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Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book 8 Rocket Fuel Newsletters jam packed with Hi - Octane Tools and Techniques to explode your sales and turbo charge your income

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Page 1: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book

8 Rocket Fuel Newsletters jam packed with Hi - Octane Tools and Techniques to explode

your sales and turbo charge your income

Page 2: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699 332 Email : [email protected] All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in book reviews and articles relating to this book. For information contact Blue Rocket Business Systems on +61 418 699 332 or email at [email protected] or by mail at the above address.

Page 3: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

Welcome to the Sales Rocket Fuel Newsletter E-Book Dear Sales Professional, Well done for taking a major step in improving your sales results. At Blue Rocket, we’re committed to helping sales people worldwide realize their full potential - that’s why we’ve prepared this special added bonus for you. You’ll find this E-book jammed full of strategies and approaches you can use right away to improve your sales and advance your career. Plus, these ideas will work in any situation where yes would be better than no - in business or in any other part of your life. It’s the first time we’ve ever collated and made this information available to anyone other than our exclusive Rocket Fuel Sales E- Newsletter subscribers. Also…As part of your bonus, we’ve included a Free subscription to the Rocket Fuel Sales E- Newsletter, plus, you’ll receive another Special Gift from us at Blue Rocket, all as part of your Free bonus (valued at $67.) Go to and now to claim your free subscription and special gift. We’re sure you’ll enjoy this valuable collection of tools and techniques. They’ll definitely make your selling more predictable, profitable and enjoyable. Good luck and happy selling Regards, John Blake and Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Maximum Sales Systems

Page 4: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

1.The Number 1 Mistake that Sales People Make. Often in sales we go from one month to the next thinking only about our figures or results and not about the process that we use to get those results… Monitor your sales results, absolutely, if we didn’t it would be like two teams running around a footy field all day then going home without checking who won. Fun but not really that fulfilling… What I have noticed is that once we get in the groove its like we go onto automatic pilot. We get used to doing things a certain way then we reach our comfort level of success and that’s where we stay. Sound familiar? Thought so… What we know is that salespeople are mostly focused on the following things

1. The Figures 2. The Brand 3. The Product

Again, passion and focus on these three things is very important… All right I hear you say what’s the number one mistake then?… The big mistake is this… These 3 things have no relevance to the customer until one is created. How do we do that then? With well planned, finely crafted questions. Being a sales trainer I am constantly gathering information. I ask… Who is your best sales person? Why do you think that is? In most cases the response comes down to these

1. Good Listener 2. Good problem solver 3. Good Follow Up Skills

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Good Listener / Problem solver It stands to reason really, if you listen to the client’s situation, you will gather the relevant information you can use to tailor a solution they will be happy with. Key tip When they talk write down the responses. It makes them feel important, shows you are listening and makes you look more professional. Good Follow Up It’s a fact that 80% of your success in sales will come from your ability to follow up. In fact while we are on that, what we know about follow up is this… 44% of sales people quit trying after the first attempt 24% quit trying after the second attempt 14% quit trying after the third attempt 12% quit trying to sell the prospect after the fourth attempt So… 94% of all sales people quit after the fourth call What we also know is this 60% of all sales are made after the fourth call Meaning… 94% of all sales people don’t give themselves a chance at 60% of all prospective buyers. Ok, back to asking questions What might surprise you is that if you ask the right questions and let the other person talk you will often be seen as

1. A great conversationalist (good listener) 2. You will have more clues to solve the problem (good problem solver)

That’s 2 out of the above 3 just by asking questions and listening to the response. And the other really cool thing is… The client will more often than not sell themselves on your product or service if they are doing most of the talking.

Page 6: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

The first step. Look at the questions that you ask your clients. Are they giving you the information that will allow you to give them the best solution to their problem? More importantly, are the questions that you are asking getting them to acknowledge the problem that you will solve for them? Come up with your top 4 “must ask” questions Try asking these questions first and see if you can get your prospect talking more than you. Then… Watch the energy in the conversation change. Remember, true communication takes place only when there is an equal exchange of energy. If you feel yourself talking too much ask the prospect a question then be quiet and listen for the response. 2.The dreaded "its too expensive" objection. It's one of the most common objections in sales. There are two types of price objection, so before we handle it we need to know what type we are dealing with. When someone objects to price they are generally concerned about one of two things. 1. Either they don't perceive enough value or 2. It's out of their budget But we don't know that so we need to ask. When someone gives you a price objection we recommend the following. 1.Hear it out Let them finish talking 2.Re-state the objection exactly the way they said it "Oh so you think its too expensive" 3.Clarify "Do you think it’s too much for this item or is it just more than you have budgeted for?"

