santiago sierra, the black cone, monument to civil disobedience

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  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    MjluM`lt tj Divig Hisjb`Hi`lD`

    tf` bgcDeDjl`

    Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    so srr t bd D

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    0Tclticoj Ti`rrc

    Iltrjhudtijl , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ?

    @g`cljr F`crtl`y , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3?

    Xf` Xrcps j Tclticoj Ti`rrcFcls Pgridf Jbrist , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 44

    Djlv`rsctijlPri Ojrhjl , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 00

    Xf` Xruclt Ilsurr`dtijlXf` Bgcde Djl` , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >0

    LJ Ogjbcg Xjur , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 60

    LJ Qjp` , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , , 310

    H`strjy`h _jrh , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 333


  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    j tf` pcrgicm`lt buighilo' Custurvggur Tqucr`' jr

    tf` hurctijl j tf` `xfibitijl, _f`l Ti`rrc j`r`h

    tj oiv` tf` sdugptur` tj tf` dity j R`yekcve ' witf

    tf` ilt`ltijl tfct it b` pgcd`h p`rmcl` ltgy l`xt

    tj tf` pcrgicm`lt buighilo' giv`gy h`bct`s b`ocl il

    l`wspcp`rs clh jl tf` Ilt`rl`t' cs w`gg cs il jdicg

    pjgitidcg jrums, Il c g`tt`r tj tf` dity' tf` pcrgicm`lts

    sp`ce`rs djmmitt`` jbk`dt`h tj tf` pgcd`m`lt j

    tf` sdugptur` jl Custurvggur Tqucr`' crouilo tfct

    it histurb`h tf` o`l`rcg pgcl j tf` fistjrid squcr`,

    _itf Ti`rrcs cpprjvcg' tf` jbk`dtijl wcs m`t witf

    c prjpjscg tj mjv tf mjlum`lt cpprjximct`gysixty ``t tj c gjdctijl il rjlt j tf mcil `ltrcld tj

    tf` pcrgicm`lt buighilo' wf`r` it wjugh ljt c`dt tf`

    cpp`crcld` j tf` squcr`, Xf` sp`ce`rs djmmitt``

    stigg jbk`dt`h chcmcltgy but witfjut j`rilo c r`csjl

    jr its djltilu`h jppjsitijl, Ct tf r`djmm`lhctijl j

    tf` R`yekcve Crt Mus`ums cdquisitijl djmmitt `' c

    mckjrity jl tf` ditys dugtur` clh tjurism bjcrh &wfidf

    is r`spjlsibg` jr cgg crt il tf` ditys pubgid pgcd`s)

    vjt`h tj cdd`pt tf sdugptur`, Ct`r c pjsitiv r`vi`w

    by tf` ditys pgcllilo djmmitt``' tf` prjpjscg wcs

    s`lt tj tf dity djuldigs `x`dutiv djmmitt` jr lcg

    cpprjvcg, Xf` djmmitt`` wcs ulcbg` tj r`cdf c uli`h

    djldgusijl sj tf` prjpjscg wcs s`lt jl tj tf` ugg dity

    djuldig' wf`r` it wcs cpprjv`h by c mckjrity vjt`,

    Xf` mcyjr j R`yekcve' Kl Olcrr cl crtist clh c

    s`g-prjdgcim`h clcrdfj-surr`cgist wfj g`h tf` B`st

    Qcrty tj c gclhsgih` vidtjry il tf` dity g`dtijls tfct

    jggjw`h tf` djljmid drcsf stcrt`h tf` hisdussijlil tf` dity djuldig dfcmb`rs witf tf` djmm`lt' Nilcggy

    w` hisduss crt, It is gjlo jv`rhu`, Xf` hisdussijl wcs

    tfjuoftug clh rcle' witf tf` m`mb`rs j tf` mckjrity

    pr`s`ltilo tf`ir jwl p`rsjlcg croum`lts rctf`r tfcl c

    uli`h rjlt, Ct`r c bcde-clh-jrtf tfct gcst`h jl` clh

    c fcg fjurs' tf mcyjr r`mcre`h jl tf cdt tfct lj

    twj sp`ce`rs s``m`h tj cor`` jl fjw tj ulh`rstclh

    Ti`rrcs wjre il o`l`rcg,

    Xf` mcil croum`lt tfct fch surcd`h cocilst tf`

    prjpjscg il hisdussijls prijr tj tf` dity djuldig

    m``tilo wcs pr`s`lt`h by c r`pr`s`ltctiv` j tf`

    Ilh`p`lh`ld` Qcrty &wfidf fch g`h tf` lctijlcg

    ojv`rlm`lt b`jr` tf` drcsf); Custurvggur Tqucr`

    is il tf` d`lt`r jjl` j Id`gclhs mjst impjrtclt

    fistjridcg sit`s' cgjlo witf ilov`ggir, Il tf` squcr`tf`r` is ljtfilo but jw`rs' tr``s clh orcss' clh

    tf` stctu` j Kl Tiourssjl Utf` g`ch`r j tf`

    39tf-d`ltury Id`gclhid ilh`p`lh`ld` mjv`m`lt]'

    wfj wcs clh r`mcils c symbjg j ulity5 clh it is

    ljt cpprjprict` tj pgcd` c symbjg j hisdjrh jl

    tfis r`ljwl`h lctijlcg fistjridcg sit`, Xj tfis'

    tf` r`pr`s`ltctiv` j tf` B`st Qcrty wfj dfcirs

    tf` dugtur` clh tjurism bjcrh r`spjlh`h' cs f`

    iltrjhud`h tf` prjpjscg il dity djuldig' tfct djlidts

    fch tf`ir pgcd` il pjgitids clh pjilt`h jut tfct Kl

    Tiourssjl wcs w`gg eljwl jr g`chilo tf` r`sistcld`

    cocilst tf` chjptijl j H`lmcre s djlstitutijl ct c

    lctijlcg css`mbgy il 3603, It wcs il r`spjls` tj fis

    prjt`st tfct jtf`r css`mbgy h`g`oct`s prjdgcim`h'

    _` cgg prjt`st' wfidf wcs us`h cs c djlstclt r`rcil

    il tf` 2119 prjt`sts,

    Ct tf` dity djuldig m``tilo' c r`pr`s` ltctiv` j tf`

    G`t-Or``l Mjv`m`lt stct`h tfct sf` djugh ljtcdd`pt tf` prjpjscg ljt b`dcus` tf` pgcd`m`lt

    wcs bch' clh ljt `v`l b`dcus` tf` crtwjre' cs

    sudf' wcs bch' but b`dcus` I dclljt cdd`pt clh

    `lhjrs` cl crtwjre by c mcl wfj is cmjus jr

    ub`s j 311dm jl `cdf sih` mjv`h ?11dm,

    lstfcgg` Tclet Ocgg`l' Tclet Ocgg`l' Twitz`rgclh' Cprig 2112,

    34tfjr Ylovcsjl Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    r`p`ct`hgy fumigictilo hischvcltco`h p`jpg` il fis

    wjre, Tf` ljt`h tfct tf` crtist hih ljt cgwcys hj

    sj, F` fcs jt`l b``l rioft jl tcro`t witf cltcstid

    wjres' witfjut clybjhy b`ilo furt' but f` fcs tf`l

    drjss`h tf` gil` clh sj j`lh`h my s`ls` j kustid`

    tfct I hj ljt wclt tf` dity j R`yekcve tj `lhjrs` fim

    il tf` wcy tfct is prjpjs`h, Ct tf` m``tilo j tf`

    dugtur` clh tjurism bjcrh' cljtf`r r`pr`s`ltctiv`

    j tf` G`t-Or``l Mjv`m`lt r`djrh`h tf` jggjwilo

    stct`m`lt; Cgtfjuof tf` crrivcg j tf` wjre UXf`

    Bgcde Dl`] il Id`gclh fcs sjm` djll`dtijl witf tf`

    Eitdf`lwcr` R`vjgutijl j 2119' tf` wjre fcs c crwih`r siolidcld`, Xf` Bgcde Dl` is c b`cutiug clh

    l`d`sscry mjlum`lt tj divig hisjb`hi`ld`' clh tfus

    tj tf` uli`h pjw`r j ilhivihucgs vis--vis tf` stct`

    clh tf` cutfjriti`s,

    Ct tf` dity djuldig m``tilo' c r`p r`s`ltctiv` j tf`

    Ilh`p`lh`ld` Qcrty pr`s`lt`h Xf` Bgcde Dl` cs

    c symbjg j vijg`ld`' ljtilo tfct v`l tfjuof mjst

    prjt`stjrs fch b``l p`cd`ug' tf`r` w`r` rijt`rs

    cmjlo tf`m wfj cdt`h vijg`ltgy clh ilkur`h pjgid`

    jd`rs, Xf` sch cdt wcs tfct c g`ocggy `g`dt`h

    ojv`rlm`lt wcs just`h witf tfr`cts j vijg`ld`,

    I hjlt s`` c r`csjl tj m`mjricgiz` tf`m Utf`

    prjt`sts] witf c sp`dicg mjlum`lt' f` stct`h, Ct

    g`cst it djugh fcv` b``l pgcd`h sjm`wf`r` `gs`' ljt

    il tfis lctijlcggy scdr`h gjdctijl, C r`pr`s`ltctiv`

    j tf` Tjdicg H`mjdrctid Cggic ld` suoo`st`h tfct

    tf` djuldigjrs histr`ss wcs mispgcd`h, It sfjugh

    rctf`r b` hir`dt`h ct tf` dcus`s j tf` Eitdf`lwcr`

    R`vjgutijl5 tf` dcus`s j tf` drcsf, _` giv`h witf cl

    `djljmid pjgidy tfct h`gib`rct`gy ilct`h tf` vcgu` j

    tf` Id`gclhid erjlcil jrh`r tj dr`ct` c cgs` s`ls`j w`cgtf, Xf`s` w`r` dcstg`s il tf` cir clh tf`y dcm`

    drcsfilo hjwl il tf` cgg j 2116, Xf` mjlum`lt'

    f` suoo`st`h' sfjugh b` s``l cs c symbjg j tf`

    or`ct histrust tfct pr`vcigs il w`st`rl sjdi`ti`s ct`r

    tf` drcsf, Cddjrhilo tj pjggs' f` pjilt`h jut' tf`r`

    fch fcrhgy b``l cly djlh`ld` il tf` Id`gclhid

    pcrgicm`lt sild` tf` drcsf' clh tf` scm` wcs

    tru` jr tf` lcldicg s`dtjr, Xf` mjlum`lt i s cl

    ilt`rlctijlcg symbjg j jrd`s jr dfclo` tfct fcv`

    ljt y`t lh`h,



    C, Kjfl Timmjls' Hisb`hi`ld` clhItsjbk`dts'

    BstlPliv`rsityGcw R`vi`w' jg91' Lj,8'

    Cuoust2131' pp, 361043,

    v`rtis`m`lt, R`yekcvie' Id`gclh, Kclucry' 2132,

    30tfjr Ylovcsjl Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    t trp n so srr

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ` Xrcp, Mctudclc 311' Tclticoj h` Dfig`, H`d`mb`r 211?,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    23cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

    Xf` Xrcps j Tclticoj Ti`rrc

    @g`cljr F`crtl`y

    Guis Buu`gs Xf` @xt`rmilctilo Clo`gis c surr`cgist

    jh` tj tf` bcr`gy suppr`ss`h scvco`ry j tf`

    bjuro`jisi`, Xfis hr`cmgie` bgcde-clh-wfit` gm

    pr`s`lts tf` stjry j c orjup j fiof-dgcss ou`sts

    wfj crriv` jr hill`r ct c mclsijl clh lh ct tf` `lh

    j tf` v`lilo tfct tf`y dclljt g`cv`, Cs tf` hcys

    hrco jl tf`y oiv` il tj tf`ir wjrst ilstildts' wfidf

    ildguh` murh`r' suidih`' ild`st clh gcrd`ly' b`jr`b`ilo ulcddjultcbgy r`g`cs`h wf`l tf`y r``lcdt

    tf` rst liofts hill`r pcrty, Tdr``l`h il 39>2 tj c

    bcn`h cuhi`ld`' tf` gm fcs b``l r`ch il myrich

    wcys hurilo tf` subs`qu`lt h`dch`s, It fcs b``l

    s``l cs cl cgg`ojry j Nrcldjs Tpcil' cl ilhidtm`lt

    j tf` vcduity j tf` privig`o`h' c pcrcbg` j tf` utigity

    j r`vjgutijl clh cl ilvjdctijl j djmilo cpjdcgyps` ,

    Tpclisf crtist Tclticoj Ti`rrc fcs r`mcre`h tfct

    Xf` @xt`rmilctilo Clo`gis pcrt j tf` djr` j

    my wjre,3 It is c dgcim tfct is cs prjvjdctiv` cs it

    is dr`hibg`, _fig` Ti`rrc `lgists ilhivihucgs jr fis

    prjk`dts rjm c sjdicg sp`dtrum ct tf` jppjsit`

    `lh rjm Buu`gs upsdcg` hil`rs' tf` sd`lcrijs f`

    s`ts up dr`ct` simigcrgy uls`ttgilo qu`stijls cbjut

    dgcss' `mpctfy clh r`spjlsibigity, Ti`rrc `mpgjys

    hruo chhidts' prjstitut`s' ulhjdum`lt`h wjre`rs'

    ul`mpgjy`h wcr v`t`rcls clh jtf`r r`pr`s`ltctiv`s

    j mcroilcgiz`h orjups, Qcih milimum wco` &jr cttim`s il mjr` djltrjv`rsicg durr`ldy' sudf cs fits

    j f`rjil)' tf`y cr` lgist`h tj ulh`rtce` pjiltg`ss

    clh jt`l h`orchilo kjbs, Ti`rrcs wjre`rs stclh

    jr fjurs cdilo c wcgg' `loco` il pubgid hispgcys j

    mcsturbctijl jr clcg s`x' cr` ti`h rjm tf`ir cleg`s

    tj wjjh`l bgjdes' pcrtidipct` il tf` hiooilo j

    tfjusclhs j fjg`s il c vcdclt gjt, Xf`s` cdtijls

    cr` ulh`rtce`l ulh`r tf` cuspid`s j dugturcg

    jroclizctijls il gjdctijls cmjlo tf`m tf` str``t'

    il crt ocgg`ri`s clh hurilo ilt`rlctijlcg bi`llicgs

    wf`r` tf` privig`o`h dgcss`s wfj r`qu`lt crt `v`lts

    wigg b` jrd`h tj ldjult`r tf`m,

    It is f`r` tfct tf` pcrcgg`gs witf Buu`gs gm b`djm`

    dg`cr, Il Xf` @xt`rmilctilo Clo`g' tf` w`cgtfy hill`r

    ou`sts mcy b` ilsugct`h rjm tf` sjdicg upf`cvcgs

    tfr`ct`l`h by Nrcldjs r`pr`ssiv` pjgidi`s' buttf`y cr` trcpp`h witfil c f`gg j tf`ir jwl mceilo,

    Jld` tf`y hisdjv`r tfct tf`y dclljt sdcp` rjm

    tf` guxurijus viggc wf`r` tf`y fcv` ojl` jr hill`r'

    tf`y quidegy h`sd`lh iltj bcrbcrism, Njr Ti`rrc' tf`

    wjrghs j crt clh dugtur` pgcy c rjg` clcgjojus tj

    Buu`gs pgusfgy cppjilt`h prisjl, Il fis wjre' crt-

    wjrgh h`liz`ls cr` trcpp`h by tf` djltrchidtijls j

    tf`ir jwl situctijl, T``eilo `hidctijl clh c`stf`tid

    pg`csur`' tf`y ljrmcggy cr` cbg` tj jv`rgjje tf`

    `djljmid vugl`rcbigity j tf` dgcss j wjre`rs rjm

    wfidf Ti`rrc hrcws fis pcrtidipclts, But il Ti`rrcs

    prjk`dts' tfis pg`csclt iggusijl is sfctt`r`h cs crt

    cuhi`ld`s cr` `lslcr`h il hir`dt djltcdt witf

    p`rjrm`rs wfj r`pr`s`lt tf` ulh`rsih` j tf`

    l`jgib`rcg jrh`r tfct mce`s tf`ir djmjrts pjssibg`,

    Ti`rrc `xpgjr`s tf` tf`m`s j `ltrcpm`lt clh

    `xpgjitctijl il vcrijus wcys, Q`rfcps tf` dg`cr`st

    `dfj j Xf` @xt`rmilctilo Clo`gcpp`crs il Ti`rrcsXf` Xrcp &211?), Xfis wjre wcs rst p`rjrm`h il

