saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of north america

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Page 1: Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America

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Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America

Article  in  Hydrogeology Journal · February 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3




2 authors, including:

Paul M. Barlow

United States Geological Survey



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Page 2: Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America

Saltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America

Paul M. Barlow & Eric G. Reichard

Abstract Saltwater has intruded into many of the coastalaquifers of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, but theextent of saltwater intrusion varies widely among local-ities and hydrogeologic settings. In many instances, thearea contaminated by saltwater is limited to small parts ofan aquifer and to specific wells and has had little or noeffect on overall groundwater supplies; in other instances,saltwater contamination is of regional extent and hasresulted in the closure of many groundwater supply wells.The variability of hydrogeologic settings, three-dimen-sional distribution of saline water, and history of ground-water withdrawals and freshwater drainage has resulted ina variety of modes of saltwater intrusion into coastalaquifers. These include lateral intrusion from the ocean;upward intrusion from deeper, more saline zones of agroundwater system; and downward intrusion fromcoastal waters. Saltwater contamination also has occurredalong open boreholes and within abandoned, improperlyconstructed, or corroded wells that provide pathways forvertical migration across interconnected aquifers. Com-munities within the coastal regions of North America aretaking actions to manage and prevent saltwater intrusionto ensure a sustainable source of groundwater for thefuture. These actions can be grouped broadly intoscientific monitoring and assessment, engineering techni-ques, and regulatory approaches.

Keywords Saltwater intrusion . Coastal aquifers .Groundwater management . Groundwater monitoring .North America


Groundwater is a vital resource for sustaining thecommunities and economies of North America’s coastalregions. Groundwater withdrawals for public supplies,agriculture, industry, and other uses in the Atlantic andPacific coastal regions of the United States alone exceeded618 m3/s (14.1 billion gallons per day) in 2000 (USGeological Survey 2004), and in many coastal commun-ities groundwater is the primary or sole source of drinkingwater. As groundwater use in coastal areas has increased,so has the recognition that groundwater supplies arevulnerable to overuse and contamination. Althoughgroundwater overuse and contamination are not uncom-mon, the proximity of coastal aquifers to saltwater createsunique issues with respect to groundwater sustainability incoastal regions. These issues are primarily those ofsaltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers and changesin the amount and quality of fresh groundwater dischargeto coastal saltwater systems. This paper focuses on thefirst of these issues—saltwater (or seawater) intrusion intocoastal aquifers of North America, which was recognizedas a problem in the United States as early as 1854 on LongIsland, New York (Back and Freeze 1983).

The objectives of this paper are threefold: to provide asummary of the extent andmodes of saltwater intrusion alongcoastal regions of the United States, Mexico, and Canada; todescribe the many approaches and tools that are used tomonitor and manage saltwater intrusion in these coastalregions; and to provide a brief assessment of the prospects foraddressing saltwater intrusion problems in the future. Thispaper is limited in scope to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts ofCanada and the United States (excluding Alaska and Hawaii)and all of Mexico (Fig. 1). Previous reviews of saltwaterintrusion in the United States have been done byKrieger et al.(1957), Task Committee on Saltwater Intrusion (1969), andKonikow and Reilly (1999). Barlow (2003) provides adetailed review of saltwater intrusion along the AtlanticCoast of the United States, and Barlow and Wild (2002)provide an extensive bibliography of publications related to

Received: 31 December 2008 /Accepted: 1 August 2009Published online: 17 September 2009

* Springer-Verlag 2009

P. M. Barlow ())US Geological Survey,10 Bearfoot Road, 01532, Northborough, MA, USAe-mail: [email protected].: +1-508-4905070Fax: +1-508-4905068

E. G. ReichardUS Geological Survey,4165 Spruance Road, Suite 200, 92101-0812, San Diego, CA, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 247–260 DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3

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saltwater intrusion in that region. Surveys of saltwaterintrusion on the Pacific Coast include California Departmentof Water Resources (1958), Dion and Simioka (1984), andHanson et al. (2009). Cardoso (1993) provides an overviewof saltwater intrusion in the 17 coastal states of Mexico.

Extent and modes of saltwater intrusion

In order to manage saltwater intrusion, one must firstunderstand the extent of the problem and the physicalmechanisms (or modes) by which saltwater intrusionoccurs. This section briefly outlines what is known ofthe extent of saltwater intrusion in North America andgives examples of the many pathways by which saltwaterintrusion has occurred.

The coastal regions of North America are characterizedby a wide range of hydrogeologic settings. Although thereare numerous types of geologic formations in the coastalregions, the most important water-bearing formations areunconsolidated and semiconsolidated silts, sands, andgravels of both marine and continental origin; and, amongconsolidated rocks, carbonates (primarily limestones), sand-stones, and fractured crystalline rocks such as granites.Groundwater-flow systems within the coastal zones vary insize from single-layer aquifers that are a few squarekilometers or less in areal extent to multilayer, regional-scale aquifers that are from hundreds to tens of thousands of

square kilometers in areal extent. In many areas, unconfinedaquifers that lie close to land surface are underlain by one ormore confined aquifers that may be hydraulically separatedfrom the land surface by confining units.

