sale of city lois - nys historic...

•.*s».\'"- ; ' q-A*k- itDETMtJgSsUICIDI./ TTMItOMB DAILY SJJSlxfl.gx*, FBIDAY Wrmm^ %Mh THOMASTMJURBAY OF GRE1Q 0U1 * T HIS THRpAf. Ha Had Just Gone to tftlea to Take f»di c»l KreatBMat-Qaachc In the Jit of -^•iraHirtttfttioifH* stffiaalEte/pt to Save Hti lift-Probably Insane,/ JJXiOilL, 0ot_ lS.-rThomaa ageU i^yejus, whose home 1B nrray, Grelg^- committed eul/cle about tM^ft&joJMBJV Mary ttatlfe, No. 3!& .' mjflK'afec^jtea Whle * tKfcacln* oa^psfeJWr throat by M^/Maateea, and sM^temntefl^tio #rejjent W ena&g-hia-, ltfe,^Jbuti to, np Bnrppse/Mra. MarKepj ^ti^te^Wftn- nim hntM Mnriay wa£ m^Jj^pge^hetjtislWi b.em'wja^an^ jatibj^rtM pocket inj* d e e ^ into jus ^hji^,Ha§»-eTlhg^ 4^>SpflnaflBhecodd JOT. MafteSmUeia for<Mto and Dr. H. mPmton 'yt.^m%- t $$$£ ^henII^P»t»Ji,ai^t«Sj:Abonfe ^ Mf$ijninutijB l$ter,#ne man ; wasJleadi ipf^y^ai-ddnb^^ ,4fe|w;aqp#ly for/soine tMjBi,#pfll%a1l tipjpterances waB^^fliBg'^^mjaAlaii^ ehoSfc He wasi ifeBp6nft«»ti,"b]tlt, he-had never threatene*o t ^ e ^ o w n life. . terday afternoyi- He was accompanied by.0heB^ ; £oia8, tt^ptpptietof. of the general 8tora«t Grelg, - Mr. Murray had, / h&eni a cTerWn.'Mri Lonas's store for a long time aj4 Mr. Lonas brought him to ,_JGMpa^t6w,nMs»r^*ale^^ .ner^onsjtiefi wujh, which he nttd been afflicted if some, .Brae. ' 56ft. inert- went tp the JMne. of Mrs. Mwfeea; an. old, friend p^Qth,^an$jttraBlg^migntB were madelrtihe board of Murray during his stayrhflfei -vMie^Matkei»fliT8B- with-her, jsged jother. on the npper-^aoor of 35f> -BJahdBa-stTeet, -Sfe^LonaB-laforjined 4 'hexsejercjay that MnrrayL'was jiethBJEr acfclyrlgbt and had been despondent for son/time. He said Murray was h&rnx- les/and that Msa, tefl|&_nseiiyS&n6 ofhTm.. "yavy little Was aald it and at the* breakfast- table this brning Murray appeared toberather ivracasfc, , 'Shortly before nine o'clock this mowi- ng Murray went into the, house and /asked Mrs. Markee, *wi»s was sewing 'down stairs, for some laudanum. Mrs. MarkeB-refased to give it-to him and tried to talk tohim. He then went UP- hroarat: ^S^"*-** 6 -*Jea i san(^t^o?Iiai-ieyenjf: statrsr' ^rav Markes> began, to worry- ' about him. and, about; half an hour later, went upstairs herself. She Inquired of her mother where Murray'.was-jand the latter told her that he-was in the hed- rdo"m. Bhewentto the"doorbf the room -jindr-hearlrig Murray walkhig Inside the room, pushed the door open. Murray was standing up with his face toward the Window and waBjnBlpIn the act of cut- ting 1 his throat. Mrs. Markes grabbed him but he shoyedjjer aside and puBhed the km^e'into"nl»;^hroate^H*ttttned'ther -kDlfe^aronna-flevCTal-timesjHmftking a. he fell back oh the bed and expired. The knife he used/was an ordinary sized pook- etkriife. ' When Mra. Markea regained her strength she called to her mother and th^n-fprhelp. »3&e ambulance waff called M^theman was dead hetorHt-arrived. - Joroner-Dodd-was-notifled and-he inves^ igated the easel .• . iltn'ray'a relatives live at Stittville, He as a mother and ejsttr living. Hisre- .- taOm wUt#obabiy be4aken=toStdttville kr interment. .1 " CAMDEft-NEWS.: Sl/^ohi» T i "Ohnreli r«tti"irM N e x t W e e k - ^ M A T H ^ O I ^ I A l "WATTER8. UWCA, Oct. 13._A notable -wedding function occurred last ©venlng, in the S"^l**St.J}eorg«; 8 Chujcn oUoJoa MarsttairFox ancfMSs Grace EllMbeth Omens, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joel Mrsgrox will reside on Sunset a,venue. An»tln-V»nd«w^»lker, NORTH WBSTEBN, Oct 13.-The wed ding^of Alfred B Gratia audTDsf-Susle gryandewalker on WeagesdareveptBgT of tM season. It toofc place at the hoime ofjihebr^ejftparents, Jbe. and Mrs^Mal- tonVandewaJker. AM .tbe- dock sttocl i»yen. While Miss-^alis G r68 n\6f Vfm £*g£B P^J^pBndeJ6scrib!ttBMtno?eL EPS 3 *!! S Srh ^ e W ^ t m * ' groom, ^^ifidhygaert Austin, t*«hbeefrma%an4 ^WaAuBtin, the ]^deBmaldJboofctheir ptocesSundBranarcht^rlIrimedwi& efcerf g^en^r^nvwMehrWaarsntsp^naed^doulilff hearts made of evergwnB and white rib- bon. The bride was ctresaed in a suit of nayy blue sflk with white silk' and pearl trimmings and whiterUbbn. Th^bades;- W*id w|8;gowneain_a g^t e P«. Wutser«e trimmed with whIte.Bil£ And brald.\Itei. «l£:Jl£5 Bhton 'P astoi( 4> 1 - B.-Ob&rol, asor^rwestern, pertosme^ the ceremony. A heavy gold bancl rfcng was placed ^pon the bride's hand bjr the groom dtw- ingthe cereniony, Mim SfeWTIayiScTa suppressed reverie while the ceremony was being performea. "After the eon- gratulations. were over a sumptuous re- past was served and tour tables were fluedy. ^tore'were.B*.br*fr fifty- -gnestB., Those from Western were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Austin, Charles Burt and Bertha Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Austin, Mr.' and Mrs:. John Setsinger,. ]Sdr. and. Mrs,-A E. MMingtonr ^tfr.-anti' •*&§•'-J$:K J* .Smitbwm-.and- '&,. George Paddopk, Mr, and" Mrs.' O. •J. Houghton ,and_ ttasld jeaddock, Boonville, Mrs. C. W. Draper an^son' Mr. and Mrs. HerberfComhs ana s'onl and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon. Paddock, Stenben, Joseph Paddock; Eonie^ Mr. andMmArthurPadaoiifc, Mi^ndMrSi ^r ^?vV Teanhout aad granddaugWeft Bartlett, Mr. and.Mrs. J. W. Teacnout, Herkimer, Seymour Austin; Utlca, Mr, and Mrs. James Smit%j Gonneetlcuf, Mr: and Mrs. Marcus'PeUih. Mr. and Mis; Austin received many, presents. After the collation Seymour AuBtin took pie** tures of bridal company. Mr. and Mrs, Austin took their depattore on Thuwda. -'f^jB^EIMD-want to doyour Btoye^ XJ.-.'.'.andfarnacerepairing^ -Proinptienftoe aridlleht'ciArgeB. H. B.BhermaiiiiJWWeatLfb-, -momiijg for ; a short - ...__ . and Ilion, followed by theb a^large circle of friends, Torrej-Biownj VKmaxj :Oet. lli—The mairlage iKev. W. D. T9rray, "pastor of the M. IE Church, Pulton, and MIBS Mary E.Brown of that place, occurred on 'VTednesday, Oct 11, at 7:80 p.\ VOL. B4r. Torrey was formerly of Vernon and his hosts of Mends here extend congratulations. . KNOSBO^O, OO£ fS.*-Althongh fihe creamery made Sl.ODO"pounds more butter, in September, $98, "thai*, in the same month this year, the proceeds in Septem ber this year amounted t» Just as much, H. "W. Oliver, JVUP baa .been worktng for Dexter & Davis, has accepted a poat- tion as book-keeper in the at Chittenaugo. pottery. works OjLWedneeaay^gj3IaH.-E: Whitcomb was dellverQg hops a t Oneida, theoleilB pin of the wagon broke, letting down the evener and whiffle-tree. This caused the horses to run, throwing Mr. Whitcomb off the load and epralnlng both ofhij ankles. The horses i n uneir llight ran Into J.Hlnman of Stbekbrldge, demol- _ « „ ^ „,^^, „ „ „ . „„ Jshlng -his- rrlgjUjutereete :soon after J^^SAJ^-SB^ Jm±°f§& , , . . • ^xyTgtxi lund and buJldinRs; fs locate stopped. / 1CJA-»JDK», Oofc- 18.