sanislo wits 4th grade anthology


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Poems by Sanislo 4th Graders written with WITS poet Ann Teplick


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Writing poetry on the theme of HOME is bound to evoke

emotions. Some of us have grown up in one home. Some of

us have lived in many homes. Some of us have crossed conti-

nents in search of a new home. Some of us will always long

for our old homes, but may never get to go back. Some of us

may, one day, to pick up the threads of our history.

Through the poetic devices of imagery, repetition, and con-

crete details, the fourth graders and I explored our physical

homes; our emotional homes; what home means to us; where

we are most at home, and with whom. We wrote Where I

Come From poems modeled from immigrant poets at Foster

High School in Tukwila, WA. We wrote poems of peaceful

places, modeled from “The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell

Berry. We wrote poems about our family’s hair—because

that’s a part of our home, too—modeled from the vignette,

“Hairs” by Sandra Cisneros, from her book, The House on

Mango Street. We wrote poems about who we feel at home

with, inspired by the poem “To You” by Karla Kuskin.

Thank you fourth-grade poets for writing your truths, be they

quiet or boisterous, serious or witty. You’ve taken the time to

reflect on your life and to choose the words that paint the pic-

ture of who you are.

Thank you Ms. Prinzing, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Seevers and Mr.

Seasholes, for your support of the written and spoken word.

Thank you Rebecca and Jeanine for making this residency


Ann Teplick, WITS Writer-in-Residence Sanislo Elementary Fourth grades

April 1-June 10, 2011

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I am from poems by Adrian

I am from

Papa Murphy’s bacon bacon bacon pizza.

I am from

first-person shooter games on the computer

I am from

unintelligent use of time by watching tv.

My Life by Alisa

I am from the great but small Cambodia

with the broken kingdom and temples.

The monks welcome me to the temple.

My grandmother only speaks Cambodian,

but I am blessed to have her.

Sometimes I understand her and she tells me

to be proud of what I have.

My father encourages me to pay attention to life

and where it will take me.

And I tell him I want to follow the path

of my mother and father,

they went to college and they are both doctors.

I hope I can keep this beautiful life for a long time

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My Family’s Hair By Alyssia M.

My family has different hair.

My mother’s hair is an orange red-brown,

Like spices in a green tea from china,

With streaks of gray,

Like steam rising from a cup.

My father’s hair is like ash from a forest fire

Standing on end every day.

My sister’s hair is as soft and delicate as a faun’s fur,

And drapes down her shoulders like her flowered curtains.

My brother’s hair is as black as

Midnight and stands up like

A broom.

My Life by Bahsan

I love my family, because they support me

They listen when I am having a hard time

They help me carry boxes of TV and computers

They take me to Chucky Cheese and Family Fun Center

I wish my whole family were together

Then we would have more fun together

And stuff to do together

When it is sunny day we can all ride our bikes

And have more fun together

But we cannot see each other because we all live in different


So we won’t have more fun together

My favorite thing to do is play with my family

My favorite book is diary the wimpy kid I like a lot of

Books but I pick that one because I don’t known other books title

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By Daniel

My hair is up.

My hair is a triangle

It is called a Mohawk.

It is black as the ink in my marker.

After I spray my hair it is stiff as a big

huge rock.

And I like the Mohawk

The Hair by Grayson

My hair is as straight as a ruler-drawn line

My hair is as white as a speed limit sign

My hair is as short as a second line on a


My hair is as bumpy as a rock.

My hair is as shiny as the sun on the Atlantic

Ocean waters

My hair is as soft as an otter’s

My hair is as pokey as a cactus

My hair gets all sweaty at soccer practice

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by Ismael

My hair is as short

s a cactus like nail

And it is as dark as a wolf fur

And my it as safe

As a cat fur.

Me and My Sister By: Jasmine

Me and my sister fight like crazy

It’s like a rush we yell we hit and sometimes kick

We never hug or talk softly to each other

Mom yells stop we can’t hear you we say laughing

She screams so laud we jump “stop fighting for once”!

Says mom with a tone “fine” we say

Never stop fighting it’s too much fun

but we love each other

Sometimes and sometimes never.

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My Peaceful Place As No One There. By: Jada

It is silent with no despair.

I can hear birds humming from miles away And that’s how I know it’s my special place.

My place smells like warm cookie dough. Like vanilla ice cream on a Friday night.