    Tclticoj h` Dfig` jr c smcgg clh v`ry s`g`dt orjup

    j pcrtidipclts' cmjlo tf`m ljt`h pjgitidicls'

    kjurlcgists' cdch`mids clh writ`rs, Xfirt``l ilvit`h

    ou`sts w`r` hir`dt`h jl` by jl` tfrjuof c g jlo

    ` Xrcp, Mctudclc 311' Tclticoj h` Dfig`, H`d`mb`r 211?,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    jh`l djrrihjr tfct g`h tj cl jp`l spcd`, Xf`r`

    `y w`r` djlrjlt`h by c gcro` drjwh j ulsmig ilo

    ruvicl wjre`rs' r`pr`s`ltctiv`s j c orjup tfct

    w mce`s up tf` buge j Dfig`s hjm`stid wjre`rs,

    `r fcvilo tf`ir gg' tf` ou`sts turl`h crjulh tj

    rcd` tf`ir st`ps' jlgy tj hisdjv`r tfct tf` rjut`

    de fch b``l dfclo`h clh tfct tf` djrrihjr ljw g`h

    cioft tj tf` str``t, Ppjl xitilo tf`y w`r` fclh`h

    `ir dcr e`ys clh tfcle`h jr tf`ir pcrtidipctijl,

    ` Buu`gs prjtcojlists' tf`s` r`pr`s`ltctiv`s j

    ` ditys sjdicg clh dugturcg `git` julh tf`ms`gv`s

    `xp`dt`hgy trcpp`h il c hisjri`ltilo clh vcou`gy`ct`lilo situctijl, Xfrjwl iltj uldjmjrtcbg`

    jximity tj tf` urbcl ulh`rdgcss' tf`y w`r` jrd`h

    mce` cl ulhioli`h `sdcp`,

    ` tf`m` j tf` trcp cgsj iljrms Ti`rrcs

    ltributijl tj tf` 01tf `lid` Bi`llcg` il 2114 ,

    `rrc' cs tf` jdicg Tpclisf crtist' dgjs`h j tf`

    clisf Qcvigijl' pjstilo oucrhs ct tf` ltrcld` tj

    sur` tfct jlgy Tpclisf ditiz`ls witf pcsspjrts

    ugh lt`r tf` spcd`, Jld` ilsih`' fjw`v`r' tf`ir

    ls` j privig`o` hissipct`h cs tf`y hisdjv`r`h

    ct tf` pcvigijl jlgy djltcil`h tf` h`bris rjm tf`

    `vijus Bi`llcg`s pr`s`ltctijl, Xfis hih ljt pr`v`lt

    ` ljl-Tpclisf Bi`llcg` visitjrs rjm ``gilo

    s`ltug j tf`ir xdgusijl, Xrcpp`h jutsih` rctf`r

    cl ilsih`' tf`y w`r` dcst iltj tf` rjg` j ulw`gdjm`

    `rgjp`rs bcrr`h rjm c myst`rijus ill`r scldtum,

    fis wcy' jr c mjm`lt' tf`y julh tf`ms`gv`s jl

    ` wrjlo lh j tf` ritucgs j isjgctijl clh xdgusijlct ulh`rgi` tf` dr`ctijl j lctijlcg ih`ltity' sjdicg

    ctus jr' f`r`' m`mb`rsfip il tf` dgub j tf` crt git`,

    dcus mcly j Ti`rrcs wjres cr djll`dt`h tj

    `xfibitijl spcd`s' bi`llicgs jr crt ilstitutijls'

    fis wjre is jt`l dgcss`h cs c sp`di`s j ilstitutijlcg

    dritiqu`, Xfis umbr`ggc t`rm djv`rs crt tfct xcmil`s

    tf` pjgitidcg' djljmid clh sjdicg djlhitijls j its jwl

    `xist`ld`, Fjw`v r' wfig` tfis d`rtcilgy is cl impjrtclt

    `g`m`lt j Ti`rrcs wjre' it djlstru`s fis ilt`ltijls

    tjj lcrrjwgy, Njr Ti`rrc' tf` crt wjrgh is simpgy c

    midrjdjsm j tf mudf gcro`r syst`m r`pr`s`lt`h

    by ogjbcg dcpitcgism, Xf` r`cg trcp il fis wjre is cl

    `djljmid syst`m pr`hidct`h jl c s`t j r`gctijlsfips

    tfct r`quir jl orjup tj `xpgjit cljtf`r,

    Il `xcmililo tfis syst`m' Ti`rrcs or`ct subk`dt isgcbjr tf u`g tfct mce`s tf dcpitcgist syst`m rul, Fis

    wjre strips cwcy tf upgitilo rf`tjrid il wfidf gcbjr

    is jt`l dgjce`h' il pcrtidugcr Dcgvilist ljtijls j wjre

    cs c gib`rctilo sjurd` j p`rsjlcg r`h`mptijl, &Xf`

    mjst ljtjrijus `xcmpg j tfis is' j djurs`' tf siol

    jv`r tf oct il Cusdfwitz tfct h`dgcr`h' _jre wigg s`t

    yju r``,) Tudf rf`tjrid jt`l cddjmpcli`s `jrts

    tj sgcsf wjre`r prjt`dtijls' ul`mpgjym`lt b`l`ts

    clh wco` suppjrts il tf` lcm` j djljmid r``hjm

    clh p`rsjlcg r`spjlsibigity, But tf` r`cg `dt j tf`

    w`ce`lilo j tf` vcgu` j gcbjr fcs b``l tf` dr`ctijl

    j c ogjbcg `djljmy bcs`h jl tf pr`dcrijus wjre`r,

    H`v`gjpm`lts gie` jutsjurdilo' rioft tj wjre gcws

    clh cttcdes jl ulijls cgg ulh`rmil` tf` djljmid clh

    sjdicg s`durity tfct wcs jld` djlsih`r`h pcrt j tf`

    wjre`rs sjdicg djltrcdt il jrh`r tj prjhud c gcbjr

    mcre`t tfct is giquih clh `xibg`,

    Ti`rrc ulh`rsdjr`s tf` pr`dcrity j djlt`mpjrcrywjre`rs il c vcri`ty j wcys, Mcly j fis wjres tjudf

    jl tf` djltrchidtijls dr`ct`h wf`l h`mclh jr

    df`cp jr`iol gcbjr dgcsf`s witf ildr`csilogy fcrsf

    r`stridtijls jl immiorctijl, Njr ilstcld`' fis Cprig

    2113 jbk`dt M`csurilo >11 x 0? x 02 dm Dlstrudt`h

    Jbk`dt M`csurilo >11 V 0? V 02 dm Djlstrudt`h tj B` F`gh Fjrizjltcggy tj c _cgg,

    Ocg`ri` Q`t`r Eigdfmcll, [ridf' Twitz`rgclh, Cprig 2113,

    cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    t B` F`gh Frizltcggy t c _cggjutgil`s c tcse tj

    b` hjl` il Twitz`rgclh by pjgitidcg `xig`s wfj cr`

    ljt jdicggy cggjw`h tj wjre, C `w mjltfs gct`r f`

    stco`h 21 _re`rs il c Tfips Fghil Bcrd`gjlc'

    c wjre tfct cgguh`h tj tf` Tpclisf pubgids

    cmbivcg`ld` cbjut tf` ilux j sub-Tcfcrcl

    immiorclts wiggilo tj wjre ulh`r substclhcrh

    djlhitijls jr milimcg wco`s, Ti`rrcs `mpgjy``s

    w`r` fir`h tj fih` il c sfips fjgh cs tf` sfip scig`h

    bcde clh jrtf b`tw``l twj pjrts, _itf its `mpfcsis

    jl fihh`l fumcl dcroj' tf` wjre mch` r``r`ld`

    bjtf tj tf` sgcv` trch` clh tj tf` m`c ls by wfidfulhjdum`lt`h wjre`rs drjss bjrh`rs igg`ocggy, Il

    prcdtid`' fjw`v`r' tf` vjyco` turl`h surprisilogy

    bujyclt' witf wjre`rs m`roilo rjm tf` fjgh `l

    rjut` tj `lt`rtcil tf`ms`gv`s il c pcrty ctmjspf`r`

    tfct v`ltucggy turl`h sj rcudjus tfct gjdcg

    cutfjriti`s fch tj dgjs` tf` p`rjrmcld` hjwl,

    Jtf`r wjres `dfj tf` Mcrxist dritiqu` j dcpitcgism

    cs c mjh` j ilstrum`ltcgizilo jtf`rs, Il 2111 Ti`rrc

    fir`h c t`cm j wjre`rs tj fjgh c pi`d` j Tf``trjde

    il c M`xidj Dity ocgg`ry ct c >1-h`or`` clog` jr

    fjurs jl `lh, Il 2118 f` `mpgjy`h Ircqi immiorclts

    il Gjlhjl tj stclh b`jr` c wcgg clh b` sprcy`h

    jl tf`ir bcdes witf pjgyur`tfcl` ultig tf`y w`r`

    djmpg`t`gy fihh`l, Il sudf wjres' ilhivihucgs git`rcggy

    b`djm` ljtfilo mjr` tfcl il`rt mctt`r p`rjrmilo

    tf` rjg` j buighilo mct`ricgs,

    Djltrcv`lilo Mcrx' fjw`v`r' tf` wjre hjl` by

    Ti`rrcs r`druits is l`itf`r prjhudtiv` ljr sjdicggy

    us`ug, Ljtfilo j vcgu` wcs dr`ct`h by p`jpg` fir`h

    il Quscl' Ejr`c' tj bgjde c mus`um `ltrcld` jr

    pcih il F`gsilei tj gi` jr jur fjurs c hcy il c hitdf

    juthjjrs ljt cr rjm tf` pcrgicm`lt buighilo, Jr

    ct g`cst ljtfilo j vcgu` il tf` djlv`ltijlcg s`ls`

    j tfct wjrh, Cs Ti`rrc pjilts j ut il Q`rsl Tcyilo

    c Qfrcs` &2112)' c wjre `mpgjyilo c pclfclhg`r

    il Birmilofcm' @logclh' tf` crt wjrgh o`l`rct`s

    cljtf`r eilh j vcgu`, Xf` wjre`r wcs ilstrudt`h

    tj h`dgcr`' My pcrtidipctijl il tfis prjk`dt djugho`l`rct` (?2'111 prjt, I cm pcih 0,

    Il Ti`rrcs prjhudtijls' wjre`rs cr` ilt`rdfclo`cbg`

    `g`m`lts' p`rjrmilo cdtiviti`s tfct r`quir` lj sp`dicg

    seiggs jr ilhivihucg h`disijl mceilo, Jt`l tf`y cr`

    jlgy r`quir`h tj sit jr stclh il`rtgy jr fjurs, Il tfis

    tf`y pr`s`lt c p`rv`rs` pcrcgg`g tj tf` c`stf`tids j

    milimcgism' witf its r`gicld` jl s`ricgity clh r`p`titijl,

    Xfis is pcrtidugcrgy vih`lt il c wjre sudf cs 6 Q`pg`

    Qcih t R`mcil Ilsih` Dcrhbcrh Bx`s &3999)' il

    Ouct`mcgc Dity, F`r Ti`rrc fir`h m`l tj sit il bjx`s il

    wfct turl`h jut tj b `xdrudictilo f`ct jr jur fjurs,

    Xf` vih`j j tfis wjre b`oils witf tf` wjre`rs fcvilo

    tf bjx`s git`h jv`r tf`m, Ct`r tfis' it djltilu`s jr

    cgmjst twj fjurs' sfjwilo ljtfilo mjr tfcl tfis s`t

    j bjx`s stclhilo il c fuo ilhustricg spcd`, Clyjl`

    missilo tf` b`oillilo djugh tfus csigy mistce` it jr

    cl ilstcggctijl j milimcgist crt,

    _jre`rs il c Tfips Fjgh, Mcr`mcolum mcgg clh pg`csur`-bjct mjjrilos il tf` pjrt j Bcrd`gjlc, Bcrd`gjlc' Tpcil,Kugy 2113,

    cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    ricgity is cgsj ulh`rsdjr`h il wjres gie` 3>1 dm Gil`

    tt`h l 8 Q`pg` &2111)' il wfidf tf` bcdes j

    ur prjstitut`s pcih witf sfjts j f`rjil b`djm` tf`

    lvcs cdrjss wfidf c strcioft gil` is ilsdrib`h, Il

    jtf`r v`rsijl j tfis wjre' six ul`mpgjy`h yjulo

    `l il Fcvclc w`r` simigcrgy tcttjj`h jr wco`s j

    1 `cdf, Xf` Q`l`trct`h&2116)' jl` j Ti`rrcs

    jr` `gcbjrct` prjhudtijls' is c p`rjrmcld` il

    ft cdts' `cdf ilvjgvilo djupg`s j vcrijus sp`di`h

    d`s clh o`lh`rs gil`h up il c rjjm p`rjrmilo

    cg s`x, Tfjt rjm c histcld`' tf` rfytfmid bump

    h orilh j tf` pcrtidipclts is r`mcrecbgy ul`rjtid'lilo tf` s`x cdts iltj c s`t j ilt`rdfclo`cbg`

    `dfclidcg oyrctijls,

    f`r xfibitijl dctcgjou` jr tf` 01tf `lid`

    `llcg`' durctjr Rjsc Mcrtil`z r`gct`s Ti`rrcs us`

    ivilo mct`ricgs tj milimcgis ms cltifumclistid

    h`rdurr`lts, Tf` r``r`ld`s Fcg Njst`r' wfj

    ou`s tfct tf` s`ricgity j milimcgism clh pjp is

    idctiv` j chvcld`h dcpitcgist prjhudtijl clh

    lsumptijl' jr bjtf r`oist`r tf` p`l`trctijl j

    ustricg mjh`s iltj spf`r`s &crt g`isur`' spjrt) tfct

    r` jld` r`mjv`h rjm tf`m, 2 Timigcrgy' Mcrtil`z

    ou`s' Ti`rrc gcys bcr` tf` r`p`titiv` m`dfclids

    cbjr `xpgjitctijl clh fumcl submissijl jr

    jljmid `lhs,4 Il cl ilt`rvi`w witf tf` crtist' sf`

    dits tf` stct`m`lt' Ct f`crt' I cm c milimcgist witf c

    gt djmpg`x,8

    is chmissijl j ouigt oj`s tj tf` f`crt j tf`ltrjv`rsy tfct il`vitcbgy swirgs crjulh Ti`rrcs

    re wf`l`v`r prjk`dts cr` p`rjrm`h jr tf`

    dum`ltcry vih`js mch` rjm tf`m cr` sfjwl, Is

    jr is f` ljt simpgy pcrtidipctilo il tf` `xpgjitctijl

    tf` wjre`rs wfjs` pgioft f` dgcims tj b`

    iggustrctilo: Dcl fis wjre j`r c l `dtiv` dritiqu` j

    tf` dcpitcgist syst`m wf`l it cpp`crs tj r`iljrd` tf`

    fi`rcrdfi`s it cpp`crs tj cttcde:

    Ti`rrc ``hs tfis djltrjv`rsy witf fis vjdcg hiscvjwcg

    j sjdicg purpjs`, Il tf` scm` wcy tfct f` dfcgg`lo`s

    tf` upgitilo rf`tjrid tfct surrjulhs gcbjr' f`

    cgsj hismiss`s tf` gib`rctjry gclouco` tfct jt`l

    surrjulhs p`rjrmcld` crt, Il c 211> ilt`rvi`w f`

    h`dgcr`h' I hjlt wclt tj b` cl cddjmpgid` tj tf`

    mjlum`ltcg s`g h`d`ptiv` djgg`dtiv` j dfcloilo

    tf` wjrgh,0 Il cdt f` cdeljwg`ho`s tfct f` is pcrtj tf` prjbg`m' ljtilo' C bcle`r wfj buys jl` j

    my pi`d`s is gie` c l`wspcp`r tfct cdd`pts g`tt`rs

    tj tf` hitjr, T`g-dritidism mce`s yju ``g mjrcggy

    sup`rijr' clh I oiv` fiof sjdi`ty clh fiof dugtur`

    tf` m`dfclisms tj ulgjch tf`ir mjrcgity clh tf`ir

    ouigt,> _itf sudf stct`m`lts' Ti`rrc h`dgil`s tf`

    rjg` j dritid' pr`sumcbgy b`dcus` tfct wjugh r`quir`

    fim tj cssum` cl `xt`rlcg pjsitijl, Ilst`ch' gie`

    Buu`gs hill`r ou`sts' f` r`mcils trcpp`h il fis jwl


    Xf` dritidcg h`bct` jv`r Ti`rrcs wjre fcs d`lt`r`h

    jl tf` m`rit j tfis cpprjcdf, Xf` mjst spirit`h

    hisdussijl fcs b``l dcrri`h jl b`tw``l dritids Orclt

    E`st`r' wfj mjdes tf` ljtijl tfct Ti`rrcs sd`lcrijs

    r`v`cg clytfilo l`w tj tf` kch`h crt-wjrgh cuhi`ld`s

    jr wfjm tf`y cr` stco`h' clh Dgcir` Bisfjp' wfj

    mciltcils tfct tf` str`lotf j Ti`rrcs wjre gi`s il

    its ulwiggilol`ss tj prjmis` c cgs` r`djldigictijlj tf` t`lsijls tfct ulh`rgi` dgcss' `djljmid clh

    sjdicg r`gctijls, E`st`r cses' Hj w` tce` Ti`rrc clh

    fis dritids ct tf`ir wjrh clh cssum` tfct tf`y r`cggy

    b`gi`v` c p`rjrmcld` il wfidf cl igg`ocg wjre`r

    sits il c dcrhbjcrh bjx jr jur fjurs il c ocgg`ry is

    3>1 dm Gil` Xcttjj`h jl 8 Q`jpg`, @g Ocggj Crt` Djlt`mpjrl`j, Tcgcmcldc' Tpcil, H`d`mb`r 2111,

    cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    ojilo tj dfclo` clyjl`s djlsdijusl`ss j rcdism

    jr dgcss jppr`ssijl:? Njr Bisfjp' by djltrcst' it is

    pr`dis`gy tf` gcde j r`h`mptijl tfct is tf` pjilt, Tf`

    r`mcres' Xf` wjre hj`s ljt j`r cl `xp`ri`ld` j

    trclsd`lh`lt fumcl mpctfy tfct smjjtf`s jv`r

    tf` cwewcrh situctijl b`jr` us' but c pjilt`h rcdicg

    clh `djljmid ljlih`ltidctijl; tfis is ljt m`, Xf`

    p`rsist`ld` j tfis ridtijl' its cwewcrhl`ss clh

    hisdjmjrt' cg`rts us tj tf` r`gctijlcg cltcojlism j

    Ti`rrcs wjre,6

    Xfjuof tf`y hiv`ro` bjtf jl tf` vcgu` j Ti`rrcswjre clh jl tf` gcro`r purpjs` j crt &E`st`r

    pr`s`lts c djmmulitcricl visijl j crt cs cl cdt j

    sjdicg f`cgilo' wfig` Bisfjp vcgjriz`s tf` hisruptiv`

    csp`dts j mjh`rlism)' E`st`r clh Bisfjp cr` ulit`h

    il ih`ltiyilo l`octijl cs c e`y csp`dt j Ti`rrcs

    prcdtid`, _fidf brilos us tj Ti`rrcs Lj' Ogbcg Xur'

    cl jlojilo quixjtid kjurl`y il wfidf tf` c rtist pjsts

    c fuo` sdugpturcg LJ il pjt`lt gjdctijls crjulh tf`

    ogjb`, Xf` LJ sdugptur`' hrcoo`h rjm sit` tj sit`

    jl c ctb`h trude' fcs cpp`cr`h il wjrgh dcpitcgs gie`

    B`rgil' L`w Yjre' Bruss`gs' Gjlhjl' Migcl' Lcojyc'

    M`xidj Dity clh R`yekcve' clh il symbjgid pgcd`s

    gie` mililo cr`cs il tf` jrm`r OHR' ilhustricg clh

    wjreilo-dgcss l`iofbjrfjjhs il diti`s gie` Bucgj'

    H`trjit clh Hjrtmulh' clh jig r`l`ri`s il tf`

    L`tf`rgclhs clh Mcrs`igg`,

    Xf`r` is c pjw`rug mut`l`ss tj tf` LJ it brilos tj

    milh M`gvigg`s cmjus stjry Bcrtg`by tf` Tdriv`l`r,Xfis is tf` tcg` j c gcw dg`re wfj r`spjlh`h tj cgg

    r`qu`sts' v`l' ugtimct`gy' tf` r`qu`st tfct f` ct' witf

    tf` pfrcs` I wjugh pr``r ljt tj, Xf`s` LJs' bjtf

    Ti`rrcs clh Bcrtg`bys' cr` cbsjgut`, Xf`y r`pr`s`lt

    cl ulbuhoilo r`uscg tj cdd`pt tf` djlhitijls j tf`

    wjrgh cs it is, Cl h il tfct r`uscg mcy b` tf` e`y tj tf`

    sjdicg djlsdijusl`ss tfct Ti`rrcs dritids h`ljuld`

    fim jr gcdeilo, Ti`rrc ilhidct`s cs mudf il ilt`rvi`ws

    f` fcs oiv`l jl fis gcro`r purpjs`s, Il 2118 f` tjgh

    `ggjw crtist X`r`sc Mcrojgg`s' L`octivity is tf` jlgy

    djf`r`lt r`cdtijl jl` dcl fcv` il c sjdi`ty wf`r`

    tf` bcttg`s cgr`chy gjst,9

    _fct is tf` mjst `dtiv` r`spjls` tj c wjrg h il

    wfidf il`qucgity s``ms tj buigh jl il`qucgity il cl

    `v`r-`sdcgctilo spircg: Fjw hj`s jl` r`djldig`

    sjdicg djlsdi`ld` witf c sjdicg `xist`ld` pr`hidct`h

    jl ilkustid`: Ti`rrcs clsw`r is tfct jl` must r`us`

    cgs` sjgcd` clh `csy clsw`rs, Il Xf` @xt`rmilctilo

    Clo`g' tf` trcpp`h ou`sts v`ltucggy sdcp` tf`ir

    prisjl by m`tidugjusgy r`p`ctilo v`ry mjm`lt j

    tf` hill`r pcrty tfct pr`d`h`h tf`ir imprisjlm`lt,

    But tf`ir `sdcp` is `ss`lticggy utig`' cs it g`chs tj c

    r`ilstct`m`lt j tf` stctus quj' clh il tf` gcst sd`l`

    tf`y lh tf`ms`gv`s trcpp`h cocil il tf` dfurdf tj

    wfidf tf`y fcv` ojl` tj oiv` tfcles jr tf`ir h`giv`ry,

    Gie` Buu`g' Ti`rrc pr`s`lts c hcre css`ssm`lt j

    crts pjt`lticg tj ``dt sjdicg dfclo`, L`v`rtf`g`ss'

    il tf` uls`ttgilo j dct`ojri`s tfct jddurs wf`l

    f` sprilos fis trcps' Ti`rrc fjghs jut c ogimm`r j

    fjp`, Il c r`d`lt ilt`rvi`w f` mciltcil`h' _fct Itfile is tfct p`jpg` sfjugh ljt oj jut clh mcli`st

    ` Q`l`trct`h, @g Xjrcx, X`rrcssc' Tpcil, Jdtjb`r 32' 2116,

    cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience





    Ilt`rvi`w witf Rjsc Mcrtil`z' il Ducuft`mjd M`hilc' Tclticoj Ti`rrc'

    Rjsc Mcrtil`z clh Clc Qcgcdij' Tcltico Ti`rrc;01tf ^`lid` Bi`llcg`'

    Mchrih; Xurl`r*Milist`rj h`Csultjs @xt`rijr`s' 2118' p, 363,


    FcgNjst`r' Xf` R`turltf` R`cg' Dcmbriho`' Mcss,; MIXQr`ss' 399>' p, >>,


    Rjsc Mcrtil`z' il Tcltico Ti`rrc;01tf ^`lid` Bi`llcg`' p, 3?,


    Tclticoj Ti`rrc' ilt`rvi`w witf Rjsc Mcrtil`z' Tcltico Ti`rrc;01tf ^`lid`

    Bi`llcg` ' p, 3>9,


    Tclticoj Ti`rrc' ilt`rvi`w witf Mcrij Rjssi il TclticoTi`rrc' `xfibitijl

    dctcgjo jrXr`ltj' Ocgg`ric Dividc hi Crt`Djlt`mpjrcl`c' Jdtjb`r6' 2110

    Kclucry 30' 211>' p, 6>,


    Tclticoj Ti`rrc' ilt`rvi`w witf X`r`scMcrojgg`s'

    Bmb 6>*_ilt`r2118'



    OrcltE`st`r' Xf` jl` clhtf` Mcly' Hurfcmclh Gjlhjl;

    Hue`Pliv`rsity Qr`ss' 2133' p, 3>9,


    Dgcir`Bisfjp' Cltcojlismclh R`gctijlcgC`stf`tids'

    jdtb`r331*Ncgg2118' p, ?9,


    Ilt`rvi`w witf X`r`sc Mcrojgg`s' Bmb,


    Tclticoj Ti`rrc' ilt`rvi`w witf Qcdj Bcrrcocl'CRXQPGT@' Kclucry 4' 2132'


    `ms`gv`s' but stcrt hjilo tfilos jr tf`ms`gv`s

    pgjr` jrms j s`g-jroclizctijl jl `v`ry g`v`g' clh

    crt br`ceilo tf` ti`s witf tf` stct`; stjp wjreilo

    tf` stct`' hjlt g`t yjur dfighr`l kjil tf`ir crmi`s'

    `rtfrjw tf` cdtucg hudctijlcg syst`m clh prjvih`

    crcgg`g jl`' clh sj jl, Bcsidcggy' o`t jut j tf`

    st`m, Its cbjut h`pgjyilo cl cdtiv` cl h dr`ctiv`

    pjsitijl il jrh`r tj dr`ct` c l `w sjdi`ty,31

    `rrc fch tf` jppjrtulity tj `xpgjr` tfis ih`c

    tf`r il Xf` Bgcde Dl`' Mlum`lt t Divig

    sb`hi`ld` &2132), Dr`ct`h il djlkuldtijl witf fisrjsp`dtiv` ct tf` R`yekcve Crt Mus`um' tfis wjre

    mm`mjrct`s tf` cltiojv`rlm`lt prjt`sts tfct

    de`h tf` dity il Kclucry 2119 clh jrd`h c dfclo`

    `ch`rsfip, It djlsists j c gcro` drcde`h bjugh`r

    it by c bgcde djl` clh b`crilo cl ilsdriptijl rjm

    ` 3?94 Nr`ldf Lctijlcg Djlstitu`lt Css`mbgys

    dgcrctijl j tf` Riofts j Mcl clh Ditiz`l,

    ` Bgcde Dl` h`pcrts rjm `stcbgisf`h

    lv`ltijls jr divid mjlum`lts il rchidcg wcys,

    j`s ljt djljrm tj tf` fjcr y trchitijl j tf`

    r m`mjricgs julh il sj mcly tjwl squcr`s,

    r hj`s it d`g`brct` tf` lctijls pjgitidcg vidtjri`s

    julhctijlcg mytfs, It hj`s ljt hrcw ctt`ltijl

    tf` cdfi`v`m`lts j or`ct m`l jr wjm`l ,

    ucggy' it st``rs dg`cr j tf` l`w`r trchitijl j tf`

    ti-mjlum`lt tfct sjmb`rgy r`dcggs c fistjridcg

    tcstrjpf`' il tf` mcll`r j Mcyc Gils wjulh-

    cp`h ^i`tlcm m`mjricg jr tf` hisjri`ltilo jr`st

    j st`gc` tfct djmpris` Q`t`r @is`lmcls m`mjricg

    tj tf` Fjgjdcust, It cigs tj prjvih` tf` mjtijlcg

    sctiscdtijl j upgit' sfcr`h dctfcrsis jr djls`lsus,

    Ilst`ch' Ti`rrcs sdugptur` djmm`mjrct`s c stigg rcw

    cdt j divig hisjb`hi`ld`, Gie` tf` djl` tfct spgits

    tf` rjde' tf` 2119 prjt`st xpjs`h tf` cugt g il`s

    il Id`gclhid sjdi`ty il wcys tfct r`mcil ulr`sjgv`h,

    Xfct Xf` Bgcde Dl` hj`s ljt r``dt c s`ttg`h stct`

    j ccirs is dg`cr rjm tf` djltiluilo djltrjv`rsy jv`r

    its stctus' gjdctijl clh pjssibg` p`rmcl`ld`,

    Xf` Bgcde Dl` hj`s fcv` vcrijus crt-fistjridcgpr`d`h`lts, Il pcrtidugcr it b`crs eilsfip tj tf`

    Russicl Djlstrudtivists clh tf`ir xpgjitctijl j tf`

    gclouco` j milimcgism il tf` s`rvid` j r`vjgutijl,

    Xf` djl` tfct br`ces tf` rjde r`dcggs tf` r`h

    w`ho` j Bjgsf`vism tfct @g Gissitzey `lvisijl`h

    br`ceilo tfrjuof tf` wfit` dirdg` j tf` Russicl

    cltir`vjgutijlcry jrd`s, But il e``pilo witf Ti`rrcs

    clti-utjpicl stcld`' fis djl` hj`s ljt prjvih` c dg`cl

    br`ce, Xf` kcoo`h drcde il tf` rjde is c r`milh`r tfct

    wfct is brje`l mcy ljt b` `csigy m`lh`h, F`r` tf`r`

    is lj cgs` prjmis` j pcilg`ss sjdicg trclsjrmctijl,

    Ilst`ch' gie` Ti`rrcs Lj' Ogbcg Xurdcmpciol'

    Xf` Bgcde Dl` d`g`brct`s c ditiz`l-o`l`rct`h

    r`uscg tj cdd`pt tf` fitf`rtj-ulqu`stijl`h stctus

    quj, It is c r`milh`r tfct dfclo` is m`ssy' uld`rtcil

    clh hidugt tj djltrjg, Cs sudf' Xf` Bgcde Dl` is

    c stclh-il jr Ti`rrcs wfjg` `lt`rpris`, It mcres tf`

    pjt`lticg jr dfclo`' but s`rv`s cs c r`milh`r tfct

    tf` r`st is up tj us,

    cljr F`crtl`y Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    so srr Dr

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    1 Q`jpg` Qcih 41 Tjg`s p`r Fjur, Ocg`rc Qcldfj Ni`rrj, Gimc' Q`ru, Cuoust 2113,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 4?

    ' Ogjbcg Xjur, R`yekcvie' Id`gclh, Kclucry' 2132,

    Tclticoj Ti`rrc il Djlv`rsctijl

    witf Fcls Pgridf Jbr ist

    &Kclucry 43' 2132)

    Fcls Pgridf Jbrist; B`jr` w` tcge cbjut tf`

    LJ' Ogjbcg Xjur'dcl w` hisduss yjur f`rj

    clh ilspirctijl' Isihjrj ^cgdrd`g M`hilc:

    _f`l`v`r f`s ilvit`h tj hj cl `xfibitijl jr c

    bi`llcg`' f` l`crgy cgwcys scys lj, F` b`gi`v`s

    its jecy tj scy lj, F`s b`ilo r`hisdjv`r`h, F`s

    tf` or`ct djld`ptucg crtist' jl` djugh scy' j

    tf` 39>1s clh 39?1s il Tpcil' but f`s stigg ljt

    eljwl jutsih` j Tpcil, Djugh yju t`gg us c gittg`

    bit cbjut tf` wcy f` ilspir`h yju cs c yjulo

    crtist wf`l yju stcrt`h jut il Mchrih:

    Tclticoj Ti`rrc; Njr m`' Isihjrj wcs cl `xcmpg` j

    fjw' hurilo tf` 3961s' wf`l tf` crt sd`l` wcs ugg j

    djgjr clh fcppil`ss' f` wcs mceilo djld`ptucg crt

    il c v`ry pur` wcy' clh f` fch tf` cbigity tj scy y`s

    jr lj cddjrhilo tj fis ilt`r`sts, I r`m`mb`r jld` ct

    tf` Drdugj h` B`ggcs Crt`s' c v`ry `gitist ilstitutijl il

    Mchrih' f` jrocliz`h c hill`r &`cdf hcy c hi`r`lt

    m`cg)' wf`r` wfct yju r` d`iv`h tj ct wcs xcdtgy

    tf` scm` cs p`jpg` w`r` `ctilo il tf` b`oocrs

    csygum, Clh f` tjje fis ih`csch cbsurhum, Njr

    `xcmpg`' wf`l f` wcs ilvit`h tj mce` c sfjw ct tf`

    R`ilc Tjc il Mchrih' f` cse`h jr tf` cmjult j

    mjl`y tf` mus`um h`hidct`h tj its `ltir` buho`t

    ulh`r Tpclisf gcw' yju dcl cse tj s`` c mus`ums

    buho`t, Xf`y hihlt oiv` it tj fim, But jv`r tf` y`crs

    f` `stcbgisf`h c djrr`spjlh`ld` witf tf` mus`um'

    writilo g`tt`rs tj tf` p`jpg` il dfcro`, F`s tf` eilh

    j p`rsjl wfj oj`s fis jwl wcy' clh I tfile f`s v`ry

    prjuh ljt tj b` pcrt j tf` mcilstr`cm' jr tj ljt b`

    pcrt j cly djmmjl eljwg`ho`, F`s c p`rsjl wfj

    gjv`s fis privcdy' clh gjv`s tj wjre gie` tfct; tj scy

    lj jr y`s r``gy,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 49

    PJ; _fidf brilos us tj yjur tjurilo

    ugptur`' LJ' wfidf fcs cpp`cr`h il mcly

    `r`lt djlt`xts, Its c tjur' c kjurl`y,

    jw hih it cgg stcrt:

    ; I wcs ct c stco` il my gi` wf`l I wcs trcv`gilo

    jt' m``tilo p`jpg` il hi`r`lt djlt`xts clh

    jreilo il hi`r`lt cr`cs, Clh I tfjuoft' _fy

    t mce` c mugtidjlt`xtucg pi`d` c pi`d` tfct

    ugh gjje p`r`dt v`rywf`r`: Clh I tfile LJ

    `s gjje p`r`dt v`rywf`r`, It fcs c mcol`tid

    w`r; cgg tf` ljs yjur` dcrryilo crjulh witf yjuhir`dtgy tj tf` LJ, I tf` LJ suhh`lgy cpp`crs

    c trude' yjur` ojilo tj ulh`rstclh it' b`dcus`

    c v`ry pjw`rug wjrh, It stcrt`h b`dcus` I wcs

    leilo tfct i I wclt`h tj tce` jl` pi`d` tj mcly

    `r`lt gjdctijls' it fch tj b` v`ry uliv`rscg cs c

    mbjg, I tfjuoft j GJ^@U39>?] by Rjb`rt Ilhiclc,

    ^@wcs c siol j tf` tim`s wf`l it wcs hjl`,

    J is tf` siol j tfis tim`' b`dcus` lj is wfct

    s`` sp`gg`h jut il g`tt`rs ct `ltrcld`s c gist j

    jfibitijls clh lj is cgsj wfct w` scy tj tf`

    w`rs wf`l tf`y try tj tce` jur r``hjms' `cdf

    m` witf mjr` clh mjr` bg`ce djls`qu`ld`s, I

    le lj is cl cpprjprict` wjrh' clh its wjre`h

    ry w`gg crjulh tf` wjrgh,

    h w`v` ljt jlgy hjl` tfis LJ sdugptur`' but

    v` hjl` sjm` jtf`r LJs jr `xcmpg`'

    s prjk`dtijl mch` by c mcdfil` dcgg`h tf`

    gourctjr, Its cl ilv`ltijl j Kugius vjl Bismcrde'

    ilh j csf oul' but ilst`ch j prjk`dtilo c

    sf it prjk`dts cl imco`' wfidf hiscpp`crs v`ry

    idegy, Yju dcl jlgy dctdf it witf c dcm`rc its

    tivct`h tfrjuof tf` csf j c dcm`rc, _` w`r`

    csfilo LJ' LJ' LJ jltj tf` pjp` hurilo fis

    visit tj Mchrih' clh mcly dcm`rcs dcuoft it' but lj

    `y`s djugh s`` it' clh `v`l t`g`visijl djughlt dctdf

    it, Tj il c wcy its c djltiluctijl j tf` LJ' clh it

    s``ms tj b` cpprjprict` tj mce` c hi`r`lt v`rsijl

    j tf` LJ ct g`cst jld` c y`cr,

    Xf`r` cr` sjm` jtf`r pi`d`s tfct Im wjreilo

    jl ljw' il tf` scm` wcy cs LJ' Ogjbcg Xjur, Njr

    `xcmpg`' il B`rgil r`d`ltgy w` r`p`ct`h 811 bgcde

    pjst`rs' hjl` jr tf` rst tim` f`r` il Gjlhjl

    il 2116, I gie` tfis ih`c j fcvilo bgcde pjst`rs`v`rywf`r`, Its tf` l`octijl j pubgidity' but it

    djugh cgsj b` c gib`rtcricl imco`, Jr it djugh b` c

    l`octijl j Dctfjgid imco`s, Tj its gie` c pi`d` tfct

    dcl trcv`g,

    FPJ; Yjuv` tjur`h tf`LJtj _csfilotjl' H,D,'

    wfidf is v`ry ilt`r`stilo' b `dcus`' cs yju tjgh

    m` jld`' its tf` dcpitcg j tf` `mpir` jr yju,

    But yju cgsj w`lt tj Kcpcl' @cst`rl @urjp`'

    yju w`r` tjyilo witf tf` ih`c j tceilo it tj G ctil

    Cm`ridc Its c sjrt j c ogjbcg tju r, Dcl yju t`gg

    us c bit cbjut fjw tf` tjur `vjgv`h:

    TT; My rst ih`c wcs tj e``p tf` LJ rjggilo cgg tf`

    tim`' b`dcus` its ljt tfct `xp`lsiv` tj dcrry' but

    tfct turl`h jut tj b` impjssibg`, I w` fcv` cljtf`r

    jppjrtulity tj sfjw it' w`gg sfjw it' but Im ljt

    cdtiv`gy tryilo tj lh mjr` v`lu`s jr mjr` rjchs

    jr tf` LJ, _fct I hih wcs tj try tj trclsjrm `cdf

    jl` j my sfjws iltj pcrt j tf` LJ' Ogjbcg Xjur'

    clh il tfct s`ls` I wcs tryilo tj `stcbgisf c rjut`,

    _` stcrt`h il Guddc' Itcgy' tf` pgcd` wf`r` I wcs

    givilo ct tfct mjm`lt' clh tf`l w` djv`r`h tf`

    ilhustricg cr`c j tf` ljrtf j Itcgy clh Custric, _`

    w`lt tj `cst`rl O`rmcly' tj w`st`rl O`rmcly'

    Fjggclh' tf` PE' tf` Nr`ldf djcst' Tpcil5 tf`

    ilhustricg cr`cs j Cm`ridc' H`trjit' Dg`v`gclh' td,5

    tf` dcpitcg j tf` `djljmid `mpir`' L`w Yjre' clh

    tf` migitcry `mpir`' _csfilotjl, Xf`l w` stjpp`h

    gmilo' but w` hihlt stjp tf` tjur' wfidf djltilu`h

    rullilo il Qjgclh' Kcpcl clh mcly jtf`r pgcd`s,

    FPJ; _igg tf`r` b` c rjch mjvi` ct tf` `lh:

    TT; Y`s, _f`l I gjje ct my pfjtjorcpfs tce`l witfc dcm`rc tfct I cgwcys brilo witf m` jl tf` trips'

    its gie` c mjvi`, It wcs v`ry lcturcg tj mce` tf`

    mjvi`' tj jggjw tf` wjre' tj dcptur` tf` scm`

    imco`s tfct Im tryilo tj dctdf witf my dcm`rc,

    _` fcv` c cltcstid dcm`rcmcl' Hi`oj Tcltjm'

    clh w` cgsj fcv` c t`cm j mjltco` p`jpg`'

    ildguhilo Ivcl Cg`hj, But its c v`ry r`hud`h t`cm,

    Clh cgsj w` mix tf` gm witf jtf`r pi`d`s w` mch`

    jl tf` wcy' jr `xcmpg` tf` Buricg jn X`l _jre`rs il

    Dcgcmbrjl` U2131],

    FPJ; Jl` dcl cgsj oj jltj yjur w`bsit` clh fir`

    tf` pi`d` jr c gjdcg h`stilctijl, Xj wfct `xt`lt

    fcs tf` Ilt`rl`t dfclo`h tf` wcy yju wjre:

    Yjur w`bsit` s``ms tj b` c v`ry impjrtclt

    `ctur` jr yju il t`rms j jroclizctijl,

    TT; Y`s' its tru`, Iv` cgwcys tce`l dcr` j my

    hjssi`r' `sp`dicggy wf`l I wcs stcrtilo tj wjre il

    crt prj`ssijlcggy, Jbvijusgy' jl tf` Ilt`rl`t I dcl

    `xpgcil wfct Iv` hjl` v`ry w`gg, Tj jr m` its c

    bcsid tjjg jr jroclizilo, _`r` tryilo tj trclsjrm

    tf` w`bsit` iltj cl crdfiv` j pfjtjorcpfs tce`l

    jv`r tf` y`crs, Cgsj' my wjre fcs prjhud`h c gjt j

    git`rctur`, Xf`r` cr` c gjt j t`xts writt`l cbjut it clh

    w` wclt tj djmpg`t` tf` w`bsit` witf tf`s` t`xts,

    FPJ; Clh i p`jpg` dcl o`t tf`LJtj tf`ir dity

    tfrjuof tf` w`bsit`' tfcts c hi`r`lt wcy

    j usilo tf` Ilt`rl`t; it b`djm`s mjr` j

    c ``hbcde gjjp,

    TT; Y`s' w` r`d`iv` mcly r`qu`sts rjm p`jpg`

    cseilo m` tj brilo it tj tf`ir tjwl, I yju wclt tj pcy

    tj brilo it tj yjur jwl tjwl' yju kust fcv` tj t`gg m`,Its pjssibg` tj jrh`r tf` LJ' Ogjbcg Xjurjlgil`,

    FPJ; Xf` w`bsit` cgsj djltcils cl crdfiv` j

    cgg yjur gms, B`jr` mjvilo jl tj tfct' I fcv`

    c gcst qu`stijl cbjut tf`LJ; jl` v`ry hir`dt

    mcli`stctijl j tf LJis c g`tt`r yju s`lt tj

    tf` Tpclisf milistry j dugtur` r`k`dtilo tf`

    Lctijlcg Crt Qriz`, Yju scih' H`cr Ms, Ojlzg`z-

    Tilh`' I cm v`ry orct`ug jr tf` r`djolitijl clh

    `vcguctijl cjrh`h m` by tf` crt prj`ssijlcgs,

    Fjw`v`r' il my jpilijl' priz`s cr` cwcrh`h tj

    tfjs` wfj fcv` r`lh`r`h c s`rvid`' sudf cs

    `mpgjy`` j tf` mjltf, I wisf tj mce` dg`cr ct

    tfis tim` tfct crt fcs oiv`l m` c r``hjm tfct

    I cm ljt r`chy tj oiv` up, Djls`qu`ltgy my

    djmmjl s`ls` djmp`gs m` tj r`k`dt tfis cwcrh,

    Djugh yju t`gg us c gittg` bit cbjut tfis o`stur`'

    wfidf fcs dr`ct`h sj mudf pr`ss clh wcs c pjilt

    j lctijlcg hisdussijl il Tpcil:

    TT; I tfile j priz`s cs c wcy j buyilo p`jpg`, Its

    c wcy j t`ggilo p`jpg`' Jecy' ljw w`r` `lkjyilo

    ojjh r`gctijls' sj p`cd` b`tw``l yju clh m`,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 83

    `r`s sjm`tfilo p`rv`rs` cbjut tf`m, Il Tpcil

    h cgsj il M`xidj' clh I imcoil` tfct f`r` its tf`

    m`' tf`r`s c pjgitids j priz`s; its tj mce` p`jpg`

    h`rstclh tfct tf`yr` ljt ojilo tj mce` s`rijus

    jbg`ms jr ilstitutijls, Il tfct dcs`' it wcs c fiof

    z`; 41'111 `urjs, Il my jpilijl' its gie` scyilo'

    `r`s 41'111 tj sfut up' dcgm hjwl, _`r` ojilo

    tce` c pfjtj witf yju clh c gjt j p`jpg` il ti`s

    h yjugg cpp`cr il tf` l`wspcp`rs, Tj I hihlt

    d`pt it, Xf` ojv`rlm`lt il Tpcil' clh mcly jtf`r

    v`rlm`lts' fcs trjjps il stupih' imp`ricgistid wcrs

    julh tf` wjrgh, I dclt cdd`pt tf` h`dgcrctijl jdf c ojv`rlm`lt, Xf`y cgsj h`dih`h tj oiv` cl

    b`gi`vcbg` cmjult j mjl`y tj tf` bcles' il jrh`r

    sjgv`I hjlt eljw wfct, Lj' I dclt sfce` fclhs

    f tf`s` p`jpg`' b`dcus` I h``pgy hiscpprjv` j

    `s` pjgitidicls clh tf`ir cdtijls,

    PJ; Yju djll`dt`h yjur r`k`dtijl j tf` priz`

    tf`LJ' Ogjbcg Xjur'b`dcus` ct tf` `lh j

    ur g`tt`r tj tf` mili stry' yju v`ry b`cutiuggy

    ih; Xf` stct` is ljt cgg j us, Xf` stct` is yju

    h yjur ri`lhs, Xf`r`jr`' hjlt djult m`

    mjlo tf`m, Im c s`rijus crtist, Lj sir, LJ'

    jbcg Xjur,

    ; _`gg' Im ojilo tj put tfis g`tt`r jl scg`' jr tf`

    mjult j 41'111' b`dcus` wfct I wclt tj hj is tj

    ` tfct mjl`y tj dr`ct` c d`lt`r j prjpcoclhc

    Mchrih' hir`dtgy cocilst tfis eilh j pjgitids

    sjgvilo my cdtivity cs cl crtist c gittg` bit clh

    djmilo mjr` c prjpcoclhist cocilst tfis

    czil`ss, My prjpjscg is tj s`gg tf` g`tt`r jr tf`s`

    ti-ojv`rlm ltcg purpjs`s,

    FPJ; Xfct ih`c cbjut tf` prjhudtijl j r`cgity

    g`chs us tj tf` wjres tfct cr` il yjur crdfiv`

    its sjm`tfilo tfct fcs pgcy`h c rjg` sild` tf`

    v`ry b`oillilo, C gr`chy il 3998' il yjur v`ry

    `crgy vih`js' jl` dcl s`` tfct tf` wjre is cbjut

    prjhudilo r`cgity its cbjut djlstrudtijl, It

    wcs c djggcbjrctiv` prcdtid` il tf` b`o illilo5

    yju wjre`h witf Mclu`g Guh`c ' clh jl` j

    tf` `crgy vih`js'Bgcde Qcilt jl _cggs' rjm

    H`d`mb`r 3998' sfjws tf` djlstrudtijl j

    c fjus`, Yjuv` scih tfct yju w`r` cgmjst gie`

    c mjv`m`lt jr orjup il Tpcil, Dcl yju t`gg uscbjut tf`s` djggcbjrctiv` djlstrudtijls:

    TT; _f`l I wcs yjulo' w` djggcbjrct`h, It wcslt

    c oft b`tw``l crtists, Yju julh cnliti`s witf

    jtf`r crtists' clh stcbgisf`h c djggcbjrctijl'

    b`dcus` djggcbjrctijl cggjws yju tj mce` c

    hindugt sdugptur`' jr tj lh l`w spcd`s, Tj Mclu`g

    Guh`c' Cgmut Gilh` clh I `stcbgisf`h c orjup tfct

    mjv`h b`tw``l Fcmburo clh Mchrih, _` hih jur

    sfjws jr sjm`tfilo gie` tfct tjo`tf`r' clh tf`l tf`

    djggcbjrctijl lisf`h b`dcus` cdf jl` wclt`h

    tj mce` fis jwl dcr``r, Xf`l I w`lt tj M`xidj'

    wf`r` I `stcbgisf`h hi`r`lt djltcdts clh hi`r`lt


    FPJ; Clh wfct prjmpt`h yju tj oj tj M`xidj:

    Xf` mih-3991s wcs gjlo b`jr` M`xidj

    wcs djlsih`r`h c d`lt`r jr djlt`m pjrcry

    crt, Ljw its v`ry w`gg eljwl' witf sj mcly

    M`xidcl crtists il tf` ilt`rlctijlcg crt wjrgh

    clh lum`rjus mus`ums clh crt d`lt`rs clh

    ocgg`ri`s tf`r`' but il tf` mih-91s it wcs c v`ry

    hi`r`lt situctijl,

    Jbstrudtijl j c Nr``wcy witf c Xrudes Xrcig`r, Cliggj Q`riridj Tur, M`xidj Dity' M`xidj, Ljv`mb`r 3996,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 84

    TT; I fch tfis stupih ih`c j mceilo miorctjry

    mjv`m`lts il tf` jppjsit` hir`dtijl# Clh cgsj

    I tfjuoft ct tf` b`oillilo' cgtfjuof it turl`h jut

    ljt tj b` gie` tfct' tfct my situctijl il t`rms j

    gcbjr wjugh b` csy b`dcus` j tf` gclouco`, It

    wcslt `csy il Mchrih, I wcs wjreilo cs c t`cdf`r

    jr tfr`` hi`r`lt sdfjjgs' rullilo cgg hcy jr tfr``

    djils' jr ljtfilo c mjltf, I h`dih`h tfct mcyb` il

    M`xidj I djugh o`t mjr` sudd`ss, I hihlt o`t it jr

    v` y`crs5 it wcs c bit j c lioftmcr`, But ct`rwcrhs

    tfis eljwg`ho` j tf` situctijl rjm tf` ilsih` fcs

    mch` m` mjr` pjw`rug wf`l I tcge cbjut pjv`rty'b`dcus` Im tcgeilo cbjut sjm`tfilo tfct I eljw,

