sap pm master data

SAP PM Master Data SAP PM Master Data: 1. Equipment Master 2. Functional Location Master 3. Measuring Points / Counters 4. Class 5. Characteristics 6. Bill of Material 7. Task List 8. Serial Number 9. Catalog 10. Main Work Centre 11. Master Inspection Characteristics

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Page 1: SAP PM Master Data

SAP PM Master DataSAP PM Master Data:

             1. Equipment Master

2. Functional Location Master

3. Measuring Points/ Counters

4. Class

5. Characteristics

6. Bill of Material

7. Task List

8. Serial Number

9. Catalog

10. Main Work Centre

11. Master Inspection Characteristics

Page 2: SAP PM Master Data

1.Equipment in SAP PM

Equipment Master in SAP PM

Definition: An individual, physical object that is maintained as an autonomous unit. You should create a machine as equipment, if and only if you want to track its maintenance history and cost of maintenance periodically.

How to create Equipment in SAP PM:

Step 1: Run t code IE01 to create an Equipment, or go to Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Management of Technical Objects > Equipment > IE01 (General)

Step 2: Create Equipment – Initial Screen will appear. Here you can select the relevant equipment category. Generally we use ‘M-Machines’ category. Other Equipment Categories available in standard SAP are:

P-Production Resource/Tools,

Q-Test/measurement equipment

S-Customer equipment

Step 3: Press enter and go to equipment master data main screen.

Step 4:  Enter the short text (not more than 40 characters). There is option of entering long text also.

Step 5: In standard SAP there will be four tabs- General, Location, Organization and Structure. You may add more tabs as per client’s requirement. Complete layout of Equipment Master Data can be configured in SPRO.

Step 6: Click on General Data Tab. General Data tab is divided into three parts General Data, Reference Data and Manufacturing Data.

Step 6a: The first filed is Class. This field is grey out (Display mode). To bring the class, click on the Class Overview button. Now select the Class type 002 for equipment. Afterwards enter the class. This class name is very important because it allows you to classify your technical objects into various classes in such a manner that you can maintain their specifications.

For ex: Suppose there are 1500 motors in your plant and you want to maintain their specifications such as Voltage, Current, power etc. Then you must use class and characteristics. Create the specifications as characteristics and assign them on the class. Create a class with name MOTOR. Once you assign the class to the equipment all the

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characteristics will be available to the equipment, where you can maintain its values like 440 Volt, 45 Ampere, 50 KW etc.

Step 7: Here we should enter object type. Object type is a division of technical object for precise description. For example: If Equipment Category is “M’, then you may select object type as Motor, Pump, Turbine etc.

This field can be configured in SPRO.

Step 8: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used when you want to give access to certain users to process data. Users who have the Authorization group in their role will be able to access and process that equipment.

Consulting Tip: Always recommend to use Authorization Group, if Client wants that Electrical Department users should not be able to see Mechanical Equipment and vice-versa. In such cases create Authorization ELE and MEC and give authorization to respective user.

Authorization Group can be configured in SPRO.

Step 9: You can enter Weight, Size, Dimensions, inventory no. and start-up date also.

Step 10: In Reference Data you may enter the Acquisition value (with currency) and Acquisition date.

Consulting Tip: This field is important because in future you can compare the maintenance cost and acquisition value on real-time basis. If Maintenance cost exceeds the Acquisition Value, then you may choose to scrap out the equipment.

Step 11: Then enter the Manufacturer Name and other details. For example: ABB, L&T, SIEMENS, SAMSUNG etc. This is Text field.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI2 based on Manufacturer.

Step 12: Click on Location tab.

Step 13: Enter the Maintenance Plant. Select the Maintenance Plant where equipment is physically installed.

Step 14: Enter Location. Location can be Production Area, Warehouse, Admin etc. Location is configured in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI3 based on Location.

Step 15: Next field is Room. This field can be used for information purpose. It indicates a specific room for asset or machinery. It is generally used in Real Estate Industry. It is a text field.

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Step 16: Enter Plant Section. Plant Section indicates the production area in maintenance plant. We can also include the name and contact no. of Production In-charge of respective plant section. It is configurable in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI3 based on Plant Section.

