salt lake herald. (salt lake city) 1900-12-07 [p 7]. · qotm-s t a h n 3 c geit ll5s-or pac is 76...

TIlE SALT 3LAKE HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 7 1900 r r NAME AT JJ- patehen ji Judith l hardson- ht Mrs SlVpn n Kowara- sn Annie E- monl Kdlth VVVI JrL- Simn Fred Smith ixna C r Ch MlT B M I ids Vavr Alice H Samuel P- Tlimi n J C Thnum James Thmson J C et Ul- Tifv K ana K A 1 TrimmT Samuel UI- TurlKiw Sarah A U- r M R l- ih i a vestment Co h Wi- nh Stove Hardware Co nali Stove Hardware C- an n 1a Ann Kttsa u- Vrt T Frank ValkT I ther- Vitlkor Mrs Elisabeth vmer Mrs MaDly Vlis Hannah tzr Mrs E C L- Vhttp Ared H VilHams Ann L viiliams John A balance Wxillfy George E Whitney S A 71- ams W F rtili n John T t ffErni7i- F M irit A P- Mr t bt- ITlI farId f 1406- m r e M- J Sarah A 1 r Kmm 1 CO IIH V- I A eorg W ir- i AuUIL g- ttrgt S H- jnetAIt I I j610- n G i i- Timothy l L 4- Ipr Iie r J- ii pint L s1 dX- TbOS S LflrenaO- S S C- lr I1eIIa R- ir c rWId 5 ioH S J Dh M- I OUIHe- S 11 T 4- rl S N- l briM Itth z 11cR S J2 14 W- r La 1 L 5 5 Co- S 14 1 j 3 < < < > > ° KS IN TIE EAST itacressful EfFort Is Made to Start Rise LONDON IS A BUYER DENVER RIO GRANDE GOES INCSEASBD DIVTDBKD rk Dec A determined effort nifrst In the stock market to start a of speculation for a rlae In dealings there was a fair degree- s attending the effort under the ot strlkina cam in a few Strength in a few hriiiKhuut the day but it was oft p the later pert of the session striking Iocse In some ot the swial les A large pert of the hack to about mat nl hfs vfip l in an uncertain way until ng which was generally racy The this market late wee- k a eue by the London market Pring Foreicn markets nave a crowing disposition of bite vaii streets teed and the rally i whs pronounced bv some ob- is du to manipulation with the if Invitlnx buying of Americans n t iay If this wee the ivssful for London bought re at the helping on here was a considerable snort In result of the weakness of the arlier in the week which proved to rather imposing show of h this morning and the covering nt helped on the rte Even- t thjs stocks which were after ne weakest there were some con rains during the early h v th Sugar and Tennessee Coal u txiut a nomt Quite a num stocks achieved gains iv int but a careful scrutiny market shuwed that the movement w liMtin one of anecfaU The lowpriced nondividend- wTe the favorites especially the ih Vabash issues both Nothing authoritative could ei t explain this movement rnior attributed both to buvhw let ii eontrol and to Joint pleas idtton and through traffic ar ins f the two lines The rise ex V r points in Erie fIt pre in the second referred ixed at about the bsina- uie nly Mocks in the list these stocks there were f tnirty sto ks selling under 4- alvanred a half to in the dividend rate for tfce- ir Denver A Rio Grande are ni L to JH per cent caused a i in that stock of 1 and in rri rvks of iv This calined a ironing in the market but not hold in face of the re- vki s in the specialties There r ebange in money v mar- nrket was active and coasts K many low grade junior and bonds advancta- rrsi sales par value KtSS- MU new 4s declined H UP- ON N v i sated Ht1 tk level- 5 d r rn to- w L r rp a t a 5rki Tr a rata sgt a flt rr fl ttr ant k tS S a 5 zr r top to- t Ij V rom 1- S r a t tip r r g ereCt er > U 4s- NT W- re Nay Is 111 r Xav Its M- a L Cs 12 8 L con fem eadins 4s M con 174- P O Pl ll Pac 4s- Ry Ss- R Tw fe W Pee iaui- x Pac 3 lon Pac 4al abash Is 1- T nva Cent X Y Cent in Stock Quotatiaw 1 W js A roc on- Ass Sptrits Preferred I St ft W QotM- S ah N 3 C geit ll5S- t Or Pac Is 76 or Pac Is- S 1- C rt i gee I I 11 IS on Ia 15 S Paul J P cP a rrz 5 I a tabsb s 111 Vet Shore 4 Cent is- S t Wabeeti Preferred itWLZ tndPId Cent 14i58Opd- a I t Prtfied 103 da Er x I17loted Staten St St 11 14t Malting I- I1IsSlfljJj4 m S 11 Preferred 11 17- j CI- j > SAME AND LOCATION Book F r i M MlWtWest IWWhile Mercantile Company fcgi a Wcwtf Isaac Isaac K iaiW olf Isaa a balance MORTGAGED IN SCHOOL BIS i TRICTS- i 3RD SStttlSmith Martha H 1H- afTH DISTRICT sward William H JS- i Cp r2i f46 fe RtSSISwensoB MaUMaVIVV sls c3 WljHlgstaaj Maaala DfsTRJCT SfllaDBalentiitci wa- L 1 TH IMSOSUCT SJS- 9wcH 3n w 4iTslte7 Joni i ura DISTRICT cc Ritchie ISBHC DISTRICT I i Jehn- CSHtrfas FM J T J6 3 Co personal Poultry 60 per I property li Lipton Car personal C property Continental Pratt SxtKS6 Co person- al as California Fruit Transfwrtatlon Co personal J- J I C Burton Stock Car Co personal prop i I erty f J MjMathei Hers Stock Car Co personal property i W RaftfgfflOor Car Co per L sonal v 29- sf1 BTPH DISTRICT l 1 M xfleld MiasrCiL eraonal aW II C Ivenmt 11 e ef sw cor lot e it n r w 2 ft s H r wl- 4H4 ft sTH r to b block S pUtt KS7 Trtop Krrtcst A W ftr w n ftot lot M block 1 plat I 66SO- 3WH lIe Ernest A e ft et w ft efi- i 4 merchandise 5 CiTY IK fTBrswn Charles Ketete personal prop- i J erty kli B l jj DISTRICT IKJlftJCnpholdt jttarry H a aUn S 8 s 2 w 344 Itt XupboWt Beda all n of ne jeci s w S44 CITY Itanunion Pacific R R Co ne cor block S2 s r w 1TK r n r 6 f t e 5 r 612 ft n 7 r U ft e U r ft to beg block L pfctt A 14331 Real Eat Jv Co im- provement on part lot 2 btoflkSC plat i 16 6- 3TTH DISTRICT 113 SiPauiseR U personal property In see I t 1 tp 2 s r 1 e 216 1 t 1 t4 ouner Ie Grand IJiZli I balance f I I I l writ 1tAnneIaelt Andrew J3ISTR1CT nton 11j I he4opA Iri cT I I S43SsStakl IlCulialugilam- sLtztIe frmtt astats- 11lwmt dt Ttab rott Co city I property 31 Wmt Sil IMpM C 53rd dis- I uietJ CAIt AI TrASJItTATIONC- OMPaNUtS LS NIOU51 Itthig mit line I 1t1l 1117 I I I I ft3 proPertY lit oft I I I btt I I 44 u awl k 34 I I cons 1 I 11211 Anderson ¬ lowe Centca Preferred Lake Shore I N Mh Preferred 124 Am Tin Plate 49 19 Preferred JMM IS I Am Tobacco MMb- U Preferred 130 7 kits Mln Co 47 iliU R T Mb- w Coin P Iron Manhattan LHn ont Tobacco Ib7 Preferred MeL COat U Federal Steel 4f Mien St L ffi Preferred 7- eferred wt tSen Kiec 16 Pajc 59 jtucoae Sw r 52Jfe MoMto A um r Preferred h M JC T U tnt Paper a Preferred JX Preferred 72 N J Cent 14 Laded Gas a- M T Mi at Btcult Hi Nor A West 42H Preferred am I Preferred xi Vat Lead U 4 Nor PIMB 70 Preferred referred fe Xat Steel BC A SVi Preferred W ire Nay iff N V A B 1 7 Preferred 76 tor American Pennsylvania Pat Coast S8 35 First fd Pleat pM Oh Second pfd 87 pfd 31S Pac Mall M- u Gas 98 Preferred Pr SC Car St 1 S F M Preferred S- 8Fli t V Pull Pal tar 199 Second pfd 471431 R Tw 6 t St U S W 15 19 Preferred 3 116- ul 13S m C Iron UJ U S Leather 13 St P A Omahaia refenvd 75V4 9o Pile 11 TT S Rubber So IK Preferred 9 Preferred K Vast Union 93 Tex A Pee 204 top I A Steel Union fife PiwferreVI P C C St U T Amal Copper Stocks In London New York ttcc 6 CommercialAdver- tiser r London financial cablearam sy The markets here were moderately ac- a present seseion of parliament will ao no new government loan but vote a supplementary estimate tothe the fresh borrowing powers A severs interrupted with which perhaps Accounted for of Tlntofl New York meanwhile bought Anacondas The American department alt day the activity being however mainly on from New York Erie issues led buoyantly but London did little Lie trusting rumor of buying by New York end Pennsylvania It wa reported that the exchequer bonds have been taken mainly by govern- ment departments thus assisting the market GltAIX AKD PROVISIONS Wheat Bases OS Corn Situation Scare Shorts Chicago Deo S January wheat opened H to frc lower at 71 to 71V4 Influ- enced by a decline at Liverpool A bit of buying on yesterdays export sales H roads of wheat and WOOW barreLs of flour rallied the price to 7I 71 during the first hour the ouiae did not Considerable long wheat came out dur tug the forenoon and aithoua i the after noon saw lesS liquidation the liberal re- ceipts and lack of outside support kept on the downward road At 4 which was reached about 1 oclock the market steadied and reacted to 71c shorts taking profltM but the ray of hope thus was weak at the bottom TMlc under yes terdav at 7ftc Corn was stronr all forenoon but eaped off some later sympathy with wheat weakness Shorts were stttl on the Hocking Coal 1 36 1 W Preferred 50 31 St lit I Cent 3414 