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  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory


  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory



    INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    BASIC RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Number of Players and Ships . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    SETUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7THE GAME TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Te Ship and the Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Planning the Maneuver. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Movement with a Normal Maneuver Card . . . 10Movement with a Red Border Maneuver Card. 11Leaving the Game Field. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Overlapping during Movement. . . . . . . . . 12

    COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Artillery Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Musketry Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Surrendering of a Ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    RELOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    WINNING THE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    BASIC SCENARIOENEMY IN SIGHT!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    STANDARD RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22SETUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22THE GAME TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22ime to React. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Veer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Collision between Friendly Ships. . . . . . . . 25

    COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Raking Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Firing with Special Ammunition . . . . . . . . 26

    RELOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    ADVANCED RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28SETUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    THE GAME TURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Planning Crew Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Struck Sails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    ACTION PHASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Standard Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Reloading Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Delayed Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Sail Setting and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Special Damages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    OPTIONAL RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34PLANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    Let the Men Drink!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34Lacking raining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    MOVEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Entanglement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    COMBAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Continuous Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35First Broadside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36Forced Aim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Double Shot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Aiming High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    BOARDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37/ Boarding in Basic and Standard Rules 37 Boarding in Advanced Rules . . . . . . 39

    Boarding and Entanglement . . . . . . . . . . 40

    OTHER RULES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Flagship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ammunition Explosion. . . . . . . . . 40 Sinking Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Spreading Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Surrendered Ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Variable Wind Direction. . . . . . . . . . . 41 Variable Wind Strength . . . . . . . . . 42

    TERRAIN ELEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Reefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Shoals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Coast and Islands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44Coastal Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    RULES FOR SOLITAAutomatic MovemCombat And ActioCoastal Batteries in









    BACKERS . .


  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory



    Sails of Gloryis a game system that allows players torecreate the epic naval battles of the Age of Sail. Terules you are reading have been designed to recreate

    tactical naval warfare during the Napoleonic Wars,from the end of the 18th century to the early 19thcentury.

    On your gaming table, you will sail and fight withmassive ships of the line and swift frigates in an agewhere the armies and fleets of the French EmperorNapoleon I battled across the seas, as well as on thefields of Europe. Here the powerful Royal Navy ofthe British Empire clashed against the French acrossoceans and seas, in dramatic naval battles such as

    rafalgar and the Battle of the Nile.

    Sails of Gloryuses preassembled and prepaintedship miniatures and an innovative movementmechanic, inspired by our acclaimedWings of Glorygame system.

    Tis Starter Setincludes a complete game for 24players. You can enjoy it for many hours as it is orexpand it with the other products in the Sails ofGloryrange.

    Included in this set are 4 readytoplay shipmodels. Additional Sails of Gloryminiatures can bepurchased individually, as Ship Packs, to play larger

    games. Each pack includes a new miniature, its shiplog, its special base, and the maneuver deck for thatship, so that you can immediately use the model inyour games.

    You can also expand your game using our modulargame mat and terrain elements, and other accessories.Please visit www.aresgames.eufor a complete list ofthe Sails of Gloryproducts currently available.

    Sails of Gloryis fastplaying and easy to learn. Te

    introductory Basic Rules(pages 621) give you a verysimple starting point to begin playing immediatelyafter opening this box.

    After youre familiar with the Basic Rules, or ifyou are an experienced gamer, you may use theStandard Rules(pages 2227), which make the gamea little more challenging, as players must plan theirmovement one turn ahead, and special types ofammunition are added.

    TeAdvanced Rules(pages 28greater level of realism, includiactions, special damages, and m

    Whatever level of complexity ycan elect to use Optional Rulesengage your ships in a variety o(pages 5057).

    Before playing, you must asattitude indicators and the w

    Attitude Indicator

  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory





    Courageuse / UnitMiniature

    Gnreux / AquilonMiniature

    HMS erpsichore / HMS MeleagerMiniature

    HMS D









    37 A










    55 B










    28 C









    Courageuse (back: Unit)Ship Card and Base Card

    Gnreux (back: Aquilon)Ship Card and Base Card

    HMS erpsichore (back: HMS Meleager)Ship Card and Base Card

    HMS DefeShip


    390 Damage Counters 210 Markers, okens, Counters 10 errain Element

  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory









    Maneuver Deck A(37 Cards)

    Maneuver Deck B(29 Cards)

    Maneuver Deck C(37 Cards)



    Ship Mats (4) Sail Status Counters (4) Wind Gauge (1) Wind Strength Counter (1)

    Ship Logs (4) Combat Rulers (2)

  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory




    In Sails of Glory, players control one or moreships, taking to the sea to engage their opponentsin naval duels or to accomplish a specific mission(such as forcing a blockade, attacking coastal targets,and so on).

    We recommend you start playing with the firstscenario (Enemy in Sight!page 21). Tis is astraightforward action where each player is tryingto force both enemy ships to surrender. Te winneris the player (or team of players) who eliminates hisopponents ships before being forced to surrender hisown.

    When you are comfortable with the game mechanics,you can either play one of the other scenariospresented at the end of this booklet or start inventingscenarios of your own!

    NUMBER OF PLAYERS AND SHIPSSails of Gloryrequires at least two players, eachcontrolling one or more ships.

    Te setup instructions in the next page assume youwill be playing a twoplayer game, with each playercontrolling two ships.

    Each player plots maneuverdamage separately for each sIf you are playing with mor

    the players as evenly as posspackage supports up to foureasily play with more peoplspace and you purchase add


    1 Ships Name2 Nationality

    3 Burden (Size)4 Maneuver Deck5 Veer (Maneuverability)

    6 Colored Borders (Attitude of the Ship)

    7 Firing Arcs

    8 Number of Guns9 Number of Crewmen

    10 Class / ype


    11 Te indicated year is the launch or capture year.Te year in brackets (if present) indicates when the ship

    assumes the characteristics (and/or the name)it has in the game.

    COURAGEUSE 1778 (1794)















  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory


    SETUPo play Sails of Glory, you need a flat surface atleast 90 x 70 cm (36 in. x 26 in.) to play on. Atable, carpet, or floor section will all work as long asthe boundaries are well defined. Before playing, youneed to choose which scenario you want to play (seeScenarios, page 50). Follow the instructions provided

    by the scenario to select and setup the required ships.We recommend you use the simple Enemy in Sight!scenario (page 21) for your first game.

    For each ship he controls, a player must insert theappropriate base cardinto the ships base, then close

    it with the transparent lid and fix the ships modelon top. Base cards are doublesided: Choose the side

    matching the name of the ship you want to use.

    A player also takes a ship mat, the appropriateship logand ship cardfor each ship, and the set ofmaneuver cardsmatching the maneuverability letterindicated by the ship card. Separate the cards with

    a blue or red border from the cborder; the dark gray border ca

    playing with theAdvanced Rule

    Place the ship log in the appropmat with the ship card next to remember which ship is being ship mat.



    Normal Maneuver Card (blue border)2 aken Aback Maneuver Card (red border)3 Broken Mast Maneuver Card (dark gray border) { }

    4 Movement lines 4A Full sai ls { } 4B Battle sails 4C Backing sails { }

    5 Veer value { }


    A27/372 3







    Some components and optional rules only applywhen playing Basic, Standard or Advanced Rules.Tis is indicated by the following symbols:

    { } Basic Rules{ } Standard Rules{ } Advanced Rules

  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory



    Divide the 5 five groups of damage countersaccording to the letter on the back. In the basic gameyou just need theA, B, and Ecounters. Place theminto three different cups or groups, facedown on thetable.

    Place the Cand Dcounters back in the box. You onlyneed them when playing with the Standard Rules(see

    page 22) orAdvanced Rules(see page 28).

    Separate the crew lossspecial damagemarkers from the other markers. Tey are theonly special damage markers used when

    playing with the Basic Rules.

    For each ship, take two ball ammunitioncounters. Place them on the left broadsideand right broadsidespaces of the ship

    mat, facedown, to indicate

    the cannons on both sidesare loaded and ready to fire.

    In the basic game, the windalways comes from the rightof the British side of thetable (see Enemy in Sight!scenario, page 21). o show

    the wind direction, place the wind gaugeon thegaming field, with its arrow parallel to the startinglines, pointing toward the right of the English fleet.


