safe pedestrian

Safe Pedestrian Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, Secretary, SHARE Society [email protected]

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Safe Pedestrian Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, Secretary, SHARE Society [email protected]
  2. 2. Why should we be interested in bicycle and pedestrian safety? The situation is getting worse. Urban sprawl has often left pedestrians stranded. Wide roads have been built without sidewalks or frequent crosswalks, and high-speed traffic makes these roadways particularly deadly. In many areas, intersections with crosswalks may be as much as a half-mile apart, leaving pedestrians with no safe way to cross the street. Of the pedestrian deaths for which information is recorded, almost 60 percent (59.1%) occurred in places where no crosswalk was available.
  3. 3. Who is Pedestrian? A person traveling on foot those traveling using tiny wheels such as roller skates, skateboards, and scooters wheelchair users
  4. 4. Reasons to Support Walking Economy Health Availability Cognition Environment Protection
  5. 5. Why?
  6. 6. National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP, 2006) envisions a focus on movement of people and goods rather than vehicles as the paradigm of transport planning leading to equitable allocation of road space with priority to public transport and non-motorized transport. The National Urban Transport Policy (2006) was adopted by GoI also recognizes the importance of people centric cities.
  7. 7. Make walking safe
  8. 8. Statistics for Pedestrians National Statistics Walking is far more dangerous than flying or driving, per mile traveled: 0.16 deaths per 100,000,000 miles aboard an airplane 1.4 deaths per 100,000,000 miles in a car. Almost 50 deaths per 100,000,000 miles walked.
  9. 9. How many pedestrians die every year? 270 000 pedestrians are killed on the roads every year or 22% of all road traffic deaths. Most are in low-income countries.
  10. 10. Status of Agra?
  11. 11. Fatalities in Agra
  12. 12. Fatalities according to user type
  13. 13. Who are these pedestrians? Males children and adults are all over- represented in pedestrian collisions. In high-income countries, older pedestrians are more at risk of death and injury. In low- and middle-income countries, children & young adults are often affected. People with disabilities have higher rates of injury.
  14. 14. Where and when do pedestrian collisions occur?Where In high-income countries: most often on city streets. In low- and middle-income countries: between cities and in rural areas. When When crossing the road. When lighting conditions are low, during dusk, dawn and at night.
  15. 15. What influences the severity of a injuries sustained by a pedestrian? Type of vehicle. Shape and stiffness of the vehicle front. Age and height of the pedestrian. Standing position of the pedestrian relative to the vehicle front.
  16. 16. What are the consequences of pedestrian collisions? Injuries, disabilities and death Traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries, fractures particularly to the lower limb. Lengthy hospital stay and rehabilitation costs A loss of a family's breadwinner which may push families into poverty
  17. 17. Vehicle design Trauma care Driver behaviour Pedestrian behaviour Road design Land-use planning Major risks for pedestrians?
  18. 18. Status of Infrastructure - Agra
  19. 19. Encroachment
  20. 20. Surface Conditions
  21. 21. Walking Environment
  22. 22. Where Is The Space To Walk?
  23. 23. No Comfort
  24. 24. Inaccessible Walkways 90 Cms kerb height
  25. 25. Different Types of Walking Surface
  26. 26. Ill Managed Pedestrian Facilities
  27. 27. IIT Delhi 2006 Existing Scenario
  28. 28. Existing Scenario
  29. 29. Existing Scenario
  30. 30. Existing Scenario
  31. 31. Existing Scenario
  32. 32. What measures can be taken to protect pedestrian? Driver behaviour Reduce speed: 50km/hr in urban areas, 30km/hr around schools. Set BAC limit of 0.05g/dl for drivers, less for novice and commercial drivers. Address driver distraction. Promote respect for pedestrian's rights. Pedestrian behaviour Enact and enforce laws on public intoxication. Encourage pedestrians to wear reflective clothing. Urge pedestrians to abide by the rules of the road.
  33. 33. What measures can be taken to protect pedestrian? Road design Separate pedestrians. Lower vehicle speeds. Improve road way lighting. Create pedestrian zones. Encourage mass transit. Land-use planning Redesign cities that put facilities in close proximity.
  34. 34. What measures can be taken to protect pedestrian? Vehicle design Enforce vehicle design standards for pedestrian protection. Generate a demand for safety by the public. Trauma care Enhance trauma care systems. Ensure comprehensive rehabilitation services.
  35. 35. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians
  36. 36. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Increase your defensive driving "scan and search" to include pedestrians along the road and on the sidewalks. They're not as easy to see as a car or truck and you are more likely to be looking for other cars. Keeping your windshield clean, so that pedestrians are more visible, is one of the biggest things you can do to reduce pedestrian accidents. Pollen, dirt and debris can increase glare and reduce visibility
  37. 37. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Be alert to pedestrians during left-hand turns. Just as with cyclists, a pedestrian is four times more likely to be hit by a motor vehicle that is turning left than by one that is turning right. As shown in driver work load studies, the left turning maneuver is more demanding, particularly for older drivers, and drivers appear to have problems with visual search and detection of pedestrians.
  38. 38. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Children under 8 years old are not capable of safely navigating around traffic, so they present a special risk group for pedestrian fatalities. The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that a young child's awareness of sounds and the direction from which they emanate, their peripheral vision, their focus and concentration levels are not sufficiently developed until after 8 years of age. One study showed that 90% of street crossings made by children in K through 3rd grade were in error.
  39. 39. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Areas around colleges and universities should also receive special attention at all times. Expect students to be darting out, not paying attention to signals or traffic, or trying to catch the tail end of a walk signal, ending up still in the road when the light turns green. The same holds true for public schools during peak hours in the morning and afternoon.
  40. 40. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Slow down! Especially in schools zones and other areas rich with pedestrians. If a car going 20 mph hits a person, there is a 95% chance that the person will survive. If the car is traveling 30 mph, the person has slightly better than a 50% of survival. At 40 mph, only 15% of people struck at this speed can be expected to survive.
  41. 41. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians During the summer months, Operators on routes that drive by pools and parks should increase their alertness for children darting out and more people crossing mid-block. Also, routes that go near Austins popular hike and bike trails should be alert, especially around the hot times - early evening and weekends.
  42. 42. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Everybody knows to be alert when a ball comes bouncing out in the street, but statistically the same or more caution should be exercised when approaching an ice cream truck or other street vendor. Joggers are special hazard. Some of them violate traffic rules because they don't want to slow down or break their stride at intersections and many of them wear headphones, which takes away their ability to hear traffic noises.
  43. 43. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Older pedestrians walk slower, which makes them more difficult for the eye to pick up. They also need more time to cross the street. Older pedestrians account for 13% of the population but 22% of all pedestrian fatalities. They have the highest death rate of any age group. Areas around retirement homes, senior centers, and nursing homes present an increased hazard.
  44. 44. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Developments and neighborhoods that don't have sidewalks force kids to walk and wait for school buses in the streets, increasing the hazard. This problem is compounded in the winter months, when the low angle of sunlight, and the tendency to wear darker clothes makes them more difficult to see.
  45. 45. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Be alert to unusual pedestrian behavior around Construction areas, which are dangerous locations for pedestrians. One reason is that many times construction areas or activities force the pedestrian to walk out into the street. Another is that the pedestrian is distracted because they are watching the construction activities and not paying attention to traffic.
  46. 46. Safe Driving Practices Around Pedestrians Exercise caution while making a Left Turn On Red. One of the biggest causes of pedestrian fatalities is a turning vehicle in a crosswalk striking a pedestrian.