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Post on 29-May-2018




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  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    *** (21:17:16):Welcome to the True Blood in Dallas Chat Room.

    Lisnoe says to (21:17:19):


    Cavalavalier says to (21:17:31):

    I liked the show, but not one of my favorites

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:17:35):


    True Blood in Dallas says (21:17:40):


    Konfetti says to (21:17:41):


    True Blood in Dallas says (21:17:44):

    hey cav

    Cavalavalier says to (21:17:46):

    Hey Dallas

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:17:49):

    hey harley

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:17:55):


    True Blood in Dallas says (21:18:00):

    hey kon

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:18:08):

    hey lis

    B B says to (21:18:11):

    Hello all you beautiful True Blood Lovers

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    Harley Dickerson says to (21:18:19):

    so what'd everybody think?

    Lisnoe says to (21:18:23):

    I know all the Team Eric fans will be fussing that once again Eric is a bad guy!

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:18:43):

    oh phooey he's doing excatly what has to be done

    B B says to (21:18:46):

    But he is such a good bad guy

    greeneyegirl says to (21:18:48):

    Hi Dallas

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:18:50):

    hey geg

    Lisnoe says to (21:18:53):

    Wonder if Eric is the real rat!

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:19:00):

    he's not a bad guy he's just not good

    Cavalavalier says to (21:19:02):

    I am Team Eric, but I think his bad boy routine is great :)

    Konfetti says to (21:19:05):

    I like the panthers, am I the only one?

    B B says to (21:19:19):

    I love the panthers also

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:19:21):

    nope loved it

    anelson53546 says to (21:19:22):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    hu all

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:19:23):

    panther great but not the kind charlaine said they were

    anelson53546 says to (21:19:33):

    oops-meant hi

    Lisnoe says to (21:19:45):

    Maybe I will start liking Crystal/

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:19:45):

    That was a TERRIFIC episode!

    Cavalavalier says to (21:19:49):

    I loved the Russel witht heooker scene

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:19:51):

    I can't wait to see some real magic and witchcraft! :)

    B B says to (21:20:03):

    'Crystal is such a cat

    Konfetti says to (21:20:05):

    Russell is still crazy. Thank heavens. :)

    anelson53546 says to (21:20:10):

    me, wither!

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:20:11):

    The panther was a bit fake looking. :/

    Liras says to (21:20:16):


    Harley Dickerson says to (21:20:20):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    it was real

    Lisnoe says to (21:20:22):

    Crazy is as crazy does.

    True Blood in Dallas says (21:20:22):

    JOK you have a one track mind

    Liras says to (21:20:26):

    i agree with JOK

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:20:28):

    I really do.

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    1EvilJessica says to (21:20:55):

    k how many times have I been in chat and refreshed the page? :S

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:21:04):


    Lisnoe says to (21:21:04):

    Ha! konfetti

    greeneyegirl says to (21:21:06):

    Konfetti ah so true

    1EvilJessica says to (21:21:06):

    and Hola every one :)

    B B says to (21:21:12):

    I want to go next time with Jesus & Lafayette

    ChoChoMojo says to (21:21:13):

    GEG Hello : )

    Pamspumps says to (21:21:18):

    Evening everyone

    Lisnoe says to (21:21:29):

    evening Pamspumps

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:21:29):

    that jesus lala scene was like 5 minutes

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:21:35):

    * tips hat* evening

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:21:38):

    Pam rocked tonight

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:21:44):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    well.. what are the thoughts

    1EvilJessica says to (21:21:49):

    and poor yvetta :(

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:21:54):

    I guess finally. finally the cat is out of the bag

    Konfetti says to (21:21:56):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    B B says to (21:22:31):

    Jeremy: I agree

    Lisnoe says to (21:22:39):

    Not liking the new and dark Sam

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:22:43):

    I knew SAm had some demons

    Konfetti says to (21:22:48):

    @Jeremy it *was* very cool, we got a ton of information in that scene. But it was still nuts!

    1EvilJessica says to (21:22:51):

    no, LIsnoe its more like whats up w/ Russel?

    alainanoelle says to (21:22:51):

    Hi all! Wow, another amazing episode!

