sandra and natalia

Sandra and Natalia (Burgos)

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Post on 21-Jan-2015



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Sandra and Natalia(Burgos)

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Hi, we are Natalia and Sandra. We are from Burgos, in Spain.

We are going to talk about us.

This is Sandra. And this is Natalia.

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• Natalia:I’m 15. My birthday is on the 1st of February . I

love animals, especially cats. I go to my village every weekends, and all the Summer.

This photo was taken the last summer in my villages farm.

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• My village is very small… In the winter, live only 3 person in all the village. But in Summer, we are about 89 people. This are my village’s friends:

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• I’ve got one brother and one sister.This is my sister Paula.

• This one of my • cousins, Maria.• She is a journalist.

• This is my brother. David

This is me.

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• My best friends in Burgos are Pilar, Raquel and Maria. We are crazy... But we never get bored. We have a music band. For me, music is my life. I play the piano, the guitar and, I'm learning to play the violin. My uncle is a very great musician. He always says: “Before I am a fake musician, now I am an intuitive musician”. I like this sentence.

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Me with my uncle Jesus and my sister Paula rappelling in Ura.

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My favourite music band is Simple Plan (SP). I love their songs! I like Avril Lavigne, Green Day, Dani Martín ... too. But my favourite is SP. You should listen to them. They’re great!

I love drawing too, it is another of my hobbies.

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• Well, on weekdays, I go to school at half past eight, and I go to my grandparents’ house to have lunch. On Tuesdays I go to piano lessons. On Wednesdays I go to the curch and then , sometimes, I have to go to piano to practise auditions. On Friday evenings I go out with my friends, and at the weekend, as I said before, I go to my village.

• I love reading mystery and romance books, but I like adventure too. I love the Sherlock Holmes’ stories.

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• I like fruit too. It may sound strange, but I like peaches, strawberries and ... raspberries!

• I like lemon since I was young, and Sandra like it too.

• I like playing basketball, and cycling with my grandfather. He won a lot of prizes when he was young. I love my grandfather, he is the best person that I have ever known.

• In the future I want to be a doctor, but it’s too difficult because you need very good marks.

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• My name is Sandra Hernando Carrasco. I am 14 years old and I haven't got any brother and sisters. My birthday is the 29th of August.

• I live with my mother.

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• At weeks days I get up at half past seven and then I go to the school at half past two I go out and I go to eat at home. Then I usually go to an academy and I make homework. Then I go to the English classes in the circle and when I finish I return to my house. On Thursdays I often go to the swimming pool because I like it. Although I like listening to music and meeting my friends. At weekends I sometimes go to my village in León and other days I meet my friends.

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• I’ve got a cat, it calls Yasmin, but i call it Jass.• My favourite music’s bands are Lagarto

Amarillo, Maldita Nerea... You should listen to them. They’re great!

• I like reading adventure, love stories and fantasy books.

• My mother is from Bilbao, and my father is from Burgos, but my grandmother is from Sevilla.

• I born in Burgos. I like live in London, it’s a beautiful place to live, but I prefer the sun.

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• When I was young I liked going to Flamenco classes, but when I grew up I must to studied more and I didn’t have got any time to practise Flamenco. Every weekend I had to go to some village to dance.

• I like watching adventure films, and although Natalia.

• In the future I want to be a reporter.

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• My best friend is Ana and she is from León and I met her every Summer and every Easter and some holidays weeks.

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• We study at school “Santa Maria la Nueva and San José Artesano”. This year those schools come together.

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