eat 11 J42 I It 06 9414 43 is 1 Preferred St Preferred 33 Pee a iP3fl 1 1 tirq fl cheerful today It is < meiu levt station exer- cise 1 StorM the steadineas was monet given holders was soon lost and the clone In the > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¼ anxious seat as today receipts 183 ears Included only three of contract i offerings were still small more liberal than they were last week December and closed fcc higher at 37c May clot ed a shade higher at 3fl Oats were Main very dial May dosing He lower at Provisiona advanced early on light receipts a fair outside demand and local Letter a heavy local operator ller and most the vance was lost January closed 2Hc over yesterday lard Zfec higher end tine T up Ibo isadlna futures ranged as follows I High I Low f Close i Open I HJjrti I Low Clove 1237 1230 I 12S 1215 1205 12M- r Nt I i w j Close Hort Mtw P r 1M pounds S5 C3- Dfe KtrS- tlnns were us roll strfng 6 171j No rtd rs4e Country a thru sold between V3Ic tuiid Whastitu I- I Qisia I Rlsb I Low i 2- I Open DC 5 27 3- Jsn t 36 31 35 31ay5I3PSr4 t36 5- MTN 4 I Dec I 1 May 3533W24- I t ilIgk Low t Clean Jan j flI ay t 121214 pounds 5 I Qeris High DeCi7ITih 72oTh 7I2 717 1 a16 610 7 i fllKb Low I tboaa 15 s 42 64l < ¬ > Corn No 2 37 No 2 yellow atsNo S S l No white Barley IPalr to ch 4r maltlntt SSfiST Flax Seed No 1 lfig 18 i No 1 Timothy Seed Prime 448 Mess Pork Par barret 116ft Lard Per M sounds 715e7JO Short Rlbe 66t- SnoHlders salted boxed Sides Shon clear boxed 6756- c llen 127- SugHr CHt kmf tf granulated 5W confectioners A off A S4- I Rec IShi- pPaoific Coaat Grain Jlarkets San Braneteott Dee W4 eat Steady December K May 108 cash fi- Baaley Steady December 75 May WH cash Portland Dec There was very little wheat soiling today buyers refusing to chanced of the mar- k and holding for the prices which were paid a days Quotations are to a large extent nominal 53 and M cents being generally quoted for Walla Tacoma Dec Wheat Quiet and steady Bluestem K club M cents San Francisco Wool Market San Francisco Dec t Nevada Il flS Oregon eastern MtfH valley Oregon i 017 mountain 9 1 San Joaquin plains 3ta HuRtbotdt and Mododne 10 St Louis Wool Market St Louhv Dec L Wool Dull Sod easy Butter and Eggs Chicago Dec On the produce ex change toy the butter market was quiet Creameries tte4K dairies l J8e Choose AcUve Egg Acttve f Chicago Livestock Chicago Dec ft Cattle Receipts 95W Strong to 10 cents higher Butchers Strong to a shade higher Good to prime steers JL6006S poor to medium 410 14 selected feeders strong 37S94fi mixed stockers stead ZZ54fJ75 L ae43K heifers l7 canners 2 2 bulls i 5 B calves i5 Si- Tebcas fed steers 40IMJ9 graaa steers bulls HogfMReceipts today 2900D tomorrow left over 2000 Active Average S cent higher Top 5W Mixed and butchers 47IWVW good to choice 4W9BAO roach heavy 4JM4J5 light 47DflUO bulk o sales 1200 Shoal and lambs sty to strong Choice Christ- mas reached 478 Good to choice wethers LOJCW O fair to choice mixed X7S4F4W western sheep 400 440 Texas sheep native lambs 000S 0 western lambs 47MH50 Kansas City Livestock Kansas City Dec 8 Cattle Receipts 7000 Steady to strong Native steereC- O Texas steers cows 210 native cows and heifers lTatiMK stockers and feeders 2SO4J6 bulls 2J- 5JJS calves 4ao JO- HORB Receipta UOOO cents high er Bulk of sales 4JmM4M Heavy 490- O4SS packers 4J mixed yorkers 450 uT pins 445 1JO Sheep Receipta 2000 Strong Lambs muttons 20001X90 72 279 z7 z Yh4yQa thebasiu of wines per ClovecContract grade ieooiss- Finer herrele 35ffl 3345- 8Thet bUShElS Corn bushels Oats5 husbele- it bushels IZ000I 1 Barley bushels 5000 7000 mEet the WIla Iamb 5812 071 iIk 21- cows a0415 2it heavy 4S504 SheepSersipta 5840 450 ¬ > > ¬ < ¬ Omaha Livestock Omaha Dec Receipts XOOO Steady active Native beef steers 4IS49- 56C western tears 400R460 Texas steers JOOI1J75 and heifers JLO- O4JS canners stockers and feed era 2000M4 calves 4 X iOO bulls SbeeoRecelptc 1080 Slow weak Fed MUona westerns 37SW sheep 3434985 lamb- aDeavcr Livestock Denver Dec t CattleRecelpU m Active Beef cows rWOKTS feeders freight paid to river LOOM stockers paid to baRK sUgB etc 200IMM- HOK ccdPta m Light 4WJK nxe sad heavy No sheep Coffee and Sugar New York Dae Coffee Futures closed oniet with Pfces 6 points net tow Total December l May 4- 0IK October pot 0ffe Rift su y steady No 7 Invoice Su r Oulet Pair refining 3 111C 4 K moiasaes edgar ll4 refined steady Condition of the treasury Washington Dee Todays statement of the treasury balances In the general fund exclusive of the WSOOOOflOrt gold re- rrvtt in the division of redemption shows Available cat 6 gold 95 9SJ37 cows ate etc 23358- 40y5 ipti 5010 cents higher Heavy 4 33 mixed 45358433 pigs 45858433 bulk of Ies c d stock Sad dvor Z33 packers 450 or sales begs 502 iJuus7 114 L CordoeS 5 teat 2 I > = A SUDDEN DEATH I Carl Geiger Expires at Depot of Heart Disease Carl Geiger expired suddenly yester day morning in the olllce of Thomas Orchard mall transfer clerk at Union depot Mr Geiger was employed as transfer sment to take the mail pouches to and from the postofflce end depot He drove to the depot as usual yesterday morning1 and was awaiting the arrival of the mall from the south The train from the south was de layed out near the bridge by two ditched freight cars blocking the track Registry Clerk Hodge who accom- panied Geiger went down to carry up the iqail bags Geiger then went into the transfer clerks office and sat down He was shortly seized with a choking spell and died in about five minutes in spite of efforts of Mr Orchard and Mr Hodge to revive him Dr Conroy was called but could do nothing The cause of death was stated by the doc- tor ag heart failure SUES POE 10025 Switchman Bott Wants That Sum rrom B G W J B Bott yesterday flied suit against the Rio Grande Western for SietSS damages which he claims wore sustained by him May 21 last In the yards at Ogden He claims that the switch engine on which he was work ing aa a switchman was defective in its machinery and for that reason the engineer lost control so that it started abruptly and caught Bott unawfims breaking his legs and otherwise him King Burton King are th attorneys Left His HappyHome Mr and Mrs J S Glllen recently from Salt Lake had their trouble aired In a police court yesterday Mrs Gll len charged her husband with being a vagrant with no means of support ex cept herself She emphasised the for mal charge by testimony charging him with ill treatment of herself aoecific cases being several thrashings adminis tered to her by him Glllen had little to say in refutation and Justice Hall sentenced hint to twentyfive days on the rock pile with the privilege of leaving town and he left The I had been married only eight months OGDENNEWS0 Ogden amos 524 ttalt Loan nn- 1ruzt Building Teienone 14 Ogden Dee 7- the per- sonal ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Court notions Judge Rolaop heard motions yester- day and made orders as follows 51 E Crawford vs J K Spires de murrer overruled and ten days given to answer Crowl Brandgee vs J Horrock demurrer to amended complaint eve ruled and fifteen days given to an swer ¬ T H SnIder was gLven till Satur day to plead to information charging forgeryi The report of administrator in the es- tate of Elizabeth Trloe decease was received and approved and administra- tor was released The order for deere in the case of Gardnervs Gardner was set aside on motion of plaintiff anrta rehearing was had The proceeding was for the pur pose of saving a technical point and after the decree was again granted to Mrs Gardner Ogden Briefs E AW Exum was In Ogden veeterej day L Kolitz was upyesterday from Salt Las Hon L W Shurtllff left yesterday for Boise W N Dusenberry was MD from Provo yesterday J T Under of Fremont O was la Ogden yesterday The second ward amusement com- mittee gives a dance tonight at the hall Ernest Magnny has purchased the interest of his partner Harry EHIa in the Grill Daniel C Stewart and Miss Kthel- Waymejit both of Warren were yes terday granted a license to wed Samuel Banford and Mrs Margaret Warner were yesterday married by Judge Rolapp in his office at the court- house There was almost a crush at the Grand box office yesterday when