saint aloysius church · 7/3/2016  · william & mary pimblott, katherine stucy. this week the...

Saint Aloysius Church 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Page 1: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

Saint Aloysius Church

14th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

Page 2: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

July 3, 2016



the Week

SATURDAY, JULY 2 Vigil: (Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

5:30 pm-Joseph Del Guercio, Jr. by Mom & Dad

SUNDAY, JULY 3 (Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Mary McFadden by Family 10:30 am-Emil Addesa by Family 12:00 noon-Edward Drury by Marjule 5:00 pm-Philip Aster by Francine & Amanda Aster 7:00 pm-Regina Mergner by Joan Kennedy

MONDAY, JULY 4 (Weekday) Independence Day

9:00 am-Joe Nerney by Family No Novena

TUESDAY, JULY 5 (Weekday)

6:45 am-Madeline McNamara by Francine Aster 8:00 am-Morley Family WEDNESDAY, JULY 6 (Weekday)

6:45 am-Mary & Jim McHugh 8:00 am-Mark Tremper by Tremper Family THURSDAY, JULY 7 (Weekday)

6:45 am-Joan Breen by M/M Gregory Crump 8:00 am-Mary Lynn Ventola by Candy, Dario and Carlos

FRIDAY, JULY 8 (Weekday)

6:45 am-Joseph Michael McGrath 8:00 am-Patricia Whelan by Whelan Family

SATURDAY, JULY 9 (Weekday)

6:45 am-Marcia Morante by Pete Chomko 8:00 am-Parish Memorial Mass 5:30 pm-Ann Del Vecchio by Rosemary & Joey Cordasco

SUNDAY, JULY 10 (Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time)

7:30 am-Parish Family 9:00 am-Tony Ruocco by Marie Albanese 10:30 am-Edwin Gallagher by Conheeney Family 12:00 noon-Ronald Brown by Family 5:00 pm-Philip Aster by Francine & Amanda Aster 7:00 pm-Marco Ramundo, Sr. by Wife

Memorial Mass Josephine De Filippis,

Joseph DeVincentis, George H. Ganter, Msgr. Benjamin A. Piazza, Betty Pimblott, William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy.

THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne.


CABRINI, SAINT KATERI TEKAKWITHA: 1. Special Intention for Peace and Mercy. 2. In Memory of Albert Sobral by Daughter, Cheryl.

ST. JUDE, ST. ALOYSIUS, ST. PATRICK: 1. Special Intention for Victims of Violence in the World.





Weekday Noon Mass

will resume

on Tuesday, September 6th.

Votive Lights for Sanctuary and Shrines

Arrangements may be made in person

at the Rectory, Mon. to Fri., 9:00 to 5:00.

Page 3: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

July 3, 2016

The Ministry of Prayer “To everything there is a season,

and a time for every purpose

under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

“.…A time to be born….” Newly Baptized: Elijah Ray Carratala, William Carter Esteves, Noah Joseph Forlenza, Jack Michael Moniello, Chase Oliver Thomson.

