sac unit 3 outcome 2.v1

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  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    School Accessed Coursework (SAC)

    UNIT 3 OUTCOME 2 VCE IT ApplicationsStudent Name: ______________________


    Outcome 2

    Design, and develop using a relational database management system, a solution to an

    information problem, and discuss why and how data is acquired via websites.

    Task 1: Software solution

    Task 2: Test

    The two tasks will be marked out of 100. Task 1: 80 marks and Task 2: 20 marks

    The tasks have been designed to allow achievement up to and including the highest level in

    the Performance Descriptors.

    You have 5 hours 30 minutes for Task-1, over a number of class sessions, and 30 minutes for


    You cannot access resources such as texts, notes, cheat sheets etc. during the outcome.

    Specific conditions apply to different sections of the tasks.

  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Task 1: Software solution

    Read the following information and complete the series of activities that follow.


    Sam Sophocles, a retired teacher, is keen to earn some extra money by setting up an online

    school for secondary students who need extra help with their learning. Classwork will becreated electronically. Classes will be supplemented by one-on-one and small group tutor

    audiovisual sessions using Skype.

    He will set up a website where:

    students can enrol, check their status, see their grades, collect and hand in work, andsend/receive message with teachers;

    students can evaluate courses and teachers at the end of each course; teachers can check their class lists, leave work for students, return corrected work, and

    enter task grades;

    parents can see their childs progress and send/receive messages with teachers; Sam can monitor class enrolments and student performance; Sam can follow evaluations of courses and teachers to decide whether courses or teachers

    need to change;

    Sam can post promotional material to attract new enrolments.He has signed up five other retired teachers to run the online classes and he has advertised

    online and attracted quite a lot of interest from students.

    He needs to keep track of enrolments and has asked you to create a database to help him

    achieve this. He has provided you with the following data:

    a list of the teachers names; a list of subjects to be offered by the school. There are only a few subjects on offer so

    far, based on subjects requested by prospective students and their parents. If the

    school prospers, more teachers and subjects will be added over time.

  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Subject name Description Number of lessons Course Cost

    English 7 Year 7 English focuses on sentencestructure.

    15 $75

    Science 8 Environmentalscience, biology and


    20 $100

    Geography 7 Volcanoes and floods 5 $25

    French 8 Tenses andvocabulary

    10 $50

    For each subject there could be multiple classes run by different teachers.

    Student enrolments will be managed by an online database.

    First, students must register at the school. They need to enter their name, address, date of

    birth, sex, phone number, username and email address. Usernames must be unique.





    Date of





    nameEmail address

    John Gibbs2 TowerRd, Corio,VIC 3214

    25/02/1999 M 92738476 2876 [email protected]

    Dylan Fisk7 Key St,Kew, VIC


    10/05/2000 M 92517263 2768 [email protected]

    Andrew Smith

    10 CollegeRd,Footscray,VIC 3212

    23/10/1999 M 92678233 2765 [email protected]

    Alisha Allan

    25 KingStreet,Coburg,VIC 3452

    07/06/1999 F 92875109 2567 [email protected]

    Mathew Singer

    19 RusselSt,Brunswick,VIC 3021

    15/12/2000 M 92012293 2565 [email protected]

  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Once registered, students are shown a list of available classes into which they can enrol. The

    list might look like this:

    Class Subject TeacherNum






    EA7 English 7 Mr MaxSyndow

    15Year 7Englishfocuses onsentencestructure.

    15 8 20 ENROL

    E7B English 7 Mrs AHabib

    Year 7 Englishfocuses onsentencestructure

    15 20 20 Full

    S8A Science 8 Mr AEinstoon

    20 13 22 ENROL

    S8B Science 8 Mr AEinstoon 20 6 22 ENROL

    S8C Science 8 Mr AEinstoon

    20 19 22 ENROL

    G7A Geography 7 Mrs BBourke

    Volcanoes andfloods

    5 13 15 ENROL

    F8B French 8 Mr AMifsud

    Tenses andvocabulary

    10 15 15 Full

    Student can submit subject enrolment request and teacher can accept and assign the class.

    Students can enrol in more than one class.

    After enrolling, students are emailed a confirmation which spells out the courses in which

    they enrolled and an invoice for the cost of the classes.

    Teachers can also log in to the database. They have privileges to enter the teacher area of the

    database, which students do not. In this area they can see lists of the students in their classes.

    Sam Sophocles also wants to be able to produce:

    a list of registered students in ascending order;

    a list of teachers and their classes; a summary of income from enrolments per class

    All lists must be appropriately sorted.

  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Task 1Software Solution

    1. Design (30 marks): 100 minutes (approx.)

    Use appropriate design tools to thoroughly represent:

    a. The structure of the database (e.g. tables, relationships, records, fields, validation rules).

    b. The logic behind calculated fields.

    c. Queries, forms

    d. Testing

    2. Development (40 marks): 200 minutes (approx)

    a. Use a relational DBMS to develop a database to satisfy the needs of Mr Sophocles.

    b. Carry out the queries and produce the output requested by Mr Sophocles.

    What to hand in after development time expires

    Printed entity relationship diagram of tables and relationships Printed table definitions showing fields in each table Printouts showing the formulas behind calculated fields Printouts of the data in each table, appropriately sorted Screen shots of form layout showing buttons, controls etc. The lists and totals requested by Sam Sophocles.

    All printouts should be labelled so its clear what they represent.

    3. Testing (10 marks): 50 minutes

    a. Provide evidence that all functional parts of the database, including validation, are working

    effectively. Evidence may include:

    manual calculations confirming the databases results; screenshots showing the databases behaviour; a testing table listing the items that were tested, how they were tested, the expected

    result, the actual result (if different to the expected result) and how unexpected resultswere fixed.

  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Task 2: Test Total: 20 marks

    You have 30 minutes. You may refer to the outcome case study, but cannot access other

    resources such as texts, notes, cheat sheets etc.

    Answer in the space provided.

    Question 1

    In the case study of Class Act, describe three needs that different groups of people (Sam,

    teachers, students or parents) have that would be satisfied by acquiring data from Sams

    website. (6 marks)










    Question 2

    Describe three needs that Sam has that would be satisfied by supplying data from his

    website. (6 marks)










  • 7/27/2019 SAC Unit 3 Outcome 2.V1


    Question 3

    Briefly describe four appropriate techniques to acquire data from websites (not just Sams

    site). (4 marks)









    Question 4

    Describe two techniques that Sam would want to user to protect the rights of people

    providing data to his website. (4 marks)