Step 17: Enter the Work Center from the drop down. This work centre is actually PP Work Centre linked to the maintenance equipment. Production department uses the equipment to produce goods. However, maintenance department does maintenance activities on the same equipment. Now, in order to avoid the clashes between the production activity and maintenance activity, it is needed to link the PP work center and maintenance equipment. This will allow the Production in-charge to see which equipment will be under maintenance in future. Thus, he/ she will not plan production with that equipment. Production in-charge can see the scheduled maintenance activities in the Planning board.

Integration: Assigning PP Work Center in the Equipment Master in an integration of PM and PP Module.

Step 18: Enter ABC Indicator. ABC indicator can be used to define the criticality of technical objects. For example: A – Very Critical, B- Medium Critical, C-Non-critical. This field is configurable in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: ABC indicator must be entered with equipment. Whenever, we execute any maintenance activity in SAP. ABC indicator automatically copied to the notification or maintenance order. Therefore it is available in all the maintenance order and notification reports. We can use them for further analysis. For example: In IW38 report, we can see how many equipments with indicator A are under maintenance i.e. how many critical equipment are under maintenance? This can also help in const control and cost reduction.

Step 19: Enter sort field. Sort field is a simple text field, which can be used for tracking of equipment.

Step 20: Click on Organization tab. Organization tab is divided into two parts, Account Assignment and Responsibilities. Account assignment contains the company code, asset no., cost center etc. Responsibilities contains Planning Plant, Planner Group, main work center and catalog profile

Step 21: Enter Company Code. If you have entered the Maintenance Plant in Location tab, then company code of that plant will automatically appear here. However, if there is no entry there, then we will have to enter the company code manually from drop down list.

Integration: This is integration with Finance Module.

Step 22: Enter Assent number. Assent is created by Finance department. Like Equipment Master in SAP PM Module, there is an Asset master in SAP FI Module. Every asset requires integration with the respective Equipment. Once a one-to-one relationship is established between Asset and Equipment it makes very easy for Finance department to track the depreciated value and maintenance cost of an equipment.

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Consulting Tip: We can configure the asset and equipment synchronization. It means, whenever any new asset is created with a certain category, automatically it will create new equipment with a certain category and vice-versa. This configuration is available in SAP FI configuration nodes.

Integration: This is an integration of SAP PM Module and SAP Finance Module.

Step 23: Enter Cost Center. Cost Center is SAP CO Master Data. It is created by controlling department. This entry is important because cost center entered here is automatically copied to the respective maintenance notification and maintenance order. Cost center the organization element where entire cost of maintenance is settled.

Integration: This is an integration of SAP PM Module with SAP CO Module.

Step 24: Enter Planning Plant. Planning Plant is the plant where entire planning of maintenance activities carried out. Based on organization structure business people can easily decide the respective planning plant for the equipment. This entry is important because when production in-charge creates any notification with reference to equipment, then planning plant will automatically copied to it. This will help in tracking and filtering of notification in reports. Planning plant can be configured in SPRO.

Consulting Tips: This field is important and must be entered because there are many reports based on planning plant. For ex: IW28, IW29, IW38, IW39, IW65, IW69 etc.

Step 25: Enter Planner Group. Planner Group is the group of persons who are responsible for planning of maintenance activities. It is configured in SPRO. Planner Group is created with respect to planning plant.

When you create a notification or maintenance order with reference to equipment, planner group is automatically copied to it in the responsibility sub-screen. This helps in tracking and reporting on planner group basis.

Consulting Tip: Generally Planner Groups are created like ELE – Electrical, MEC – Mechanical, INS – Instrumentation, CVL – Civil etc. It can also be created as 100, 200, and 300 up to 999. It should always be recommended to have a scope of expansion while creating planner groups.

We must enter the planner group in equipment master because we have SAP Standard Report MCI4 based on planner group.

Step 26: Enter Main Work Centre. Main Work Centre is the group of persons or machines responsible to execute the maintenance task in the field or plant area. It is a generally created like ELEC0001, MECH0001, MECHWRK etc.  When you create a notification or maintenance order with reference to equipment, main work centre is automatically copied to it in the responsibility sub-screen. This helps in tracking and reporting on main work centre basis. We can see how many maintenance jobs are pending on a particular main work centre.