the sale oooned for Secret Service A man giving the name of C A Tralger was arrested on Twentyfifth street yesterday on suspicion of bay ing stolen property The man had on four pairs of trousers and a tot of Jew- elry secreted about his clothing He came from Nevada and the officers there have been apprised BROKER IN COURT C W Morgan Is Arraigned ilakes Assignment New York Dec 6 Charles W Mor- gan who did business in this dry and Philadelphia under the name ot C W Morgan Co stock brokers and who was arrested yesterday made an as- signment today for the benefit of his creditors No statement pf the assets and lia- bilities has been made Morgan and his bookkeeper Hart were arraigned in police court today charged with grand larceny and con spiracy Claude Turner who Is charg- ed with having been an associate of MacKenzie and also with having charge of a branch office in Chicago was found last night and taken to po lice court with Hart and Morgan Turner and Morgan were held In 56MO ball each and Hart in S6M Mor- gan and hurt were released on the same ball that furnished test night to- night t was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Manager Steals 325000 New York Dec 6 Further examina- tion of the books of Frank Dubois insurance brokers induced firm to day to reduce its estimate of the amount alleged to have been stolen by its general manager William X Gates to about 35800 Emil Frank the senior member of the firm paid the alleged shortage for year amount to about 4fM and that Irreg- ularities had apparently gone on for the past seven years Thursday Friday and J C M I Cloak DepjLjneaHra olt See Hehcsy ths Furrier for furs Knutsford The Population of Salt Lake City is about CSOWi and we would say at least onehalf are troubled with some affection of the Throat and Lungs as those complaints are ac cording to statistics more numerous than others We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemps Balsam for the Theoat and Lungs Price 25 s anfi f9c TrW free For sale by GodbePitts Drug company Salt Lake City Utah BOYAL sEED RffiSl as Good Thursday Friday and Saturday 7 C M Suits onethird the last size None 501t1itiia Better IiAD s I5 Ladies ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ WANAMAKER SUIT CLOSING Another Step Taken In the Slander vCase- Plttaburg Pa Dec 6 A nonsuit was granted by Judge Wilson of Beaver county today In the ease of Thomas Robinson exstate printer against John Wanamaker The suit was for 25000 damages for slander j During the campaign of 1S98 Mr Wanamaker is alleged to have made charges that Robinson conspired with others to defraud the state In the motion for a nonsuit the defense claimed that the general declaration ascribed to the defendant had not been proved and that the innuendoes had been left unsupported by any testi mony The plaintiff contended that the defense must produce proof that the statements made by Mr Wana maker were privileged This afternoon the plaintiff made a the record rind the court entertained it for argument It will probably be arm xl sometime next month and the case then taken to the supreme court Non Union Man Sentenced Atchison Kan Dee 6 Douglass Rancor a nonunion workman who June last killed Cal T Oathout and James Burtchet union workmen the result of a labor quarrel was today found guilty of murder in the first de gree His be life im- prisonment capital punishment not prevailing in Kansas Drunkards Easily Cured Miss Edith Williams Wants EYery Lady Reader of this Paper to Know Sow She Saved Her Father Used an Odorless and Tasteless Rem edy in His Food Quickly Oar ing Him Without Kin I Knowledge Trial Package of the Remedy Hailed Free to Show How Easy it is to Cure Drunkards Nothing could be move dramatic or de- voted than the manner in which Miss Edith Williams Box 36 Waynesville O cured her drunken father alter years of misery wretchedness and almost unbear able suffer motion that the nonsuit be taken o punIshment will S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MISS EDITH WILLIAMS iYe father Is a reformed man she said and our friends think it a ralr- Uteie that I cured him without Ms knowl- edge or consent I had read how Mrs Rate Lynch of D Ellis St San Francis- co Cal h4 cured her husband by us a remedy secretly in his coffee and fcod and I wrote to Dr Haines for a trial When it came I some n fathers coffee and food and watched him closely but he couldnt tell the difference ae I kept it up One morning father got up and said he was hungry This was a good sign ct away and when he came home at noon perfectly sober I was almost frantic ter dinner he sat down in the big easy lr and said Edith I dont know what over me but I hate the sight and smell of liquor and am going to drnkTur forever This was too much for me and I told him then what I had done Well we both had a Rood cry and now we have the happiest home and the kindest father can I am so glad you will publish this experience fr will reach others and let them knew about that wonderful Golden Specific Dr Haines the discoverer will send a sample of this grand remedy free to all who write for it Enough of the remedy is mailed free to show it Is used in tea coffee or food and that it will cure the dreaded habit culetiy and permanently Send your name and ad dress to J W Haines SMS Glenn Building Cincinnati O and he will mall of the remedy to you se directions how to use it books i monials from hundreds who have cured and everything needed to aid you m savin those near dear to you from a life of degradation and ultimate pov- erty and disgrace a trial today It will brighten the rest of your life PROBATE AND GUARD IANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information ax he rarely ate much breakfast wtth joy as hadnt seen him sober for pa If a day before in over fourteen years heat come t a free curely sealed in a plaIn wrapper also full tend been ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT IRO bate division in and for Salt Lake coun- ty state of Utah In the matter of the estate of Thomas C deceased Notice The petition of A W Armstrong j the Issuance to Mm of letters of administration in the estate of Thonvis on Saturday the thai day of December A 1MB at 1 oclock a m at the county court house in the court room of said court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county Utah Witness the clerk of said court 8th day of December DAVID DU1CBAR Clerk By ALBERT J SHARE Deputy Clerk j Office of Providence Gold Mining Company NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN TH VT the annual stockholders meeting of Providence Gold Mining company will be held Friday Jan 4 at W 2nd South Salt Lake City F W BRAZIER Secretary C Armstrong has been set for heSring Seal with the seal thereof affixed hts A jI the 58 street I ¬ Notice of Administratrixs Sale of I Real Estate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of Albert C Dewey deceased un dersJraed will sell at private sale the following described property situate In Salt Lake City and county state of Commencing fiftyseven 57 feet east of the southwest corner of lot four 4 Mock W A Salt Lake City survey and running east one hundred and eight UOS north one hundred seven 1W feet and Sour 4 Inches thence west hundred and nine 109 feet antI eight inches thvnco south fifty 60 feet and 7 Inches thence east one 1 foot and eight ts Inches thence south S feet and nine Inches to of beginning Together with the following of situate In said city and county and described as follows towit two hundred and twelve and twothirds feet south of northwest corner of lot four 4 block 64 A Salt Lake City survey thence south ten 10 feet thence east tin M rods thence north ten OO feet thence west ten 1 rods to place of the same granted to Joseph Metras Said sale on or after day the huh day of December 1KB and written bids will be received at the office of Rawlins Thurman Hunt wood at room 3 Hooper building salt Lake City Utah Terms of sie cash Administratrix of the Estate of Albert C Dewey December a la Rawlins Tburman Hurd eJs weed Attorneys Utah towit benee thence one 5 seven 3 rtrnel 21 tCe beginning to acrij Tries Wedge 10 per on the day of sale and balazce upon confirmation of sale the district L DEWEY Dated 