My peaceful place is under a big slumped

Over tree in a big green patch of Fresh green grass with roses right out side my

House. I sit there silent and feel the sun It warms me. I can taste the air tastes Like soft green pears. I love my place

From bottom to top the warmth is Hot like hot fudge Sunday on a Friday night.

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My Peaceful Mind By Luchian

Sitting next to an old willow,

In the middle of a pasture as green as a leaf in spring

A bark-feathered spotted owl in the tree’s burrow.

A golden mole on my head.

A dodo bird in my lap.

With my mind in an unknown world,

Where I have many adventures.

Inside a book.

Like the Mysterious Benedict Society,

Where I solve mysteries and defeat villains.

This is the place I am in peace with.

In my mind.

Tristen By: Zehao If you were there

I could eat Stinging Nettle.

If you were there

I could play Russian Folk Song on

the piano in front of the whole world.

If you were there

I could ski dive into the Amazon rainforest.

If you were there

I could run through a forest full of frightening

black bears.

If you were there Tristen

I could do anything.

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If My Mom was Here By: Malachi

If my mom was here I could find The greatest treasury with my Aunt Ebony. If my mom was here I could Make my own harvest With my uncle Jarvis. If my mom was here I could Put defense on my pet T-Rex. If my mom was here I could Be famous with my sister Lanus. If my mom was here I could go To heaven with my favorite Number seven.

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I Am From By: McKenna

I am from

Horses running through the fields from the way back

When my mom was little.

I am from towns that are small and old.

From towns I thought were new.

I am from places cold and bare

Places, I thought were great

Just the way they were. I am from adventures where the back

yard was

As wide as a football field.

I am from boating with my

Friends and dad.

Things that were fast like a cheetah running through the fields.

I am from the stage with the spot lights like golden angles

something that

Made me dance and use my voice.

I am from the view of the water front

With the sun screaming out like a little girl

Scared. Sight I thought was beautiful.

This is my life!

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My Awesome, Fabulous Hair! By Olivia My hair comes in clumps like licorice or pasta and strings. It goes into warm , clean , clear water, It scrunches up, then it springs! The turquoise brush comes to the rescue, Making my hair as soft and as shiny as a warm , gilded glow, My hair is as wavy as a whallop of long grass, I know! My hair is a rainbow of color, Black as a beetle, brown like tall reeds, but most of all blonde, me and my hair , we have a bond! My Daddy’s hair is brunette and soft like a bunny’s sweet fur My Mommy’s hair is blonde and poofy my hair smells like fresh water ,and chlorine ,and mangos, and when it’s in dos it looks kind of goofy

If you were there By: Sarah N If you were there I could

Sky dive in a field of chocolate Somewhere in Chocolate World.

Swim the sea of the Pacific. And sing “Our Song” By Jori King

In front of the world. Hug you in front of the public

And not care what they thought. If you were there

I could do ANYTHING And not be scared.

(Dedicated to John C.)

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My Peaceful Place

By: Thea

Is miles beneath

The sea

It beats a steady pulse

it`s blood, lava

it`s bones, rock.

Mostly it sleeps

with coral as it`s pillow

But one day it will awake

And roar

And toss

And turn

Then it will rise

And bubble

Creating new life

And land


One day it will return

What comes from the sea,

Comes back to the sea

What comes from me,

Comes back to me.

My Peaceful Place By Shelzy

My peaceful place is sweet like candy. My peaceful place

is warm like chicken noodle soup. My peaceful place

is colorful like all the colors of the rainbow.

My peaceful place is huge like a rain forest.

My peaceful place is comfortable place like a king size bed.

My peaceful place has so much stuffed animals

it almost look like a zoo. My peaceful place

that is so quite like a library. My peaceful place

is sweet like candy Warm as chicken noodle soup

has all the colors of the rainbow as huge of the rain forest

and comfortable like a king size bed

and has a lot of stuff animals that almost look like a zoo

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My Viet Nam By YenHa Nguyen

I am from pho that’s cooked with family. I am my mother and father’s property.

I am a little sister of my sisters and my only brother I am from Viet Nam where there is a fish smell in the

fish market,where the trees grow for beauty. The festivals full of people and fruits

and people dancing, singing. I am from the people that are Asian.

I am from beautiful fireworks that spreads full of joy. I am from the spirits that walk around the temple

Where the monks bless me. I am from the blazing sun in Viet Nam.