Step 27: Enter Catalog Profile. Catalog Profile contains the catalog, catalog groups, catalog codes and code texts. An equipment specific catalog profile will have catalog codes related to that equipment. When we create a maintenance notification, equipment specific catalog

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profile will be available to for maintaining the technical history in notification. If there is a catalog profile for notification then equipment specific catalog profile will override notification specific catalog profile.

Step 28: Click on Structure Tab.

Step 29: This is the time to install this equipment to the respective functional location. Functional location field in this tab is grey out (Display mode). You can not enter this field. But there is a small icon at the right extreme of functional location field. Click here, a new window will pop up. Here you can enter the functional location from drop down. You can also enter the superior equipment and position of equipment on the functional location.

At the bottom of this window there is a button Install with Transfer. This button is very important. If you want to transfer all the master data like ABC indicator,Cost Center, Asset no., planning plant, planner group etc from the functional location then there is no need to maintain all the master data entries in equipment. Simply enter the maintenance plant and come to structure tab and enter the functional location and click on this button. All the master data will automatically copy from functional location to the equipment. This reduces the efforts to maintain entries in equipment master. System also gives option to the users if they want to copy only specific fields from functional location like user want to copy only planning data not the account assignment.

Step 30: Now functional location, superior equipment and position field will have values.

Step 31: Enter Technical ID no. Here system gives an option to maintain the technical id no. of technical object as per the engineering drawing or any other number. This is a simple text field.

Step 32: Next field is Construction Type. Construction type is a very important field. Here you can maintain the material bill of material. This material bill of material will have all the materials which are commonly used during maintenance like cotton waste, lubricant, silica gel, brush etc. Now at the time of maintenance you can open this list in the maintenance order in the component tab. There is a button with a flower on it at the bottom of component tab with name “List”.

All the entries are completed. Now you can SAVE your Equipment. Once you save your equipment, it will assign a system generated number. You can also assign external number, but this depends upon the number range definition in SPRO.


24 Aug2012

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Posted in: Daily Consulting Tips, SAP PM, SAP PM Interview Questions By Admin     No Comments

2.Functional Location in SAP PM

Functional Location in SAP PM

Definition: Functional Location in SAP PM is an organizational unit in Logistics that structures the maintenance objects of a company according to functional, process-oriented, or spatial criteria.

A functional location represents the place at which a maintenance task is performed.

Consulting Tip: It is always recommended to have functional location to be defined in such a way that entire technical system is divided into different levels and user can track and evaluate maintenance history and maintenance cost periodically.

How to create Functional Location in SAP PM:

Entries in Functional Location Master are similar with Equipment Master.

Step 1: Run t code IL01 to create a Functional Location, or go to Logistics > Plant Maintenance > Management of Technical Objects > Functional Location > IL01-Create


Step 2: Create Functional Location – Initial Screen will appear. Here you can select the relevant Functional Location category. Generally we use ‘M-Technical System – Standard’ category. Functional Location Category is configurable in SPRO.

Also Select the Structure Indicator. Structure indicator defines the syntax or format of functional location. Once it is selected, edit mask automatically copied on the screen.


Then you can enter the label of functional location like 01-04-A001-MP1401A.

Structure indicator can be configured in SPRO. Structure indicator will be discussed in detail in coming time.

Step 3: Press enter and go to Functional Location master data main screen.

Step 4:  Enter the short text (not more than 40 characters). There is option of entering long text also.

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Step 5: In standard SAP there will be four tabs- General, Location, Organization and Structure. You may add more tabs as per client’s requirement. Complete layout of Functional Location Master Data can be configured in SPRO.

Step 6: Click on General Data Tab. General Data tab is divided into three parts General Data, Reference Data and Manufacturing Data.

Step 6a: The first filed is Class. This field is grey out (Display mode). To bring the class, click on the Class Overview button. Now select the Class type 003 for Functional Locations. Afterwards enter the class. This class name is very important because it allows you to classify your technical objects into various classes in such a manner that you can maintain their specifications.

