sap 4.7 installation steps

Sap 4.7 EE installation Page 1 of 33 SAP (4.7EE) STEPS INSTALLATION ACCESS KEY: 36687663221261278694 PREPARING SYSTEM FOR SAP INSTALLTION: Hard Disk Size: 80GB (Min) Partition Sizes: C- 10GB + D- 70GB +E -20GB (For back up) RAM: 512MB Processor: 2.4Ghz (Recommended, works in lower configuration also) 1) Install Windows 2000 Server or Advance Server with NTFS File Format (NTFS Format is Compulsory) with Service pack 4.0 and load VGA drivers. 2) While installing Win 2K Ser, for stand alone systems, select per seat option and then stand alone option or you can select licensing mode: Per Server : No of concurrent -->5. 3) Create LOOP BACK ADAPTOR: Control Panel Add / Remove Hardware wizard select option radio Button (no I will select from hard ware list) Net work Adaptor select Microsoft loop back Adaptor Next Next finish. Goto start Menusettings Network & Dial-up connectionsselect local area connection(Microsoft Loop Back Adaptor)propertiesselect Internet protocol (TCP/IP) select show icon in the task bar when connected click properties select the radio button for the use the following IP Address enter the values as below: IP Address : 192: 168: 100: 1 (This 1 may be any value) Sub Net Mask : 255: 255: 255: 0 (TCP/IP Class C notation)

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SAP (4.7EE) STEPS INSTALLATION ACCESS KEY: 36687663221261278694

PREPARING SYSTEM FOR SAP INSTALLTION:Hard Disk Size: 80GB (Min)Partition Sizes: C- 10GB + D- 70GB +E -20GB (For back up)RAM: 512MB Processor: 2.4Ghz (Recommended, works in lower configuration also)

1) Install Windows 2000 Server or Advance Server with NTFS File Format (NTFS Format is Compulsory) with Service pack 4.0 and load VGA drivers.

2) While installing Win 2K Ser, for stand alone systems, select per seat option and then stand alone option or you can select licensing mode: Per Server : No of concurrent -->5.

3) Create LOOP BACK ADAPTOR:Control Panel Add / Remove Hardware wizard select option radio Button (no I will select from hard ware list) Net work Adaptor select Microsoft loop back Adaptor Next Next finish.

Goto start Menusettings Network & Dial-up connectionsselect local area connection(Microsoft Loop Back Adaptor)propertiesselect Internet protocol (TCP/IP) select show icon in the task bar when connected click properties select the radio button for the use the following IP Address enter the values as below:

IP Address : 192: 168: 100: 1 (This 1 may be any value)Sub Net Mask : 255: 255: 255: 0 (TCP/IP Class C notation)

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Select file and printer sharing for Microsoft nerworks in the above window and click on properties and select optimize network for network application in that window and click ok.

4) Virtual Memory Settings:Select My Computer on the Desk Top properties click the tab as Advance performance options click on change Leave the virtual Memory as it is created in ‘C’ (if you want, you can allocate more virtual memory in ‘C’ also like 1024 to 2048MB) create virtual Memory in ‘D’ by allocating virtual memory like 1024 to 2048MB ( Memory should be 3 to 4 times of RAM Size)Initial Size : 1024 MBMaximum Size : 2048 MB

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click Set click OK .

Select “APPLICATIONS” option button in the above window.

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6) Computer Name: My Computer on Desk top properties Net work identification Properties give computer name & work group name as below:

Computer name may be upto 256 character and first character should be letter.Preferably give 3 to 5 characters

We can select both work group and domain. SAP supports both types of networksi.e work group and domain. Preferably workgroup select.

NOTE : Do not give computer name at the time of installation . if u have given there change after OS installation. Because if u give computer name at the time of installation it will take capital letters only even if u switch off caps lock . so better to give computer name after OS installation.

Restart the computer.