    1 Ships Name and Year2 Burden (Size)3 Veer (Maneuverability) { }4 op Row: Artillery Firepower /

    Ship Damage track5

    Artillery Firepower: Stem (Forward), Full Broadside, Stern (Rear)6 Number of Crew Actions { }7 Bottom Row: Musketry Firepower /

    Crew Damage track

    8 0 okens Box / Special9 Broadside (Left/Right)

    10 Ammunition Storage (Le11 Sail Settings { }

    12 Full


    Battle 14 Backing 15 Struck Sails

    16 Planned Actions { 17 Unused Actions {











    12 13 14 15


    1stManeuver 2ndManShip Card



  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory


    THE GAME TURNEach turn is composed of four phases:

    1) Planning2) Movement3) Combat

    4) Reloading

    All players perform each of these phases simultaneously.Conclude each phase before proceeding to the next one.

    After the Reloading phase is completed, start a newturn with a new Planning phase.

    PLANNINGDuring the Planning phase, all players select themaneuver cards used to move their ships.

    THE SHIP AND THE WINDBefore a player plans a ships movement, it isimportant to understand the position of that shipwith respect to the wind (the attitude to wind).

    Red:aken Aback Orange:Beating Green:Reaching Orange:Running

    o read the wind, the player places an attitudeindicatorbeside the ship, in the same direction



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    MOVEMENTAfter all players have plannedthe maneuver cards at the samthe ships. o move a ship, eacorresponding maneuver car

    o facilitate movement, eve

    indents which must match start and the end of the mo

    MOVEMENT WITH A NMANEUVER CARDNormal (blue border) manethe front of the ship, so the

    shown by the wind gauge, so the tip of the indicatorpoints toward the main mast of the ship. Te playernotes the color of the edge on the ships base whereit crosses the attitude indicator. Te color determineswhether the ship is beating/running(orange),reaching(green), or taken aback(red).

    PLANNING THE MANEUVERTe player secretly chooses a maneuver cardfrom hismaneuver deck.

    If the ship is beating,running, or reaching(orange or green), theplayer may select anynormal maneuver card(with a blue border) toplan the ships movement.

    If the ship is taken aback(red), the player may onlyselect a maneuver cardwith a red border to planmovement.

    If the attitude indicator passesexactly between two differentcolors, the player always chooses the most favorable(fastest) color of the two:



    Normal Card



    aken Aback Card

    If it passes between red and orange, he choosesorange.

    If it crosses between orange and green, hechooses green.

    Each player places the selected card, facedown, inthe first space of the corresponding ship mat. Te

    maneuver indicated by the card will be performed inthe movement phase of this turn.

    It is forbidden to take measurements of any kind (forexample, to check firing range) before planning. Teonly measurement allowed is to check the ships windattitude.



  • 7/26/2019 Sails of Glory


    the middle arrow matches the lof the ship and the indent at th

    Normal maneuver cards have tmovement lines representingunder full sails, battle sailsorOnly the blue movement line (representing battle sails, is used

    Each movement line has two man orange movement arrow, forand a green movement arrow, fo

    o move his ship, the player siof his ship and moves it onto ththe black line behind the ship otwo arrow tips (green or orangattitude to wind of the ship. (after movement, the indent at

    must match the movement lineship must be aligned with the hbottom of the arrowhead.)

    After the ship has been moved,is removed from the table and maneuver deck.


    When the ship is taken aback (crosses a red portion of the basuse a movement card with a redMOVEMENT WITH A RED BORDER MANEUVER CARD


    A B

    A B

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    maneuver card has two movement lines one withone sandglass and one with two sandglasses.

    In the basic game, only the movement line with twosandglasses is used. Te maneuver card is placed withthe arrow to the rear of the ship base, rather than tothe front, showing the backing action of the wind.

    Ten, the player moves the ship onto the maneuvercard, matching the rear of the ship with themovement arrow in the same way as when usinga normal maneuver card. When movement iscompleted, remove the maneuver card from the tableand return it back to the maneuver deck.

    LEAVING THE GAME FIELDIf any part of a ship base exits the game field aftera movement, the ship is eliminated and counts assurrendered.

    OVERLAPPING DURING MOVEMENTIf, due to their chosen maneuver, two or more shipswould move so that, at the end of the movement,their bases overlap, movement is not executed in thenormal way.

    Return all the ships involved in the overlapping totheir original positions or leave them where they areat the start of the phase. Complete movement of allthe ships not involved as normal. Ten, move theoverlapping ships using the following rules.

    Note:A special situation may arise when twoships are heading toward each other. If each ofthem may complete its maneuver so that, atthe end of the movement, the two bases do notoverlap, there is no collision, and the maneuveris resolved normally.


    When there is an overlapping, ships are not movedsimultaneously. Te overlapping ships move, one at atime, according to the following rules:

    1) Select the ship with the highest burden amongthe ones that would overlap. Tat ship movesfirst.

    2) If two or more ships hfirst move the one witgreen, then orange, an

    3) Among ships with thattitude, determine thrandom.

    4) After you determine tone at a time.

    Note: Te burden is the symbol of a hull section model base and on the sh



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    2) MOVING AND RESOLVING COLLISIONSDuring the sequence of movements described above,it may be impossible for a ship to normally completeits movement, because another ship is in the way. (Itdoes not matter if the obstructing ship has alreadymoved or not.) In this case, there is a collision. Teplayer must slide the ship along the movement line,as far as possible, with the following rules:

    1) Place the maneuver card in front of the movingship.

    2) Check if it is possible to place the ship on topof the maneuver card:

    a) If yes, then do so. Ten, slide the shipon the table so the black line on therearof the base follows the path of themovement line on the card.

    b) If no, just slide the ship so that the topof the line on thefrontof the ships basefollows the path of the arrow on the card.

    Stop movement as soon as the moving ships basetouches another ships base. Ten, proceed with thenext ship involved in the collision, until all collidingships have moved.


    1) Te two ships would overlap aftermovement.

    2) Te ship with the highest burden moves

    first, using its normal maneuver.

    3) Te second ship moves, sliding its frontalong the movement arrow until its basetouches the first ship, then stops.


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    COMBATAfter the movement phase icheck if any of their ships catypes of attacks: artilleryanare simultaneous and their esame time, no matter the ty

    ARTILLERY FIREA ship has two sets of guns,on each side, called broadsiTese are indicated by twoboxes on the ship mat.

    FIRING ARCSEach of the two broadsides arcs, each indicated by a redbordering a colored angle.

    1) When there is a goodship and the potentiaarc may be used. Tisagainst the target withattack has maximum and Range, page 16).

    2) If the alignment betwis not as good, it mayeither the forward (starc. Te attack has a ronly a portion of the against the target.


    1) Te two ships would overlap aftermovement.

    2) Te ship with the highest burden moves

    first, sliding its front along the movementarrow until its base touches the second ship,then stops.

    3) Te second ship moves, sliding its rear alongthe movement arrow until its base touchesthe first ship, then stops.



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    o check if a target can be fired upon, the player takesthe combat ruler and, after determining the firing arc,places the end of the combat ruler marked with thegun symbol on the red dot of that arc.

    If the combat ruler can reach any portion of the baseof the target ship, while staying within the firing arcof that dot, the ship can shoot with the guns of thatsides arc.

    Note: Sometimes, the target ship may be firedupon both from the central arc and the forwardor rear arc. In this case, the player may choosewhich arc to use (in most cases, its more

    convenient to use the central arc).

    AMMUNITIONA ship may only fire abroadside if the guns on thatside are loaded.

    At the start of the game,both broadsides of a ship areloaded. Tis is indicated byplacing one ammunition counter, facedown, in eachof the two broadside boxes.

    After a player fires from either side of a ship, he turnsthe ammunition counter faceup in the broadside boxof that side, as a reminder that the ammunition is


    Te guns of that side are now cunloadedand cannot fire againreloaded (see Reloading).

    CHOOSING A TARGETA ship may fire onceon each siships side have more than one in the same arc or in different acontrolling player must choose

    If a ship has targets on both sidtarget on eachside, shooting w


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    Shooting is never mandatory: A player may decidenot to fire at a target or to fire only one broadsideeven if both sides have a target in range.

    LINE OF SIGHTA ship may not fire through the base of another ship,enemy or friendly. If it is impossible to reach a point ofthe target without the combat ruler crossing the base of

    another ship, the line of sight is blocked. Te ship maychoose another firing arc or another target, if available.

    FIREPOWER AND RANGEWhen a ship fires, the player must determine itsfirepowerand range. Te firepower determines howmany damage counters the target must draw, while therange indicates the type of damage counters drawn.

    Firepower depends on the firing arc used and bydamage suffered by the firing ship. Fire issimultaneous, so any damage a ship receives in thecurrent turn will not modify its current firepower.

    Te leftmost empty box on thetop row of the ship log (with theShip symbol) indicates the currentfirepower of that ship. Tere are threenumbers in the box the number

    in the middle is used when firing a full broadside(central arc), the number on the left is used whenfiring the forward broadside, and the number on theright is used when firing the rear broadside.