Consulting Tip: We have Standard SAP Reports related to Class, MCI1-Object Class. Therefore it is recommended to maintain this entry.

Step 7: Here we should enter object type. Object type is a division of technical object for precise description. For example: If Functional Location Category is “M’, then you may select object type as Motor, Pump, Turbine etc.

This field can be configured in SPRO.

Step 8: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used when you want to give access to certain users to process data. Users who have the Authorization group in their role will be able to access and process that Functional Location.

Consulting Tip: Always recommend to use Authorization Group, if Client wants that Electrical Department users should not be able to see Mechanical Functional Location and vice-versa. In such cases create Authorization ELE and MEC and give authorization to respective user.

Authorization Group can be configured in SPRO.

Step 9: You can enter Weight, Size, Dimensions, inventory no. and start-up date also.

Step 10: In Reference Data you may enter the Acquisition value (with currency) and Acquisition date.

Consulting Tip: This field is important because in future you can compare the maintenance cost and acquisition value on real-time basis. If Maintenance cost exceeds the Acquisition Value, then you may choose to scrap out the Functional Location.

Step 11: Then enter the Manufacturer Name and other details. For example: ABB, L&T, SIEMENS, SAMSUNG etc. This is Text field.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI2 based on Manufacturer.

Step 12: Click on Location tab.

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Step 13: Enter the Maintenance Plant. Select the Maintenance Plant where Functional Location is physically installed.

Step 14: Enter Location. Location can be Production Area, Warehouse, Admin etc. Location is configured in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI3 based on Location.

Step 15: Next field is Room. This field can be used for information purpose. It indicates a specific room for asset or machinery. It is generally used in Real Estate Industry. It is a text field.

Step 16: Enter Plant Section. Plant Section indicates the production area in maintenance plant. We can also include the name and contact no. of Production In-charge of respective plant section. It is configurable in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: This field is very important, because there is an SAP Standard Report MCI3 based on Plant Section.

Step 17: Enter the Work Center from the drop down. This work centre is actually PP Work Centre linked to the maintenance Functional Location. Production department uses the Functional Locations to produce goods. However, maintenance department does maintenance activities on the same Functional Location. Now, in order to avoid the clashes between the production activity and maintenance activity, it is needed to link the PP work centre and maintenance Functional Location. This will allow the Production in-charge to see which Functional Location will be under maintenance in future. Thus, he/ she will not plan production with that Functional Location. Production in-charge can see the scheduled maintenance activities in the Planning board.

Integration: Assigning PP Work Centre in the Functional Location Master is an integration of PM and PP Module.

Step 18: Enter ABC Indicator. ABC indicator can be used to define the criticality of technical objects. For example: A – Very Critical, B- Medium Critical, C-Non-critical. This field is configurable in SPRO.

Consulting Tip: ABC indicator must be entered with Functional Location. Whenever, we execute any maintenance activity in SAP. ABC indicator automatically copied to the notification or maintenance order. Therefore it is available in all the maintenance order and notification reports. We can use them for further analysis. For example: In IW38 report, we can see how many Functional Locations with indicator A are under maintenance i.e. how many critical Functional Location are under maintenance? This can also help in const control and cost reduction.

Step 19: Enter sort field. Sort field is a simple text field, which can be used for tracking of Functional Location.

Step 20: Click on Organization tab. Organization tab is divided into two parts, Account Assignment and Responsibilities. Account assignment contains the company code, asset no.,

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cost center etc. Responsibilities contains Planning Plant, Planner Group, main work center and catalog profile

Step 21: Enter Company Code. If you have entered the Maintenance Plant in Location tab, then company code of that plant will automatically appear here. However, if there is no entry there, then we will have to enter the company code manually from drop down list.

Integration: This is integration with Finance Module.

Step 22: Enter Cost Center. Cost Center is SAP CO Master Data. It is created by controlling department. This entry is important because cost center entered here is automatically copied to the respective maintenance notification and maintenance order. Cost center the organization element where entire cost of maintenance is settled.

