safety induction to the lift & escalator industry part 9 – legal obligations part 9 – legal...

Safety Safety Induction to Induction to the Lift & the Lift & Escalator Escalator Industry Industry Part 9 – Legal Part 9 – Legal Obligations Obligations

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Safety Induction to Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator the Lift & Escalator IndustryIndustry

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations


Part 1 – Working in the IndustryPart 1 – Working in the IndustryPart 2 – Personal Safety & HealthPart 2 – Personal Safety & HealthPart 3 – Tools & EquipmentPart 3 – Tools & EquipmentPart 4a – Manual HandlingPart 4a – Manual HandlingPart 4b – Mechanical HandlingPart 4b – Mechanical HandlingPart 5 – Working Places and Safe AccessPart 5 – Working Places and Safe AccessPart 6a – Working Safely - GeneralPart 6a – Working Safely - GeneralPart 6b – Working Safely - Specific AreasPart 6b – Working Safely - Specific AreasPart 6c – Working Safely – Other SituationsPart 6c – Working Safely – Other SituationsPart 7 – First AidPart 7 – First AidPart 8 – Environmental ProtectionPart 8 – Environmental ProtectionPart 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 10 – Accident Reporting and RecordingPart 10 – Accident Reporting and Recording

Under the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act duties are placed on individuals:

• Employers• Employees• Safety Representatives• Self-employed• Persons in control of premises• Installers and erectors

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Employers:• Ensure the health, safety and welfare at work

of all their employees (SFAIRP)*• In particular with regard to the following: – the provision and maintenance of plant and

equipment– the provision and maintenance of systems of


Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Employers:• In particular with regard to the following: – the use, handling, storage and transport of

articles and substances,– the maintenance of any place of work and the

access to it and egress from it– the provision and maintenance of a safe working

environment for employees (which must also be adequate as regards welfare facilities)

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Employers:• Must provide information, instruction, training

and supervision as necessary• Must prepare a written H&S policy statement

with arrangements for carrying out that policy• Must bring the statement to the notice of all

his employees• Must carry out a risk assessment of all work

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Employees:• You must take reasonable care of the health

and safety of yourself and others while at work• You must not intentionally or recklessly

interfere with, or misuse, any items which have been provided in the interests of health and safety eg guarding or PPE

• You have a duty to use these items

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Employees:• You must also co-operate with your employer

in complying with their obligations under health and safety law and report any shortcomings

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations


Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Practical JokingDon’t fool around. Practical jokers are a menace to themselves and other employees - many people have been killed or seriously injured as a result of ‘skylarking’.Work is not the place for stupid practical jokes or horseplay.

Safety Representatives:Under health and safety regulation• Employee safety representatives may be

appointed by recognised trade unions• Safety committee may be established at the

request of the safety representatives• Requirements set out for consulting employees

who are not represented by a trade union

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Self-employed:• Must ensure that their work is conducted in

such a way that people are not, so far as is reasonably practicable, exposed to risks to their health or safety

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Persons in Control of Premises:• Must ensure that any plant or substance in

the premises is, as far as it is under their control, safe and without risks to health; this includes safe ways to and from the workplace.

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Installers and Erectors:• Must ensure that nothing about the way

articles are erected or installed makes them unsafe or a risk to health or safety at any such time when work is done on them

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

All Individuals:

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Alcohol and Substance misuseYou must take reasonable care of your own and other’s health and safety, and misuse of alcohol or other substances can affect work performance and jeopardise safety.

All Individuals:Signs of alcohol misuse can include:• increased aggression;• being defensive when drinking is mentioned;• the ‘shakes’.

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

All Individuals:Signs of substance misuse can include:• sudden behaviour changes, irritability and

sometimes violence• confusion• impaired work performance, poor time keeping

and absence• deterioration in relationships• mood and energy fluctuations

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

All Individuals:• For the misuser’s own good, as well as yours

and your workmates please inform your employee representative or management if you are aware of substance or alcohol misuse at work

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

All Individuals:• Your ability to work properly can also be

affected by some prescriptions, or drugs you buy from the chemist. If in doubt ask your GP, or notify your supervisor

• Likewise, if you develop any medical conditions that could jeopardise safety at work, you should discuss it with your GP or notify your supervisor

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations

Thank you for Attending

Any Questions?

Part 9 – Legal ObligationsPart 9 – Legal Obligations