    Important: If a ship may be targeted withinmore than one arc, only the firepower of thechosen arc of fire is used, not the sum of thenumbers in multiple arcs.

    Rangeis determined using the combat ruler,measuring from the dot on the firing arc to anywhereon the targets base:



    At the start of the game, this ship has a

    firepower of 3 with a full broadside and 2 witheither the forward or rear broadside.

    Later in the game, the same ship has takensome damage. Its firepower is reduced to 1for the forward and rear broadside and to 2

    for the full broadside.

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    If the targets base is reached by the first half ofthe combat ruler (indicated by the red/purple ororange color), the range is shortand the targettakes as many damage counters as indicatedby the firepower of the attacking ship.

    If the targets base is reached by the second halfof the combat ruler (indicated by the yellow

    color), the range is longand the target takes asmany damage counters as indicated by thefirepower of the attacking ship.

    Note: It is possible the attack is at short rangewhen measured within one fire arc and at longrange when measured from a different arc.Remember that the attacker may choose whichfiring arc to use in the attack.

    MUSKETRY FIREIf the ship base is at a distance from an enemy shipsbase equal to the widthof the combat ruler or less (inany direction), it is possible to attack with musketryfire.

    Musketry is in addition to artillery fire and is notmandatory. A ship may only attack a single targetwith musketry fire each turn.

    Players may select a different musketry target fromthe target of the artillery attack, if more targets areavailable.

    Musketry firepower is indicated bythe bottom row of boxes on the shiplog (with the Crew symbol). Tenumber in the leftmost empty box on

    that row indicates the current musketry firepower ofthat ship. Te target takes as many damagecounters as indicated by the number.

    Musketry fire is always available and does not needreloading.

    At the start of the game, this ship has amusketry firepower of 2.

    Later in the game, the same ship has takendamage to its crew. Its musketry firepower is

    reduced to 1.



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    DAMAGEWhen a ship is the target of one or more attacks,the owner of the ship randomly draws the damagecounters caused by the attacks (as determined above),and then shows them to his opponents.

    After allattacks are resolved and allplayers havedrawn the damage counters for their ships, the

    counters are placed on the ship log of each damagedship, accordingly to the following rules.

    If a counter is a 0, the player places itin the appropriate space of the ship log(rather than in the top row).

    All the other numbered counters areplaced in the boxes of the Ship Damagetrack (the top row of the ship log, with

    the Ship symbol). Tese counters representdamage to the ship itself.

    If a counter shows a Crew Loss symbol,it is placed in the boxes of the CrewDamage track (the bottom row of the

    ship log, with the Crew symbol). Tesecounters represent losses inflicted to the crew ofthe ship.

    If a counter shows both a number anda Crew Loss symbol, it is placed in theShip Damage track. Ten, the player

    takes a Crew Loss special damage marker andplaces it in the Crew Damage track.

    All other symbols on damage counters areignored and are treated as numeric counters.Te special damage represented by thesesymbols is not used with the Basic Rules.

    When placing damage counters, the player startsfrom the leftmost box of the appropriate track whichis not full (see below).

    DAMAGE TO THE SHIPNumbered counters represent damage to the ship andare placed in the Ship Damage track (top row) of theship log. When a player places numbered counters, hemust always place them in order of their value, fromthe highest to the lowest.

    Each box of the Ship Damage track can hold oneor more counters, until their total value matches orexceeds the burden of the ship.

    When the sum of the values of the counters in a boxequals or exceeds the burden, that box is full. urnthe counters facedown to indicate the box is full. Noadditional counters may be placed in that box. Teplayer must now start placing counters in the nextbox to the right.

    When a single counter has a value equal to, or higher

    than, the burden, the counter is placed directly

    in the leftmost completely eis immediately considered fuimmediately turned facedowFurther damage may still beprevious box, if it is not full

    DAMAGE TO THE CREWDamage to the crew

    Damage track (bottWhen a Crew Loss the player must place it in abox can hold only one coun

    If the player draws a counteand a Crew Loss, he must uto keep track of the loss on and place the numbered coutrack, following the normal

    SURRENDERING OF AIf, at any time, all the boxesDamage track or the Crew Dby a counter, the ship surrefrom the gaming table.

    All the damage counters onmat, including the 0s, arethe unused damage counter

    Remember, as damage is resship that surrenders is still a

    in which it is eliminated.

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    Te Courageuse (Burden of 3) is hit for the first time and receives a total ofseven damage counters in the turn. Once drawn, they are revealed as:

    Te 0s are immediately placed in the 0 damage box of the ship mat.

    Te two Crew Loss counters are placed on the first two boxes of the CrewDamage track. Te musketry firepower remains 2, as indicated by thethird box, the first empty one.

    Ten, assign damage to the ship. Since the burden is 3, the 6 countergoes alone into the first box of the Ship Damage track, facedown as thebox is now full. Te 4 is placed into the second box, which also becomesfull, so the counter is also turned facedown. Te 2 goes into the thirdbox. From now the artillery firepower is 2/2/2, as indicated by the fourthbox the first empty one.

    During the following turn, the Courageuse suffers six more

    Te 0 goes into the 0 damage box on the ship mat wo Crew Loss counters (the drawn counter, and one

    marker because of the Crew Loss symbol on the 2 cothird and fourth boxes of the Crew Damage track: Teis still 2.

    Damage to the ship is then assigned. Being equal to thcounter goes into a new box, the fourth, facedown. Te2 in the third box (the burden is 3, so the box was no2 counter), and then these two counters are turned fabox is now full. Te two 1s go into the fifth box, togefaceup, since the box is not full yet. Now the ships shoovalue in the sixth box. A Damage counter in a later turfill the sixth box if its value is 3 (the burden) or more; btogether with the two 1s in the fifth box if it is a 1 or

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    RELOADINGGuns of a broadside maybe reloaded only during theturnfollowingthe one inwhich they fired, or any turnthereafter (so a broadsidecan, at most, fire every other

    turn).During the reloading phase, each player may movea facedown counter from an ammunition storagebox to the corresponding emptybroadside box(that is, one fired in apreviousturn), keeping itfacedown. Tis ammunition may be used to fire thecorresponding broadside on that side, on the nextturn.

    Ten, players must move any faceup counter ina broadside box (that is, one fired in the currentturn) to the corresponding ammunition storagebox, flipping it facedown. Tis ammunition may bereloaded at the end of the next turn.

    Note: In a turn, the ship can reload both sidesin a single turn, if both started the current turnunloaded.

    Examplea)In turn 1, theHMS Defence fires theright broadside. Teammunition counter is

    flipped faceup in thebroadside box.

    b)During the reloadingphase at the end of turn 1,the counter is moved to theammunition storage box,and flipped facedown.

    c)In turn 2, duringthe reloading phase, thecounter is moved from theammunition storage boxto the broadside box: Te

    guns are ready to fire againin the next turn.

    d)In the combat phase of turn 3, the ship mayshoot the right broadside again.

    WINNING THVictory conditions are indicdecide to play.

    You now know the basic

    We recommend playing thSight, page 21) at least one the Standard Rules. If you of the Optional Rules(pag

    more detailed

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    Players: 24, divided evenly into two teams. With 3players, one player controls both the ships fromone side, and each of the opponents takes one ship

    from the opposite side.Gaming Surface: Length: 90 cm (36 in.), width: 90

    cm. (36 in.) or one game mat.

    French Player(s): Courageuse and Gnreux, withinhalfruler distance from the French side.

    British Player(s): HMS erpsichore and HMSDefence, within halfruler distance from theBritish side.

    Winning Conditions: Te winner is the side withships in play when all enemy ships exit the playingarea or surrender.


    British Setup Zone

    French Setup Zone



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    A fter players are familiar with the Basic Rules,the rules in this chapter may be added to makethe game more detailed and challenging. Teserules are a set and they are meant to be added alltogether.

    Te Standard Rules introduce ime to React,Veer, Raking, special types ofAmmunition, andadditional rules about Overlapping.

    Any previous rule that is not explicitly changedremains valid when playing with the Standard Rules.

    SETUPIn the Standard Rules, players may select different

    types of ammunition to load: ball, chain, andgrapeshot(the double shot counters are used onlywith the Double Shotoptional rule, see page 36).

    Ball Chain Grapeshot

    For each of his ships, a player takes two ammunitioncounters of each different kind and places onecounter of each type, facedown, in both ammunitionstorage boxes of the ship mat.Each player then secretly moves one counter of hischoice to each broadside box of the mat, facedown.Tis indicates the type of ammunition loaded intothe guns. Te type of ammunition is freely chosen foreach broadside, and may differ between the left andright broadside.

