 9:42, when Jesus had come down from the mountain, what did He do to the unclean spirit in the son of a man from the multitude?A. Rebuked itB. Ignored itC. Disputed itD. Forbade it

19. In Luke 9:43-44, what words did Jesus tell His disciples to let sink down into their ears?A. “The Son of Man receives little children”B. “You are a faithless and perverse generation”C. “The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men”D. “The Son of Man will bear with you”

20. In Luke 9:48 when a dispute arose among the disciples about who would be the greatest, who did He say would receive Him (Jesus)?A. Whoever among you is humbleB. Whoever receives a little child in His nameC. Whoever is pure in heartD. Whoever asks Him

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21. According to Luke 9:48, when a dispute arose among the disciples about who would be the greatest, who did Jesus say will be great?A. He who is least among you allB. He who bears another’s burdensC. He who hears His voiceD. He who is amazed at the majesty of God

22. In Luke 9:49 who said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us”?A. JohnB. PeterC. JamesD. Judas

23. According to Luke 9:51, when the time had come for Jesus to be received up, where did He steadfastly set His face to go?A. HeavenB. JerusalemC. SamariaD. Bethsaida

24. According to Luke 9:52-53, who did not receive Jesus on His journey to Jerusalem?A. A village in TyreB. A village of the SamaritansC. A village of the GalileansD. A village in Sidon

25. According to Luke 9:54-55, which two disciples did Jesus rebuke saying, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of”? A. Peter and JohnB. James and JohnC. Peter and JamesD. Andrew and John

26. In Luke 9:57-59, as Jesus journeyed on the road to Jerusalem, He said to another, “Follow Me.” What was his response? A. “Lord, let me first go and bury my son” B. “Lord, let me first go and bury my father”C. “Lord, let me first go and bury my mother”D. “Lord, I will follow you wherever you go”

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Chapter 10

1. In Luke 10:1, how many men did the Lord appoint and send out two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go?A. EightyB. NinetyC. One hundredD. Seventy

2. According to Luke 10:2, when Jesus sent out the seventy, what did He say that the harvest truly is? A. Before themB. LackingC. GreatD. Ripe

3. In Luke 10:3, how did Jesus send out the seventy? A. As lambs among wolvesB. As shepherds in the fieldsC. As sheep among lionsD. As sheep among goats

4. According to Luke 10:5, when Jesus sent out the seventy, what did He tell them to first say at whatever house they entered? A. “Follow me”B. “Peace to this house”C. “The kingdom of God is near”D. “Behold the Son of Man”

5. According to Luke 10:7-9, which is NOT one of the things that Jesus told the seventy to do in every city He sent them to? A. Remain in the same houseB. Eat such things as are set before youC. Heal the sickD. Go from house to house

6. In Luke 10:10-12, what did Jesus say about any city that did not receive any of the seventy that He was sending into every city He was about to go?A. “The laborers are few in that city”B. “It will be more tolerable in that Day for Sodom than for that city”C. “The Son of Peace is not in that city”D. “The harvest is not great in that city”

7. According to Luke 10:13, to which two cities does Jesus say, “Woe to you”?A. Tyre and SidonB. Jericho and BethsaidaC. Chorazin and BethsaidaD. Capernaum and Sychar

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8. In Luke 10:15, what city does Jesus say will be brought down to Hades? A. CapernaumB. BethsaidaC. ChorazinD. Tyre

9. In Luke 10:16, when Jesus is speaking to the seventy He sent out, who does Jesus say rejects Him? A. He who sends you out of their cityB. He who rejects youC. He who brings judgment on youD. He who betrays you

10. According to Luke 10:17, the seventy returned with what?A. The LordB. Great richesC. JoyD. Babes

11. According to Luke 10:18, Jesus said to them that He saw Satan fall like what from heaven?A. HailB. LightningC. FireD. Demons

12. According to Luke 10:20, Jesus tells the seventy to rejoice because of what?A. The great riches that they will receiveB. Your names are written in heavenC. The feast that they are about partake ofD. What they have done

13. According to Luke 10:21, Jesus thanks the Father for hiding these things from the wise and prudent and revealing them to whom?A. BabesB. The seventyC. ProphetsD. Teachers

14. According to Luke 10:23, how did Jesus say this to His disciples, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see”?A. PubliclyB. IndividuallyC. PrivatelyD. Quietly

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Page 33: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

15. According to Luke 10:24, Jesus said that many have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.A. Prophets and kingsB. Prophets and teachersC. Pharisees and scribesD. Kings and lawyers

16. According to Luke 10:25, who stood up and asked, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”A. A certain teacherB. A certain priestC. A certain lawyerD. A certain scribe

17. According to Luke 10:27, how should you love the LORD your God?A. With all your heart, with all your soulB. With all your strengthC. With all you mindD. All of the above

18. According to Luke 10:30, a certain man was traveling to what city when he fell among thieves?A. JerichoB. JerusalemC. CapernaumD. Samaria

19. According to Luke 10:33-34, what did the Samaritan do for the man who fell among thieves?A. Had compassion on him and bandaged his woundsB. Passed by on the other sideC. Poured oil and wine on himD. Both A and C

20. According to Luke 10:33-36, who showed mercy on the man who fell among thieves?A. PriestsB. A certain SamaritanC. LevitesD. Prophet

21. According to Luke 10:39, who sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word in Martha’s house?A. Martha’s sister, MaryB. Jesus’ mother, MaryC. Mary MagdaleneD. James’ mother, Mary

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22. According to Luke 10:40, what was Martha distracted with?A. ServingB. CleaningC. TalkingD. Cooking

Chapter 11

1. According to Luke 11:1, as Jesus was praying, His disciples asked Him to teach them to pray as taught his disciples to pray.A. JohnB. JamesC. LukeD. Jonah

2. According to Luke 11:2-4, as Jesus instructed His disciples to pray, which of these did He NOT tell them to say?A. Your will be done on Earth as it is in heavenB. Bless the food they are about to receiveC. Deliver us from the evil oneD. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us

3. According to Luke 11:4, as Jesus instructs His disciples to pray, who are they instructed to ask deliverance from?A. The evil oneB. The PhariseesC. Their enemiesD. The scribes

4. According to Luke 11:5, how many loaves did the friend ask for?A. 5 loavesB. 3 loavesC. 7 loavesD. 12 loaves

5. According to Luke 11:8, why did the friend receive the loaves he asked for?A. Because of their friendshipB. Because of persistenceC. Because he was in needD. Because he was hungry

6. According to Luke 11:9, what does Jesus tell His disciples to do?A. Ask, seek, and knockB. Knock, open, and goC. Seek, fish and eatD. Demand, seek, and find

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7. According to Luke 11:14, why did the multitudes marvel?A. Because the mute spokeB. Because of the Holy SpiritC. Because of BeelzebubD. Because of the ruler of the demons

8. According to Luke 11:17, what happens to a house divided against a house?A. It standsB. It fallsC. It leansD. It gets stronger

9. According to Luke 11:20, when Jesus said, “But if I cast out demons with the finger of God,” what has come upon you?A. The kingdom of GodB. The kingdom of SatanC. The kingdom of the prince of the worldD. The kingdom of the strong man

10. According to Luke 11:24, when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, where does he go?A. Through dry places, seeking restB. Through populated places, seeking othersC. Through dry places, seeking someone to devourD. Through swept places, finding others

11. According to Luke 11:26, when is the last state of a man worse than the first?A. When the evil spirit comes back with 12 other spiritsB. When the evil spirit comes back with 7 other spiritsC. When the evil spirit comes back with 3 other spiritsD. When the evil spirit comes back with 5 other spirits

