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Post on 09-May-2017




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Smartphones and the Youth’s Education

The development of culture has significantly been influenced by technology. The

breakthroughs made have shaped society as a whole and the individual members of the community.

Technology does not only augment human capacity but also instigate change. Shifting between

paradigms may either be intelligible choices or forced upon man by necessity. In the modern times

change occurs at a very rapid pace. This is due to the constant introduction of developments in

devices that are widely used. In the 21st century, the emerging culture revolves around gadgets and

products of human ingenuity. One of these items is the smartphone.

The smartphone is an evolution of the telephone. It serves the fundamental purpose of

enabling communication. However, it also has many other devices built into it. It can tell time, take

pictures, planner, media player, serve as means of portable data storage and even allow the

enjoyment of games. It is open to customization and adjustments so that it meets the needs as well as

personality of its owner. It is the definitive item that best represents and manifests the current

generation. The youth of today treats the smartphome as an essential part of their lives. This is

proven true by the fact that the use and spend time operating it more than they do other things.

Devices like the smartphone lie in the center of the many dimensions of the lives of modern

man. This means that human activity both those that are essential, and for leisure are becoming part

of the trend of technological milestones. This means that how society works require restructuring to

adapt to the times. Since the youth use smartphones extensively this lies at the heart of changes in

society. New means requires development wherein smartphones has uses not only to improve

communications and entertainment but also to enrich the lives of people.

Since the youth is concerned and expend considerable amounts of time on smartphones why

not employ them for the purpose of education or the proliferation of information. No doubt the youth

will be more inclined to study and be informed if such will be done through their smartphones. They

will read and know more of the news if these devices can have electronic copies of the most – recent


Criminalizing Knives

Recently, a teen in the U. K. was slain by a man wielding knives. To most this is just another

crime. In the status quo, there is a rise in killing involving the use of knives in London. Furthermore,

there is the common practice of citizens to bring with them these sharp and deadly objects. The

question is should the authorities act and impose greater prohibitions on the possession of knives in

public? Certain sectors in society think so. They are, in fact, lobbying government for a more potent

policy which would negate the recurrence of what recently happened.

Some argue that the possession of knives in public is a right both in itself as well as part of

the right as a citizen to protect one’s self. However, such a right has to yield when it comes in

conflict with the public good. A knife is often property of a person, and he or she has full disposition

as to the use of the same. However, this requires restriction and even taken away since it is the source

of significant social harms. Having a knife is like having any portable property. However, the

possession of the same often ends with it being used to harm another. This is where the state has to

take a stand and prevent this detriment. It is true that not all persons that bring knives with them

when they leave their homes are going to stab someone. However, the authorities must take away the

basis for such a potential harm. A person with no knife in their pockets is less likely to stab another

with one as compared to someone who has a knife.

There is the argument that the carrying of knives is part of one’s right to means to protect

one’s self is untenable. Any means of protection is also a potential means to harm another. This line

of thinking also covers knives. This is because intrinsically knives are tools that can injure another.

Furthermore, the mainstream culture that it is alright and natural to bring knives in public originates

from the notion that it is necessary to deal with potential threats to a person’s safety.

It is the role and power of the state to protect citizens even from each other. The whole logic

behind having a knife is a form of taking justice into one’s own hands. It can even be called a form of

vigilantism. This is never acceptable. As such there is the need for government policy and even

legislation prohibiting the carrying of knives in public. The community’s welfare should take

precedence over individual rights.

Lesson of Gun Violence

Recently there has been a resurgence of the specter of gun violence in the United States. In

the State of Arizona, a gun wielding member of society opted to shoot his fellow citizens. He took

the lives of his fellow Americans and gravely injured others. It seems that American society has not

yet learned the lesson of Columbine, Virginia Tech and other incidences of gun violence.

The nightmare of gun violence still pervades and American social consciousness and

continues to taint society. Former Sen. Robert Kennedy said:"Whenever any American's life is taken

by another American unnecessarily - whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of

law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to

violence - whenever we tear at the fabric of life which another man has painfully and clumsily woven

for himself and his children, the whole nation is degraded."

These words hold a deep and ominous meaning in these troubled times.

Recently, Jared Loughner, a youth at 22 becomes a vessel of malevolence that assails the

very fabric of society. After him came others who were direct actors in the tide of gun violence that

plagues the United States. However, the more pressing question is what transforms an ordinary youth

into a gunman with no other purpose than to slay and harm his fellow Americans?

Some say hate is the root of this recent horrendous act, some say angst; others say disdain for

society and government. Regardless of cause the message is clear. The society and government must

act to address this problem before its malignancy spreads and consumes the whole of the social


This act and other like it are symptoms of an emerging cancer which is eating away at the

society's core. The glorification of violence and neglect as to the erosion of values as well as the

detachment from ideals like compassion, justice and communal welfare create conditions, which

promote conditions that give rise to gun violence.

True that gun violence has no singular and determinate roots. However, the conditions by

which it takes hold on individuals in society are apparent. Unless these conditions are at least

mitigated if not completely eradicated this problem will remain.