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4.Isolate "Is that the only thing that's stopping you from moving forward?" You ask this because assuming they say yes, you know that once you have handled this they will buy from you. If they say no you handle the next objection then continue through the process. 5.Handle Now you know what you need to do. If its too expensive for the item you need to build more value by using benefits that tie into what you know your customers needs are. If its more than what they are budgeting for, you might need to offer some additional terms or finance to keep things moving forward. Once you have handled the objection 6.Check agreement "So does that clear that up for you?" 7.Move on with the sale Use this formula to tackle price objections when they come up-- it works. It'll make your life a lot easier in the selling process. 3.There is only hope in action When I was the sales agent for Mambo clothing we sold a tee shirt print with a “there is only hope in action” slogan on it. It was an illustration of a Molotov cocktail hurtling through the air and like many things Mambo, it was ironic in its message. The message (minus the graphic) has real relevance though. Taking action is the most powerful way of making progress. When we train salespeople, we get them to track their daily activity before we even look at their figures or sales results. We do this because it is the activity that creates the result. The other cool thing is that if you do something often enough, a ratio will appear. Think about that for a minute…. A ratio of your success from your activity will give you your individual conversion rate. It could be your number of approaches to a customer in retail

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or the number of telephone calls to prospects if you are in business-to-business sales. For example… If you approach 10 customers and 4 buy from you your conversion rate is 40%. The other really cool thing is that the more activity you do the better you will get so the better your conversion rate will get. If you know what your conversion rate is you can plan your sales. If you can plan your sales and you know what your average $ sale is, guess what? You can plan your income. You no longer have to worry about how much you will make as long as you take regular consistent action. All you need to do is act. You can even out perform someone who’s more skilled than you. Let me explain. If Barry is a better sales person than you with 6 out of every 10 customer contacts resulting in a sale, you can out perform him by upping your activity, He might approach 20 people in a week and get 12 sales with his 60% conversion rate. If you approach 30 people with your 40% conversion rate you will equal his result (12 sales) Talk to ten more prospects and you just “smashed” him with 16 sales. This is so simple but it will only work if you take action. In these Rocket Fuels I give you (and will be giving you a whole heap more) strategies to use to increase your sales and effectiveness. What is important to remember though…. It’s not the knowledge that is important it’s the combination of that knowledge with action. Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame) approached 1,109 businesses with his chicken recipe idea before anyone said yes. That is just out of control!

Page 9: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

His conversion rate was 0 and his total sales were $0 probably for 2 years at least! And that is assuming he approached 2 people per day everyday! He was 61 years old when someone finally said yes. The then became a multi- millionaire – the rest is history. The Colonel’s story is a great example of someone who just kept taking action. It also illustrates another key ingredient in this equation. Belief Belief in yourself and belief in your company and product. If you doubt your own ability, get to work on yourself to build your confidence. If you doubt your company or your product, find another one that you are into 110%. 4.How are you staying at the top your customers mind? As I am sure you already know, sales is a moving target. Buyers leave and go work for other companies. Customers get seduced by the dark side of the force and follow the masses down to the newly opened discount chain store. There seems to be an ever - increasing pull on the one person who can put you in the box seat or send you to the bottom of the heap… Your customer So how can you guarantee they will keep coming back to buy from you? How can you ensure they will be keen to buy again when you next call for an appointment? That will depend largely on the quality of the relationship that you have built with them. Think about the people that you shop with regularly. You have a great relationship with them. They provide you with great service and they provide you with more than what you would normally expect. In short they give you a great experience. Even if you could get the same product or service cheaper in most cases you probably wouldn’t.