12. According to Luke 11:27, what did the woman raise as she spoke?A. Her handB. Her voiceC. Her armD. Her child

13. According to Luke 11:28, who did Jesus say are blessed?A. Those who hear and keep the word of GodB. Those who seek and find the word of GodC. Those who ask for the word of GodD. Those who believe the word of God

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14. According to Luke 11:30, just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, the Son of Man will be a sign to whom?A. The disciplesB. The prophetsC. This generationD. The apostles

15. According to Luke 11:31, where is the queen from who came to hear the wisdom of Solomon?A. NorthB. SouthC. EastD. West

16. According to Luke 11:31, the queen will rise in the judgment with whom?A. JesusB. SolomonC. JonahD. The men of this generation

17. According to Luke 11:31-32, who is here?A. A greater than JonahB. A greater than SolomonC. A greater than the queen of the SouthD. Both A & B

18. According to Luke 11:34, the eye is the lamp of what?A. The bodyB. The spiritC. The mindD. The church

19. According to Luke 11:33, when one lights a lamp, where does he put it?A. A secret placeB. Under a basketC. On a lampstandD. In the darkness

20. According to Luke 11:35, Jesus says, take heed that the light within you is not what?A. DarknessB. Full of strifeC. BadD. Hidden

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21. In Luke 11:37, who asked Jesus to dine with him?A. A certain SadduceeB. A certain PhariseeC. A certain GentileD. A certain disciple

22. In Luke 11:39, when Jesus said that the Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, what did He say that their inward part was full of?A. Lust and deceitB. Dirt and filthC. Greed and wickednessD. Space and emptiness

23. In Luke 11:44 when Jesus says, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,” what does He call them?A. JudgesB. Evil-doersC. SinnersD. Hypocrites

24. In Luke 11:52, Jesus said, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of” what?A. JudgmentB. InnocenceC. The kingdomD. Knowledge

Chapter 12

1. According to Jesus in Luke 12:1, what is the leaven of the Pharisees?A. HypocrisyB. GreedC. PrideD. Deceit

2. In Luke 12:6-7, when Jesus said that five sparrows are not forgotten before God, what does He say are all numbered?A. The stars of heavenB. The grass in the fieldC. The very hairs of your head D. The sand by the seashore

3. In Luke 12:8, Jesus states that “whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before” whom?A. The throne of HeavenB. The angels of GodC. The disciples of ChristD. The Jews and the Gentiles

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Page 38: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

4. In Luke 12:11-12, Jesus teaches the multitude not to worry about how or what they should answer when they are brought to the synagogues, magistrates, and authorities. Who or what does He say will teach them what to say?A. The word of GodB. The LordC. The disciples of ChristD. The Holy Spirit

5. In Luke 12:14-15, what does Jesus say to take heed and be aware of, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses?A. Evil possessionsB. Money in the bankC. ThievesD. Covetousness

6. According Luke 12:21, a man is a fool who lays up treasure for himself, and is not what toward God?A. ObedientB. RichC. HumbleD. Zealous

7. In Luke 12:22-23, when Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about their life, what two basic necessities does He refer to?A. Shelter and clothingB. Food and waterC. Air and waterD. Food and clothing

8. In Luke 12:24, when Jesus is teaching His disciples not to worry, what creatures does He say neither sow nor reap and God feeds them?A. SheepB. DovesC. RavensD. Goats

9. In Luke 12:25, Jesus tells us we cannot add one cubit to our lives by doing what?A. Being angryB. WorryingC. Lying D. Storing up treasures on Earth

10. In Luke 12:31, Jesus states that “all these things shall be added to you” if we seek what?A. The kingdom of GodB. The glory of the FatherC. The love of the FatherD. The obedience of Christ

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11. In Luke 12:34, what does Jesus say will also be where your treasure is?A. Your mindB. Your timeC. Your spiritD. Your heart

12. In Luke 12:40, Jesus says, “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming .”

A. At the break of dawnB. In the dark of nightC. At the Father’s requestD. At an hour you do not expect

13. According to Luke 12:48, for everyone to whom much is given, what will be required from him?A. CommitmentB. A generous spiritC. MuchD. Faithfulness

14. In Luke 12:51, Jesus said that He came to give division rather than what?A. PeaceB. ComfortC. JoyD. Happiness

15. In Luke 12:54, Jesus said to the multitudes, “Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say, ; and so it is.”A. There will be hot weatherB. A shower is comingC. A great wind is comingD. Fair weather is coming

16. In Luke 12:58, what did Jesus say that you should make every effort to do when you go with your adversary to the magistrate?A. Plead with himB. Agree with himC. Settle with himD. Contend with him

Chapter 13

1. According to those present with Jesus in Luke 13:1, whose blood did Pilate mingle with their sacrifices?A. SadduceesB. PhariseesC. DisciplesD. Galileans

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Page 40: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

2. In Luke 13:1-5, what did Jesus say to those who were present that they must do, or they would perish?A. Pray B. RepentC. ForgiveD. Bow to the Father

3. In Luke 13:6-9, Jesus tells a parable about a fig tree planted in a vineyard that did not bear fruit for three years. What did the keeper of the vineyard tell the owner that he would do for the fig tree for another year to see if it would bear fruit? A. Set a hedge around itB. Prune it and prayC. Dig around it and fertilize itD. Water it

4. In Luke 13:11-13, Jesus healed a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years. What was her infirmity?A. She was bent over and could not raise herself upB. She had an issue of bloodC. She was blindD. She had crippled feet

5. According to Luke 13:14, after Jesus healed the woman who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years, what did the ruler of the synagogue say to the people?A. That Jesus was a blasphemerB. That they all should give thanksC. That Jesus was the son of SatanD. That they should come to be healed on a workday, and not on the Sabbath

6. In Luke 13:15, what did Jesus call the ruler of the synagogue after he complained about His healing on the Sabbath?A. WickedB. HypocriteC. Foolish oneD. Blind guide

7. In Luke 13:18-19, to what did Jesus compare the kingdom of God?A. Barley seedB. Mustard seedC. Coriander seedD. Olive seed

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Page 41: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

8. In Luke 13:19, Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed. What happened when it grew and became a large tree?A. It was cut down and thrown into the fireB. The birds nested in its branchesC. It was pruned by the gardenerD. It provided a place of shade and rest

9. In Luke 13:20-21, Jesus likened the kingdom of God to what, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal?A. OilB. LeavenC. FlourD. Lentils

10. According to Luke 13:22, as Jesus went through the cities and villages teaching, to where was He journeying?A. NazarethB. SamariaC. JerusalemD. Galilee

11. In Luke 13:24, Jesus said we should strive to enter through the narrow gate. Why?A. It is the path of least resistanceB. Because not many will know the wayC. Many will lose their wayD. Many will seek to enter and not be able

12. In Luke 13:31, who told Jesus to “Get out and depart from here, for Herod wants to kill You”?A. Some PhariseesB. Some disciplesC. Some SadduceesD. Some priests

13. In Luke 13:32, Jesus said to tell Herod, “I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow.” What did He say would happen the third day?A. “I shall go to other villages.”B. “I shall be perfected.”C. “I shall be crucified.”D. “I shall fulfill prophecy.”

