saint herman orthodox church hieroschemamonk ambrose...

+ A Parish of + The Orthodox Church in America Most Rev. Archbishop Benjamin, Diocese of San Francisco and the West Very Rev. Fr. Archpriest John Armstrong [email protected] Rev. Fr. Deacon John Manutes [email protected] + Worship Services + Saturdays, 6:00 pm Great Vespers & Confession (3 rd & 6 th Hour Prayers, 9:10 am) Sundays, 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Feast Days (See Monthly Calendar) + Parish Prayer List + Please pray for and ask the Lord to have mercy on: Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Young) Archpriest Paul Lazor Fr. Lawrence & Matushka Sophia Matushka Svetlana Ismailov Mother Theodelphia Peter Anderson Benjamin, Justus, Debra, Kalena, AJ & Anthony Bere Ericson; Linda & Kelly Armstrong Kathryn Birmingham Rhonda Jeanie (Mary) Cooper Agnes Craig Kafa Dalal Michael & Dagmar Drakulich Jon Douglas Adam Goodman Lauren Hansen Ronald Maue & Rhonda Grace George; Sarah; Nikolai and ZJoshua & Shannon Mead Joyce Mikita Shaun & Cheryl Mahew, Oleg, & James Barbara Murray John & Michael Palmer Clergy and Parishioners of our Mission parishes: St. Anthony, St. Elijah, St. Sophia, and St. Tikhon Jonathan Paul Barbara Payne Natalia Perrin Jack & Glenda Pyle and family Martha Rapso Irina Reynolds John Russell John Salmon Sona Sarkissian, Mardig, and Seta Esther Schafer Kathleen Smith Christopher Sprecher Mary Streech Michael, Phally (“Paulie”) and Kimean Stucki Dana Such Muriel Weisman Natalia Zolotoochin Missionaries & Ministries: OCMC: Michael, Lisa & Liam Colburn; Fr. David Rucker & family; James Hargrave & family; OCPM: Fr. Stephen Powley; Dipes & WipesCatechumens: Troy Nunley (Vladimir) Newly Departed: Saint Herman Orthodox Church 991 West Prence Avenue Lileton Colorado 80120 303-798-7306 + Pastoral Ministries + Please contact Fr. John anyme for the following: Confession; Hospital Visits / Holy Uncon; Memorial Services; Slavas; Moliebens; or, just to talk... You can call me at: 720-971-5931, or email me at: [email protected] Saint Herman Orthodox Church July 2, 2017 4 th Sunday aſter Pentecost, Tone 3 Deposion of the Robe of the Theotokos at Blachernae Holy Scriptures: Roman 6:18-23; St. Mahew 8:5-13

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Page 1: Saint Herman Orthodox Church Hieroschemamonk Ambrose · Juvenal governed the Church in Jerusalem as its hierarch

+ A Parish of +

The Orthodox Church in America

Most Rev. Archbishop Benjamin, Diocese of San Francisco and the West

Very Rev. Fr. Archpriest John Armstrong [email protected]

Rev. Fr. Deacon John Manutes [email protected]

+ Worship Services +

Saturdays, 6:00 pm Great Vespers & Confession

(3rd & 6th Hour Prayers, 9:10 am) Sundays, 9:30 am

Divine Liturgy

Feast Days (See Monthly Calendar)

+ Parish Prayer List +

Please pray for and ask the Lord to have mercy on:

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Young) Archpriest Paul Lazor Fr. Lawrence & Matushka Sophia Matushka Svetlana Ismailov Mother Theodelphia Peter Anderson Benjamin, Justus, Debra, Kalena, AJ & Anthony Bertie Ericson; Linda & Kelly Armstrong Kathryn Birmingham Rhonda Jeanie (Mary) Cooper Agnes Craig Kafa Dalal Michael & Dagmar Drakulich Jon Douglas Adam Goodman Lauren Hansen Ronald Maue & Rhonda Grace George; Sarah; Nikolai and “Z” Joshua & Shannon Mead Joyce Mikita Shaun & Cheryl Matthew, Oleg, & James Barbara Murray John & Michael Palmer Clergy and Parishioners of our Mission parishes:

St. Anthony, St. Elijah, St. Sophia, and St. Tikhon Jonathan Paul Barbara Payne Natalia Perrin Jack & Glenda Pyle and family Martha Rapso Irina Reynolds John Russell John Salmon Sona Sarkissian, Mardig, and Seta Esther Schafer Kathleen Smith Christopher Sprecher Mary Streech Michael, Phally (“Paulie”) and Kimean Stucki Dana Such Muriel Weisman Natalia Zolotoochin

Missionaries & Ministries: OCMC: Michael, Lisa & Liam Colburn; Fr. David Rucker & family; James Hargrave & family; OCPM: Fr. Stephen Powley; “Dipes & Wipes”

Catechumens: Troy Nunley (Vladimir)

Newly Departed:

Saint Herman

Orthodox Church

991 West Prentice Avenue Littleton Colorado 80120 303-798-7306

+ Pastoral Ministries +

Please contact Fr. John anytime for the following: Confession; Hospital Visits / Holy Unction; Memorial Services; Slavas; Moliebens; or, just to talk... You can call me at: 720-971-5931, or email me at: [email protected]

Saint Herman Orthodox Church

July 2, 2017

4th Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 3 Deposition of the Robe of the Theotokos at Blachernae

Holy Scriptures: Roman 6:18-23; St. Matthew 8:5-13

Page 2: Saint Herman Orthodox Church Hieroschemamonk Ambrose · Juvenal governed the Church in Jerusalem as its hierarch

Handmaidens Schedule for July

Today, July 2, Sophi & Abigail Reynolds July 9, Tori & Katherine Pyle July 16, Elizabeth & Juliana Gaines July 23, Nika & Sophia Bergbauer July 30, Sophi & Abigail Reynolds

Greeters Schedule for July

Today, July 2, Dorothy Zang July 9, Julia Urdenis July 16, Kevin Donahue July 23, Olga Thomas July 30, Christine Baker

+ Today + July 2, 2017

Welcome to St. Herman Orthodox Church! We’re glad you came to worship with us!