    Pamspumps says to (21:22:51):

    Well that would be a different story

    Liras says to (21:22:53):

    why is there no translation for "gold diggin whore" in Estonian?

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:22:56):

    did anybody see sams past comming?

    B B says to (21:23:06):

    Sam is so cute, he had to be a bad boy

    alainanoelle says to (21:23:10):

    No Harley, I sure didn't.

    Cavalavalier says to (21:23:11):

    Sam-Not liking the "Slicked up" Look on him

    anelson53546 says to (21:23:16):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    Russell got real crazy tonight

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:23:20):

    eww his hair

    Cavalavalier says to (21:23:28):

    Liras-Good O)ne!

    1EvilJessica says to (21:23:30):

    and did anybody see Crystal showing up in Jason's place as a panther coming?

    alainanoelle says to (21:23:34):

    Russell has totally lost it!

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:23:36):

    Liras...cuz stuff like that does not translate

    Court KC says to (21:23:38):

    hi all

    Pamspumps says to (21:23:39):

    russell is ^o)

    alainanoelle says to (21:23:45):

    Hi KC

    Court KC says to (21:23:47):

    russell has lost it!

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:23:51):

    alaina... Russell's grief has taken over

    alainanoelle says to (21:24:04):

    No kidding lafemme!

    1EvilJessica says to (21:24:06):

    lol and thas putting it light/nicely Pams

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    Court KC says to (21:24:08):

    didn't like the slicked up sam either.

    B B says to (21:24:11):

    To bad Russell has to die

    alainanoelle says to (21:24:12):

    I almost feel sorry for him,

    anelson53546 says to (21:24:14):

    I knew she was a panther, didn;t know how they;d intro her

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:24:18):

    Sookie's dream of Eric was slightly different that what he said

    Lisnoe says to (21:24:28):

    Next week's ep looks like a lot of stuff is gonna hit the fangs. er I mean fan

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:24:30):

    they had to be "communing"

    alainanoelle says to (21:24:33):

    Almost that is!

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:24:44):

    Mojo V trip, jason rescinding Bill's invitation, Holly as a Wican with herbs, it's all an enforcement of

    magic existing in this world. I am very interested to see what this all builds up to.

    Liras says to (21:24:46):

    i was so surpised when Hoty punched the *** out of Tommy

    Pamspumps says to (21:24:48):

    Eric is gonna get a taste of Ms Sookie

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:24:53):

    Seems bill didn't tell sookie everything

    TruebieDoobyDoo says to (21:24:59):

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    *moonwalks into chat*

    anelson53546 says to (21:24:59):


    Pamspumps says to (21:25:09):

    hoyt is the man

    alainanoelle says to (21:25:10):

    Hoyt was great!

    Harley Dickerson says to (21:25:11):

    Hoyts punch was like freakin awesome

    Court KC says to (21:25:12):

    what is bill hiding from SOOKIE!??

    1EvilJessica says to (21:25:13):

    :O EEEekkkk!! only 5 more mins. gotta go get more food

    B B says to (21:25:16):

    Will Hopit & Jessica become an item again?

    alainanoelle says to (21:25:21):

    Now he's got a blood bond with Jess!

    ChoChoMojo says to (21:25:24):

    Trube you seen BOB?

    Liras says to (21:25:26):

    Bill's hiding too much from Sookie you can see it in his face when he talks now

    1EvilJessica says to (21:25:33):

    i think so :( even tho Id rather b w/ Tommy

    Lisnoe says to (21:25:38):

    I was glad that Hoyt sucker punched him...what a cheater Tommy is he had to shift in order to fight back

  • 8/9/2019 s3e10chat


    Konfetti says to (21:25:40):

    @court Eric basically laid it out tonight I think. Unless there's more OO

    Liras says to (21:25:40):

    whenever someone brings it up he seems to go paler than normal

    lafemmetopaz says to (21:25:49):

    Court..lol you're kidding right?

    B B says to (21:25:56):

    Sookie needs to dump Bill & I am a Bill fan

    JeremyOfKansas says to (21:25:59):

    I love How Jessica just FLUNG the dog aside. lol >__.