14. In Luke 13:33, Jesus said, “It cannot be that a prophet should perish outside” what city?A. His hometownB. JerusalemC. BethlehemD. Nazareth

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Page 42: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

15. In Luke 13:34, how did Jesus describe Jerusalem?A. The place of the TempleB. One who glorifies GodC. The only place to make sacrificesD. One who kills prophets and stones those who are sent to her

Chapter 14

1. In Luke 14:3-4, when Jesus was dining in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees, He asked the lawyers and Pharisees, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” How did they reply?A. They said it was not lawfulB. They said to come another day to be healedC. They pondered it in their heartsD. They kept silent

2. In Luke 14:7, when Jesus was dining with one of the rulers of the Pharisees, what did He note about those who were invited?A. They chose the best placesB. They dressed in fine clothesC. They ate with unclean handsD. They chose seats nearest to Jesus

3. According to Luke 14:10, in Jesus’ parable of the wedding feast, what did He advise guests to do?A. Sit down in the highest placeB. Wait till he who invited you tells you where to sitC. Sit down in the lowest placeD. Wait outside the door

4. In Luke 14:11, Jesus said, “he who humbles himself will be” what?A. ContentB. ExaltedC. Called children of GodD. Peacemakers

5. In Luke 14:13, whom did Jesus tell the one who invited Him to invite when giving a feast?A. Friends and familyB. Tax collectors and sinnersC. The poor, maimed, lame, and blindD. Your neighbor

6. In Luke 14:15, when Jesus was eating in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees, one of the guests said, “Blessed is he who shall eat bread” where?A. In the Kingdom of GodB. In the year of JubileeC. In the kingdom of DavidD. In the temple of the Lord

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Page 43: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

7. According to Luke 14:18-20, in the parable of the great supper, how did the guests respond to their invitations?A. They all hurried to the banquetB. They all chose places of honor to sitC. They all showed gratitudeD. They all made excuses

8. According to Luke 14:21, in the parable of the great supper, what did the master of the house do when the invited guests said that they could not come?A. He told his servant to bring in the poor, maimed, lame, and blindB. He invited them another timeC. He gave the banquet for his servantsD. He forgave them

9. In Luke 14:26, Jesus said to the great multitudes going with Him, “If anyone comes to Me and does not his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”A. HonorB. HateC. Pray forD. Love

10. In Luke 14:28, Jesus said “which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and ?”A. Consider the matter carefullyB. Make a planC. Pray to God for successD. Count the cost

11. According to Luke 14:29, what happens if a man lays a foundation for a building and is not able to finish it?A. All who see it will mock himB. He will be ashamedC. He will lose all that he hasD. All who see it will reprove him

12. According to Luke 14:31, what does a king consider before going to make war?A. Whether he has enough money for warB. Whether God is with himC. Whether he is able to meet him who comes against himD. Whether his men are strong and of good courage

13. According to Luke 14:31-32, if a king determines that he cannot win a war, what does he do?A. RetreatsB. Tries to make peaceC. SurrendersD. Asks God for guidance

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14. According to Luke 14:34-35, what do men do with salt that has lost its flavor?A. Throw it to the dogsB. Cast it into the fireC. Cast it into the lakeD. Throw it out

Chapter 15

1. According to Luke 15:1-4, who drew near to Jesus to hear the parable about a man having a hundred sheep when the Pharisees and scribes complained that "this Man receives sinners and eats with them?"A. All the apostle and disciplesB. All the tax collectors and the sinnersC. All the women and childrenD. Only Peter and James

2. According to Luke 15:4, in the parable about a man having a hundred sheep, where did the man leave the ninety-nine sheep while he searched for the lost one?A. The wildernessB. The pastureC. The riversideD. The stable

3. According to Luke 15:7, in the parable about a man having a hundred sheep, who will there be more rejoicing in heaven over than ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance?A. One child who obeys his parents in the LordB. One sinner who repentsC. One man who sings praises to GodD. One Pharisee who prays without ceasing

4. In Luke 15:8, what does the woman do who has ten silver coins when she loses one?A. Work ten days sewing clothes to replace the lost coinB. Call her neighbors and ask them to help her search for itC. Light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds itD. Command her children to clean the house and search the yard until they find it

5. In Luke 15:10, in whose presence is there joy when one sinner repents?A. The angels of GodB. Fathers and mothersC. The apostles of JesusD. The disciples of Christ

6. According to Luke 15:11-12, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, which son requested the portion of goods that fell to him?A. The youngerB. The olderC. The wiserD. The foolish

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Page 45: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

7. According to Luke 15:13, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, what did the younger son do with the livelihood that was divided to him?A. Journeyed to a far country, married a righteous woman, and served God all of his lifeB. Gathered all together, married a foreign wife, and worshipped her idolsC. Gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal livingD. Gathered all together, built a bigger barn than his father, and hoarded all of his possessions

8. According to Luke 15:15-16, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, what job did the young son have when he had to join himself to a citizen of a country?A. Till the groundB. Feed the swineC. Sweep the floorsD. Water the herds

9. According to Luke 15:17, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, when the son who journeyed to a far country came to himself, who did he say had bread enough and to spare?A. My father’s hired servantsB. My brother’s keeperC. My mother’s sonD. My neighbor’s hired servants

10. According to Luke 15:20-21, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, when the younger son returned from his journey and his father saw him a great way off, what did the father feel for the son?A. HatredB. CompassionC. SorrowD. Nothing

11. According to Luke 15:22, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, what did the father say to bring to the younger son when he returned from the journey? A. The fragrant spices and coinsB. The best robe, a ring, and sandalsC. Three changes of clothes and sandalsD. The best food and drink in the region

12. According to Luke 15:25, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, after the younger son returned from prodigal living and when the older son who was in the field came near to the house, what did the older son hear?A. Weeping and mourningB. Singing and feastingC. Music and dancingD. Laugher and merriment

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13. According to Luke 15:26-27, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, why does the servant say that the father killed the fatted calf?A. Your brother was exiled from the foreign countryB. Your mother was rejoicing over the lost sonC. Your mother was received safe and soundD. Your brother was received safe and sound

14. According to Luke 15:28, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, what was the older son’s reaction to the fatted calf being killed when the younger son returned from his journey to a far country?A. He was angryB. He was joyfulC. He was gratefulD. He was indifferent

15. According to Luke 15:32, in the parable that Jesus told about the man with two sons, how does the father describe the younger son to the older son when the father says it is right that we should make merry and be glad?A. Your brother is dead and will not repentB. Your bother was lost and has returned from a foreign landC. Your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is foundD. Your brother was ungrateful, and is now full of mercy and kindness

Chapter 16

1. According to Luke 16:1, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, what accusation was brought to the rich man about the steward?A. He was persecuting peopleB. He was wasting his goodsC. He was saving the master’s moneyD. He was digging ditches

2. According to Luke 16:3, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, what did his steward say he was ashamed to do when he heard that his master was taking the stewardship away from him?A. BegB. CryC. SleepD. Dig ditches

3. According to Luke 16:4-5, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward, why did the steward call the master’s debtors to him one by one?A. So they would give him money when he was in needB. So they would forgive his debts when he was poorC. So they would receive him into their housesD. So they would serve him when he was destitute

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4. According to Luke 16:5-6, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who called his master’s debtors to him that owed a hundred measures of oil, what was the new bill?A. ThirtyB. FortyC. FiftyD. Sixty

5. According to Luke 16:7, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who called his master’s debtors to him that owed a hundred measures of wheat, what was the new bill?A. FiftyB. SixtyC. SeventyD. Eighty

6. According to Luke 16:8, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who reduced the debt of the master’s debtors, how did the master react to the unjust steward for his shrewdness?A. CommendedB. CondemnedC. CriticizedD. Chastised

