sam levy · 2010-01-07 · sinking "the star spangled ban- ... r dinner a motor trip through...

FRIDAY TORRANCE HERALD OCTOBER 17, 1924 Long Slender Lines are one of the reasons for the popularity of coat dresses like the one ilfus- trated here. Come to our department and see all the smart new Fall designs in Pictorial Review Patterns Sam Levy NEW AND LARGER STORE 1313 SARTORI AVE. TORRANCE Bankers Trim Barbers; Union Club Wins, To First Games in City Bowlin League Are Close Battles Th 10 be bi vied Keytone Notes | The P.-T. A. held its regular vtcetiOK at the Carson street school Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Rocque presided. The meeting opened with all sinking "The Star Spangled Ban- Mr." Mrs. Fred Carter was ap- pointed chairman of the hospitality committee, Mrs. Gorky on the emergency committee, Mrs. Bartb. as auditor, and Mrs. Walfenherger, Mrs. Hilpert and Mrs. Barch on the program committee. A recitation was given by Arlie Temple, and a solo by Fern Ste- veas, accompanied by Evelyn Hil- pert. After the meeting adjourned ten and wafers were served nnd a so- cial hour was enjoyed. About ninety people were pres- ent at the Keystone Community Jrnll Sunday night. A stereopticon lecture was given for the B. Y. I'. U. by Kenneth I'owlison, a mis- sionary from Bolivia. A solo ,by Harry Transchell and a quartet composed of Kern Stevens. Alice Bartell, Evelyn Hilpert and Arlie Temple, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Transchell. concluded the Interesting program. being Mr Z. W. ings, Mrs. B. Berry and Mrs. H. C. Rocque at- tended tbc State theatre in Long Beach Monday. Mrs. R. P. Whitehead, mother of Ned Hamilton of Lucllle street, suffered a stroke of paralysis in her reft side and waa taken to a Los Angeles bospit&l. John De Vries, an oil worker, re- siding on Grace street, was in- jured recently while at work on Signal Hilt. ^ M . und Mrs. John Mariner and P. Baron attended the poultry rabbit show at Pomona. Mr. and Mrs. Jean De Custer )f 216th street have returned from i four months' trip to Belgium. Mr st gu e Torrance City League result. victories for tfie First Nation ank and ' the Union Club. Tl irst National bowlers beat Tai y's Barbers 2563 to 2481 in ose game. The 1'axman out! lost to the Union Club in unoth tight battle by :i score of 22 to 2151). Thil scores follow: Union Cluh Tot 15S 131 Bale .................... 148 111 Reese ................ 129 200 Stemutz ............ 140 172 Tigers ........ 156 160 ........ lift- 157 ........ 153 170 ........ 136 133 ........ 152 125 113 119 145 707 745 707 21" Fir O'Connell Babcock . Mullin ..... Schlick ... Deininger MrfMillan ... 181 156 237 185 143 50 808 881 874 256 Team average, 854. Tansey's Barbers Tota iarvey .............. 192 167 211 ey. Ed 128 147 126 192 150 40 164 52 852 760 869 248 average, 827. The Hendrie Tire team won fror cean Park in a non-league mate: r :\ score of 2503 to 2267. Th Hendrie Tire Co. Tota Deck ..............155 168 177 50 Diller ............ 180 199 210 58 Fisher ................ 113 145 151 40 er ................ 138 120 155 41 H. Deck ............ Iff4 -187 221 59 Park- Ocean T. Brown .......... 157 Hedelund .......... 103 Rae .................... 136 Hacker .............. 161 ..... 151 770 881 932 250 Tota 166 708 863 796 226 J. R. Hines attended the concert 'given by the Seven Arts Club, Long Beach. Tuesday. Mes- dames J. S. Lancaster, O. W, Post and R. R. Smith accompanied her as guests. They enjoyed the pro- gram, which was composed of vo- c:U numbers by Marlo Chamlee and Ruth Miller. Mis Hermina urt shop Oetken is open- t 1601 Gramcrcy. MIT?. J. B. Hines and Mrs. J. A. "ouiife attended the first meeting f the federation secretaries of the .os Angeles district of Women's Clulw Thursday in Los Angeles. The foil. Burmaster . Keeney ....... ... 168 159 151 ... 168 224 149 ... 176 188 186 ... 170 162 158 ... 198 153 197 55 880 998 845 272' Tota 146 182 177 50! 155 206 139 19 141 202 189 53! 163 156 177 491 163 118 207 488 Renn & Tomkins ' 1639 CABRILLO, TORRANCE Good Things to Eat Phones 18 and 218 PHONE 18 or 218 WE DELIVER ~ A hot breakfast ../Sir 9 cents Coffee, pancaket iprcad with butte syrup, and all! Add totting to this flour but water. You hare tender, golden-brown, milt- rich pancakes in a jiffy. And you cer- tainly do knock the H. out of H. C. I_ AUNT JEMIMA. PANCAKE FLOUR Golden brown hot! A»nt Jcminyi Buckwheat Flour t your f-rne'cr't in 20-oz. c«* tomor^-Ib. i»rk«. "I'M In town. Money t" Aunt Jemima Buckwheat Cakes Harry Warren in charge of our Meat Department Ladies' Aid Society Will Meet Tuesday The Ladies' Aid of the . church will celebrate uesday. Oct. :'l, eeting. Luncheon at 11 Kvery member is urged to b< present. The new officers tak' their places, and xve are deslroui that tills year be a iccord-breakei NEW NOTARY HERE John \V. Cuflcy has lieen coin- missioned .1 notary public for Los Angeles