Groundwater flow systems along the coastal zones arecharacterized by flowpaths that range from a few kilo-meters to several hundred kilometers. The seaward limit offreshwater in the coastal aquifers is controlled by anumber of factors, including the amount of freshwaterflowing through each aquifer, the thickness and hydraulicproperties of each aquifer and adjacent confining units, thecurrent geographic distribution of saline surface water, andthe geologic history of global sea-level fluctuations. Insome of the confined aquifers along the Atlantic Coast,relatively fresh groundwater has been found tens ofkilometers offshore; its presence has been attributed tofreshwater recharge that occurred over at least the past900,000 years during periods when sea levels were lowerthan at present (Meisler 1989). In other areas, such assouthern Florida, confining conditions and sluggishgroundwater flow are thought to have contributed to thepresence of large inland areas of residual seawater thatentered the aquifers during the Pleistocene when sea levelwas higher than its current level (Sprinkle 1989). Inlandareas of saline water also can be found near estuaries,where saltwater carried up river channels by high tides hasinfiltrated into the adjoining freshwater aquifers. Examplesof this type of naturally occurring intrusion have been

100˚W120˚W 80˚W



Gulf ofMexico


United States







Los Angeles and surrounding areas




Long Island,New York

Yucatan PeninsulaGulf ofCalifornia

Baja California



Monterey Bay area





Pacific O






Fig. 1 Map of study area showing some of the locations discussed in the text


Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 247–260 DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3

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documented for fractured sandstones of Prince EdwardIsland, Canada (Carr 1969), and permeable deltaic sedi-ments near the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada(Neilson-Welch and Smith 2001).

The transition zone between freshwater and saltwaterranges from less than 30 m thick in relatively thin aquifers toas much as 670 m thick and 60 km wide in thick, confinedaquifers along the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain whereglobal sea-level fluctuations caused repeated advance andretreat of the landward position of the freshwater-saltwaterinterface. In California coastal aquifers, where saltwaterintrusion tends to occur within coarse-grained layers ofvarying thickness, the transition zone can be relatively narrow(Land et al. 2004; Izbicki 1996; Hanson et al. 2009). Mixingwithin freshwater-saltwater transition zones is caused primar-ily by hydrodynamic dispersion that results from spatialheterogeneities in aquifer properties and from dynamic forcesthat operate over a wide range of time scales—from relativelyshort-term fluctuations in tide stages and groundwater rechargerates to millennial fluctuations in global sea-level position.

The variability of hydrogeologic settings, three-dimensionaldistribution of saline water, and history of groundwaterwithdrawals and freshwater drainage has resulted in a varietyof modes of saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers of NorthAmerica. Saltwater can contaminate a freshwater aquiferthrough several pathways, including lateral intrusion from theocean; upward intrusion from deeper, more saline zones of agroundwater system; and downward intrusion from coastalwaters (such as embayments and estuaries) and storm or tidal-driven saltwater flooding of coastal lowlands. Although mostsaltwater contamination problems result from themovement ofsaltwater within aquifers, saltwater contamination also hasoccurred along open boreholes, abandoned wells, improperlyconstructed or corroded wells, and dredged channels thatprovide pathways for vertical migration across interconnectedaquifers (see for example Metz and Brendle 1996).

The extent of saltwater intrusion into an aquiferdepends on several factors, including the total rate ofgroundwater that is withdrawn from an aquifer comparedto the total freshwater recharge to the aquifer; the distancebetween the locations of groundwater discharge—such aspumpage from wells and drainage to canals—and thesource (or sources) of saltwater; the geologic structure ofan aquifer or aquifer system (including structural featuressuch as faults, folds, and bounding submarine canyons);the distribution of hydraulic properties of an aquifer(including the interconnectivity of coarse-grained unitswithin multi-layered aquifer systems); and the presence ofconfining units that may prevent saltwater from movingvertically toward or within the aquifer. Many authors haverecognized that there may be multiple sources of salinityto coastal aquifers, and that it can be difficult tounequivocally delineate the specific sources of salinity ina particular aquifer. Although there are concurrent sourcesof potential salinity in several of the cases discussed here,the discussion is focused on saltwater intrusion that hasbeen shown to have been caused by the movement ofsaline water into or within coastal aquifers in response toanthropogenic stresses.

Saltwater intrusion has been documented along the coastsof the United States for more than 150 years, but the literatureindicates that the extent of saltwater intrusion varies widelyamong localities and hydrogeologic settings. In manyinstances, the area contaminated by saltwater is limited tosmall parts of an aquifer and to specific wells and has little orno effect on overall groundwater supplies. In WashingtonState, for example, no large water-supply systems that relyprimarily on groundwater have been affected by saltwaterintrusion, although some wells and small communitysystems on Puget Sound shorelines have been affected, andgroundwater resources on several islands in Puget Sound arethreatened by saltwater intrusion (Dion and Simioka 1984;Sapik et al. 1988; Richard Dinicola, US Geological Survey,personal communication, 2008). Similarly, in Oregon there isrelatively little use of groundwater in coastal areas, and henceno current saltwater intrusion (David Morgan, US Geo-logical Survey, personal communication, 2008), though thepotential for intrusion is recognized in the Coos Bay Dunesand aquifer (Jones 1992). In other instances, saltwatercontamination is of regional extent and has substantiallyaffected groundwater supplies such as in Cape May County,New Jersey; southeastern Florida; and Monterey, Ventura,Orange, and Los Angeles Counties, California.

