saint john the evangelist-saint rocco roman catholic parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º domingo del...

Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor Saturday Vigil Mass : English 5:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Sunday Masses: English 8:45 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Spanish 10:00 a.m. St. John the Evangelist English 11:45 a.m. St. Rocco Mon.-Fri. Masses : English 8:30 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Friday Mass : Spanish 7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist 250 - 21 st Street 216 - 27 th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn, NY 11232 Parish Office at 25021st Street Phone: 718-768-3751 Fax: 718-768-4689 Website: Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm Friday 9:00am-3:00pm Sat. 9am-12pm No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. No importa quién eres, o donde está usted en el viaje de la vida, usted es bienvenido aquí.

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Page 1: Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de

Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish

Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor

Saturday Vigil Mass: English 5:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist

Sunday Masses: English 8:45 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Spanish 10:00 a.m. St. John the Evangelist English 11:45 a.m. St. Rocco

Mon.-Fri. Masses: English 8:30 a.m. St. John the Evangelist

Friday Mass: Spanish 7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist

250 - 21st Street 216 - 27th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11215 Brooklyn, NY 11232

Parish Office at 250—21st Street

Phone: 718-768-3751 Fax: 718-768-4689

Website: Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm

Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm

Friday 9:00am-3:00pm

Sat. 9am-12pm

No matter who you are, or where you are on

life’s journey, you are welcome here.

No importa quién eres,

o donde está usted en el viaje de la vida,

usted es bienvenido aquí.

Page 2: Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de

Confessions/Confesiónes: Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm

Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm Baptisms/Bautismos

Please call the parish office for more information.

Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia por más información

Weddings: Scheduling of the ceremony is to be done at least 6 months in advance (and prior to all other ar-rangements being made). Please call the parish office to arrange an appointment. Please log on to for complete information about mar-riage preparation in the Diocese. Bodas: Favor fijar la fecha de la ceremonia en la Igle-sia por lo menos 6 meses antes de la boda ( y antes de los otros arreglos). Llame a la rectoria para una cita. Favor de usar el Internet en para información completa para la preparación de matrimonio en la diócesis.

Take Care Of Yourself Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family, would like to help us live and remain healthy. He is a very caring and friendly holistic doctor and puts his faith into action by helping anyone who is suffering or in pain. He is helping many people in our diocese to live a better life. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and is phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find more info at or Call him today to schedule your appointment.

Purgatorial for the Month of September: Pasquale & Angelina Ferraro, Mr. & Mrs. William Zucker, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pramuk, Francis Pramuk, Bernadette Mer-curi, Elizabeth T. Zucker, Edward Zucker, Raul Perez, Anna & Joseph Pinto, Josephine & Aniello Pinto, Per-rotta Family, Tarno Family & Rev. Carlos D. Valencia

Memorial Candles: If you would like a candle to burn in front of a statue in memory of a loved one from August through December a donation of $50 can be made at the rectory office along with the name of your beloved. The candle will burn day and night for your loved one or for a special intention. Velas Memoriales: Si Ud. quiere mantener una vela prendida en frente de una imagen en memoria de un ser querido durante los seís meses de Au-gusto hasta Diciembre, lo puede hacer en la recto-ria con una donación de $50.00. Se colocará el nombre de la persona memorializada en la vela, la cuál quedará prendida día y noche de acuerdo con su intención especial.

Mass Intentions Saturday August 27

5:30pm Marie Pentangelo Requested by Kathy Radecki

Bernard Gallitelli Requested by Sisters

Sunday August 28

8:45am All Members of Our Parish Family

10:00am Eterno descanso de Lilian Moreno De parte de Miriam Mendez

Zoila Romero De parte de Hijo Augusto Mora

Monday August 29

8:30am Michael Camberlango Requested by Taglianetti Family

Tuesday August 30

8:30am Fred Reitz Requested by Children

Wednesday August 31

8:30am Patrick Kelly Newman Requested by Family

Thursday September 1

8:30m Joseph Paolucci Requested by Kathy Radecki

Friday September 2

8:30am Purgatorial Society

7:30pm Hugo Diaz Candia De parte de Comunidad San Juan-San Rocco

Saturday September 3 5:30pm Marie Pentangelo Requested by Johnny & Chickie Riccardi

Rev. Carlos D. Valencia Requested by Kathy Radecki

Please pray for the homebound, the elderly, those who are alone, the sick and especially for the sick of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Teresa Zapata, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky, Alfredo Rivas, Dana Rutyna, Milagros Alarcon, Flora Robles, Virginia Carril & Peggy Kelly

Altar Wine and Hosts are offered this week in prayer for peace in United States of America and in the world. Altar Candles are offered this week in prayer for peace in United States of America and in the world. Sanctuary Lamp is offered this week in prayer for peace in United States of America and in the world..

Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy 241 Prospect West, B’klyn, NY 11215 718-768-7629

Page 3: Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de

Generations of Faith Campaign/Campaña de Generaciones de Fe Thank you so much for your financial commitment to the Generations of Faith Campaign. Your financial promise over the next 5 years

is truly appreciated. Help us continue the work we need to do for Christ and His people by donating each month toward fulfilling your

commitment. Donating each month will be a tremendous help to what we must accomplish in our parish and our Diocese, especially for

educating our young people about the faith and our retired and sick priests. Thank you for your support, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande

Un enorme gracias por su compromiso financiero con la Campaña de Generaciones de Fe. Su promesa financiera por los próximos 5

años son realmente apreciados. Nos ayude a continuar el trabajo necesitado hacer por Cristo y Su pueblo mediante la donación mensu-

almente hacia el cumplimiento de su compromiso. Donar mensualmente será de inmensa ayuda a lo que tenemos que lograr en nuestra

parroquia y nuestra Diócesis, especialmente para educar a los jóvenes acerca de la fe y de nuestros sacerdotes jubilados y enfermos. Gra-

cias por su apoyo, Rev. Kenneth J. Grande

Religious Education Classes Registration: Registration for our parish Religious Education Faith Formation Classes

is now taking place in the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for the first child and $30.00 for each additional child of the same family. Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the Birth Certificate.

Registración para las clases de Educación Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases de Educación Religio-

sa, para la Formación de Fe, está teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para un niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño y una copia del acta de nacimiento.

RCIA 2016-2017 If you know of someone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation, or maybe even some neighbors who talk about our parish and have never been baptized, why don’t you come to the rectory office during office hours and fill out the information for us this week. We will contact them in September or October to see if they are interested in coming closer to Christ in the sacraments of the church.

Quizás tú conoces a alguien que necesita recibir sus sacramentos. Quizás tienes un vecino que habla de la iglesia y qui-siera bautizarse. Quizás tú serás el misionero de Cristo. De la información en horas de oficina en la rectoría y cuando em-pezamos las clases durante Septiembre y Octubre, les mandaremos un recuerdo para que conozcan también Cristo en los sacramentos!

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time "When you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their in-

ability to repay you." Today Jesus instructs us to be generous enough to serve others without expecting repayment. At least,

without expecting to be repaid in THIS life. It's interesting that the Gospel concludes with Jesus' promise that if we follow

this teaching, we "will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." In other words, God will "repay" our generosity on

earth by welcoming us into heaven. Really, what better investment could there possibly be? It can be tempting to think of

our money as purely our own. We work hard to earn it. Or we receive it from others who wanted US to have it. Or luck came

our way (and too bad for you that it didn't come your way). We thus feel possessive of our money and often struggle with the

idea of giving it away or lending it without hope of being paid back (with interest!). But today's Gospel challenges us with a

different perspective. In essence, Jesus tells us to use our money for the sake of others, not just to assure our own earthly

comfort. As difficult as this request may be, its important to remember that Jesus honors the sacrifice! This is why he prom-

ises repayment in heaven. He understands that it "costs" us a great deal to part with the security of using our money for our-

selves alone. He understands that in caring for the poor, we risk putting ourselves in their company. But God's ways are not

the ways of the world. Instead of investing everything in a bank, Jesus asks us to invest in the poor. After all, no bank on

earth can possibly provide the infinite rate of return that Jesus promises.