county, with offices at 1630 Date street and 1637 Cola avenue. Mr. Cufley hoji moved from 2611 Redondo boulevard. New Minister Is Welcomed To Torrance Hev. Essig and Family Are Guests at Reception Held Thursday uled of Re Fred KssiR, Methodist hurch, and family. Thursday eve- ning at the parlors of the church, 'hich were beautifully decorated }r the occasion. Rev. B. H. Lingenfclter of the hristian church welcomed Rev. Essig on behalf of the churches of Rev. Essig . and Mrs. Essig responded. The Boy Scouts of Torrance. inder the leadership of Roley i 'Open All Night' Will Be Shown Here Saturda Betty Compson Will Star Torrance Theatre Pro- gram Next Week .Admirers of Adolphe Menjon n Viola Danii will lie offered anotl ortunity of seeing these I ltes in "Open All Night" at tl nince theatre Saturday, picture is described as a brlllian 'rench farce-comedy, abounding hrills und humor. Jetta Com ilso appears In "Open All Nijrht' :he is gaining popularity rapid nd is looked upon as star m< i-rliil. A "Fortieth Door" episoc I'ill also lie shown. Sunday and Monday Bet1 l.catrtf vhich to the Rne by Ja nappy H billed Word comes from Holly ic culmination- of two ilked-of motion picture ro Betty Compson and James Kenneth Harlan st. Both couph this week. vow Mis vill alv be pson nembered for her brilliant wo hat master picture, "The M Man," which overnight made Thomas Melghnn, y, and Betty. Lately sh starring in a series of Para t pictures of the flapp rlargon, put on a demonstration. | Sex," icty. He Ralph Crimmings sang- Merrily I Roam," by Schlcrffarth. The program follows: Piano duet iy Vcrna ahd Mnrgerie Payne: eading, "The Low-Backed Car," ifaxine Brown; vocal solo, "Bells f the Sea," by W. G. Comings. Refreshments were served. TORRANCE NOTES H. Sapp and family motored an Diego Sunday to see the landoah, returning Monday. T. Blosser of Tiffin, O.. was guest of. his cousins, Mr. and Irs. O. A. Leatherman, of Ama- ^unday. Russell Ha all on of Mr id Mr Ha of Vistar High- nds, is home from the hospital n Los Angeles, where he was op- ated upon two weeks ago, and is jtting along finely. Mesdnmes J. M. Fitzhugh, W. M. rooks, O. L. Shidler, W. J. Nee- nds and H. A. Kembell attended le opening program of the Cos- os Club, Los Angeles, Tuesday. tr. and Mrs. th Arlington guests'of M F. Thomas enue were d and Mrs. Th Starrett of Glendale Sunday. r dinner a motor trip through dena was enjoyed. latest is "The hich was directed by husband, James Cr directo of Hollywood's b is chnract nd finish to all his work. made "Hollywood," "Rugglc Ladies," but ll always be best r his marvelous epi days, "The Red Gap," "T course h membere of pion Waeon." Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schlick rived from Denver Monday. Schlick is a brother of Walte Schlick-of the First National Bank and he expects to make his horn in Torrance. James T. Wise, the well kno flattener, was badly bruised a shaken up Tuesday nlghf wh he stepped into an excavation the glass factory during the l'lr Big Bankrupt Stock Sale 01 Saturday by Coles' Variety Store the Great Cut Rate Store, Tor ranee, between Herald office am postoft'ice. Come. Saturday Salt Adv. Join the crowd at this Grea Sale Saturday. One-half and one third off. Noted for our bargains and now we go the limit will thousands of dollars' worth o good, clean staple merchandise a >st and less than cost. Ncv goods and all bankrupt stock. Om price and cash only. The lowes prices ever quoted. Saturday Coles Saturday. Adv. Read Our Want Ads! r fs Fight to Bitter End, Says Wife, Suing Broadway Beauty for $100,000 '.'in Kutlicrine McTntyre Krt-y (above) say.-, >!,.- will fight tc ic bitl.T .ml to win |,ci * I ((0,00(1 suit against Wilda Menu-It (!..- w), whom >lie arcii'.cs of stealing the iiffcclior.i i.i liw ln:.,l>... . (" l-'rcy. wealthy turfman She says she it fi Khtii:i; fur wives again.-,! actresses who |in y upon wcaltliv .:! -.. Hcmictl firmly denies she is a vampire. ' ORDINANCE No. 94 ding Ordina aling Section . BS, Changl of To rdain follo Section 1 Section 1 of Ordinance No. hereby repealed. Section 2 hereby amended to read as foil Section 1. That the City of To ranee shall bo and the sni hereby divided into three fire tricts to be .known and designat respectively us Fire District Number One Fire District Number Two Fire District Number Three. Fire District Number One shi comprise the area ir"lllded with the following boundaries; Beginning at the intersection the easterly prolongation of t southerly line of Block 102 of To ranee Tract a»d the east bounda line of the City of Torrance; Thence westerly and noithwcp erly and northerly along the ens erly prolongation of the souther line of Block 102. said tract, t' southerly line of said block. I southwesterly line of Block It said tract, the westerly line Blocks 104 and 1119. saM tract, tho Intel-section of the easier prolongation of the southerly Hi of Lot 3, Block 