sa bulletin issue 56 sept 2012


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SA Bulletin recounts the National Day


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September 2012 Issue 56 Vol 7


The Kingdom under the able leadership of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and Crown Prince Salman, Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense, has mobilized all resources and made every

effort to achieve the progress, security, stability and well-being of citizens. Crown Prince Salman, Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense, Saturday urged citizens to be extra alert and be more dedicated to the country’s’ stability in view of the turmoil and political upheavals taking place in some parts of the region.In an address to the nation on the eve of the 82nd Na-tional Day, the Crown Prince said the comprehensive development witnessed by the Kingdom in all walks of life would not have been achieved without security and stability.“It is a fruit of the efforts of our fathers and forefathers for the unification of this country on the basis of Sha-riah,” he said.“Every citizen is proud that he is a partner in this unity, and is one of the pillars of its stability. I congratulate the people of this country on what we are witnessing with re-gard to the safety, security, growth and stability under the leadership of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, who has made all efforts and mobilized all po-tential and resources to achieve the aspirations of citizens.”Crown Prince Salman said the fundamental objective of every project in this country is to benefit the citizen who is the real wealth of this country and a major component of the development process which would remain incomplete

without achieving the aspirations of each citizen.“We are grateful to Almighty Allah that our country is based on Shariah. One of the blessings bestowed by Al-lah on this country is that He made it a symbol for good deeds. So we exert all efforts in the interest of Islam, Muslims and all mankind. Being the Land of Revelation, the Kingdom makes utmost efforts in the service of the Ummah without being showy.”Prince Ahmad Bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Interior, said that National Day celebrations should not be exploited by citizens in an improper way, but rather should be ded-icated in thanking Allah Almighty for His blessings of

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security and stability as well as in keenness to implement the teachings of the tolerant Islamic religion. In a speech in Riyadh, he said that the National Day is one of the most important national occasions as we are living in prosperity envied by others as a result of the Saudi leader-ship’s keenness on unity, security and stability for citizens and others living in the country.“We are pleased on this anniversary by the solidarity of citizens with their leadership through open councils estab-lished by the late King Abdul Aziz, and followed by his successors,” said Prince Ahmad. “There is no doubt that we have a common responsibility as citizens to maintain secu-rity and follow progress through adherence to Shariah,” he said.Streets, shops and squares have all turned green in celebra-tion of the National Day. Green festoons and Saudi flags line streets in cities.Saudi youths were seen driving through streets in vehicles adorned with the national flag. They honked and flashed V signs at passersby in joyful celebration of the National Day. They chanted endearments to their leaders.Congratulatory messages poured in from leaders around the world.Members of the UAE Supreme Council and Rulers of the Emirates Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi of Sharjah; Sheikh Hamad Bin Mohammed Al-Sharqi of Fujairah; and Sheikh Saud Bin Rashid Al-Mualla of Umm Al-Quwain sent cables of greetings to King Abdullah and

Crown Prince Salman.Similar cables of congratulations were sent by Tunisian President Hamadi Al-Jebali, Jordanian King Abdullah II, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Co-operation (OIC) Prof. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu along with many other leaders and dignitaries.

“Every citizen is proud that he is a part-ner in this unity, and is one of the pillars of its stability. I congratulate the people of this country on what we are witnessing with regard to the safety, security, growth and stability under the leadership of King Abdullah.”Crown Prince Salman

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message the Kingdom leaderships standing in the world and the positive development of bilateral relations shared between the two countries on regional and international level, noting in particular the cooperation in the Group of Twenty and other international forums to serve the issues of stability, peace and development in the world.In his part the Charge D’Affaires convey his best wishes and congratulations to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi Government and Saudi people .Mr Nuzha expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Australian of-ficials and Australian people towards the Kingdom, leader-ship and Saudi people on the occasion of National Day , which reflects the growing and positive development in Saudi- Australian relations.

The Charge D’Affaires of the Saudi Em-bassy in Australia, H. E. Reda Al-Nuzha held a reception at the Hayat Hotel in Canberra on the 82nd National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .

The ceremony was attended by a crowd of public and political figures, members of the House of Representa-tives and the Federal Senate of Australia, Ambassadors from Arab, Islamic and foreign Countries, accredited in Canberra, as well as Arab and Muslim communities representatives in Australia.The guests of the celebration where received by the Saudi Arabia’s chargé d’affaires Reda Al-Nuzha, The Saudi Consul in Canberra Dr Hassan Alansari, Mr. Faisal Ghazi Hifzi First Secretary,Saudi Culture at-taché Abdul-Aziz Bin Taleb .The ceremony began with the Australian and Saudi National Anthem then the chargé D’Affaires of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia H.E. Reda Al-Nuzha and the Chief of Protocol Sally Mansfield, exchanged the warmest congratulations and best wishes for both countries.Messages of the Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Bob Carr were read on the occasion, underlined the strength and depth of Australia -Saudi Arabia rela-tions.Prime Minister Gillard Values Australia Saudi coopera-tive relationship, “Australia greatly values its friendly and cooperative relationship with Saudi Arabia, underpinned by our shared commitment to peace, stability and devel-opment in the Middle East. Australia also values its close cooperation with Saudi Arabia in key international bod-ies, including the United Nations and the G20.” MP Said in her Message.The Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, praised in his

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On the occasion of the National Day, of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I wish to convey to His Majesty King Abdullah bin Ab-dulaziz AI-Saud, his Govern-

ment and the people of Saudi Arabia, my warm-est wishes, together with those of the Australian Government and people.Australia greatly values its friendly and coop-erative relationship with Saudi Arabia, under-pinned by our shared commitment to peace, stability and development in the Middle East. Australia also values its close cooperation with Saudi Arabia in key international bodies, includ-ing the United Nations and the G20.Our community links and substantial economic ties provide a solid foundation for our bilat-eral relationship. Around 11,700 students from Saudi Arabia enrolled in Australian educational institutions in 2011, and more than over 3,000 Australians currently work in Saudi Arabia.

I look forward to ongoing close cooperation between Australia and Saudi Arabia and am confident that the relationship between our two countries will continue to thrive into the future.Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard

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On the occasion of the National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I wish to convey to the Government and the people of Saudi Arabia my warmest congratulations.

I had the pleasure of visiting Saudi Arabia for the first time as Foreign Minister in June 2012. My visit con-veyed the value the Australian Government places on the bilateral relationship, recognising Saudi Arabia as a leading country in regional, global and Islamic affairs. Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading oil producer and Australia is a major energy producer, with strong tech-nical expertise in renewable and clean energy. We were pleased to welcome the Saudi Minister of Petroleum, His Excellency Ali bin Ibrahim Al- Naimi, to Australia in May this year, and we expect our engagement on en-ergy issues to grow.The quality of our tertiary institutions is recognised by the Government of Saudi Arabia, with more than 11,000 young Saudi scholarship students currently

I am pleased to extend my heartfelt congratula-tions to the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and the people of Saudi Arabia on the occasion of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s National Day cel-ebrations.The celebration allows us an opportunity to ac-knowledge Saudi Arabia’s achievements, herit-age and culture, as well its commitment to educa-tion and training for future generations.The Australian government is committed to further strengthening Australia’s relations with Saudi Ara-bia and to encourage further bilateral questions.In my role as the co-chair of the Parliamentary

Friendship Group of Arab States, of which Saudi Ara-bia is member, I am pleased to promote the existing relations between our two countries. In particular, on this auspicious occasion, I want to wish the King-dom of Saudi Arabia prosperity and growth. I also want to acknowledge it’s important role in the global community. It is my sincere wish that the warm and friendly re-lations between our two countries will continue to prosper in the years to come. I wish you all a safe and joyous celebration on this special day. Insh Allah.Maria Vamvakinou M PFederal member for Calwell / Co-chair of the Par-liamentary Friends of Arab States

studying in Australia.We are pleased that the academic training they receive here is enabling them to make a productive contribution to their country on their return.Apart from the ties formed through the large number of Saudi students studying in Australia, thousands of Saudi tourists visit Australia each year, while between 4,000 to 6,000 Australians have made a temporary home in Saudi Arabia. The links are also reinforced through Saudi Ara-bia’s hosting of several thousand Australian Muslim pil-grims for the Hajj each year. Our two countries share a strong commitment to foster-ing peace, stability and prosperity. We work together closely as members of the G20 and engage in regular dialogue on regional security developments - recently in regards to the crisis in Syria.As the links between Saudi Arabia and Australia continue to expand, I am confident that our two nations will move forward in friendship and common purpose to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