    FPJ; It wcs il M`xidj tfct I scw yjur wjre jr

    tf` rst tim`' il tf` 3991s' wf`l I w`lt tj visit

    tf` crtist Q`hrj R`y`s, F` fch tfis ildr`hibg`

    spcd`' jl` j tf` or`ct crtist-rul spcd`s il

    Gctil Cm`ridc j tf` 91s' dcgg`h Gc Xjrr` h`

    gjs i`ltjs &Xf` Xjw`r j _ilhs), It wcs t f`

    hcy I crriv`h il M`xidj' clh Igg l`v`r jro`t' w`

    scw tfis vih`j Jbstrudtijl jn c Nr``wcy witf

    c Xrudes Xrcig`r'rjm Ljv`mb`r 3996' jl` j

    tf` `crgi`st vih`js il yjur crdfiv`' wf`r` yju

    cgr`chy fcv` tfis tf`m` j jbstrudtijl' wfidf

    tf`l b`dcm` impjrtclt il mcly jtf`r pi`d`s,

    Yju bcsidcggy fch c trude jbstrudtil o tf` trcnd,

    Dcl yju t`gg us cbjut tfct wjre:

    TT; _`gg' Gc Xjrr` h` gjs i`ltjs is c v`ry b`cutiug

    spcd`' but its c typidcg dgcssidcg spcd` tfcts sj

    b`cutiug yju fcv` ljtfilo tj scy ilsih` it it hj`slt

    cggjw djlrjltctijl witf tf` buighilo, But I wclt`h tj

    mce` sjm`tfilo clywcy, Xf` ilt`r`stilo tfilo cbjut

    tfis buighilo is tfct its rioft il rjlt j c fiofwcy,

    Ct tfct tim`' I wcs wjreilo c gjt witf djltcil`rs'

    iltrjhudilo djltcil`rs iltj tf` spcd`' tfileilo

    cbjut tf` prjbg`m j sdugptur` il c pubgid spcd`,

    Clh tf`l I tfjuoft cbjut crtidugctilo tf` prjbg`m

    j sdugptur` il c pubgid spcd` cs c milimcg ist jbk`dt

    il c pubgid spcd` il c str``t bgjdeilo c fiofwcy,

    It fcs sjm` r`sjlcld` jr m` b`dcus` Iv` sp`lt

    fjurs clh fjurs j my gi` b`il o bgjde`h jl tfis

    fiofwcy jr jl simigcr fiofwcys il M`xidj, It wcs gie`

    c r`v`lo` il c wcy, Cgsj' it wcs tfis s`ls` j bgjdeilo'

    j ilt`rruptilo tf` uihs j tf` dcpitcgist syst`m, Im

    sjrry jr tf` p`jpg` wfj sp`lt tf`ir v`lilos ilsih`

    tf`ir dcrs' but i it wcslt m` it wjugh b` sjm`bjhy`gs` t`l milut`s gct`r' sj I hjlt ``g bch,

    FPJ; Il cljtf`r ildr`hibgy pj`tid pi`d`'Q`rsjl

    Jbstrudtilo c Gil` jn Djltcil`rs' rjm N`brucry

    2119' I tfile gm`h sjm`wf`r` il Tdclhilcvic'

    jl` p`rsjl bgjdes tf`s` v`ry pjw`rug trudes

    jr c v`ry' v`ry gjlo tim`, It ``gs `lhg`ss,

    TT; Xf` vih`j is jl my w`bsit` clh it wcs hjl` jl`

    jr twj y`crs coj' il Tw`h`l, Xf` ih`c wcs tj djpy

    tf` imco` j Xiclclm`l Tqucr`' wf`r` sjm`bjhy

    v`ry smcgg bgjde`h tf` tcles, I h`dih`h tj dr`ct`

    c simigcr situctijl' but usilo trcig`rs' b`dcus`

    trcig`rs cr` tf` djltcil`rs j m`rdfclhis`, It tjje

    t`l milut`s clh it wcs v`ry t`ls`' b`dcus` il t`l

    milut`s mcly tfilos dcl fcpp`l, Jl my w`bsit`

    yju dcl s`` tfct ilt`lsity,

    FPJ; Im csdilct`h by tfis crdfiv` j cgg

    yjur vih`js, Xf`r` cr` jbvijusgy hi` r`lt

    wcys j dgcssiyilo tf` mct`ricg, J l` dcl hj

    it dfrjljgjoidcggy' gie` jl yjur w`bsit`' jr

    jl` dcl hj it cgpfcb`tidcggy jr lum`ridcggy,

    _fcts ilt`r`stilo is tfct i jl` hj`s it il c l

    sjl Jbstrudtilo c Gil` j Djltcil`rs, Eck 4 Nrifcml`l, Ttjdefjgm' Tw`h`l, N`brucry 2119,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 80

    cr` `g`v`l hjjrs il tf` spcd`' clh b`filh

    `v`ry hjjr tf`r`s c sdugptur`' c givilo p`rsjl;

    v`t`rcls j tf` wcrs j Ljrtf`rl Ir`g clh'

    Cofclistcl clh I rcq' cdilo tf` djrl `r, Cs cr

    cs I ulh`rstclh it' tfis sjrt j wjre witf wcr

    v`t`rcls is djltiluilo il yju r wjre, Dcl yju

    t`gg us cbjut tfis pi`d` clh fjw it `vjgv`h:

    TT; Xf` migitcrizctijl j sjdi`ty is jbvijus

    its sjm`tfilo tfcts il tf` cir, Il mjst djultri`s

    its ljt hindugt tj m``t c v`t`rcl, Il tf` PTC' yju

    kust fcv` tj stclh up cl h cse jr jl`, Its fjw w`

    giv`, _` fcv` hjl` mjr` wjres witf tf`s` v`t`rcls,

    Xf` gcst jl` wcs il Djgjmbic' c oft`r il tf`

    kulog` cocil st wfj eljws wfc t: Jr it djugh b`

    sjm`bjhy rjm Percil`' oftilo il Cofclistcl

    jr tf` prjts j jig djmpcli`s, Clh w`r` ojilo tj

    djltilu` tf` s`ri`s,

    FPJ; Cljtf`r him`lsijl tj tfis pi`d` is tfct

    tf` wcr v`t`rcl stclhs cdilo tf` djrl`r j

    tf` rjjm clh hj`slt r`spjlh tj tf` cuhi`ld`'

    pfcb`tidcg wcy' jl` b`djm`s cwcr` j fjw

    cly `lum`rctijls cr` ilvjgv`h il yjur titg`s,

    `v` kust tcge`h cbjut tf` 31 milut`s' bu t

    `r`s cgsj tf` 31 d`ltim`t`rs' tf` >1 p`jpg`'

    ` >1 h`or``s' tf` drjwh j 841 yju r`lt`h il

    ru' tf` 4'111 fjg`s, Dcl yju tcge c gittg` bit

    jut tfis: It s``ms tj b` c `ctur`,

    ; I tfile titg`s cr` v`ry impjrtclt il cly pi`d` j

    ' b`dcus` it oiv`s yju `xtrc iljrmctijl tfcts

    m`tim`s us`ug, _itf titg`s Im mjr` dgcssidcg

    cl djlt`mpjrcry' il tf` s`ls` tfct I gie` titg`s gie`jmcl witf c ^ijgil' wf`r`' wf`l yju gjje ct tf`

    dtur`' yju s`` c wjmcl witf c vijgil, I gie` titg`s

    scy wfct it is' ilst`ch j dr`ctilo pj`try, Xf`r`

    ` c gjt j crtists mceilo crt' clh c gjt j djlusijl'

    h I tfile its b`tt`r tj b` v`ry dg`cr' tj try tj oiv`

    ` `xcdt iljrmctijl tfct tf` pubgid l``hs, Clh

    dcus` Im tf` pubgid jr crt tjj' I eljw wfct I gie`

    h wfct I hjlt gie`, I pr``r iljrmctijl,

    PJ; Jl` tfilo tfct cgsj b`djm`s jbvijus

    jeilo ct yjur crdfiv` is tfct tf` turlilo pjilt

    t`r yjur v`ry `crgy wjres wfidf cr` cbjut

    lstrudtijl clh cbjut crdfit`dtur` clh

    us`s' clh cbjut jbstrudtijls' dirdugctijl

    s wf`l p`jpg` `lt`r tf` wjre' clh tfcts

    umbigidcg djrh tfct subs`qu`ltgy giles tf`

    `r`lt wjres, Hj yju r`m`mb`r fjw tfis

    pp`l`h: _cs tf`r` cl `pipfcly wf`r`

    u suhh`lgy fch tf is ih`c j c eilh j givilo

    ugptur`' jr wcs it sjm`tfilo tfct fcpp`l`h

    chucggy: _fct wcs tf` rst pi`d`:

    ; Lj' Ih cgwcys wjre`h witf p`jpg`5 w`r` hjilo

    jo`tf`r rioft ljw' cgg j us il tfis ocgg`ry, I cgwcys

    qujt` tfis `xcmpg`; sjm`bjhy dg`cl`h tf` jjr'

    sjm`bjhy pcilt`h tf` wcggs5 tfis mjrlilo' tf`

    spcd` wcs ugg j bjx`s clh sjm`bjhy tjje tf`m

    jut, Yju hjlt s`` it' but its c gjt j wjre, _fct

    I wcs djmmulidctilo wcs ljt tfct cgg tfis wjre

    fcpp`l`h' wfidf is sjm`tfilo tfct v`rybjhy

    eljws' jr tfct `cdf spcd` is c spcd` j wjre it

    wcs kust cdeljwg`hoilo tfct tfis eilh j ilvisibg`

    wjre `xists puttilo c lcm` tj it' scyilo fjw mudf

    it djst' fjw' wfj' jr wfidf wjre`r wcs ilvjgv`h'

    clh il wfidf djlhitijls, Xfis eilh j iljrmctijl

    islt f`gpug i wfct yju wclt tj s`` il tf` crt wjrghis sjm`tfilo b`cutiug yju hjlt l``h tj s`` tf`

    wjre`rs cdtivity' clh il cdt its djlsih`r`h tcbjj'

    cs is tf` mjl`y' tf` ildjm` j tf` wjre`rs cgg j

    tf`s` tfilos cr` tcbjj il crt, Clh I tfile it wcs cgsj

    prjbcbgy tf` ilu`ld` j Isihjrj' wfj wcs cmjus

    jr tryilo tj mce` c sfjw witf six z`rjs tf`y hihlt

    gie` it clh tf`y dcld`g`h tf` sfjw b`dcus` f` wcs

    cseilo jr six z`rjs cs tf` buho`t j tf` sfjw#

    FPJ; I hihlt eljw tfct5 sj tfcts

    cl ulr`cgiz`h prjk`dt:

    TT; It wcs c v`ry ully prjk`dt, Xf`y hihlt cdd`pt

    it b`dcus` it wcs tjj gjw-buho`t# But wfct I hih

    wcs ljt tj mce` c pciltilo j c wjmcl clh dgcim

    tfct sf` r`pr`s`lts sprilo' jr `xcmpg`' but tj

    scy' Xfis is c wjmcl wfj hj`slt fcv` c kjb5 w`r`

    mceilo it jr f`r, Xfis is tf` hi`r`ld`,

    FPJ; Xf`r` cr` mcly pi`d`s wf`r` yju pcih

    wjre`rs tj hj sp`did kjbs, ^`t`rcls pgcy

    c bio rjg`, Gcst summ`r Egcus Bi`s`lbcdf clh

    I hih tf` sfjw@g`v`l Rjjms ct tf` Mcldf`st`r

    Ilt`rlctijlcg N`stivcg, Xf` ih`c is tfct tf`r`

    311 Fihh`l Ilhivihucgs, 4 Dcgg` h`g Hjdtjr Njurqu`t, Mchrih' Tpcil, Ljv`mb`r 2114,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 8?

    `slt r`cdt tj clytfilo tfct fcpp`ls crjulh

    m, Xfis mce`s tf` `xp`ri`ld` prjjulhgy

    squi`tilo, Dcl yju tcge cbjut tfis wfy

    `r`s lj ``hbcde:

    ; Xf`s` p`jpg`' I imcoil`' or`w up wctdfilo

    upih Fjggywjjh mjvi`s cbjut csdist p`jpg`

    ceilo kje`s wfig` eiggilo, Xf`y lkjy`h it' clh

    `rwcrhs tf`y prjbcbgy lkjy`h eiggilo p`jpg`

    QgcyTtctijl, Clh tf`l jl` hcy tf`yr` tw`lty-

    `' clh tf`y r`djoliz` tfct tf`yv` r`cggy eigg`h

    jpg`, Mcly j tf`m cr` djmpg`t`gy h`strjy`h,` prjbg`m is tfct tf` `hudctijlcg syst`m

    jhud`s p`jpg` witfjut dr`ctivity, Xf`yr` r`chy

    r`d`iv` ilstrudtijls but ljt r`chy tj cdt jr

    `ms`gv`s' clh it mce`s m` v`ry sch' b`dcus`

    `yr` `v`rywf`r` ljw, Il O`rmcly tf`y hihlt

    v` v`t`rcls jr h`dch`s' clh ljw tf`y hj, Il

    cilv`t`rcls j wfct: _fct wcr: _fj is tf`

    `my j Tpcil: Xfis is tf` drczy tfilo; w`r` kust

    ceilo wcrs jr sjm`bjhy gs`,

    PJ; Cljtf`r typ` j pi`d` wf`r` yju wjre

    tf p`jpg` is wf`r` tf` wjre b`djm`s

    visibg`, 311 Fihh`l Ilhivihucgs U2114] is

    mpg`t`gy ilvisibg` b`dcus` tf` wjre is tf`

    r``t, Dcl yju t`gg us cbjut tfis:

    ; Its my cvjrit` tjj' b`dcus` its v`ry pjw`rug,

    coil` i v`ryjl` il tfis cuhi`ld` wcs fihilo

    t w` el`w tfct yju w`r` f`r`, Its v`ry w`irh,

    m`tim`s ljt tj sfjw is mjr` f`cvy tfcl tj

    jw, Yju fcv` tf` eljwg`ho` tfct tf`r` cr`

    1 p`jpg` fihilo clh tf` str``t b`djm`s

    mpg`t`gy hi`r`lt, Yju tce` tf` pfjtjorcpf'

    t its ljt c pfjtjorcpf j sjm`tfilo `mpty, Its

    ugg' clh il tfct dcs` ugg j p`jpg` wfj w`r` witfjut

    wjre, Xf` wjre`rs clh tf` ul`mpgjy`h cr` tf`

    mcil clh d`ltrcg dfcrcdt`rs il cgg j my wjre,

    Xfcts wfy I h`hidct`h tfis sfjw tj tf`m,

    FPJ; Tjm` j yjur pi`d`s' gie` tf` @g`v`l

    Rjjms il Mcldf`st`r' cr` jl`-tj-jl`

    `ldjult`rs, But yjuv` cgsj wjre`h witf

    drjwhs, Xf`r`s tf` pi`d` wf`r` yju fir`h

    c drjwh j 841 p`jpg` il Q`ru U841 Q`jpg` Qcih

    41 Tjg`s p`r Fjur' 2113], Xf`r`s cgsj tf` 8>0

    p`jpg` il tf` Xcmcyj Mus`um il M`xidj U8>0R`mul`rct`h Q`rsjls' M`xidj' 3999], Dcl yju

    t`gg us cbjut tf`s` drjwh wjres:

    TT; Hurilo tf` Nrcldj p`rijh' wf`l tf`y wclt`h

    tj gg c squcr` wf`r` Nrcldj wcs oivilo c tcge' tf`y

    w`lt tj cgg tf` prjvild`s j Tpcil' ggilo bus`s

    witf p`jpg` il `xdfclo` jr sjm`tfilo tj `ct

    clh sjm` mjl`y, Clh il M`xidj tf`y hj tfct jr

    ojv`rlm`ltcg rcggi`s clh tfilos gie` tfct, _itf tfis

    ih`c j c pcih-jr drjwh' I jrocliz`h twj pi`d`s

    usilo v`ry hi`r`lt m`tfjhjgjoi`s, Il M`xidj'