18, said tract; Thence westerly along said pr longation and southerly line said Lot 3 to the southwester icr of said Lot 3; hence in a direct line to tl Iheast corner of Lot 22, sa Block 18; Thence westerly along the so erly line of said Lot 22 and terly prolongation thereof the southerly line of Lots 3, 4 an of Block 19; Thence northerly along the erly line of said Lot 3 to the north erly corner of said, lot: Thence northwesterly in a dire line to the southwest corner Lot 6, Block 17. said tract; Thence northerly along the wes erly side of said Lot 6 to tl southerly line of Lot A-17; Thence westerly and northwes Iy along the southerly and south esterly lino of said Lot A-17 t e Intersection with the soutl easterly line of Lot S-ll; Thence in a direct line nortl esterly to the north corner i ot 9, Block 13, said tract; Thence northeasterly in a dire« ine to the southwesterly corner < ot 1, Block 9, said tract; Thence southeasterly to tl southerly corner of Lot 2, Blot , said tract; Thence northeasterly to the eas rly corner of said Lot 2; Thence in a straight line to tl westerly corner of Lot 11, Blot 1, said tract; Thence northeasterly to tt lortherly corner of said Lot 11 Thence northeasterly and we rly along the northeasterly si if Blocks 71, 72. 73, to the nc :orner of Lot 1, said Block 7orrance Tract; Thence northeasterly to outhwesterly corner of land' he Columbia Steel Corporation Thence northerly to the easterl irolongation of the southerly lin f the 125-acre tract of land of th acific Electric Railway Shops; Thence westerly along the south rly side of said 125-acre tract t lie southwest corner thereof; Thence northerly along the west rly side of said 125-acre tract t lie northwesterly corner thereof Thence easterly along the north rly side of said 125-acre tract t ic northeast corner thereof; Thence southerly along the east rly side of said 125-acre tract, t< ie point where it is intersecteti y the westerly prolongation of th ortherly side of tho property o ic Columbia Steel Corporation Thence easterly along said line > tho Pacific Electric right of 00 feet in width; Thence southeasterly along the isterly line of said Pacific f ic right of way and the southerls olongation thereof across tl treet named El Prado to tl nitherly line of Kl I'rado; Thence southwesterly along tl euthoasterly line of Kl Prudo I ie northwesterly eornur-ijf .Lot 2 lock 117. Torrance Tract; Thence southeasterly and soi Iy along the' southwesterly e-stc-rly side or said Lot 2 to -ith thi of; th- 4, 6, Thence easterly al Iy line of Lots 2, id block, to the -r of Lot C, said block; Thence southerly along the Pa tic KIcctric right of way to th uthciisl comer of Lot 26, Bloc] 3; Thence easterly along the north Iy side of 213th Street to tlv . iterly boundary lino of the City Thence southerly along the eas Iy boundary of the city of To nee to the ii»rthi-;iHterly corn Lot 3, Hlock 107; Thence westerly ale.ilK the nortl Iy line ot said lot to the nortl corner thereof; nee southerly along the wes Iy line thereof to the southwe tin along tin thi-rly to the point harl tile A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS LIKE A FRUIT TREE! But it bears fruit twice a year in dollars. Every six months, in the form of nterest, your account bears Its crop of dividends. Interest is the most reg- ular crop in the world. It never fails to yield. Join the army of bounti- ful harvesters by start- ing a Savings Account today! State Exchange Bank "THE COMMUNITY BANK" -WE PAY 4% ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS- TORRANCE CALIF. R. H. SMITH. certify that the foregoing ordinance President of the Board of | was rluly and regularly adopted by Trustees of the City of , the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance' at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of September, 1924, by a. majority vote of the members present. In Witness Whereof I have here- unto set my hand and official seal Attest: AJLBERT H. BARTLETT, City Clerk of the City of (Seal) Torrance. State of California, County of Los Angeles. ss. I, Albert H. Bartlett, City Clerk if the City of Torrnnce, do hereby of said City. ALBERT H. BARTLETT, City Clerk of the City of Torrance. -MR. BUILDER DO YOU KNOW? Do you know that the American Electric Co. can furnish alT Electric Work, Built-in Features, Wall Beds, and Plumbing for your house? Do you know that we guarantee our work and material for one year? Do you know that 90 per cent of the electrical work in Torrance is done by the American Electric? Do you know that you have no job too small or too large for us to cheer- fully, render an estimate? We strive to be prompt courteous at all times. and AMERICAN ELECTRIC CO. 1322 Sartori Phone 68 Torrance For YOUR Choice .FANCY , Royal Society Dresses All Sizes and Colors OUR STORE. OFERS THIS ROYAL SOCIETY SPECIAL THAT IS ONLY ALLOWED TWICE A YEAR See Window RAPPAPORT'S Torrance