Integration: This I is an integration of SAP PM Module with SAP CO Module.

Step 23: Enter Planning Plant. Planning Plant is the plant where entire planning of maintenance activities carried out. Based on organization structure business people can easily decide the respective planning plant for the Functional Location. This entry is important because when production in-charge creates any notification with reference to Functional Location, then planning plant will automatically copied to it. This will help in tracking and filtering of notification in reports. Planning plant can be configured in SPRO.

Consulting Tips: This field is important and must be entered because there are many reports based on planning plant. For ex: IW28, IW29, IW38, IW39, IW65, IW69 etc.

Step 24: Enter Planner Group. Planner Group is the group of persons who are responsible for planning of maintenance activities. It is configured in SPRO. Planner Group is created with respect to planning plant.

When you create a notification or maintenance order with reference to Functional Location, planner group is automatically copied to it in the responsibility sub-screen. This helps in tracking and reporting on planner group basis.

Consulting Tip: Generally Planner Groups are created like ELE – Electrical, MEC – Mechanical, INS – Instrumentation, CVL – Civil etc. It can also be created as 100, 200, and 300 up to 999. It should always be recommended to have a scope of expansion while creating planner groups.

We must enter the planner group in Functional Location master because we have SAP Standard Report MCI4 based on planner group.

Step 25: Enter Main Work Center. Main Work Centre is the group of persons or machines responsible to execute the maintenance task in the field or plant area. It is a generally created like ELEC0001, MECH0001, MECHWRK etc.  When you create a notification or maintenance order with reference to Functional Location, main work center is automatically copied to it in the responsibility sub-screen. This helps in tracking and reporting on main work centre basis. We can see how many maintenance jobs are pending on a particular main work center.

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Step 26: Enter Catalog Profile. Catalog Profile contains the catalog, catalog groups, catalog codes and code texts. A Functional Location specific catalog profile will have catalog codes related to that Functional Location. When we create a maintenance notification, Functional Location specific catalog profile will be available to for maintaining the technical history in notification. If there is a catalog profile for notification then Functional Location specific catalog profile will override notification specific catalog profile.

Step 27: Click on Structure Tab.

Step 28: Unlike Equipment, Functional Location automatically fetch its superior functional location.

Step 29: Now Superior Functional Location will have values.

Step 30: Enter Technical ID no. Here system gives an option to maintain the technical id no. of technical object as per the engineering drawing or any other number. This is a simple text field.

Step 31: Next field is Construction Type. Construction type is a very important field. Here you can maintain the material bill of material. This material bill of material will have all the materials which are commonly used during maintenance like cotton waste, lubricant, silica gel, brush etc. Now at the time of maintenance you can open this list in the maintenance order in the component tab. There is a button with a flower on it at the bottom of component tab with name “List”.

All the entries are completed. Now you can SAVE your Functional Location. Once you save your Functional Location, it will be saved with its Label. You can see the entire Functional Location Structure in IH01 – Structure Display T Code.

3. Measuring Points/ Counters

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25 Aug2012 Posted in: Daily Consulting Tips, SAP PM, SAP PM Interview Questions By Admin     No Comments

Measuring Points in SAP PM

Measuring Points in SAP PM

Measuring points is a part of Master Data in SAP PM Module.

Definition: A physical or logical place at which a status is described.


Temperature inside a reactor

Speed of revolution of a wind wheel

The status is described using measurement readings. Measuring points are stored in the SAP System as master data.

Measuring point is always created with reference to Equipment or Functional Location.

How to create Measuring Point in SAP PM:

Step 1: Run T code IK01 or follow this path on easy access screen Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Environment -> Measuring Points -> IK01 (Create)

Step 2: Initial screen will appear.

Step 3: Select IEQ as measuring point object, if you are creating measuring point with reference to Equipment. You can select IFL as measuring point object, if you want to create measuring point with reference to Functional Location.

Step 4: Enter the Equipment number or functional location, with reference to which you want to create measuring point.

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Step 5: Select measuring point category. Generally we select M category. There are configuration settings related to measuring point category in SPRO. We will discuss them in detail in coming posts.

Step 6: Enter Measuring Position. Here you can enter the measuring position.

