sample: the commonwealth times

Thursday, August 30, 2012 5 NEWS !"#$% '() 8/23 8/27 *+,-./01234)5 67 Theft from moter vehicle 1400 block of West Franklin Street - A victim ad- vised that an unknown person(s) stole an item from a vehicle. 8-9/01234)56: Vandalism/Trespassing/Alcohol vio- lation/Disorderly conduct 00 Blk. S. Morris St. - A male juvenile visitor was arrested for vandalism, trespassing, underage possession/consumption of alcohol, curfew violation, and resisting arrest. Alcohol violation West Broad and North Madison streets - A female student was arrested for underage consumption of alcohol. Grand larceny Cary St. Gym, 101 S. Linden St. - A male student advised that an unknown person(s) removed an item from a secured location. Alcohol violation West Main and South Linden streets - A male student was arrested for underage posses- sion/consumption of alcohol. Drug offense Rhoads Hall, 710 W. Franklin St. - A male student was ar- rested for possession of marijuana. Grand larceny )loyd Avenue and Cherry Street - A male employee advised that an unknown person(s) removed a vehicle from an unsecured location. Robbery/Assault North Shafer and West Franklin streets- A male stu- dent and a male visitor advised that a group of unknown persons assaulted and robbed them. ;0<,-/01234)56= Alcohol violation/Disorderly con- duct 1308 W. Cary St. - Ten students were arrested for underage consump- tion of alcohol and one student was arrested for obstruction of justice. Alcohol violation/Drug violation 1308 W. Cary St. - Ten students were arrested for underage consumption of alcohol and one student was arrested for obstruction of justice. Alcohol violation Rhoads Hall, 710 W. Franklin St. - Two male students were arrested for underage consump- tion of alcohol. Forcible sex offenses suspicious sit- uation - 1109 W. Grace St. - A female victim advised that she was sexually assaulted by a known person. Theft from motor vehicle 1101 W. Marshall St. - A victim advised that an unknown person(s) stole an item from a vehicle. ;4>/01234)56? Alcohol violation 900 W. Broad St. - A male visitor was arrested for being drunk in public. Fraud offense Facilities/Financial Services, 700 W. Grace St. - A male employee advised that an unknown person(s) cashed false checks. Drug offense South Belvidere and Byrd streets- A male visitor was ar- rested for possession of marijuana. Weapons violation 700 block of West Main Street - A male visitor was ar- rested for possession of a concealed weapon. Drug offense West Main and North Laurel streets - Three female visi- tor was arrested for possession of marijuana. Drug offense Johnson Hall, 801 W. Franklin St. - A male visitor was ar- rested for possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance. Alcohol violation Piccola Restaurant, 1100 W. Main St. - A male student was arrested for being drunk in pub- lic. Alcohol violation 1111 W. Grace St. - Two male students were arrested for underage possession and consump- tion of alcohol. Petit larceny Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave. - A male student advised that an unknown person(s) removed items from a location. Alcohol violation 1200 block of West Broad Street - A male visitor was ar- rested for drinking an alcoholic bever- age in public. Alcohol violation Bethlehem Lu- theran Church, 1100 W. Grace St. - A male visitor was arrested for drinking an alcoholic beverage in public. $@>/01234)56A Alcohol violation 700 block of West Main Street - A male visitor was ar- YLZ[LK MVY KYP]PUN \UKLY [OL PUÅ\LUJL of alcohol. Alcohol violation 1103 W. Franklin St. - A male student was arrested for underage possession of alcohol. Alcohol