7. According to Luke 16:8, when Jesus told His disciples about a certain rich man who had a steward who reduced the debt of the master’s debtors, who did the master say was more shrewd in their generations than the sons of light?A. The sons of King SaulB. The daughters of LebanonC. The disciples of ChristD. The sons of this world

8. According to Luke 16:10, who will be faithful in much?A. One who is faithful in what is leastB. One who has seen GodC. One who prays without ceasingD. One who is faithful in much

9. According to Luke 16:13, if you are serving God, what can you not serve?A. SelfB. ManC. MammonD. Idols

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10. According to Luke 16:14, how were the Pharisees described by Jesus?A. Lovers of moneyB. Lovers of GodC. Haters of moneyD. Shrewd

11. When Jesus spoke to the Pharisees in Luke 16:15, who did He say knows their hearts?A. ManB. YourselfC. SatanD. God

12. According to Luke 16:18, what does a person commit who divorces his wife and marries another?A. SinB. AdulteryC. BlasphemyD. Evil

13. According to Luke 16:19, how was the rich man in the story about Lazarus clothed?A. Purple and fine linenB. Jewels and linenC. Camel skinsD. Tunic of linen

14. According to Luke 16:20-21, what did Lazarus desire to be fed while he was laid at the gate?A. Crumbs which fell from the rich man’s tableB. The fatted calfC. Locusts and wild honeyD. Gleanings from harvest

15. According to Luke 16:22, when Lazarus who was a beggar died, who carried him to Abraham’s bosom?A. WhirlwindB. SatanC. GodD. Angels

16. According to Luke 16:23, when the rich man died and was buried, where was he held in torments?A. EarthB. ChasmC. HadesD. Heaven

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17. According to Luke 16:24, when the rich man was in Hades, what did he ask Father Abraham to have on him?A. MercyB. FairnessC. JusticeD. Sorrow

18. According to Luke 16:24, who did the rich man want to have sent to Hades that he may did the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue?A. An angelB. GodC. LazarusD. A brother

19. According to Luke 16:25, what had the rich man in Hades received during his lifetime?A. Evil thingsB. Good thingsC. Many thingsD. Righteous things

20. According to Luke 16:28, how many brothers did the rich man in Hades have that he wanted Father Abraham to send Lazarus to testify to so that they would not have to come to the place of torment?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six

21. According to Luke 16:29, in the story about the rich man and Lazarus, who or what did Abraham say the brothers could hear?A. Moses and the prophetsB. Joshua and CalebC. Angels and the prophetsD. The Word of God

Chapter 17

1. In Luke 17:2, what is said to be better than offending one of these little ones? A. Having your hand cut offB. Being thrown into the sea with a millstone around your neck C. Being thrown from a high place into a burning lake of fireD. Being stoned to death by the Pharisees

2. In Luke 17:3, if your brother sins against you, what should you do? A. Bring him before the eldersB. Sin against himC. Rebuke himD. Pray for him

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Page 50: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

3.In Luke 17:3, if your brother sins against you and repents, what should you do? A. Take him before the churchB. Forgive himC. Prepare a feast for himD. Give him a holy kiss

4. In Luke 17:6, if you have faith as big as a mustard seed, what command can you give a mulberry tree, and it will obey? A. Wither awayB. Produce figs and almonds C. Bow down before meD. Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea

5. In Luke 17:7-8, when a servant was finished working in the fields, what were they normally told to do next? A. Come in and restB. Come into the house and bathe C. Prepare a meal for the masterD. Come inside and eat so that he can work in the field again

6. In Luke 17:10, what should you do after doing everything that was commanded you? A. Say, “We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do”B. Prepare a feastC. Wait for your brothers to thank youD. Search the scriptures for your reward

7. In Luke 17:11-12, what affliction did the ten men have that Jesus met on His way to Jerusalem? A. Blindness B. Deafness C. Leprosy D. Boils

8. In Luke 17:14, when were the ten men with leprosy cleansed? A. When Jesus touched their eyesB. On their way to see the priestC. After the priest prayed for themD. After they washed in the River Jordan

9. According to Luke 17:16, who returned to Jesus to praise God after being cleansed? A. Two men from the tribe of BenjaminB. A SamaritanC. A Levite D. An official from the tribe of Judah

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Page 51: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

10. According to Luke 17:19, what did Jesus say had made the man well? A. The man’s faith B. His obedience to bathe in the Jordan C. Prayers of the priest D. Jesus’ healing touch

11. According to Luke 17:21, where is the kingdom of God? A. In the land of JudahB. Within youC. In IsraelD. In Jerusalem

12. According to Luke 17:23, what does Jesus say you should do when people say, ‘look here!’ or ‘look there!’? A. Follow them B. Confront them C. Do not follow themD. Chastise them

13. According to Luke 17:24, what will the Son of Man be like in His day? A. Flashing lightning B. Rolling thunder C. A whirlwind D. Heavy rainfall

14. According to Luke 17:25, what will this generation do to Jesus? A. Flog him B. Accept himC. Reject himD. Follow him

15. According to Luke 17:26, what are the days of the Son of Man compared to from the Old Testament? A. The days of Elijah B. The days of Moses C. The days of David D. The days of Noah

16. According to Luke 17:29, what happened when Lot left Sodom? A. It rained fire and brimstoneB. Abraham met them and took them awayC. A violent earthquake struck nearbyD. The angel of The Lord took them into the desert

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17. According to Luke 17:33, what will happen to one who seeks to save his life? A. He will receive praise from his brothersB. He will lose his lifeC. He will suffer in pain D. He will receive a heavenly reward

Chapter 18

1. According to Luke 18:3, what did the widow say to the judge who did not fear God? A. Return my land to meB. Return my child to meC. Have my family give back my foodD. Get justice for me from my adversary

2. According to Luke 18:5, why did the judge who did not fear God help the widow? A. Because she troubled himB. Because he was able to collect money from her C. Because God told him to help herD. Because the people demanded that he help her

3. According to Luke 18:7-8, what will God do for His own elect who cry out day and night to Him? A. He will punish themB. He will save themC. He will avenge themD. He will ignore them

4. According to Luke 18:8, how will God avenge His elect that cry out to Him day and night?A. SpeedilyB. SlowlyC. FearfullyD. Faithfully

5. According to Luke 18:10, who were the two people in Jesus’ parable that went to the temple to pray?A. A Levite and a SamaritanB. A Pharisee and a tax collectorC. A Gentile and a widowD. Two scribes

6. According to Luke 18:13, which of the two people in Jesus’ parable that went to the temple to pray beat his chest and said “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!”?A. The tax collectorB. The SamaritanC. The GentileD. The Pharisee

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7. According to Luke 18:14, what will happen to anyone who exalts himself?A. He will be humbledB. He will be stonedC. He will sit at the right hand of JesusD. He will be highest among the Jews

8. According to Luke 18:15-16, when the disciples rebuked the people bringing infants to Jesus, what did Jesus do?A. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me”B. Jesus scolded the disciplesC. Jesus thanked the disciplesD. Jesus rebuked the disciples

9. In Luke 18:18-19, a ruler asked a question about eternal life. Who did Jesus say was good?A. GodB. The Holy SpiritC. Gabriel the angelD. The Son of God

10. In Luke 18:18-20, which of the following from the Ten Commandments did Jesus NOT list when the ruler asked Him what to do to inherit eternal life?A. Keep the Sabbath dayB. Do not commit adulteryC. Honor your father and your motherD. Do not steal

11. In Luke 18:18-22, a ruler was asked Jesus what to do to inherit eternal life. What did Jesus say he lacked?A. Sell a fifth of what you have, distribute to the poor, and follow meB. Sell a tenth of what you have, distribute to the poor, and follow meC. Sell half of what you have, distribute to the poor, and follow meD. Sell all that you have, distribute to the poor, and follow me

12. In Luke 18:20-21, Jesus was talking with a ruler about the Ten Commandments. What did the ruler say about them? A. I have tried to keep these from my youthB. I have kept some of these from my youthC. I have studied these from my youthD. All these things I have kept from my youth

13. In Luke 18:22-23, when Jesus told the rich young ruler to “sell all that you have and distribute to the poor,” how did he react?A. He went away rejoicing B. He went away ashamedC. He became very sorrowful D. He walked away angry

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14. In Luke 18:25, Jesus states that it is easier for what animal to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?A. OxenB. LambC. CamelD. Donkey

15. In Luke 18:25-26, Jesus states that it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. What did those who heard it say? A. Who then can be saved?B. Who then can believe?C. Who then can know God?D. Who then can endure?