2 < > = > A Woman With a Clear Complssieti j and a bright eye keeps Tier bowel ac tive and her stomach in good easier Lanes Tea is a pleasant a great digestive aid It clears upClne iomplexion drives the yelkw the eye and keeps the kidneys in a ful condition Get a 2ac packajre0td j try It tonight For sale by Drug company Salt Lake City Utiefc Notice of Sale of City Refunding Bonds NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT Salt Lake proposes to issue and sell five hundred rctun ing dated Jan- uary 1 1S3 of the denomination of one thousand dollars each bearing interest at the rate of three and onehalf cent payable semtannTMfty principal payable twenty years after date without op- tinn or prepayment All bids must be seal- ed and elvelope marked on outside Bid on fcach bid shall carry with K as a guarantee of good a on a local band for five per cent ot the amount of said bid No Qualified bids will be The city reeei the right to ref any or all bids Bids be filed with the city record- er not later than oclock m or Wed nesday the Mth day of December SALT LAKE CORPORATION By order of city council JL O Recorner A Resolution P of Five I lets in Bonds for the Thoneand Dot Pursuant to Reso- lution Passed Ootrtlr 1M FUnd in the Revised Ordinances of Salt Late of J862 Whereas Pursuant to a revolution passed by the city coutfcll of Salt Lake City Oct 7 189ft Salt Lake OJty MMMd and sold and has now hundred bonds of the denomination one thousand dollars sash bearing htlerest at live per cent per annum dated January 1st IBM payable twenty years after with the option of paying the same upon the expiration of ten years after date and Whereas It Is possible now to refund said bonds at a tower rate of interest and thereby effect a large saving to Bait Lake City corporation now therefore be it Resolved By the city council of Salt Lake City Section 1 That for the of ob- taining money to refund and liquidate said issue bonds of January tat MR that Salt Lake dty corporation issue a series of five hundred coupon of the denomination of one dollars each the principal payable at the office of the city treasurer Lake City twenty years after date thereof aaid bonds to bear date of January 1 1SW with interest thereon from said date at the rate of 3 per cent per annum in terest payable thereafter on the first days of July and January of each year in the city of New York at the banking house of Wells Fargo A Co or Its successors or at the office of the city treasurer in Salt Lake City on presentation sad surrender of the said coupons as they become due both grin cipai and interest in law ml money of the United States and said bonds shall be exempt from taxation by said city Sec 2 Said bonds shall be signed by tn mayor and city recorder and before is- suance of the same the corporate seal of Salt Lake CIty shall be attached to each Sec 3 Said bonds be known as Salt Lake City refunding bonds and shall be numbered from 601 to 1000 both inclusive antI shall be registered in numerical order in a book kept fur that purpose bv the auditor of said city and shall be sold only upon the order of the city couaclif in suck lots on such terms front GOdbeta HEREBY must I 3330 its Re- funding IssUed 7th five I dwell I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JTCi In such manner as IK dull designate aid mli be of n torm aiad Unor to be ap prvica by the city and to oach of sai honda thrrr Fhal bo attached forty ta rrst roniHins t be numbered from l to both Inoijifive with tin vroper d t s of payment named therein and tech Shall Ittur the lithographic slgnHUir f the mayor and city rocntl r Sec 4 All moneys derived from thi sale of the bonds Issued to resolution shall be applied solely to the a rpoe of paying and runllns firo hundrcil thousnrd dolut t bonds isut i pursuant to the atort Bid Tvsolu- tfcn of October Tth 1 S- OSfC j There hAl b set aiuei tot of the revenue of said city semiannOtly a sum sufficient to pay huorr lien said bonds and for the payment of the principal anti interest of salt issue pf faith and credit of Salt City is hereby pledged by the city council of Salt Jako City Itafa November 27 JWO an J re ferred to the mayor for his approval R C NAYLOR tnty By J O XYSTROM Deputy Approved this r th D 100 EZRA THOMPSON Mayor State of Utah City and County of Lake I J O Nystrom city recorder of Salt Zke City Utah do hereby certify that pe above and foregoing is a full true for tire Refund of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars in Issued Pursuant to Resolution Passed October 7th 1890 Found In the Ordinances of Salt Lake City of OK passed by the city council of Salt Lake City Utah November K 1906 and proved by the mayor November 2- JO as appears of record in my office In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the Seal corporate seal of said city 5th day of December 1 0- J O NT8TROM City Recorder Assessment Kotioe S MIXING COMPANY A corporation of Utah PrinclDal place of dnoss Salt Lake City Utah Notice is given that at a meeting of he- rd of directors held on December 5 an assessment of ope cent Icj per are was levied upon the capital stork of the corporation payable to B K- Caffry treasurer t No ZM SoOth Main Street Salt Lake City Itah on or be January 5 19W Any stock upon WhIch this assessment may remain unpaid an January S 1901 will be delinquent and advertised for sale At public auction and unless ayment Is made before will be sold on February 5 1901 to pay the de Ur juent assessment together with eost of advertising and expense of sale B F CAFFBY Secretary Ko 236 South Mate Street Salt Lake City Utah Our fee returned if we fail q0e sendin receive our opinion free concerning patentability of same How to Obtain a sent Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our Patents taken out through us receive notice without ia THE FATEMT RBCOR- Dtn illustrated and circulated Jouras consulted by Manufacturers and investors Send sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J EVANS It CC Potent Attorneys Bwos BuldI C UASRIfSCTON D otto 4 i this sail the Lake 4 ead coiveet of a resolutIon entitled Resolution Providing r Sends trvlaed this LOUISE hereby 14W lore Any sketch and of invkntion wi the I > > < ¬ < = Klectridty is now acknowledged by thr brightest men in the world to be superinr to all other treatments In restoring vitali- ty Vitality ia health or the basis of health and you must have it to remain free from disease Lack of vitality causes nen susun dyspepsia indigestion rheusaatfe pains kidney troubles want of Those who have such symptoms can hernias healthy tar renew the electrical force in the Dr Sandcns Electric Appliances Restore Lost Strength T wn send free to any siddresa request my beautifully illustrated 80- M e book THR B CLASSES OF MEN It is worth tM to weak ft tells all about my DR SAKDEX ELECTRIC BELTS wid how they are used to cure such cases as rheumatism lumbago sciatica lame heck kidney liver and stomach disorders ness or any of those p- n Write today or call at my office an consult free of charge N SAM EMC 0 167 South Fourth St Portland Oregon Vital58 Strength lumbago ra energy 0 any aledese eeeee te ¬ L ft Or Andrew E Pwd Treatment I n- CMneee er Amen OMI meatdnfrS- Hh e i nvathmi dropsy and all diseases cupid Satisfaction anteed Wfciito or caN Ne S Best Third South St 1 to S dally gMt Hears Great Casj Sale is flow on AT- z c M0 L CLOAK BEPRTME- NTS till Saturday Night We give the Best arid Most Seasonable Ladies t Ooods at a Sweeping Reduction of c- g3F SMLR BARGAINS ARE OFFERED hi Our MillineryDepartment I c- ZD CD M L T 6 WEBBER Stipt + SHOE SALE I SEOE SALE SHOE SALE SHOE SALE SHOE SALE SHOE SALE SKOB SALE I SEOE SALE SKOB SALE SHOE SALE SHOE SALE SEOB SALE SHOE SALE SHOE SALE SEOE SALE SKOE SALE ShOE SALE I SHOE SALE L- bihi RemovIShoe SuIe a THE pJ NewnNott 2 I Will Move to New Quarters January 1st and Will I CLOSE ouT mm ENTIRE SHOE STOCK OFL- ocJltc I- S 20000 WORTH RT ONCEIV 4- rt No Reserve All Goes i aJe No w On A t 7 Main St- I Fmo2VV COME ONE COME ALL sao SALE ISKOE SALE SHOE SAlE SHOE SALE I SflOE SALE I SHOE SALE SHOB SALE SHOE SAlE SHOE SALE SHOE SAlE SHOE SALE 5K03 SALE SHOE SALE I SHOE SALE I SHOE SALE I SHOZ SALE II SHOE SALB I SHOJI SALE