    Finally, each player chooses and places one blueborder maneuver card in the first space of the shipmat of each of his ships. Tis card is the maneuver

    that the ship will perform during thefirstturn.


    PLANNINGWhen playing with Standarto plan their maneuvers in arule, see below) and to take maneuverability of their shi

    TIME TO REACTTe game starts with a manplanned.

    During the planning phase the first), players secretly chwith a blue border from theship. Tis card is the maneuduring the nextturn, after tplanned.

    Each player places the selethe second space of the cor

    Te maneuver in the first spthisturn; the card in the sec

    been placed, will be used ne

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    1) One maneuver card is planned from the previous turn. 2) You plan a second maneuver,and place it in the second space of the ship log.

    3) Te card planned in the previous








    4) Te current maneuver card is placed. 5) Te current maneuver card is executed. 6) Te second maneuver card becto be executed next tu

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    Players may notcheck the attitude to the wind beforechoosing the maneuver card. Tey are only allowed tocheck the attitude during the movement phase.

    VEEREach ship has aVeer(maneuverability) rating,indicated by the number beside the steering wheelsymbol { } on the ship base, ship card, and ship

    log.Each maneuver card also has a veervalue, in one of the upper corners,beside the steering wheel symbol.

    During the planning phase, aplayer may not select a maneuvercard whose veer value is different(higher or lower) from the previous maneuver card bymore than the ships Veer rating.

    ExampleTe Gnreux has a Veer of 5. If the last plannedcard has a value of 2, the next card must have avalue from 2 (the lowest in the deck) to 7. It is not

    possible to play an 8, because thedifference is 6 (8-2), more thanthe Veer rating.

    If an illegal maneuver is revealed,replace it with a straight maneuver(a maneuver with a veer value of 5

    and a straight movement line).

    MOVEMENTAfter all players have planned their maneuvers, theyreveal the maneuver card in thefirst space(placed inthe previous turn), and move the ships.

    Each player checks the current attitude to windofhis ship (see page 9).

    If the ship is beating, running, or reaching(orange or green), the maneuver is performednormally, that is, in the same way as in thebasic rules.

    If the ship is taken aback (red), the revealedmaneuver card must be replaced by a maneuvercard with a red border. Te player must choosethe red border card appropriate to the veervalue of the replaced maneuver: 4 or less,exactly 5, 6 or more.

    ExampleTe selected maneuver card has a veer value of 7. Itis replaced by the red border card 6 or more.

    4 or less Exactly 5 6 or more

    On the first turn thathe line marked with to move the ship. Tiin the same way as thnormal maneuver carfront of the ship.

    If the ship is taken a

    consecutive turns, thsandglasses { } is uthis case, the maneuvarrow to the rear of thto the front, showingwind (same as in the B

    When movement with a redcompleted, the card is left fadeck, as a reminder that thethis turn.

    After movement is completthe second space of the shipspace.

    Veer value



    Straight Maneuver

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    COLLISION BETWEEN FIf there is a collision (see Overl

    Movement, page 12) between frexample, two French ships), thdamage.

    Each ship takes a number of matching the total burden of a

    overlapping it.


    A raking shot is a shot that travof a ship, rather than taking it sides.

    Te attacking player must tracethe dot of the central firing arcthe target ship.

    If the line passes through one othe target base, the ship may firits central firing arc the broadof the target ship along its full additional damage.

    If the raking shot enters sideof the base, the targdamage counter for every



    A B

    A B

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    If the raking shot enters through the rear sideof the base, the target takes one additionaldamage counter for every two (rounding up)counters it should take (since the stern is themost fragile part of the ship).

    ExampleHMS Defence is hit by a raking shot across

    the front side of her base by the Courageuse(Firepower 3), at long range. Normally HMSDefence should draw 3 damage counters.However, a raking shot through the front inflicts1 more damage counter, for a total of 4. A similarraking shot across the rear side of the HMSDefence would inflict 2 more damage counters(3 divided by 2 and rounded up), for a total of 5damage counters.

    A raking shot across the front side of HMSDefence from the Gnreux (Firepower 7) wouldinflict 3 additional counters (7 divided by 3 androunded up), for a total of 10 counters. Across therear side, a similar shot would inflict 4 additionalcounters (7 divided by 2 and rounded up), for atotal of 11 damage counters.

    FIRING WITH SPECIATree different kinds of amthe Standard Rules. Te typloaded is revealed when a shits effect is applied, as indica

    Ballis the norma longer range andamage to the tarcrew or sails.

    As in the Basic Rules, if thethe first half of the combat rand the target takes as manyindicated by the firepower otargets base is reached by thcombat ruler, the range is lomany damage counters afirepower of the attacking sh

    Chainis a specialof balls linked bywhen fired. Chainball, and is used t

    the deck, masts, and sails ofWhen firing with chain ambase is reached by the red/pruler (marked with C/D), thdamage counters as indicateattacking ship. Beyond this and takes no damage.



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    Grapeshotis a mass of small balls andpieces of metal that scatter to inflict moredamage to the crew than to the ship hull. Italso has a shorter range than ball, and

    causes less damage to the ships hull. When firingwith grapeshot ammunition, if the targets base isreached by the red/purple part of the combat ruler(marked with C/D), the target takes as manydamage counters as indicated by the firepower of theattacking ship. Beyond this range, the target is missedand takes no damage.

    When a ship fires a broadside, leave the usedammunition counter faceup in the broadside box,until the next reloading phase (when it will be movedto the ammunition box).

    RELOADINGReloading is similar to BasicRules, except that each timea broadside is reloaded, theplayer must decide whetherhe wants to load ball, chain,or grapeshot.

    During the reloading phase, each player may secretlychoose one facedown ammunition counter froman ammunition storage box and move it to thecorresponding emptybroadside box (that is, one thatfired in apreviousturn), keeping it facedown. Tisammunition may be used to fire the correspondingbroadside on that side, on the next turn.

    Ten, players must move any faceup counter ina broadside box (that is, one that was fired in thecurrentturn) to the ammunition storage box,flipping it facedown. Te broadside may be reloadedat the end of the nextturn, with the same kind ofammunition or a different one.

    When ammunition is loaded, it cannot be changed.It is permitted to shoot even if there is no target inrange, to empty the guns and then be able to reloadthem with different ammunition in a later turn.

    ExampleAt the start of the game, the Bloaded the ammunition coun

    In the combat phase of turn 1fires the right broadside. Te to be ball: it is flipped faceup broadside box. During the rethe end of turn 1, the counterammunition storage box, and

    In turn 2, during the reloadiplayer decides to load grapeshare now closer. Te grapeshot secretly, and moved from the box to the broadside box: Te

    fire again, from turn 3 onwaof ammunition.

    You now know the standard rWe recommend you play at

    rules before proceeding to t

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    After players are familiar with the Standard Rules,they may wish to make the game more realisticby adding the set of rules in this section.Te Advanced Rules introduce Crew Actions,Special Damages, and their effects.

    Any previous rule that is not explicitly changedremains valid when playing with the Advanced Rules.

    SETUPIn addition to the components introducedin the previous sections, each player musttake a full set of action countersfor eachship and place them in the unused action

    boxof the ship mat.

    Reloadthe left


    Reloadthe rightbroadside

    Fire the leftbroadside

    Fire theright


    Musketry fire Increase sails Decrease sails

    Pump water Extinguish fire Repair damage

    Te other action counters (Boarding, Blank,and Grog) are only used when playing with theappropriate optional rules.

    In addition, each player takes a sailsstatus counterand places it on a positionof his choice on the ship mat: full sails,battle sailsor backing sails.

    THE GAMEWhen playing with Advancsequence is extended by addAction phase, to handle the

    1) Planning2) Action phase3) Movement4) Combat5) Reloading

    In this example, the indicates the ship is

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    PLANNINGWhen playing with Advanced Rules, the planningphase is modified by the planning of crew actionsand by the possibility that a ship has struck sails.

    PLANNING CREW ACTIONSEach ship log shows the number ofcrew actionsfor that ship, indicatedby the number beside the Handsymbol.

    In addition to the choice of maneuvers, the playerplaces as many action counters as he wants, facedown,in the planned action boxes of the ship mat, up to thenumber of crew actions for that ship.

    When a ship is damaged, use the leftmost symbolstill uncovered by damage counters in both the ShipDamage and Crew Damage track.

    STRUCK SAILSAny ship with struck sails (seeMovement, page 32)may not plan a new maneuver card.

    ACTION PHASEWhen all players have finished planning maneuversand actions, all the actions planned are revealed at thesame time, with the effects indicated below. Resolvingthe effect of an action is mandatory, unless indicated


    If an illegal action is planned (shoot with unloadedguns, extinguish nonexisting fires and so on), it hasno effect, and the action counter is returned to thepool of available action counters for the next turn.