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4_a) Host file configuration:After installing MS Loopback adapter and after setting computer name , we

have to configure the host file . Path of host file is C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\hosts The file name hosts, pls open this in note pad but pls take care that u should not check tick mark while opening the file in note pad.And then add the following line at the bottom of the fileIPADDRESS in loop back adapter.. then give tabs space… followed by computer name…give tabs space… followed by SAPTRANSHOST


CHECK THE SETTING HERE : Go to command prompt by giving cmd command in START RUNHere type the following anywhere at the c: promptC:\ping IPADDRESS EX: C:\ping\ping computer name EX: C:\ping SUNC:\ping SAPTRANSHOSTPls check the result of each command given above . this should like this

Packets send : 4 packets recived : 4 data lost : 0 (0%)There should not be any data loss in the network.

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5) Install Java Beans:

for example: Install the Java Beans file, J2SDK-1_4_2-NB-3_5_1-BIN-WINDOWS (any latest version of Java Beans)

Add Java Beans installed path in program files folder in ‘C’ drive to the environment variables.

My computer properties advancedenvironment variablesclick on Top new buttonNew User Window will appear enter the values as below:

Variables : JAVA _HOMEVariable Value : Copy Java Path here upto bin folder

To copy the Java path, follow the navigation steps:click on my computer click on Tools click on Folder optionsclick on view Put tick mark for display the full path in the address book this will show You full path in the address bar, if you open any folder

go to the following path copy the path in the address bar C:\Program Files\j2sdk_nb\j2sdk1.4.2paste it on the variable value click OK.

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Under system variables Window in the above , give java path as u gave in User variable window . same as it is as u given in user variable window.

Restart the Computer Again.

6) Change the resolution to 1024*768 Colors: 32 bit true color(At the time of installation SAP SCREENS will not be in fit in to the screen, for that purpose, we make it fit in to the Monitor, you have to select the above resolution. and after installation also we have to keep the same resolution).

7) Copy oracle 8i enterprise edition (Version - (sap oracle and is different from normal oracle & it need not be the same version u can install any other supporting versions.)to the hard disk, where u keep the your SAP Backup and install from there.To install Oracle 8i, go to Oracle 8i\NT\i386\AutorunClick it to install.

Install this Oracle in D drive not in C where you install in your operating system.

While installing give database identification global data base name: XXXXX (You can give any name not necessary like server name or computer name)

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To install oracle patches First stop the oracle related services to do this go to control panel administration toolsservices a window will displayin this window, see status for any oracle related services (Oracle services start with word oracle) if it is in started status, select this service and stop the service. They should not be any started services of oracle. Now u can install patches.

Double click on NT\i386\patches\\install\win32\setupfiles.( the path will vary from version to version) click next click installclick Restart

Note: you can install Oracle before install Java Beans also.

You have to wait till you get local area net work icon in the system tray each time you restart the SAP System.Note: change the system date to future date say 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 years later.


Actual SAP Installation Starts here.

Step: 1Copy all Sap Software back up to the hard disk.

Step: 2Double click on Kernel FolderNT/i386/NTpatch you will find

R3DLLINS file double click & click OKrestart.This will update some shared files in order to ensure that

The SAP system will work properly.

Step: 3Double click on kernel folder (or) CDSAPINST/NT/Setupclick setup.

You will get one windowclick I Agree then select “standard options”click Next reboot now option will appear click ok. Click ok.

Wait until you get Microsoft Loop back adaptor in the system tray (Two Monitor Symbols will appear) if necessary do not click Ctrl+Alt+Del till you ensure that the Microsoft Loop Back Adopter might have came in the system tray.

SAP Installation will automatically start on restart in welcome Window select SAP R/3 Enterprise (4.7) for Oracle [last line] click Nextclick I Agree Option select install Server Components option next SAP system ID: S11 or ERP (give any three letter word and first char) select central instance option

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(This may be default selection)next you will find instance number (00). Keep it as it is next next next.. Choose the options NO LDAPnext Drive for SAP System Directory : D, Host with Transport Directory : SAPnext next give any password here ( Eg: Alwar) Password : Alwar , Confirm : Alwar click Next give same Password given before (Eg: Alwar) Password : Alwar , Confirm : Alwar click nextclick next Installation progress window will appear, it will stay for some time window will appear saying that Installation finished successfullyclick ok restart.