16. In Luke 18:26-27, Jesus had just told the crowd that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Those who heard it said, “Who then can be saved?”. How did Jesus answer them? A. All things are possible with menB. All things are impossible with menC. The things which are impossible with men are possible with GodD. Some things are possible with God if you believe

17. According to Luke 18:27-28, what did Peter say when Jesus said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God”?A. We have followed all of your commandsB. We have followed the same commands as the rulerC. We have left all and followed youD. We have done all that was our duty to do

18. In Luke 18:29-30, what did Jesus say that those who left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God would receive in this present time?A. Power and riches and wisdomB. Eternal lifeC. Blessings from the LordD. Many times more

19. In Luke 18:31-32, Jesus took the twelve disciples aside and said, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished.” Which of the following did Jesus NOT list that would be fulfilled?A. He would be delivered to the GentilesB. He would be mocked and insultedC. A crown of thorns would be placed on His headD. He would be spit upon

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20. According to Luke 18:35, what city was Jesus coming near when there was a blind man who was sitting by the road begging? A. JerichoB. NazarethC. JerusalemD. Capernaum

21. According to Luke 18:41, what did the blind beggar near Jericho want from Jesus?A. To receive forgivenessB. To receive mercyC. To receive moneyD. To receive his sight

Chapter 19

1. In Luke 19:1-4, when Jesus entered and passed through Jericho, who climbed a tree in order to see Him?A. LazarusB. JairusC. ZachariasD. Zacchaeus

2. According to Luke 19:2, what was the position of Zacchaeus?A. Chief priestB. Chief of the peopleC. Chief tax collectorD. A nobleman

3. According to Luke 19:4, what type of tree did Zacchaeus climb in order to see Jesus?A. OliveB. FigC. SycamoreD. Palm

4. In Luke 19:5-8, when Jesus told Zacchaeus to come down so He could go to his house, what did Zacchaeus offer to do because he was a sinner?A. Give all of his goods to the poor B. Give half of his goods to the poorC. Give a tenth of his goods to the poorD. Give a fourth of his goods to the poor

5. In Luke 19:9-11, when Jesus entered the house of Zacchaeus, who did Jesus say that Zacchaeus was a son of?A. DavidB. ManC. AbrahamD. Alphaeus

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6. According to Luke 19:11, Jesus spoke the parable of the minas because He was near Jerusalem and for what other reason?A. Because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediatelyB. Because they were like sheep having no shepherdC. Because of the blindness of their heartD. Because of their unbelief

7. In Luke 19:12-13, a nobleman in the parable of the minas went to a far country to receive a kingdom and to return. The nobleman gave how many of his servants how many minas?A. Ten servants, ten minasB. Five servants, five minasC. One servant, ten minasD. Five servants, ten minas

8. In Luke 19:16-21, in the parable of the minas, how many servants came to tell the nobleman how much they had gained by trading?A. TenB. FiveC. EightD. Three

9. In Luke 19:18-19, in the parable of the minas, what did the nobleman give to the servant who earned five minas?A. Authority over five citiesB. Five more minasC. All he desiredD. What he had gained by trading

10. In Luke 19:20-21, why did the servant who kept his mina put away in a handkerchief fear his master?A. Because he was a nice manB. Because he was a powerful manC. Because he was a shrewd manD. Because he was an austere man

11. In Luke 19:24, in the parable of the minas, what happened to the servant that didn’t earn any minas?A. The mina he had been given was taken from himB. He was put in prisonC. He was put to deathD. He was cast out

12. According to Luke 19:29, what was the name of the mountain Jesus came to near Bethphage and Bethany?A. SinaiB. EbalC. ZionD. Olivet

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13. According to Luke 19:30, what kind of animal did Jesus ask the disciples to bring to Him?A. A coltB. A camelC. A pigeonD. A lamb

14. In Luke 19:35, what did the disciples throw on the colt?A. Their own clothesB. A saddleC. Palm leavesD. A load of grain

15. In Luke 19:39, what did some of the Pharisees tell Jesus to do?A. Turn the stones into breadB. Rebuke Your disciplesC. Give glory to GodD. Leave this place

16. According to Luke 19:40, if the disciples kept silent, who or what would immediately cry out?A. JesusB. The little childrenC. The stonesD. The mountains

17. According to Luke 19:41, what did Jesus do when He saw Jerusalem?A. Rejoiced over itB. Wept over itC. Lifted his eyes and prayed to GodD. Returned to Nazareth

18. In Luke 19:41, what did Jesus weep over?A. The cityB. The templeC. The childrenD. The sinners

19. According to Luke 19:45, when Jesus entered the temple courts, who did He begin to drive out?A. The PhariseesB. The scribesC. The Pharisees and the scribesD. Those who bought and sold in it

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20. In Luke 19:46, what did Jesus say His house had been made into?A. A house of worshipB. A den of thievesC. A marketplaceD. A corrupt house

21. According to Luke 19:47, where was Jesus teaching daily?A. The mountainB. The templeC. The fieldD. The courtyard

22. In Luke 19:47, what were the chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the leaders of the people trying to do to Jesus?A. Destroy HimB. Drive Him outC. Praise HimD. Worship Him

Chapter 20

1. In Luke 20:1, where was Jesus teaching the people and preaching the gospel?A. The templeB. The mountainC. The Sea of GalileeD. The Mount of Olives

2. In Luke 20:1-4, when Jesus’ authority was questioned by the chief priests, scribes, and elders, what baptism did He refer to?A. The baptism of the Holy SpiritB. The baptism of JohnC. The baptism of fireD. The baptism of repentance

3. In Luke 20:6, the people were persuaded that John was what?A. The son of GodB. The MessiahC. JesusD. A prophet

4. In Luke 20:9, what did a certain man plant and lease to vinedressers?A. A gardenB. A fieldC. A vineyardD. Wheat

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Page 59: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

5. In Luke 20:13, who was the last person the owner sent to the vinedressers?A. His beloved sonB. A servantC. A landownerD. A prophet

6. According to Luke 20:14, who did the vinedressers decide to kill in order to receive the inheritance?A. The workerB. The heirC. The landownerD. The servant

7. According to Luke 20:17, what had the stone which the builders rejected become?A. The chief cornerstoneB. The stonewallC. The templeD. The hewn altar

8. According to Luke 20:18, what will happen to whoever falls on that stone?A. He will dieB. He will be brokenC. He will give away authorityD. He will rule the people

9. According to Luke 20:18, what will happen to whomever the stone falls on?A. He will be ground to powderB. He will become the chief cornerstoneC. He will never dieD. He will live again