“.…A time to be healed….” Sick list: Sister Mary Thomas Aussem, Bob Beck, Haley Bergin, Mary Binsfeld, John Bryer, Lorraine Callanan, Cosmo Canestri, Jeanette Chrissafis, Mary Comer, Jane Conover, Bill Cook, Anne Cordasco, Faith Costabile, Castano, Meghan Crane, Diane Cusic, Joseph Cusic, Gary Davila, Lorraine Delezenski, Frank DelVecchio, Frank Desiderio, Sophie Donahue, Ray Dowling, June Dwyer, John Dzitko, Sr., Galen Edie, Nick Edie, Renee Exelbert, Nick Fano, George Fey, Ted Fisher, Donna Fitzgerald, Rich Foster, Albert K. Fox, Carol Lee Gade, Joanne Galinis, Brian Ganton, Sr., Michael A. Giglio, Sr., Jennifer Gilman, Maria Giovine, Alex Grizzetti, Ambrose Grizzetti, Sharon Grosso, Lucy Harris, Cihan Hazer, Barbara Hellstern, Brad Henshaw, Hilda Hencinski, John Hubach, Karen Jones, Betty Kapchus, Jimmy Karpinski, Kelly Kearney, Shannon Kelly, Rev. K. Kowalski (Kazimierz), Alana Lally, Dolores Latesta, Molly Linde, Gary Madera, Barbara Maran, Brian Martin, Donald Moglia, Cynthia Morelli, Pat Mullany, Andy Napolitano, John Natale, Sadie Newsome, Charles O’Connell, Diane O’Connor, Lucy Patania, Louise Peterson, Catherine Petrallia, Donald Petronella, Genevieve Pfeiffer, Peter Pirrello, Lori Pratt, Judy Prebyzerski, Heather Puff, Donald Quinn, Richard Quinn, Maria Reynoso, Mary Ann Ronga, Bonnie Rowan, Marie Rowe, Mildred Ruth, Anthony Sannito, Norbert Sax, Rosemary Scott, Giovanni Sereno, Salvatore Sereno, Veronica Serio, Thomas F. Sheelen, Louis Signoretto, Marie Stickelberger, Billy Taylor, Danny Taylor, Marie Toohey, James Tressito, Janice Lynn Tressito, Joseph Tressito, Bernadette Twomey, Paula Ummarino, Thomas Warning, Cassandra Warshowsky, Lenard Wojtala.

“.…A time to die….” Deceased: Josephine De Filippis, Msgr. Timothy Deasy, Lillian Fiore, Matthew BeneduceMcGrath, Valia Rusignuolo, Mary Elizabeth Wojtal.

“..A time for war & a time for peace..”

For national and world leaders and for

those in the armed services, especially Michael W. Beier, Thomas L. Comer, Brian Feddeler, Jason Garrison, Jared Hoholic, Michael C. Howley, Joseph Robert Hyer, Katherine Comer Irish, Michael McHugh,

Collection for weekend of June 25th & 26th

First Collection: $ 14,604.00

Repairs and Maintenance: $ 3,898.00

Beckie Piela, Michael Piela, Rose Poyourow, Stasia Rogacki, Stephen Rogacki, Anthony Salerno, David G.

Testa, Joseph Venutolo, Peter C. Wojtal.


Take this list home with you and use it in your daily prayers.

Rite of Christian initiation of Adults - 2015-2016

During this year thirteen parishioners spent the

year studying our faith and deepening their awareness

of God’s presence in their everyday lives. Please keep

all of them in your prayers. They are a blessing for the

faith community here at St. Aloysius and at Caldwell


Celebration of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Anyeli Guerrero Arvelo, Yasmin Arvelo Candelaria

Celebration of Confirmation and Eucharist Vanessa Barboza (Eucharist)

Scarlyn Batista, Adrianne Grevesen, Tanner Grevesen Liam Holland, Donna Naranjo, Joelle Pagano

Patrick Piegari (Eucharist) John Russomanno, Jennifer Sanchez

Luis Saroriocristaido (Caldwell University)

RCIA Moderators and Team Members Joan Capaccio, Michael & Anneliese Kovach

Bill McGuire, Margarita Perez, Beverly Recenello Kaye & Tony Riolo, Allison Turbiak, Pablo DePaulis Rev. Albert Berner---Caldwell University Chaplain

Rev. Edinson, Sister Alice

Twice a year, the prayer list for the SICK in the

bulletin will begin anew. If you wish to have a loved

one prayed for, please call the rectory before July

11th. All names will be removed after that time

unless a new request is made. Thank you.

Page 4: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

July 3, 2016

Dear Parishioners, This weekend we celebrate the fourteenth week in Ordinary Time and it is also the Fourth of July weekend. Our Gospel from Luke begins when Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples to go out in twos to every town and place He intended to visit. Are we aware that we also have been sent to go out to the world and represent the Lord in our dealings with others? That is what stewardship is about - using our gifts to spread the Good News. We all know that the task of being true to our faith and serving the Lord comes with risks. Isaiah in the first reading does make reference to this but he assures us that God is with us at all times. He assures us of that in the words; “God is with us as a mother comforts a child so God

