safety paper work hand writing what are the

Safety Paper Work Hand Writing, what are the teams really telling you? P bar Y Safety Consultants

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Safety Paper Work Hand Writing, what are the

teams really telling you?

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Before you say NO WAY

• Think of all the safety forms that you have reviewed from the field now ask yourself how many times did I say WHAT WAS THE WORKER THINKING or TRYING TO SAY! It is another great way to guage WORKER COMPETENCY

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There are two types of hand writing analysis groups

Graphology study of how handwriting reflects a persons personality and character traits

Questioned Document Examiner or Forensic Document Examiner =determining whether a questioned writing of unknown origin was authored by a person whose known writings are available

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Safety Paperwork Graphology

• Has been called a pseudo science There are many individuals who, in evaluating the legitimacy of graphology, place it on the same level as astrology.

• There are, indeed, a great number of individuals who fervently believe in the worth of graphology as a reliable method to learn valuable information about the personality of an individual through his or her writing.

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Definitions: J.P. Guilford (1959)

• “An individual’s personality, then, is his unique pattern of traits.”

– A trait is “any distinguishable, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs from others.”

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Definitions: DSM-IV-TR

• “Are enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wide range of social and personal context.

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3 Facts to Consider When Defining “Personality”

Individuals are unique

Individuals behave differently in different situations

Although individuals are unique and behave inconsistently across situations, there is considerable commonality in human behavior

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• “Personality” as a construct may include:– Emotional responses– Social behavior– Emotional thoughts and behaviour– Motivations– Values– Interests

• Methods of Measuring Personality:– Paper & pencil tests: questionnaires, inventories– Situational exercises– Field or natural observations– Projective measures

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Value of Personality Questionnaires

• Value to the individual (face validity)

– Self-insight

– Points of discussion

– Norms provide comparison info

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The Big Five


• Openness to Experience• Conscientiousness• Extraversion• Agreeableness• Neuroticism

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• List of Domain and Facet ScoresNeuroticism Extraversion OpennessAnxiety Warmth FantasyAngry Hostility Gregariousness AestheticsDepression Assertiveness FeelingsSelf-Consciousness Activity ActionsImpulsiveness Excitement-Seeking IdeasVulnerability Positive Emotions Values

Agreeableness ConscientiousnessTrust CompetenceStraightforwardness OrderAltruism DutifulnessCompliance Achievement StrivingModesty Self-DisciplineTender-Mindedness Deliberation

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Document Examination

• Handwriting originates in the brain when a mental picture of letters and words is formed. The signal to try to duplicate the mental picture is sent to the arm and hand through the muscles and nervous system. The actual output is almost never an exact match of the original mental picture.

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Safety Document Examiner

Handwriting is distal, meaning that it occurs at the extremities and involves fine motor activity as opposed to a skill like walking which is proximal - a large, or gross motor skill. One reason individuals find it difficult to simulate the handwriting of others is that to do so successfully requires understanding the essence of the writer's motor control program and executing that same program.

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Introduction to Handwriting

• Everyone’s handwriting exhibits natural variation– Writing instruments- pen, pencil, marker ect…– Mood, age, hurried

• Brain does writing- methods of writing become subconscious– Adults show little variation

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingLine Quality

• Do the letters flow or are they erratic and shaky?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingSpacing

• Are letters equally spaced or crowded?• Are margins evenly spaced?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingSize Consistency

• Is the ratio of height to width consistent?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingContinuous

• Is the writing continuous or does the writer lift the pen/pencil?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingConnecting Letters

• Are the capital and lowercase letters connected and continuous?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingLetters Complete

• Are letters completely formed? Or, is part of a letter missing?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingCursive and Printed Letters

• Are there printed letters, cursive letters, or both?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingPen Pressure

• Is pressure equal when applied to upward and downward strokes?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingSlant

• Left, right, or variable?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingLine Habits

• Is the text on the line, above the line, or below the line?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingFancy Curls or Loops

• Are there fancy loops?• Any other distinguishing features?

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12 Characteristics of HandwritingPlaces of Crosses on t’s & Dots on i’s

• Are t’s crossed?– t’s crossed in middle, toward top, or toward

bottom• Are i’s dotted?– Dotted toward left, toward right, or centered

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• Handwriting gives us access to inside secrets about the hidden meaning of handwriting

• If you received a note like the one below– What would you be able to tell about the writer? The

words are friendly enough!– If you look a little closer you will see that there are a

number of conflicting signs. – Can you see the danger signals? There are red flags

popping up all over the place

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• An understanding of handwriting analysis will quickly show you that this writer is dogmatic and dictatorial, emotionally unstable, bad tempered and possibly even violent!

• It's even possible to find the underlying reasons for the danger signals and to understand why the writer has so much personal conflict in his life.

• You'll be surprised to discover how much detail can be extracted from just a single page of handwriting.

• Of course, to be able to read these signs yourself, you will need to have some understanding of handwriting analysis first.