Page 10: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

My wife pays what I think is big money to get her hair done ($190.00 a pop) They do a brilliant job and there is no way she would go anywhere else. Her hair always looks pristine and she is happy to pay for that. Other hairdressers she’s tried don’t do all the little things that add up to a great hairdressing experience. So what can you do that your competitors don’t? I recently did some work with a company that discovered 10 really great things that they could do for their customers that would really add something to their buying experience in some way. They weren’t expensive things, but they did require some action and focused thought. These were 10 great things that would create a preference for them as a company to do business with in the eye of their customers. Let me give you some examples of some great value adds to customers. Toys to occupy kids so that their parents can shop for longer. How about guys mags in ladies fashion stores so that boyfriends are occupied leaving the girls to shop longer. A discounted or free tailoring service for jeans that are too long or need adjusting. A voucher for a free coffee and dessert at the café down the road for spending over a certain amount of money. How’s this one I uncovered recently from the restaurant industry… Bonus Idea Don’t Peak Promotion You give an envelope to customers that spend over a certain amount during your busiest time of the year. The voucher should be for some item of high-perceived value but low cost. You make it a condition that to receive the prize they have to bring the envelope back unopened to your store during your traditionally quietest month. So you get your best customers from your busiest month back into store during your quietest month. I am sure that you and your team could come up with some awesome ideas as well. The secret is to make them high perceived value but low cost. The first step

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Ask your self or even better ask your customers what would make their buying experience better or more pleasant. The answers will give you a great place to start to begin your own brainstorming session with your team. Warning! These things may involve some work. It will be worth it though. They also might make the difference in how many of your customers “defect” when the next new store comes to town or when the next new competitor’s product comes out. Remember all things being equal people will buy at the lowest possible price. What will you do to make your business unequal in the eyes of your customer? 5.How To Get (and stay) Motivated How can I keep my team motivated? People ask me this question all the time. Naturally they want to know how to keep themselves and their sales teams motivated all the time. It stands to reason though, when you are motivated you feel capable of doing anything. The term I like to use is “6 foot and bullet proof” I have often heard it referred to as “the zone”. That place where you are “on fire”, you can’t do any wrong and everything just flows. In selling this is the state of mind that will help you to convert more prospects and make more sales than pretty much anything else you can do. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to do that everyday…? Well in reality it probably isn’t going to happen 365 days a year but there are ways that we can increase the frequency of feeling “6 foot and bullet proof.” So how do we do it? There are the basic things like limiting your consumption of alcohol, getting early nights and exercising but they pretty much go without saying don’t they? I could devote about 3 Rocket fuels to limiting the amount of television you watch as well but I won’t go there…yet.

Page 12: Sales Rocket Fuel E-Book - Amazon Web Services · Sales Rocket Fuel MMVII John Blake Leigh Farnell Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699

What I am going to share with you and what I find absolutely fascinating, is a way of thinking that can change your state, keep you motivated and really help you succeed. I have devoted a big chunk of my life to actively finding this stuff out and I am really excited about sharing this with you today, as I know it works. You’re probably asking, “How do you know it works?” That’s easy…I used myself as the guinea pig! In fact, I used this process recently before visiting a potential client regarding sales training and they offered me a job paying over $200,000.00. So I have no doubt it will work for you if you try it. What follows is a technique that you can use before a sales presentation or before a day on the retail floor. It is based on the book Psycho Cybernetics by a guy called Maxwell Maltz. There isn’t the space to explain about the book properly in here but I would recommend getting a copy if you can. Anyway, here is the technique… Recall a time when you really excelled at something. It was probably when you were in “the zone” and felt 6 foot and bulletproof. What you do in this technique is, on the “Movie Screen” of your mind you go back and view a movie of you in a scene where you were “on fire”. It might have been when you won a sporting event, won a really big client, made a huge sale or were promoted. Whatever it was for you go there now. The key is to experience all the things that you saw. The people that were there, what they were wearing the colours and smells that were in the room or in the venue and the sounds that you heard around you. In addition to this really experience the feelings that you were experiencing at the moment when you won or were recognised publicly for your achievement. Really access those feelings and experience and relive that exact moment. Once you are there, watch yourself on the movie screen of your mind walking out of your winning scene into a sales situation that you know you have coming up. Actually picture yourself really connecting with the prospect. Watch the look of approval on their face and even watch them fill out the order or the paper work on the spot. You can even visualise the amount or value of the order. Feel the excitement at having got the commitment and won the business. If you do this in the car before a sales appointment or at the start of your shift if you are in retail you will literally freak out at the results. It really works. It has worked for me and it has also worked for people that I have coached.

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You can use this to get in a motivated state as well any time you feel that you need a lift. Have fun with it! **Bonus Sales Tip** Next time you are in front of a prospect and you are sensing that they are having doubts about going ahead. Say this “ What is the number one question that you have right now?” What you will get is the main thing preventing the prospect from going ahead at that time. Once you deal with that, the commitment should come naturally. 6.Focus And Action Ever noticed when ever you pull something off really well and really fast it’s when you totally block everything else out and just knuckle down and nail it. Easier said than done eh? It seems today there are just so many things that pull us in so many different directions. It’s like everything is crying out for our attention. Well, with this in mind, I thought I’d give you 3 key ideas you can use to maximise your productivity. 1. Your Desk Did you know that your attention at any given time will be divided by the amount of things that you have on your desk. That means that If you are focusing on writing a report, and you have 4 other things on your desk, your focus will be divided by a factor of 5. What to do Take everything off your desk other than the item that you are working on right now. Same goes for when you are talking to someone. Give them your total attention by turning off your computer screen. 2. Your email Adopt the three D's method. Do it, delay it (maybe indefinitely) or dump it. The key here is to deal with it now. Have files for your main clients where you can put all main communication.

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3. Block like tasks Do all your writing in one hit. Reports, emails any writing that needs to be done do it in one hit. Same with phone calls. Get them all done in one hit. Just focus on getting that block of tasks done then move onto the next block of tasks. Ok Short and Sweet hopefully this will help you get stuff done quick so your last day is not too stressful. 7.Sales Techniques To Gain Initial Acceptance The first few minutes of your initial meeting with a prospect or future client are crucial. The amount of subconscious processing that goes on in your prospects mind at that point is mammoth to put it mildly. Basically your future client decides during those first few minutes on both a conscious and subconscious level if they like or dislike you or if they accept or do not accept you. Of course if they like or accept you they will be more likely to buy from you. The question is how can you stack the odds in your favor? One way to do this is by modeling. Think of your closest friends. They are likely to have similar mannerisms to you and possibly even sound like you when they speak. People may even confuse you as being related on occasion. It's this example that best defines modeling. Modeling uses the matching of someone's speed, tone and pitch of speech plus body language to create acceptance. For example, if you were in a meeting with a future client who speaks in a quieter tone of voice and speaks quite slowly, a subtle shift toward your prospect's quiet tone and slow speed of speech will increase the likely hood of them accepting you. If you combine this with tilting your head on the same angle and sitting with your arm placement mirroring theirs they will be even more likely to accept you and what you are offering. This works simply because people like and trust people who are just like them. On both a conscious and subconscious level we are all more likely to trust someone who is "one of us". Once you notice your prospect beginning to relax with you, you can even lead them by changing your body language. This means if you make a change to your body language they will follow you. An example of this is when one person yawns and another yawns as well.

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At this time your prospect will be more likely to accept your point of view or your offering than if you had not created the same level of acceptance or rapport with them. You can increase this even more dramatically by modeling your prospects breathing patterns and even modeling if they breathe Predominately from the chest cavity or more so from the stomach. Try this process next time you are in front of a new prospect and note the increased rate of rapport that develops between you both. 8.Fail Fast You can know a new strategy or concept in theory but until you actually try it out you will never know. And until you try it out, you won't experience the benefit. Once you experience the benefit you can then use the new tool to increase your sales. And hey, if you try something new and it doesn't work, at least you are "in the game" and you will not only "Fail Fast" but you'll learn even faster. Understanding a new idea or technique is one thing, implementing it can be a whole other story altogether. So before you try anything out for the first time on a customer here's a recommendation... Just try one idea or strategy at a time. Let me give you an example... If you've learned a whole new approach to your selling and you come out and attempt to implement 5 new techniques all at once, it will probably back fire. Ouch ! That's why we recommend that you add (then perfect) one idea or technique at a time. Once you perfect that one, add another and so on. If you make a deliberate attempt to practice the ideas and strategies that relate to your particular type of selling one at a time over a week by week period, you can revolutionise your whole approach as well as your results. It's sometimes called matrix selling because you just focus on one area at a time. It's also called deliberate practice because you are practicing one area deliberately until you perfect it.

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For example you want to get better at the Meet and Greet stage of the sales process, so you consciously practice and focus on gaining rapport with your clients in all your interactions for one week. Once you feel you are doing that well, move into the next area that you want to improve. It will take some conscious monitoring on your part. Even better, have someone observe your behavior and give you feedback. This will cause a big shift in your confidence and more importantly in your sales results. Don’t Forget! As part of this bonus, we’ve included a Free subscription to the Rocket Fuel Sales E- Newsletter, plus, you’ll receive another Special Gift from us at Blue Rocket, all as part of your Free bonus (valued at $67.) Go to and now to claim your free subscription and special gift. Warm Regards,

Leigh Farnell John Blake Blue Rocket Business Systems PO Box 1509, West Perth WA 6872 Phone +61 (0)418 699 332 Email : [email protected]

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