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Post on 27-May-2020




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ht Mrs

SlVpn n Kowara-sn Annie E-

monl Kdlth VVVI JrL-

Simn FredSmith ixna C rCh MlT B M

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Tifv K ana K A 1

TrimmT Samuel UI-TurlKiw Sarah A U-

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ih i a vestment Coh Wi-

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Vrt T FrankValkT I ther-Vitlkor Mrs Elisabethvmer Mrs MaDly

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itacressful EfFort Is Made toStart Rise




rk Dec A determined effortnifrst In the stock market to starta of speculation for a rlae In

dealings there was a fair degree-s attending the effort under the

ot strlkina cam in a fewStrength in a few

hriiiKhuut the day but it was oftp the later pert of the sessionstriking Iocse In some ot theswial les A large pert of thehack to about mat nl hfs

vfip l in an uncertain way untilng which was generally racy Thethis market late wee-

k a eue by the London marketPring Foreicn markets navea crowing disposition of bitevaii streets teed and the rally

i whs pronounced bv some ob-is du to manipulation with theif Invitlnx buying of Americansn t iay If this wee theivssful for London boughtre at the helping on

here was a considerable snort Inresult of the weakness of the

arlier in the week which provedto rather imposing show of

h this morning and the coveringnt helped on the rte Even-

t thjs stocks which were afterne weakest there were some con

rains during the earlyh v th Sugar and Tennessee Coal

u txiut a nomt Quite a numstocks achieved gains

iv int but a careful scrutinymarket shuwed that the movement

w liMtin one of anecfaUThe lowpriced nondividend-

wTe the favorites especially theih Vabash issues both

Nothing authoritative couldei t explain this movement

rnior attributed both to buvhwlet ii eontrol and to Joint pleas

idtton and through traffic arins f the two lines The rise ex

V r points in Erie fIt prein the second referred

ixed at about the bsina-uie nly Mocks in the list

these stocks there weref tnirty sto ks selling under 4-

alvanred a half toin the dividend rate for tfce-

ir Denver A Rio Grande areni L to JH per cent caused a

i in that stock of 1 and inrri rvks of iv This calined a

ironing in the market butnot hold in face of the re-

vki s in the specialties Therer ebange in money



nrket was active and coastsK many low grade junior and

bonds advancta-rrsi sales par value KtSS-MU new 4s declined H


N v




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NT W-re Nay Is 111r Xav Its M-

a L Cs 12

8 L con femeadins 4s M

con 174-P O P l llPac 4s-Ry Ss-

R Tw fe WPee iaui-x Pac 3

lon Pac 4alabash Is 1-

T nva CentX Y Cent in

Stock Quotatiaw

1 Wjs A roc on-

Ass Sptrits

PreferredI St ft W

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or Pac Is-S 1-



geeI I 11

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a tabsb s 111Vet Shore

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14i58Opd-a I t Prtfied 103

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I1IsSlfljJj4 mS

11 Preferred1117-





Book F r i MMlWtWestIWWhile Mercantile Company fcgia Wcwtf Isaac

Isaac KiaiW olf Isaa a



SStttlSmith MarthaH 1H-

afTH DISTRICTsward William H JS-

i Cpr2i f46fe

RtSSISwensoB MaUMaVIVV slsc3WljHlgstaaj Maaala

DfsTRJCTSfllaDBalentiitci wa-


9wcH3n w

4iTslte7 Jonii ura DISTRICT cc


Jehn-CSHtrfas FM

J T J6

3 Co personal

Poultry 60 perI property liLipton Car personalC propertyContinental Pratt SxtKS6 Co person-

al asCalifornia Fruit Transfwrtatlon Co

personal J-

J I CBurton Stock Car Co personal prop

i I erty f JMjMathei Hers Stock Car Co personal

property i W

RaftfgfflOor Car Co perL sonal v 29-


M xfleld MiasrCiL eraonal aWII C Ivenmt 11 e ef sw cor

lot e it n r w 2 ft s H r wl-4H4 ft sTH r to b block S pUtt KS7

Trtop Krrtcst A W ftr wn ftot lot M block 1 plat I 66SO-

3WHlIe Ernest A e ft et w ft efi-

i 4 merchandise 5CiTY

IK fTBrswn Charles Ketete personal prop-i J erty kli B ljj DISTRICT

IKJlftJCnpholdt jttarry H a aUnS 8 s 2 w 344

Itt XupboWt Beda all n of ne jecis w S44

CITYItanunion Pacific R R Co ne cor

block S2 s r w 1TK r n r 6 ft e5 r 612 ft n 7 r U ft e U r ft tobeg block L pfctt A 14331

Real Eat Jv Co im-provement on part lot 2 btoflkSCplat i 16 6-

3TTH DISTRICT113 SiPauiseR U personal property In see

I t 1 tp 2 s r 1 e 216




t4 ouner Ie GrandIJiZli I balance f





1tAnneIaelt AndrewJ3ISTR1CT



he4opA Iri cTI I


IlCulialugilam-sLtztIe frmtt astats-

11lwmt dt Ttab rott Co cityI property

31 Wmt Sil IMpM C 53rd dis-I uietJ


LS NIOU51 Itthigmit line







lit oftI


bttI I

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k 34I I



11211 Anderson ¬

lowe CentcaPreferred

Lake ShoreI N Mh

Preferred124 Am Tin Plate 49

19 Preferred JMMIS I Am Tobacco MMb-U Preferred 130

7 kits Mln Co 47

iliU R T Mb-w Coin P Iron

Manhattan LHn ont TobaccoIb7 Preferred

MeL COat U Federal Steel 4fMien St L ffi Preferred 7-

eferred wt tSen Kiec 16Pajc 59 jtucoae Sw r 52Jfe

MoMto A um r Preferred hM JC T U tnt Paper a

Preferred JX Preferred 72N J Cent 14 Laded Gas a-M T Mi at Btcult HiNor A West 42H Preferred am I

Preferred xi Vat Lead U 4Nor PIMB 70 Preferred

referred fe Xat SteelBC A SVi Preferred W

ire Nay iff N V A B 1 7

Preferred 76 tor AmericanPennsylvania Pat Coast S8

35 First fdPleat pM Oh Second pfd 87

pfd 31S Pac Mall M-

u Gas 98Preferred Pr SC Car

St 1 S F M Preferred S-8Fli t V Pull Pal tar 199Second pfd 471431 R Tw 6 t

St U S W 15 19Preferred 3 116-

ul 13S m C IronUJ U S Leather 13

St P A Omahaia refenvd 75V4

9o Pile 11 TT S RubberSo IK Preferred 9Preferred K Vast Union 93Tex A Pee 204 top I A SteelUnion fife

PiwferreVI P C C St U T

Amal Copper

Stocks In LondonNew York ttcc 6 CommercialAdver-

tiser r London financial cablearam syThe markets here were moderately ac-

a present seseion of parliament will aono new government loan butvote a supplementary estimatetothe thefresh borrowing powers A seversinterrupted

with which perhaps Accounted forof Tlntofl New York

meanwhile bought AnacondasThe American department alt

day the activity being however mainlyon from New York Erie issuesled buoyantly but London did little Lietrusting rumor of buying by NewYork end Pennsylvania

It wa reported that the exchequerbonds have been taken mainly by govern-ment departments thus assisting the



Wheat Bases OS Corn SituationScare Shorts

Chicago Deo S January wheat openedH to frc lower at 71 to 71V4 Influ-

enced by a decline at Liverpool A bit ofbuying on yesterdays export sales Hroads of wheat and WOOW barreLs of flourrallied the price to 7I 71 during thefirst hour the ouiae did notConsiderable long wheat came out durtug the forenoon and aithoua i the afternoon saw lesS liquidation the liberal re-ceipts and lack of outside support kept

on the downward road At 4

which was reached about 1 oclock themarket steadied and reacted to 71c shortstaking profltM but the ray of hope thuswas weak at the bottom TMlc under yesterdav at 7ftc

Corn was stronr all forenoon but eapedoff some later sympathy withwheat weakness Shorts were stttl on the

Hocking Coal 1 36

1 WPreferred








It 069414 43is

1 PreferredSt


Pee a iP3fl1 1

tirq fl cheerful today It is<

meiulevt station exer-cise 1


the steadineaswas


given holders was soon lost and the clone

In the








anxious seat as today receipts 183 earsIncluded only three of contract i

offerings were still smallmore liberal than they were last

week Decemberand closed fcc higher at 37c May cloted a shade higher at 3fl

Oats were Main very dial May dosingHe lower at

Provisiona advanced early on lightreceipts a fair outside demand and local

Letter a heavy local operatorller and most the

vance was lost January closed 2Hcover yesterday lard Zfec higher end tineT up

Ibo isadlna futures ranged as follows

I High I Low f Close

i Open I HJjrti I Low Clove

1237 1230 I 12S1215 1205 12M-

r NtI i w j Close

Hort Mtw P r 1M pounds

S5 C3-

Dfe KtrS-

tlnns were us roll

strfng 6 171j No rtd

rs4eCountry athru

sold between V3Ic


Whastitu I-

I Qisia I Rlsb I Low


I OpenDC 5 27 3-

Jsn t 36 31 3531ay5I3PSr4 t36 5-


Dec I 1

May 3533W24-

I t ilIgk Low t CleanJan j flIay t 121214


5I Qeris High

DeCi7ITih 72oTh 7I2 7171 a16 610


i fllKb Low I tboaa15 s

42 64l




Corn No 2 37 No 2 yellow

atsNo S S l No whiteBarley IPalr to ch 4r maltlntt SSfiSTFlax Seed No 1 lfig 18 i No 1

Timothy Seed Prime 448Mess Pork Par barret 116ftLard Per M sounds 715e7JOShort Rlbe 66t-SnoHlders salted boxedSides Shon clear boxed 6756-

c llen 127-SugHr CHt kmf tf granulated 5W

confectioners A off A S4-

I Rec IShi-

pPaoific Coaat Grain JlarketsSan Braneteott Dee W4 eat Steady

December K May 108 cash fi-Baaley Steady December 75 May

WH cashPortland Dec There was very little

wheat soiling today buyers refusing tochanced of the mar-

k and holding for the prices whichwere paid a days Quotationsare to a large extent nominal 53 and Mcents being generally quoted for Walla

Tacoma Dec Wheat Quiet andsteady Bluestem K club M cents

San Francisco Wool MarketSan Francisco Dec t Nevada Il flS

Oregon eastern MtfH valley Oregon i017 mountain 9 1 San Joaquinplains 3ta HuRtbotdt and Mododne 10

St Louis Wool MarketSt Louhv Dec L Wool Dull Sod easy

Butter and EggsChicago Dec On the produce ex

change toy the butter market wasquiet Creameries tte4K dairies l J8e

Choose AcUveEgg Acttve f

Chicago LivestockChicago Dec ft Cattle Receipts 95W

Strong to 10 cents higher ButchersStrong to a shade higher Good to primesteers JL6006S poor to medium 41014 selected feeders strong 37S94fimixed stockers stead ZZ54fJ75L ae43K heifers l7 canners 22 bulls i 5 B calves i5 Si-Tebcas fed steers 40IMJ9 graaa steers

bullsHogfMReceipts today 2900D tomorrow

left over 2000 ActiveAverage S cent higher Top 5W Mixedand butchers 47IWVW good to choice

4W9BAO roach heavy 4JM4J5light 47DflUO bulk o sales

1200 Shoal andlambs sty to strong Choice Christ-mas reached 478 Good to choicewethers LOJCW O fair to choice mixedX7S4F4W western sheep 400 440 Texassheep native lambs 000S 0western lambs 47MH50

Kansas City LivestockKansas City Dec 8 Cattle Receipts

7000 Steady to strong Native steereC-O Texas steers cows 210native cows and heifers lTatiMK

stockers and feeders 2SO4J6 bulls 2J-5JJS calves 4ao JO-

HORB Receipta UOOO cents higher Bulk of sales 4JmM4M Heavy 490-O4SS packers 4J mixed

yorkers 450 uTpins 445 1JO

Sheep Receipta 2000 Strong Lambsmuttons 20001X90



Yh4yQa thebasiu of wines per

ClovecContract grade ieooiss-

Finer herrele 35ffl 3345-8Thet bUShElS

Corn bushelsOats5 husbele-it bushels IZ000I 1Barley bushels 5000 7000

mEet the




071iIk 21-


a0415 2itheavy










Omaha LivestockOmaha Dec Receipts XOOO

Steady active Native beef steers 4IS49-56C western tears 400R460 Texassteers JOOI1J75 and heifers JLO-O4JS canners stockers and feedera 2000M4 calves 4 X iOO bulls

SbeeoRecelptc 1080 Slow weak FedMUona westerns 37SW

sheep 3434985 lamb-

aDeavcr LivestockDenver Dec t CattleRecelpU m

Active Beefcows rWOKTS feeders freight paid toriver LOOM stockers paid to

baRK sUgB etc 200IMM-HOK ccdPta m Light

4WJK nxe sad heavy

No sheep

Coffee and SugarNew York Dae Coffee Futures

closed oniet with Pfces 6 points net towTotal December

l May 4-0IK October

pot 0ffe Rift su y steady No7 Invoice

Su r Oulet Pair refining 3 111C4 K moiasaes edgar

ll4 refined steady

Condition of the treasuryWashington Dee Todays statement

of the treasury balances In the generalfund exclusive of the WSOOOOflOrt gold re-

rrvtt in the division of redemptionshows Available cat6 gold 95 9SJ37


ate etc 23358-40y5 ipti 5010 cents higherHeavy 4 33 mixed 45358433

pigs 45858433 bulk of Ies

c d stock


dvor Z33packers 450

or sales begs502 iJuus7 114


5 teat2




Carl Geiger Expires at Depot ofHeart Disease

Carl Geiger expired suddenly yesterday morning in the olllce of ThomasOrchard mall transfer clerk atUnion depot Mr Geiger was employedas transfer sment to take the mailpouches to and from the postofflce enddepot He drove to the depot as usualyesterday morning1 and was awaitingthe arrival of the mall from the south

The train from the south was delayed out near the bridge by twoditched freight cars blocking the trackRegistry Clerk Hodge who accom-panied Geiger went down to carry upthe iqail bags Geiger then went intothe transfer clerks office and sat downHe was shortly seized with a chokingspell and died in about five minutesin spite of efforts of Mr Orchard andMr Hodge to revive him Dr Conroywas called but could do nothing Thecause of death was stated by the doc-tor ag heart failure