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The National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represents a crowning moment since the hand of our founding father King Ab-dulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud, by the grace of Allah, signed the Royal Decree unit-

ing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the banner of Islam and declaring that day a National Day.Since that day, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has success-fully achieved the required balance between the develop-mental needs of our great nation and the values that under-pin Saudi society.This achievement is reflected in the strong bond between the Kingdom’s leadership and its people.The national spirit and allegiance of all citizens to the country have helped push the nation forward in prosperity and progress.The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia takes its international re-sponsibilities in regard to the urgent issues with which the world is faced, such as climate change, food security and interfaith dialogue.

There is great potential for building on the close economic and cultural relationship between Aus-tralia and Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia is a leading nation of the Middle East, which has a young and growing population that is forecast to drive strong economic growth in com-ing decades.As a West Australian, I have always had a focus on the Indian Ocean rim, Middle East and Africa as key relationships for Australia.Much work has been done over many years to im-prove relations between our two countries, which provides a strong platform to take it to a new level.During a recent event hosted by the Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry I was im-

pressed by the scale of infrastructure development planned for Saudi Arabia that included rail, housing, education, health and other services.Australia is keen to participate in this infrastructure development that has the potential to economically transform your nation.With a shared interest in promoting peaceful and prosperous development in our respective regions and the world, there are many areas where Australia and Saudi Arabia can work closely together.I congratulate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on its National Day and wish you well with your celebra-tions.The Hon Julie Bishop MPDeputy Leader of the Opposition


On this cherished occasion of the 82 National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I am pleased to ex-tend on behalf of the members of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, culture attache´ , Saudi students in Australia and New Zealand and on my own behalf, our deep congratulations to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz, and the Saudi Government and people .The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Australia , has continued to maintain a strong and cordial relation-ship that grows day by day in a positive way in building real partnerships between the two countries and devel-oping it in more than one field.I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Prime Minster of Australia Hon Julia Gillard ,the Austral-ian officials and people of Australia for providing kind messages and wishes to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the occasion of 82 National Day which reflect the growing, positive and friendship.”

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The Saudi National Day incorporates all the customs and traditions in Saudi Arabia and signifies the true spirit of the nation. Based on the principals of Arab solidarity, Islamic jurisprudence and

economic progress, the Kingdom continues to wit-ness phenomenal growth and security. As such, King Abdullah, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and the people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can take pride in the immense strides made since the last National Day celebration.When the Ministry of Finance announced its 2012 budget, it marked another all-time high as the gov-ernment continues to invest in human and physical infrastructure. Total expenditures are budgeted at SR690 billion ($184 billion), an increase of 19 percent over the budgetary figure for 2011. Investment spending has increased to SR265 billion ($70.6 billion). As in previous years, education and training have received the largest share, at 24 percent of total spending or SR165 billion ($44.1 billion). Allocations for transportation, telecommunications, health, and social affairs also saw large increases. Saudi Arabia created 380,000 new jobs in 10 months by re-quiring private firms to employ Saudis. The figure is reportedly 20 times more than what was achieved over the previous five years.The Kingdom has not forgotten its traditional, leading role as a primary source of aid for other Arab coun-tries. As of this month, Saudi Arabia had disbursed about a fifth of the much-needed assistance it prom-ised Arab countries since uprisings erupted in the re-

gion last year. Riyadh pledged $17.9 billion in loans, grants and other support between the start of 2011 and June 1 this year, to be disbursed over several years, potentially making it a key donor as Arab countries struggle to repair economic damage caused by the uprisings.In sports, at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Saudi Arabia stole the show. By fielding female athletes, the King-dom helped ensure that women, for the first time, represent-ed every country in an Olympics.National Day represents the identity of the nation and is greatly associated with the unification of the Kingdom by the late King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud in 1932. Today is the time for Saudis to display the green and white. It is a day for the Kingdom’s heritage, history and traditions to be showcased. It is a day of patriotism when love of country must override love of self.