The most extensive saltwater-intrusion problems inMexico are concentrated in the western States of Sonora,Baja California Norte, and Baja California Sur (Fig. 1), withsmaller problems along the Yucatan Peninsula (Yucatan andQuintana Roo States), Veracruz State along the Gulf ofMexico, and the western States of Sinaloa and Nayarit(Cardoso 1993; Marin 2002; Luis E. Marin, UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México, personal communication,2009). In Sonora, lateral saltwater intrusion from the Gulf ofCalifornia has occurred in several coastal irrigation districtsin response to pumping for agriculture that exceeds thenatural recharge rates that occur within this arid region; areasof substantial intrusion in Sonora occur near Caborca and inthe Valleys of Hermosillo and Guaymas (Andrews 1981;Cardoso 1993; Steinich et al. 1998; Flores-Márquez et al.1998). Groundwater withdrawals in the Valley of Hermosillo,which began in the 1940s, combined with the construction ofa dam on the Sonora River that caused the river to go dry andsubstantially reduced recharge to the underlying aquifer(Steinich et al. 1998), has led to an area of saltwater intrusionin the unconfined alluvial aquifer that is as much as 30 kmwide near the coast and extends inland approximately 20–25 km (Steinich et al. 1998; Flores-Márquez et al. 1998). Theintrusion has forced the closure of several water-supply andirrigation wells (Andrews 1981; Steinich et al. 1998).

Much research has been done on the freshwater–saltwaterrelations within the unconfined karstic aquifer of the north-western part of the Yucatan Peninsula (see, for example,González-Herrera et al. 2002; Steinich and Marin 1996;Marin et al. 2004; and references therein). The aquifer thatunderlies the northwestern part of the peninsula consists of athin freshwater lens that ‘floats’ on denser saltwater thatextends more than 40 km inland. Although there are a largenumber of groundwater withdrawal sites on the peninsula,groundwater flow has not been substantially altered because


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of the relatively high rates of recharge to the aquifer (asopposed to that in Sonora) and large transmissivity of theaquifer, thus preventing substantial problems of saltwaterintrusion.

Few examples can be found in the literature of saltwaterintrusion into coastal aquifers of Canada, and of those casesdescribed, several relate to intrusion that occurs naturally(Carr 1969; van der Kamp 1981; Dakin et al. 1983; Neilson-Welch and Smith 2001). An exception is the intrusion ofsaltwater into the sandstone aquifers of Prince Edward Island(Tremblay et al. 1973) and nearby Magdalen Islands (Comteand Banton 2006), both of which are caused by groundwaterpumping. On Prince Edward Island, two types of intrusionwere identified: (1) a landward migration of saltwater fromthe coast into the upper 25 m of the aquifer due to largegroundwater withdrawals and (2) upconing of saltwater at adepth of approximately 125 m due to intermittent pumping(Tremblay et al. 1973). Saltwater intrusion on the island isfacilitated by fractures within the sandstone that increase theoverall permeability of the aquifer. A few additional studiesof saltwater intrusion along the Atlantic Coast of Canada arecited in a report by the Maritimes Groundwater Initiative(2003), but, overall, it appears from the lack of availablereferences in the literature that saltwater intrusion is notcurrently a widespread issue in Canada.

Although groundwater pumping is the primary cause ofsaltwater intrusion in coastal regions of North America,lowering of the water table by drainage canals has led tosaltwater contamination in a few locations, notablysoutheastern Florida. Other hydraulic stresses that reducefreshwater flow in coastal aquifers, such as lowered ratesof groundwater recharge in sewered or urbanized areas,also could lead to saltwater intrusion, but the impact ofsuch stresses on saltwater intrusion is generally small incomparison to pumping and land drainage.

Four examples are provided to illustrate the causes,modes, and complexity of saltwater-intrusion problems incoastal regions of North America. Examples along theAtlantic Coast are drawn from the States of New Jersey,Georgia, and Florida, which, with the possible exception ofLong Island, New York, have experienced the most wide-spread problems of saltwater intrusion along the AtlanticCoast of the United States. Examples from the Pacific Coastare from the coastal basins of central and southernCalifornia, United States, which have experienced the mostextensive saltwater intrusion along that coast.

Lateral encroachment of saltwater into confinedfreshwater aquifers from surrounding saline zones,Cape May County, New JerseyCape May County, New Jersey, is on a peninsula that issurrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay(Fig. 2). The peninsula is underlain by a multilayer sequenceof unconsolidated, predominantly sand and gravel aquifersseparated by silt and clay confining units that extendoffshore. Fresh groundwater in the aquifers beneath thepeninsula is bounded laterally by saline groundwater thatextends seaward toward the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware

Bay. All of the county’s potable water supply is obtainedfrom the freshwater aquifers. Prior to the start of ground-water withdrawals, water levels in each of the aquifers stoodabove sea level, and groundwater flowed radially outwardfrom inland recharge areas to low-lying streams, tidalwetlands, and saline surface waters. Withdrawals from thefive aquifers, however, have lowered groundwater levels byas much as 30 m and have caused saltwater to encroachlaterally within each aquifer. Saltwater intrusion in thecounty began about 1890 after the first deep wells werepumped and groundwater levels declined below sea level(Lacombe and Carleton 2002). Saltwater intrusion hasforced the closure of at least 20 public- and industrial-supplywells andmore than 100 domestic-supply wells in the countysince the 1940s. One of the communities most affected bysaltwater intrusion is Cape May City, where the history ofsaltwater contamination has been well documented (see forexample Lacombe and Carleton 2002). The primary sourceof freshwater for the city has been groundwater withdrawnfrom five wells that tap the Cohansey aquifer. Pumping fromthese wells has led to saltwater contamination in four of thewells (Fig. 2a).