Government can no longer ignore the danger as well as the urgency of this social concern. It

affords to wait for more victims to fall prey to this affliction. Government cannot allow this to

constantly unravel the fabric of the family and the bonds of society. It should not allow the horrific

nightmare to afflict others.

Society, must work with government to undo the damage done to the psyche as well as

communal consciousness of America so as not to repeat the tragedy that has visited it many times


Marine Illumination

Florida, especially in major population centers like Tampa is known to destination of anyone

interested in marine wildlife. In this state are many notable venues for observing and interacting with

marine wildlife. There are vast complexes that provide animal shows. These presentations present

marine water creatures performing all sorts of wonderful displays. Aside from these there are also

vast recreations of animal habitats in a watery environment.

Fish and marine enthusiasts, experts, school children and other individuals come here to

catch a glimpse of exotic fish as well as other marine creatures. They participate in tours or in some

cases allowed to wonder on their own in magnificent and huge aquarium complexes. In these

artificial copies of real habitat humans can partly experience the water environment of the planet.

This habit and common activity of going to marine animal shows and visits to the public

aquariums is widespread in the modern world. The so-called “fish tank” inclination of the public.

This is partly due to the popularity of increased environmental consciousness. Aside from that many

homes do have aquariums of their own. They range from the usual fish bowl to the medium and even

large – room length aquatic habitat. Aside from homes commercial establishments and even offices

have in some cases the same.

This has given rise to many businesses that cater to this emerging culture. Those who supply

the public aquariums often have to purchase the same from manufacturers. There are even cases that

custom tanks become a necessity. In some instances, a complete and working fish enclosure is a

product of several firms. Each firm contributes a particular part of the same.

One of the most difficult parts of a fish tank is the internal lighting it has to employ. It is

difficult to illuminate aquarium, especially very large ones, which have a significant amount of water

and marine wildlife. Another concern is getting just enough light in them so as not to upset light-

sensitive fish and other creatures.

This has given rise to the use of LED lights in Tampa Florida. Aquariums often need very

specialized, high-end, good performance type of illumination devices. This is true for public fish

enclosures, private family owned tanks and corporate and business fish displays.

In this modern age, cutting-edge technology has produced a new brand of light sources.

LED lights in Tampa, Florida, are these new sources. These illumination devices become known for

their efficient performance in any environment even watery ones. They are not bulky compared to

their predecessors and are susceptible to customization. These features make them widely used in


LED lights in Tampa, Florida are now common components in aquariums and any electric

fish enclosure. Their positive and renowned features make them the most viable source of

illumination in this context. These modern lighting systems are exactly what these sorts of purposes


In fact, all over the state, there are many businesses that provide LED lighting services for

aquariums. This is a testament to the proficiency of LED in marine illumination.

Log Cabin Holidays UK

At one time or another, one would feel the urge to get away from the busy city life that we

are currently accustomed to, because all the running around for meetings and other kind of

appointments can get tiring. One of the best ways to plan such a getaway is by going on a log cabin

holiday in the UK. The Idea of having a Log Cabin Holidays UK is a special getaway for you to relax

and enjoy. A log cabin holiday will soon have you feeling as though you never want to go to another

meeting or appointment. In the UK, you will find quite a number of suitable log cabin locations that

will leave you feeling like you do not want to get back home.

First of all, as you plan to make such a trip or holiday, it would be nice to first consider what

type of group you would be traveling in, whether as a family, or as friends, or even just as a couple or

even alone. The number of people in such a group would also matter, as it would determine the sort

of accommodation package that you could get from the various businesses that have ventured into the

offering of this service. This will help in ensuring that you get a place that is as appropriate to the

traveling group as possible, and traveling agents could help with organizing such accommodations,

so you do not need to worry.

The log cabins are usually situated in the mountainous regions, in the midst of the great

forests, and thus you are sure that you would get wonderful scenery there. Just ensure that you

choose the ones that seem best for you. You could use pictures when it comes to ensuring that you

make the best decision, and once you get there; you could also take pictures so as to make full use of

the scenery. Going on a vacation Log Cabin Holidays UK style offers much in terms of what sites to

see and capture on one’s camera.

For those who are thinking of a good romantic holiday, it would be nice if you considered the

great locations that the log cabin holidays could accord you. You are sure to love spending quality

time with the ones that you love, surrounded by nothing but trees. Most destinations would also make

arrangements for a romantic theme to rule your stay there, and thus would be quite appropriate for a


While it would be true to say that all the log cabins on offer at the various holiday

destinations are great, you will have to know that the specifics of your cabin and what type of service

you get there will depend on your budget. The ones that are known as luxurious could come with hot

tubs. You must thus be really wise when it comes to choosing a suitable package as not everything in

the luxury one might suit you.

Thus, as you plan to make your way to the log cabin holiday destinations in the UK, stock up

in things that will make your holiday one to remember. Do not forget your camera. And just unwind

as much as you possibly can. Experiencing the Log Cabin Holidays UK is to have a once in a

lifetime getaway filled with great memories and rich experiences.