    STANDARD ACTIONSTese actions take effect during the Action phase,immediately after they are revealed, and are returnedto the unused action box.

    Increase sails:Tis action modifies thesetting of the sails, to increase the speed ofthe ship. If a ship has struck sails theybecome backing sails; if it has backing sails

    they become battle sails; if it has battle sails theybecome full sails. Tere is no effect if the ship alreadyhas full sails. Te player adjusts the sails statuscounter accordingly, moving it to the left.

    Decrease sails:Tis action modifies the

    setting of the sails, to decrease the speed ofthe ship. If a ship has full sails they becomebattle sails; if it has battle sails they become

    backing sails; if it has backing sails they becomestruck sails. Tere is no effect if the ship already hasstruck sails. Te player adjusts the sails status counteraccordingly, moving it to the right.

    Pump water:If the ship has any waterdamage tokens (see Special Damages, page33), the player removes one. If the box

    occupied by the token is not the rightmost

    one with damage counters, all the left so that no damage box

    COMBAT ACTIONSTese actions take effect duringthe same turn they are revealed

    Fire the lebroadside

    plan this a


    Te ship has three boxes filledtrack and four boxes filled in

    track. Te number of crew ac

    Te player may plan up to tthe action counters facedow

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    appropriate broadside box is loaded. When thisaction is planned, the ship may fire the appropriatebroadside once, following the normal rules (see page14). Firing is notmandatory, even if the action isplanned. After a player fires a broadside, he turns theammunition counter faceup in the appropriatebroadside box, as a reminder that the ammunition isused. Te player returns the counter to the unusedaction box at the end of the combat phase, even if theship does not fire the broadside.

    Musketry fire:When this action isplanned, the ship may attack once withmusketry fire, following the normal rules(see page 17). Firing muskets is not

    mandatory. Te player returns the counter to theunused action box at the end of the combat phase,even if the ship does not fire muskets.

    RELOADING ACTIONSTese actions take effect during the Reloading phaseof the same turn they are revealed.

    Reload the right (or left)broadside:A player may onlyplan this action if the broadsidebox is empty. When this action is

    planned, the player may move one ammunitioncounter of his choice, facedown, from theammunition storage box to the broadside box. Teplayer returns the counter to the unused action box at

    the end of the reloading phase.

    DELAYED ACTIONSTese actions, when revealeplanned action box, until thnext turn. Tey still count anext turn, so the player can those allowed by the crew a

    Extinguish fire:I(see Special Damaleaves the action cplanned action bo

    of the next turn.During the Action phase ofis resolved. Te action counSpecial Damage box of the action is in progress. Te acendof the turn. Te action board marker are removed fbox the fire is extinguishbecomes available again. Fir

    Damage track is not removeIf there is more than one firExtinguish fire action removplayer must plan additionalother fires.

    ExampleDuring the thirdturn, Ha fire on boardspecial dadamage counter is placed box to indicate that a fire


    1) Te frigate has taken water damage,fire damage and normal damage.

    2) With the Pump water action,the water damage is removed.

    3) Te remaining damage counters shift to theleft, so no damage box is left empty.

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    In the Planning phase of the fourthturn, theBritish player plans an Extinguish fireaction.In the Action phase, the counter is revealedand left faceup. Te ship takes damage fromthe fire this turn.

    In the Action phase of the fifthturn, theExtinguish fireaction counter is moved tothe Special Damage box. Te ship still takesdamage from the fire this turn.

    At the end of the fifth turn, the fire is extinguished.Both the action counter and the fire counterare removed from the Special Damage box.

    Repair damage:Te player leaves theaction counter, faceup, in the plannedaction box, until the Action phase of thenext turn. During the Action phase of the

    next turn, the action is resolved. At this point the

    player can decide to:

    repair normal damage repair a leak repair a damaged rudder repair a broken mast.

    Repairing Normal DamageTe player immediately moves all the counters in onedamage box of the ship log to the 0 damage box ofthe ship mat. If the damage box is not the last one, all

    the groups of counters shift to the left, so there are no

    gaps in the ship log. Te player cannot remove wateror fire damage counters using this action.

    Note:Any special damage caused by the removeddamage counters continues to have effect, as before.

    Repairing a LeakIf the ship has a leak, the player may decide to repairit: he moves the action counter to the Special Damagebox. Te action is completed at the endof this turn:the action counter and one leak marker are removedfrom the Special Damage box the leak is repaired,and the action counter becomes available again. Waterdamage on the Ship Damage track is not removed.

    Repairing a Damaged RudderIf the ship has a damaged rudder, the player maydecide to repair it: he moves the action counter tothe Special Damage box. Te action is completedat the endof this turn: the action counter and one

    rudder damage marker are removed from the SpecialDamage box the rudder is repaired, and the actioncounter becomes available again.

    Repairing a Broken MastIf the ship has a broken mast, the player may decideto repair it: he moves the action counter to theSpecial Damage box. Te action is completed at theendof this turn: the action counter and one brokenmast damage marker are removed from the SpecialDamage box the mast is repaired, and the action

    counter becomes available again.


    1) Te frigate has taken dincluding both normal dam

    2) Te player repairs damaremove the counters from

    box, which is completelycannot be rem

    3) Te counters are shiftedamage box is le

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    LIMITATION TO REPAIRSDuring the game, a ship may use the Repair damageaction to repair as many leaks and rudder damages asdesired. However, normal damage and broken mastsmay only be repaired once per game.Te removed damage counters or the broken mastmarker must be left in the 0 damage box as areminder the action has been already used once forthe stated purpose.


    When playing with Advanced Rules, each ship hasa variable sail setting, as indicated by the sail statusmarker on the ship mat: full sails, battle sails,backing sailsor struck sails.

    When a blue border maneuver card is used, themovement line used to move is different dependingon the sail setting.

    Note:When a red border or dark gray bordermaneuver card is used, the sail setting does notmodify the movement of the ship.

    STRUCK SAILSWhen a ship has struck sails, maneuver cards are notplanned anymore. Any maneuver card previously

    planned is executed using the backing sails movementline, then the ship stops where it is.

    If, in a later turn, the ship uses the increase sailsaction, the sail status returns to backing sails.

    Starting in the Planning phase of thefollowingturn,the ship may plan maneuver cards again, one perturn. As soon as both the maneuver card spaces onthe ship mat are filled, the ship starts to move againnormally.

    If a ship has only one progrturn when it goes from back(because the ship went in a sails, to backing sails, then tmaneuver is not executed, amaneuver deck instead.

    COMBATWhen playing with Advancphase is modified by the neeactions to fire a broadside ointroduction of several type

    SPECIAL DAMAGESSome damage counters haveof a number, a symbol indicdamageto the target ship.

    Counters with this

    inflicts a crew losstRules, when a crew

    drawn, the player must placDamage track. Each box caIf the player draws a countenumeric and a crew loss, hemarker to keep track of the track, and place the numberDamage track, following th

    Counters with this

    starts a fire on boar


    1 2 3 4

    1 Full Sails2 Battle Sails






    3 Backing Sails4 Struck Sails

    1 Full sailsmovement line

    2 Battle Sails

    3 Backing Sails

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    a fire marker in the Special Damage section of theship mat as a reminder there is fire on board.

    At the beginningof each turn, before the planningphase, the ship takes one fire damage marker for eachfire on board marker in the Special Damage box, andplaces it on an empty box of the Ship Damage track.Te box is considered full and no other damagecounters of any kind can be added to it. Te fire onboard ends its effect when the fire is extinguished (seeSpecial Actions, Extinguish firepage 30).

    Counters with this symbol indicate the hitopens a leakin the hull. Te player mustplace a water marker in the Special Damage

    section of the ship mat as a reminder there is a leak inthe hull.

    At the beginningof each turn, before the planningphase, the ship takes a water damage marker for eachleak marker in the Special Damage box and places iton an empty box in the Ship Damage track. Te box

    is considered full and no other damage counters ofany kind can be added to it. Te leak ends its effectwhen it is repaired (see Special Actions, Repair damagepage 31). Te Pump water action (see page 29)counters the effect of a leak, but does not repair it.

    Counters with this symbol indicate the hitbreaks one of the ships masts. Starting withthe next turn, the ship can only plan dark

    grayborder maneuver cards with one { } or two{ } broken mast symbols. Any maneuver already

    planned is executed normally.

    Use the appropriate movement arrow (green ororange) depending on the attitude of the ship. If theship is taken aback, the card is replaced randomly byone of the three red border cards.

    If a second mast is broken, only maneuver cards withthe two broken mast symbol may be planned.