Vertical migration along fractures and otherpreferential flow conduits in the Floridan carbonateaquifer, southeastern Georgia and northeasternFloridaThe Floridan aquifer system is one of the most productiveaquifers in the world. It consists of a thick sequence ofcarbonate rocks (limestones and dolomites) that underlieall of Florida and southern Georgia and parts of SouthCarolina and Alabama—an area of about 250,000 km2

(Fig. 3b). Withdrawals from the aquifer system totaledmore than 158 m3/s in 2000 (Maupin and Barber 2005),and in many areas it is the sole source of freshwater.Groundwater withdrawals from the Floridan aquifersystem have caused long-term regional water-leveldeclines of more than 3 m in several areas, includingnortheastern Florida and coastal Georgia.

In most places, the aquifer system consists of theUpper and Lower Floridan aquifers separated by a lesspermeable confining unit that restricts movement of waterbetween the two aquifers. In northeastern Florida andsoutheastern Georgia, the Lower Floridan aquifer includesan extremely permeable, partly cavernous saline water-bearing zone called the Fernandina permeable zone. Thiszone is overlain by a low-permeability confining unit thatin most places effectively separates it from shallowerpermeable strata (Miller 1986). However, in a number oflocations, isolated geologic structures have breached theFloridan aquifer system and created preferential ground-water flow conduits that allow saltwater to migrate upwardfrom the Fernandina permeable zone to overlying fresh-water aquifers, especially in areas where groundwaterlevels have been lowered by pumping (Fig. 3a). Once thesaltwater reaches the freshwater zones, it moves laterallydowngradient within the freshwater zones toward areas ofpumping. Geologic evidence indicates that the conduits


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are most likely fractures, joints, or faults that have beenenlarged by dissolution of the carbonate strata in thefractured zone (see for example Spechler 1994). This typeof contamination, which has occurred at Brunswick,Georgia, and at Fernandina Beach and near Jacksonville,Florida, has created localized, anomalous patterns ofsaltwater contamination that often are difficult to identify,explain, and monitor.

Regional saltwater intrusion due to large-scaledrainage and pumping, southeastern FloridaSaltwater intrusion has been an issue of concern insoutheastern Florida since the 1930s. Southeastern Floridais part of the region that once contained one of the largest

wetlands in the continental US, the Everglades, whichextended across the southern part of the Florida Peninsulasouth of Lake Okeechobee (Fig. 4b). Beginning in 1903and continuing into the 1980s, an extensive network ofcanals was constructed between the lake and the AtlanticOcean to drain the Everglades for agricultural and urbandevelopment, among other reasons. The canals are part ofa highly controlled water-management system that hascontributed to the growth of one of the largest urban areasof the United States.

An important component of southeastern Florida’shydrologic system is the highly productive Biscayneaquifer (Fig. 4b), which is the source of water supply inMiami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. Totalwithdrawals from the aquifer for irrigation and public










c O







0 2

0 2


(a) (b)



Cape MayCanal

2 3 4 5










1,220 2,440 3,660

Chloride concentration,in milligrams per liter

P’’’’ above well location indicates that groundwater was pumped from the well during part or all of the decade







500 to <1,000

Greater than 1,000

250 to <500

100 to <250

50 to <100

Cohansey aquifer

Confining units



























Cape May City

Line of hydrogeologicsection



Cape May




, IN







, IN







, IN







, IN




Well: 1

Fig. 2 a Hydrogeologic sections showing lateral encroachment of saltwater and contamination of supply wells in the Cohansey aquifer atthe Cape May City (New Jersey) well field, 1940s to 1990s. b Map of Cape May County, New Jersey. (Modified from Lacombe andCarleton 2002)


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supply were about 35.5 m3/s in 2000 (Maupin and Barber2005). This surficial aquifer consists of highly permeablelimestone and less-permeable sandstone and sand (Miller1990). The aquifer is unconfined and the water tableresponds quickly to recharge, evapotranspiration, andpumping from supply wells. Moreover, in most placesthe aquifer and drainage canals are in direct hydraulicconnection, which facilitates rapid interchange of waterbetween them. Prior to 1945, flow within the canals wasuncontrolled, causing overdrainage of the aquifer andperiodically allowing seawater to move inland along thecanals and subsequently into the groundwater system.Since 1946, gated canal control structures have been usedto prevent inland migration of seawater along the canalsand to control canal stages and groundwater levels.

Construction of the extensive drainage system, subse-quent compaction and oxidation of inland peat and mucksoils (with associated lowering of the water table withinthe peat mantle and underlying aquifer), and large-scalegroundwater withdrawals have resulted in saltwaterintrusion into coastal areas of the Biscayne aquifer(Renken et al. 2005) (Fig. 4a). Canal drainage appears tohave had the most widespread impact on saltwaterintrusion (Renken et al. 2005). The canals have loweredgroundwater levels and induced lateral saltwater intrusionalong the coast, and, at least prior to the construction ofthe canal control structures, conveyed seawater inland tothe groundwater system. Movement of the freshwater/

saltwater interface near Miami has been particularly welldocumented through the years (Fig. 5). In 1904, prior toconstruction of the regional drainage network and water-supply wells, very high water levels in the Everglades andBiscayne aquifer kept the saltwater interface limited to anarrow band along the coastline and to short tidal reachesof coastal streams (Fig. 5a). Beginning in 1909 andcontinuing into the early 1940s, construction of drainagecanals that lacked control structures, as well as pumpagefrom coastal well fields, resulted in lowered water levelsin the aquifer and substantial inland movement of salt-water along the coastline and into coastal tidal canals(Fig. 5b). Uncontrolled drainage in southeastern Floridawas halted by the installation of the canal controlstructures beginning in 1946, which has slowed and insome areas reversed the inland migration of saltwater(Fig. 5c,d). The canals also are used to transfer freshwaterfrom inland water-conservation (storage) areas to coastalreaches, where the water is artificially recharged to theaquifer to raise coastal groundwater levels and controlsaltwater intrusion.