Wait till you get Microsoft Loop back Adaptor.

Click start buttonprograms SAPinst ORACLE KERNELclick prepare new Installation (First Line)

It will appear and go.

Start Programs SAPinst oracle kernel SAPinst server with GUI (Last Line)

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select SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7 for oracle (Last Line) click next click I agree select install server components radio button (default it will be there) next SAP System ID : S11 (or) ERP (Same given before) choose data base instance radio button arrow click next select install SAP system into a new database radio button (First) default click next click next click next click next click next next till you get under data base system common parameters drive for data base server directory choose D for both list boxes click next warning window will appear click next user information window (Password : Alwar, confirm : Alwar as given before) click next (Password: Alwar, confirm: Alwar as given Before) click next database network configuration window will appear (Leave as it is) click next Data Base server Parameters window will appear, leave as it is click next Drive Selection window will appear click next

CD Browser (SAP Backup) now gives path from SAP Backup (Under Package Location Dump (SAP Backup) DB1\EXPORT1 Select & Click OK Next General Load Parameters window will appear click next click ok Click Next click next

CD Browser window will appear again set the paths from the SAP Backup Select DB2\EXPORT2Select DB3\EXPORT3 Select DB3\EXPORT4Select DB3\EXPORT5Select DB3\EXPORT6Select DB3\EXPORT7 click Ok setting passwords of database users delete all default passwords there and Give the passwords as before (Eg: Alwar) click Start Button click next Multi National language window will appear select no, if u doesn’t require multi national Language support (MNLS). This will occupy 55 GB Space select yes if u

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wants MNLS. This will occupy 65 GB Space for SAP Installation click next Installation progress window will appear

Wait for 12 hrs and above till you get installation has been Successfully completed (Time depends on the system configuration)

Note1) If power failure occurs, when the installation is in progress, you have to start from

the beginning.2) If you get a dialogue screen asking for multi national language support (MNLS).

Here don’t select continue and keep the dialogue box as it is. And double click on SAP R/3 Management console on the desktop.


Expand SAP R/3 System

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Expand s11 or ERP (any three letter) select server name (eg: ERP 0) right click select all tasks click start

after 2 or 3 mins choose continue button on the installation dialogue screen click on next button after 10 mins ( time is always approximate and depends on system configuration and this is for 512 MB DDR RAM with Bus speed 400MHz, 2.4 P4 Intel processor, 865 Intel original Mother Board & SATA Hard Disk with 10,000RPM) you will get installation finished screen click ok button installation screen will close.

Note: In “SAP MMC – [Console Root \SAP R/3\ERP\ ERP 0\WP table]” window check whether the “STATUS & START” columns are in “WAIT & YES” flags till you get the above said positions, press Refresh Button in the Application tool bar (or) F5 Button.

STEP : 5

Then stop the Server select Server Name(ERP or s11) right click Select all tasks click start restart the system.

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Note : Change the system date to current date, which we changed to future date at the beginning of sap installation.

STEP : 6 Installing GUI CD

Go to the following path and double click on setup file

SAPGUI 620 \ GUI \ WINDOWS \ Win32 \ Setup file double click Click next select R/3 Addon, General Addon, development tools , Legacy Components, SAPGUI (Total 5 Check boxes or better to check all the components, If you want to select any other components flag the Corresponding check boxes. But these five are minimum and must) click next button click finish.

Note : if the paint pad is not working in ABAP , then we have to select all the components in the GUI installation CD, which we have selected first five in the above step.

STEP : 7 Creating Log on System

Double click on SAP Logon icon on Desktop select systems tab click on USER-DEFINED Push button Enter the following fields as below.