For example: In Equipment like Transformer, Silica Gel is a measuring position. Where electrical department monitors its condition on daily basis and record its condition in system.

Step 7: Enter the description. Here you can enter the short description of measuring point (max 40 characters). You can also maintain the long description.

Step 8: Enter characteristic. Characteristic brings the properties of the object which is under monitoring.

For example: If we are monitoring Temperature of a reactor, then we will have to create a characteristic in CT04 t code, with unit of measurement Degree Celsius, no. of decimal places and total no. of digits.

Step 9: Once characteristic is entered, automatically unit of measurement and no. of decimal places will copied to measuring point data.

Step 10: Value Code Sufficient check box. If there is no measurement reading entry is required, only value code is sufficient.

For example: In a machine, we want to check whether level of lubricant oil is OK or NOT OK. In such a case you do not required any unit of measurement and reading to enter. In such cases we SET this check box.

Step 11: Enter code group. Code group is configured in QS41 T code. Code Group contains the code and code text.

For example: Code Group can be Lubricant Level. Code can be 0001 and 0002 or could be an alpha numeric code. Code Text can be OK, NOT OK etc.

Step 12: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used to restrict certain user to see and process measuring point.

For example: Many times a particular department does not want other department to see and process their data, like mechanical department does not want electrical department to see their measuring point readings.

Step 13: Enter Target value. Target value is the desired or the ideal value of measuring point reading. It is the optimum value of measuring point.

Step 14: Click on the Additional Data button. A pop up box will appear.

Step 15: Enter the upper range limit and lower range limit of measuring reading.

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For example: If we are recording the temperature of a reactor and we want to define a range of this temperature like upper limit = 250 C and lower limit = 150 C. Now if temperature goes beyond this range, then system will throw an error or warning message, depending upon the setting in SPRO.

Step 16: Click on SAVE button and system will generate a new measuring point with a system generated number.

Counters in SAP PM

Counters in SAP PM

Definition: Tools that you use to represent the wear and tear of an object, consumption, or the reduction of

an object’s useful life are described as counters in SAP.

For example: The milometer for a vehicle, or an electricity meter for an electric-powered system). Counters are stored in the SAP System as master data.

Counters are always created with reference to Equipment or Functional Location.

How to create Counter in SAP PM:

Step 1: Run T code IK01 or follow this path on easy access screen Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Environment -> Counters -> IK01 (Create)

Step 2: Initial screen will appear.

Step 3: Select IEQ as Counters object, if you are creating Counters with reference to Equipment. You can select IFL as Counters object, if you want to create Counters with reference to Functional Location.

Step 4: Enter the Equipment number or functional location, with reference to which you want to create Counters.

Step 5: Select Measuring Point category. Generally we select M category. There are configuration settings related to Measuring Point category in SPRO. We will discuss them in detail in coming posts.

Step 6: Set the Check Box with description Measuring Point is a counter.

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Step 7: Enter Measuring Position. Here you can enter the measuring position.

For example: In Equipment like Motor, Running Hours is a Counter. Where electrical department counts the running hours and after reaching certain value they perform Preventive Maintenance.

Step 8: Enter the description. Here you can enter the short description of Counters (max 40 characters). You can also maintain the long description.

Step 9: Enter characteristic. Characteristic brings the properties of the object which is under monitoring.

For example: If we are counting Running Hours, then we will have to create a characteristic in CT04 t code, with unit of measurement Hours and total no. of digits.

Step 10: Once characteristic is entered, automatically unit of measurement and no. of decimal places will copied to Counters data.

Step 11: Enter Authorization Group. Authorization Group is used to restrict certain user to see and process Counters.

For example: Many times a particular department does not want other department to see and process their data, like mechanical department does not want electrical department to see their Counters readings.

Step 13: Enter Counter Overflow Reading. It is the reading after which counter will again start from zero.

For example: In a vehicle like Car. Once reading reaches the last value 99999999, then it will again starts from zero. Now, 9999999 is the counter overflow reading.

Step 14: Enter Annual Estimate. It is the counter reading increase or decrease that is expected in a year. This helps in Counter Based Preventive Maintenance for calculating intervals.