I am from the crying nature drizzling from the sky. I am from a poor but happy country.

I am from the sun that rises up and makes the roost-ers wake up me from my sleep.

I am from a family of chicks walking all around the garden and where the plants grow and where there’s

homes for animals. I am from kids that try to make money

for their poor families. I am from the Viet

Nam and no one can change that.

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The Iguana by Alex







Soccer by Alexandra

I am from soccer.

I am from forward, you attack the ball.

I have been playing for 3 years.

I am from the black and white of the soccer ball.

I am from grass as green as jade.

I am from the number 4 on my jersey.

I am from the grassy dirt on my cleats.

I am from soccer.


If you were there I could eat 100 lady bugs.

If you were there I could jump to mars.

I could save 100 people from a fierce hurricane.

I could watch a scary movie like bloody Mary with you.

I could do all most everything as long as I have you.

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If You Were Here… by Andres

I could skydive into a small trampoeling.

I could beat every body at running.

I could win the soccer world cup.

I could go into a dark cave and stay there for

a week with no light.

I could jump to Canada with my bear feet.

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If You, Olivia

- by Caroline

If you were there,

I could…

meet Harry Potter

and go to the school,


live without books.

I could…

pick up a banana slug,

from a mud puddle

then lick it.

If you were there,

I could…

jump to China

In one


I could…

glid as high

As a eagle,


a google plux


If you were there,

Ice Do-dos

could be

champions of the

Global Reading Challenge.

WWE That’s Me!

By Jeffery

my sharp eyes

and vampire fangs

and hair is as wild as

Edges the Wrestler’s

My hair is as sharp

as a dragon’s tail.

My family’s hair

is straight as a poster.

My hair is a vampire’s


My family’s hair

is fluffy as Bigfoot’s.

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Morning and Night by Hans

I wake up fix my bed

when I looked outside it looked like a golden world

but when the clouds blocked the sun

and the night took over the morning

it felt like my dark thoughts

that I always tried to make bright.

A Peaceful Place in Money

by Imanol Can you smell money?

Can you hear the crimple sound of money?

And can you just see the money

floating around your house?

Can you imagine a house full of money?

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My peaceful place is where I can burn off energy .

It is where I can jump 30ft in the air.

Where I can do whatever I what.

Where the floors are trampolines

and objects are obstacles that must be maneuvered.

Where you can watch a movie in 4-d any time you want to .

It is where you can do any sport you want

anytime you want like sky diving at mid-night.

Where there are free super powers in your favorite food

and limitless food and powers.

It tastes like Gatorade and propel .

It is where dreams become reality.

Where you can ride a dirt bike or a dinosaur.

It is the most technically advanced place in the world .WHERE


MY PEACEFUL PLACE BY: LUC My peaceful place is in a cave,

A dark muggy cave on Maui island,

Laying on a bed of moss,

As soft as a kittens head,

As I hear the lapping of the water as large koi fish,

As bright as the sun,

Swimming in a small pond in the middle of the room,

I smell sweet and strong peppermint,

From the icy cold liquid I was given in Atlantis,

But when I’m with my family,

Nothing ever could be better

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If you were there, you could stand

In front of the Audience.

And they would clap their hands for you.

Then you would read your poem out loud.

And the light would be shining on you .

And the light was shiny as a diamond.

When you were finished,

they would clap they cheer for you

then you would be famous.

Then you could be in TV or in a newspaper.

If you were there, I would go to Disneyland to meet

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovoto.

When I am a star,

I will read one hundred poems for you

Because you’re my great friend Tina.

Together With You By: Janice If you were there I could act in a play in front of hundreds of people as the lead role If you were there with me I could put on purple blush and black eye shadow with my face painted yellow and go in front of a crowd If you were with me I could climb Mount Baker

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If You Were There With Me By Katrina

If you were there I could run to California in 1 day,

If you were there I could ride my bike to New York in

my polka dot pajamas,

If you were there I could swim across the Pacific Ocean,

If you were there I could climb Mt. Everest during a

snow storm,

If you were there I could I could run a 100 mile jog in 1


If you were there I could go to space and catch a star

with my hand,

If you were there I could do anything I would ever

wanted to do,

If You Were There By: Tuan

If you were there

I could finish my math homework.

If you were there

I could fly to Heaven

With my mind.

If you were there

I could travel time

To the day I born

And be with you.