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Long Slender Linesare one of the reasons for the popularity of coat dresses like the one ilfus- trated here. Come to our department and see all the smart new Fall designs in

Pictorial Review Patterns



Bankers Trim Barbers; Union

Club Wins, ToFirst Games in City Bowlin

League Are CloseBattles

Th 10 be bi vied

Keytone Notes |The P.-T. A. held its regular

vtcetiOK at the Carson street school Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Rocque presided.

The meeting opened with all sinking "The Star Spangled Ban- Mr." Mrs. Fred Carter was ap­ pointed chairman of the hospitality committee, Mrs. Gorky on the emergency committee, Mrs. Bartb. as auditor, and Mrs. Walfenherger, Mrs. Hilpert and Mrs. Barch on the program committee.

A recitation was given by Arlie Temple, and a solo by Fern Ste- veas, accompanied by Evelyn Hil­ pert.

After the meeting adjourned ten and wafers were served nnd a so­ cial hour was enjoyed.

About ninety people were pres­ ent at the Keystone Community Jrnll Sunday night. A stereopticon lecture was given for the B. Y. I'. U. by Kenneth I'owlison, a mis­ sionary from Bolivia. A solo ,by Harry Transchell and a quartet composed of Kern Stevens. Alice Bartell, Evelyn Hilpert and Arlie Temple, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Transchell. concluded the Interesting program.


Mr Z. W. ings, Mrs. B. Berry and Mrs. H. C. Rocque at­ tended tbc State theatre in Long Beach Monday.