Step 15: Enter a Counter backward check box only if your counter runs backwards.

Click on SAVE Button. Once saved it will acquire a system generated number.

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4.Class in SAP PM

Class is a cross module application in SAP. It is used in PM, MM, PP, SD, QM etc modules. Here we will discuss application of Class in SAP PM. It is frequently asked in SAP PM Interview questions and answers.

 Class in SAP PM

Definition and Explanation: Class in SAP PM to capture specifications of technical objects. For ex: There are thousands of motors in plant area, every motor has specifications like Voltage, current, power etc. now here we can see that specifications are same, only values are different. Therefore, we will use Class and characteristics in SAP to meet the requirement.

Step 1: Run t code CL01.

Step 2: Enter the name of class. Length of this field is 18 characters. For ex: MOTOR or PUMP

Step 3: Next entry is Class Type. There are around 61 Class types. As written in the first line that Class is cross module application. For Equipment class type is 002, for functional location class type is 003. Select class type for which you want to use the class.

For ex: You have created a class MOTOR for all motors in plant area then it is recommended to select 002- Equipment as class type.

Step 4: After entering Class Type, four new tabs will appear below header.

Step 5: First tab is Basic Data, first filed is description. In description field we enter the description of class. For ex: Low Tension and High Tension motors. Maximum limit of characters is 40 characters.

Step 6: Then select status. It can be either Released or Locked. Generally we select Released. If status is released then we can assign this class to objects. However, if status is locked then we can not assign or select this class in any application.

Step 7: Next field is Class Group. This string is used to group together related classes. The class group is used for finding classes quickly via a match code.

Step 8: Afterwards, enter organization data and validity of class.

Step 9: In the next tab we can enter the Keyword which can be used as a match code to find the class. It takes priority after description (as explained in Step 5).

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Step 10: Next tab is very important. Here, we enter the Characteristics. Characteristics contain the specification of class.

For ex: If Class is Motor, then Characteristics will be Power, Current, Voltage, No. of Phases etc.

Step 11: Click SAVE button.

Class is now created in SAP.

Application: Once Class is created and characteristics are assigned to Class. This class is assigned to the Technical Object like Equipment, Functional Location etc. Once Class is assigned to the technical object, all the characteristics will be available for that technical object.

Afterwards, you can maintain the values of each characteristic individually in CL20N. Now suppose you have 2000 nos Electrical Motors in your plant area and one of the critical motor with Power Output = 30 KW, Current Rating = 45 Ampere and Operating Voltage = 440 Volts is under breakdown. It will take 4 days to repair it. In such cases you should search a similar motor in plant area with same technical ratings.

In order to does that go to t code CL30N. On the main screen enter the Class name and Class type = 002 for equipment  Then enter the characteristic values of Power, voltage and current and click on the Find initial Class button. This will open the list of all equipment with similar technical ratings. Now you can easily identify the non critical equipment and replace it with the motor which under breakdown.

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5.Characteristics in SAP PM

Characteristics in SAP PM:

A characteristic in SAP is a cross module application. It is used in PM, MM, PP, SD, QM etc modules. Here we will discuss application of Characteristics in SAP PM.

 Business Application: Characteristics are used to represent the specifications of a technical object.

For ex: Power of a motor, voltage of a transformer etc.

Characteristics in SAP PM are widely used with Class. Once created, it is assigned to class and class is assigned to technical object (Equipment, functional location etc) and all the characteristics are available for the technical object.

Take one more example for proper understanding: Suppose there is equipment. We have created a Class ‘Motor’. Then we will create and assign characteristics Power, Voltage, Current etc to class. Then assign the class to the technical object (Equipment or functional location) all the characteristics will be available to the technical object.

Now we can maintain the values of these characteristics (Specifications) in CL20N or CL24N.


How to create Characteristics in SAP PM:

Step 1: Run t code CT04 or navigate this path in SAP easy access screen.

SAP Menu -> Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Environment -> Class -> Master Data -> CT04 – Characteristics

Step 2: Enter the name of characteristic and click on the create option available on the top menu bar or the white sheet on the right hand side of characteristic field.