    I us`h cl `mpgjym`lt co`ldy; w` scih w` l``h`h

    jl` p`rsjl p`r qucrt`r j c squcr` m`t`r, Clh tf`y

    gg`h it' but tf`y dr`ct`h c gjt j irr`ougcriti`s5 jr

    `xcmpg`' tf`y fir`h c wfjg` bcttcgijl j sjghi`rs'

    clh c djmpg`t` sdfjjg j dfighr`l wfj cr`lt

    cggjw`h tj wjre, Ct tf` b`oillilo w` fch 811' but

    il tf` lh tf` drjwh stcrt`h hiscpp`crilo, Il Q`ru

    it wcs hi`r`lt, Il Q`ru tf`r`s c prjorcm dcgg`h

    Ogcss j Mige' wfidf cims tj oiv` bcsid jjh tj

    ulh`rprivig`o`h dgcss`s5 tf`y oiv` it tj tf` wjm`l,

    But tf` wjm`l fcv` tj gg tf` cdts j tf` pjgitidcg

    pcrty wfj e``ps tf`s` cpp`titijls Ucpp`tit`s], I

    pcih tf`s` wjm`l tj gg tf` ocgg`ry il Gimc,

    841 Q`jpg` Qcih 41 Tjg`s p`r Fjur, Ocg`rc Qcldfj Ni`rrj, Gimc' Q`ru, Cuoust 2113,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 89

    PJ; Xf`s` pi`d`s jbvijusgy fcv` c gimit`h

    `spcl tfct h`l`s tf` hurctijl j tf` pi`d`,

    ; Yju dclt fcv` mcly' mcly p`jpg` stclhilo jr

    jlo tim` ulh`r c bio gioft, Clh yju e``p tf`m

    t jr tf` tim` yj uv` pcih jr' jr tf`y gg giv` tf`r`,

    PJ; Xf`l jtf`r pi`d`s cr` p`rmcl`lt' gie`

    ` 3>1 D`ltim`t`r Gil` Xcttjj`h jl 8 Q`jpg`

    111], Xfct tcttjj stcys, _f`l I wctdf`h

    tf` vih`j cocil tfis mjrlilo' I wcs tfileilo

    cbjut yjur `crgi`r pi`d`s' gie` 41 Gjcv`s jn

    Br`ch Gil`h Pp U399>], Xf` 3>1 D`ltim`t`r Gil`

    djugh cgmjst b` sjrt j c Ttclg`y Brjuwl ih`c'

    wf`r`cs 41 Gjcv`s wcs jbvijusgy c tce` jl Dcrg

    Clhr`, Dcl yju tcge c gitt g` bit cbjut fjw tf`s`

    wjres djll`dt tj djld`ptucg jr m ilimcgist crt:

    TT; _`gg' tf` jlgy tfilo witf tf` gil`s is fjw gjlo

    tf`y cr` it fcs lj mjr` ilt`r`stilo csp`dt, Xfcts

    0 Qcih Q`jpg`, Mus`j Rulj Xcmcyj' Tcgc ?, M`xidj Dity' M`xidj, Jdtjb`r 3999,

    wfy I us` it b`dcus` its cl `mpty ogcss tfct I

    dcl gg witf wfct`v`r I wclt, J djurs`' i I mch` c

    hrcwilo ilst`ch j c gil`' Ih b` t`ggilo c hi`r`lt

    stjry, But i Im kust mceilo c gil`' Im mceilo tf`

    milimum o`stur` tj prjvje` c sjdicg r`gctijl

    il wfidf sjm`bjhys pcih tj o`t tcttjj`h clh

    pfjtjorcpf`h, Its c milimcg `xpr`ssijl' clh tfcts

    tf` wcy I gie` it, Im c or`ct gjv`r j tf` milimcgist

    jrm but Im cgsj c bio `l`my j it' b`dcus` j its

    gcde j djlt`lt, Jr ct g`cst b`dcus` its djlt`lt

    r``rs tjj mudf tj tf` mjm`lt j tf` ilhustry'

    jr r``rs tj ioljrcld` j tf` prjbg`ms tfct cr`o`l`rct`h ct tfis mjm`lt j ilhustry, I gie` milimcg

    crtists' but I wjre witf tf`m c gittg` bit gie` cl `l`my

    cl `l`my tfct I h``pgy chmir`,

    FPJ; Cljtf`r gile is Kjs`pf B`uys' sild` mcly

    j yjur pi`d`s djll`dt tj tf` ih`c j sjdicg

    sdugptur`, Xf` pi`d` tfct yju jt`l m`ltijl

    fcs cgsj tj hj witf _jg jst`gg is yjur wjre280

    Dubid M`t`rs' il c jrm`r sylcojou` il Qugf`im-

    Ttjmm`gl' l`cr Djgjol` U211>], Xfct' d`rtcilgy'

    j cgg yjur pi`d`s is tf` jl` t fct b`dcm` mjst

    pubgid, It dr`ct`h c mcilstr`cm hisdussijl jr

    mcly' mcly w``es il O`rmcly clh b`yjlh, I

    wcs wjlh`rilo i yju djugh tcge c gittg` bit cbjut

    tfis wjre clh fjw it djll`dts tj B `uys' tj sjdicg

    sdugptur`' jr tj jst`gg' tj Nguxus,

    TT; _f`l tf`y j`r`h m` tf` sylcojou` spcd`'

    it wcslt tf` rst tim` tfct cl crtist fch ilstcgg`h

    wjre tf`r`5 Dcrg Clhr` clh Tjg G`_itt fch cgsj

    sfjwl pi`d`s tf`r`, I julh jut tfct tfis fch

    dr`ct`h c d`rtcil c`stf`tid tfct p`jpg` `gt sfjugh

    b` r`sp`dt`h' clh i yju drjss it clh yju hjlt us`

    tf` scm` c`stf`tid' tf`l tf`y dcl o`t mch, Clh

    tf` c`stf`tid is kust tj brilo jw`rs, Il my dcs`'

    I h`dih`h tj tce` tf` j`r' tfileilo j tf`

    o`l`rctijl j ogjbcg O`rmcl crtists tfct I gie`

    jst`gg' @vc F`ss`' B`uys clh jtf`rs clh

    briloilo tf`m iltj tf` pi`d`, Dcrs w`r` pcre`h

    jutsih` tf` sylcojou` ct hi`r`lt pjilts j

    tf` str``t' clh I hir`dt`h tf` um`s rjm tf`ir

    `xfcusts ilsih` tf` sylcojou`, Xfis wcs cl ih`c

    tce`l rjm c wjre j 39?1 by Oustcv M`tzo`r'

    wf`r` f` pump`h dcr um`s iltj cl cqucrium

    ljt gg`h witf sf but gg`h witf pgclts' wfidf

    hi`h, It wcs cgsj ilspir`h by F`ss`s tub`s5 sf`fch tf` s`lsibigity tj dr`ct` c milimcgism tfct

    wcs cgiv`, Jbvijusgy w` fch c mjtjr rullilo'

    clh I wcs tfileilo j tf` mige bjmb' j Kjs`pf

    B`uys, Clh tf` o`l`rcg pr`s`ltctijl wcs dgjs`

    tj jst`ggs pr`s`ltctijl; dr`ctilo c situctijl j

    pclid' mceilo p`jpg` b`gi`v` tfct wfct tf`yr`

    s``ilo is mudf wjrs` tfcl it is il r`cgity, Xf` pi`d`

    wcs v`ry w`gg cdd`pt`h by tf` pubgid wfj w`r`

    tf`r`' clh I tfile by tf` crt sd`l`' but its csy

    tj dr`ct` c djlrjltctijl, Its cs `csy cs it is tj

    pide up c pfjl` clh scy' Gjje' c rchidcg crtist is

    cttcdeilo tf` sylcojou`# Clh tf`l yju dclt tcge

    cbjut it clymjr`5 yju dcl scy ljtfilo, _f`l tf`

    djlv`rsctijl stcrts ct tfis g`v`g' yju fcv` tj sfut

    up clh wcit jr yjur mjm`lt tj xpgcil yjurs`g,

    FPJ; Hj yju fcv` cly prjk`dts tfct cr` tjj bio

    jr tjj smcgg tj b` r`cgiz`h: Jr prjk`dts tfct mcy

    fcv` b``l d`lsjr`h' jr s`g-d`lsjr`h:

    TT; Its gie` cseilo Dcscljvc cbjut tf` wjm`l tfct

    f` djughlt o`t# Qrjbcbgy 61 p`rd`lt j my prjk`dts

    cr` ulr`cgiz`h, Cgsj' wf`l I r`cgiz` c prjk`dt' its ljt

    my prjk`dt clymjr`' b`dcus` Iv` ojt tj l`ojtict`'

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 03

    TT; Xfct wjugh b` mudf b`tt`r' y`s' but

    S; Is it jr scg`: Dcl yju buy it:

    TT; Y`s' i yju wclt tj yju dcl buy it, But I t`gg yju'

    tf` LJ gjjes ojjh v`rywf`r`,

    FPJ; Cr` tf`r` jtf`r qu`stijls:

    S; Xf` wjrh lj is c v`ry l`octiv` wjrh, Hj yju s``

    tf` Lj' Ogbcg Xurcs c l`octiv` ilu`ld`: Jr hj

    yju s`` it cs c pjsitiv` jl`' sild` wf`l`v`r tf`r`sc lj it m`cls y`s tj sjm`tfilo `gs`:

    TT; _`gg' lj fcs twj csp`dts, Xf`r`s tf` lj

    tfct tf` pjw`rs scy tj cgg j us' jr tj tf` p`jpg` wfj

    hjlt fcv` cly pjw`r' clh tf`r`s tf` lj' c jrm

    j gib`rctijl' tfct dfighr`l dcl scy tj tf`ir ctf`rs;

    Lj' I hjlt wclt tj hj it, Its ljt cgg l`octivity, Its

    c ocm` j mirrjrs, I hjlt tfile tfct tj put yjur

    lo`r jl wfct yju hjlt gie` is cgwcys dru`gty jr

    l`octivity5 it djugh b` cl mcldipctijl' c gib`rctijl

    il c wcy,

    S; Djugh yju t`gg us sjm`tfilo cbjut yjur dfighfjjh:

    TT; I wjr` sfjrt`r pclts,

    S; X`gg m` mjr`,

    TT; Lj' its v`ry impjrtclt# B`dcus` ct tfct tim`

    tf`y b`gi`v`h tfct dfighr`l sfjugh w`cr sfjrt pclts

    tj fcv` ojjh g`os' clh it wcs tjrtur`, I yju cse

    m` cbjut my dfighfjjh' tfcts tf` mjst impjrtclt

    csp`dt; sfjrt pclts,

    S; _f`l yju stcrt`h il M`xidj' tf`r` wcs c fuo`

    ocp b`tw``l ridf p`jpg` clh pjjr p`jpg`' clh tf` crt

    tfct yjur` sfjwilo tcges c gjt cbjut tfct, Fjw hih yju

    h`cg witf tfct: _fct hih tf`y tfile cbjut yjur crt il

    tfct mjm`lt:

    TT; _`gg' ct tf` b`oillilo il M`xidj' tf` r`cdtijl

    tj my wjre wcs v`ry bch' b`dcus` Im c Tpclicrh,

    I wcs cgwcys b`ilo s``l cs pcrt j tf` prjbg`m' clh

    I fch tj tce` dcr` cgg tf` tim` tj `xpgcil tj `v`ryjl`'

    Lj' lj' Im ljt djmilo f`r` tj `xpgjit yju, Yju

    fcv` tfis s`lsctijl tfct yjur` djlsih`r`h pcrtj tf` `xpgjitctijl kust b`dcus` yju dcm` rjm

    Tpcil' rjm @urjp`' clh its hindugt tj mclco`,

    Mjst j tf` crtists il M`xidj cr` rjm tf` scm`

    bcdeorjulh; tf`yr` ljt hir`dtgy Tpclisf' tf`y

    w`r` bjrl il M`xidj' but mjst j tf`m fcv`

    bcdeorjulhs j Tpclisf jrioil, I julh cltcstid

    crtists tf`r`' cltcstid ri`lhs clh cggi`s,

    S; Fjw mudf histcld` hj yju mciltcil rjm tf`

    p`jpg` il yjur wjre tf` p`jpg` tfct yju tcttjj`h'

    jr tf` v`t`rcls: Xf`r`s c v`ry ilt`r`stilo pjw`r

    r`gctijlsfip tf`r`, _fcts yjur p`rsjlcg r`gctijlsfip

    witf tf`m wf`l g`chilo up tj tf` prjk`dt' hurilo tf`

    prjk`dt clh tf`l ct`rwcrhs:

    TT; Ct tf` b`oillilo' c gjt, _f`l I stcrt`h mceilo

    tf`s` eilhs j djggcbjrctijls' I `gt tfct I wcs wjreilo

    v`ry dgjs`gy witf tf` p`jpg`, I tri`h tj o`t tj eljw

    tf`m' tj tcge, _itf tf` v`t`rcls I fcv` cltcstid

    djltcdt witf jl` j tf`m il B`rgil, But ljw' cgtfjuof

    w` tcge c gittg` bit' usucggy I try tj e``p c histcld`, Its

    mcilgy c qu`stijl j str`ss5 Iv` gist`l`h tj mcly

    stjri`s clh ljw Im mceilo tfilos il c v`ry hi`r`lt

    wcy, I fcv` p`jpg` f`gpilo m`' c hi`r`lt strudtur`,

    h Iv` ojt tj cdd`pt tf` impjsitijl j r`cgity jl

    y jwl ih`c, It b`djm`s sjm`tfilo `gs`, Tj jr

    ` its djmmjl' ljt r`cgizilo prjk`dts, I hjlt o`t

    pr`ss`h5 I oj jl tj tf` l`xt jl`' sj its ljrmcg,

    `lsjrsfip I djlsih`r c v`ry f`cvy wjrh, _`

    v` tj tce` iltj djlsih`rctijl tf` cdt tfct' mcly

    m`s' wfct tj sjm` p`jpg` gjjes gie` d`lsjrsfip

    c hiscor``m`lt b`tw``l tf` p`jpg` ilsih` tf`

    titutijl' c hiscor``m`lt tfct dcl prjbcbgy b`

    sjgv`h tfrjuof tcgeilo, But wfct is d`lsjrsfip:

    s wf`l yju ilvjgv` tf` gcw' wf`l yju ilvjgv` tf`gid`' wf`l tf` pjgid` crriv` clh scy' Xce` cgg yjur

    t jut j tfis pgcd`, Clh tfis is v`ry s`rijus clh

    s fcpp`l`h jlgy jld` tj m`, It wcs il Diuhch

    cr`z' M`xidj' hurilo tf` Tubmissijl pi`d` U211?],

    h I fjp` tfct l`v`r fcpp`ls cocil, But wfct w`

    qu`ltgy tcge cbjut cs r`pr`ssijl is sjm`tim`s il

    cgity ljtfilo jtf`r tfcl tf` r`sugts j tf` crtwjre,

    u dclt wcit jr `v`rybjhy tj dgcp tf`ir fclhs5

    m`tim`s p`jpg` wigg tfrjw tjmctj`s ct yju,

    PJ; _fct fcpp`l`h `xcdtgy witfTubmissijl:

    ` prjk`dt wcs pcrticggy ulr`cgiz`h' wcslt it:

    ; It wcs pcrticggy ulr`cgiz`h' but tfis is tf`

    cgity j tfct prjk`dt, It `xists, I hjlt ``g tfct I

    h ljtfilo' b`dcus` tfis prjk`dt wcs tf`r` jr

    ` mjltfs, _` `xdcvct`h tf` g`tt`rs j tf` wjrh

    umisil iltj c pi`d` j h`s`rt`h gclh, Xf` oft

    s tj s`t it jl r`, Yju l``h' cs il cly djultry'

    rmissijl tj hj tfis, But tf` p`jpg` wfj w`r`

    jreilo witf m` w`r` tfrjwl jut j tfis pgcd`,

    is is wfct I dcgg r`pr`ssijl jr d`lsjrsfip,

    FPJ; Cr` tf`r` cly qu`stijls

    rjm tf` cuhi`ld`:

    S; Xj m`' tf` r`cggy djmp`ggilo' sfcrp lh j yjur wjre

    gi`s il yjur ilt`lsiyilo j tf` djltrcst b`tw``l tf`

    djlt`xt j tf` ocgg`ry clh tf` wih`r sjdij`djljmid

    r`cgiti`s witfil wfidf tfct `xists, It wjres cs tf ugtimct`

    `lhocm` jr djlt`mpjrcry crt, Cr` yju ilt`r`st`h il

    tf pjt`lticg jr sjdicg trclsjrmctijl: Hj yju tfile

    tfct tfcts pjssibg` tfrjuof crt:

    TT; _`gg' I tfile tfct tf` trclsjrmctijl j sjdi`tydjrr`spjlhs tj tf` pcrtidugcr sjdi`ty, Jlgy tf` s`g-

    jroclizctijl j tf` sjdi`ty dcl hj sjm`tfilo jr

    tfct sjdi`ty' ljt m` Im kust cl crtist, Tjm` eilhs

    j crt dcl dfclo` tf` r`cgity ljt tf` crt w` s`` il

    tf` ocgg`ri`s but' jr `xcmpg`' tf` sp`dtcdugcr clh

    hrcmctid djmpjsitijls tfct w` s`` jl t`g`visijl'

    jl tf` l`ws, It dfclo`s tf` milh' it dfclo`s tf`

    dgimct`' but ljt il tf` rioft hir`dtijl, I tfile crt is

    cgwcys c ojjh ri`lh j pjw`r' clh fcs cgwcys b``l

    v`ry f`gpug il mciltcililo tf` strudtur`s j pjw`r,

    But il my dcs`' its ljt wfct I pr`t`lh tj hj, Im ljt

    jbs`ss`h witf b`ilo cl cdtivist b`dcus` wfig`

    I chmir` cdtivists' I dcl dfclo` ljtfilo, But I dcl

    tcge tfis is sjm`tfilo tfct ljt `v`rybjhy dcl hj,

    S; Hj yju dcr` cbjut fjw yjur wjre Lj is ilstcgg`h

    il tf` ocgg`ry:

    TT; Y`s, Cr` yju ojilo tj scy tfct its

    ljt w`gg ilstcgg`h:

    S; Y`s' b`dcus` I tfile it hj`slt wjre ct cgg, _fy hjlt

    yju g`cv` it jutsih` sjm`wf`r`' jr ilstcld` hjwl il

    Brixtjl sjm`wf`r` jutsih`:

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    ls Pgridf Jbrist Tclticoj Ti`rrc 04

    j sjm` sjrt, Fjw hj`s tf` m`mjry j tf`

    p`rjrmcld` jr gcde tf`r`j pgcy c rjg` jl tf`


    TT; I gie` tf` cdt j drcdeilo tf` rjde b`dcus` it fcs

    tf` cpp`crcld` j c mcdfj cdt tfct wjugh r`quir`

    or`ct str`lotf' but il cdt it is cbjut ilt`ggio`ld`,

    Yju l``h tj dr`ct` w`cel`ss`s il tf` strudtur`'

    tf`l ct c d`rtcil mjm`lt yju dcl kust tcp c djl`

    iltj tf` rioft pgcd` clh tf` rjde wigg spgit, Tj

    tf` spgit is tf` r`djrh j tfis wjre' j tf` wjre`r

    cdtilo ilt`ggio`ltgy tj br`ce tf` rjde' tj dr`ct` tf`mjlum`lt,

    FPJ; Timigcr tj jtf`r wjres wf`r` tf` wjre`rs

    clh ul`mpgjy`h cr` mcil dfcrcdt`rs il tfis

    pi`d` tf` impjrtcld` is cgsj pgcd`h jl tf` p`jpg`,

    Hj`s tfis mcre c r`djrh j divig hisjb`hi`ld` jr

    c d`g`brctijl j gib`rty' jr bjtf:

    TT; Y`s' tfis is c mjlum`lt tj tf` r`vjgutijl

    tf`y fch il R`yekcve' but I wjugh ljt us` tf`

    wjrh gib`rty, _` cr` ljt scyilo gib`rty' `qucgity

    clh brjtf`rfjjh clymjr`, Xf` r``r`ld` tj tf`

    Nr`ldf H`dgcrctijl j tf` Riofts j Mcl is sgioftgy

    irjlid, Gib`rty witfil tfct djlt`xt cgwcys r``rs

    tj tf` sjdicg djltrcdt' sj jlgy `xistilo witfil tf`

    crrclo`m`lt j tf` stct`, Divig hisjb`hi`ld` is c

    rioft r`stridt`h tj ditiz`ls witfil c stct`' clh I hj

    ljt `ltir`gy cor`` witf tf` stct` b`ilo tf` `ltity

    tfct b`qu`ctfs riofts tj fumcl b`ilos, I'

    cs `v`rybjhy' hj ljt l``h tj b` ojv`rl`h,

    FPJ; Xf` dity djuldig fcs lcggy cor``h tj

    pgcd` tf` mjlum`lt il rjlt j tf` pcrgicm`lt

    buighilo, Xf` sudd`ss j tfis prjk`dt b`os tf`

    qu`stijl j fjw yju pgcl tj dcrry tfis m`ssco`

    jl il utur` prjk`dts,

    TT; Xf` mjlum`lt il R`yekcve is tf` rst

    mjlum`lt tj divig hisjb`hi`ld`5 I wigg b` djltiluilo

    tf` prjk`dt il c s`ri`s j hi`r`lt gclouco`s, Xf`

    cgumilium pgcqu`s wigg b` mch` cvcigcbg` tj tf`

    pubgid sj p`jpg` dcl dr`ct` tf`ir jwl mjlum`lts

    by cttcdfilo tf` pgcqu`s tj `xistilo jbk`dts ilpubgid spcd`s,

    PJ; _` dcl tce` jl` gcst qu`stijl,

    _fct e``ps yju mceilo crt:

    ; Xf` wjre is lid`, I `lkjy my kjb, I gie` it, It e``ps

    ` mceilo crt b`dcus` I cm wfct Im cbg` tj hj,

    jlt eljw i its stupih' but it is wfct Im hjilo,

    is is tf` jlgy r`csjl,

    PJ; I fcv` jl` gcst qu`stijl; I s`` tfct tf`r`

    ` c gjt j yjulo crtists f`r` il tf` cuhi`ld`

    h Im ilt`r`st`h il wfct wjugh b` yjur chvid`c yjulo crtist, Yjuv` scih b`jr` tfct jr yju

    s cgg cbjut `x`rdisilo yjur r``hjm clh ljt

    yilo ctt`ltijl tj wfct p`jpg` scy, Dcl yju

    e c gittg` bit mjr` cbjut tfct:

    ; I tf`r` cr` sjm` crt stuh`lts f`r`' wfct I fcv`

    scy is' djlorctugctijls' b`dcus` its tf` b`st

    b tfct yju dcl f cv`, Yjur` ljt pcrt j tf` pjg id`'

    ur` hjilo ljtfilo wrjlo' yju hjlt fcv` bjss`s

    h yju dcl us` tf` dr`ctivity tfct il jtf`r wjre

    ur` ljt cggjw`h tj us`, Tj djlorctugctijls, Its

    t chvid` its `ldjurco`m`lt, Its c ojjh kjb jr

    js` wfj h`dih` tj oj cf`ch,

    PJ; Tclticoj' mudfcs orcdics,

    Su`stijls tj Tclticoj Ti`rrc Cbjut

    Xf` Bgcde Djl`' Mjlum`lt tj Divig Hisjb`hi`ld`

    &Ljv`mb`r 32' 2132)

    FPJ; I wjugh gie` tj cse yju c `w qu`stijls

    r`gct`h tj tf` prjk`dt yju `x`dut`h il

    Id`gclh'Xf` Bgcde Djl`' Mjlum`lt tj Divig

    Hisjb`hi`ld`, I brilo tfis up b`dcus` w` fcv`

    tcge`h tfjrjuofgy cbjut yjur wjre il r`gctijl

    tj djlstrudtijl' jbstrudtijl clh dirdugctijl5

    fjw`v`r' tfis mjlum`lt stclhs jut b`dcus`

    it tjudf`s jl ih`cs j h`strudtijl clh fjwh`strudtijl is us`h jr tf` lcisscld` j tf`

    imprjv`h, Djugh yju tcge cbjut fjw tfis wjre

    dcm` tj b` clh its p`rsjlcg siolidcld` tj yju:

    TT; Il tf` pcst I tfile my wjre jdus`h jl vidtims,

    I cgwcys hr`w ctt`ltijl tj tf` strudtur`s j

    r`pr`ssijl' but ct`r mcly y`crs j tfis I fcv`

    h`dih`h tfct p`rfcps tf` tim` fcs djm` tj pjilt

    tf` lo`r, I tfile tfis wcs pcrt j tf` mjtivctijl il

    tf` LJ tjur clh h`lit`gy il tf` LJ &Qjp`) s`ri`s,

    Il R`yekcve I wclt`h tj mce` cl fjmco` tj tf`

    p`jpg`' tj tf` r`vjgutijl tf`y fch tf`r`' ljw

    dcgg`h tf` Eitdf`lwcr` R`vjgutijl, Xf` situctijl

    il Id`gclh gie` `v`rywf`r` ljw wcs r`cggy bch

    ct`r 2116' clh tf` p`jpg` hih ljt kust tce` it'

    tf`y rcggi`h ultig tf` ojv`rlm`lt r`siol`h clh tf`

    bclest`rs clh tf`ir mpgjy``s' tf` pjgitidicls' wfj

    fch dcus`h tf` situctijl w`r` f`gh cddjultcbg`,

    FPJ; It is ilt`r`stilo tj s`` tf` mjlum`lt il

    r`gctijl tj p`rjrmcld`' cs tfjuof drcdeilo

    tf` mjljgitf is cs siolidclt tj its m`clilo cs

    tf` r`sugtilo pi`d` its`g, It is c givilo sdugptur`

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    t tr irrd

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    bmissijl &jrm`rgy _jrh j Nir`)' Clcprc, Diuhch Kucr`z' Dfifucfuc' M`xidj, Jdtjb`r 211> * Mcrdf 211?,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience


    09 Ojrhjl Tclticoj Ti`rrc

    Xf` Xruclt Ilsurr`dtijl

    Pri Ojrhjl

    _f`l tf` ojv`rlm`lt vijgct`s tf`

    riofts j tf` p`jpg`' ilsurr`dtijl is jr tf`

    p`jpg` clh jr `cdf pjrtijl j tf` p`jpg`

    tf` mjst scdr`h j riofts clh tf` mjst

    ilhisp`lscbg` j huti`s,

    H`dgcrctijl j tf` Riofts j Mcl clh Ditiz`l j 3?94'

    Crtidg` 40

    _` giv` il c tim` wf`l tf` gcst pr`t`ls`s j g`dt`h

    ojv`rlm`lts tj s`rv` tf`ir ditiz`ls cr` cggilo cwcy,

    C h`dch` coj cl ilt`rlctijlcg djcgitijl ilvch`hIrcq jl c rcuhug`lt pr`t`xt' h`c tj tf` prjt`sts

    j miggijls, Xjhcy cust`rity m`csur`s clh bcigjuts

    trcls`r tf` djst j tf` lcldicg dris is jltj tf`

    p`jpg`' bgctcltgy ioljrilo tf` rjjt dcus`s j tf`

    m`gthjwl, Nr``hjm j sp``df fcs b`djm` tf` rioft

    tj b` ioljr`h, Djlh`lt il tf`ir b`tt`r kuhom`lt'

    `git`s djltilu` tj prjmjt` djrpjrct` djld`ltrctijl

    clh `djljmid orjwtf ct cgg djsts,

    Cocilst tfis bcdeorjulh it is ljt surprisilo tfct tf`

    durr`lt wcv` j r`sistcld` sw``pilo tf` ogjb`

    `xpr`ss`s c wih`spr`ch djld`rl tfct sjm`tfilo fcs

    ojl` cwry witf jur h`mjdrcdi`s, Xf`r` is c s`ls`

    tfct tf` pjgitidcg dgcss' jld` c o`luil` r`pr`s`ltctiv`

    j tf` pjpugcr wigg' fcs b`trcy`h tf` trust ilv`st`h

    il it clh surr`lh`r`h tf` p`jpg`s sjv`r`iolty tj

    mugtilctijlcgs' bcles clh sp`dicg ilt`r`sts, Q`jpg`

    h`sir` c o`luil` h`mjdrcdy' jl` tfct wjugh dcst j

    tf` ulhu` ilu`ld` j c ridf miljrity clh cdt jr tf`djmmjl ojjh' cs b`jr`,

    Y`t tfis is pur` cltcsy, Tild` its ild`ptijl tf`

    dcpitcgist stct` fcs s`rv`h tf` v`ry scm` ilt`r`sts

    cs tfjs` tfct djltrjg it tjhcy, Ncr rjm ojilo j

    bmissijl &jrm`rgy _jrh j Nir`)' Clcprc, Diuhch Kucr`z' Dfifucfuc' M`xidj, Jdtjb`r 211> * Mcrdf 211?,

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    _f`l`v`r tf` g`oisgctjrs lh`cvjur tj

    tce` cwcy' clh h`strjy tf` prjp`rty j

    tf` p`jpg`' jr tj r`hud` tf`m tj sgcv`ry

    ulh`r crbitrcry pjw`r' tf`y put tf`ms`gv`s

    iltj c stct` j wcr witf tf` p`jpg` '

    wfj cr` tf`r`upjl cbsjgv`h rjm cly

    crtf`r jb`hi`ld`Uclh] fcv` c rioft tj

    r`sum` tf`ir jrioilcg gib`rty' clh' by tf`

    `stcbgisfm`lt j c l`w g`oisgctiv`prjvih`

    jr tf`ir jwl sc`ty clh s`durity,0

    Xf`ir jrioilcg gib`rty; f`r` w` lh tf` pfigjsjpfidcgjulhctijl j tf` rioft j ilsurr`dtijl, Xfis is tf`

    cddjult j ojv`rlm`lt cs julh`h jl c sjdicg

    djltrcdt cmjlo r`` clh `qucg fumcl b`ilos, Il

    tf` sj-dcgg`h stct` j lctur`' p`jpg` cr` cssum`h

    tj b` utt`rgy s`pcrct` clh sjv`r`iol, Xf` pjgitidcg

    djmmulity is julh`h cs c r`` djmpcdt' clh

    r`pr`s`ltctiv` ojv`rlm`lt djm`s tj tf` wjrgh cs

    c mctt`r j xp`hi`ld`' jld` tf` djmmulity orjws

    tjj gcro` tj s`ttg` v`ry issu` by hir`dt h`mjdrcdy,

    Xfus `v`ry mcl' by djls`ltilo witf jtf`rs tj mce`

    jl` bjhy pjgitid ulh`r jl` ojv`rlm`lt' puts fims`g

    ulh`r cl jbgioctijl' tj v`ry jl` j tfct sjdi`ty' tj

    submit tj tf` h`t`rmilctijl j tf` mckjrity,> It is tfis

    vi`w j ojv`rlm`lt cs c djltrcdt tfct kusti`s its

    hissjgutijl, Rjb`spi`rr` wcs cpp`cgilo tj tf` scm`

    ih`c wf`l f` spje` cocilst orcltilo Eilo Gjuis V^I

    c tricg' stctilo tfct wf`l c lctijl fcs b``l jrd`h tj

    r`sjrt tj tf` rioft j ilsurr`dtijl' it r`turls tj c stct`

    j lctur` cs r`ocrhs its tyrclt, ?