violation ĥ Johnson Hall, 801 W. Franklin St. - A female student was arrested for underage consumption of alcohol. Compiled from VCU Police reports Obama kicked off his campaign in May at VCU's Siegal Center. This week, he was schduled to appear at the University of Virginia but moved his event to Charlot- tesville's nTelos Wireless Pavillion. PHOTO BY AMBER-LYNN TABER Mechelle Hankerson Executive Editor 3UHVLGHQW %DUDFN 2EDPD LV PDNLQJ the rounds at college campuses this ZHHN WR HQFRXUDJH VWXGHQWV WR UHJLVWHU to vote, similar to the call to action the 2EDPD FDPSDLJQ PDGH GXULQJ ŇŅŅō¶V election. ³, NQRZ WKDW WKHUH¶V EHHQ VRPH WDON about whether young people are going to get involved or turn out, but the fact of the matter is, we’ve seen in the past and we’re going to see again this time, WKH NLQG RI GLɱHUHQFH WKDW \RXQJ YRWHUV PDNH´ 3UHVLGHQW 2EDPD VDLG GXULQJ a conference call from Iowa Tuesday afternoon. Obama visited Charlottesville’s Q7HORV :LUHOHVV 3DYLOLRQ RQ :HGQHVGD\ DV SDUW RI D WZRĥGD\ FROOHJH WRXU WKDW included Iowa and Colorado. Originally, 2EDPD ZDV VFKHGXOHG WR VSHDN DW WKH University of Virginia but the school said a visit from the president on the second day of classes would be too big a distraction. “I’m visiting college campuses today DQG WRPRUURZ EHFDXVH , VHH WKH NLQG of changes that you’ve been able to bring about,” Obama said. “You made a GLɱHUHQFH LQ WKH HOHFWLRQ IRXU \HDUV DJR and as a consequence, you made a difĥ ference in the life of your country. Your vote helped us create a new college tax credit … doubled grant aid for millions RI VWXGHQWV ZH IRXJKW DQG ZRQ WR NHHS student loan rates low. All that hapĥ pened because of you.” In Virginia for the Obama campaign, registering voters has become almost as important as convincing them which candidate to vote for. The president said that the Romney campaign is hoping that young people, if they aren’t voting for the Republican SDUW\ WLFNHW ZRQ¶W YRWH DW DOO ³,¶P H[SHFWLQJ VRPHWKLQJ GLɱHUHQW´ Obama said. Obama has been largely credited for PRELOL]LQJ WUDGLWLRQDO QRQĥYRWHUV LQ ŇŅŅō¶V SUHVLGHQWLDO HOHFWLRQ DQ DFĥ complishment he’ll have to repeat this \HDU WR ZLQ RYHU EDWWOHJURXQG VWDWHV OLNH Virginia. $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 86 &HQVXV9RWLQJ DQG 5HJLVWUDWLRQ 5HSRUW IRU WKH 1RYHPĥ EHU ŇŅŅō HOHFWLRQ ņňņ PLOOLRQ SHRSOH YRWHG LQ WKH ŇŅŅō HOHFWLRQ ZKLFK ZDV Ŋ PLOOLRQ PRUH SHRSOH WKDQ WKH ŇŅŅʼn HOHFĥ tion. Even more importantly to Obama’s SDVW FDPSDLJQ WKH ņō WR Ňʼn \HDUV DJH group was the only group that showed a VWDWLVWLFDO LQFUHDVH EHWZHHQ ŇŅŅʼn¶V DQG ŇŅŅō¶V HOHFWLRQV LQ WKH 86 &HQVXV¶V UHĥ SRUW 7KH LQFUHDVH ZDV VHHQ VSHFL¿FDOO\ in the southern and northeast regions of the country. 7KH HOHFWLRQ LQ ŇŅŅō DOVR KDG D KLJKHU UHJLVWUDWLRQ UDWH WKDQ ŇŅŅʼnV election, increasing registration rates of DSSUR[LPDWHO\ ʼn PLOOLRQ SHRSOH 9LUJLQLD 0LVVLVVLSSL *HRUJLD 1RUWK &DUROLQD /RXLVLDQD &RQQHFWLFXW DQG Rhode Island all increased their vot ĥ LQJ UDWHV:DVKLQJWRQ '& DOVR VDZ DQ increase. ,Q 9LUJLQLD LW ZDV UHSRUWHG WKDW ŋōŌ SHUFHQW RI WKH FLWL]HQV YRWHG LQ ŇŅŅō 2EDPD VDLG KH WKLQNV WKH SUHVLĥ dential race in Virginia will be a close one, regardless of how many voters his FDPSDLJQ DQG RWKHU QRQĥSDUWLVDQ UHJĥ istration groups can register before the UHJLVWUDWLRQ GHDGOLQH RQ 2FW ņŊ ³2EYLRXVO\ HDFK VWDWH KDV GLɱHUHQW circumstances,” Obama said. “Virginia’s unemployment rate is actually lower than a lot of states and as a consequence some of the things that people are WKLQNLQJ DERXW WKHUH PLJKW EH D OLWWOH GLɱHUHQW´ CT President Obama focuses on voter registration during college tour comm20120830_YC.indd 5 8/29/12 10:21 PM