Mrs. R. P. Whitehead, mother of Ned Hamilton of Lucllle street, suffered a stroke of paralysis in her reft side and waa taken to a Los Angeles bospit&l.

John De Vries, an oil worker, re­ siding on Grace street, was in­ jured recently while at work on Signal Hilt. ^

M . und Mrs. John Mariner and P. Baron attended the poultry

rabbit show at Pomona.

Mr. and Mrs. Jean De Custer )f 216th street have returned from i four months' trip to Belgium.


st gue Torrance City League result.

victories for tfie First Nation

ank and ' the Union Club. Tl irst National bowlers beat Tai y's Barbers 2563 to 2481 in ose game. The 1'axman out!

lost to the Union Club in unoth tight battle by :i score of 22 to 2151).

Thil scores follow: Union Cluh Tot

15S 131Bale .................... 148 111Reese ................ 129 200Stemutz ............ 140 172


........ 156 160

........ lift- 157

........ 153 170

........ 136 133

........ 152 125


707 745 707 21"

Fir O'Connell Babcock . Mullin ..... Schlick ... Deininger MrfMillan ... 181

156237185 143 50

808 881 874 256Team average, 854.

Tansey's Barbers Totaiarvey .............. 192 167 211

ey. Ed 128147126192

150 40164 52

852 760 869 248 average, 827.

The Hendrie Tire team won fror cean Park in a non-league mate: r :\ score of 2503 to 2267. Th

Hendrie Tire Co. TotaDeck ..............155 168 177 50Diller ............ 180 199 210 58

Fisher ................ 113 145 151 40er ................ 138 120 155 41

H. Deck ............ Iff4 -187 221 59

Park-Ocean T. Brown .......... 157Hedelund .......... 103Rae .................... 136Hacker .............. 161

..... 151

770 881 932 250Tota


708 863 796 226

J. R. Hines attended the concert 'given by the Seven Arts Club, Long Beach. Tuesday. Mes­ dames J. S. Lancaster, O. W, Post and R. R. Smith accompanied her as guests. They enjoyed the pro­ gram, which was composed of vo- c:U numbers by Marlo Chamlee and Ruth Miller.

Mis Hermina urt shop

Oetken is open­ t 1601 Gramcrcy.

MIT?. J. B. Hines and Mrs. J. A. "ouiife attended the first meeting f the federation secretaries of the .os Angeles district of Women's

Clulw Thursday in Los Angeles.

The foil.

Burmaster . Keeney .......

... 168 159 151

... 168 224 149

... 176 188 186

... 170 162 158

... 198 153 197 55

880 998 845 272' Tota

146 182 177 50!155 206 139 19141 202 189 53!163 156 177 491163 118 207 488

Renn & Tomkins' 1639 CABRILLO, TORRANCE

Good Things to Eat Phones 18 and 218

PHONE 18 or 218 WE DELIVER ~

A hot breakfast ../Sir 9 cents

Coffee, pancaket iprcad with butte syrup, and all!

Add totting to this flour but water. You hare tender, golden-brown, milt- rich pancakes in a jiffy. And you cer­ tainly do knock the H. out of H. C. I_


Golden brown hot!

A»nt Jcminyi Buckwheat Flour t your f-rne'cr't in 20-oz. c«* tomor^-Ib. i»rk«.

"I'M In town. Money t"



Harry Warren in charge of our Meat Department

Ladies' Aid Society Will Meet Tuesday

The Ladies' Aid of the . church will celebrate

uesday. Oct. :'l,

eeting. Luncheon at 11

Kvery member is urged to b<

present. The new officers tak' their places, and xve are deslroui

that tills year be a iccord-breakei


John \V. Cuflcy has lieen coin- missioned .1 notary public for Los Angeles county, with offices at 1630 Date street and 1637 Cola avenue. Mr. Cufley hoji moved from 2611 Redondo boulevard.

New Minister Is Welcomed

To TorranceHev. Essig and Family AreGuests at Reception Held

Thursdayuled of Re Fred KssiR,

Methodist hurch, and family. Thursday eve­

ning at the parlors of the church, 'hich were beautifully decorated }r the occasion.Rev. B. H. Lingenfclter of the

hristian church welcomed Rev. Essig on behalf of the churches of

Rev. Essig . and Mrs. Essig responded.

The Boy Scouts of Torrance. inder the leadership of Roley i

'Open All Night' Will Be Shown

Here SaturdaBetty Compson Will Star

Torrance Theatre Pro­ gram Next Week

.Admirers of Adolphe Menjon n

Viola Danii will lie offered anotl

ortunity of seeing these I

ltes in "Open All Night" at tl

nince theatre Saturday,

picture is described as a brlllian

'rench farce-comedy, abounding hrills und humor. Jetta Com ilso appears In "Open All Nijrht' :he is gaining popularity rapid nd is looked upon as star m< i-rliil. A "Fortieth Door" episoc I'ill also lie shown. Sunday and Monday Bet1

l.catrtf vhich

to the Rne

by Janappy H


Word comes from Hollyic culmination- of twoilked-of motion picture ro

Betty Compson and JamesKenneth Harlan st. Both couph this week.


Mis vill alv bepsonnembered for her brilliant wo hat master picture, "The M Man," which overnight made

Thomas Melghnn, y, and Betty. Lately sh starring in a series of Para t pictures of the flapp

rlargon, put on a demonstration. | Sex,"icty. He

Ralph Crimmings sang- Merrily I Roam," by Schlcrffarth.The program follows: Piano duet

iy Vcrna ahd Mnrgerie Payne: eading, "The Low-Backed Car," ifaxine Brown; vocal solo, "Bells f the Sea," by W. G. Comings.Refreshments were served.


H. Sapp and family motored an Diego Sunday to see the landoah, returning Monday.

T. Blosser of Tiffin, O.. was guest of. his cousins, Mr. and

Irs. O. A. Leatherman, of Ama-


Russell Ha all on of Mrid Mr Ha of Vistar High- nds, is home from the hospital

n Los Angeles, where he was op- ated upon two weeks ago, and is jtting along finely.

Mesdnmes J. M. Fitzhugh, W. M. rooks, O. L. Shidler, W. J. Nee- nds and H. A. Kembell attended le opening program of the Cos- os Club, Los Angeles, Tuesday.

tr. and Mrs. th Arlington guests'of M

F. Thomas enue were d and Mrs. Th

Starrett of Glendale Sunday. r dinner a motor trip through dena was enjoyed.

latest is "The hich was directed by

husband, James Cr

directoof Hollywood's b

is chnractnd finish to all his work.

made "Hollywood," "RugglcLadies," but

ll always be best r his marvelous epi days, "The

Red Gap," "T course h membere of pion Waeon."

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schlick rived from Denver Monday. Schlick is a brother of Walte Schlick-of the First National Bank and he expects to make his horn in Torrance.

James T. Wise, the well kno flattener, was badly bruised a shaken up Tuesday nlghf wh he stepped into an excavation the glass factory during the l'lr

Big Bankrupt Stock Sale 01 Saturday by Coles' Variety Store the Great Cut Rate Store, Tor ranee, between Herald office am postoft'ice. Come. Saturday Salt Adv.

Join the crowd at this Grea Sale Saturday. One-half and one third off. Noted for our bargains and now we go the limit will thousands of dollars' worth o good, clean staple merchandise a

>st and less than cost. Ncv goods and all bankrupt stock. Om price and cash only. The lowes prices ever quoted. Saturday Coles Saturday. Adv.

Read Our Want Ads!

rfs Fight to Bitter End, Says Wife, Suing Broadway Beauty for $100,000

'.'in Kutlicrine McTntyre Krt-y (above) say.-, >!,.- will fight tc ic bitl.T .ml to win |,ci * I ((0,00(1 suit against Wilda Menu-It (!..- w), whom >lie arcii'.cs of stealing the iiffcclior.i i.i liw ln:.,l>... •

. (" l-'rcy. wealthy turfman She says she it fiKhtii:i; fur wives again.-,! actresses who |in y upon wcaltliv .:! -..

Hcmictl firmly denies she is a vampire. '


ding Ordina aling Section . BS, Changl

of To rdainfollo

Section 1Section 1 of Ordinance No.

hereby repealed.Section 2

hereby amended to read as foilSection 1. That the City of To

ranee shall bo and the sni hereby divided into three fire tricts to be .known and designat respectively us

Fire District Number One Fire District Number Two Fire District Number Three.

Fire District Number One shi comprise the area ir"lllded with the following boundaries;

Beginning at the intersection the easterly prolongation of t southerly line of Block 102 of To ranee Tract a»d the east bounda line of the City of Torrance;

Thence westerly and noithwcp erly and northerly along the ens erly prolongation of the souther line of Block 102. said tract, t' southerly line of said block. I southwesterly line of Block It said tract, the westerly line Blocks 104 and 1119. saM tract, tho Intel-section of the easier prolongation of the southerly Hi of Lot 3, Block 18, said tract;

Thence westerly along said pr longation and southerly line said Lot 3 to the southwester

icr of said Lot 3; hence in a direct line to tl Iheast corner of Lot 22, sa

Block 18;Thence westerly along the so

erly line of said Lot 22 and terly prolongation thereof

the southerly line of Lots 3, 4 an of Block 19;Thence northerly along the

erly line of said Lot 3 to the north erly corner of said, lot:

Thence northwesterly in a dire line to the southwest corner Lot 6, Block 17. said tract;

Thence northerly along the wes erly side of said Lot 6 to tl southerly line of Lot A-17;

Thence westerly and northwesIy along the southerly and southesterly lino of said Lot A-17 te Intersection with the soutl

easterly line of Lot S-ll;Thence in a direct line nortlesterly to the north corner iot 9, Block 13, said tract;Thence northeasterly in a dire«

ine to the southwesterly corner <ot 1, Block 9, said tract;Thence southeasterly to tl

southerly corner of Lot 2, Blot , said tract;Thence northeasterly to the eas

rly corner of said Lot 2;Thence in a straight line to tl

westerly corner of Lot 11, Blot 1, said tract;Thence northeasterly to tt

lortherly corner of said Lot 11Thence northeasterly and we

rly along the northeasterly si if Blocks 71, 72. 73, to the nc :orner of Lot 1, said Block 7orrance Tract;

Thence northeasterly to outhwesterly corner of land' he Columbia Steel CorporationThence northerly to the easterl

irolongation of the southerly lin f the 125-acre tract of land of th acific Electric Railway Shops;Thence westerly along the south

rly side of said 125-acre tract t lie southwest corner thereof;Thence northerly along the west

rly side of said 125-acre tract t lie northwesterly corner thereofThence easterly along the north

rly side of said 125-acre tract t ic northeast corner thereof;Thence southerly along the east

rly side of said 125-acre tract, t< ie point where it is intersecteti y the westerly prolongation of th ortherly side of tho property o ic Columbia Steel CorporationThence easterly along said line

> tho Pacific Electric right of 00 feet in width; Thence southeasterly along the isterly line of said Pacific f ic right of way and the southerls olongation thereof across tl

treet named El Prado to tl nitherly line of Kl I'rado; Thence southwesterly along tl euthoasterly line of Kl Prudo I ie northwesterly eornur-ijf .Lot 2 lock 117. Torrance Tract; Thence southeasterly and soi Iy along the' southwesterly e-stc-rly side or said Lot 2 to-ith thi of;

th­4, 6,

Thence easterly alIy line of Lots 2,id block, to the-r of Lot C, said block;Thence southerly along the Patic KIcctric right of way to thuthciisl comer of Lot 26, Bloc]3;Thence easterly along the northIy side of 213th Street to tlv. iterly boundary lino of the City

Thence southerly along the eas Iy boundary of the city of To nee to the ii»rthi-;iHterly corn

Lot 3, Hlock 107; Thence westerly ale.ilK the nortl Iy line ot said lot to the nortl

corner thereof; nee southerly along the wes

Iy line thereof to the southwetin

along tin

thi-rly to the point



But it bears fruit twice a year in dollars. Every six months, in the form of nterest, your account bears Its crop of dividends.

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R. H. SMITH. certify that the foregoing ordinance President of the Board of | was rluly and regularly adopted by

Trustees of the City of , the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance' at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of September, 1924, by a. majority vote of the members present.

In Witness Whereof I have here­ unto set my hand and official seal


City Clerk of the City of (Seal) Torrance.

State of California, County of LosAngeles. ss.

I, Albert H. Bartlett, City Clerk if the City of Torrnnce, do hereby

of said City.ALBERT H. BARTLETT,

City Clerk of the Cityof Torrance.


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