saint germain's new year's day discourse

SAINT GERMAIN Invocation: Thou Infinite Mighty I AM Presence, Whose wonderous Light fills the Universe! We stand glorified in Thy Glorious Radiance. Like jewels sent forth for the finishing of the facets that produce such marvelous luster, so are the Children of Light, in the acknowledgment of Thy Wonderous Presence, being made the finished jewels of Thy Heart; for in their wonderous acknowledgment of Thee, is their ability to become the Perfect Jewel which Thou hast mounted in the human form, that may be Perfect or otherwise, according to the choice or decree of the outer self. We give praise and rejoice greatly, that the day is at hand for Thy Perfection to come forth in full power, to all who sincerely look to Thee. The Discourse In describing to you the activity that took place at the Royal Teton last night, it is with a heart filled with joy and sincerest gratitude to the many, many students, who went forth in their higher mental bodies to the Royal Teton to observe the activities and receive the enormous blessing awaiting them there. Seven thousand seven hundred students were guests of the Ascended Masters at the Royal Teton from ten oclock last evening to four oclock this morning. Not in 200,000 years has such a wonderous event taken place. I may not name the students who were there, but those who were will never feel quite the same again. Many viewed the three bodies in the crystal caskets with great wonderment and as further activities with those bodies are again to take place, it was a notable event and means much to those who were observers. The outer activity of mankind knows so little, even now, of the transcendent things that are in their midst, that it is with great blessing that we keep calling their attention to these things which seem unusual to the outer. This has a tremendous underlying purpose. Cyclopea in directing the mighty currents of energy through the All-Seeing-Eye, and the call of the many students of the I AM, drawing the walls of light around America, have rendered tremendous service, in that it has prevented a tidal wave striking the SAINT GERMAINS New Years Day Discourse Given through the Light and Sound Rays, on January, 1 st 1936 Los Angeles, California Published in Voice of the I AM, February 1936

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Saint Germain's New Year's Day Discourse


Page 1: Saint Germain's New Year's Day Discourse


Invocation: Thou Infinite “Mighty I AM Presence”, Whose wonderous Light fills the

Universe! We stand glorified in Thy Glorious Radiance. Like jewels sent forth for the

finishing of the facets that produce such marvelous luster, so are the Children of Light, in

the acknowledgment of Thy Wonderous Presence, being made the finished jewels of Thy

Heart; for in their wonderous acknowledgment of Thee, is their ability to become the

Perfect Jewel which Thou hast mounted in the human form, that may be Perfect or

otherwise, according to the choice or decree of the outer self. We give praise and rejoice

greatly, that the day is at hand for Thy Perfection to come forth in full power, to all who

sincerely look to Thee.

The Discourse

In describing to you the activity that took place at the Royal Teton last night, it is

with a heart filled with joy and sincerest gratitude to the many, many students, who went

forth in their higher mental bodies to the Royal Teton to observe the activities and receive

the enormous blessing awaiting them there.

Seven thousand seven hundred students were guests of the Ascended Masters at the

Royal Teton from ten o’clock last evening to four o’clock this morning. Not in 200,000 years

has such a wonderous event taken place.

I may not name the students who were there, but those who were will never feel

quite the same again. Many viewed the three bodies in the crystal caskets with great

wonderment and as further activities with those bodies are again to take place, it was a

notable event and means much to those who were observers.

The outer activity of mankind knows so little, even now, of the transcendent things

that are in their midst, that it is with great blessing that we keep calling their attention to

these things which seem unusual to the outer. This has a tremendous underlying purpose.

Cyclopea in directing the mighty currents of energy through the All-Seeing-Eye, and

the call of the many students of the “I AM”, drawing the walls of light around America,

have rendered tremendous service, in that it has prevented a tidal wave striking the

SAINT GERMAIN’S New Year’s Day Discourse Given through the Light and Sound Rays, on January, 1st 1936 – Los Angeles, California

Published in “Voice of the I AM”, February 1936

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western coast, which was thought would have come into action the second of January,


I remind mankind of this service, that they may know the great protection and

blessing that is being given them. How much more wonderful it is, that mankind might be

enjoying the Tournament of Roses, than to be in the throes of a destructive activity. As was

rendered on the eastern coast a little more than a year ago, so has a great service been

rendered at this time to the western coast.

To the sincere students of the “I AM” all over America, I am sure this knowledge

will be of great encouragement and strength to them, to call the “Mighty I AM Presence”

into action everywhere to dissolve and consume all human destruction, and replace it by

the Perfect Activity of the “Mighty I AM Presence”.

This year, the activity of sending forth the great Globes of Light, charged with a

specific activity, were sent forth all over the earth, to discharge their Intelligent Energy to

dissolve and consume the destructive activity of mankind throughout the earth. This, we

trust, will bring about a greater stabilization and intelligent activity among all official

activities of the earth, so as to bring about some very desirable changes.

The calling forth, by the students of the “Mighty I AM Presence” to fill all official

places with Its Perfection, has given tremendous assistance, and we trust each day that

activity will grow greater. How very great is our Love and Gratitude to the students

throughout America, who are making this earnest call, thereby giving such blessed service.

It was decided last night that Cyclopea, the Silent Watcher and the Great Divine

Director are to work in conjunction for the next three years, with the Legion of Light, to

bring about certain harmonious accomplishment, which They alone can do. To the degree

that the Students of Light understand this and give their conscious co-operation, will many

astonishing things be made possible. Never in the history of the earth, has so much

conscious blessing and protection been given to the earth, and this could only be given

now, because of the incoming Age of Great Perfection.