Regional intrusion into multi-layer unconsolidated/semiconsolidated aquifer systems in central andsouthern CaliforniaIn several important coastal basins in central and southernCalifornia, increased utilization of groundwater has played

















Approximate areaunderlain by theFernandinapermeable zone


Brackish water


General direction ofgroundwater flow

Atlantic Ocean

Fracturein rock

Pumping well

Sea Floor












Land Surface







Gulf of Mexico











(a) (b)

Not to scale


Fig. 3 a Simplified conceptual model of saltwater leakage along fractures in the Floridan aquifer system in southeastern Georgia andnortheastern Florida. The fractures and other structural anomalies provide preferential conduits for saline water in the Fernandina permeablezone to flow upward into freshwater zones of the overlying aquifers in response to groundwater pumping in upper aquifers. b Approximatelimit of the Floridan aquifer system and area underlain by the Fernandina permeable zone. (Modified from Krause and Randolph 1989;Miller 1990; Spechler 1994)


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0 50 MILES


Area of mapbelow


Biscayne aquifer

Natural Evergladeswatershed boundary

Atlantic O


0 5 10 15 MILES

0 5 10 15 KILOMETERS















Miami Canal



e B






80˚30' 80˚00'




Landward limit of saltwaterin the Biscayne aquifer, 1995






(a) (b)

Fig. 4 a Landward limit of saltwater in the Biscayne aquifer, 1995. b Maps of the State of Florida and extent of the Biscayne aquifer insouth Florida (Fig. 4a modified from Renken et al. 2005; Part b modified from Miller 1990)


Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 247–260 DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3

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an essential role in large-scale agricultural and urbandevelopment. This includes the coastal basins of SantaCruz and Monterey Counties in the Monterey Bay area ofcentral California and Santa Barbara, Ventura, LosAngeles, and Orange Counties in southern California(Fig. 1). As development of these coastal basins escalatedin the twentieth century, it was recognized that there waspotentially a large amount of groundwater available instorage. Groundwater pumpage increased dramatically,which resulted in large water-level declines and associatedimpacts, including seawater intrusion. All of these basinshave some similar characteristics in terms of their hydro-stratigraphy, structural setting, and overall hydrologicsetting. The hydrostratigraphy of these basins is the resultof cycles of deposition and erosion, which have been

driven by sea-level changes. This depositional history hasresulted in multi-layer aquifer systems that containsequences of both marine and terrestrial sediments. Thesequences consist of sediment packages that can be eitherfining upward (deposited during periods of rising sealevel) or coarsening upward (deposited during periods offalling sea level; Ponti et al. 2006). Zones of intercon-nected coarse-grained materials form the most productiveaquifers for water supply, but also serve as the primaryconduits for saltwater intrusion. In these coastal basins,the potential pathways for saltwater intrusion also areaffected by faults (for example, the Santa Barbara area;Freckleton et al. 1998) and offshore bathymetric featuressuch as submarine canyons (for example, the Ventura area;Nishikawa 1997; Hanson et al. 2003). Several specific


yne Bay


yne Bay




80˚19'05" 80˚11'35"











Arch Creek






yne Bay


yne Bay





(c) 1977 (d) 1995


Extent of saltwaterintrusion at base ofBiscayne aquifer

Drainage canals











Miami River

Little River

(a) 1904 (b) 1946

Fig. 5 Saltwater intrusion in the Biscayne aquifer in Miami-Dade County near the Miami Canal, a 1904, b 1946, c 1977, and d 1995.(Modified from Renken et al. 2005)


Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 247–260 DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3

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aspects of saltwater intrusion in the Los Angeles andMonterey Bay areas are described in the next fewparagraphs.

In the coastal Los Angeles region (Fig. 1), groundwaterdevelopment began in the mid-nineteenth century.Groundwater pumpage increased substantially during thefirst half of the twentieth century as the populationincreased dramatically and the deep well turbine pumpbecame widely used. Water levels below sea level werenoted as early as the 1920s, and saltwater intrusion wasdocumented all along the coast by the 1940s such asillustrated for the Los Angeles area in Fig. 6 (Poland et al.1959). Since the 1950s, the problem of saltwater intrusionhas been addressed on multiple fronts, including operationof injection barriers, increased artificial recharge inspreading ponds, and reductions in pumpage.

Two issues in the Los Angeles area have relevance tosaltwater intrusion in basins throughout central andsouthern California. First, the pathways of saltwaterintrusion are affected by the complex geometry of thedepositional sequences, the presence of alluvium-fillederosional gaps, offshore bathymetric features such assubmarine canyons, and the presence of faults and folds(Planert and Williams 1995; Reichard et al. 2003).Geologic investigations and numerical simulations forthe Dominguez Gap area, for example, have demonstratedthat a series of faults and folds have allowed saltwater,which is moving preferentially through shallow coarse-grained sediments, to be transported vertically downwardinto deeper aquifers (Ponti et al. 2006; Nishikawa et al.2009). Second, there are other sources of chloride besidesseawater that affect groundwater quality in coastal LosAngeles. Land et al. (2004) used ion ratios (for example,chloride-iodide, chloride-bromide, chloride-boron), stableisotopes, other isotopic indicators (for example, stron-tium), and age dating to characterize mixing of watersources between seawater, native groundwater, oil-fieldbrines, and imported water used for injection. Control ofsaltwater intrusion requires understanding the sources andmovement of the different water components.