10. In Luke 20:19, who sought to lay hands on Jesus?A. The PhariseesB. The RomansC. The vinedresserD. The chief priests and the scribes

11. In Luke 20:20-24, what did Jesus tell the spies who asked Him about paying taxes to Caesar to show Him?A. A denariusB. A signC. A shekelD. A silver coin

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12. In Luke 20:25, what did Jesus say to render to God?A. The things that are Caesar’sB. The things that are God’sC. A denariusD. Those seeking to destroy him

13. According to Luke 20:27, who denied that there is a resurrection?A. PhariseesB. SadduceesC. SanhedrinD. Jews

14. According to the Sadducees in Luke 20:28, Moses wrote that if a man’s brother dies, having a wife and without children, his brother should take his wife and do what?A. Care for herB. Comfort herC. Love herD. Raise up offspring for his brother

15. In Luke 20:37-38, after Jesus tells the Sadducees that at the burning bush Moses called the Lord “the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Jesus then says that “He is not the God of” whom?A. SatanB. The wickedC. The unfaithfulD. The dead

16. In Luke 20:38, who did Jesus tell the Sadducees that the Lord is the God of?A. The deadB. The livingC. The JewsD. The whole Earth

17. In Luke 20:39, when Jesus responded to the Sadducees about the resurrection, what did some of the scribes say to Jesus?A. “Teacher, you have spoken well.”B. “Teacher, you have spoken blasphemy.”C. “Teacher, what would you have us do?”D. “Teacher, you have challenged us.”

18. In Luke 20:46, who did Jesus say desired to go around in long robes, loved greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts?A. PhariseesB. SadduceesC. ScribesD. The Sanhedrin

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19. According to Luke 20:46-47, Jesus said scribes for a pretense make long prayers and do what to widows’ houses?A. DestroyB. DevourC. BuildD. Create

20. According to Luke 20:47, what did Jesus say will happen to the scribes that devour widows’ houses and for pretense make long prayers?A. Receive great praiseB. Receive greater condemnationC. Receive the wrath of GodD. Receive nothing

Chapter 21

1. According to Luke 21:1-2, how many mites did the widow put into the treasury?A. 1 miteB. 2 mitesC. 3 mitesD. 4 mites

2. According to Luke 21:3, what did Jesus say about the widow who put two mites into the treasury?A. She is filled with goodnessB. She has a sincere heartC. She has put in more than allD. She has treasure stored up in heaven

3. In Luke 21:4, Jesus said that everyone, but the widow, had put in offerings for God out of what?A. Their livelihoodB. Their selfishnessC. Their prideD. Their abundance

4. According to Luke 21:5, with what was the temple adorned?A. Gold and silverB. Beautiful stones and donationsC. MarbleD. Statues

5. In Luke 21:8, Jesus told His disciples not to be deceived. For many would come in His name saying what?A. “I am He”B. “The time has drawn near”C. “Worship me”D. Both A and B

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6. In Luke 21:9, when Jesus said that the end will not come immediately, what did He say must come to pass first?A. War and famineB. Death and destructionC. Wars and commotionsD. Disease and death

7. In Luke 21:9, Jesus said that wars and commotions must come to pass first. What did He say will not come immediately?A. The endB. The resurrectionC. The day of the LordD. Death

8. In Luke 21:12, who did Jesus tell His disciples that they would be brought before for His name’s sake?A. The peopleB. The chief priests and eldersC. Kings and rulersD. The rich and powerful

9. According to Luke 21:15, what did Jesus say that He would give His disciples which their adversaries would not be able to contradict or resist?A. Wisdom and strengthB. Courage and a mouth C. Strength and courageD. A mouth and wisdom

10. In Luke 21:20, what did Jesus tell His disciples to know when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies?A. Its desolation was nearB. The end was comingC. Death would be quick to followD. Persecution would follow

11. In Luke 21:24, by whom did Jesus say that Jerusalem would be trampled?A. PhariseesB. GentilesC. JewsD. Romans

12. In Luke 21:27, whom did Jesus say that men would see coming in a cloud with power and great glory?A. The Son of GodB. The Son of AbrahamC. The Son of ManD. The Son of David

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13. In Luke 21:29, when Jesus spoke to them a parable, what tree is already budding when they see and know that summer is now near?A. OakB. SycamoreC. AshD. Fig

14. According to Luke 21:30, what did the budding of the fig tree mean?A. Winter was nearB. Spring was nearC. Summer was nearD. Fall was near

15. In Luke 21:33, when Jesus said that heaven and Earth will pass away, what did He say would not pass away?A. His wordsB. His deedsC. His peopleD. His life

16. In Luke 21:34, Jesus said to “take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with” what?A. Anger, hatred, and the woes of this lifeB. Jealousies, uncleanness, and envyC. Lust, selfish ambitions, and outburst of wrathD. Carousing, drunkenness, and the cares of this life

17. According to Luke 21:37, where was Jesus teaching in the daytime?A. In the synagogueB. In the templeC. In the gardenD. On the mountain

18. According to Luke 21:37, on what mountain was Jesus staying at night?A. OlivetB. CarmelC. SinaiD. Ararat

Chapter 22

1. In Luke 22:1, what other name is used to describe the Passover?A. The Feast of the AtonementB. The Feast of the Unleavened BreadC. The Feast of DedicationD. The Feast of Weeks

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2. According to Luke 22:2, who sought how they might kill Jesus, for they feared the people?A. The chief priests and scribesB. The PhariseesC. The tax collectorsD. The Sadducees

3. According to Luke 22:5, what did the chief priests and captains agree to give Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus?A. CattleB. JewelsC. LandD. Money

4. According to Luke 22:8, who did Jesus send to prepare the Passover? A. All of the apostlesB. Peter and JohnC. Peter and MatthewD. James and John

5. In Luke 22:10, Jesus told the ones He sent to prepare the Passover that a man would meet them. What did Jesus say that he would be carrying? A. A basket of fishB. A basket of breadC. A pitcher of waterD. A pitcher of wine

6. According to Luke 22:14, when did Jesus sit down with the apostles to eat the Passover?A. When they all had arrivedB. When the sun had setC. When He was tired and hungryD. When the hour had come

7. According to Luke 22:16, Jesus says He will no longer eat of the Passover until when?A. It is fulfilled in the judgmentB. It is fulfilled by the Son of ManC. It is fulfilled in the kingdom of GodD. It is fulfilled in the covenant of His blood

8. In Luke 22:17, what did Jesus tell the disciples to take and divide among themselves?A. The cupB. The breadC. His bodyD. Money

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9. In Luke 22:19, Jesus “took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them.” What did He say the bread is?A. My body which will never dieB. My body which is given for youC. My body which will ascend to HeavenD. My body which will be crucified

10. In Luke 22:20, when Jesus took the cup, what did He say that the cup is?A. The new covenant in My bloodB. The new redemption in My bloodC. The new commandment in My bloodD. The new way in My blood

11. In Luke 22:24, what were the apostles disputing among themselves at the Passover?A. Which of them should be at the right hand of GodB. Which of them should be the ruler of the GentilesC. Which of them should be considered the greatestD. Which of them should be the judge

12. According to Luke 22:27, when telling the disciples who should be the greatest among them, Jesus says, “Yet I am among you as the One who” does what?A. SavesB. ServesC. TeachesD. Judges

13. In Luke 22:29-30, Jesus says to the disciples, “And I bestow upon you a kingdom …, that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom and sit on thrones judging” whom? A. The living and the deadB. The worldC. The twelve tribes of IsraelD. The Gentiles

