saint anne - echurch bulletins

PARISH STAFF Msgr. Mike Heher | Pastor | [email protected] Fr. John Shimotsu | Parochial Vicar | [email protected] | 562-431-0721 EXT 11 Fr. Robert Vidal | Pastor Emeritus | [email protected] Amy Papageorges | Faith Formation | [email protected] | 562-431-0721 Ext. 16 Rhea Garalde | Youth Ministry/Confirmation | [email protected] | 562-431-0721 Ext. 15 Vikki Lyons | Office Manager | [email protected] | 562-431-0721 Ext. 10 MASSES: SATURDAY 5 PM; SUNDAY 8:00 AM, 10 AM, NOON & 4 PM; DAILY: 9:00 AM CONFESSIONS: Monday - Saturday 8:30-8:50 AM OFFICE HOURS 8:00 AM—2:00 PM IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 562-431-0721, EXT 10 C Saint Anne 21 November 2021 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Giotto

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Msgr . M ike Heher | Pas to r | pas to r@s tanne sea lbeach .o rg

F r . Jo hn Sh imo t s u | Paro ch ia l V i ca r | pv@s tanne sea lbeach .o rg | 562-431-0721 EXT 11

F r . Rober t V ida l | Pas to r Emer i t u s | F r . bob@s tanne sea lbeach .o rg

Amy Papageorges | Fa i t h Fo rmat io n | d re@s tanne sea lbeach .o rg | 562-431-0721 Ex t . 16

Rhea Gara lde | You t h M i n i s t ry/Con f i rma t i o n | ym@stanne sea lbeach .o rg | 562-431-0721 Ex t . 15

V i kk i Lyon s | Of f i ce Manager | o f f i ce@s tanne sea lbeach .o rg | 562-431-0721 Ex t . 10

MASSES : SATURDAY 5 PM; SUNDAY 8 :00 AM, 10 AM, NOON & 4 PM; DA I LY : 9 : 00 AM

CONFESS IONS : Monday - Sa tu rday 8 :30 -8 :50 AM




Saint Anne 21 November 2021 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe


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2 21 November 2021

The Road to Emmaus by Jorge Cocco

Greg Olsen

This week many of you will be hosting relatives and friends for Thanks-giving Dinner, while others will travel in cars, planes and maybe even trains to be welcomed for Thanksgiving Din-ner by your relatives or close friends. At the meal, no matter where, there may well be a number of others be-cause Americans, for all our rugged individualism, don’t want to leave anybody at home alone microwav-ing their frozen turkey and mashed potato dinners. Thanksgiving is not just a time to eat and drink; it is an important social occasion.

Here are some tips:

Gentlemen are requested to limit their TV football watching. Choose: is it gonna be the Bears and the Li-ons, the Raiders and the Cowboys or the Bills and the Saints? Have you never heard of a DVR? Record the other games on Thanksgiving for watching on Friday. Oh wait, I think there are still more games on Friday.

Don’t talk about the weather. People who don’t live in California don’t like to hear how lovely the weather is here. Remember they are just stepping into winter. (For those of you who have forgotten, winter is a long season that takes place somewhere else with rain, wind, snow, and weeks of cloudy skies. Residents there have to wear galoshes and hats and scarves and gloves.) In-stead, remember, we have the June gloom.

It goes without saying, don’t bring up politics, especially with your relatives. You will have to spend the whole next year knowing that someone who you will have to see again voted like a maniac.

Appropriate hostess gifts include bouquets of flowers or bottles of wine (hint: chardonnay goes well with turkey

but bring it already chilled; the fridge will be jam packed by the time you get there.) Unwelcome gifts are newspaper articles you want to discuss over dinner or casse-roles made out of the leftovers in your own kitchen; if guests don’t know what it is, they’re unlikely to put

it on their plates.

Welcome always are the ones willing to stay after to wash and dry the dishes and silverware. Just remem-ber, if the host is using the good china, be very, very careful not to chip or drop anything. (Those who have imbibed copious amounts of chardonnay obvi-ously should be excluded from these chores.) If you are using just the normal dishes, then the dishwasher can be used; very welcome is the guest who knows how to load into it twice as many dishes, glasses and silverware as you can. I have a friend, Steve, who is a master of dish loading; I never have dishes that I have to hand wash because he gets everything in, absolutely everything. I don’t know how he does it. Sometimes I am tempted to invite him to a party simply because he is the only one I know who can do it.

Take this from a professional: If you are asked to offer the opening blessing, Bless us, O Lord will not cut it on Thanksgiving. You gotta come up with something worthy of the occasion, something as dignified as a pilgrim. But don’t go on and on; guests want to eat their turkey and mashed potatoes while they are still warm. If you get carried away, you can always stop in midsentence and say Amen. Everyone will cheer!

Msgr. Mike


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GENERAL MEETING All interested Catholic men are invited to attend our Council meetings. Meetings are typically held the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Our next meeting is scheduled for December 6th. For additional information, contact Grand Knight, Ed Ivora at 714-743-2610.

DONUT SUNDAY Come join fellow parishioners and friends for coffee and donuts on Sunday, November 21st in the Parish Hall following the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Masses.

FOOD DRIVE Our annual Christmas Food Drive begins after all Masses starting November 27th and runs until December 19th. Donations of non-perishable canned goods, boxed goods and monetary donations are needed. Drop off on your way into Mass at our table. Thank you for your generosity.

"Help Us Help Those In Need"

OUR PARISH OUR MISSION: Saint Anne Church exists to help us become disciples of Jesus Christ who connect with God, grow in faith,



ADVENT MEETING Our special Advent Meeting will be Monday, November 22nd beginning with social time at 6:00 p.m. and our meeting at 6:30 p.m. Presented by Msgr. Mike, “The Themes of Advent”, the scriptures used in the Advent readings offer much to reflect on: annunciation, visitation, incarnation, and the preaching of St. John the Baptist. The Little Advent Books will be available at check in. Please be sure to mark your calendars for this special presentation! BOOK STUDY “Love Like a Saint, Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women” by Elizabeth M. Kelly, will meet on Wednesday, December 1 at 9:45 a.m., after morning Mass in the parish hall, room 5. MEMBERSHIP Applications for 2022 are available in the back of the Church and at our meeting. For further Membership information, please call Jolinda Mailangi at 714-655-6348.


Get your tickets today...

Celebrate the Retirement and 70th Birthday of

Monsignor Michael

Heher Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Old Ranch Country Club 3901 Lampson Avenue, Seal Beach

Choice of entrée: Grilled New York Steak

Tuscan Herb Chicken Breast Mushroom Ravioli

Guest name(s): Choice of entrée: _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

To make your payment by check— $100 / person please mail in this form with a check payable to: St. Anne Seal Beach, memo: retirement dinner

To pay electronically— $105 / person please visit our website at and select “retirement dinner”

If you are interested in purchasing a table for 10, please call the parish office @ 562-431-0721.

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Christ the King Page 4

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 CHRIST THE KING 8:00—Mass 10:00—Mass 10:00—Mass for sick and homebound on YouTube/FB Noon—Mass 4:00—Mass MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass 9:45-1:30—Private Prayer in Church 6:00—Women’s Guild General Meeting TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass 9:45-1:30—Private Prayer in Church 6:30—Baptism Preparation Class (Zoom) 6:30—RCIA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass 9:45-1:30—Private Prayer in Church THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 8:00—Holy Hour 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:30—Confessions 9:00—Mass 5:00—Mass



Parish Office Closed November 25-26

Tuesday, 11/30/21 St. Bonaventure, Huntington Beach

Wednesday, 12/01/21 Holy Spirit, Fountain Valley

Monday, 12/06/21 Sts. Simon and Jude, Huntington Beach

Monday, 12/13/21 St. Mary’s by the Sea, Huntington Beach

Wednesday, 12/15/21 Holy Spirit, Fountain Valley

Wednesday, 12/15/21 St. Joachim, Costa Mesa

Wednesday, 12/22/21 St. John the Baptist, Costa Mesa

All Services start at 7:00 PM

CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Christmas Masses: Friday, December 24 3:30 PM Christmas Story 4:00 PM Children’s Vigil Mass 6:00 PM Vigil Mass Saturday, December 25 8:00 AM Christmas Mass 10:00 AM Christmas Mass 12:00 Noon Christmas Mass Solemnity of the Holy Family Sunday, December 26th 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 12:00 Noon Mass 4:00 PM Mass

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Advent Retreat for Adults Saturday, December 11th Or

Sunday, December 12th 10am – 3pm

Mass and lunch are included. Suggested dona on $35.00

Please RSVP by December 6th Spaceislimited. to 714-557-4538 or [email protected]

2927 S Greenville St. Santa Ana, CA 92704

On November 14, the Vatican launched “The Laudato Si’ Action Platform Plan” to help us understand and implement Pope Francis call for ecological justice. This platform will be launched in stages throughout 2021 and 2022. At its completion the platform will comprise three elements: • Laudato Si’ Planning Guides, which your institution, community, or family can use to discern and implement your response to Laudato Si’, • A process-oriented approach that responds to the charism of your institution, community, or family, • Guidance on actions that help build a better future through the Laudato Si’ Goals The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is a unique collaboration between the Vatican, an international coalition of Catholic organizations, and “all men and women of good will.” (LS 3) Taking a truly ground-up approach, it is rooted in the strengths and realities of communities around the world, empowering all to take “decisive action, here and now” as we journey towards a better future together. (LS 161) Action is urgently needed. Our Creator called the human family to be the steward of creation, but we have neglected that call. Our hotter, dirtier, deader planet is driving up the risk of suffering. The most vulnerable suffer above all. At this kairos moment, we are responding to the call for healing in our relationships with God, our neighbors, and the Earth itself. Through the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, we are walking the “path to renewal” together (LS 202).

Please visit the website for more information:

On Tuesday, in the presence of h u n d r e d s o f parishioners and supporters, the Diocese of Orange b l e s s e d t h e e x p a n d e d Cathedral Memorial Gardens cemetery at the Christ Cathedral campus. The event started with a Mass presided by Bishop Kevin Vann. Afterward, as the carillon played from the Crean Tower above them, he led a short procession from the cathedral to the cemetery grounds, which date to the 1990s when the property was Crystal Cathedral but were recently expanded under the Diocese's ownership. The expansion doubled the size of the grounds and included the construction of a new cemeteries office, mausoleum and various artwork.

The blessing included several Diocese leaders, including Bishop Vann, Bishop Timothy Freyer, Monsignor Stephen Doktorczyk and the Very Rev. Christopher Smith, sprinkling holy water throughout the grounds.

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BAPTISM: Contact the Parish Office to arrange for baptism. Baptisms for children under 7 years of age are held on Saturdays at 11 a.m. Baptism preparation classes for parents and Godparents are available via Zoom.

FAITH FORMATION FOR GRADES 1-8: For information about Faith Formation programs, please call 562-431-0721 ext. 16 or email [email protected].

CONFIRMATION: For information about our Youth Ministry programs, please call 562-431-0721 ext. 15 or email [email protected].

MARRIAGE: An appointment with one of our priests to begin marriage preparation must be made at least 6 months before the desired wedding date.

FUNERAL: Please contact the Parish Office to inquire about funerals before finalizing arrangements with a mortuary.

PASTORAL CARE: If you, or someone you know, would like to have a pastoral visit or wish to have their name placed on our prayer net, or in the bulletin, please contact the Parish Office.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is not just for the end of life. It is the Sacrament for the healing of body and soul that is administered to the faithful because of illness, wounds, or the vulnerabilities of age. Please contact the parish via e-mail [email protected] or phone 562-431-0721 extension 10. CONFESSION: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered from 8:30 a.m. until 8:50 a.m. Monday through Saturday. Those unable to go to Confession at this time are welcome to schedule an appointment, call 562-431-0721 ext. 10.

Christ the King Page 6


11/21 8am Mario L. Cuezon 10am For the People of the Parish Noon Eugene Grant, special intention 4pm Jordan Mellinger, special intention 11/22 9am Anne Ruggiero 11/23 9am Terence Dobkins 11/24 9am Tess Valliyil

11/25 9am For the People of the Parish 11/26 9am Julia Poirier 11/27 9am Maria Truong 5pm Fr. Mike Pastizzo, SJ, special intention (Rest in God’s love and peace)





Jack Anderson, Katherine Anderson, Jeff

Ballas, Margaret Bennett, Marlene

Blackford, Dorothy Ceballos, Jackie Chambers, Pat

Clustka, the Conboy Family, Jim Donckels, Barbara

Donnelly, John Donnelly, Kevin Donnelly, Jim

Ferguson, Jerome Gendron, Pat Giacomi, Hoda

Hamaoui, Mary Kiely, Mary Kunz, Joseph Hunter

Lyons, Mary Maskell, Hal Noring, Cathy Oliver,

Kathy Purcell, Linda Rahl, Julie Rivera, Rosemarie

Sweet, Russell Taylor, L. Tanguay, Fr. Bob Vidal, Bob

Wagner, Lauren Williamson, Joan Wolfelt, Joseph

Yongvanich and Zach Zonni.

Do you need prayers for yourself or for a family member or friend? Our Prayer Net Ministry is here for you. You may drop off your requests in the box in church or send your prayer requests to:

[email protected]

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Catholic Charities of Orange County asked us to create

Thanksgiving cards for the Korean

elderly who live at Casa Santa Maria. Mrs. Price got right to work finding out

how to write HAPPY


We hope we got it right...

Celebrating their love for Jesus in the Mass by participating in proclaiming the Word of God and praying for the intentions of the community and world. We have more news to share. If you would like to make a donation to St. Anne Catholic School go to our website at and select the school page. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

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For further information, please call the Parish Office.