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If you were there I could……by Lyanne If you were there

I could… Play French Folk song in front of 100,000 people.

If you were there I could…

Ride a unicorn to London and see Prince William and Kate Millington.

If you were there I could…

Teach 100 kids poetry. If you were there

I could… Buy a dog for 100,000 dollars.

If you were there I could…

Be tiny enough to swim in a tea cup. If you were there

I could… Read in front of 100,000 people.

I Am From by William

I am from Seattle and my dad plays soccer with


My dad kicks it as high as a telephone wire.

My family is from Guatemala.

I play soccer a I am a forward.

And I kick the ball all the way to Guatemala .

My team, the tusk bear call me

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IF you where there by Muzzammil

IF you where there I would climb MT. EVEREST. IF you where there I would not be scared of radid foxes. IF you where there I would not be scared to sky dive. IF you where there I would have so much fun ice scating . If you where there I could walk on air.

If you were there I could… By Naeem

If you were there

I could Climb Mount Everest in a snow storm!

If you were there

I could play football in front of 1000 people

in the middle of a super bowl!

If you were there I could stop gigantic floods and

save everyone’s lives!

If you were there I could be the richest kid alive!

If you were there I can conquer King Kong by

controlling his mind!

If you were there.

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My Room By: Meseret

My room is as

white as a field of dead dandelions.

Angels are gliding around in my room.

The soft blankets are as soft as a field of rough

grass. The butterflies are gliding

around and sitting on my shoulders

flapping their wings. The angels’

wings make a buzzing noise.

Cookies melting in my mouth.

The cake in the oven smells like lemon cake.

Goodbye peaceful place.

If you were there I could . . . By Tristen

Slap a killer bee hive with a shield around me.

Run across a rickety bridge.

Beat the undertaker at wrestle mania

Jump off of Mt Everest with a blue parachute

Eat a tomato with a doctor on standby

I could do all these things if your there.

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My hair is as soft as a cheetah.

My hair is as dark as night or black spray paint.

My hair is as shiny as metal.


I am from


That had war

With the Ethiopians.

I am from

A place that has peace

And flowers.

I am from

A place

With a long and rich


Eritrea is a place

That looks

Like a key

On a map.

The flag on the red

Means bloodshed.

The blue

Stands for water.

The green stands for grass.

Gold stands for riches

And honor.

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I am from horses

Running through fields

From way back

When my mom was little.

I am from towns

That are small and old

From the town that seemed new.

I am from places

Cold and bare

Places I thought were great

Just the way they were.

I am from adventurous places

In the backyard

As wide as a pool

And sunny.

I am from boating

With my friends and dad,

Things that are fast as a cheetah

Running through a field.

I am from the stage

With the spotlights

Like golden angles

Something that made me move

And use my voice.

I am from

This is my life.

the view of the waterfront

With the sun screaming out

Like a little girl scared.

Sights I thought were beautiful.

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My hair is as long as a rope

But people say it’s as short as a book mark

When my hair gets wet, it’s hard to get straight.

It’s like a rock pulling really hard

That you get a big hair ball.

I wish my hair was a smooth as my dog’s hair

But my hair will be just the way it is

And no one can change it,

Because if you love it, it will always be the same.



If you were there, I could

Climb a glacier and parachute off it

I could play drums in front of my whole


I could ride a dolphin

I could invent a time machine

And save the Wooly Mammoth

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My hair is as long as a rope

But people say it’s as short as a book mark

When my hair gets wet, it’s hard to get straight.

It’s like a rock pulling really hard

That you get a big hair ball.

I wish my hair was a smooth as my dog’s hair

But my hair will be just the way it is

And no one can change it,

Because if you love it, it will always be the same.

Hannah Ferguson


My hair is as long

As the width of two elephants

From head to toe

But as tangled as ivy curling

A forgotten building.

My hair is as black

As a closed-up room

With no places for light

To come through.

My hair has about 500

Knots every morning

Making it harder and harder

To brush it.

My hair is as curly

As a metal ruler,

Unbent and untouched.

My hair is as wavy

As the ocean

When a rock drops.

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Gaylane Scott


My hair is as black

As the flashing eye of a wolf

Going in for a kill.

My hair is as choppy

As a baby bear’s fur.

My hair is as soft

As the grass that has been

Just burnt

By a wildfire.

My hair is as wild

As a shark

With the scent of blood on it.

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