14. In Luke 22:31, to whom did Jesus say “Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat”? A. JohnB. PaulC. JamesD. Simon

15. In Luke 22:33, where did Simon tell Jesus he was ready to go with Him? A. To prison and to deathB. To be numbered with the transgressorsC. To teach the GentilesD. To teach in Jerusalem

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16. In Luke 22:34, what does Jesus say Peter will deny three times?A. That you follow MeB. That you remember MeC. That you know MeD. That you prayed with Me

17. According to Luke 22:35, when asked by Jesus, what did the disciples say they lacked?A. FaithB. NothingC. FoodD. Money

18. In Luke 22:36, what does Jesus say to “sell his garment and buy” if he does not have one?A. A slingB. A shieldC. A helmetD. A sword

19. In Luke 22:39, when Jesus came out after eating the Passover, where did He go and His disciples followed Him?A. BethanyB. The Mount of TransfigurationC. The Sea of GalileeD. The Mount of Olives

20. In Luke 22:41, when Jesus went to the Mount of Olives, how far from the disciples did He withdraw? A. A dart’s throwB. A short distanceC. A stone’s throwD. A sword’s throw

21. In Luke 22:44, when Jesus knelt down and prayed in the garden, what became like “great drops of blood”?A. Jesus’ sweatB. Jesus’ tearsC. The dew falling on JesusD. The water dripping on Jesus

22. According to Luke 22:45, why were Jesus’ disciples sleeping while He was praying at the Mount of Olives? A. From tirednessB. From sorrowC. From weaknessD. From temptation

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23. In Luke 22:48, how did Jesus refer to Himself when He asked Judas if he was betraying Him with a kiss?A. The Son of GodB. The Son of the FatherC. The Son of ManD. The Son of the Highest

24. According to Luke 22:50, who was struck and had his right ear cut off?A. The servant of the eldersB. The servant of the captain of the templeC. The servant of one of the scribesD. The servant of the high priest

25. According to Luke 22:53, where did Jesus say He had been daily with those who had come to seize Him?A. In the templeB. In the synagoguesC. In the streets of JerusalemD. In the cities and villages

26. According to Luke 22:54, where was the first place Jesus was taken when He was arrested?A. To the temple courtyardB. To the Roman soldiersC. To the judgment seat of PilateD. To the house of the high priest

27. According to Luke 22:54-55, when Jesus was arrested, who followed Him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest?A. JamesB. PeterC. JohnD. Andrew

28. According to Luke 22:59, despite Peter's denial, what evidence did one of his accusers use as proof that Peter also was with Jesus?A. He was a JudeanB. He was a GalileanC. He was a fishermanD. He was a zealot

29. According to Luke 22:60-61, after Peter denied knowing Jesus three times and the rooster crowed, who turned to look at Peter?A. The servant girlB. PilateC. The LordD. The high priest

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30. According to Luke 22:61-62, what did Peter do when he remembered that Jesus said he would deny Him three times?A. Went out and wept and fastedB. Fell down and wept bitterlyC. Wept with a loud voiceD. Went out and wept bitterly

31. According to Luke 22:64, what question was Jesus asked by the men who blindfolded Him and struck Him on the face?A. Who is the one who struck you?B. Are you the Christ?C. You saved others, why can't you save yourself?D. Are you the King of the Jews?

32. According to Luke 22:67, what were the chief priests and scribes demanding from Jesus as He stood before their council?A. Tell us by whose authority You do these thingsB. Show us a sign from heavenC. Tell us if you are the ChristD. Tell us when the kingdom of God will come

33. According to Luke 22:69, where did Jesus tell the council that the Son of Man would sit?A. With tax collectors and sinnersB. With transgressorsC. On the great mountainD. On the right hand of the power of God

34. According to Luke 22:70-71, what did Jesus admit to the council of chief priests and scribes causing them not to hear any further testimony?A. He was the King of the worldB. He was the Son of GodC. He was the One they sought to destroyD. He was going to rebuild the temple in three days

Chapter 23

1. According to Luke 23:1, where was Jesus taken after the council of chief priests and scribes finished questioning Him?A. To CalvaryB. To HerodC. To PilateD. To Herod

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Page 69: s3.amazonaws.com€¦  · Web view2020 Bible Bowl Study Questions - Luke. Chapter. 1. 1. According to Luke 1:1, many had taken in hand to set in order a narrative of what? A. The

2. According to Luke 23:2, besides claiming to be a King and perverting the nation, what other accusation did the chief priests bring against Jesus as He stood before Pilate? A. Forbidding to pay taxes to CaesarB. Healing on the Sabbath dayC. Eating with tax collectors and sinnersD. Denying the authority of Pilate

3. According to Luke 23:7, why did Pilate decide to send Jesus to Herod for questioning? A. Pilate found fault with JesusB. Pilate and Herod were long-time friendsC. Jesus belonged to Herod's jurisdictionD. The chief priests insisted that Jesus be sent to Herod

4. According to Luke 23:8, why was Herod glad that Jesus was brought before him for questioning?A. He was curious about Jesus' teachingsB. He wanted to see Jesus perform a miracleC. He wanted to release Jesus because he knew He was innocentD. He knew Jesus was under his jurisdiction

5. According to Luke 23:9, how did Jesus respond to Herod after he questioned Him with many words?A. You fox, why do you question Me?B. It is as you say, I am a KingC. If I tell you, you will by no means believeD. He said nothing

6. According to Luke 23:11, after mocking Him, with what did Herod and his men array Jesus with before sending Him back to Pilate? A. SackclothB. A gorgeous robeC. A white tunicD. A golden crown

7. According to Luke 23:12, on the day that Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate, what kind of relationship did Pilate and Herod have with each other? A. They were at enmity with one another just as they had previously beenB. They were friends with one another just as they had previously beenC. They became friends even though previously they had been at enmity with each otherD. They had enmity between them even though they were previously friends

8. According to Luke 23:13-14, Pilate stated that the chief priests and rulers had accused Jesus of doing what to the people?A. Misleading themB. Rebuking themC. Condemning themD. Deceiving them

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9. According to Luke 23:15-16, after Pilate and Herod examined Jesus, what did Pilate tell the chief priests and rulers he had decided to do with Jesus?A. Send Him to CaesarB. Return Him to the high priestC. Chastise Him and release HimD. Scourge Him and crucify Him

10. According to Luke 23:17-18, since it was customary for one prisoner to be released at the time of the feast, whom did the chief priests and the people want Pilate to release? A. BerechiahB. BarnabasC. SimonD. Barabbas

11. According to Luke 23:22, how many times did Pilate plead with the chief priests and the crowd to let Jesus be chastised and released since He was not deserving of death? A. FourB. ThreeC. TwoD. One

12. According to Luke 23:19, for what had Barabbas been thrown into prison?A. Theft and murderB. Rebellion and murderC. Theft and rebellionD. Deceit and murder

13. In Luke 23:26, as Jesus was led away to be crucified, who bore His cross?A. Two criminalsB. Joseph from ArimatheaC. Simon, a CyrenianD. Simon the Zealot

14. In Luke 23:27-28, on the way to His crucifixion, what did Jesus tell the mourning women who were following Him to weep for? A. Themselves and their childrenB. The nation of IsraelC. The rulers of the peopleD. The miseries coming upon them

15. According to Luke 23:29, Jesus foretold to the women who lamented Him at His crucifixion that the days were coming when who would be called blessed? A. The righteousB. The barrenC. Those who mournD. The poor