    A37/37 A30/37

    One broken mast wo broken masts

    If a third mast is broken, the ship surrenders.Masts may be repaired using the Repair damageaction(see page 31) once per game.

    Counters with this symbol indicate the hitinflicts sail damage. Te player must place asail damage marker in the Special Damage

    section of the ship mat as a reminder.Te first damage of this kind has no effect.

    When the ship takes a second sail damage marker, itmay no longer use full sails. If the sails are full, they areimmediately changed to battle sails.

    When the ship takes the fourth sail damage marker, theship may only have backing sails. If the sails are battle

    sails, they are immediately changed to backing sails.

    When the ship takes the sixth sship is considered to have a browhich cannot be repaired.Further damage of this kind afhave any additional effect.

    Counters with this syminflicts rudder damagplace a rudder damage

    Damage section of the ship maTe veer rating of the ship is de

    Rudder DamMarker

    Further damage of this kind is mast: Te player must place onin the Special Damage box for

    beyond the first.

    Note: Remember the choicelimited by the veer rating ofplayers must check if a manwhen they revealit. So a mawas legal before the rudder become prohibited when rethe rudder is damaged. A mwas prohibited when plannlegal because, in the meanti


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    This section contains rules which add moredetails to the games. Players should agree onwhich optional rules they want to use before thegame starts.

    If you are playing with the Basic Rules, you can onlychoose between the options marked with { }. Withthe Standard Rules, you can also use options markedwith { }. With the Advanced Rules, you can alsochoose to use options marked with { }. Tesame code marks different effects an option may havewhen a different set of rules is in use.

    Several optional rules require players to determinerandomly if an event happens. In these cases, andamage counter is drawn and used as a randomizer.

    If the counter has a Crew Loss symbol, the eventhappens (the counter does not inflict any damage).If the counter has a 0, the event does not happen.In either case, the counter is reshuffl ed together with

    the unused counters.


    In the historical period covered by thisgame, the distribution of alcoholicbeverages to the ships crew to raise moralewas a common practice. o represent this,

    each ship receives a Grogcounter. Tis action can beused only once in a game, during the Planning phase,and only if there are no enemy ships within the firsthalf of the ruler. When it is used, the player movesone crew damage token from the Crew Damage trackof the ship to the 0 damage box.

    { } With Advanced Rules, the Grog counteris planned and used as a normal action. Te effect isapplied as soon as the action is revealed. Te actioncan only be used once per game.

    LACKING TRAININGCrews may have different levels of training, asindicated by the scenario or by players choice. If thisrule is in use in a scenario, one or more ships can behandled by a crew lacking training.

    With Basic or Standard RulGunners Lacking rainingru

    With Advanced Rules, playLacking rainingrule, the Srule, or both.

    GUNNERS LACKING TRAINGunners lacking training reto fully load a broadside.

    During the Reloading phasefired, the ammunition counammunition storage box, bureminder the gunners take m

    In the Reloading phase of thammunition counter in theis flipped facedown. Te guand are not ready to fire yet{ } When playing with Sammunition counter whichstorage box may be reloadedthis turn.

    In the Reloading phase of th

    second one after firing), the

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    ammunition counter normally, moving it fromthe ammunition storage box to the correspondingbroadside box. In the next turn, the broadside will beable to shoot again.

    If the Continuous Fireoptional rule is in use, thedrawn tokens are one third of the normal amount(round fractions down), instead of half.

    { } When playing with Advanced Rules,ignore the above procedure. Use the normal rulesfor reloading, except Reload Broadside actions areconsidered delayed actions. When the ReloadBroadside action is revealed, the player leaves theaction counter, faceup, in the planned action box,until the Action phase of the next turn. Duringthe Action phase of the next turn, move the actioncounter to the corresponding ammunition storagebox. During the Reloading phase, the broadside canbe reloaded and the action counter is returned to the

    unused action box.

    SAILORS LACKING TRAININGSailors lacking training are not as good at executingorders as more experienced sailors, and can miss theexecution of one of the planned actions.

    Before revealing the actions planned for the ship,the player must draw one action counter at randomamong the ones planned this turn (do not includeany delayed action planned in the previous turn).

    Te player then shuffl es the drawn action countertogether with a Blank action counter, and randomlydraws one of the two.

    If the action counter is drawn, the action is executednormally. If the Blank counter is drawn, the action isnot executed and the action counter is returned to theunused action box.


    When two ships are at close distance, it is possiblefor their yards and rigging to become entangled,impeding further movement.

    Entanglement and disentanglement are determinedat the beginning of the Planning phase, beforemaneuver cards are planned.

    When the bases of two ships are in contact, theplayers must draw an damage counter. If thecounter has a Crew Loss symbol, the ships becomeentangled. If the counter is a 0, nothing happens.

    Place an entanglement counter between thetwo ship models as a reminder.

    Te two ships cannot move again until they aredisentangled.

    { } If playing with Basic Rulesmaneuver card until the ships a

    { } / { } If playing withRules, discard the planned maneTe ships will not move in this tplan a maneuver card to be executhe ships become disentangled in

    Note: If multiple ships are inof the movement phase, chebetween each pair of ships se

    o disentangle, draw an dambeginning of each following Plpair of entangled ships.

    If the counter has a Crew Loss sare disentangled and they start tnormally. If the counter is a 0,

    entangled, with the same effect


    If this optional rule is in use, a even when it is not loaded. In tcounters the target takes are hafractions down. Te broadside the same turn it shoots with co

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    { } When playing with Standard Rules, inaddition to the rules above:

    Te raking modifier (if applicable) is addedbeforehalving the damage.

    Before resolving any fire, all players secretlychoose the type of ammunition to use foreach broadside shooting with continuous fire.Te chosen ammunition counters are revealedsimultaneously and fire is then resolved.

    Double shot cannot be used with continuous fire.

    { } When playing with Advanced Rules, inaddition to the Standard Rules listed above:

    A player must plan a Fire Broadside action touse continuous fire (even if the broadside is notloaded).

    A player may not plan a Reload Broadsideaction on the same broadside he planned a FireBroadside action.

    FIRST BROADSIDETe first broadside shot in battle was often moreeffi cient, as the guns were carefully prepared forshooting before the heat of combat started.

    At the start of the game, place a Reload Broadside

    action counter in each broadside box of the mat,

    together with the chosenammunition counter, as areminder the first broadsidehas not been fired yet.

    Te first time the ship shoots a broadside, thetarget takes one more damage token for every three(rounding up) that it should take.

    Ten, move the Reload Broadside action counter tothe available actions (or just discard the counter ifplaying with Basic or Standard Rules) as a reminderthat the ship will now fire normally from thatbroadside.

    ExampleWhen HMS erpsichore shoots for the first time, ithas a firepower of 6 for the first broadside, insteadof the normal full broadside firepower of 4.

    { } When playing with Standard Rules, calculatethe effect of the Rakingrule and the First Broadsiderule independently.

    ExampleHMS erpsichore (full broadside firepower of 4)shoots for the first time, and it is a raking shotthrough the front of the target ship. wo moredamage counters are added for the First Broadsiderule (4/3 rounded up), and two more for the Rakingrule (4/3 rounded up), for a total firepower of 8.

    FORCED AIMIf this optional rule is in usea broadside, it must shoot aside (considering all the threTe markings on the back oused to determine distance i

    If the nearest ship is a friendcannot fire.

    DOUBLE SHOTDuring setup, adammunition counbroadside) with ttypes to choose.

    When a double shot is prepit is not possible to shoot inafter reloading, as usual, buturns to load double shot).

    As a reminder, flip the doubin the ammunition storage bit is reloaded. In the next tunormally, and flipped facedo

    If a ship shoots with a doubruler (red/purple or orange)and tokens (for example,takes 3 tokens and 3 tat a longer distance, the targ


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    AIMING HIGHIf this optional rule is in use, a player may decide toaim high, to inflict more damage to the masts andsails of the target ship, but less damage to the hull.

    Only a player shooting with ball (or double shot, ifthe Double Shotoptional rule is in use) may decide toaim high.

    When a player aims high, he resolves artillery firenormally, except for the following change.

    All the damagecounters drawn thathave an underlined

    number (that is, those with a leak or rudder specialdamage, or 6 points of damage), and all the crewdamage tokens without a number, are placed in the0 damage box, and replaced with the same amountof damage tokens.

    In addition to the effects of the new counters drawn:

    If the original replaced counter was a leakspecial damage, the target also takes a damageto the sails.

    If the original replaced counter was a rudderspecial damage, the target also takes a damageto the mast.

    ake the appropriate damage marker for theadditional special damage taken. BOARDING


    When the bases of two enemy the beginning of the Planning decide whether or not they wanship.