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Handwriting Guidelines

• Get a sheet of paper, sign your name, and start to analyze with these guidelines:– Writing that leans to the right shows good communication

skills. – Straight, vertical writing shows independence and stability. – Writing that leans to the left may mean you find it difficult

to communicate. – Small writing can be a sign of modesty. – Large writing indicates enthusiasm and generosity.

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Diagnostic Inventory

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Spelling Assessment

• Spelling Error AnalysisTypes of spelling errors:

Letter additionsLetter omissionsLetter substitutionsLetter reversalsLetter transpositions

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Spelling Assessment• Spelling Demons

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Spelling Assessment

• Spelling DemonsCertain words are commonly misspelled by

general population.The 100 commonly misspelled words are known

as spelling “demons”.


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Spelling Assessment

• Dictated Spelling TestsWords selected from any graded word list and

workers’ performance indicates their spelling grade level.

Instructional level:75-90% accuracy

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Spelling Assessment• Informal Spelling Inventory

It is used to determine the approximate grade-level proficiency for spelling words (in isolation).

Teachers can construct their own informal spelling inventory (of about 20 words).

The list of words is dictated to the worker.Adequate mastery:

90-100% correctInstructional level:75-89% correct

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Spelling Assessment

• Diagnostic Spelling InventoryIt can help to

determine which specific skills need further evaluation.

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Spelling Flow List• To administer fewer words and closely monitor

progress toward mastery, teacher selects several key words and assesses them three days in a row.

• If the word is spelled correctly three days in a row, proficiency is assumed.

• To check long-term mastery, the teacher dictates the word again one week later.

• Once mastery is achieved, more words will be added to the spelling mastery list (Spinelli, 2006).


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Interpretation for the Phonemic Awareness Assessment

• workers who consistently write three or four letters:Have some ability to segment phonemes

• workers who write only one or two reasonable letters per word:Beginning to segment phonemes

• workers who write nothing / string together letters indiscriminately:Have not learned to segment phonemes

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Handwriting Assessment

• Prerequisite skills for handwriting:Muscular controlEye-hand coordinationVisual discrimination

• How can teachers assess workers’ prerequisite skills for handwriting?

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Handwriting Assessment

• Handwriting legibilityThe clarity and readability of handwriting

• FluencyThe rate of written production

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Handwriting Assessment

Checklist of Handwriting Skills

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Handwriting Assessment

• Handwriting Error AnalysisMisdirection of lettersExcessive slantPoor spacingMessinessMisalignmentExcessive or insufficient amount of pencil


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Handwriting Assessment

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Handwriting Assessment

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Handwriting Assessment

• Rating Scale: Zaner-Bloser Evaluation ScaleRatings can also be made more objective by

considering the five major handwriting skills: shape, slant, spacing, size and smoothness.

Each is judged as either Satisfactory or Needs Improvement.

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Handwriting Assessment

• ObservationDoes the worker exert a great deal of pressure

on the paper?If writing with a pencil, does the worker break

pencil points frequently?How often does the worker erase or cross out

mistakes?What is the size of letters (too small or too

large)?What is the proportion of one letter or word to


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Handwriting Assessment• Observation

How about the slant of words (too much or irregular)?

What is the letter formation (e.g. poor circles or straight lines, lines disconnected, etc.)?

How about letter alignment (off the line, etc.)?What is the speed of the worker’s writing (too

fast or too slow)?Does the worker have difficulty copying from

the board or from a text on the desk? (vision problem)

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Graphologists claim

• Personality traits• Success in career• Compatibility• Health issues • Moral issues• (Graphotherepeutics)

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What they’re looking for

• Size• Slant• Width• Zones• Regularity• Margin

• Pressure• Stroke• Lines• Connection• Form of connection• Word and line spacing

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Examples of traits

• Analytical thinking

• Blunt

• Broad-minded

• Concentration

• Cultural refinement

• Emotional Intesity

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• Forgetfulness

• Humor

• Rebellious

• Vanity

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Phonemic Awareness




Writers Vocabulary

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Some definitions • Automaticity is a general term that

means the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is usually the result of learning, repetition, and practice.

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Some definitions • Fluency is reading (and writing) with no

noticeable cognitive or mental effort. It is having mastered word recognition skills to the point that they do not require conscious attention.

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Some definitions• Automaticity is defined as fast, accurate

and effortless word identification at the single word level. The speed and accuracy at which single words are identified is the best predictor of comprehension.

• Fluency, on the other hand, involves not only automatic word identification but also the application of appropriate prosodic features (rhythm, intonation, and phrasing) at the phrase, sentence, and text levels.

P bar Y Safety ConsultantsRapid Automatic Naming







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Word Recognition• High Frequency Words• Sight Words• Onset-rimes (word sorts, drills)• Prefix / Suffix• Syllables • Root words & word families – linked to

etymological strategies • Word Walls – rapid reading

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Intonation & Punctuation

•ABC? DE. FGH! I? JKL. MN? OPQ! RST! UV? WX. YZ! 123. 4! 567? 89. 10!