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16. According to Luke 23:32-33, who was led away with Jesus to be crucified at Calvary?A. BarabbasB. SimonC. Two criminalsD. No one

17. According to Luke 23:34, as Jesus was being crucified, what did He ask the Father to do?A. Send angels to comfort HimB. Forgive those who crucified HimC. Keep His followers from the evil oneD. Glorify Him with the glory He previously had

18. According to Luke 23:34, what did those who crucified Jesus do with His garments? A. Burned them outside the city gatesB. Gave them to Jesus' motherC. Sold them for thirty pieces of silverD. Divided them by casting lots

19. According to Luke 23:36, the soldiers who crucified Jesus mocked Him and offered Him what to drink? A. Olive oilB. Sour wineC. Goats' milkD. Water mixed with bitter herbs

20. According to Luke 23:38, what inscription written in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew was placed over Jesus when He was crucified?A. This is the Son of GodB. I am the Christ, the chosen of GodC. This is the King of the JewsD. I AM

21. According to Luke 23:39, at the crucifixion, who blasphemed Jesus by saying, “If you are the Christ, save Yourself and us”?A. The chief priests and rulers of the peopleB. The soldiersC. One of the criminals who was crucified with JesusD. The crowd who was passing by

22. According to Luke 23:50-52, who asked for the body of Jesus?A. Jesus’s disciplesB. PilateC. Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of JamesD. Joseph of Arimathea

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23. According to Luke 23:50-51, what was Joseph of Arimathea’s profession?A. CarpenterB. Council memberC. Roman soldierD. Scribe

24. According to Luke 23:50-51, Joseph, the council member, was from which city?A. ArimatheaB. GalileeC. GolgothaD. Cyrene

25. According to Luke 23:52-54, on which day was the body of Jesus laid in a tomb?A. The SabbathB. The PreparationC. ThursdayD. The first day of the week

26. According to Luke 23:50-55, how did the women from Galilee know where the body of Jesus had been laid?A. They asked Pilate for Jesus’ bodyB. They were told its location by an angel of the LordC. They followed Joseph and observed the tomb and how Jesus’ body was laidD. They planned with Joseph where Jesus should be buried

Chapter 24

1. According to Luke 24:1, when did the women from Galilee bring spices to Jesus’ tomb?A. The SabbathB. The PreparationC. ThursdayD. The first day of the week

2. According to Luke 24:2-3, in what condition did the women find Jesus’ tomb?A. The stone was rolled away, and the body of Jesus was not inside the tombB. The stone was rolled away, and the body of Jesus was inside the tomb wrapped in linenC. The stone was sealed over the entrance to the tomb, and the women discussed how they were going to remove itD. They watched as the stone rolled itself away, and Jesus walked forth from the tomb

3. According to Luke 24:4-6, who told the women that Jesus had risen?A. The gardenerB. Two men in shining garmentsC. A voice from HeavenD. Peter

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4. According to Luke 24:6-9, what did the women do when they found out that Jesus had risen?A. They prepared spices to anoint His bodyB. They told the eleven and the rest what had happenedC. They weptD. They rejoiced and praised God

5. According to Luke 24:10, who were the women who told the apostles about what they saw at the tomb of Jesus?A. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of JamesB. JoannaC. Other womenD. All of the above

6. According to Luke 24:11-12, how did the apostles respond to what the women told them about the empty tomb?A. None of the apostles believed them and asked the women to return homeB. They all ran to the tomb to see for themselvesC. They did not believe the women, but Peter ran to the tomb to see for himselfD. Peter, Andrew, James, and John ran to the tomb

7. According to Luke 24:12, what did Peter see in the tomb?A. Linen cloths lying by themselvesB. Two men in shining garmentsC. NothingD. Linen cloths, spices, and oil for anointing

8. According to Luke 24:13-15, when Jesus appeared to the two men who were traveling, to where were they traveling?A. To JerusalemB. To a village called EmmausC. To GalileeD. To Jesus’ tomb

9. According to Luke 24:16, why did the two men who were traveling to Emmaus not recognize Jesus?A. Their eyes were restrainedB. They were temporarily blindedC. They had never met Jesus and did not know what He looked likeD. Jesus had changed His appearance so that He was not recognizable

10. According to Luke 24:19, who did the two men who were traveling to Emmaus say that Jesus was?A. The Son of GodB. A good man who healed the sickC. A chief priest and a rulerD. A Prophet mighty in deed and word

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11. According to Luke 24:21, what were the two men who were traveling to Emmaus hoping Jesus of Nazareth was going to do?A. Heal diseases and forgive sinsB. Raise from the deadC. Redeem IsraelD. Become a king

12. According to Luke 24:25-27, what did Jesus use to explain Himself to the two men who were traveling to Emmaus?A. All the Scriptures, beginning at Moses and all the ProphetsB. Mighty deeds and miraclesC. Testimony from eyewitnesses to His empty tombD. A vision of angels appearing before the two men

13. According to Luke 24:28-29, how did Jesus respond when the two men asked Him to stay with them in the village where they were going?A. He declined their offer because He had farther to goB. He went in to stay with themC. He immediately vanished from their sightD. He agreed to stay if they gathered the rest of the apostles to their dwelling place

14. According to Luke 24:30, what did Jesus do with the bread when He was eating with the two men at Emmaus?A. He ate the bread saying, “See that I am alive and well.”B. He blessed the bread and shared it with them.C. He blessed the bread and increased it threefold.D. He did not eat and quoted the Scriptures saying, “Man shall not live by bread alone.”

15. According to Luke 24:30-31, what happened to the two disciples at Emmaus after they ate bread with Jesus?A. They regained their sightB. They journeyed on with Jesus instead of staying at the villageC. They vanished with Jesus and appeared to the rest of the disciplesD. Their eyes were opened to know Jesus, and then He vanished

16. According to Luke 24:33-34, after Jesus vanished, who did the two disciples find to tell that Jesus was indeed risen?A. Simon PeterB. The women who had traveled with Jesus from GalileeC. The eleven who were gathered in JerusalemD. They were instructed by Jesus to tell no one what they had seen or heard

17. According to Luke 24:36-37, how did the disciples react when Jesus appeared in their midst at Jerusalem?A. They were terrified and frightenedB. They were amazed and became speechlessC. They fell on their faces and worshiped HimD. Their eyes were not opened to know who He was

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18. According to Luke 24:38-43, how did Jesus convince His disciples at Jerusalem that He was not a spirit?A. He broke bread, blessed it, and ate in their presenceB. He showed them His hands and feet and ate in their presenceC. He explained the Scriptures to them, beginning with Moses and the ProphetsD. A voice from Heaven exclaimed, “This is My Son. Listen to Him.”

19. According to Luke 24:42, what did Jesus eat in the presence of the disciples at Jerusalem?A. BreadB. Broiled fish and some honeycombC. Bread and the fruit of the vineD. The Passover meal

20. According to Luke 24:47, what did Jesus say was to be preached in His name to all nations?A. Belief, repentance, confession, and baptismB. Belief and baptismC. Repentance and remission of sinsD. All the Scriptures, for they contain the power of God to save all who hear

21. According to Luke 24:49, how long were the disciples to remain in Jerusalem?A. Until they were endued with power from on highB. Until the day of PentecostC. Forty daysD. Until Jesus appeared to them once more

22. According to Luke 24:51-53, how did the disciples respond when Jesus was carried up into Heaven?A. They were terrified and frightenedB. They did not believe what they had seenC. They dispersed from Jerusalem to preach to all the nations what they had witnessedD. They worshiped Him and continually praised God

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