
November 2011

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Saber Newsletter


November 2011


Professor of Military Science, LTC Kevin Inglin I’m pleased to introduce myself to Alumni and friends of the Dons ROTC Battalion as the new Professor of Military Science. I want to thank my predecessor, LTC Derek Reeve, for handing over a very strong program with an outstanding foundation on which to build future success. My one desire is that I am able to continue the tradition of excellence he has established and continue to lead the Dons Battalion to even greater heights.

We have been exceptionally busy this year, having already conducted multiple Leadership Lab periods in and around campus and the city, as well as our three-day Field Training Exercise, which we held at Camp Parks October 21-23. Time has truly flown by in my first semester on the job and I’m shocked to realize we are already into November and discussing Finals Week and end-of-semester activities with the Cadets.

In these first few months on the job I have been tremendously impressed by the hard work, dedication, and leadership capabilities of our Cadets and want to thank them all for making my transition into the position an easy one. I am also pleased to have such an outstanding group of cadre members who put in the long hours needed to ensure our Cadets are being trained to such a high standard and level of success – I truly could not have wished for a better group of personnel to train the future leaders of our Army.

My wife and family are ecstatic to be in the “City by the Bay” and are just about settled in now after living in Germany for the past three and a half years. We are very much looking forward to our time here, and cannot think of anywhere we would rather be than with the Dons Battalion at the University of San Francisco. I look forward to the opportunities to meet Alumni, parents, and supporters over the coming three years as you may make your way to our campus home.

Dons Lead the Way!

Battalion Commander, Samantha Sabo Serving as Battalion Commander has been quite the learning experience. Coming into the semester I really didn't know how best to perform my job, and even now I learn something new every time the battalion conducts any activity. At first it was challenging allowing others to do their jobs without me micromanaging, as I tend to be a hands-on individual who likes to see things done a certain way. However, the command group, S-3, and the staff have helped me organize the MSIV chain of

command, and we are constantly trying to improve ourselves so that what is planned will benefit the battalion. On a more interesting note, the battalion itself seems to be working hard and enjoying the events that have occurred throughout the semester. There is nothing more satisfying as a battalion commander than seeing individuals pushing themselves and one another to constantly improve and better themselves and their unit. It has also been exciting as a senior to see my classmates step into and embrace their roles as MSIVs, roles that are completely different than what we had been learning the past three years, as well as making the transition from cadets to (very soon!) officers. Overall, I think this has been one of the most successful fall semesters (and I'm not just saying that because I think the MSIV class is awesome); motivation is high and people are beginning to develop into future officers. Go Dons!


1LT Kyong Oh, Class of 2009 As an Infantry Platoon Leader, I am "responsible for everything that the platoon does and fails to do"... Here at Fort Irwin, we have a unique mission - getting units ready to deploy. We replicate ANA (Afghan National Army), ANSF (Afghan National Security Force), and for Iraq rotations we replicate the IA (Iraqi Army). We also replicate the Insurgents - conducting small arms attacks, IED attacks, indirect fire attacks, etc. Additionally, we must be ready to deploy as well so we conduct Live Fire Exercises and different types of ranges. Being a PL is very humbling as you are THE leader that your platoon looks up to for leadership.

You and your Platoon Sergeant must work together to lead the men into any mission that comes your way. You do not need to know EVERYTHING, but you must be able to react to situations and adapt to any changes. You have the ability to change people's lives as a PL by the way you treat them, lead them, and mentor them. There is no "bad" side of being a PL - other than the mistakes your soldiers make (DUI, domestic issue, etc) is a leadership challenge that you and your PSG must work together to fix.

1LT Chantelle Briones, Class of 2009 Currently, I’m a Platoon Leader at 21st CBRN Company at Fort Bragg, NC. My company consists of a mounted recon platoon, dismounted recon platoon, and two recon platoons. Although my unit will not be deploying anytime soon, we will be on a Defense CBRN Response Force rotation for the next two years. We conduct field-training exercises twice every quarter. Our weekly routines consist of conducting Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) on vehicles, sensitive item inventories, Sergeants Time Training, training meetings, preparing and recovering from the field, staying up to date on the Medical Protective System (MEDPROS), etc. Platoon Sergeant and myself are responsible for the health and welfare of your Soldiers and setting them up for success ensuring they have the right materials for instance if you are sending them to a school or to the

promotion board; implementing a rigorous PT plan, and most of all planning and resourcing realistic and fun training especially “outside the box” type of events. If possible also, we coordinate training with other units. We also do community service and events with families by having platoon breakfasts and BBQs once in a while. Your job is really what you make of it especially if you have the opportunity to become a Platoon Leader and lead Soldiers. They are looking at you for advice and guidance.