The Salinas and Pajaro Valleys are examples ofgroundwater basins in the Monterey Bay area in centralCalifornia (Fig. 1) that face saltwater-intrusion problems.In contrast to southern California basins like Los Angeles,in the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys agricultural, rather thanurban, development has led to saltwater intrusion inmultiple aquifers. In both Pajaro and Salinas Valleybasins, geologic units containing productive aquifers cropout in Monterey Bay (Yates 1988). The deeper aquiferscrop out very close to shore along the MontereySubmarine Canyon. In both basins, there are distinctdifferences between intrusion in the upper and loweraquifers. In the Salinas basin, where saltwater intrusionhas been recognized since the 1930s, there is much moreextensive intrusion in the “180-ft” (upper) aquifer systemthan in the “400-ft” (deeper) system. The “400-ft” aquiferis threatened by downward migration of high salinitywater from the “180-ft” aquifer (including, potentially,through wellbores; Monterey County Water Resources

Agency 2004a). In the Pajaro Valley basin, high chlorideconcentrations in the upper aquifer system (within theshallow alluvium and upper Aromas Sand) are indicativeof recent saltwater intrusion, as evidenced by measurabletritium. In contrast, the source of elevated chloride in thelower aquifer system (within the lower Aromas Sand) isseawater that has been in the groundwater system forthousands of years (Hanson 2003).

Monitoring and managing saltwater intrusion

Communities within the coastal regions of North Americaare taking action to manage and prevent saltwaterintrusion to ensure a sustainable source of groundwaterfor the future. These actions can be grouped broadly intothree general categories: scientific monitoring and assess-ment, engineering techniques, and regulatory (or legisla-tive) approaches.

Scientific monitoring and assessment provide basiccharacterization of the groundwater resources of an area,an understanding of the different pathways by whichsaltwater may intrude an aquifer, and a basis for manage-ment of water supplies. Numerous water-level and water-quality monitoring networks have been established alongthe Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of the United States tomonitor changes in groundwater levels, groundwaterquality, and movement of the freshwater–saltwater inter-face. Water-quality monitoring networks are particularlyimportant in serving as early-warning systems of saltwatermovement toward freshwater supply wells, as well asproviding information on the rates of saltwater encroach-ment. Dedicated wells that sample multiple intervals of anaquifer are invaluable for providing a three-dimensionalcharacterization of the extent of saltwater within anaquifer system. These types of monitoring wells havebeen particularly important in the complex aquifersystems along the Pacific Coast, where saltwater may bepresent within relatively thin, discrete, coarse-grainedzones (Hanson et al. 2009; Land et al. 2004).

The traditional approach for monitoring the locationand movement of saltwater contamination has been toperiodically collect groundwater samples from discretesampling horizons for analysis of the chloride or dissolvedsolids concentration (or specific conductance) of the water.Recently, however, more innovative approaches have beendeveloped to improve the spatial detail and frequency bywhich saltwater contamination can be monitored. One ofthese innovations is the use of borehole electromagnetic(EM) logs, which provide detailed, yet indirect, verticalprofiles of conductivity through the entire well bore.Repeated EM logs at a monitoring location can alsoprovide a detailed record of changing conductivityconditions within an aquifer. This is illustrated in Fig. 7,which shows the results of two sets of EM logs at threewells in Ventura County, California (Hanson et al. 2009).The EM logs are accompanied by gamma logs, whichfacilitate distinguishing between the zones of high andlow permeability. EM measurements at all three wells


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show evidence of reduced salinity in the shallower parts ofthe aquifer system over a 2-year interval (that is, the EMconductivity values in 1996 were lower than the 1994values). However, the “Southern Oxnard Plain” wellshows a significant increase in EM conductivity between244 and 259 m (800 and 850 ft) below land surface. Theincrease in EM conductivity is indicative of an increase insalinity in the zone over the 2-year time period.

Automated sampling systems have been developed toprovide real-time monitoring of saltwater intrusion (see,for example, Granato and Smith 2002; Cherry and Clarke2008). In the Brunswick, Georgia, area, a network of real-time monitoring wells completed in the Upper Floridanaquifer has been established around a plume of saltwatercontamination to ensure that the contamination is con-tained. Wells in the network are equipped with satellitetelemetry for real-time monitoring of water levels andspecific conductance (Cherry and Clarke 2008).

Numerical modeling is an important tool that has beenused to investigate the paths and rates of groundwater flowand saltwater intrusion in many regions of North America.

Because of their complexity, density-dependent solute-transport models have not been used as extensively toevaluate coastal groundwater systems as have constant-density models that simulate only groundwater flow,although this will likely change in the future as computersbecome more powerful and familiarization with solute-transport simulation codes becomes more widespread.Optimization (management) models that are linked withnumerical-simulation models have been used to determinestrategies to better manage coastal groundwater systemsand control saltwater intrusion (see Reichard and Johnson2005, for a listing of recent optimization applications tosaltwater intrusion problems).

Engineering and regulatory approaches for managingsaltwater intrusion also include both traditional andinnovative techniques. A common approach for managingsaltwater intrusion has been to reduce the rate of pumpingfrom coastal wells, or to move the locations of with-drawals further inland. Reductions in coastal withdrawalsallow groundwater levels to recover from their stressedlevels, and fresh groundwater to displace the intruded




Los Angeles

Santa Monica




Dominguez Gap area

Long Beach














Los Angeles River

100 parts per million

500 parts per million


Area in or adjacent to the West Coast Basin,which in 1945–46 (as of 1943 for DominguezGap) contained contaminated groundwaterwith chloride content greater than:



r t - I ng

l e wo



l i f t






Fig. 6 Chloride concentrations in coastal Los Angeles (California) in the mid-1940s. (Modified from Poland et al. 1959, plate 16)


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saltwater. An example of a successful water-level recoveryprogram is provided from central New Jersey, where waterlevels in four confined aquifers of the Northern AtlanticCoastal Plain have rebounded as a result of mandatedreductions in groundwater withdrawals (and a shift tosurface-water supply sources), begun in the late 1980s(Spitz et al. 2008). High rates of groundwater withdrawalsfrom the four aquifers had caused steep declines ingroundwater levels over an approximately 2,300 km2 area,which posed a range of problems to water supplies withinthe affected areas, including depletion of groundwatersupplies, reductions in groundwater discharge to streams,and saltwater intrusion. By 1988, groundwater levels inthe aquifers had declined by as much as 60 m below sealevel. In response to reductions in withdrawals in eachaquifer that ranged from 40 to 50% of peak rates, waterlevels recovered by more than 24 m between 1988 to 2003in some areas; typical recoveries ranged from 3 to 12 mover large areas of each aquifer.

An alternative (or supplement) to reducing ground-water withdrawals is to artificially recharge freshwater intoan aquifer to increase groundwater levels and hydrauli-cally control the movement of the intruding saltwater.Artificial recharge can be accomplished through injectionwells or by infiltration of freshwater at land surface. In

either case, the recharged water creates hydraulic barriersto saltwater intrusion. Perhaps the most prominentexample of the use of artificial recharge to controlsaltwater intrusion on the Atlantic Coast is in southeasternFlorida. As described previously, the extensive network ofsurface-water canals is used during the dry season toconvey freshwater from inland storage areas to coastalareas, where the water is recharged through the canals toslow saltwater intrusion in the underlying Biscayneaquifer.

In addition to these more conventional methods,innovative approaches are now used to manage saltwaterintrusion. These include aquifer storage and recovery(ASR) systems, desalination systems, and blending ofwaters of different quality. ASR systems have beendeveloped in New Jersey, Virginia, South Carolina,Florida, and California. Desalinization systems are becom-ing more widespread in the United States as desalinationtechnologies improve, costs decrease, and new sources offreshwater become more difficult to develop. An examplein which desalination and blending of waters have beenimplemented to reduce the rate of saltwater intrusion andmeet projected increases in peak water-supply demands isprovided by the City of Cape May, New Jersey, wheresaltwater intrusion has contaminated supply wells in the

0 100 0 50 100

0 1,000










0 5050 100





H, I












SouthernOxnard Plain



0 500 0 1,000

Natural gamma log; upper scaleis natural gamma, in countsper second

Electromagnetic conductivitylog; lower scale is electromagneticconductivity, in millisiemensper meter



Fig. 7 Electromagnetic-conductivity borehole logs from three wells in Ventura County, California. Repeated measurement of theconductivity of the aquifer at the three wells indicates that conductivity decreased in the shallower parts of the aquifer during the 2-yearinterval. (Modified from Hanson et al. 2009)


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Cohansey aquifer (Fig. 2a). Since 1998, the city hasoperated a desalination system that consists of two newsupply wells installed in a brackish confined aquifer thatunderlies the Cohansey aquifer. The two wells have acombined capacity of 8.8×10−2m3/s (2 million gallons perday, Mgal/day). The brackish groundwater pumped from theaquifer is desalinated by use of reverse-osmosis membranefiltration systems designed to treat water with concentrationsup to 2,000 mg/L dissolved solids. The desalinated water isthen blended with freshwater pumped from the Cohanseyaquifer. The desalinated water has reduced the city’s relianceon imported water and groundwater pumped from theCohansey aquifer, and is expected to reduce the rate ofsaltwater intrusion in the Cohansey aquifer.

Often, several actions are taken simultaneously tocontrol saltwater intrusion or are taken as part of acomprehensive strategy for managing the groundwaterand surface-water supplies of coastal areas. The State ofGeorgia provides an example in which a multicomponentstrategy has been used to manage saltwater intrusion.Groundwater withdrawn from the Upper Floridan aquiferis the principal source of water supply for 24 counties ofcoastal Georgia, an area of rapid population growth,increased tourism, and sustained industrial activity. Exten-sive withdrawals in the area for industry, public supply,and irrigation have resulted in substantial water-leveldeclines in the coastal zone, decreased fresh groundwaterdischarge to springs and other surface-water features, andsaltwater contamination in the city of Brunswick, Georgia,and on Hilton Head Island (and nearby offshore areas) inadjacent South Carolina. In response to the saltwatercontamination and related water-supply issues, the State ofGeorgia has developed a comprehensive plan to stabilizeor halt saltwater intrusion into the Upper Florida aquifer(Georgia Environmental Protection Division 2006). Thebasis of the plan is the establishment of three managementsubregions within the state’s coastal zones, with eachsubregion having a varying degree of vulnerability tosaltwater intrusion. Within the area closest to Hilton HeadIsland, the plan includes restricting withdrawals from theUpper Floridan aquifer to 2004 pumping rates andeventually reducing withdrawal rates within the area by2.2×10−1m3/s (5 Mgal/day). The plan also encouragesblending of groundwater and surface-water sources tomeet increased demands within this area. In the Bruns-wick area, the plan prohibits new wells within the area ofsaltwater contamination and management of existingwithdrawals to avoid further expansion of the saltwaterplume. The plan also calls for the implementation ofwater-conservation, water-efficiency, and water-reusestrategies within the entire coastal zone of the state, andcontinued monitoring of groundwater levels, chlorideconcentrations, and streamflow within the coastal zone todetermine how the hydrologic system responds to man-agement actions.