Step 3: Five new tabs (sub-screens) will appear on the screen.

Step 4: First tab is Basic Data tab. Here we enter the description of characteristic. Char group and status of characteristic. Here we can also enter authorization group. Authorization group is used to allow a particular end user to maintain a characteristic.

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For ex: Electrical department does not want mechanical department to display and process their characteristics then we should recommend use of Authorization Group.

Step 5: Afterwards select the Data type in next sub-screen. Available Data types are Character, Numeric, Currency, Date, Time format.

If you select Character then system will ask you to enter the number of characters. You can also make it case sensitive by setting a check box below.

If you select Currency then system will ask you to enter number of chars and currency like USD, INR etc.

If you select numeric format then enter number of chars, decimal places and unit of measurement.

Step 6: There is another sub-screen – value assignment, where you can decide that characteristic will accept a single value or multiple values or range, negative values or it is restrictable. We can also make this characteristic’s entry required.

Step 7: In the next tab you can select the language. Generally we have EN –English as default value.

Step 8: Next tab is values tab. Here you can maintain the values which you want to assign for this characteristics.

For ex: If you are creating voltage as characteristic then possible values can 220 V, 440 V, 3300 V etc.

However, you can set the check box of ‘additional values’ for allowing any other value.

Step 9: Additional Data tab is used in MM Module to configure release strategy. It is not used in PM Module.

Step 10: Last tab is Restriction tab. Here you can select the relevant Class type so that class created by you is used for only that application.

Step 11: Click on SAVE button.


Characteristic is created for SAP PM.

Now assign this characteristic to class in CL02 t code in the in the characteristic tab.

This is frequently asked in SAP PM Interview questions and answers.

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6.Equipment Bill of Material in SAP PM

Equipment Bill of Material in SAP PM

Definition: Equipment Bill of material in SAP PM Module is a part of Master Data in SAP PM Module. It is used to capture the information about the spare parts of a particular technical object (Equipment). This information is used during maintenance processing which helps the maintenance planner to search the relevant spare part to replace. Planner is not required to search the spare part into complete material master in maintenance order.

As a consultant it is always recommended to create Equipment Bill of material.

How to create an Equipment Bill of Material in SAP PM:

Step 1: Run t Code IB01 or else follow this path on the SAP easy access screen:

SAP Menu -> Logistics -> Plant Maintenance -> Management of Technical Objects -> Bill of Material -> Equipment BOM -> IB01 – Create

Step 2: Create Equipment BOM initial screen will appear. Here you must enter the equipment with reference to which you want to create the bill of material.

Step 3: Select the plant to which equipment belongs to or where equipment is physically installed.

Step 4: Select the BOM usage 4 – Plant Maintenance. Here you will get total 8 entries because bill of material is used in other modules also .Like Production Planning, Material Management, Sales Distribution. You will be able to use this Equipment BOM in maintenance processing only if you select BOM usage as 4.

Step 5: Press enter to continue. Now the general item overview screen will appear.

Step 6: Here you can assign all the spare parts of the equipment with quantity.

Step 7: In the material tab. Select the desired material and enter the quantity.

Step 8: Select the item category very carefully. There are two item categories are applicable here. L and N. L means Stock item, which in turn means that material is always available in warehouse for use. In the maintenance order a reservation will be created for this material.

However, N means that material non stock material, which means that a purchase requisition will be triggered from the maintenance order if this material required for maintenance.

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Step 9: Afterwards click on SAVE button. Once it is saved. It is ready for use in maintenance order.

Application: It is frequently asked in the interview question that what is the use of Equipment Bill of material. Here is the answer: Whenever you create any maintenance order with reference to this equipment, then in the component tab, every maintenance planner wants to have the list of spare parts related to that particular equipment for which maintenance order is created, not the entire material master, where you have thousands of materials.

Here business user should go to the top menu bar click on the Extras -> Reference Objects -> Structure List. This will open the same material list which you have created in IB01 t code. Other than menu bar you may also click on a LIST button with a flower on it. This will do the same.

This is all about Equipment Bill of Material in SAP PM.


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7. Task List