    DECLARING A BOARDINGBefore plaeach playeBoardingBlankact

    ship involved, to determine if sboarding is possible.

    Te players secretly choose oneand place it, facedown, on the

    Ten, the players show the cho

    If both counters are Blanplace and the turn proce

    If both counters are Boaboarding takes place. Tand cannot move. Place a crew loss special damagthe two ship models as a


    Te Courageuse is shooting a full broadside atshort range against HMS erpsichore, and theFrench player decides to aim high. Treedamage counters are drawn: one of them is a 2/Crew damage, one is Crew damage only, andone is a 3/Leak damage.

    One damage is inflicted to the sails dueto the leak counter, and a sail damagemarker is taken by the erpsichore.

    Ten, the Crew damage and the 3/Leak arereplaced with two damage counters.

    Te total damage inflicted to the erpsichore is:

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    If one counter is a Boarding counter and theother one is a Blank, shuffl e them, and drawone at random.

    a) If the Blank is drawn, no boarding takesplace and the turn proceeds normally.

    b) If the Boarding is drawn, a boardingtakes place. Te ships are grappledand cannot move. Place a counter (forexample, a crew loss special damagecounter) between the two ship models asa reminder of their status.

    During a grappling:

    { } When playing with Basic Rules, players may notplan a movement action for any ship involved in aboarding.

    { } When playing with Standard or Advanced Rules,the currently planned maneuver cards are discardedwithout effect. Te ships will not move in this turn.Players must still normally plan the maneuver for thenext turn, which will be executed in case grappling ends.

    RESOLVING THE BOARDINGBoarding is resolved after artillery and musketry fireare completed. If neither of the two involved shipssurrendered because of artillery fire or musketry,players execute a boarding attack.

    Each ship inflicts a number of damage countersequal to the Burden of the ship.

    Draw the counters one by one, drawing one counterfor each ship and applying the effect of both countersat the same time.

    If one ship has a higher Burden than the other, allremaining counters are drawn at the end.

    As soon as one ship surrenders, the boarding attackstops: any remaining counters are not drawn.

    ExampleCourageuse, with a Burden of 3, is boardingHMS erpsichore, with a Burden of 2.

    Each of the two ships draws one damagecounter. If either ship surrenders, no furthercounters are drawn. If neither ship surrenders,

    both ships draw a second counter.

    If, after the second counter, neither of the twoships surrendered, the Courageuse inflicts the thirddamage counter against the erpsichore, then theboarding ends for the turn.

    A boarding cannot end with two ships eliminatingeach other. If the counters drawn would inflict thelast crew damage to each of them (and both shipswould surrender), randomly choose one of the two

    ships to surrender.

    ENDING A BOARDINGIf no ships surrenders becauships remain grappled until

    At the beginning of the Planturn, repeat the procedure tcontinues or not.

    MULTIPLE BOARDINGSIf a ships base is in contact enemy ship, grappling is defor each pair of ships, basedcounters.

    When a ships base is in conenemy ship, players must firship (as explained above), ifone opponent, by choosing (Boarding or Blank). Even imultiple enemy ships, only

    Ten, any player who chosedeclares whichenemy ship h

    Grappthe sh(use ththe shthe sh

    declares first. If there is still randomly.

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    Grappling is determined independently for each pairof ships, based on their choices:

    If both ships declare to grapple each other, theyare grappled.

    If a ship declares to grapple a ship notgrappling her, draw an counter. If thecounter has a Crew Loss symbol, the two shipsare grappled. If the counter is a 0, grapplingdoes not take place.

    If neither ship tries to grapple, no grapplingtakes place.

    Mark each pair of grappled ships by placing a counter(for example, a crew loss special damage counter)between them.

    If a ship ends up grappled with more than one

    opponent, the boarding attacks of all ships areresolved together.

    Before drawing each counter, the ship grappledwith multiple opponents must declare a target, thenone counter is drawn for each ship involved. A shipmay only inflict damage to the chosen opponent,but can receive damage from multiple opponents.If necessary, declarations are done in the same orderindicated above (the ship with the smaller crewdeclares first).

    BOARDING IN ADVANCED RULESWhen playing with Advanced Rules, the Boardingaction represents preparing offensive or defensiveboarding parties.

    Boarding between two ships in base contact isdetermined and resolved as indicated above, exceptthe Boarding action must be planned just as any otheraction, and is revealed together with the other actions.

    Grappling and boarding are resolved in the same wayas in the Basic and Standard Rules, with the followingexceptions:

    Attempts to board and grapple opposing shipsare done at the end of the Planning phase, afteractions are revealed.

    Only a ship that planned a Boarding actionmay declare a boarding. It is not mandatory

    to do so for example, a ship may plan aBoarding action, and then declare a Blankcounter against the boarding attempt of anopponent.

    If a ship succeeds in grappling and boarding anopponent, and the opponent does not have aboarding action planned, the boarding ship hasan advantage over its opponent:

    Before starting theship that did not caction receives an

    During the boardithe damage countesimultaneous. Teeach counter drawplanned the boardfirst, then the damother ship is appli

    ExampleCourageuse with a Burden oferpsichore, which has a Bur

    planned a Boarding action, werpsichore, which is busy try

    fire on board, did not.

    First of all, one damage co

    against the erpsichore. Tendrawn for Courageuse and aperpsichore. Te British ship so a damage counter is also dagainst the Courageuse.

    Te Courageuse then draws acounter: the last crew damagethe erpsichore, who surrendedamage is drawn against the

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    BOARDING AND ENTANGLEMENTIn case the Entanglementoptional rule (see page35) is in use, two ships may become entangled (bycoincidence) and grappled (by choice of at leastone ship). In this case, the ships must become bothdisentangled and ungrappled before they can moveagain.


    One of the ships of each player may be designatedas the flagship, as indicated by the scenario or byplayers choice.

    If the flagship surrenders, sinks, explodes, or isanyway eliminated from the game, all the other shipsof that side take two crew special damage markers andplace them on the Crew Damage track, representing

    the effect of the loss on the morale of the crew.

    All the ships of the opposing side remove a crewdamage marker from their crew loss boxes (if theyhave any) and move it to the 0 damage box,representing the improvement in their morale. Anyship that shot artillery or musketry in the currentturn against the eliminated flagship removes twomarkers, instead.

    If the flagship exits the gaming area, the effects are

    the same, unless the scenario rules indicate otherwise.

    AMMUNITION EXPLOSIONIf a ship has a fire on board and it has alreadyreceived two or more fire damage markers,the ammunition storage might explode.

    Each time the ship takes a new fire damage markerbeyond the second, the player must shuffl e three firemarkers and one explosion marker together, and thenrandomly draw one of them.

    If a fire damage marker is drawn, apply the firedamage normally.

    If an explosion marker is drawn, fire reachesthe ammunition storage and explodes. Te shipis eliminated.

    Each ship in contact with the base of an explodingship may be damaged and set on fire. Each shipin base contact must draw and apply a damage


    If the counter is not a 0, in addition to thedamage indicated, a fire starts on the ship.Place a fire on board marker in the specialdamage box, to indicate the ship now has a fireon board.

    If the counter already indicates a fire specialdamage, place two fire on board markers in thespecial damage box instead of one.

    SINKING SHIPIf a ship has a leak antwo or more water dmight collapse and t

    Each time the ship takes a nbeyond the second, the playwater damage markers and otogether, and then randoml

    If a water damage mawater damage normal

    If a sinking marker isand the ship sinks. T

    SPREADING FIf a ship fires a broadside agtheir bases are in contact, anenemy ship because of a fire

    counter received, a fire startship, too.

    o avoid fire spreading to thsometimes alternated shootibuckets of water onto the enthis, the firing ship may plaaction, declaring, when the performing the action on thcase, if the damage she inflia fire, the fire does not start

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    Fires caused by other ships firing or fires alreadystarted in the previous turns are ignored for thepurpose of this rule.

    SURRENDERED SHIPSIf this optional rule is in use, when a ship surrenders,it is not removed from the game. Te model remainson the gaming area as an obstacle to other ships.

    Te ship executes the last planned maneuversnormally (if any), without planning new ones. Tenit stops and is considered to be a wreck. Te wreckremains still, without moving or taking any otheraction for the rest of the game.

    Damage tokens from the ship log are reshuffl edtogether with the unused damage counters of thesame type, as usual.

    Note: if the Boardingrules are in use, a

    surrendered ship cannot be grappled and boarded.

    { } After a ship surrenders, it still inflicts collisiondamage to friendly ships when it moves. When it stopsand becomes a wreck, it inflicts collision damage toboth friendly and enemy ships that collide with her.

    { } If a ship surrenders as the result of theAmmunition Explosionor Sinking Shipsoptionalrules or if it has an open leak or a fire on boardwhen it surrenders remove the ship model from

    the game instead of leaving it on the gaming area.

    VARIABLE WIND DIRECTIONDuring a battle, the direction or strength of the windmay change. Tis possibility is handled by the rules inthis section.

    Te direction of the wind at the start of thegame may be indicated by the scenario,mutually agreed between the players, ordetermined randomly using theWind


    Players place the Wind Gaugeon the gaming table (alignedso that it is parallel to the sideof the table), then rotate thewind arrow to point towardthe determined direction.

    Shuffl e all thedirection change

    counters together and place them in anopaque cup or other container, or

    facedown in a stack.

    CHANGE OF DIRECTIONAt the beginning of the Planning phase of each turn,draw one wind direction change counter.

    Te wind direction changes only after the windrotates twice in the same direction.

    Look at the wind direction change counter drawn:


    of the wind does not chachange in the future.

    If the countersymbol, the wReshuffl e the cunused wind d

    counters. If there is a wincounter on the wind gauturn, that counter stays t

    If awindrawcou

    wind gauge, compare the

    a) If the two counterdirection (either clclockwise), the winarrow on the Win(for example, Norcounter clockwise NorthWest).

    b) If the two counterdirections, the win

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    In either case, reshuffl e both counters with theunused direction change counters.

    If the direction of the wind changes, it influences theattitude of the ships immediately, with the Movementphase of the current turn.

    ExampleAt the beginning of the game the

    wind direction is West.

    During turn 1, aclockwise directionchange is drawn. It is

    placed on the wind gauge, but the wind does notchange.

    During turn 2, a Blankis drawn. Te Blank isreturned to the

    container, the clockwisecounter remains on the gauge,and the wind does not change.

    During turn 3, a secondclockwise directionchange is drawn. Te

    wind rotates to NorthWest,then both counters arereturned to the container.

    If the counter drawn in this turn were acounterclockwise change instead, thewind would not change, and both

    counters would be discarded.

    VARIABLE WIND STRENGTHWhen playing with the Variable Wind Directionrule and with Advanced Rules, the wind may havedifferent strengths, indicated on the strength track ofthe wind gauge.

    Te intensity of the wind is normally medium (seeStrength of the Wind, below) at the start of the game.

    A scenario may indicate a different initial strength.

    During setup, place the wind strength counter on themiddle square of the track on the gauge, to indicate amedium strength.

    Ten, shuffl e all the strength changecounters together and place them in anopaque cup or other container, orfacedown in a stack.

    STRENGTH OF THE WINDTe position of the strength counter on the windgauge indicates the current strength of the wind:

    If the wind strength is low{ }, the sailsetting of all ships is considered to be one step

    lower. Each ship with full sails uses the battle

    sails movement line; euses the backing sails with backing sails is csails.

    If the wind strength imove normally.

    If the wind strength i

    setting of all ships is cstep higher. Each shipthe battle sails movembattle sails uses the fueach ship with struck have struck sails.Each ship at full sails movement arrow, butplayer must draw an counter has a Crew Lsail damage (see page

    0, nothing happens

    Low Med

    At the start of the gamcounter indicates m

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    CHANGE OF STRENGTHAt the beginning of the Planning phase of each turn,draw one wind strength change counter. Te windstrength may change, depending on the counterdrawn.

    Te first time that the counterindicates a wind strength change(either an increase or a decrease),

    place it on the wind gauge.Te strength of the wind does notchange yet, but might change in thefuture.

    If a counter is already onthe wind gauge, and acounter that indicates theopposite wind strength

    change is drawn, the wind does not change.Reshuffl e both counters on the wind gauge

    with the unused wind strength changecounters.

    If the wind strength counter drawndoes not show any symbol, there aretwo possibilities:

    a) If there is not a wind strength counteron the wind gauge, the wind remainsthe same. Reshuffl e the counter with theunused wind strength change counters.

    b) If there is a strength change counter onthe wind gauge from a previous turn(either an increase or a decrease), thewind strength changes. If the strengthdecreases, move the wind strengthcounter on the gauge one step to the left(from medium to low, or from high tomedium; if the wind is already at lowstrength, the strength does not change).

    If the strength increases, move the windstrength counter on the gauge one step tothe right(from low to medium, or frommedium to high; if the wind is alreadyat high strength, the strength does notchange).Reshuffl e both counters on the windgauge with the unused strength changecounters.

    If the strength of the wind changes, it influences

    the movement of the ships immediately, with theMovement phase of the current turn.

    TERRAIN ELEWhile many naval battles weresea, often they took place near island.

    Te rules in this section introdterrain elements, which may befield, to make the battle more i

    the setting for a specific scenari

    Each terrain element is definedindicating the part of the gamieffect applies.

    A few terrain elements (small rare provided in this Starter Setelements are sold separately as

    REEFSA reefterrain element

    reefs, and other hardfrom the water or ar

    beneath the surface.

    If, due to its chosen maneuver,that, at the end of the movemereef terrain element, movemennormal way.

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    Return the ship to its original position, and move itin the same way you move a ship when resolving anoverlap with another ship (see page 12).

    Note: If necessary, because of the risk ofoverlapping with another ship, resolve thismovement with the sequence of movements ofoverlapping ships (see page 12).

    Te movement of the ship ends as soon as the movingships base touches the reef element. Te ship takes anumber of damage tokens equal to its Burden.

    If, in a single turn, a ship takes more damage pointsfrom reefs than its Burden, it runs aground. A shipthat ran aground cannot move again for the restof the game (when playing with the Standard and

    Advanced Rules, any planned maneuver card isdiscarded). If the ship has a leak (see page 33), it doesnot take any more water damage because of the leak.

    { } When a ship collides with a reef element,all special damage symbols (except leak and rudderdamage) on the damage counters drawn because ofthe collision are ignored only the damage numberis applied.

    Reefs do not have any effect on combat.

    SHOALSA shoal terrain element represent sandbanks, sandbarsand similar obstaclesthat, because of theshallow waters, are ahazard for navigation.

    If, due to its chosen maneuver, a ship would move sothat, at the end of the movement, its base overlaps a

    shoal terrain element, the ship runs aground.

    A ship that runs aground cannot move again for therest of the game (when playing with the Standardand Advanced Rules, any planned maneuver card isdiscarded).

    If the ship has a leak (see page 33) it does not takeany more water damage because of the leak.

    { } If the Sinking Ships optional rule (see page

    40) or the Surrendered Shipsoptional rule (see page41) are in use, ships cannot sink on a shoal.

    Shoals do not have any effect on combat.

    Note: Shoal terrain elements are not includedin this set, but are included in errain Packs.

    COAST AND ISLANA scenario may indicate theislands.

    Coast terrain elements are dthe edge of the gaming area another coast element.


    Apartthe des

    the same

    Note: Coast terrain elem

    in this set, but are includ

    EFFECTS ON MOVEMENTTe scenario indicates whetelement has a sandy coastlineither of them. Te scenardistance from the coastline wnavigate:

    Equal to the width of Equal to the red/purp


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    If, due to its chosen maneuver, a ship would move sothat, at the end of the movement, its base is too closeto the coastline (closer than the indicated distance), itmay suffer damage or run aground.

    If any part of the ships base is within theindicated distance from a sandy coastline, treatit as if it is overlapping a shoal.

    If any part of the ships base is within theindicated distance from a rocky coastline orisland, treat it as if it is overlapping a reef.

    If both of the conditions above apply (forexample, because a ship ends its movementbetween a sandy coast and a rocky island),apply both effects.

    If any part of the ships base overlaps the coastor island element, treat it as overlapping a reef,but the ship receives twice as many damagetokens as the Burden and the ship always runs

    aground, no matter how many damage pointsit takes.

    A coast or island element may harboror be considered safe foreasons. In this case, the rules aand the ship may get close to tany negative effect. However, ithe terrain element, it still takeaground.

    EFFECTS ON COMBATTe presence of a coast or islanline of sight.

    A ship cannot fire throughthesthe line of sight for all firing ar

    Te line of sight is completely blocked by the peninsula,so the ship cannot attack.

    Te line of sight is blocked from the central firing arc butnot from the front firing arc.

    Te line of sight crosses the penifire against the building

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    When firing from or to a coast or island element, lineof sight is not blocked by parts the element itself aship can shoot any target on a terrain element, unlessthere is a different element inbetween (or there isanother ship blocking the line of sight).

    possible to reach any part ofthe firing arc and without gof sea, land, and sea, the aimmust choose another target,

    COASTAL BATTERIA coast or island terrain elebattery, indicated by the prred dots and one o