Comprehensive integrative management strategies alsoare in place in many of the basins of central and southernCalifornia. In all of these areas, it is recognized thatalthough saltwater intrusion directly affects only a portion

of the groundwater basin, control of saltwater intrusionmust be considered within regional-scale groundwater andsurface-water management. In Los Angeles, local agenciesbegan installing experimental wells near Manhattan Beach(Fig. 6) in the early 1950s to evaluate the effectiveness ofinjection in creating an hydraulic barrier to controlintrusion. Today, three sets of barrier injection wellsoperate along coastal Los Angeles, injecting approxi-mately 30.8×106m3 (25,000 acre-feet) annually. Therehave been several other key developments that enabled atleast partial control of seawater intrusion. First, the coastalLos Angeles groundwater basins were adjudicated in theearly 1960s, which enabled imposition of controls onpumping. Second, additional surface water has beenimported to replace groundwater pumpage and as sourcewater for the coastal injection wells and upgradientartificial recharge ponds. Finally, highly treated recycledwastewater is increasingly used for injection. Johnson andWhitaker (2004) provide an extensive overview of theseveral management approaches that have been used tomitigate saltwater intrusion in Los Angeles County,particularly the history and operation of the saltwaterbarrier wells. Although all these actions have hadsubstantial impacts on saltwater intrusion in the area,water levels remain below sea level in many areas near thecoast, and elevated chloride concentrations persist (Landet al. 2004). In the Los Angeles area, water managers arecontinually evaluating strategies for reducing the costs andincreasing the reliability of saltwater-intrusion control(Reichard and Johnson 2005). This includes increasinguse of recycled water for injection; operation of small-scale, localized desalination systems; and developing ASRprojects. The ASR projects would store additionalimported water during wet years (either delivered directlyto users to be used in lieu of groundwater, or as injection)and extract additional groundwater during dry periods.

In Orange County, California, the Orange County WaterDistrict recently (2008) began operating the “GroundwaterReplenishment System.” This system incorporates a large-scale (3.1 m3/s, or 70 Mgal/day), multi-phase treatment(reverse osmosis, microfiltration, and ultraviolet light withhydrogen peroxide) disinfection plant, which processestertiary-treated sewage. About half of this highly treatedwater is injected into saltwater-intrusion barrier wells; theremaining water is transported upgradient to spreadinggrounds in the unconfined/semiconfined part of the basin(Orange County Water District 2004).

In the Salinas and Pajaro basins, saltwater intrusion isaddressed through a range of actions, including replacingpumpage with diverted streamflow and increasing use ofrecycled water. In Pajaro, an ASR project is being imple-mented in conjunction with the use of recycled water. InSalinas, strategies for controlling intrusion include coordi-nated operation of two upstream surface-water reservoirs(Naciemento and San Antonio). Current plans includemodifying the spillway of one of the reservoirs (Naciemento),which will allow modification of the joint reservoir operationto increase the amount of water available for instreamrecharge and direct delivery. A new diversion structure is


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planned to allow increased diversion of Salinas River water toreplace pumpage near the coast (Monterey County WaterResources Agency 2004b).

Future prospects

Much progress has been made in understanding the path-ways and processes that affect saltwater movement infreshwater aquifers in coastal regions of North America. Inaddition, a wide range of traditional and innovativemonitoring and management approaches are being used tocontrol and reverse saltwater intrusion where it has occurredand to prevent it from occurring in other areas. In the future,new tools are likely to be developed to monitor and modelsaltwater intrusion, and new approaches will likely beapplied to more efficiently manage intrusion. Accuratethree-dimensional characterization of intrusion will requireincreased use of depth-dependent monitoring wells, supple-mented by innovative applications of surface and boreholegeophysics. Because of the often complex pathways ofsaltwater movement, predicting the dynamics of intrusionwill require solute-transport models that more completelyincorporate the details of the hydrostratigraphy of coastalgroundwater systems and the dynamics of multiple sourcesof chloride than present models can. Sustainable manage-ment responses to saltwater intrusion will require multi-component strategies that consider intrusion in the broadercontext of basinwide, integrated groundwater and surface-water management. New engineering approaches will needto be considered (for example, utilizing physical barriers)and there will likely be increased use of recycled water forrecharge and direct delivery to users. In addition, sophisti-cated decision-support systems will likely be developed thatcan link monitoring data with simulation and optimizationmodels, and that provide for improved communication ofsimulation results to water-resource managers. Desalinationis expected to become more widespread as the treatmentmethods become more energy efficient and the challenges ofenvironmentally sound brine disposal are addressed. Finally,water managers will need to consider how saltwaterintrusion may be affected by potential rises in sea level dueto climate change.

Acknowledgements We thank Dr. L. E. Marin of the UniversidadNacional Autónoma de México, México, and Dr. K. T. B.MacQuarrie of the University of New Brunswick, Canada, for theirhelpful comments on the status of saltwater-intrusion issues inMexico and along the Atlantic Coast of Canada, respectively. Wealso appreciate the helpful review comments by our US GeologicalSurvey colleagues L. Konikow, T. Nishikawa, R. Dinicola, J.Clarke, D. Morgan, and R. Hanson. This work was supported by theUS Geological Survey Groundwater Resources Program and the USGeological Survey California Water Science Center.


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Hydrogeology Journal (2010) 18: 247–260 DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0514-3

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