Description : SAP 4.7 EE (you can give any description)Application Server : 192 .168.100.1(This is the IP address of the Loop Back Adopter or Network card, what ever it is.System ID : ERP or S11 (server name)System Number : 00 ( Zero Zero)

Click on add

Note: you have to bring this newly added system to the short cuts tab for that do the following.Double click on SAP Logon icon on Desktop select shortcuts tab click on New item Push button drop down the Text box corresponding to the description field select the newly added system (SAP 4.7 EE) and click ok

Now you can log on through this shortcut

STEP : 8

Now start the SAP System, follow below steps to do thisDouble click on SAP R/3 Management Console Icon on the desktopExpand server Name (ERP or S11) select and then right click Select all Tasks click start

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Note : The terms Server Name and Computer name are one and the same.

Wait till you get flags for status and start fields as wait and yes respectively. You have to check this each time when you start the SAP Server

STEP : 9 Activating or Creating Clients

Note : Now you have to create 3 clients i.e., 000, 800, 810 (You have more clients also. These are all defaults clients. To see the client list enter the Transaction code SCC4).

To activate or create Client: 000

Double click on SAP Logon on the Desktop Click on Logon Button Enter the following details

Client : 000 (Zero Zero Zero)User : DDICPassword : 19920706

Click enter.

To activate or create Client: 800

Double click on SAP Logon on the Desktop Click on Logon Button Enter the following details

Client : 800 User : DDICPassword : 19920706

Click enter.

To activate or create Client: 810

Double click on SAP Logon on the Desktop Click on Logon Button Enter the following details

Client : 810 User : DDICPassword : 19920706

Click enter.

STEP : 10 To create Users under each of the above 3 clients

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To create User under Client 000 (Zero Zero Zero)

Under Client 000 session give the following details:

User Name : SAPUSER (You can give any name)Alias : Need Not give this name (If you want can give ie.,


click on create button give the name of the userLast Name : SEKHAR (You can give any name)

Click on Logon Data tab and give the following detailsInitial Password : ASDFRepeat Password : ASDFNote : You can give any password

Click on default’s tabLogon Language : ENOutput device : LP01

Select the Decimal Notation Radio option button (Second option)Eg: 1,234.00

Flag (tick or select) the following check boxes

Output immediately Delete after output

Click on profile tab


SAP_ALL SAP_ NEW Click on save button

Similarly create the user SAPUSER for 800 & 810clients

STEP : 11

Close all the sessions and goto SAP Logon pad and open 3 sessions one for 000 client and other two for 800 & 810 clients.

Under client 000 User : SAPUSER

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Password : ASDF (Old password already given)New Password: ALWAR (New One)Repeat password : ALWAR

Do the same process for the other clients ie., 800 & 810.

STEP : 12

This may be optional step or mandatory

Next use the Transaction code STMS in Client 000

Click on save button

Click on transport Router button on application tool bar click on change button on application tool bar select s11 (System) box and drop on to the list area save and click on continue button and choose YES button

Next goto command field use the Transaction code RZ10

Edit profile goto the menu item Utilities Import Profiles of Active Servers.

And then come back (F3)

Under Edit Profile place the cursor on profile drop down Text Box

Press F4 key choose the profile S11_DVEBMSGS_00_SEKHAR (Instance Profile)

Choose Option extended maintenance click on change button click on create Parameter button. ( F5 )

Parameter Name : Login / System-clientParameter Value : 800

Click on copy button Click on “yes” come back (F3) once again come back click on save Button Click on “yes” Click on “Save” button “incorrect parameter values detected , display values “ windows will appear select ‘NO” here it prompts you “Do you want to Activate the Profile” click Yes and Continue click on continue.

Close all windows and stop the server

MMC(System Management Console) Server name Right click All Tasks Stop Wait till the server is stopped ie., “Status and Start flags are in

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32 and No” close the MMC window.

Go to Logoff Administrator (this one is windows 2000 Administrator Server).