will comfort us”. Today’s second reading from Paul to the Galatians which seems to have been written to address two issues- the nature of salvation and how that relates to Jewish Law. Paul closes today’s reading by saying, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit”. He wants the Galatians to know that salvation comes from the grace of God, not from keeping Jewish Law. Returning to the Gospel of Luke we know that Jesus had more than 12 followers (Apostles) as he sends 72 additional people out to prepare the way. Jesus sees the entire world and all its peoples as the potential harvest to work among the people. There are incredible needs among humankind. Is there any connection with today’s Scripture readings and the Fourth of July? What are we being sent to do in today’s world? Most of us enjoy July 4th as a time for cookouts, time at the beach, time with family and friends and fireworks but we recognize July 4 means more than that. We are very aware that on July 4, 1776, the United States claimed Independence from Britain, and our democratic republic was born. We celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The United States is truly a diverse nation and “In God we Trust”. More than any other time in our history are we called – sent to stand up for what is right. The 72 were sent out to preach the good news. Change will not happen in our country today unless we eliminate the gray area around moral issues. True freedom is to do what we ought to do because it takes into account the common good, as well as the individual good. What can we do as we try to preach the good news? Some suggestions are : 1. Place God first in our lives. 2. Fight against increasing efforts to remove God from the public square. 3. Be a people of prayer. 4. Teach our children to have faith in God-lead by example. 5. Vote for politicians who embrace and uphold our principles.

Sunday, July 3

9:00 am Family Mass with Vacation Bible Children

Monday, July 4



Wednesday, July 6

7:30 pm Spanish Prayer Group CH Gym

Saturday, July 9

1:00 - 2:00 pm Confessions in church; and

confessions after 5:30 pm Mass in church

6. Speak up and act when we see wrong. We cannot tolerate or cooperate with evil. 7. Stop turning a blind eye to the religious and civic freedoms being taken from us. Stand up for what we know to be right. Happy Independence Day! Peace, Sister Justine

Page 5: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

July 3, 2016




thisyear? We meet monthly except July to plan our calendar for the upcoming year. By September we are full speed ahead. Receptions for new parishioners are held three times a year. When we receive the new registration forms for our new parishioners a welcome letter and parish information is sent out to them asking them to reserve the date of the welcome reception. An invitation is sent directly to them at the time of the reception to meet the committee and staff at an informal reception in the rectory. Parents of children that are baptized at Saint Aloysius Parish are sent a letter of congratulations and encouragement in their faith. On the first anniversary of the baptism the parents again receive a letter of support from the parish. We have our annual collections - Back to School;

Giving Tree at Christmas time and our Lenten collections. As an extension of the Social Concerns Committee we have people who take care of the monthly food collections and food pantry and also food collections at Thanksgiving and Easter. We have had at other times special collections and projects from other requests. We have provided furniture and clothing for our families and others who find themselves in a difficult situation. Food and gift cards for local stores are also provided to families. Our Anointing Masses and receptions are held twice a year. The Remembrance Mass and reception on November 2nd are under the direction of the Social Concerns Committee. We also plan Prayer Services for October, Month of the Holy Rosary and in May, Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth. We team with the Rosary Society for these prayer services. Our Living Rosary is a stronghold of prayer and currently we have 28 teams of 5. We cannot forget the Lenten Soup Suppers and Fish Fry (scheduled for April this year!). Every other year we plan a Garage Sale. Coming under the heading of Social Concerns are the Adult Funeral Team Servers and Parish Nurses for Health and Wellness; and Chair Yoga sessions. Most important is that we are available to assist our brothers and sisters in our parish, our town wherever there is a need. The Fair Trade Sale in November not only provides beautiful gifts and merchandise but we are assisting those in poorer countries who are not paid fairly and cannot provide for themselves and their families. We have this sale in connection with Catholic Relief Services. Whatever money is collected in any of these events is used to help others.

I personally am very grateful to all our parishioners for their contributions throughout the year whether it is through service and/or outright donations. All of this can only happen with the cooperation of the staff and all members of the Faith Community of Saint Aloysius Parish. I also work with the Seniors and the Rosary Society and lend support to the Catholic Daughters. Our Women’s Ministry has just completed their first year - more to follow. Most of all thank you to all the members of the Social Concerns Committee who are always there for any and all activities. We have a large committee and welcome new members. Just give me a call or send an e-mail if you are interested Sister Justine and the Social Concerns Committee [email protected] 973-226-0209x37


Through Baptism, we become Children of God and

members of the household of faith. Children should be

baptized in the faith community to which their parents

belong, that is, the Parish in which they are registered

and active members. Call the rectory to make

arrangements. Parents are reminded that godparents

must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and

are actively practicing their faith.


Saturday: 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.; and after the 5:30 p.m.



Please notify one of the parish priests in the event of

serious illness. Communal celebrations of the Anointing

will be held twice yearly.


Church law requires that a wedding should take place

in the parish to which either the bride or groom belong.

Arrangements should be made ideally one year in

advance of the proposed marriage.

Page 6: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)



Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?

Has a child over the age of seven who has not been


Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not

celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation or


We offer an opportunity to come together in a small

group to learn more about your faith.

Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of

Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the

Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

during the Easter season. You are welcome to

participate in the process with your questions, your

insights and your faith story in a warm, accepting

setting. For information, please contact Sister Alice.

(973-226-0209 X30; [email protected])


Saturday Evening: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am,

12:00 noon, 5 pm (Spanish) & 7 pm

Weekdays: 6:45 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 noon

Saturdays & Summer Weekdays: 6:45 & 8:00 am

Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday, 7:30 pm

Eucharistic Adoration: Monday, 12:30 pm – 7:30 pm


Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Desmond – Pastor

Rev. Edinson E. Ramirez - Parochial Vicar

Rev. Juan Jose Esteban - Parochial Vicar

Rev. Msgr. Michael E. Kelly – Weekend Assistant

Jackie Alworth & Ed Karpinski - Pastoral Associates for

Faith Formation

Sr. Justine Pinto, O.P. – Pastoral Associate

Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. – RCIA Coordinator

Joseph J. Wozniak – Organist /Music Director

Linda Graves - Trustee

Dr. Carmine LoMonaco – Trustee

Brian Bambrick - Parish Pastoral Council Pres.

James (Rick) Cahill– Chair, Finance Council

Rectory: 219 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell NJ 07006

Tel: 973-226-0221 Fax: 973-226-2204


Email: [email protected]

Parish Center: 253 Bloomfield Ave, Caldwell NJ

Religious Education & Parish Center Phone Number:

973-226-0209; Fax: 973-226-0923

Jackie Alworth, Rel. Ed. PreK-6th - Ext. 35

Ed Karpinski, Rel. Ed. 7th/8th grade – Ext. 29

Religious Ed Email: [email protected]

Social Concerns, Sr. Justine Pinto , O.P. - Ext. 37

RCIA, Sr. Alice Uhl, O.P. – Ext. 30

The Catholic Advocate Online To access the latest edition of The Catholic Advocate

“Please support our advertisers , They make our bulletin possible.” Thanks you.

Respect Life Crisis/Information

(All calls and emails are confidential)

Crisis Pregnancy Helpline/ 1-888-4 OPTIONS

Post Abortion Healing/ 1-877-HOPE 4 ME

(Rachel’s Vineyard Hotline) Birthright/ 1-800-550-4900

St. Aloysius Book Club Meets on Thursdays at 7 pm

on the first floor of the Parish

Center. July Meeting Cancelled.

The book selection:

August 25th, “Forever” by

Pete Hamill.

As always, Happy Reading.

All are invited for good

conversation & good company.

The Knights are back! Caldwell Council 2561 will be installing its new officers on Tuesday, July 12th at a special 7:30 pm Mass at Saint Aloysius. Grand Knight Gary Bionde and his new team are putting together a busy year of activities focusing on charity, unity and fraternity.

There will be a reception in the Parish Center immediately afterwards. All men in the parish are welcome to join us on July 12th to learn more about what it takes to be a Knight and the Knights’ role in the Church. Our regular meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Saint Aloysius Parish Center.

July 3, 2016

Page 7: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE
Page 8: Saint Aloysius Church · 7/3/2016  · William & Mary Pimblott, Katherine Stucy. THIS WEEK THE SANCTUARY LIGHT IS: In Memory of Mary Edel Byrne by John & Rose Anne Byrne. THE SHRINE