- ! rr6fc-Hroh4?s teftlvftj, Vhlch-takes ptaee at CurMHill next: fnesday atjd •STednesday evenings,; Oct. /7 and 18, promiBes to be the-moet inter- /^tlngih yeartf Be-ft^ather33ougher^ /illustrated lecture on Tuesday evening on /theraubjeot: '{Ameflea, the" coufitry iflf ' which ire •live,."" lookea forward to with, much enthusiasm, and many tickets are being sold. Father Dougherty's repu- tation for popularity and ability, which is a household word in Syracuse, is well ksowiiln Camden, and" the festival com- mittee are to be congratulated In secur- ing*imr TheTwcond-nlght haisa note- worthy feature .which Is arousing great •intftlMiifcfatKft vm»g«i,.ifhB frienmy nnn- —XnitlMitt- teSb^,: beeweetff = *two' : ' -gejcy /popular Maggie BJelley, for an. elegant diamond ring;. Both have many friends, both far and near, who are anxious t o see theiir favoritfrwiniftie pri%_-Mite Nellie Hyde, a charming bright young Ijwy, has „,„„,„„„ „„„. -dWeri working ln^Gamden but-two-yearBf ^oitteesiwfgiiowii -^omlng4r*nv-Araiwu , le r " * ««-•• "^~- hpsti of -IrlehdSri. Mlsa ' qdet and retiring, halls from Lowville. Bhe has worked; in the knitting mill for . -thelaBt-tjt^aM^teyeaisV-^e^dgohas manyminasTfho7wuTT6e Inferested In seeing her win, the prize which, Father Tleniah- saiys,, wilX,«m *eU. worth the dii^ia!6d^^^'^'aSk 1 .k 3 OSauiSi. It isthe : f|jst-contestrr4)et^nrryonng^iadie8 "wlilchshas-'".tieelir 'Jflfld"-TO^J!ather'TEler-" rHOEESMD PAT«»r^Ct3t.'i8.-iBr. <3, Ofiififr. has goae to Wojpester, Mass., to visit nia mother,-afr«i4..H. phage^ who la 92 years old and Berioaaly ill.. •.. Miss MilUcent Seyhnmr oi. Cheater, Oonn.^ is the_gne8tLPL^?i^_IJi,AfcJ3taker. COItMON O0UN01L PHOOEEDItrGS. KOMI, Oct 0,1859. Adjourned meotiDp of the Council. •Fresent—MaSor* White. Aid. Baylies, Ctolltntr O'Brion, Orodell, Mortz,Mt:Ciinn, Donnelly, Gro ganTJUeynnd Barnard-la., ^Absent-Recorder Catmliliaet, AH Tcrop, Keh; Erhardt, WIUlBms and Jonee-M), _ By Aid. Jlertz—That the minutes at previous mooting bo-approved withoiitreadlnK. Adopted, UUHHUMUA3|qfTH. . " From the Fire and Polio Go MaggieE;«Hey« for.a^degant diamond *ertires._. . tai«'tajbMd."tta»i^rW«»ii« Aid. MoCann morod that It t>o referred to the 'legal Commltteq and City Attorney to reportat noxt meeting. Adopted. •icCOCjSM, Accounts were received and referred to com- . Of Street Commltteo-Boparted needed re. ipslrs to tho.stormWrttti'sowors onBouth Jataes street and Aid. Grogan nuitgd that the Street Committee and Superintendent of Streets, be empowered to repair auneBatonce. Adopted. Atd. urogan_6tjspecial. WMSSnittee—Eeported l consideration oi proposaL for laying brick ffincTi.block will leave-nothing uldorie- to satisfy the.,most faBtldtous tastes.. They 'will also-serve' an-early supper be- tw.e^^h^rlpi'niirT:, . -"'.'. 2j~'.. ^"st^iagraj^Qo^i^A ^teraryig^^- 1 Ghcle^as' orgahl^/tin{-^hte: place the. ' ' o&eriW0tiingi.. ; %JL.Hy^#a8:^ected \. IM . a „^.^.^, w «-..-«, rf4 , fctttt ;.-.-- M ^r AckIey-cfltIo.r gonrteen -jpiited-at-that- tinie] " Ip^^-M^ G|wne;"wh:o hag bees stay? ing at/'ttie Thousand Islands for the last .twoMMths^i^ 4 re:tarne : d.\.'"':'V- -•" OWckehpiesoclalatl^S.SmitB Weo^es1ifty;#veJiihgi•0dfc , Wr~ - • ..f,- ••''' Mri*,M'ita---.iidam8, htei,.^tn|ned ;: ''|fr:,' Pier»»i^tilifiot.- i: ''-.j^"V*''' : *•"". ;."-.'-;•• Mx>ana^Mrs. &-, H.^aylprarevisiting frleh#St:^tt6nand.ea«e;hdvia;-' ' 88; Walter E", Barnard, S3: Henry Sa»ecket, J8.'0; GnarlesEafiadlpfi; J8;'GF li.Eel&f, *17.9Sj J. H. Carrolt, SftSS; A. Hccrrll. S5. «gE8!RcS-SS ! -e^aHlSSilSr a p g t aitt> f QMbi L OST—On Thnrsday evening, phJEast Bloomlield or N Jarnea 8U,« JSBH of a Wa^ck Ohan Thefinderwill be wiftibly re warded upon leavitig it at the SemlaeRfflce. Barfiatns. ,17!0BLaAt*K^B , lye u .halea>,o£ -.OldSopa, I?' a W. Sexton, Bldge Mule, N V Ti a 0»-SAI.E <JHEAP-3?wo *ood <3oal J? - Btwej-Apply at-WilllejmS's, -the Jewelerr lIBTS'JaineeTSft ~" kX FOB 8ALE.-Fif ty ions of Hay Jor sales' AUgradea. giricto right 1 . I^ "iotJStaffww,». x. - - — "*" appear or,aOBW«t juqgment win be taKen against, youiby default foivSM rell ef demanded In the .eompialnfc-'-.. -aaik'4 _ l)amHomivi^^8eDiemberJUJ8ga_ .'-• aa,0lNSrPlalntlff s Attorney. ^FVThousewdrk' and In the care of children,'- J n ^ S t . , B » n w | n W « conffl^, S^r. InanlteetWK.Jameeat. ,- Tn.r MflwawlTllackall. defendant: The foi*. lftantcft> ANTED-A girl to work in the __ ..,'..lAuBdry. Steady work and goodpay,: TrpjStwunliaan.dry. , la '*. ANTgD-rA, fewTo^wBoyai, girls, ., , young- inen and younjr lacTIesi to work fptdslnthfilr spare moment». So goods, tobe sold. Easy work atd good pay, Addresi for S artlcular»..8pf olalty -Manufacturing Company, ;pclie8ter,JivY. •• ' .... ' '" % 'ANTEd-DIning r6om~iirl i t the AtlhjgtonHptel. .'. " • • ' v TjirANTEPVJ^ - rnidiSI^agea^womwi: If T witb experience want« situation as nurse. TJI/'AISJTED-'A gbcl to sew-on custom . T|T coata. Good'wages .And-steady work Haoiss. the TaJlorr corner Dominio.k and James Sts,, ovef.Baiilfiaugh's store,'thlrd floor. f or Sale or to •Reur, TW IS mi POUTIO to' Day a piano XT and organ, though payments taercfor can be inade In installment", when. In arrears for two •inOjBttt»Hl«M'll«n'«nl'. C.nnrvK Hnrtk : |R SALE-$60 EdlSon Phonograph fcutflt,(ilrao8t new, Including Recorder, 23 Record*. &0,- Must be sold beforo Friday noon. Price fSO, Do. 1M W, Court St.' H OH8B AND LOT JOB SALE, wilh noodern Improvements, within ihreeblocks of American (ftaner. In^ulre;st aaLtln.eLpjBl.cfe desk and household furniture. tine) office. ^_^ InciTilre at Sen- 'OB 8AI«R-Dwelltag Honse and* Lofc >&loe=S35B^-Ghftr4e*Kf8tard»Tant, TT'OlKSAL.E-Dwelllng HonBe and Lot 1? on-MfUSt. $650. Charles F. Sturdevant. F OB SAIJE^Q welling House and Lot, ~ tfx.inintftesf Kim post ofBce, $1,100.1 Chas. F. aturdwant, ^-^ TJlQB S4l^-?ri«anngSon9eMd Barn,., X good «B new, nlcelylocated o>$urln street, F OB SALE-Small farm 6t 44 ac good aolU with buildings; town of Floyi Prico's550. Qnarlea F. oturdevant. TT^OB BAI*E-rLarge Dwelling House, JL barn and aix lota, situated near Erie Canal. TIICOSI,80OU CSinrtesF, Sturdevant. F OR SALE-Dwelling Hon&q and Lot;, ISc^ttoir^o'nvBnfenirto^lsHiia au&r coppeT mill Price $900. $100 down to good party. Charles P. fituxaevaat. 0B 6Ajy|^welUpg-^.ottse.andiiot bOxiSO feolTTiOt fro«ta jm two principal streets. Good location. $I,1C0. $100 or $00 down.. Oharlos F. HturdeYant. , _ located four. njttessbWbi of Borne: PrJce$L50l). Writeorin- qtiiro ox Charles V. Sturdetant^ .— r-~2 r— y "•' • ' ' TT'OB SALE-DweUingHoufie and about JE? four aores of land on DonjInlclcSt., near BeMWjjiir-works. Very deslrsblo ror building lota. Erlce> )l.5O0. .CharlM P. StiirdevaBt. - T Q BENT—HousTand LiOt 8^.Brp«suth - 6fc- ApptrtfrA, K. Atonx8^8t-Wr|aatiifr. jo atfeet, " .' r p O BlENtDr^Modern H o i u r S l T W e n t X IThOihai Ht, with or wttboat Btabto. Atoo so^wmum Mareet W. W. &utr* Front . I ^ m » ^ n p » o ^ p 0 0 •»»<*. City lota on mo*ev»ryftr«^fr<)ini^to»8,000e«^h. Alio brtekitorea, vacaatboiidlnr eltel.Md farmc^ AU*uHn(s« pertaining to the XoiuiUlcof moiev on UoBd^suid Kortgage itrictly .oonfldiaUaE icoUectedanfcretirwprouipUy 7 featel muefcrewatloa and ear*. T«rxo« Very reasona- ble. Hywwlahtopurchaieoer Mil real esrUte of aar aetedrfptJon, or to borrow or loan money cmr*AlUte,apply to-UMTSeea XstaU-Agwioy of CHABlSs YTaTDKDlVAOT, U the new a^a^leyBawayoOBMroC Donaialok and Jamee 22g£ QBEOIAX FRM&JB 10E SATURDAY* - ,,. . . - v| SOME HAD& CANDIES. AL£~-KISfi£. —~- "— lo« (Stem, ittilatonr, Ic* Oeeun- Soda 5 centaa glaaa, Choice California Fears, Jsunalca Orangee. Malaga and-cther Qrapes, and ochtf fine ffuUs. QBBAT.'BO^OSh. GX^DTf HTCHEN, •--..^.-.- .... .,.;<-,.. iJO^W«»*'P6tllittlClC^t, Hoticeo. nnOWJi A^OOtrSrTS.-^All persons hav- X fag &ocownttt against the city of Borne, conunonly catted 'Ht«m McountsV' ju« Potlfled. 19 pjjewni I^JiBaaalnlyTerBlearoirjbl^ nlshed by the city, on orbeldre KonafBTNov. 0, or the same can not be audited. All board of health bmaareli^aded Bills for matter* per- taining taelecilon Will tor.ecflivediintll Friday, NOT 11 Byorder of the Common Couuoil. " _ _^_ \J, J^OARaoiJLrChambsrlaln^- ^pREMBKlOreilT.