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  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx




  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx



    1. History

    2. Chemistry

    3. Prod !tion

    ". Salt in food

    5. Salt in a#ri! lt re

    $. %iet and helth

  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx



    &he dis!overy of salt has 'layed a ma(or role inthe develo'ment of !ivili)ation.

    *sa#e of salt allo+ 'eo'le to ,ee' food freshfor lon#er 'eriod of time and allo+ thetrans'ort of food over lon# distan!es.

    t +as of hi#h val e to the an!ient ree,s/ the

    omans and other 'eo'les of anti ity.&he +ord salary !omes from the atin +ordfor salt 4e!a se the oman e#ions +eresometimes 'aid in salt/ +hi!h +as iteliterally +orth its +ei#ht in #old.

  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx



    Salt is mostly sodi m !hloride/ the ioni!!om'o nd +ith the form la aCl/ re'resentin#e al 'ro'ortions of sodi m and !hlorine.

    Sea salt and freshly mined salt also !ontainsmall amo nts of tra!e elements +hi!h in smallamo nts are #enerally #ood for 'lant andanimal health.

    Mined salt is often refined in the 'rod !tion ofta4le salt. % rin# this same refinin# 'ro!ess itis often also iodi)ed.

    Salt !rystals are transl !ent/ ! 4i! in sha'eand they normally a''ear +hite.

  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx


    Prod !tion:

    Salt is ! rrently mass-'rod !ed 4y eva'orationof sea+ater and minin# of ro!, salt.

    Salt is harvested thro #h solar eva'orationfrom sea+ater or salt la,es.

    &his is the ' rest +ay to harvest salt/ oftenres ltin# in nearly 100 'er!ent sodi m

    !hloride.%ee'-shaft minin# is m !h li,e minin# for anyother mineral. Most salt 'rod !ed this +ay is

    sed as ro!, salt or halite.

  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx


    Salt in food:

    Salt is 'resent in most foods. t is often added to'ro!essed foods 6s !h as !anned foods andes'e!ially salted foods and sna!, foods7/ +here itf n!tions as 4oth a 'reservative and a flavorin#.

    %airy salt is sed in the 're'aration of 4 tter and!heese 'rod !ts.

    8efore the advent of ele!tri!ally 'o+eredrefri#eration/ saltin# +as one of the mainmethods of food 'reservation.

    Salt is essential to the health of 'eo'le andanimals and is sed niversally as a seasonin#.

    Saltiness is one of the five 4asi! taste sensations.

  • 8/17/2019 salt-160.pptx


    Salt in a#ri! lt re:

    n many dairy ind stries/ salt is added to !heese as a!olor/ fermentation/ and te9t re-!ontrol a#ent. &he dairys 4se!tor in!l des !om'anies that man fa!t re!reamery 4 tter/ !ondensed and eva'orated mil,/ fro)endesserts/ i!e !ream/ nat ral and 'ro!essed !heese/ ands'e!ialty dairy 'rod !ts.

    n !annin#/ salt is 'rimarily added as a flavor enhan!erand 'reservative.

    t is sed as a !arrier for other in#redients/ dehydratin#a#ent/ en)yme inhi4itor and tenderi)er. n 4a,in#/ salt isadded to !ontrol the rate of fermentation in 4readdo #h.

    t also is sed to stren#then the #l ten 6the elasti!'rotein-+ater !om'le9 in !ertain do #hs7 and as a flavorenhan!er/ s !h as a to''in# on 4a,ed #oods.

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    %iet and health:

    Sodi m serves a vital ' r'ose in the h man4ody: it hel's nerves and m s!les to f n!tion!orre!tly/ and it is one of the fa!tors involvedin the re# lation of +ater !ontent.

    &he hi#h level of sodi m in many 'ro!essedfoods has a ma(or im'a!t on the total amo nt!ons med.

    Hi#h salt inta,e is asso!iated +ith a #reaterris, of stro,e and total !ardiovas! lar disease.

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    S mmary:

    Common salt is a mineral !om'osed 'rimarily of sodi m !hloride 6 aCl7. Salt isone of the oldest of food seasonin#s/ and saltin# is an im'ortant method of food'reservation. &he harvest of salt in China dates 4a!, to at least $000 8C/ ma,in#it one of the oldest verifia4le salt +or,s. Salt is essential to the health of 'eo'leand animals and is sed niversally as a seasonin#. t is sed in !oo,in#/ is addedto man fa!t red foodst ffs and is often 'resent on the ta4le at mealtimes forindivid als to s'rin,le on their o+n food. Saltiness is one of the five 4asi! taste

    sensations. odi)ed salt/ !ontainin# 'otassi m iodide/ has si#nifi!antly red !eddisorders of iodine defi!ien!y. Salt is sed in many food ind stries for'reservations/ flavo r enhan!er/ dehydratin#/ seasonin#/ et!. Sodi m hel'snerves and m s!les to f n!tion !orre!tly and it involve in the re# lation of +ater!ontent in or#anism/ 4 t hi#h salt inta,e !an 4e 4ad for health.

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    iterat re:

    htt's: en.+i,i'edia.or#

    htt': healthyeatin#.sf#ate.!om

    htt': !hemistry.elmh rst.ed

    htt': +i,info.+i,ia.!om