sample workbook - performance management

Performance Management Growth from Cuttings and Dead Heading Gardeners are not afraid to deal with underperformance and take some tough decisions. That means offering extra support and care for weak plants and sometimes moving or even getting rid of plants to make way for new, up and coming ones that will perform better, or achieve more in the garden. But, effective performance management should limit any need to take this approach.

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Post on 27-Dec-2014




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This is a sample workbook for one of the I Can Grow People Development Modules. These are available for purchase (under license) from Ican Development Ltd. For more info contact [email protected] or visit


Page 1: Sample Workbook - Performance Management

Performance Management

Growth from Cuttings and Dead Heading

Gardeners are not afraid to

deal with underperformance

and take some tough decisions.

That means offering extra

support and care for weak

plants and sometimes moving

or even getting rid of plants to

make way for new, up and

coming ones that will perform

better, or achieve more in the

garden. But, effective

performance management

should limit any need to take

this approach.

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2: Ican Grow People TM

Copyright – Ican Development Ltd

Performance Management B2


What is Performance


Proactive v Reactive


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management is not all

bad and you should

not forget to seize the

opportunities to

recognise a great

effort, contribution or


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● ● ●

Try to place more

effort on positive

reinforcement of the

good stuff rather than

pointing out mistakes

and flaws and

highlighting only the

bad stuff.

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Performance Management B2


The Performance Management Cycle

Fill in the gaps on the Performance

Management Cycle… (PM Cycle).

What is the purpose of the PM


Which parts of the Cycle are you

strong or weak at delivering?

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The Performance

Management Cycle

can be used for

individual, team,

department and even

organisational Goals

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Performance Management B2


Growth Targets

My Summary of GROWTH Targets

Dealing with



weak plants


Notes and


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Monitor and Review

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The Skill V Will Matrix

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Developed by Max


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Used as a simple way

to gauge people

performance and

modify approaches to

managing people

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Skill v Will


Notes and


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Performance Management B2


Managing Poor Performance and taking action.

Sometimes things don’t always go to plan and even

though you put a lot of effort into setting the targets

and goals for your people there’s no absolute

guarantee that you will get a return on that

investment. People, like plants are complicated

machines and sometimes you have to deal with the

situation of underperformance or far less than perfect


Why do managers generally manage poor performance

challenges less effectively than gardeners manage the

poor performance of their plants? Well, this is a real

people issue and not a plant one. Unlike plants, when

we deal with people we are immersing ourselves in

personalities and emotions. The consequences of our

actions start to modify our beliefs and values about the

situation and also our confidence to be able to deal

with it in the right way. Although we don’t really admit

it to ourselves it is much easier to deal with

underperformance issues in a way that takes the

emphasis away from tackling the situation head on and

face to face.

Performance management is not all bad and you should not forget to seize the opportunities to recognise a great effort,

contribution or result. Try to place more effort on positive reinforcement of the good stuff rather than pointing out mistakes

and flaws and highlighting only the bad stuff.

Work with your team to discuss what went well regarding task completion, communication, team working and results etc.

Capture their thoughts and ideas about why it all went so well so that you can store these essential ingredients for when they

are needed next time. Get into the habit of praising someone personally with a detailed explanation of why it was good so

they “get it” for next time. For example “Thanks for today Jonny, you did really well”. Although it was a nice thing to say

Jonny is probably none the wiser as to why he did well. How about “Thanks for today Jenny, you did really well. I didn’t think

we would get all that filing done in time. But you were so organised and the logging system you created was pure brilliance. It

saved us so much time which means we are now going to be ready for the customers in the morning, which makes me feel a

lot better and I’ll be able to relax tonight. I’ve really valued your ideas today and thanks for remaining energised when we

were lagging after lunch as it kick started my energy levels as well”.

Jenny now knows what good looks and feels like and will be more motivated to achieve in the future following the same

template for success that she used on this occasion.

Dealing with



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