The Mighty Sustained Uplift, that will come to the students of the “I AM Presence”

from their visit to the Royal Teton last night, will cause them to know and feel with great

assurance the Mighty Stream of Light, into which they have entered.

The destructive forces in Europe are not finding the easy achievement they have

anticipated, and we trust, that the fangs of the sinister activity may yet be completely

drawn, and hundreds of thousands more set free in the mental and feeling world to call

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forth the blessing, protection, and freedom of the “Mighty I AM Presence” to produce Its

greater and greater Perfection everywhere.

My heart goes out, so earnestly, to the few of the Beloved Students of Light, who

have allowed themselves to be temporarily turned aside, from the Great Stream of Light

and Intelligent Energy, which this activity and understanding of the “Presence” would

bring forth for them, but such is the free will of the individual, and we can only protect and

bless them and one day, again bring them back into this understanding of the “Mighty I

AM Presence”, which is their freedom.

Perhaps, I should say to the Blessed Ones, that there were students in attendance last

night from every class that has been held in America, and we trust the first of July, 1936,

will enable as many more to attend or even a greater number, than were present last night.

Not in over four hundred thousand years, have so many students been prepared and

permitted to visit a single retreat, as was experienced last night in the Royal Teton, showing

how very great is the expansion of the Light within the hearts of mankind, and within the

consciousness of the individuals, that they may feel an interest and sincere desire for the

great Perfection, which to some degree is felt within every human heart. Now the Students

of the Light are coming to know with no uncertainty, the joy and Perfection which can be


Oh Beloved Students of the Light everywhere! I know you must feel with great

assurance, that when you call your “Mighty I AM Presence” into action to produce a given

constructive result, there is nothing to resist it – nothing in the entire Universe to prevent

Its full Accomplishment. Oh! For the students to feel the majestic Truth of this, that when

they make application, calling their “Mighty I AM Presence” into action, It cannot fail in

any way. The Law of Its Being and their Being, is that It must fulfill that unto which It is


Knowing that the “Presence” is all Perfection, manifesting all Wisdom, then it is

certain that only harmonious and Perfect results can come from Its application. Oh! For the

students to feel with a joyous heart, that when they call the “Mighty I AM Presence” into

action, It simply moves forth, dissolving and consuming all human discord or destructive

activity, and fills that place with Its Mighty Harmony and Perfection. This releases the

fulfillment of every requirement, whether it be money, health, harmony, justice or the

“Mighty Directing Intelligence” that all mankind need at this time.

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Through mankind’s attention, vision and power of qualification, individuals have

the full scepter of dominion and key, that unlocks for them the great Treasure-house of the

Universe, to fill their worlds with all the Perfection, that any heart can desire.

I charge the feeling of every reader of this, with the full conviction that the “Mighty I

AM Presence” that beats each heart, holds within Itself, ready to release at their call the

fulfillment of every constructive desire of the heart. Knowing that it only requires the

harmony of feeling and the sincere determined call of the student or individual, to release

quickly everything desired from the “Presence”, then they know that the words lack and

failure are forever stricken out of their consciousness and use, for these are words and

activities that the “Presence” never knows. They are but human distortions, which have no


I urge the students everywhere to STUDY – STUDY – STUDY: APPLY – APPLY –

APPLY the knowledge of the “Presence” given in the I AM DISCOURSES with great

determination, and complete freedom is yours.

These Great Laws do not apply themselves, or you would have long, long ago been

Perfect Beings. Therefore, it is self-evident that it does require your determined application

of this knowledge of the “Presence”, to have the Perfection which It is and contains.

The Tall Master from Venus with His twelve associates started, last night, a

tremendous service for the earth and its inhabitants. The nature of this activity, I may not

describe to you at this time, but I call it to your attention, that through your attention, They

can work to greater and greater advantage.

I urge the students everywhere: DO NOT YIELD to the fascination of the beautiful

things you may see, but ever keep your attention anchored upon the “Presence”, Who is the

Giver of all your heart so fondly desires, for as long as your attention can be held upon the

pleasant things you might see, so long are you retarding your reception of the blessings and

freedom, which the “Presence” holds for you.

I see so many students, who are inclined to be held by the fascination of the things

that they see, that I MUST SOUND THIS WARNING, to put them on guard and prevent

their being caught in this subtle activity; for in your “Presence” and from your “Presence”

is the only place you will find peace, rest, freedom, and the abundant supply of every good

thing you require for use.

So again I say: “Mighty I AM Presence” take command of each mind and body!

Cause them to be non-recordant to anything but your Mighty Perfection! Hold them so

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close in your embrace of Light, that they have but one desire – TO BE THY PERFECTION


In this most wonderful of New Years, which holds such blessings and freedom for so

many, I rejoice beyond all words and clothe every student of the “I AM”, with that great

FEELING OF VICTORY, which I have for them and charge it with MY full Power and

Feeling of Victory, that they may go forth dauntless in the acknowledgment of their

“Presence” and Its application, so all may quickly have that Victory and Freedom which we


In the coming six months, I will do everything possible the Law of each one’s Being

permits to assist them to their eternal Victory.

Benediction: “Mighty I AM Presence”! having transcended all human limitation and

creation by our self-conscious effort and application of Thy Great Laws, we call the full

Power of Thy combined Love, Wisdom, and Power into all-powerful action, to set every

student of the “I AM Presence” free forever – eternally sustained by Thy Courage and

Directing Wisdom.

Cause each one to feel the full activity of this hourly – daily – until every vestige of

human discord and creation has forever disappeared from their pathways.

The Eternal Love of the combined Host of Ascended Masters enfold all and raise

them into their Eternal freedom.