Volume 6 Issue 7 Page 3

University of San Francisco, Army ROTC, Dons Saber April/May 2010


CDT Zara Georgeo - MSI

Coming in to this program during the fall as a freshman who didn’t know ANY-THING about the army, I was intimidated. I didn’t know whether I fit in with these “Super Hooah Cadets” and I tried remembering why I joined in ROTC in the first place. It was really hard to transition from a regular girl from San Diego to an Army Cadet. I had to get out of my comfort zone and learn the Army basics which were like a foreign language to me at the time. Getting up in 5:30 am in the morn-ing was also an adjustment and I had to get use to the many unexpected “FRAGOs” that interrupted my day. I believe that my ultimate challenge coming in to ROTC was the scholarship physical requirement. I was never an athlete in high school so, running the two miles under 18:54 mins/sec seemed really impossible to me. But all that hard work comes with a reward. I would say the two best things about ROTC, is the four-year scholarship that is paying for my college education

and the support you get in this program. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for those two reasons. While I was struggling with passing the APFT, many Cadets offered to help, whether it was working out with me or just giving me tips on how to pass. That is when I notice how supportive and accommodating most Cadets were in ROTC. Because of that, I passed the APFT with a score that exceeded my expectations. I know like most of the Cadets in this program, I couldn’t afford to go to this over-priced school so, to have ROTC back me up financially was a huge burden that was lifted off my family’s shoulders. I know that even after I graduate without debt, I’m guaranteed a job and I like that sense of stability in my life. My experience in ROTC here in USF honestly has its ups and downs but so does life itself.

Peace OUT !

CDT David Lim - MSII

Joining ROTC and becoming a first year college student weren’t the easiest tasks for me. Coming overseas from Korea made matters difficult; I had to adjust to the American culture in addition to what a first year ROTC student goes through. Aside from the mandatory military service in South Korea, I am the first one in my family to be a part of the U.S. Army ROTC program. I initially joined the program to pay for college; I was not motivated to excel because I did not mind whether I ended up in the reserves or on active duty. I just wanted to fulfill my military obligations and then find a civilian career that would set my family back onto solid financial ground. After going through one agonizing year with my fellow cadets, I enjoyed being in this program because ROTC has taught me multiple life skills, strengthened my mentality, and molded me into the best physical shape of my life. In addition, ROTC

has previously given me opportunities to travel to Taiwan and Washington D.C. to learn Mandarin and political relations between China, U.S. and Taiwan - something I would not have expected to be entitled to as a freshman. It was an honor and a privilege to meet cadets from all military branches across the United States who I may work with in the future. After my experiences in Taiwan and Washington D.C., I changed my major to International Studies and hope to become a Military Intelligence officer one day. I am excited to be a junior next year and look forward to working with my classmates in leading the Don’s Battalion.

With the addition of the Rifle Team, the Dons Battalion now plays host to three ROTC-related extracurricular activities, the other two being the long standing Color Guard and Ranger Challenge. Ranger Challenge requires cadets to wake up every weekday for practices that can last from 0515 to 0730. Color Guard demands a high level of discipline, knowledge of Drill & Ceremony, and performing at the USF Dons home games. The Rifle Team provides cadets with knowledge of U.S. Weapons, trains them in marksmanship, and allows them to compete against their civilian counterparts in the USF student body.

Q: Why do you find Rifle Team, Color Guard, and Ranger Challenge so appealing? Longoria: “The level of organization and structure of color guard is something I deeply admire and wish to apply to other aspects of my life, rifle team is perhaps one of the more challenging activities for me with its demand for intense focus and precision.” Park: “In Rifle Team, cadets will learn how to disassemble a weapon, put it back together, shoot rifles, and know how to hold a rifle properly.”

Brown: “In Ranger Challenge, the physical demands are much greater than for regular PT but I enjoy the challenge. Also, the things we must learn help me get ahead in my class. Color Guard interests me because I feel that it is important as a cadet to learn the tradition and customs of marching, presenting the colors, etc. I joined Rifle team because I also think it is important as being a part of the Army to

begin to learn the basics of shooting. I enjoy all three of these activities a lot because of the challenge and knowledge they give.”

Q: How do you manage doing all three ROTC extra curricular activities? Joaquin: “The commitments

definitely take their toll, which has hit me pretty bad these past few weeks. But the one thing that I think it will definitely teach me is time management. You have to know how to utilize what little time you have, efficiently.”

November 2011


Page 3

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

FREE FIRST SUNDAY of the MONTH Asian Art Museum 200 Larkin Street

GO DONS! USF ATHLETIC GAMES Women's Basketball Home Games: Men's Basketball Home Games: FRI 11/11/2011 vs Cal State Northridge FRI 11/11/2011 vs North Dakota State WED 11/16/2011 vs Cal Poly WED 11/16/2011 vs San Jose State

November 2011

Upcoming Color Guard Events FRI 11/11/2011 Men’s Basketball Game SAT 11/19/2011 Knights of Columbus dinner


Check out the Dons ROTC Facebook page for the latest updates

November 2011