sang, anya, spencer, samijo, somchay and simon. sang

Sang, Anya, Spencer, Samijo, Somchay and Simon

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Sang, Anya, Spencer, Samijo, Somchay and Simon. Sang

Sang, Anya, Spencer, Samijo, Somchay and Simon

Page 2: Sang, Anya, Spencer, Samijo, Somchay and Simon. Sang


Page 3: Sang, Anya, Spencer, Samijo, Somchay and Simon. Sang

1. Personality Inventories◦ MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality


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2. Projective Techniques1) Rorschach Inkblot Test

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2) TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)

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MMPI is a projective technique. T/F

Is TAT an objective tool for evaluating personality? Y/N

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Spencer Tahan

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Id – Is the part of the mind containing the drives present at birth; it is the source of our bodily needs, wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives.

Ego – Is the component of personality, developed through contact with the external world, that enables us to deal with life’s practical demands.

Superego – The mental system that reflects the internalization of cultural rules, mainly learned as parents exercise their authority.

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Id – The quote “Patience is a virtue” would never work here.

Ego – Without this we would be in chaos.

Superego – It’s what makes us feel anxious or guilty whenever we do something negative, but also rewards us with pride and self rewards when we do something positive.

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Everyone hates it, so why does it happen to us?

Ego and Superego govern each other, when Ego is about to do something foolish, Superego jumps in and makes us have the sensation of anxiety. Which then makes the Ego try to defend itself by using Repression, Repression is best defined as Forceful Forgetting.

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Genes are half of what make us who we are, the other %50 comes from real life experiences and other minor factors.

Researchers found a way to measure how closely genes are related to how similar you are to other people. How they experimented this was using Twins, both Identical and Fraternal Twins.

They found out that identical twins were much more similar in personality than when compared with fraternal twins.

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How do outside experiences influence us, they can be major such as living in the USA compared to living in a 3rd world country. Or minor such as wearing different clothes.

Identical twins who were split apart at birth to different adoptive homes, even though were in completely different outside experiences, still grew up to have very similar personalities.

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The most basic way to differentiate people is by lumping then in 2 columns, Extroverts, and Introverts. Extroverts need higher stimulation to the Reticular Formation because it is not as sensitive as an Introvert. While Introverts need less stimulation, ie reading or being alone because their Reticular Formation is much more sensitive.

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Do fraternal or identical twins have more in common?

What causes us to be either extraverts or introverts?

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Which defense mechanism was displayed in the video when the guy held back from doing something violent?

What stage are you in while in the age group of 3 to 5 years old?

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How people think about situations and respond to them.

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Behavior is often caused more by responding to situations than by personality.

Is there no personality? Is behavior simply the result of responses to situations?

Psychologists look for similar behavior in similar types of situations.

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Experience happens “in the eye of the beholder”.

The way people see a situation determines how people will respond to it.

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Behavior in a situation is influenced by our goals and “outcome expectancies”.

People act a certain way to get things in the near future.

The way people feel about things is defined as their “lotus of control”. (internal and external)

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What personal constructs may you have?

How do goals affect your participation?

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Human needs Realizing Inner potential True nature and capabilities

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Life meaning Death Angst Defense mechanism

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Self narrative Attributes of self Children self-concept Adult self-concept Self verification

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Significant others (Brown,1993.) Comparison (James, 1890) pg. 357 Low self-esteem High self-esteem Self-serving bias Narcissim

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Weight lifting 1952 Olympics

Men’s marathon 2008 Olympics

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What is angst?

What is the difference between people living their lives around their true nature vs. those who don’t?

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Measuring personality – tests that define a person’s personality

Personality traits – terms that define how individuals behave

Id, ego and superego – the main components of a persons personality

Defense mechanisms – the minds unconscious ways of dealing with anxiety

Social Cognitive Psychology – how people think and respond to situations

Humanistic-Existential Approach – how we view ourselves