Anniversaries: Andrew & Andrea Gaines (7/5),

Vladimir & Angelica Zolotoochin (7/7)

Birthdays: Alla Pollard and Monk Ioannes

(aka Micah Wilkinson; 7/3)

“Preserve them, O Lord, for many years!”

Please join us for Coffee Hour after Divine Liturgy

+ Looking Ahead +

Rocky Mountain Orthodox Summer Camp: • July 23, 6 pm—July 26, noon: Grades 7—12 • July 26, noon — July 29, noon: Grades 1—6

August 1—14: Dormition Fast*

[*Note: I will be offering the Paraklesis to the Mother of God most evenings during the Dormition Fast, except when G. Vespers or another activity is planned.]

Saturday, August 5, 6:30 pm, Great Vespers w/Litiya for the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ at St. Herman OC

Sunday, August 6, 9:30 am, Festal Liturgy for the Transfiguration at St. Herman

Tuesday, August 8, 6:30 pm, Great Vespers w/Litiya for St. Herman, our Patronal Feast Abp. Benjamin presiding. Reception to follow.

Wednesday, August 9, 9:30 am, Liturgy for the Feast of St. Herman. Abp. Benjamin presiding. Reception to follow. Monday, August 14, 6:30 pm, Great Vespers w/Litiya for the Great Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos

Tuesday, August 15 (Holy Dormition): • 9:30 am, Liturgy for the Dormition • 7:00 pm, Parish Council

Monday, August 28, 6:30 pm, G. Vespers w/Litiya for the Beheading of St. John

Tuesday, August 29, 9:30 am, Liturgy for the Beheading of St. John (Strict Fast)

+ This Week +

Tuesday, July 4th, Independence Day: • ~6 pm, informal BBQ/picnic; • ~9 pm, Fireworks

Saturday, July 8, 6:00 pm, Great Vespers; Confession available

+ Synaxarion +

Deposition of the Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople. In the time of the Emperor Leo the Great (457-474), the Empress Verina and Patriarch Gennadius, two Constantinopolitan nobles, Galbius and Candidus, were traveling in the Holy Land to venerate the holy places there. In Nazareth, they stayed in the house of a Jewish girl who had the robe of the Theotokos kept in a secret place. Many of the sick and wretched had received healing through prayer and the touching of this garment. Galbius and Candidus took this holy relic to Constantinople and informed the Emperor and the Patriarch of its existence. It was the cause of great rejoicing in the imperial city. The robe was ceremonially placed in the Blachernae church (a church built by the Emperor Marcian and Empress Pulcheria on the shore of a bay, and named 'Blachernae' after a General Blacheran from Scetis, who was killed there), and this commemorative feast was instituted. St. Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem. A contemporary of Euthymius, Theodosius, Gerasim, Simeon Stylites and other great lights of the Church, he took part in two Ecumenical Councils: the Third in Ephesus and the Fourth in Chalcedon, striving with great power and zeal against the blasphemous heretics: at Ephesus against Nestorius, who spoke of the Mother of God-the-Word as Mother of Christ [“Christotokos (Christ-bearer)” not Theotokos (God-bearer)], denying that Christ is God and man in one Person, and at Chalcedon against Eutyches and Dioscorus, who taught that Christ has only one nature [monophysitism], divine but not human.

After the victory of Orthodoxy at both these Councils, Juvenal returned to his see in Jerusalem. But, though the heresies were condemned, the heretics were not subdued. By the plots and violence of one Theodosius, a friend of Dioscorus, Juvenal was driven from his episcopal throne and Theodosius installed in his place. The Empress Eudocia, widow of the Emperor Theodosius the Younger, first gave her assistance to this heretic while she was staying in Jerusalem. The hesitant and meddlesome Empress went at length to St. Simeon Stylites, to ask him where the truth lay. This Saint of God denounced the heretical teaching and instructed the Empress to keep the Orthodox teaching as upheld by the Councils. The Empress obeyed him, repented and herself condemned the false Patriarch Theodosius. Marcian and Pulcheria were at that time on the throne in Constantinople. A letter was sent from the Emperor to the governor, instructing him to exile Theodosius and re-instate Juvenal, which the governor did without delay. Juvenal governed the Church in Jerusalem as its hierarch for 38 years and went to the Lord in great old age in 458, to receive at His hands the reward for the manifold sufferings he had endured for the Truth's sake. St. Photius, Metropolitan of Moscow. A Greek by birth, he governed the Russian Church wisely for 20 years, entering into rest in 1430. A week before his death, an angel of God appeared to him and revealed to him the precise time of his departure from this world.