SUES POE 10025Switchman Bott Wants That Sum

rrom B G WJ B Bott yesterday flied suit against

the Rio Grande Western for SietSSdamages which he claims wore

sustained by him May 21 last In theyards at Ogden He claims that theswitch engine on which he was working aa a switchman was defective inits machinery and for that reason theengineer lost control so that it startedabruptly and caught Bott unawfimsbreaking his legs and otherwise

him King Burton King are thattorneys

Left His HappyHomeMr and Mrs J S Glllen recently

from Salt Lake had their trouble airedIn a police court yesterday Mrs Glllen charged her husband with being avagrant with no means of support except herself She emphasised the formal charge by testimony charging himwith ill treatment of herself aoecificcases being several thrashings administered to her by him Glllen had littleto say in refutation and Justice Hallsentenced hint to twentyfive days onthe rock pile with the privilege ofleaving town and he left The

I had been married only eight months

OGDENNEWS0Ogden amos 524 ttalt Loan nn-

1ruzt Building Teienone 14

Ogden Dee 7-












Court notionsJudge Rolaop heard motions yester-

day and made orders as follows51 E Crawford vs J K Spires de

murrer overruled and ten days givento answer

Crowl Brandgee vs J Horrockdemurrer to amended complaint everuled and fifteen days given to answer


T H SnIder was gLven till Saturday to plead to information chargingforgeryi

The report of administrator in the es-tate of Elizabeth Trloe decease wasreceived and approved and administra-tor was released

The order for deere in the case ofGardnervs Gardner was set aside onmotion of plaintiff anrta rehearing washad The proceeding was for the purpose of saving a technical point andafter the decree was againgranted to Mrs Gardner

Ogden BriefsE AW Exum was In Ogden veeterej

dayL Kolitz was upyesterday from Salt

LasHon L W Shurtllff left yesterday

for BoiseW N Dusenberry was MD from

Provo yesterdayJ T Under of Fremont O was la

Ogden yesterdayThe second ward amusement com-

mittee gives a dance tonight at thehall

Ernest Magnny has purchased theinterest of his partner Harry EHIa inthe Grill

Daniel C Stewart and Miss Kthel-Waymejit both of Warren were yesterday granted a license to wed

Samuel Banford and Mrs MargaretWarner were yesterday married byJudge Rolapp in his office at the court-house

There was almost a crush at theGrand box office yesterday when thesale oooned for Secret Service

A man giving the name of C ATralger was arrested on Twentyfifthstreet yesterday on suspicion of baying stolen property The man had onfour pairs of trousers and a tot of Jew-elry secreted about his clothing Hecame from Nevada and the officersthere have been apprised


C W Morgan Is Arraigned ilakesAssignment

New York Dec 6 Charles W Mor-gan who did business in this dry andPhiladelphia under the name ot C WMorgan Co stock brokers and whowas arrested yesterday made an as-signment today for the benefit of hiscreditors

No statement pf the assets and lia-bilities has been made

Morgan and his bookkeeper Hartwere arraigned in police court todaycharged with grand larceny and conspiracy Claude Turner who Is charg-ed with having been an associate ofMacKenzie and also with havingcharge of a branch office in Chicagowas found last night and taken to police court with Hart and Morgan

Turner and Morgan were held In56MO ball each and Hart in S6M Mor-gan and hurt were released on thesame ball that furnished testnight






















Manager Steals 325000New York Dec 6 Further examina-

tion of the books of Frank Duboisinsurance brokers induced firm today to reduce its estimate of theamount alleged to have been stolenby its general manager William XGates to about 35800 Emil Frankthe senior member of the firm paidthe alleged shortage for yearamount to about 4fM and that Irreg-ularities had apparently gone on forthe past seven years

Thursday Friday and J

C M I Cloak DepjLjneaHra olt

See Hehcsy ths Furrierfor furs Knutsford

The Population of Salt Lake Cityis about CSOWi and we would sayat least onehalf are troubled withsome affection of the Throat andLungs as those complaints are according to statistics more numerousthan others We would advise all notto neglect the opportunity to call ontheir druggist and get a bottle ofKemps Balsam for the Theoat andLungs Price 25 s anfi f9c TrWfree For sale by GodbePitts Drugcompany Salt Lake City Utah


as Good

Thursday Friday and Saturday 7C M Suits onethird




None 501t1itiiaBetter IiAD


I5 Ladies






Another Step Taken In the SlandervCase-

Plttaburg Pa Dec 6 A nonsuitwas granted by Judge Wilson ofBeaver county today In the ease ofThomas Robinson exstate printeragainst John Wanamaker The suitwas for 25000 damages for slander j

During the campaign of 1S98 MrWanamaker is alleged to have madecharges that Robinson conspired withothers to defraud the state In themotion for a nonsuit the defenseclaimed that the general declarationascribed to the defendant had notbeen proved and that the innuendoeshad been left unsupported by any testimony The plaintiff contended thatthe defense must produce proof thatthe statements made by Mr Wanamaker were privileged

This afternoon the plaintiff made athe record rind the court entertainedit for argument It will probably bearm xl sometime next month and thecase then taken to the supreme court

Non Union Man SentencedAtchison Kan Dee 6 Douglass

Rancor a nonunion workman whoJune last killed Cal T Oathout andJames Burtchet union workmen theresult of a labor quarrel was todayfound guilty of murder in the first degree His be life im-prisonment capital punishment notprevailing in Kansas



Miss Edith Williams Wants EYeryLady Reader of this Paper to

Know Sow She SavedHer Father

Used an Odorless and Tasteless Remedy in His Food Quickly Oar

ing Him Without Kin I


Trial Package of the Remedy HailedFree to Show How Easy it is

to Cure DrunkardsNothing could be move dramatic or de-

voted than the manner in which MissEdith Williams Box 36 Waynesville Ocured her drunken father alter years ofmisery wretchedness and almost unbearable suffer

motion that the nonsuit be taken o

punIshment will







MISS EDITH WILLIAMSiYe father Is a reformed man shesaid and our friends think it a ralr-

Uteie that I cured him without Ms knowl-edge or consent I had read how MrsRate Lynch of D Ellis St San Francis-co Cal h4 cured her husband by us

a remedy secretly in his coffee andfcod and I wrote to Dr Haines for atrial When it came I some nfathers coffee and food and watched himclosely but he couldnt tell the differenceae I kept it up

One morning father got up and saidhe was hungry This was a good sign

ct away and when he came home atnoon perfectly sober I was almost frantic

ter dinner he sat down in the big easylr and said Edith I dont know what

over me but I hate the sightand smell of liquor and am going todrnkTur forever This was too muchfor me and I told him then what I haddone Well we both had a Rood cry andnow we have the happiest home and thekindest father can I amso glad you will publish this experiencefr will reach others and letthem knew about that wonderful GoldenSpecific

Dr Haines the discoverer will send asample of this grand remedy free to allwho write for it Enough of theremedy is mailed free to show it Isused in tea coffee or food and that itwill cure the dreaded habit culetiy andpermanently Send your name and address to J W Haines SMS GlennBuilding Cincinnati O and he will mall

of the remedy to you sedirections how to use it books imonials from hundreds who havecured and everything needed to aid youm savin those near dear to you froma life of degradation and ultimate pov-erty and disgrace

a trial today It willbrighten the rest of your life


Consult County Clerk or the RespectiveSigners for Further Information

ax he rarely ate much breakfast

wtth joy as hadnt seen him sober forpaIf a day before in over fourteen years

heat come


a freecurely sealed in a plaIn wrapper also full






IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT IRObate division in and for Salt Lake coun-ty state of Utah In the matter of theestate of Thomas C deceasedNotice The petition of A W Armstrong j

the Issuance to Mm of lettersof administration in the estate of Thonvis

on Saturday the thai day of DecemberA 1MB at 1 oclock a m at thecounty court house in the court room ofsaid court in Salt Lake City Salt Lakecounty Utah

Witness the clerk of said court

8th day of DecemberDAVID DU1CBAR Clerk

By ALBERT J SHARE Deputy Clerk j

Office of Providence Gold MiningCompany

NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN TH VTthe annual stockholders meeting ofProvidence Gold Mining company will beheld Friday Jan 4 at W 2ndSouth Salt Lake City

F W BRAZIER Secretary

C Armstrong has been set for heSring

Seal with the seal thereof affixed htsA jI


street I


Notice of Administratrixs Sale of I


of Albert C Dewey deceased undersJraed will sell at private sale thefollowing described property situate InSalt Lake City and county state of

Commencing fiftyseven 57 feet eastof the southwest corner of lot four 4

Mock W A Salt LakeCity survey and running east onehundred and eight UOS northone hundred seven 1W feet and Sour