22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de ese representante de la sabiduría bíblica de este libro

conocido como Sirácide. La humildad y la dulzura es el tema de apertura, dedicado a las relaciones sociales. Saberse rela-

cionar ha sido tema importante de todos los tiempos. También se aconseja el saber reflexionar y escuchar: "El hombre pru-

dente medita en su corazón las sentencias de otros, y su gran anhelo es saber escuchar" (Eclo 3, 29). Ser humildes significa

escuchar y confiar en Dios. Dios colma de gracia a los humildes nos dice la Sagrada Escritura. "El Señor se burla de aquellos

que se burlan y con los humildes se muestra bondadoso" (Prov 3, 34). "Ha hecho sentir el poder de su brazo: dispersó a los

de corazón altanero, destronó a los potentados y exaltó a los humildes" (Lc 1, 52). ¡Qué bellas enseñanzas tenemos en estas

lecturas! No debemos de ponerlas en saco roto. Todo va relacionado a no aprovecharnos de los demás ni de sus influencias

para ser los primeros amolando a otros que necesitan más ayuda. El llamado es buscar vivir en la humildad y esto no sig-

nifica ser tonto sino ser bueno. Las historias de Jesús son pequeñas, tomadas de los mismos ejemplos de hombres y mujeres

de su tiempo que lo escuchaban. Son historias para que el que las escucha se implique en la reflexión y de una respuesta per-

sonal a Jesús. Entonces, como ahora, es necesario que cada persona descubra e interprete y lo lleve a su vida. ¿Cómo en-

tiendes el concepto de la humildad? ¿Cómo vives la humildad en tu vida?

Page 4: Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de

Sharing the Gospel Most of the guests at a wedding party are crowding around the bride and groom. When the bride

sees you sitting outside, she says, "Come inside and drink some punch." God will have a big feast at

the end of the world. When he sees you standing outside the gates of heaven, he will put his arm

around you and say, "Come right on in, my child. I've been waiting for you." If you act bossy, you

might get your way, but you won't make many friends. Jesus shared a secret about making

friends. When you treat other kids with kindness, they will want to be your friends. Instead of

telling other kids what to do, ask other kids to choose a game. If you want to play tag with other

kids, offer to be "it" first. If it is time to line up to go outside, offer to go to the back of the line

and let other kids in front of you.

Prayer Dear Jesus, help me to be a good friend.

Something to Draw Draw a picture of Jesus with His arm around you.

Mission for the Week When you sit down with your family for dinner tonight, ask if you can serve the food.

Page 5: Saint John the Evangelist-Saint Rocco Roman Catholic Parish · 4/8/2015  · 22º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Las lecturas de este domingo comienzan con una serie de consejos de

2016 Annual Catholic Appeal - Share The Joy Of The Gospel

Whatever the amount of your gift, it will be accepted with gratitude and deeply appreci-ated. Thank you

La Campaña Católica Anual del 2016 - Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio

Cualquiera que sea la cantidad de su donación, será aceptada con gratitud y profundamente apreciado. Gracias

Our Parish “End of Summer Festival – Get Together”

Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 12noon Parish Yard on 27th Street near Saint Rocco Church

Hot Food, Refreshments, Entertainment for Children and Adults


Plan to spend a relaxing afternoon with us on at our parish “Get-Together”. It is open to everyone in our parish and your family and friends.

Please plan to be with us. So that all of us can spend an enjoyable afternoon together, we will only have one parish Mass on Sunday, September 18th at 10:30am in our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist. There will be no 8:45am, 10:00am or 11:45am Mass on Sunday, Sep-tember 18th.

Parish Raffle - Cash Prizes

1st - $1,500.00 2nd - $1,000.00 3rd - $ 500.00

Donation: $20.00 for 1 ticket $50.00 for 3 tickets

Drawing: Sunday September 18, 2016

in the parish yard on 27th St. Winner need not be present.

Welcome - Bienvenido Would you like to become a member of our par-ish? Fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket. Visit us online at ¿Le gustaría ser un miembro de nuestra parro-quia? Llene el siguiente formulario y colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta. Visítenos en

______________________________________ Name/Nombre ______________________________________Address/Dirección ______________________________________ City/Ciudad ______________________________________ State/Estado Zip-Code/Código Postal ______________________________________ Phone Number/Teléfono

No 11:45am Mass from Sunday, July3rd to September 4th