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Written for VCU's independent student newspaper, The Commonwealth Times, published Aug, 30, 2012.


Page 1: Sample: The Commonwealth Times

Thursday, August 30, 2012 5NEWS

!"#$%&&'() 8/23 – 8/27*+,-./012&34)5&&67

Theft from moter vehicle 1400 block of West Franklin Street - A victim ad-vised that an unknown person(s) stole an item from a vehicle.


Vandalism/Trespassing/Alcohol vio-lation/Disorderly conduct 00 Blk. S. Morris St. - A male juvenile visitor was arrested for vandalism, trespassing, underage possession/consumption of alcohol, curfew violation, and resisting arrest.

Alcohol violation West Broad and North Madison streets - A female student was arrested for underage consumption of alcohol.

Grand larceny Cary St. Gym, 101 S. Linden St. - A male student advised that an unknown person(s) removed an item from a secured location.

Alcohol violation West Main and South Linden streets - A male student was arrested for underage posses-sion/consumption of alcohol.

Drug offense Rhoads Hall, 710 W. Franklin St. - A male student was ar-rested for possession of marijuana.

Grand larceny loyd Avenue and Cherry Street - A male employee

advised that an unknown person(s) removed a vehicle from an unsecured location.

Robbery/Assault North Shafer and West Franklin streets- A male stu-dent and a male visitor advised that a group of unknown persons assaulted and robbed them.


Alcohol violation/Disorderly con-duct 1308 W. Cary St. - Ten students were arrested for underage consump-tion of alcohol and one student was arrested for obstruction of justice.

Alcohol violation/Drug violation 1308 W. Cary St. - Ten students were arrested for underage consumption of alcohol and one student was arrested for obstruction of justice.

Alcohol violation Rhoads Hall, 710 W. Franklin St. - Two male students were arrested for underage consump-tion of alcohol.

Forcible sex offenses suspicious sit-uation - 1109 W. Grace St. - A female victim advised that she was sexually assaulted by a known person.

Theft from motor vehicle 1101 W. Marshall St. - A victim advised that an unknown person(s) stole an item from a vehicle.


Alcohol violation 900 W. Broad St. - A male visitor was arrested for being drunk in public.

Fraud offense Facilities/Financial Services, 700 W. Grace St. - A male employee advised that an unknown person(s) cashed false checks.

Drug offense South Belvidere and Byrd streets- A male visitor was ar-rested for possession of marijuana.

Weapons violation 700 block of West Main Street - A male visitor was ar-rested for possession of a concealed weapon.

Drug offense West Main and North Laurel streets - Three female visi-tor was arrested for possession of marijuana.

Drug offense Johnson Hall, 801 W. Franklin St. - A male visitor was ar-rested for possession of a Schedule I or II controlled substance.

Alcohol violation Piccola Restaurant, 1100 W. Main St. - A male student was arrested for being drunk in pub-lic.

Alcohol violation 1111 W. Grace St. - Two male students were arrested for underage possession and consump-tion of alcohol.

Petit larceny Hibbs Hall, 900 Park Ave. - A male student advised that an unknown person(s) removed items from a location.

Alcohol violation 1200 block of West Broad Street - A male visitor was ar-rested for drinking an alcoholic bever-age in public.

Alcohol violation Bethlehem Lu-theran Church, 1100 W. Grace St. - A male visitor was arrested for drinking an alcoholic beverage in public.


Alcohol violation 700 block of West Main Street - A male visitor was ar-

of alcohol.

Alcohol violation 1103 W. Franklin St. - A male student was arrested for underage possession of alcohol.

Alcohol violation Johnson Hall, 801 W. Franklin St. - A female student was arrested for underage consumption of alcohol.

Compiled from VCU Police reports

Obama kicked off his campaign in May at VCU's Siegal Center. This week, he was schduled to appear at the University of Virginia but moved his event to Charlot-tesville's nTelos Wireless Pavillion.








Mechelle HankersonExecutive Editor

the rounds at college campuses this

to vote, similar to the call to action the


about whether young people are going to get involved or turn out, but the fact of the matter is, we’ve seen in the past and we’re going to see again this time,

a conference call from Iowa Tuesday afternoon.

Obama visited Charlottesville’s

included Iowa and Colorado. Originally,

University of Virginia but the school said a visit from the president on the second day of classes would be too big a distraction.

“I’m visiting college campuses today

of changes that you’ve been able to bring about,” Obama said. “You made a

and as a consequence, you made a difference in the life of your country. Your vote helped us create a new college tax credit … doubled grant aid for millions

student loan rates low. All that happened because of you.”

In Virginia for the Obama campaign, registering voters has become almost as important as convincing them which candidate to vote for.

The president said that the Romney campaign is hoping that young people, if they aren’t voting for the Republican

Obama said.Obama has been largely credited for

complishment he’ll have to repeat this


tion. Even more importantly to Obama’s

group was the only group that showed a

in the southern and northeast regions of the country.

election, increasing registration rates of

Rhode Island all increased their vot


dential race in Virginia will be a close one, regardless of how many voters his

istration groups can register before the

circumstances,” Obama said. “Virginia’s unemployment rate is actually lower than a lot of states and as a consequence some of the things that people are


President Obama focuses on voter registration during college tour

comm20120830_YC.indd 5 8/29/12 10:21 PM