4 Inches thence west hundred andnine 109 feet antI eight inches thvncosouth fifty 60 feet and 7 Inchesthence east one 1 foot and eight ts

Inches thence south S feet andnine Inches to of beginning

Together with the followingof situate In said city and

county and described as follows towittwo hundred and twelve

and twothirds feet south ofnorthwest corner of lot four 4 block

64 A Salt Lake Citysurvey thence south ten 10 feet thenceeast tin M rods thence north ten OO

feet thence west ten 1 rods to place of

the same granted to Joseph MetrasSaid sale on or after

day the huh day of December 1KB andwritten bids will be received at the officeof Rawlins Thurman Huntwood at room 3 Hooper building saltLake City Utah Terms of sie cash

Administratrix of the Estate of Albert CDewey

December a laRawlins Tburman Hurd eJs

weed Attorneys






21 tCe

beginning to acrij



10 per on the day of sale and balazceupon confirmation of sale the district


Dated 2





A Woman With a Clear Complssieti j

and a bright eye keeps Tier bowel active and her stomach in good easierLanes Tea is a pleasanta great digestive aid It clears upClneiomplexion drives the yelkw theeye and keeps the kidneys in aful condition Get a 2ac packajre0td j

try It tonight For sale byDrug company Salt Lake City Utiefc

Notice of Sale of City RefundingBonds

NOTICE IS GIVEN THATSalt Lake proposes to issue and sellfive hundred rctun ing dated Jan-uary 1 1S3 of the denomination of onethousand dollars each bearing interest atthe rate of three and onehalf centpayable semtannTMfty principal payabletwenty years after date without op-tinn or prepayment All bids must be seal-ed and elvelope marked on outside Bidon fcach bid shall carry with Kas a guarantee of good a

on a local band for five per cent otthe amount of said bid

No Qualified bids will beThe city reeei the right to refany or all bidsBids be filed with the city record-

er not later than oclock m orWednesday the Mth day of December

SALT LAKE CORPORATIONBy order of city councilJL O RecornerA Resolution P

of Five Ilets in Bonds

for theThoneand Dot

Pursuant to Reso-lution Passed Ootrtlr 1M FUnd inthe Revised Ordinances of Salt Lateof J862

Whereas Pursuant to a revolutionpassed by the city coutfcll of Salt LakeCity Oct 7 189ft Salt Lake OJty MMMdand sold and has nowhundred bonds of the denomination onethousand dollars sash bearing htlerest atlive per cent per annum dated January1st IBM payable twenty years afterwith the option of paying the same uponthe expiration of ten years after dateand

Whereas It Is possible now to refundsaid bonds at a tower rate of interest andthereby effect a large saving to Bait LakeCity corporation now therefore be it

Resolved By the city council of SaltLake City

Section 1 That for the of ob-taining money to refund and liquidatesaid issue bonds of January tat MRthat Salt Lake dty corporation issue aseries of five hundred coupon ofthe denomination of one dollarseach the principal payable at the officeof the city treasurer Lake Citytwenty years after date thereof aaidbonds to bear date of January 1 1SWwith interest thereon from said date atthe rate of 3 per cent per annum interest payable thereafteron the first days of July and January ofeach year in the city of New York atthe banking house of Wells Fargo ACo or Its successors or at the office ofthe city treasurer in Salt Lake City onpresentation sad surrender of the saidcoupons as they become due both grincipai and interest in law mlmoney of the United States and saidbonds shall be exempt from taxation bysaid city

Sec 2 Said bonds shall be signed by tnmayor and city recorder and before is-

suance of the same the corporate seal ofSalt Lake CIty shall be attached to each

Sec 3 Said bonds be known asSalt Lake City refunding bonds andshall be numbered from 601 to 1000 bothinclusive antI shall be registered innumerical order in a book kept fur thatpurpose bv the auditor of said city andshall be sold only upon the order of thecity couaclif in suck lots on such terms

















JTCi In such manner as IK dull designateaid mli be of n torm aiad Unor to be apprvica by the city and to oach ofsai honda thrrr Fhal bo attached fortyta rrst roniHins t be numbered froml to both Inoijifive with tin vroperd t s of payment named therein and techShall Ittur the lithographic slgnHUir fthe mayor and city rocntl r

Sec 4 All moneys derived from thisale of the bonds Issued toresolution shall be applied solely to thea rpoe of paying and runllnsfiro hundrcil thousnrd dolut t bondsisut i pursuant to the atort Bid Tvsolu-tfcn of October Tth 1 S-

OSfC j There hAl b set aiuei tot ofthe revenue of said city semiannOtly asum sufficient to pay huorr liensaid bonds and for the payment of theprincipal anti interest of salt issue pf

faith and credit of SaltCity is hereby pledged

by the city council of Salt JakoCity Itafa November 27 JWO an J referred to the mayor for his approval

R C NAYLOR tntyBy J O XYSTROM DeputyApproved this r th


State of Utah City and County ofLakeI J O Nystrom city recorder of SaltZke City Utah do hereby certify thatpe above and foregoing is a full true

for tire Refundof Five Hundred Thousand Dollars in

Issued Pursuant to ResolutionPassed October 7th 1890 Found In the

Ordinances of Salt Lake City ofOK passed by the city council of SaltLake City Utah November K 1906 and

proved by the mayor November 2-

JO as appears of record in my officeIn witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the

Seal corporate seal of said city5th day of December 1 0-

J O NT8TROMCity Recorder

Assessment KotioeS MIXING COMPANY A

corporation of Utah PrinclDal place ofdnoss Salt Lake City Utah Notice is

given that at a meeting of he-rd of directors held on December 5

an assessment of ope cent Icj perare was levied upon the capital stork

of the corporation payable to B K-Caffry treasurer t No ZM SoOth MainStreet Salt Lake City Itah on or be

January 5 19W Any stock uponWhIch this assessment may remain unpaidan January S 1901 will be delinquent andadvertised for sale At public auction andunless ayment Is made before will besold on February 5 1901 to pay the deUr juent assessment together with eost ofadvertising and expense of sale

B F CAFFBY SecretaryKo 236 South Mate Street Salt Lake

City Utah

Our fee returned if we fail q0e sendin

receive our opinion free concerningpatentability of same How to Obtain a

sent Patents securedthrough us advertised for sale at our

Patents taken out through us receivenotice without ia THE FATEMT RBCOR-Dtn illustrated and circulated Jourasconsulted by Manufacturers and investors

Send sample copy FREE AddressVICTOR J EVANS It CC

Potent AttorneysBwos BuldI C UASRIfSCTON D

otto 4






4ead coiveet of a resolutIon entitled

Resolution ProvidingrSends







Anysketch and of invkntion wi









Klectridty is now acknowledged by thrbrightest men in the world to be superinrto all other treatments In restoring vitali-ty Vitality ia health or the basis ofhealth and you must have it to remainfree from disease

Lack of vitality causes nen susundyspepsia indigestion rheusaatfe painskidney troubles

want of Those who have suchsymptoms can hernias healthy tar renewthe electrical force in the

Dr SandcnsElectric Appliances

Restore Lost StrengthT wn send free to any siddresa

request my beautifully illustrated 80-

M e book THR B CLASSES OFMEN It is worth tM to weak

ft tells all about my DR SAKDEXELECTRIC BELTS wid how they areused to cure such cases as rheumatismlumbago sciatica lame heck kidneyliver and stomach disordersness or any of those p-

nWrite today or call at my office an

consult free of charge


167 South Fourth St

Portland Oregon



lumbago raenergy



aledeseeeeee te


L ft

Or Andrew E Pwd

Treatment I n-CMneee er AmenOMI meatdnfrS-H h e i nvathmi

dropsy and alldiseases cupidSatisfactionanteed

Wfciito or caNNe S Best Third

South St1 to S dally



Great Casj Sale is flow onAT-


NTS till Saturday Night We give

the Best arid Most Seasonable Ladies

t Ooods at a Sweeping Reduction of c-


hi Our MillineryDepartmentI








bihi RemovIShoe SuIea


pJ NewnNott 2I

Will Move to New Quarters January 1st and WillI


ocJltc I-




No Reserve All Goes

i aJe Now On A t 7 Main St-I