    Ljw g`t us put csih` jr c mjm`lt tf` fistjridcg cdt

    tfct lj ojv`rlm`lt wcs v`r stcbgisf`h by djltrcdt

    cmjlo hissjdict`h r`` ilhivihucgs' but jlgy by

    usurpctijl hurilo tf` L`jgitfid clh subs`qu`ltgy

    by djlqu`st,U6] G`t us cgsj cbstrcdt rjm tf` bcsid

    dritidism j lcturcg riofts cs wisfug tfileilo' wfidf

    dcus`h K`r`my B`ltfcm tj r``r tj tf` Nr`ldf

    h`dgcrctijl cs ljls`ls` upjl stigts,9 @v`l wf`l

    tce`l jl its jwl t`rms' is ljt tf` ljtijl j c qucsi-

    djlstitutijlcg rioft tj ilsurr`dtijl pct`ltgy cbsurh:

    Xj b`oil witf' i sjm ilsurr`dtijls cr gcwug clh

    jtf`rs cr ljt' wfj is tj mce tf h`disijl: Tur`gy

    ljt tf ojv`rlm`lt its`g, Is it tf`l c mctt`r j pur`gy

    subk`dtiv` kuhom`lt: Ilh``h' tf`r` is lj sfjrtco`j orjups wfj sild`r`gy ``g tfct ojv`rlm`lt fcs

    b`trcy`h its djlstitutijlcg gimits clh ilvje tf rioft

    j ilsurr`dtijl jr tf`ir dcus`, C prjmil`lt xcmpg`

    is rioft-wilo Cm`ridcl migitics clh tf`ir suppjrt`rs

    il tf` Lctijlcg Ri` Cssjdictijl' wfjs` prjpcoclhc

    r`pr`s`lts clytfilo rjm g`ocgiz`h cbjrtijl tj

    sjdicgiz`h f`cgtf dcr cs c st`p tj h`strjy tf r`pubgid

    clh ilstct c hidtctjrsfip, Hj sudf orjups fcv c g`ocg

    rioft tj r`vjgt cocilst tf ojv`rlm`lt: 31 But mjr`

    bcsidcggy' is it ljt simpgy iggjoidcg tj css`rt c rioft tfct

    djltrchidts tf v`ry julhctijl j sjv`r`iolty jl

    wfidf it r`sts: Fjw dcl c sjv`r`iol pjgity b `xp`dt`h

    tj `mbrcd tf m`cls j its jwl h`strudtijl:

    Jl` r`spjls` tj tf`s` hig`mmcs is tj dgcim tfct

    tf` rioft j ilsurr`dtijl is' ilh``h' ulhcm`ltcggy

    iggjoidcg, Cs Cbrcfcm Gildjgl scih il fis rst ilcuourcg

    chhr`ss' it is sc` tj css`rt tfct lj ojv`rlm`lt

    prjp`r `v`r fch c prjvisijl il its jroclid gcw jrits jwl t`rmilctijl,,,it b`ilo impjssibg` tj h`strjy

    it xd`pt by sjm` cdtijl ljt prjvih`h jr il tf`

    ilstrum`lt its`g,33 @crgi`r' hurilo tf` Tjutf Dcrjgilc

    Luggidctijl Drisis' Clhr`w Kcdesjl simigcrgy

    urs`' tjhcys h`mjdrcdi`s cr` m`r`gy b`ilo

    pjs`h jr tf` sfcm tf`y fcv` c gwcys b``l, Y`t'

    rchjxidcggy' wfct cpp`crs ct rst tj b` tf` mjst

    hidcg `xpr`ssijl j h`mjdrcdy its h`dgcr`h

    hjrs`m`lt j tf` p`jpg`s rioft tj r`b`g jl dgjs`r

    p`dtijl turls jut tj b` tf` sur`st oucrclt``

    cilst ulhcm`ltcg dfclo`, Kust cs il vcddilctijl

    ` pctfjo`l is chmilist`r`h il w`ce`l`h jrm' sj is

    ` tfr`ct j ilsurr`dtijl h`us`h by its lsfril` m`lt

    f` julhilo mytf j cl ul`qucg sjdi`ty,

    tidg` 40 j tf` H`dgcrctijl j tf` Riofts j Mclh Ditiz`l j 3?94 wcs by lj m`cls cl jrioilcg

    ct`m`lt, Il cdt' it mcy b` s``l cs `ss`lticggy c

    p`titijl j tf` jp`lilo j tf` Cm`ridcl H`dgcrctijl

    lh`p`lh`ld`' wfidf css`rt`h' cmjlo tfjs`

    tfs f`gh s`g-`vih`lt'

    Xfct wf`l`v`r cly Njrm j Ojv`rlm`lt

    b`djm`s h`strudtiv` j tf`s` lhs UGi`'

    Gib`rty' clh tf` pursuit j Fcppil`ss]'

    it is tf` Rioft j tf` Q`jpg` tj cgt`r jr tj

    cbjgisf it' clh tj i lstitut` l`w Ojv`rlm`lt'

    gcyilo its julhctijl jl sudf prildipg`s clh

    jroclizilo its pjw`rs il sudf jrm' cs tj

    tf`m sfcgg s``m mjst gie`gy tj ``dt tf`ir

    Tc`ty clh Fcppil`ss,3

    is css`rtijl' il turl' is rjjt`h il c mudf jgh`r

    hitijl wfidf mcy b` trcd`h bcde tj twj cmjus

    jdgcmctijls j tf` 34tf d`ltury tf` Mcolc DcrtcEilo Kjfl j @logclh &3234) clh tf` Ojgh`l Bugg

    Eilo Clhrs II j Fulocry &3222), Xf` cmjus

    cus` >3 j tf` Mcolc Dcrtc stct`s tfct i tf` eilo

    `ces cly jl` j its crtidg`s clh cigs tj djrr`dt tf`

    lsor`ssijl' tf`l tf` bcrjls mcy histrcil upjl

    clh csscig us il `v`ry wcy pjssibg`' witf tf` suppjrt

    j tf` wfjg` djmmulity j tf` gclh' by s`izilo jur

    dcstg`s' gclhs' pjss`ssijls' jr clytfilo `gs` scvilo

    jlgy jur jwl p`rsjl clh tfjs` j tf` qu``l clh jur

    dfighr`l' ultig tf`y fcv` s`dur`h sudf r`hr`ss cs tf`y

    fcv` h`t`rmil`h upjl,2 Xf` Ojgh`l Bugg' jr its pcrt'

    stct`s tfct sfjugh w`' jr cly j jur sudd`ssjrs' ct

    cly tim` b` hispjs`h tj ilrilo` upjl cly j tf`s` jur

    jrh`rs' tf` bisfjps' cs w`gg cs tf` jtf`r gjrhs clh tf`

    ljbg`s j tf` r`cgm' sfcgg b` ct gib`rtytj jppjs` clh

    djltrchidt us clh jur sudd`ssjrs' jr `v`r' witfjut

    ildurrilo tf` p`lcgty j tr`csjl,4

    Xf`s `crgy stct`m`lts' fjw`v`r' hj ljt oj cs cr cs

    tf` Cm`ridcl clh Nr`ldf h`dgcrctijls, Xf` rioft tj

    r`b`g tfct tf`y r`djoliz is t`mpjrcry, Xf eilo is ljt

    tj b` h`pjs`h' jlgy dj`rd`h iltj djmpgicld`, Xfus

    tf` Mcolc Dcrtc djltilu`s; _f`l r`hr`ss fcs b``l

    jbtcil`h' tf`y sfcgg r`sum` tf`ir jgh r`gctijls tjwcrhs

    us, _fct w` cr` h`cgilo witf f`r` is ljt ilsurr`dtijl

    but divig hisjb`hi`ld`, Xf` gctt`r t`rm sfjugh b`

    dg`crgy histilouisf`h rjm tf` jrm`r, Ilsurr`dtijl is

    c mcss crm`h uprisilo tj jv`rtfrjw c r`oim`, Divig

    hisjb`hi`ld is s`g`dtiv r`uscg tj jb`y sjm j tf`

    r`oim`s gcws jr pjgidi`s' cs c m`cls j pr`ssurilo it

    iltj dfcloilo tf`m, Xcx strie`s' r`uscg j djlsdriptijl'

    clh sittilo il tf wrjlo s`dtijl j c s`or`oct`h bus

    cgg b`gjlo tj tfis dct`ojry, Xf`r is lj ilt`ltijl tj

    jv`rtfrjw tf r`oim`' jlgy tj jrd it tj l`ojtict`,8

    Xf` o`luil` julhctijl j tf` rioft tj ilsurr`dtijlb`gjlos tj tf` Co` j @lgioft`lm`lt' witf its citf il

    lcturcg gcw clh uliv`rscg riofts, It wcs Kjfl Gjde` il

    fis T`dlh Xr`ctis` l Ov`rlm`lt tf` tf`jr`tidcg

    h``ld` j tf` @logisf R`vjgutijl j 3>66 wfj

    p`ll`h its mjst `xpgidit clh ilu`lticg jrmugctijl;

    Ojrhjl Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience



    jdgcim`h tfct c r`vjgutijlcry cdt' mcy b` mjrcggy

    ti`h by tf` `xtr`mity j jppr`ssijl5 but tj dcgg it

    jlstitutijlcg rioft' is djljulhilo tf` m`clilo j

    ms' clh dcl jlgy b` hjl` tfrjuof orjss rrjr' jr

    h`d`iv`,32 Xfus it mioft b` css`rt`h tfct tf` rioft

    lsurr`dtijl vclisf`s jld` h`mjdrcdy fcs b``l

    tcbgisf`h' sild` tf` djlstitutijl ljw djltcils

    `cls jr tf` p`cd`ug r`pgcd`m`lt j ojv`rlm`lt,

    w`v`r' tf` djltrchidtjry lctur` j tf` rioft j

    urr`dtijl djld`cgs c h``p`r trutf, It is c julhilo

    ytf tfct stclhs ct tf` djr` j tf` gib`rcg hjdtril`ditiz`lsfip, Xf` rioft tj ilsurr`dtijl is ct tf`

    m` tim` tf` h`licg j tf` Gcw clh its pr`mis`,

    ` gib`rcg-r`pubgidcl syst`m pr`suppjs`s tf`

    rmcl`lt `x`rdis` j tf` v`ry scm` rioft tfct mce`s

    mpjssibg`, Xf` rioft tj ilsurr`dtijl cpp`crs cs

    mugtcl`jusgy h`strudtiv` clh julhctijlcg j tf`

    `rcg-r`pubgidcl djld`pt j Gcw5 it l`oct`s Gcw'

    t' it is ct its bcsis' it r`pr`s`lts' il sfjrt' its

    lstitutiv` Jtf`r, 34

    ` rioft tj ilsurr`dtijl is tf`r`jr` ljt simpgy

    joidcg cggcdy jr c s`g-s`rvilo our` j sp``df,

    t`ch' it is c subtg` ih`jgjoidcg h`vid` wfjs`

    ihijus uldtijl is tj o`l`rct` gjycgty tj tf` bcsid

    titutijls j tf` dcpitcgist stct`' v`l cs it pjrtrcys

    `m cs djltilo`lt, By buyilo iltj tf` my tf tfct

    ` bcsid crrclo`m`lt j pjw`r ulh`r wfidf w`

    ` is julh`h jl c pcst r`vjgutijlcry cdt j tf`

    jpg` rctf`r tfcl jl cl cdt j usurpctijl by cljrity j prjp`rti`h wfit` m`l w`' tf` subk`dts

    fis pjw`r' cdtiv`gy pcrtidipct` il orcltilo it its

    sid g`oitimcdy, Xf` cpp`cg tj ilsurr`dtijl cs c

    ulhilo v`lt lsur`s tfct w` cig tj qu`stijl tf`

    sid ilstitutijl j ojv`rlm`lt, Xfus tf` dcpitcgist

    stct` is pr`s`rv`h v`l cs it pcss`s tfrjuof tf`

    tumugts j pjpugcr r`vjgt, Il xitilo jl` dco`' w` jlgy

    `lt`r iltj cljtf`r,

    Is it r`cggy sj surprisilo tfct tjhcy' il tf` wce` j

    tf` Eitdf`lwcr` R`vjgutijl' tf` Id`gclhid bcles

    cr` cgg b`ilo r`buigt witf tf` scm` rug`s cs b`jr`'

    clh tf` ridf cr` jld` cocil o`ttilo `v`l ridf`r: Il

    hrcwilo g`oitimcdy jr djlt`mpjrcry r`vjgts rjm

    tf` v`ry scm` mytfs tfct djld`cg tf` tru` lctur` j

    tf` syst`m cocilst wfidf w` cr` r`vjgtilo' w` h`ly

    jurs`gv`s tf` pjssibigity j c mjr` ulhcm`ltcgdritiqu`' clh f`ld` j tru` r`vjgt clh gib`rctijl,

    Cl cdtucg r`vjgutijl hj`s ljt r`pgcd` jl` s`t j

    mcst`rs witf cljtf`r, It jv`rtfrjws dgcss sjdi`ty

    cgtjo`tf`r clh r`pgcd`s it witf w`gg-pr`pcr`h

    strudtur`s j s`g-mclco`m`lt' vjgultcry cssjdictijl

    clh mutucg cih, Xfis r`quir`s l`itf`r tf` cpp`cg

    tj c djls`drct`h rioft ljr tf` mytf j h`mjdrctid

    ditiz`lsfip, Xf` sjjl`r w`' wfj struoog` jr sjdicg

    kustid` clh `djgjoidcg sclity' dcst j tf` ljstcgoid

    mytf j c gjst r``hjm' tf` sjjl`r w` b`djm`

    dcpcbg` j c r`vjgutijl wjrtfy j its lcm`,



    Xf`H`dgcrctijl j Ilh`p`lh`ld`, Il Dfcrg`s _, @gijt' h,'

    391938'Cm`ridcl Fistridcg Hdum`lts' 31113918,^jg,84,Xf`Fcrvcrh

    Dgcssids,L`w Yjre;Djggi`r5www,bcrtg`by,djm*84*38


    Hcvis' O,R,D, 3969, Mcolc Dcrtc' R`vis`h@hitil, Gjlhjl; Britisf Gibrcry,

    >35jrhfcm ,`hu*fcgscgg*sjurd`*mcolcdcrtc,csp


    ^iro' B`l`h`e, 3610, Mshie Clhrs Crclybuggkc, Buhcp`st; L`umcll,

    43,2&Fulocricl)5 m`e,jsze,fu*10911*10939*ftmg*omii`lhr`1112


    D, Eilo' Mcrtil Gutf`r, 39>4, G`tt`rrjm c BirmilofcmKcig, Il _fy_`

    Dclt _cit, L`w Yjre; L`w Cm`ridcl Gibrcry, p, 605 cbcdus,bct`s,`hu*



    Gjde`' Kjfl, 3>69, T`dlhXr`ctis` lOv`rlm`lt,Df, 39' 2225



    Ibih, Df, 6' 9?, D, Qcil`' Xfjmcs, 3??>, DmmlT`ls`,Qfigch`gpfic;

    Brchjrh5 out`lb`ro,jro*`bjjes*38?


    Rjb`spi`rr`' Mcximigi`l, 3?92, CocilstOrcltilo tf` Eilo c Xricg,Il _iggicm

    K`llilos Brycl' `h,' 391>, Xf` _rghsNcmusjrctils, L`w Yjre; Nule

    clh _colcggs, ^jg, ?245 bcrtg`by,djm*2>6*?*24


    Dcrll`irj' Rjb`rt, 39?1, C Xf`jry jtf` Jrioil jtf`T tct`, Tdi`ld

    3>9;498?' pp, ?44-46, @isg`r' Ricl`, 396?, Xf` Dfcgid` clhtf` Bgch`, Tcl

    Nrcldisdj; Fcrp`rDjggils,


    B`ltfcm' K`r`my, 3684, ClcrdfidcgNcggcdi`s, B`ilo cl @xcmilctijl j

    tf`H`dgcrctijl jRiofts Issu`h Hurilo tf`Nr`ldf R`vjgutijl,Il _res,

    @hilburof; Xcit, ^jg, 2' p, 0135 hit`xt,djm*b`ltfcm*b`ltfcm, D, Hcvih

    O, Ritdfi`, 3698, LcturcgRiofts;CDritidism Tm` Qgitidcgclh@tfidcg

    Dld`ptils , Gjlhjl; Cgg`l .Plwil' pp, 283-84,


    Fcrhcwcy'Rjb`rt,2112, Xf`Ildjlv`li`lt MigiticDgcus`j tf`T`djlh

    Cm`lhm`lt,KurlcgDivigRioftsclh@dlmidH`v`gpm lt3>;35



    Gildjgl' Cbrcfcm, 36>3, NirstIlcuourcgChh r`ss, IlIlcuourcgChhr`ss`s

    tf` Qr`sih`ltstf` Plit`hTtct`s, _csfilotjl' H,D,; P,T, Ojv`rlm`lt

    Qriltilo Jd`5 bcrtg`by,djm*328


    Kcdesjl' Clhr`w, 3642, Qr`sih`lt KcdeslsQrdgcmctilCocilst tf`

    Luggindctiljrhilcld` TutfDcrgilc, Qfigch`gpfic; Drissy .Mcreg`y5



    Qcgti' @gcs, 2110, Jl tf`Xf`sis jtf`@ss`lticg Djlt`stcbigity

    jDjld`pts' clh Gctil Cm`ridcl Ilt`gg`dtucgFistjry, R`-H`sdriptils 9'

    pp, 32>2?5 kyu,*yftg*r`h`sdriptijls*Y`crbjje 2110*QcgtiZ10,ph

    Ojrhjl Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    t bdD

    ` Bgcde Djl`' Nirst Mjlum`lt tj Divig Hisjb`hi`ld`,

    tsih` tf` Id`gclhid Qcrgicm`lt Buighilo, Custurvggur' R`yekcvie' Id`gclh, Kclucry' 2132,

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    >?` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    >9` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    ?3` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    ?4` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    ?0` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

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    Kul` ?' 2132' Xf` Bgcde Djl`' Mjlum`lt tj Divig Hisjb`hi`ld` wcs ct tf` d`lt`r j prjt`sts'

    h djult`rprjt`sts' cs jwl`rs j ilhivihucg sfilo qujtcs il Id`gclh octf`r`h il Custurvggur Tqucr`

    prjt`st c bigg il pcrgicm`lt tfct wjugh fcv` tf`m pcy c sfcr` j tf`ir sfilo prjts tj tf` lctijl,

    jtf`r orjup octf`r`h tj ilsist jl tf` prildipg` tfct tf` sfilo orjulhs hj ljt b`gjlo tj tf` qujtc

    los but cr` tf` djmmjl clh p`rp`tucg prjp`rty j cgg tf` p`jpg`,

    ` Bgcde Djl` Tclticoj Ti`rrc

  • 7/23/2019 Santiago Sierra, The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience