saltspring.personalized learning

Personalized Learning: Competencies Practice 3 R’s Saltspring April 15, 2011 Faye Brownlie & Carole Fullerton

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K-12 presentation with Carole Fullerton on April 15, 2011What capacities are needed for 21st century learners? What does development of these capacities look like in the classroom?


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Personalized Learning: Competencies

Practice 3 R’s

Saltspring April  15,  2011  

Faye Brownlie & Carole Fullerton

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Why this focus?

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1.   Ge%ng  the  right  people  to  become  teachers  

2.   Developing  them  into  effec9ve  instructors  

3.   Ensuring  that  the  system  is  able  to  deliver  the  best  possible  instruc9on  for  every  child  

How the world’s best performing school systems come out on top – Sept. 2007, McKinsey & Co.  

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McKinsey Report, 2007

The  top-­‐performing  school  systems  

recognize  that  the  only  way  to  improve  

outcomes  is  to  improve  instruc9on:    learning  

occurs  when  students  and  teachers  interact,  

and  thus  to  improve  learning  implies  

improving  the  quality  of  that  interac9on.  

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•  Coaching  classroom  prac9ce  

•  Moving  teacher  training  to  the  classroom  

•  Developing  stronger  school  leaders  

•  Enabling  teachers  to  learn  from  each  other  

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•  Improving teaching versus improving teachers...

•  To really improve teaching we must invest far more than we do now in generating and sharing knowledge about teaching.

Making Connections  

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How the world’s most improved school systems keep getting better - McKinsey & Co., 2010

Mourshed,  Chijioke,  Barber    

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Good to Great Systems •  Focus  on  the  professionalism  of  teachers  

•  The  values  and  behaviors  of  the  educators  propel  the  system  forward  (not  centrally  controlled)  

•  Develop  common  language  about  the  craL  of  teaching  

•  Teacher  and  administrator  coaches  

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Great to Excellent Systems •  Learning  communi9es:    peer-­‐led  support  &  accountability  

•  Focus  on  student  learning  

•  Open  up  classroom  prac9ce  –  de-­‐priva9ze  

•  Ac9on  research  

•  Collabora9ve  prac9ce  among  educators  

•  Encourage  innova9on  in  teaching  

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•  A collaborative process for co-designing, field testing and refining lesson sequences in math

•  Lesson study shifts our focus from teachers to teaching - a necessary shift if teaching is ever to become a knowledge-based profession.

Lesson Study – A vehicle for change  

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Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century

The  future’s  already  here  –  it’s  just  

unevenly  distributed.  

William  Gibson  

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•  Cri9cal  thinking  and  problem  solving  

•  Collabora9on,  teamwork,  leadership  

•  Cross-­‐cultural  understanding  

•  Communica9on/compu9ng  ITC  literacy  

•  Career  and  learning  self-­‐reliance  

•  Crea9vity  and  innova9on    

•  Caring  for  personal  health  and  planet  earth  

BC Ministry of Education’s context for 21st Century Learning

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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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This  is  a  learner’s  world  –  it  is  not  

about  more  schooling  –  it  is  about  

more  learning.  

Valerie  Hannon:    The  InnovaCon  Unit,  England  

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•  Cri9cal  thinking  and  problem  solving  

•  Crea9vity  and  innova9on    

•  Communica9on/compu9ng  ITC  literacy  

•  Collabora9on,  teamwork,  leadership  

•  Cross-­‐cultural  understanding  

•  Career  and  learning  self-­‐reliance  

•  Caring  for  personal  health  and  planet  earth  

BC MoE context for 21st Century Learning The 7 Competencies

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•  “Think  different”  

•  Applica9on  of  skills  to  new  situa9ons  

•  The  capacity  to  reason  –  Depends  on  good  ques9ons  

Critical thinking & Problem-Solving

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•  How  much  forest  must  be  removed  to  create  a  4-­‐lane  highway  15  km  long?  

•  How  can  you  figure  it  out?  

Critical thinking & Problem-Solving

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•  Flexibility  in  approaching  problems  

•  Ques9ons  count…  –  How  can  you…?  

–  How  many  ways  can  you  find?  

– What  might  it  be?  

Creativity and innovation

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• How  can  you  find  the  sum  of  36  +  48?  

• How  many  ways  can  you  find?  

Creativity and innovation

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•  Working  together,  smarter  together  

•  Talk  and  learning  –  in  math  

•  Nego9a9ng  meaning  through  language  and  shared  experience  

Collaboration, teamwork & leadership

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•  Choosing  text  which  represents  different  points  of  view  (literature  circles,  picture  books)  

•  Considering  whose  voice  is  NOT  being  represented  

•  Working  with  the  social  responsibility  rubric  across  the  curriculum  

Cross-cultural understanding

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•  We  are  the  children  of  Korphe.  •  We  live  in  a  village  in  the  mountains  of  Pakistan.  

•  Our  families  grow  and  gather  the  food  we  eat.  

•  Our  mothers  eave  and  sew  the  clothes  we  wear.  

•  We  make  up  our  own  games,  and  we  make  our  own  toys....  

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•  That  was  before  a  stranger  stumbled  into  our  village.  

•  He  was  cold,  hungry,  and  sick.  •  We  gave  him  tea  and  food  and  a  bed  near  the  fire.  

•  He  told  us  his  name  was  Greg  Mortenson  and  that  he  was  a  nurse.  

•  …  

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How can I help my students see geography as an opportunity to problem solve, to address the impact of geographical features on people’s lives…? Catriona Misfeldt, It’s All about Thinking

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Essential Questions  What stories do these data or this chart, graph, or map tell? Whose stories are they?

 What data are the most revealing and representative of the quality of life?

Catriona Misfeldt, It’s All about Thinking

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•  Interpre9ng  media  and  using  technology  

–  Picking  the  right  tool  for  the  job  

•  Involvement  in  a  par9cipatory  culture  –  meaning-­‐making  beyond  the  classroom  

Communication & media literacy

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Communication & media literacy

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•  Autonomy,  independence  and  accountability  

•  Taking  responsibility  for  the  learning  

•  Being  ac9ve  in  the  act  of  learning  

Career and self-reliance

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Dan Meyer says… “Create patient problem-solvers” “Let the students ask the questions.” “Be less helpful”

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•  A  produc9ve  a%tude  towards  learning…    Engagement  in  the  act  of  learning  


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Gradual  Release:  


 guided  prac9ce  

 independent  prac9ce  

 independent  applica9on  

Do  your  students  leave  you  more  independent  than  when  they  arrived?  

Career and learning self-reliance

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•  Learning  intenCons  

•  DescripCve  feedback  quesCons:  – What’s  working?  – What’s  not?  – What’s  next?  

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KinemaCcs  –  Jacob  Martens,  Vancouver  

•  The  future  locaCon  and  moCon  of  objects  can  be  predicted  based  on  their  past  locaCon  and  moCon.    

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B    D    A   Learning  Inten9ons  -­‐  Knowing  

I  can  define  and  relate  the  terms:    clock  reading,  posi9on  and  event.  

I  can  differenCate  between  a  clock  reading  and  a  9me  interval.  

I  can  define  and  relate  distance  and  average  speed.  

I  can  define  and  relate  displacement  and  average  velocity.  

I  can  differenCate  between  scalars  and  vectors.  

I  can  define  instantaneous  velocity  and  instantaneous  speed.  

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B    D    A   Learning  Inten9ons  -­‐  Doing  

I  can  solve  problems  involving:    displacement,  Cme  interval,  and  average  velocity.  

I  can  construct  posiCon-­‐Cme  graphs  based  on  data  from  various  sources.  

I  can  use  posiCon-­‐Cme  graphs  to  determine:            •displacement  &  average  velocity            •distance  travelled  &  average  speed            •instantaneous  velocity  

I  can  construct  velocity-­‐Cme  graphs  based  on  data  from  various  sources.  

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Gr. 3 Writing: Model – a small moment Establish criteria Kids write Descriptive feedback on

criteria  Pearson  &  Gallagher  (1983)  

Learning Intention: I can write and describe a small event from my morning.

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•  Choose a topic •  Write in front of the students •  Students describe ‘what works’ in your writing •  Students choose a ‘morning’ topic •  Students write •  Students self-assess •  Students meet with peers to share and provide


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All  alone,  I  stepped  into  my  car.    With  my  map  in  hand,  I  began  to  drive.    At  the  lights  I  turned  lec,  then  the  map  said  to  turn  right.    “Oh,  no!”      The  sign  said,  “Road  closed”.          “Help,”  I  thought.    “What  am  I  going  to  do?”  

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•  Mystery

•  Opening

•  Detailed

•  Sounds like you (Voice)

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Professional Collaboration

•  De-­‐priva9ze  prac9ce  

•  Share  knowledge  and  exper9se      “Together  we  are  bejer.”  

•  Target  instruc9on  

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Professional Collaboration

•  Co-­‐planning  

•  Co-­‐teaching  

•  Co-­‐assessing  

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Together we are better . . .

By  sharing  our  collec9ve  knowledge  about  our  

classes  of  students  and  developing  a  plan  of  

ac9on  based  on  this,  we  can  bejer  meet  the  

needs  of  all  students.  

It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  Brownlie  &  Schnellert  

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Together we are better . . .  

By  sharing  our  collec9ve  exper9se  about  teaching  and  learning  we  can  bejer  implement  plans  of  ac9on,  and  thus  we  can  bejer  meet  the  needs  of  all  students.  

It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  Brownlie  &  Schnellert  

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Elements of CooperativeTeaching

Cooperative problem solving /processing / presenting / planning /presence

Cooperative presenting / planning /presence

Cooperative planning / presence

Cooperative presence

Cooperative Teaching

Cooperative Instructing

Cooperative Working

Cooperative Existing

Low Levels of Involvement High

From: Hourcade and Bauwens. Cooperative Teaching - Levels of Involvement

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Together we are better . . .  

Working  with  Sue…  

How  can  I  engage  my  

students  in  problem-­‐


How  can  I  promote  more  

strategic  thinking?  

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Planning for instruction. . .  •  What’s  the  important  thing  to  know?  

•  What  background  knowledge  do  students  already  have?  How  can  we  ac9vate  


•  Task  design:  complex  but  accessible,  engaging  

•  Materials  –  concrete  to  abstract  

•  Adapta9ons,  extensions  

•  Debrief  /  summary  –  highligh9ng  the  big  math  ideas…  what  will  we  collect?  

•  Assessing  the  BMI  

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I am going to make cookies for Valentine’s Day.   I'm going to put little candy hearts on each one!

I want to put 5 little candy hearts on each cookie. There are 35 candy hearts in the package. How many cookies can I make?

How can you figure it out?

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Together we are better . . .  Hi  Carole,  

I  just  had  to  tell  you  about  my  math  lesson  today.      I  found  this  great  book  …  Acer  we  read  the  book  and  talked  about  the  story  I  wanted  to  do  some  math  with  it.    …..  

Acer  school  I  reflected  on  the  lesson  and  came  to  this  conclusion.    …..  

So  my  quesCon  to  you  is  what  should  I  do  now?    ….  

I  think    I  actually  know  what  you  are  going  to  say.    I  should  probably  do  all  three  of  these  things.      

Thanks  for  listening  to  me.    Wri9ng  to  you  helped  me  to  reflect  on  the  lesson.  Sue  

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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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Cinquain Poems •  Show  a  poem  to  the  students  and  have  them  see  if  they  can  find  the  pajern  –  5  lines  with  2,4,6,8,2  syllables  

•  Create  a  cinquain  poem  together  •  NoCce  literacy  elements  used  •  Brainstorm  for  a  list  of  potenCal  topics  •  Alone  or  in  partners,  students  write  several  poems  •  Read  each  poem  to  2  other  students,  check  the  syllables  and  the  word  choices,  then  check  with  one  of  the  teachers  

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Sun  Run  Jog  together  

Heaving  panCng  pushing  

The  cumbersome  mass  moves  along  

10  K  

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Garnet’s  4/5s  Literary  Elements  

•  Simile  

•  Rhyme  

•  AlliteraCon  •  Assonance  

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Vicky  Shy  and  happy  

The  only  child  at  home  

Always  have  a  smile  on  her  face  



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Candy  Choclate  bars  

Tastes  like  a  gummy  drop  

Lickrish  hard  like  gummys  



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Vampires  Quenching  the  thirst  

These  bloodthirsty  demons  

Eyes  shine,  like  a  thousand  stars  



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Majic  LafaCng  

Wacing  throw  wals  fliing  in  air  

Macking  enment  objec  

Drec  dans.  


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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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Together we are better . . .  

The  math  department  at  McMath  

How  can  we  get  our  students  communicaAng  in  math?  

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Asking different questions

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Parallel Tasks

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Assessment strategies

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Name: ______ Carole Saundry-Fullerton 2009

Frayer diagrams

• Fill out the following Frayer diagram for your concept or

big math idea. Be sure and include as much information

as you can – numbers, pictures, words and examples.

A definition An example

A non-example A diagram


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The teeter totter


kids curriculum

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Ways to collaborate •  Learning  teams  

•  Cross-­‐grade  buddy  classes  

•  Grade  or  subject  group  teams  

•  Classroom  visits:    observe  and  give  feedback  

•  Lesson  study  

•  Pedagogical  lab  

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Questions to Think and Talk About with a Partner

1.   How  might  you  -­‐  or  do  you  -­‐  use  what  you  have  seen  in  your  school?    What  adapta9ons  would  you  make  to  bejer  fit  your  context?  

2.   How  would  this  work  help  your  students?  

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Personalized Learning


kids curriculum

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•  Brownlie,  Fullerton,  Schnellert  –  It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  Math  &  Science,  2011  (in  press)  

•  Brownlie,  Schnellert  –  It’s  All  about  Thinking  –  English  &  Humani9es,  2009  

•  Brownlie,  Feniak,  Schnellert  -­‐  Student  Diversity,  2nd  ed.,  Pembroke  Pub.,  2006  

•  Brownlie  -­‐  Grand  Conversa9ons,  Portage  and  Main  Press,  2005  

•  Brownlie,Feniak,  McCarthy  -­‐  Instruc9on  and  Assessment  of  ESL  Learners,  Portage  and  Main  Press,  2004  

•  Brownlie,  King  -­‐  Learning  in  Safe  Schools,  Pembroke  Publishers,  2000