-^prial desired in : 3essieF. BlielililgWlntifr, against JT Edward Ia"c¥»lK'.oliTefiff»nfr5 T Aotlon fbr'a dTvor'oe. To the 'ab^ve leaned defendant: You are hereby aunuuonwStos answer the complaint In ; thisft^otiq&y.a!80^Jf^8 » oopyol your answer on" tlie' plaintlfl;'«?#w>rney within twenty _ af^er the eerylcef:o|:fhl8 summons, exclusive' tile day otaemce, ; artain case of your failure to -jaagment wiHbetaken against To J, Kdwara,"!1#S811. defendant (Sftig nn^»HAWa l la^.iM'tt«n n r i A n irWt-i w,om pu Paviaj 8] going suhjmohs'fitiliSted upon you by publics Son, purauant.. ^sraWJorder of Hon. Qr "" :on. George T. ,__ .„__._, Judge ot-Oneida coun- ty, totedSepjeinbeflJ. 1899, and filed with the complaint !in-the;MS"? e of the olerk of Oneida eounVlaOTaeW&^September ai, 1649. - HOWABO.aWieK3IN8, Plaintiff's Attorney. Qfdee and PostOfJflo*! address, No. 108 W. Dom- taiok St.. ftome, flnejda county, N. T. DatedBome,H'g^^eptember23,1Q80. N O M X J 1 ClTJ?.£^|BERI.AIN , i S OFFICE,! ";';~;j{9nijaiN. Y., Oct. 18,1899. ""X^eJBroTe^oli^-jrJpi be held on . 7 "" ~ . fuesda^lfov. 7,1899. The polls! wltt bVoipfii from fla. m, till 5^>.rnir The inspectors wiHsneet at the polltag places in their respective districts for thelregistration of electors, on FrIday -i Oct. 13, Saturday, O c t 14, Friday, Oct. SO,"anto»aturday, Oct. 21 .from 8 a. nv until 9 p'.' in. Att^oters must appear and be, registered., r-' •.•••'•-;- ' s •• The 1 several .vnufaavtof die city have been dl vided-info- eleotlonrjdlstrlcts and polHiig places designated aa follows]- " - - . BBRST WARD. . . . ; First District-Bounded as follows; South by center of TWiSmas street to center of'Floyd avenue; thence (done center of Floyd avenue to centew>f Btntiwix street; thenee easterly to the interaeo'tloS' of town line -with East Domlnick street,,gr^.the 'so-called River road; thenee-itor^rarlv^aiod-resterly on first- ward boundary line to center of Ittdge Mills road; thenee southerly'down said road and James atriot to center of Thohins streot. •Second Dlstriot-ppu'ndod. as follows: North by center of Thomas street to center of Floyd avenue; thence 'etfiitherly to center of Stau- wix street awj St. -Peier'a avenue; thence easterly to the Mohawk River; thence souther- ly to the cental' o* IJpminlck etreet; thenee -westerly. to centetfMrf James street; thence northerly to center-'Of •Thomas street., ' 3RrSAIcBy^Pwo-oIoyoleB, lady J a- : and-- ThtrdfCh _-^- ..,. „„,-, genaeman^butUttleusod. ASoanoffloe by First district #reif and south by Mohawk •'•-•• - •- River, eastbytQWK.lIne ' ' the so-called Klvep road ver, eas'6 by tQWK.Hne at Domlnick street, or e so-called Riven-.road. ^ *U» First -Dtetrict-J«atog^aTOsaaiHni«'1*hoft5 i i near Floyd avenuo. . •^-Sooond—DlatrioM?Olllns Place^-Nor 118 N. James'street. r .-j- Thlrd District Polling Place-Engine house, E. Domlnio(t street.'v^: MOO^D WAOIO. First Dlatrict-Ail-4bat part of the Second Ward of the city of Some, N. Y., deacr|oed as folloggt Beginnluft-at-a point at the Intersec- tion of Jnmos and Domlnick streets,, and from thence southerly.,'along the center--ot South- Jamos street to its intersection with Lawrence Street! from the»a«utheasterly along Die cen- ter 6f Lawrenc^ tccjts Intersection with Ann street; frontthewSo, JjOrtherly along "tllo center of Ann street to (l point where the said street 'ntersEota the railroad* trncks of the "Rome & ilftton RftUroadj"-tram thence southeasterly olongsthe center ot jaid railroad track to the ot said street ft^therplnce of begli ,., .... corhprliotho first W«jotlon district of said Second •f^ard. "." - -Second District-All that part of the Second Ward of the city of? SomfewN. Y., lying southr west of the first election district thereof, and which Includes aU tt& torritorjMjf said ward, wblehis not deMrIb*d*-with the baund»rIea-of the flr*t election dlatrtot thereof, shall com- prise the second uloctitm district of saiti%oond barl rat> District FoQlng_riace - J. J. Donneliy^s ?Whl esBorpjsJtreet, tatsProuilQuT House' lEaa*2_ ec"8nd B h t r l c t r o t t i i g •barn,,tswrBnce sCrse^' ' . '" i 'rn^jW«u). . . •' ftrst Blrtrlctr-DBfiwtalBK at (the interieotton ot South James street and the New York Cen- tral i&'Hudson Rlvor RtUroad; rtinntri(rthence northerly *l'ng South James street to the Erie Canal, thenee alone the Erie Canal northwest- erly to South Waihington streot thence south- westerly along; Sonth Washington stret t to the Rome, Water-town & Ogdensburg-Railroad; -thencr. northerly along-laid Home. Waterjown &-Ogdensburp RaUroadi-to the Erie Canal;. thence westerly along the Brie Oanal to the city line; thence gouthea»terly along the city Una to the Verona road or extension of BouthJamee street; thence northeasterly along said Verona -road and South James .treet to. the place ot bo- f lnnlnpf, comprising' the first district of the MrdWard. i r ~ -Second District-Beginning; at the Intersection of SOuth James street and t h e Srie Canal, run- n i n g t h e n c e bOrtliOastefly" tS West TJotnmtok Btreet thenco nortUwesterlv along West Dom- lnick street to tho Oswego road; thenco north* "-"'-' rrly-8^oDgjaald^©swo«03roadto Ftsli Creek; *f" •.™ ".."-"HiB.HEMt0vil» TO «;. _. AndwOloontlBue-fcoiell " ., ~ -^GreVrA^e^l®^^ '.'MR;''-;,<'«.-, , ^?*#i Order* mar be left at 122 N\ 'Wasl»lng- ton street. - * "Mail orders promptjjjfllled. W HITE'S HOTEL ENTRANCE. •While the street improvement work is in progress on West Domtniok St,, tbe . msfBASQn FOB . TEAMS TO WHIT&'S HOTEJL BABNTS WiUbe BI TEE WAY OF STOM ALLEY. rpo WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN—No- X tlce b hereby given that the ANNUA I. OF .SESSION BE BOARD OF SPPERVISORS ' OF ONEIDA'< 1701 be called to order la the Sivpi^lspa ben, In the city of Utlca, OUT WEDNESDAY, NOT. 15,1899, At 8 o'oloclc p. DX Alt persons'hiving bills or avecounta, against said coxinty are recrulred to file the esme. duly vended and certliled, with tbe Clerk or said Board nr tfonniit « " " • <« *y?^ provided for tnnt K urpose, in the office ot the Oonnty Clork, on or efore the third day of said annual session of satd Board, and In default thereof such bills or accounts can notbeaudited by said annual meet- ing. All claims for erroneous taxes or assMsmentu must also be filed not later thin said- third day. ST0A11T F. PAY, Clerk Board of Supervisors. P, 0. Address, 191 GeneaoeBt., D.tica, N. Y. T. .4 DOG " BASKETS. LOT f^tJ^T- REeEIVECt 64 Genesee St. Utica.N.V* lo ,ig t itit «j,, >J< , f) , I HAVE GOT THEM. m w>* w NEW GOODS. ]>V' The nobbiest line of Overcoats and Chfldren*s Reefers; -latestmodes-arid^li^desv-~Mf pncies~^Te"'is^fty^^ffr" ~tciJeia^oTire^hTlolxyesT IriThe cixy7~T~. ." -.' ," : 'V' * »i THOMAS J. MAHER, J 58 Genesee Street, . - - - - r NMM UTICA, KY* 7*-K5 ^m •fit yTrJ ST t. GOmiHEDAL FLOUR $1.00 PER SACK. 33sT ^\ll Are Invited to Visit Our Grocery and Heat Market 234 and 236 W. Domiiiick Stre TELEPHONE. RQMEyJSf;^, flDtscellaneouo. HES very late8t yj BtyleB7"one. two and tlH^e^Iece-r^DUee 5 Dress 8klri»-m»de at Powell's Dressmaking Parlors for II. 3Ei»ntioe in out, and fie positively assured. 119 JB.l3bfsrtfBt.— - qn^^OHAK 6115 m BANKRUPTOY.- -U The new bankrupt law passed byoongrest Ssnow 3a full force, and ail persons depress*;J fcy thefx debts can b* relieved and discharged iajrefrota iina*f its -ptovWom Savlnjr had a larMpriwHoe under the old bankrupt law, the ssiMforEber trill again make a •peofiat* la bit fcuilnessi of cases under th« new act, aharget .-will be reasonable. Callpn or address 3_™_^, ^^JJOJ^MAnilrttlOrmCTt—, ^*^lBoc*rt«»rH»^nndli»^oi53^Tr^ Take alevator. - _-• East Domlnlele-street».tog^the*vwith^heiiecea, sary storm sewers and acceBsories. present the following report: , , - . . - . The mayor and common, coahcll. Your-eom* 1 mlttee to whom was referred the. bills on pro- jnsals and pr^llMnaW-hnnila and crieckn^or- paving, we respectfully Srejort that" we Shave met.' and examined - isald proposals and find them In all respects corfecfc in aBd^Hhe^several^ndV aiid->,tiie». suretles~"therein atid.c^^CMioP^^elL^ufe^ inend that the, same he sapproved, xecefvecL, placell^M'me^p^^nlTdelfe^ii^rnn^^^ proposal of Ifc 3, Cranjofiok Of. the city of Rome " ' •••••-•-- ~-*laffie teWes*. -At- ene Gas. >. 'J YojiiiBalnrodnCe;yoiif ow^gas Sheager. th^^^gp||i| mm^M^m wet#h^fte^ary,.;pr*eB"B. ,^*,-:;Kfeil|; madte.fiiia^' - -iBMWt' nseoV ' ^ifmmk-i&i* not fcai^M" etare*-^^ toWrfflPtMa6n|Ie^ne.'ulirntii^ 40 pi^ni^hlBa^;.thah > 'flay^th'tfi|ss : tem^llgli^g^p^ift t^ Ar IpU Inffe matfefe^eir^anfrgoed agents. ^afcltfML Ace^leM(pr^c4a2fiaU6btt^tt*te^ ;*« ^Pmf' to oonafeuc£saTdw-o^Jt:fOi^),i®,64'ii bid and the said W. J. Oramond la the lowest bidder, and we'rCcomraend ttiafc tho 'said pro- posal bo accepted, and- that-iContraot be made ^th-sald^feeram6na ( fc> : ;%- .-^ . f .f-x.-rj i .:, Keporf adopted ori. nidtlon Or'JUdU* Merte „ iBjvAldiiBay'ne^ . - ' • ' , " ' . ' ' • ^'••• •' -BesOhte'df 3!hat the Healed, pwoposal of WviF.' Cra'mond. to construct taer.'vortand Improve- ment of paveioent between the tracks and;, two' :feeKouts0e Of .the trad»|:ofl!ffi3omlnidk street; tfcte 3jsms m^^isg stem ~mi;wm B^ihe amduht'ajdjpac^hamefeinj^ corateg to plans and SpeHffGationsan(Rdescrlp^ tlonsadbptedWth^iQniiBao'aJfeouBioIlT a t l g . Stj,' 1TO)3&a^Ie%THrofl^dFaioTprtyTiB^ he'rehy-a'ceepted. The:4)Frid:ig> f Mgivelshatt be la theianiounJkQff MtSOffi - efiaattljSaaHw garefc- . video.byTeebtibn oof'jitIeT>^tiUae,cuarse;»'Oiitae &!itl M ,Kome. aliS jiM)I|bet^Buly^eouteahy tWKfreeholdersTwhOBbjSU'a.uitaty; In'twice. the ,anfdahW?6f' ; 's^td.jb"^5}b^;^ exechteelia^^tflplld&^adar^tfina'ybr iafauefifi'fr izfdto^MiwtesticlriCohtrttot-^*""---^ mbl';coto'nciLthereof. Saidi-dontracf shftH. be* ex, ;eSand?sai4^bond;gi^«iior r bifore.-OB^^^ taen AaOPtecfby tfmimfiy/ijig f«te'i' ? - ' 24rmr, Dfrnlfitisk SlriiT. •SMIBsafBtS* » • •25? l-.GSrls't^fiaSftjes. j IP^nds^^itee^ot grduntd, ^?t!yp'^nt^|n^e^^HiE5i }^) y Q^^g^r^ribjrries. *'_ - *.^. * %'1^D>^Mea^^'i^a : rinao^ ''XI - 6k*' MiM*iMsk"or "nterseel^'iy^TbYMuiroli 7. ^^T^P?§^^?^P^ ii,a TS?*5% -«^T^Belee'-.runnTng rf^ferjyj-alonf. the •K$mmMtMM®im,^B§£ ^mmmm^^^m^Mmm *ee> Chili «" '• ---C.4V "NOeM^; Qf^l^;Engin^fHrBep,ofed,eM toStftrti. - i|? : S«K&2feSfe i Strike ••s id has been Mid for fifty yean on an abso-' their 0 ^^s. ^ e riave almort everything you «auas|fpMle^M B eain^a|.. aterlala ' \ | . V * * : inesiojiowing Bpnaiaco; m -iugK wiworiais qcur^ .plafee^ftWdeerhW*'!^ mms* erj SOU! neeripr|pi AaoRteoy..j - 'oarnBdon;; Mi aeon ' u :•--_-*.• theece' westerly along Fish Creek to (he city •HnertheBce wratli wTesraflrsiolilj-satr olty" Hue 4 ,to Wood Creek: thence, easterly along said -Wood Creek to tlic city line*, thence-southerly alohp said city line to the Erie Canal; thenee southeasterly along; said' Erie Canal to the Rome,. Watertown & Ogdeneburg Ballroad; theuce'southeasterly alOntc said Borne, Water- town 8c Ogdensbui-9 IUllroad to South Wash tpgton-street; thence tlor^ieasterlyalotipsaid ^vashlngton street to tjifc;3Brle Canalj thenco southeasterly aioeg tlie |JrIe Oanal to tliojjlace of beginning, comprised the Second dlitrlct in the Third-Ward. Firsts District Polling Hace-Lorier's Barber Shop, 203 S^ James street. —wswrnw—rua&tet -pannqf-ptigB^aatyrtpfyf : Blacksmith Shop, West Donfinlclc street, g F0tT»Tnt WiBB.. --EfrstJJistrict^-Beginnlng at the intersection, of West Domlnick street* and North George street; running', thenee northeasterly along saw George street to West Court street: thence northwesterly along said; Court Street to Dox ftateravemief-thence southwesterly along; satd DOxtater avenue to Wiiat' Dominlcfc street T O O ESULOH th« thOTuandJi throtigb taMMootamiM. t-UsswMta4».lday»lco. jfctitt. ' * ' . - .!•••*• H OME iLADE P&ANUT CRISP. . * nrESff FOK BATX7RT5AY. All Seasonable. Frt'ta. MILVO'S STOBB, •: 108 W. Domiolok Sfc. »**w J: OST EEC3EIVEID, A **n;r if,- ~ ,„-.. Fine Ponnd Sweets and - - Qalnoea tor Canning,, * Also York iBweeta, Tompkins County KinKApp7e#, . ; H. Pippins and Tollman S i m t i , «& B.W. STEWART'S, ^tW.Donilnickat Sale of City Lois 1 IE ' fir; J \)F -* . f "- on tlie premises, ia Block 1m 8, West Dominick street. t h e n c e ' s o u t h e a s t e r l y alOna;. W e s t Dominick street to the placer of beginning, comprising eleotlou'diatrict number one (1) in said Fourth Wjara r . . i ; Socpnd District-Beglnolng at the intersection otjWes&Cdurt and, North George 'Streets:, run- liiagitnerrce nortlioSStBrljr along said George street to West Thomas street;-thence north- jwesterlyTlbnB said Tliomas-^treet and road known as I*e6> LlnO road] to city.Hne': thenee weeteriy along anlur~cTtfcnhe to Fish CreekT .thence southerly along Ffsh; Creek a»lt winds 'and turns to. the.OBtwega road; thence south- .eaetBrly along sajd uswe^o road-to~WeslrDOtn1^ 'nick-TStreef|-,-thence southeasterly along said. w e s t D&tfiinick street to Doxtater avenue; •tngneeTSertheaatefly along said Doifater Ave- OTe'toWesteCoptt street; thence southossterly aionSsaidWeat Court streetto the place of be- gioriliig, c'ompristag electldndistrlccnumber two Tax in the* Fourth Ward, and Jholudes all that po^tlbnof. the .Fourth Ward 'hot .included in eteptioh aistriefchutwber ohe» ;>. - - ., VJPirst ; DIstrKt- Boiling Dlsfee^W. Hi.Davles's sMopi WiDominlok street/: gecondflistrict 1'olling PiaOe—E.. B Supper's 8"torei.corner, Ni ifafand ,w. Thjoaiaa streets., •V";'<.-. '..;:• torn w4aw;.;.: .;•.-.. ' feirs't fi|siir ( ict-^C]ommen(iing dn - James street *^* l-^,.-/l m& ;fhe%c$ southerly, ilong cehtetota ^OySdDfoniinieKftoence; eastbrljfittlaffg cebte'r of •DoihiDibK'to t h e place Of bfigtiinidg, tBe"nc4'#esteriy aidng the. center of aarden •westerly of^eOrgeSs¥ree>'to;Bloomfleias , ^ alongtha^ceh'ter^ ; o'f Bfoomaeiaitree'tW teo'inas aiaaftfjinrth Ward line: tb«ric^;«aiterly Wong .ft)^entet4^Ehobaa8..atreet tO^jHeorge^ then, &m&, }»m-s%- %M* m ;.!,-* fT.t. •,'.,-^*^r^ ^JohnJone»,a •-Wffltiti Sr^?iP,:aewpoer»nu ooanuea.oy jne. oity eha^t^notsMereln specifled and contained in ^le«itJnfdi|KrieSs NOs Iandg.t mamm^u^p&t Bin* street. ®*p*ordei;^«khe Oommon Council. , < . «Sfcfe^&.-^,jCAEKOrjC,. Chamberlain. pl'NAGrftlaUBHT mmm. W?< .fAVltOK BM rented the ismmgm mmmm^^^i^M' iHwoi-aiiti the iSliiiSiiiiiS 130 It. No. 13. 'bAXVErl^iV STREET. \«4. tW - a 130 ft. N'o. 1 4 . 180 ft. NO IS. h 130 ft. " ) ' &&-££*. gf No. 12'. » - No 3., 04 ft. No. 11. No. 4. SI ft. -a* ru. 3T No. 10/ G4~«» No. O. ;NO. s. at a. 3* ft. No. 8. Xo. 6, -^ft. •£"'•' .*— t » ±:\ ^r-i y. m «. . No. 7, 54 ft, X- I. .£•• •8* j •3*- '• * W. "OOMiJ^IbK:' S T R E E T . Rare, opportunity to secure % fpondation for a home at low prices and on easy terms* Will offer[tot sale in.block "No, i W s f Dominick street s 4 Lots c^^ ; .tMfiiih^k street 64xf35^. ^Lat^^iftft^|4erW ^ as shown by di%am ate^l__ ; v ; . <r r _.„. TERMS OF SALE.—20 per teijit/Gf purchase price on d i y of sale and balanceorl fe^rts to suit purchasers, i lCV - I- .... ;;'. .:'."•.;.'..•ul. :V AHV ot the above lots g a t M p i i f c h a s e d at privJte^aM4fe4wy^^time previotis t o > ^ T r | r t- * * !, • w

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H a Had Just Gone to tftlea to Take f»di c» l KreatBMat-Qaachc In the Jit o f

-^•iraHirtttfttioifH* stffiaalEte/pt to Save Hti lift-Probably Insane,/ JJXiOilL, 0 o t _ lS.-rThomaa

ageU i^yejus, whose home 1B nrray, Grelg^-

committed eul/cle about

tM^ft&joJMBJV Mary ttatlfe, No. 3!&

.' mjf lK'afec^jtea Whle * tKfcacln* oa^psfeJWr throat by M^/Maateea, and sM^temntefl^tio #rejjent W ena&g-hia-, ltfe, Jbuti to, np Bnrppse/Mra. MarKepj

^ t i ^ t e ^ W f t n - nim hntM Mnriay wa£ m^Jj^pge^het j t i s lWi b.em'wja^an^ jatibj^rtM pocket i n j * d e e ^ into jus ^ h j i ^ , H a § » - e T l h g ^ 4^>SpflnaflBhecodd JOT. MafteSmUeia for<Mto and Dr. H. mPmton 'yt.^m%-t $$$£ ^henII^P»t»Ji,ai^t«Sj:Abonfe

^ Mf$ijninutijB l$ter,#ne man ;wasJleadi ipf^y^ai-ddnb^^ ,4fe|w;aqp#ly for/soine tMjBi,#pfll%a1l tipjpterances waB^^fliBg'^^mjaAlaii^ ehoSfc He wasi ifeBp6nft«»ti,"b]tlt, he-had never threatene*o t ^ e ^ o w n life.

. terday afternoyi- He was accompanied by.0heB^;£oia8, tt^ptpptietof. of the general 8tora«t Grelg, - Mr. Murray had,

/ h&eni a cTerWn.'Mri Lonas's store for a long time aj4 Mr. Lonas brought him to

,_JGMpa^t6w,nMs»r^*ale^^ .ner^onsjtiefi wujh, which he nttd been afflicted if some, .Brae. ' 56ft. inert- went tp the JMne. of Mrs. Mwfeea; an. old, friend p^Qth, an$jttraBlg^migntB were madelrtihe board of Murray during his stayrhflfei -vMie^Matkei»fliT8B- with-her, jsged jother. on the npper- aoor of 35f> -BJahdBa-stTeet, -Sfe^LonaB-laforjined4

'hexsejercjay that MnrrayL'was jiethBJEr acfclyrlgbt and had been despondent for son/time. He said Murray was h&rnx-les/and that Msa, tefl|&_nseiiyS&n6

ofhTm.. "yavy little Was aald it and at the* breakfast- table this

brning Murray appeared toberather ivracasfc, , 'Shortly before nine o'clock this mowi­ng Murray went into the, house and

/asked Mrs. Markee, *wi»s was sewing 'down stairs, for some laudanum. Mrs. MarkeB-refased to give it-to him and tried to talk tohim. • He then went UP-

hroarat: S^"*-**6-*Jeaisan(^t^o?Iiai-ieyenjf:

• statrsr' ^rav Markes> began, to worry-' about him. and, about; half an hour later, went upstairs herself. She Inquired of her mother where Murray'.was-jand the latter told her that he-was in the hed-rdo"m. Bhewentto the"doorbf the room

-jindr-hearlrig Murray walkhig Inside the room, pushed the door open. Murray was standing up with his face toward the Window and waBjnBlpIn the act of cut­ting1 his throat. Mrs. Markes grabbed him but he shoyedjjer aside and puBhed the km^e'into"nl»;^hroate^H*ttttned'ther -kDlfe^aronna-flevCTal-timesjHmftking a.

he fell back oh the bed and expired. The knife he used/was an ordinary sized pook-etkriife. '

When Mra. Markea regained her strength she called to her mother and th^n-fprhelp. »3&e ambulance waff called M^theman was dead hetorHt-arrived.

- Joroner-Dodd-was-notifled and-he inves^ igated the easel .•

. iltn'ray'a relatives live at Stittville, He as a mother and ejsttr living. Hisre-

.- taOm wUt#obabiy be4aken=toStdttville kr interment.

. 1 " CAMDEft-NEWS.:

Sl/^ohi»Ti "Ohnreli r«tti"irM N e x t W e e k -


UWCA, Oct. 1 3 . _ A notable -wedding function occurred last ©venlng, in the S " ^ l * * S t . J } e o r g « ; 8 Chujcn oUoJoa MarsttairFox ancfMSs Grace EllMbeth Omens, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joel

Mrsgrox will reside o n Sunset a,venue. An»tln-V»nd«w^»lker,

NORTH WBSTEBN, Oct 13.-The wed ding^of Alfred B Gratia audTDsf-Susle gryandewalker on WeagesdareveptBgT

of t M season. It toofc place at the hoime ofjihebr^ejftparents, Jbe. and Mrs^Mal-tonVandewaJker. AM .tbe- dock sttocl i»yen. While Miss-^alis G r 6 8n\6f Vfm

£*g£B P^J^pBndeJ6scrib!ttBMtno?eL E P S 3 * ! ! • S S r h ^ e W ^ t m * ' groom, ^^ifidhygaert Austin, t*«hbeefrma%an4 ^WaAuBtin , the ]^deBmaldJboofctheir ptocesSundBranarcht^rlIrimedwi& efcerf g^en^r^nvwMehrWaarsntsp^naed^doulilff hearts made of evergwnB and white rib­bon. The bride was ctresaed in a suit of nayy blue sflk with white silk' and pearl trimmings and whiterUbbn. Th^bades;-W*id w|8;gowneain_a g^teP«. Wutser«e trimmed with whIte.Bil£ And brald.\Itei.

«l£:Jl£5Bhton'Pastoi(4>1- B.-Ob&rol, asor^rwestern, pertosme^ the ceremony. A heavy gold bancl rfcng was placed ^pon the bride's hand bjr the groom dtw-ingthe cereniony, Mim SfeWTIayiScTa suppressed reverie while the ceremony was being performea. "After the eon-gratulations. were over a sumptuous re­past was served and tour tables were fluedy. ^tore'were.B*.br*fr fifty- -gnestB., Those from Western were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Austin, Charles Burt and Bertha Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Austin, Mr.' and Mrs:. John Setsinger,. ]Sdr. and. Mrs,-A E. MMingtonr ^tfr.-anti' •*&§•'-J$:K J* . S m i t b w m - . a n d - '&,. George Paddopk, Mr, and" Mrs.' O. •J. Houghton ,and_ ttasld jeaddock, Boonville, Mrs. C. W. Draper an^son' Mr. and Mrs. HerberfComhs ana s'onl and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon. Paddock, Stenben, Joseph Paddock; Eonie^ Mr. andMmArthurPadaoiifc, Mi^ndMrSi ^r ^?vV Teanhout aad granddaugWeft Bartlett, Mr. and.Mrs. J. W. Teacnout, Herkimer, Seymour Austin; Utlca, Mr, and Mrs. James Smit%j Gonneetlcuf, Mr: and Mrs. Marcus'PeUih. Mr. and Mis; Austin received many, presents. After the collation Seymour AuBtin took pie** tures of bridal company. Mr. and Mrs, Austin took their depattore on Thuwda.

-'f^jB^EIMD-want to do your Btoye XJ.-.'.'.andfarnacerepairing^ -Proinptienftoe

aridlleht'ciArgeB. H. B.BhermaiiiiJWWeatLfb-,

-momiijg for ;a short-...__ . and Ilion, followed by theb a^large circle of friends,

Torrej-Biownj VKmaxj :Oet. lli—The mairlage

iKev. W. D. T9rray, "pastor of the M. IE Church, Pulton, and MIBS Mary E.Brown of that place, occurred on 'VTednesday, Oct 11, at 7:80 p.\ VOL. B4r. Torrey was formerly of Vernon and his hosts of Mends here extend congratulations. .

KNOSBO^O, OO£ fS.*-Althongh fihe creamery made Sl.ODO"pounds more butter, in September, $98, "thai*, in the same month this year, the proceeds in Septem ber this year amounted t» Just as much,

H. "W. Oliver, JVUP baa .been worktng for Dexter & Davis, has accepted a poat-tion as book-keeper in the at Chittenaugo.

pottery. works

OjLWedneeaay^gj3IaH.-E: Whitcomb was dellverQg hops at Oneida, theoleilB pin of the wagon broke, letting down the evener and whiffle-tree. This caused the horses to run, throwing Mr. Whitcomb off the load and epralnlng both ofhij ankles. The horses i n uneir llight ran Into J.Hlnman of Stbekbrldge, demol- _ « „ ^ „,^^, „ „ „ . „„ Jshlng -his- rrlgjUjutereete :soon after J ^ ^ S A J ^ - S B ^ Jm±°f§&

, , . . • ^xyTgtxi lund and buJldinRs; fs locate stopped.


1CJA-»JDK», Oofc- 18.-!rr6fc-Hroh4?s teftlvftj, Vhlch-takes ptaee at C u r M H i l l next: fnesday atjd •STednesday evenings,; Oct. /7 and 18, promiBes to be the-moet inter-

/^tlngih yeartf Be-ft^ather33ougher^ /illustrated lecture on Tuesday evening on

/theraubjeot: '{Ameflea, the" coufitry iflf ' which ire •live,."" i» lookea forward to

with, much enthusiasm, • and many tickets are being sold. Father Dougherty's repu­tation for popularity and ability, which is a household word in Syracuse, i s well ksowiiln Camden, and" the festival com­mittee are to be congratulated In secur-ing*imr TheTwcond-nlght haisa note-worthy feature .which Is arousing great

•intftlMiifcfatKft vm»g«i , . i fhB f r i e n m y nnn-


teSb ,: beeweetff=*two':' -gejcy /popular

Maggie BJelley, for an. elegant diamond ring;. Both have many friends, both far and near, who are anxious to see theiir favoritfrwiniftie pri%_-Mite Nellie Hyde, a charming bright young Ijwy, has „,„„,„„„ „ „ „ .

-dWeri working ln^Gamden but-two-yearBf ^oitteesiwfgiiowii -^omlng4r*nv-Araiwu ,ler " * ««-•• "^~-

hpsti of -IrlehdSri. Mlsa ' qdet and retiring, halls from Lowville.

Bhe has worked; in the knitting mill for . -thelaBt-tjt^aM^teyeaisV-^e^dgohas

manyminasTfho7wuTT6e Inferested In seeing her win, the prize which, Father Tleniah- saiys,, wilX,«m *eU. worth the dii^ia!6d^^^'^'aSk1.k3OSauiSi. It isthe:f|jst-contestrr4)et^nrryonng^iadie8 "wlilchshas-'".tieelir 'Jflfld"-TO^J!ather'TEler-"

rHOEESMD PAT«»r^Ct3t.'i8.-iBr. <3, Ofiififr. has goae to Wojpester, Mass., to visit nia mother,-afr«i4..H. phage^ who la 92 years old and Berioaaly ill..•..

Miss MilUcent Seyhnmr oi . Cheater, Oonn.^ is the_gne8tLPL^?i^_IJi,AfcJ3taker.


KOMI, Oct 0,1859. Adjourned meotiDp of the Council.

•Fresent—MaSor* White. Aid. Baylies, Ctolltntr O'Brion, Orodell, Mortz,Mt:Ciinn, Donnelly, Gro ganTJUeynnd Barnard-la., ^Absent-Recorder Catmliliaet, AH Tcrop,

Keh; Erhardt, WIUlBms and Jonee-M), _ By Aid. Jlertz—That the minutes at previous mooting bo-approved withoiitreadlnK. Adopted,


From the Fire and P o l i o Go

MaggieE;«Hey« for .a^degant diamond *ertires._. . tai«'tajbMd."tta»i^rW«»ii« Aid. MoCann morod that It t>o referred t o the

' legal Commltteq and City Attorney to reportat noxt meeting. Adopted.

•icCOCjSM, Accounts were received and referred to com-

. Of Street Commltteo-Boparted needed re . ipslrs to tho.stormWrttti'sowors onBouth Jataes street and Aid. Grogan nuitgd that the Street Committee and Superintendent of Streets, b e empowered to repair auneBatonce . Adopted.

Atd. urogan_6tjspecial. WMSSnittee—Eeported l consideration o i proposaL for laying brick

ffincTi.block will leave-nothing uldorie-to satisfy the.,most faBtldtous tastes.. They 'will also-serve' an-early supper be-tw.e^^h^rlpi'niirT:, . -"'.'. 2j~'..

^ " s t ^ i a g r a j ^ Q o ^ i ^ A ^teraryig^^-1

Ghcle^as' orgahl^/tin{-^hte: place the. ' ' o&eriW0tiingi.. ;%JL.Hy^#a8:^ected \.IM. a„^.^.^, w«-..-«,rf4,fctttt;.-.-- M^r

AckIey-cfltIo.r gonrteen -jpiited-at-that-tinie] "

Ip^^-M^ G|wne;"wh:o hag bees stay? ing at/'ttie Thousand Islands for the last .twoMMths^i^4re:tarne:d.\.'"':'V- -•"

OWckehpiesoclalatl^S.SmitB Weo es1ifty;#veJiihgi•0dfc, Wr~ - • ..f,- ••'''

Mri*,M'ita---.iidam8, htei,. tn|ned;:''|fr:,' Pier»»i^tilifiot.-i:''-.j^"V*''': *•"". ;."-.'-;••

Mx>ana^Mrs.&-, H.^aylprarevisiting frleh#St:^tt6nand.ea«e;hdvia;-' '

88; Walter E", Barnard, S3: Henry S a » e c k e t , J8.'0; GnarlesEafiadlpfi; J8;'GF l i .Eel&f , *17.9Sj J. H. Carrolt, SftSS; A . Hccrrll. S5 .


apgt aitt> f QMbi

LOST—On Thnrsday evening, phJEast Bloomlield or N Jarnea 8U,« JSBH of a

Wa ck Ohan The finder will be wiftibly re warded upon leavitig it at the SemlaeRfflce.

Barfiatns. ,17!0BLaAt*K^B,lyeu.halea>,o£ -.OldSopa, I?' a W. Sexton, Bldge Mule, N V

Ti a 0»-SAI .E <JHEAP-3?wo *ood <3oal J ? - B t w e j - A p p l y at-WilllejmS's, -the Jewelerr

lIBTS'JaineeTSft ~"

kX FOB 8ALE.-Fif ty ions of Hay Jor sales' AUgradea. giricto right1. I ^ "iotJStaffww,». x. - - — "*" appear or,aOBW«t juqgment win be taKen against,

youiby default foivSM re l lef demanded In the .eompialnfc-'-.. -aaik'4 _ l)amHomivi^^8eDiemberJUJ8ga_ .'-•

aa,0lNSrPlalntlff s Attorney.

^FVThousewdrk' and In the care of children,'- J n ^ S t . , B » n w | n W « conffl^, S^r. I n a n l t e e t W K . J a m e e a t . , - Tn . r MflwawlTllackall. defendant: The foi*.


ANTED-A girl to work in the _ _ ..,'..lAuBdry. Steady work and goodpay,: TrpjStwunliaan.dry. , la '*.

ANTgD-rA, fewTo^wBoyai, girls, ., , • • young- inen and younjr lacTIesi to work

fptdslnthfilr spare moment». So goods, tobe sold. Easy work atd good pay, Addresi for

Sartlcular»..8pf olalty -Manufacturing Company, ;pclie8ter,JivY. •• ' . . . . ' '" %

'ANTEd-DIning r6om~iirl i t the AtlhjgtonHptel. .'. " • • 'v

TjirANTEPVJ^ - rnidiSI^agea^womwi: If T witb experience want« situation as nurse.

TJI/'AISJTED-'A gbcl to sew-on custom . T | T coata. Good'wages .And-steady work Haoiss. the TaJlorr corner Dominio.k and James Sts , , ovef.Baiilfiaugh's store,'thlrd floor.

f or Sale or to •Reur, TW IS m i POUTIO to ' Day a piano X T and organ, though payments taercfor can be inade In installment", when. In arrears for two

•inOjBttt»Hl«M'll«n'«nl'. C.nnrvK Hnrtk :

|R SALE-$60 EdlSon Phonograph fcutflt,(ilrao8t new, Including Recorder, 23

Record*. &0,- Must b e sold beforo Friday noon. Price fSO, Do. 1M W, Court S t . '

HOH8B AND LOT JOB SALE, wilh noodern Improvements, within i h r e e b l o c k s

of American (ftaner. In^ulre;st aaLtln.eLpjBl.cfe

desk and household furniture. tine) office. ^ _ ^

InciTilre at Sen-

'OB 8AI«R-Dwelltag Honse and* Lofc >&loe=S35B^-Ghftr4e*Kf8tard»Tant,

TT'OlKSAL.E-Dwel l lng HonBe and Lot 1 ? on-MfUSt. $650. Charles F. Sturdevant.

FOB S A I J E ^ Q welling H o u s e and Lot, ~ tfx.inintftesf Kim post ofBce, $1,100.1 Chas.

F. aturdwant, ^ - ^

TJlQB S 4 l ^ - ? r i « a n n g S o n 9 e M d Barn,., X good «B new, nlcelylocated o>$urln street,

FOB S A L E - S m a l l farm 6t 44 ac good aolU with buildings; town of Floyi

Prico's550. Qnarlea F. oturdevant.

TT^OB BAI*E-rLarge Dwel l ing House, JL barn and aix lota, situated near Erie Canal.

TIICOSI,80OU CSinrtesF, Sturdevant.

FOR SALE-Dwelling Hon&q and Lot;, ISc ttoir o'nvBnfenirto lsHiia au&r coppeT

mill Price $900. $100 down to good party. Charles P. fituxaevaat.

0 B 6Ajy|^welUpg-^.ottse.andiiot bOxiSO feolTTiOt fro«ta jm two principal

streets. Good location. $I,1C0. $100 or $ 0 0 down.. Oharlos F. HturdeYant.

, _ located four. njttessbWbi of Borne: PrJce$L50l). Wri teor in -qtiiro ox Charles V. Sturdetant^ . — r - ~ 2 r — y "•' • ' ' TT'OB SALE-DweUingHouf ie and about JE? four aores of land on DonjInlclcSt., near BeMWjjiir-works. Very deslrsblo ror building lota. Erlce> )l.5O0. .CharlM P. StiirdevaBt. -

TQ BENT—HousTand LiOt 8^.Brp«suth - 6fc- ApptrtfrA, K. Atonx8 8t-Wr|aatiifr.

jo atfeet, • " • .'

r p O BlENtDr^Modern H o i u r S l T W e n t X IThOihai Ht, with or wttboat Btabto. Atoo

so^wmum Mareet W. W. &utr* *» Front

. I ^ m » ^ n p » o ^ p 0 0 •»»<*. City lota on mo*ev»ryftr«^fr<)ini^to»8,000e«^h. Alio brtekitorea, vacaatboiidlnr eltel.Md farmc^ AU*uHn(s« pertaining to the XoiuiUlcof moiev on UoBd^suid Kortgage itrictly .oonfldiaUaE

icoUectedanfcretirwprouipUy 7 f e a t e l

muefcrewatloa and ear*. T«rxo« Very reasona­ble. Hywwlahtopurchaieoer Mil real esrUte of aar aetedrfptJon, or to borrow or loan money cmr*AlUte,apply to-UMTSeea XstaU-Agwioy of CHABlSs YTaTDKDlVAOT, U the new a^a^leyBawayoOBMroC Donaialok and Jamee 2 2 g £



1 0 E SATURDAY* • - ,,. . . - v |

SOME HAD& CANDIES. AL£~-KISfi£. —~- "—

lo« (Stem, ittilatonr, I c * Oeeun- Soda 5 c e n t a a glaaa, Choice California Fears, Jsunalca Orangee.

Malaga and-cther Qrapes, and ochtf fine ffuUs. Q B B A T . ' B O ^ O S h . GX^DTf H T C H E N ,

•--..^.-.- .... .,.;<-,.. iJO^W«»*'P6tllittlClC^t,

Hoticeo. nnOWJi A^OOtrSrTS.-^All persons hav-X fag &ocownttt against the city of Borne,

conunonly catted 'Ht«m McountsV' ju« Potlf led. 1 9 pjjewni I ^ J i B a a a l n l y T e r B l e a r o i r j b l ^ nlshed b y the city, o n orbeldre KonafBTNov. 0, or the same can n o t be audited. All board of health b m a a r e l i ^ a d e d Bills for matter* per­taining taeleci lon Will tor.ecflivediintll Friday, NOT 11

Byorder of the Common Couuoil. " _ _ ^ _ \J, J^OARaoiJLrChambsrlaln^-

^pREMBKlOreilT.-^prial desired in :

3 e s s i e F . Blieli l i lgWlntifr, against JT Edward Ia"c¥»lK'.oliTefiff»nfr5TAotlon fbr'a dTvor'oe. To the 'ab^ve l e a n e d defendant: You are

hereby aunuuonwStos answer the complaint In ; thisft^otiq&y.a!80^Jf^8 » o o p y o l your answer on" tlie' plaintlfl;'«?#w>rney within twenty _ af^er the eerylcef:o|:fhl8 summons, exclusive' tile day otaemce, ;artain case of your failure to

-jaagment wiHbetaken against

To J, Kdwara,"! 1#S811. defendant (Sftig nn^»HAWa l l a^ . iM ' t t«n n r i A n irWt-i

w,om pu Paviaj 8]

going suhjmohs'fitiliSted upon you by publics Son, purauant.. sraWJorder of Hon. Qr "" :on. George T.

,__ . „ _ _ . _ , Judge ot-Oneida coun­ty, totedSepjeinbeflJ. 1899, and filed with the complaint !in-the;MS"?e of the olerk of Oneida eounVlaOTaeW&^September ai, 1649.

- HOWABO.aWieK3IN8, Plaintiff's Attorney. Qfdee and PostOfJflo*! address, No. 108 W. Dom-

taiok St.. ftome, flnejda county, N. T. DatedBome,H'g^^eptember23,1Q80.

N O M X J 1


";';~;j{9nijaiN. Y., Oct. 18,1899. ""X^eJBroTe^oli^-jrJpi be held on . • 7 "" ~ .

fuesda^lfov. 7,1899. The polls! wltt bVoipfii from fla. m, till 5^>.rnir

The inspectors wiHsneet at the polltag places in their respective districts for thelregistration of electors, on FrIday - iOct. 13, Saturday, O c t 14, Friday, Oct. SO,"anto»aturday, Oct. 21 .from 8 a. nv until 9 p'.' in. Att^oters must appear and be, registered., r-' •.•••'•-;- ' s ••

The1 several .vnufaavtof d ie city have been dl vided-info- eleotlonrjdlstrlcts and polHiig places designated aa follows]- " -

- . BBRST WARD. . . . ;

First District-Bounded as follows; South b y center of TWiSmas street to center of'Floyd avenue; thence (done center of Floyd avenue to centew>f Btntiwix street; thenee easterly t o the interaeo'tloS' of town line -with East Domlnick street,,gr^.the 'so-called River road; thenee-itor^rarlv^aiod-resterly on first- w a r d boundary line to center of Ittdge Mills road; thenee southerly'down said road and James atriot to center of Thohins streot.

•Second Dlstriot-ppu'ndod. as follows: North b y center of Thomas street to center of Floyd avenue; thence 'etfiitherly to center of Stau-wix street awj St . -Peier'a avenue; thence easterly to the Mohawk River; thence souther­

l y to the cental' o * IJpminlck etreet; thenee -westerly. to centetfMrf James street; thence northerly to center-'Of •Thomas street., '

3RrSAIcBy^Pwo-oIoyoleB, ladyJa-:and-- ThtrdfCh _-^- ..,. „„ , - , g e n a e m a n ^ b u t U t t l e u s o d . ASoanoff loe b y First d i s tr ic t #reif and south b y Mohawk

• ' • - • • - • - River, eastbytQWK.lIne ' ' the so-called Klvep road

ver, eas'6 by tQWK.Hne at Domlnick street, or e so-called Riven-.road. „ ^ * U » First -Dtetrict-J«atog^aTOsaaiHni«'1*hoft5ii

near Floyd avenuo. . •^-Sooond—DlatrioM?Olllns Place^-Nor 118 N. James'street. r.-j-

Thlrd District Polling Place-Engine house, E. Domlnio(t street.'v^:

MOO^D WAOIO. First Dlatrict-Ail-4bat part of the Second

Ward of the city of Some, N. Y., deacr|oed as folloggt Beginnluft-at-a point at the Intersec­tion of Jnmos and Domlnick streets,, and from thence southerly.,'along the center--ot South-Jamos street to its intersection with Lawrence Street! from the»a«utheasterly along Die cen­ter 6f Lawrenc^ tccjts Intersection with Ann street; frontthewSo, JjOrtherly along "tllo center of Ann street to (l point where the said street 'ntersEota the railroad* trncks of the "Rome & ilftton RftUroadj"-tram thence southeasterly olongsthe center ot jaid railroad track to the

ot said street ft^therplnce of begli ,.,.... corhprliotho first W«jotlon district of said Second

•f^ard. "." - -Second District-All that part of the Second

Ward of the city of? SomfewN. Y., lying southr west of the first election district thereof, and which Includes aU tt& torritorjMjf said ward, wblehis not deMrIb*d*-with the baund»rIea-of the flr*t election dlatrtot thereof, shall com-prise the second uloctitm district of saiti%oond

barl rat> District FoQlng_riace - J. J. Donneliy^s

?Whl esBorpjsJtreet, tatsProuilQuT House' lEaa*2_

ec"8nd Bhtr lc tro t t i ig •barn,,tswrBnce sCrse^'

' . '" • i ' r n ^ j W « u ) . • . . • ' ftrst Blrtrlctr-DBfiwtalBK a t (the interieotton

o t South James street and the New York Cen­tral i&'Hudson Rlvor RtUroad; rtinntri(rthence northerly * l ' n g South James street t o the Erie Canal, thenee alone the Erie Canal northwest­erly to South Waihington streot thence south­westerly along; Sonth Washington stret t t o the Rome, Water-town & Ogdensburg-Railroad; -thencr. northerly a long- la id Home. Waterjown &-Ogdensburp RaUroadi-to the Erie Canal;. thence westerly along the Brie Oanal to the city line; thence gouthea»terly along the city Una to t h e Verona road or extension of BouthJamee street; thence northeasterly along said Verona

-road and South James . treet to. the place ot bo-

f lnnlnpf, comprising' the first district of the MrdWard. i r ~ -Second District-Beginning; at the Intersection

of SOuth James street and the Srie Canal, run­ning t h e n c e bOrtliOastefly" t S West TJotnmtok Btreet thenco nortUwesterlv along West Dom­lnick s treet to tho Oswego road; thenco north* "-"'-' rrly-8^oDgjaald^©swo«03roadto Ftsli Creek;


•.™ ".."-"HiB.HEMt0vil» TO

«;. _. AndwOloontlBue-fcoiell " . ,

~ - ^ G r e V r A ^ e ^ l ® ^ ^

'.'MR;''-;,<'«.-, , ^ ? * # i

Order* mar be left at 122 N\ 'Wasl»lng-ton street. -* "Mail orders promptjjjfllled.


•While the street improvement work is

in progress on West Domtniok St,, t b e




BI TEE WAY OF STOM ALLEY. rpo WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN—No-X tlce b hereby given that the


. S E S S I O N BE


1701 be called to order la the Sivpi^lspa ben, In the city of Utlca,

OUT WEDNESDAY, NOT. 15,1899, At 8 o'oloclc p. DX

Alt persons 'h iv ing bills or avecounta, against said coxinty are recrulred to file the esme. duly vended and certliled, with tbe Clerk o r said Board nr tfonniit « " " • <« *y?^ provided f o r tnnt

Kurpose, in the office ot the Oonnty Clork, o n or efore t h e third day of said annual session of

satd Board, and In default thereof such b i l l s or accounts can notbeaudited by said annual meet­ing.

All c laims for erroneous taxes or assMsmentu must a l so be filed n o t later thin said- third day.

ST0A11T F. P A Y , Clerk Board of Supervisors.

P, 0 . Address, 191 GeneaoeBt., D.tica, N. Y .



LOT f tJ^T-


64 Genesee St. Utica.N.V*

l o , i g t , « i t i t « j , , > J < , f ) ,




The nobbiest line of Overcoats and Chfldren*s Reefers; -latestmodes-arid^li^desv-~Mf pncies~^Te"'is^fty^^ffr"

~tciJeia^oTire^hTlolxyesT IriThe cixy7~T~. ." -.' ,":'V' * »i

THOMAS J. MAHER, J 58 Genesee Street, . - - - - r






t .


$1.00 PER SACK.


\ll Are Invited to Visit Our Grocery and Heat Market

234 and 236 W. Domiiiick Stre


flDtscellaneouo. HES very late8tyjBtyleB7"one. two and

tlH^e^Iece-r^DUee5 Dress 8klr i»-m»de a t Powell's Dressmaking Parlors for II.

3Ei»ntioe in out, and fie positively assured. 119 JB.l3bfsrtfBt.— -

qn^^OHAK6 1 1 5 m BANKRUPTOY.--U The new bankrupt law passed byoongrest Ssnow 3a full force, and ail persons depress*;J fcy thefx debts can b* relieved and discharged iajrefrota iina*f its -ptovWom Savlnjr had a larMpriwHoe under the old bankrupt law, the ssiMforEber trill again make a •peofiat* la bit fcuilnessi of cases under th« new act, aharget

.-will be reasonable. Callpn or address 3 _ ™ _ ^ , ^^JJOJ^MAni l r t t lOrmCTt—, ^*^lBoc*rt«»rH»^nndl i»^oi53^Tr^

Take alevator. - • •

_ - •

East Domlnlele-street».tog^the*vwith^heiiecea, sary storm sewers and acceBsories. present the following report: , , „ - . . - .

The mayor and common, coahcll. Your-eom*1

mlttee to whom was referred the. bills on pro-jnsals and pr^llMnaW-hnnila and crieckn^or-paving, we respectfully Srejort that" we Shave met.' and examined - isald proposals and find them In all respects corfecfc in

aBd^Hhe^several^ndV aiid->,tiie». suretles~"therein a t i d . c ^ ^ C M i o P ^ ^ e l L ^ u f e ^ inend that the, same he sapproved, xecefvecL, placell^M'me^p^^nlTdelfe^ii^rnn^^^ proposal of Ifc 3, Cranjofiok Of. the city of Rome " ' •••••-•-- • ~ - * l a f f i e teWes*.


ene Gas. >. 'J

YojiiiBalnrodnCe;yoiif ow^gas Sheager.

th^^^gp||i| mm^M^m wet#h^fte^ary,.;pr*eB"B. ,^*,-:;Kfeil|; madte.fiiia '--iBMWt' nseoV' ^ifmmk-i&i* not fcai^M" etare*-^^

toWrfflPtMa6n|Ie^ne.'ulirntii^ 40 pi^ni^hlBa^;.thah>'flay^th'tfi|ss: tem^llg l i^g^p^if t t^ Ar IpU Inffe matfefe^eir^anfrgoed agents. afcltfML Ace^leM(pr^c4a2fiaU6btt^tt*te^

; * « ^Pmf'

to oonafeuc£saTdw-o^Jt:fOi^),i®,64'ii bid and the said W. J. Oramond la the lowest bidder, and we'rCcomraend ttiafc tho 'said pro­posal bo accepted, and- that-iContraot be made ^th-sald^feeram6na(fc>:;%- .-^ . f .f-x.-rj i .:, Keporf adopted ori. nidtlon Or'JUdU* Merte „

iBjvAldiiBay'ne^ . - ' • ' , " ' . ' ' • ^'••• •' -BesOhte'df 3!hat the Healed, pwoposal of WviF.' Cra'mond. to construct taer.'vortand Improve­ment of paveioent between the tracks and;, two'

:feeKouts0e Of .the trad»|:ofl!ffi3omlnidk street;

tfcte 3jsms m^^isg stem ~mi;wm B ihe amduht'ajdjpac^hamefeinj^ corateg to plans and SpeHffGationsan(Rdescrlp^ tlonsadbptedWth^iQniiBao'aJfeouBioIlT atlg. Stj,' 1TO)3&a^Ie%THrofl^dFaioTprtyTiB^ he'rehy-a'ceepted. The:4)Frid:ig>fMgivelshatt be la theianiounJkQff MtSOffi - efiaattljSaaHw garefc-

. video.byTeebtibn oof'jitIeT>^tiUae,cuarse;»'Oiitae &!itl M ,Kome. aliS jiM)I|bet^Buly^eouteahy

tWKfreeholdersTwhOBbjSU'a.uitaty; In'twice. the ,anfdahW?6f';'s^td.jb"^5}b^;^ exechteelia^^tflplld&^adar^tfina'ybr iafauefifi'fr izfdto^MiwtesticlriCohtrttot-^*""---^ mbl';coto'nciLthereof. Saidi-dontracf shftH. be* ex, ;eSand?sai4^bond;gi^«iiorrbifore.-OB^^^

taen AaOPtecfby tfmimfiy/ijig f«te ' i ' ? - '

24rmr, Dfrnlfitisk SlriiT.

• •SMIBsafBtS* » • •25? l-.GSrls't fiaSftjes. j IP^nds^^itee^ot grduntd, ^?t!yp'^nt^|n^e^^HiE5i }^) y Q^^g^r^ribjrries. *'_ - *.^. *

%'1^D>^Mea^^'i^a :rinao^ ''XI - 6k*' MiM*iMsk"or "nterseel^'iy^TbYMuiroli 7. ^ ^ T ^ P ? § ^ ^ ? ^ P ^ i i , a T S ? * 5 % -«^T^Belee'-.runnTng rf^ferjyj-alonf. the

•K$mmMtMM®im,^B§£ ^mmmm^^^m^Mmm *ee> Chili

« " '• ---C.4V

"NOeM ;

Qf^l^;Engin^fHrBep,ofed,eM toStftrti. - i | ? :

S«K&2feSfe i Strike ••s id

has been Mid for fifty yean on an abso-'

their 0^^s. ^ e riave almort every thing you « a u a s | f p M l e ^ M B e a i n ^ a | . .


• ' \ | . V * * :

inesiojiowing Bpnaiaco; m -iugK wiworiais qcur^


mms* erj SOU! neeripr|pi AaoRteoy.. j -


Mi aeon ' • u : • - - _ - * . •

theece' westerly along Fish Creek t o (he city •HnertheBce wratli wTesraflrsiolilj-satr olty" H u e 4

, t o Wood Creek: thence, easterly along said -Wood Creek to tlic c i ty line*, thence-southerly alohp said c i ty line to t h e Erie Canal; thenee southeasterly along; said' Erie Canal to the Rome,. Watertown & Ogdeneburg Ballroad; theuce'southeasterly alOntc said Borne, Water-town 8c Ogdensbui-9 IUllroad to South Wash tpgton-s treet ; thence tlor^ieasterlyalotipsaid ^vashlngton street t o tjifc;3Brle Canalj thenco southeasterly aioeg tlie |JrIe Oanal to tliojjlace of beginning, comprised t h e Second dlitrlct in t h e Third-Ward.

Firsts District Polling H a c e - L o r i e r ' s Barber Shop, 203 S^ James street. —wswrnw—rua&tet -pannqf-ptigB^aatyrtpfyf : Blacksmith Shop, West Donfinlclc street, g


--EfrstJJistrict^-Beginnlng a t the intersection, o f West Domlnick street* and North George street; running', thenee northeasterly along s a w George street to West Court s treet : thence northwesterly along said; Court Street to Dox

ftateravemief-thence southwesterly along; satd DOxtater avenue t o Wiiat' Dominlcfc street

TOO ESULOH th« thOTuandJi throtigb taMMootamiM. t-UsswMta4».lday»lco.

jfctitt. ' * ' • . -

. ! • • • * •




All Seasonable. Frt'ta.


108 W. Domiolok Sfc. »**w

J: OST EEC3EIVEID, A **n;r if,- • ~ ,„-..

Fine Ponnd Sweets and -- Qalnoea tor Canning,,

* Also York iBweeta, Tompkins County KinKApp7e#, . ;

H. Pippins and Tollman S i m t i , «&

B.W. STEWART'S, ^tW.Doni ln ickat

^ »

Sale of City Lois 1 IE ' fir;J

\)F -* . f "-

on tlie premises, ia Block 1 m 8, West Dominick street.

thence'southeasterly alOna;. West Dominick s t r e e t t o the placer of beginning, comprising eleotlou'diatrict number one (1) in said Fourth W j a r a r . • . i ; Socpnd District-Beglnolng at the intersection otjWes&Cdurt and, North George 'Streets:, run-liiagitnerrce nortlioSStBrljr along sa id George street to W e s t Thomas street;-thence north-jwesterlyTlbnB said Tliomas-^treet and road known as I*e6> LlnO road] to city.Hne': thenee weeteriy along anlur~cTtfcnhe to F i sh CreekT .thence southerly along Ffsh; Creek a» l t winds 'and turns to. the.OBtwega road; thence south-.eaetBrly along sajd uswe^o road-to~WeslrDOtn1^ 'nick-TStreef|-,-thence southeasterly along said. w e s t D&tfiinick street to Doxtater avenue; •tngneeTSertheaatefly along said Doi fater Ave-OTe'toWesteCoptt street; thence southossterly a i o n S s a i d W e a t Court streetto the place of be-gioriliig, c'ompristag electldndistrlccnumber two Tax in the* Fourth Ward, and Jholudes all that po^tlbnof. the .Fourth Ward 'hot .included in eteptioh aistriefchutwber ohe» ;>. - - ., VJPirst ;DIstrKt- Boiling Dlsfee^W. Hi.Davles's sMopi WiDominlok street/:

gecondf l i s tr ic t 1'olling PiaOe—E.. B Supper's 8"torei.corner, Ni i fafand ,w. Thjoaiaa streets. ,

•V";'<.-. ' . . ; :• torn w4aw;.;.: .;•.-..

' feirs't fi|siir(ict-^C]ommen(iing dn - James street

* ^ *

l- ,.-/l


;fhe%c$ southerly, ilong cehtetota ^OySdDfoniinieKftoence; eastbrljfittlaffg cebte'r of •DoihiDibK'to the place Of bfigtiinidg,

tBe"nc4'#esteriy aidng the. center of aarden

•westerly of^eOrgeSs¥ree>'to;Bloomfleias , ^ alongtha^ceh'ter^;o'f Bfoomaeiaitree'tW teo'inas aiaaftfjinrth Ward line: tb«ric^;«aiterly Wong

.ft)^entet4^Ehobaa8..atreet tO^jHeorge^ then,

&m&, }»m-s%-%M*

m ;.!,-* fT.t. •,'.,- *^r^



Sr^?iP,:aewpoer»nu ooanuea.oy jne. oity eha^t^notsMereln specifled and contained in

^le«itJnfdi|KrieSs NOs Iandg.t

mamm^u^p&t Bin* street. ®*p*ordei;^«khe Oommon Council. , < . «Sfcfe^&.-^,jCAEKOrjC,. Chamberlain.

p l ' N A G r f t l a U B H T

mmm. W?< . f A V l t O K BM rented the •

ismmgm m m m m ^ ^ ^ i ^ M ' iHwoi-aiiti the


130 I t .

No. 1 3 .

'bAXVErl^iV S T R E E T . \ « 4 . tW -


130 f t .

N'o. 14 .

180 ft.

NO I S . h

130 ft.

• " ) — '


gf No. 12'. » -

No 3 . ,

04 ft.

No. 11.

No. 4.

S I ft.

-a* ru.

3T No. 10 /


N o . O.

;NO. s.

at a.

3* ft.

N o . 8.

Xo. 6 ,

- ^ f t .

•£"'•' .*—

t »

±:\ ^r-i

y. • m

«. . No . 7,

54 ft,

X -I. i£

. £ • •

•8* j

•3*- '• *

W . "OOMiJ^IbK:' S T R E E T .

Rare, opportunity to secure % fpondation for a home at low prices and on easy terms* Will offer[tot sale in.block "No, i W s f Dominick street

s 4 Lots c^^;.tMfiiih^k street 64xf35^.

^ L a t ^ ^ i f t f t ^ | 4 e r W ^ as shown by d i % a m a t e ^ l _ _ ; v

; . <r r _.„.

TERMS OF SALE.—20 per teijit/Gf purchase price on d i y of sale and balanceorl fe^rts to suit purchasers, i lCV - I- ....;;'. .:'."•.;.'..•ul.:V

AHV ot the above lots gatMpi i fchased at privJte^aM4fe4wy^^time previotis t o > ^ T r | r



* !, •