Menu path Start shutdown Select Log off Administrator click ok

Note: With this you can stop SAP System configuration, every thing will work properly with all modules including ABAP but it will ask for the access key mentioned below for the first time when you execute your first program, after that it will not ask the access key.

Step No: 13 is optional can skip this

ACCESS KEY: 36687663221261278694

but if you want, you can configure according to the given below steps also.

STEP: 13 To create Table Space (You can skip this step, Rest of the steps is Mandatory)

Note: without creating table space SAP will work using the default table spaces. Need not to do this step, if you want to create your own table space.

Login the system using the following user name and password

User Name : XXXADM (Replace XXX with SAP Server name i.e., full computer name Eg: suppose SAP server Name is ERP then the user name will be ERPADM)

Password : alwar (first given password while installing, not at the time of configuration of the SAP System)

select MMC and start the server goto Start Run type : SAPDBA click enter Enter Password – alwar please select “Press ‘C’” Please select “click on ‘A’” Enter Table Space Name : PSAPXXX (Replace XXX with SAP Server name) Click enter please select “Press ‘F’” click enter Please select “Press ‘S’” click enter Enter enter.

Then “checking space for Data Files of Table Space window will appear” wait for 10 mins (approximately, depends on system configuration) it will ask for any key to continue Press Enter Back up data base screen will appear press”Q” Click enter press “Y” click enter again “Press’Q’”

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Click enter again Press “Q” click enter Press “N” …………….

Then stop SAP MMC

To Stop SAP Server follow the below navigation

click stop in the above window.

To Log off XXXADM follow the navigation.

Start Shut down Select XXXADM click OK.

STEP : 14

Login Using Administrator User Name

User Name : AdministratorPassword : Administrator Password

Double click on SAP R/3 Management Console stop the server Double click on SAP Logon Pad on the desktop Login using the following details

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Client : 800User Name : SAPUSERPassword : alwar (Last given Password )

In the command field enter Transaction code SE38 you will get ABAP Editor Screen give the program name as ZRP01 (Given a name which starts with Z) click on create button Add developer Window will appear enter access key : 36687663221261278694 click enter Title : TEST Program type : Executable program click on save click on Local Objects and run the program.

Program : write : ‘ this is test program’. Save the program, check the program, activate the program and finally run the program.

To run the program directly press F8.

First Time only it will ask the access key after that it will not ask access key

With this Installation is finished.

Note: you have to clear the application log and system log in the event viewer frequently (i.e. once in 3 or 4 days) in order to ensure that the SAP system will work efficiently means fast. But this is not mandatory.To clear those application log and system log to through the below path and clear those logs

Startsettings control panel administrative tools click event viewer.

Clear those logs here.

Note : Some times u will face the difficulty in installing SAP. Some error messages will appear and installation will stop immediately. In such case check the following things.

1. when we are installing KERNEL in Administrator user id ( which is created by OS when installing OS ) , it will create two user ids at the OS level. U have to make sure that the user id (Administrator) u have logged in to OS to install SAP DATABASE INSTANCE has the authorizations of those two users ids, if not give those two user ids authorizations to user id in which u want to install SAP database instance .

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and also give the database user ids authorizations to the user id (administrator) .

to give authorizations to user id follow the below steps

select my computer icon on the desktop right click manage expand local users and groups select users

select administrator ( user id) right click click on properties click on member of tab

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Click on add button

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Select the user ids whose authorizations are required for the user id (administrator) in which u r installing sap database instance click on add button finally click on OK.

2. some times u will get error messages while installing database instance , at that time do click ok or cancel . keep the error message window and do the following

give the full access permissions to the folders in which u r installing SAP including database folder for the user id in which u logged in and installing SAP. To give permissions do the following

select the folder ( sap and data base folders) right click

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click on sharing click on security tab

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select the user id to which u need to give the permissions check all the check boxes under allow .

like wise u can give permissions all the users also

Finally Click on Retry Button on error message window. Installation will resume immediately.

U can do this before u start Sap Database instance instance.

Thanks and enjoy Installation. -------------------------