sales bom delivery of both items

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  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    Sales BOM

    Yau Siu 3 posts since 2 Aug, 2012

    Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 4:24 AM


    I have a business scenario is that company has inventory of component (A, B) and would

    like to sell out in form of finished product (X).

    SO: Main item (control price), Sub item (control inventory)

    DN: Sub item (for picking & pgi)

    Invoice: Main item (for invoicing)

    I try different combination to filfull the requirement and my setting like this:

    1. Create sales BOM of X with component A & B using 'L' (Stock Item)

    2. Material setup

    Main item > item category group(ERLA), item category(TAQ), scheduleline (CT)

    Sub item> item category gropu(NORM), item category(TAN), scheduleline (CP).

  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    1. As no inventory for finished product, so no cost of it?

    2. Unable to deactivate pricing of sub item?

    3. In delivery note, still ask for storage location of TAQ. How to resolve it?



    BOJJA SIVASANKAR REDDY1,442 posts since 5 Jan, 2011

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 7:12 AM


    you BOM is relevant for header BOM, so you make a delivery for header item and sun item

    item , with out PGI for header , you stock also not up dated , so on that time you can create

    the this type of requirement,

    SO: Main item (control price), Sub item (control inventory)

    DN: Sub item (for picking & pgi)

    Invoice: Main item (for invoicing)

    this means sub item control inventory ,

    like you take computer, this is main item , mouse and another parts or sun items ,

    so you do the delivery for both item on that time inventory should up dated for both , you

    want sub item it means computer not delivered , only sub item it delivered , its not correct

    thing, when both items only it will up dated that is right, you stock also it decrease main item

    and sub item ,

    Main item > item category group(ERLA), item category(TAQ), scheduleline (CT)
  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    Sub item> item category gropu(NORM), item category(TAN), scheduleline (CP).

    here sub item item category is TAE, for header level bom, you process it isTAN , when you

    do the TAN , sub item pricing will up dated, because at item category settings it for pricingrelevant is standard

    but TAE, not relevant for pricing , check compare both type TAE, TAN


    1. As no inventory for finished product, so no cost of it?

    2. Unable to deactivate pricing of sub item?

    3. In delivery note, still ask for storage location of TAQ. How to resolve it?

    1) finish product no inventory it means ( here you can use item level bom , not for header

    level bom), with out inventory how you will delivered,

    2) go to VOV7 for TAN, here field of pricing it maintain the- X, but header level BOM , sub

    item item category is TAE only.

    3) yes it will ask the system because it is standard, you make settings for in completion log

    based on my know ledge you requirement is not possible

  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    Yau Siu3 posts since 2 Aug, 2012

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 8:08 AM

    Thanks for your reply.

    Finally, I do the setting like below and pls kindly comment.

    1. Create sales BOM of X with component A & B using 'L' (Stock Item)

    2. Material setup

    Main item > item category group(ERLA), item category(TAQ), scheduleline (CT)

    Sub item> item category gropu(NORM), item category(TAE), scheduleline (CP).

    For TAQ,

    > disable relevant for picking

    > disable required storage

    > disable storage location determination

    For TAE,

    > enable relevant for picking

    > enable required storage location

    > enable storage location required
  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    It seems can fulfill my company requirement.



    BOJJA SIVASANKAR REDDY1,442 posts since 5 Jan, 2011

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 8:29 AM


    you case check this thread as a similar your post

    Reazuddin. MD2,899 posts since 8 Jan, 2007

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 9:43 AM


    As understood from your post:-

    " Business want to deliver the sub items , but pricing/billing maintained @ main item level"-

    To achieve this,

    in std, this is treated as main item level pricing . Maintain item category / item cat

    determination as if in std - main item level pricing i.e.

    Item type- Item cat group - Item cat - Properties

  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00


    Main item - ERLA - ZMIT (Copy of TAQ) - sch.line cat should not be relevant for delivery


    Sub item - NORM - ZSIT (Copy of TAE) - sch.line cat should be relevant for delivery


    maintain relevant copy control between order - delivery (header & item levels).

    Deviation from the std to your business requirement is only schedule line category controls.

    Which you can play around with schedule line category definition *** determination.

    Test & observe the results.


    Reazuddin MD

    Yau Siu3 posts since 2 Aug, 2012

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 9:54 AM

    Hi Reazuddin MD,

    After many times of try an error, I got the setting as same as you mentioned. No matter

    what...thanks for your information.

    This forum is very helpful. Thanks!

  • 7/29/2019 Sales BOM Delivery of Both Items


    Sales BOM

    Generated by Jive on 2013-08-07+02:00



    Reazuddin. MD2,899 posts since 8 Jan, 2007

    Re: Sales BOM 2 Aug, 2012 10:24 AMHi SiuYau San,

    Does your issue is fixed or your still getting struck.

    Post the error messages, if its not resolved yet.

    if resolved. Close the thread.


    Reazuddin MD