sap sd sales order fields


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Info on the fields in SAP SD sales orders


Page 1: SAP SD sales order fields

Sales Order Fields

1 General........................................................................................................................... 22 Overview........................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 Overview – Sales Tab..............................................................................................22.2 Overview – Item Overview......................................................................................72.3 Overview – Item Detail............................................................................................82.4 Overview – Ordering Party....................................................................................102.5 Overview – Procurement.......................................................................................122.6 Overview – Shipping..............................................................................................142.7 Overview – Reason for Rejection...........................................................................16

3 Header.......................................................................................................................... 173.1 Header – Sales......................................................................................................173.2 Header – Shipping.................................................................................................193.3 Header – Billing.....................................................................................................203.4 Header – Accounting.............................................................................................213.5 Header – Conditions..............................................................................................223.6 Header – Account Assignment..............................................................................233.7 Header – Partners.................................................................................................243.8 Header – Text........................................................................................................263.9 Header – Order Data.............................................................................................273.10 Header – Status.....................................................................................................283.11 Header – Additional Data A...................................................................................293.12 Header – Additional Data B...................................................................................303.13 Header – Interest..................................................................................................31

4 Item Data..................................................................................................................... 324.1 Item – Sales A.......................................................................................................324.2 Item – Sales B.......................................................................................................334.3 Item – Shipping.....................................................................................................344.4 Item – Billing Document........................................................................................364.5 Item – Tax Exemption License...............................................................................384.6 Item – Excise Duty................................................................................................394.7 Item – Conditions..................................................................................................404.8 Item – Account Assignment...................................................................................414.9 Item – Schedule Lines...........................................................................................42

4.9.1 Schedule Lines - Sales.......................................................................................434.9.2 Schedule Lines - Shipping..................................................................................444.9.3 Schedule Lines - Procurement...........................................................................454.9.4 Schedule Lines – Dangerous Goods...................................................................46

4.10 Item – Partners......................................................................................................474.11 Item – Texts..........................................................................................................494.12 Item – Order Data.................................................................................................504.13 Item – Status.........................................................................................................514.14 Item – Structure....................................................................................................524.15 Item – Additional Data A.......................................................................................534.16 Item – Additional Data B.......................................................................................54

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Page 2: SAP SD sales order fields

Sales Order Fields

1 GeneralThis document outlines the fields contained on all sales orders created through transaction VA01 in SAP. All data at the header level applies to all items on the order. The item data only applies to the specific item being viewed.

Additionally, much of the data comes from master date (Customer, Material, Contract). However, if the data isn’t on the master, it will not be copied into the order. The data can be added manually to the order. This may require approval from another department (sales, credit, etc.). When in doubt, check with the customer service manager for guidance.

2 OverviewMuch of the data outlined in the header and item sections below can also be found in the overview screen for easy access. The table section within the each tab of the overview screen can be modified to each person’s preferences by using the Configuration button on the upper right hand corner of the table. It is important to note that the overview does not contain all data, but a select set of fields related to the order.

2.1 Overview – Sales Tab

Field Description Source Other LocationSales Doc Type A classification that distinguishes between different types

of sales document: -- DOM (Domestic) -- EXP (Export) -- DEXP (Domestic for Export) -- EXCH (Exchange) -- FD (Sample) -- KB (Consignment Fillup) -- KE (Consignment Issue) -- KA (Consignment Pickup) -- KR (Consignment Return) -- RE (Return) -- CR (Credit Request) -- DR (Debit Request)

Manually populated Header - Sales

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationReq deliv.Date First entered requested delivery date for entire order Manually populated  Complete dlv Indicates whether a sales order must be delivered

completely in a single delivery or whether the order can be partially delivered and completed over a number of deliveries.

Sold-to Customer Header - Shipping

Delivey block Indicates if the entire document is blocked for delivery.    Billing block Indicates if the entire sales document is blocked for billing.   Header - Billing

DocumentPayment terms Key for defining payment terms composed of cash

discount percentages and payment periods.Payer Header - Billing

DocumentOrder reason Indicates the reason for creating the sales document.

This is required for returns, credit requests and debit requests but can be added to the other order types

Entered by user Header - Sales

Sales Area Sales Org / Distribution Channel / DivisionThe sales org defines the organization responsible for the sale: -- 4630 (Sun Petrochemical Company) -- 5700 (Sunoco R&M) -- 5760 (Epsilon: This should never appear on a customer order. This is for internal processing only)

Distribution Channel and Division will alwasy be 99.

Contract - Header Header - Sales

Deliver.Plant Not Being Used    Total Weight Total gross weight of all the items in the order in lbs Material Master Header - ShippingVolume Total volume of order (for liquid products only) Material Master Header - ShippingPricing date By default the header pricing date the header requested

date. See item pricing date for additional informationAuto Header - Sales

Incoterms Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Contract - Header Header - Billing Document

Incoterms (Part 2) Point of title transfer ("ORIGIN" or "DESTINATION") for US to US, US to CA, CA to US and CA to CA. For other orders, in addition to “ORIGIN” or “DESTINATION” the port can be entered. See table ZTINCO2 for additional options (using transaction ZTINCO2).

Contact - Item Item - Billing Document

The following fields appear in the table on the tab. Each user can modify the way the fields appear on their individual screen and then save the setting using the configuration button on the top right corner of the table. These fields appear in the exact same manner in the Overview on the Sales, Item Overview and Item Detail tabs.Item Item Number    Material Material number of item Contract - Item  Order Quantity Order Quantity Manually populated Item - Sales ASU Sales Unit of Measure: This will also drive the billing Unit

of MeasureContract - Item Item - Sales A

ServiceableMat Not Being Used    Serv. Matl qty Not Being Used    S Indicates if more than one schedule line exists for the


Description Material description Material Master  Item description Not Being Used    Customer Material Numb

Description used by the customer to refer to the material Contract - Item Item - Order Data

ItCa Item Category: A classification used to drive processing for the item within SAP.


DGIndProfile Key that uniquely identifies the dangerous goods profile. Material Master  HgLvlt The number of the higher-level item to which this item

belongs in a hierarcy. Used to connect items that are shipped together in a split truck. Populate the second item with the item number of the first item.

Manually populated Always "D" by default.   Item - Sales A

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationFirst date The first requested delivery date Manually populated Item - Sales APlnt Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - ShippingBatch Field only appears for batch managed materials. If an

order is batch specific, batch number can be entered.Manually populated Item - Sales A

CnTy Not Being Used    Amount Not Being Used    Crcy Document currency Ship-to Customer Item - Sales ANet price The net price that results from the net value divided by the

order quantity   

per The quantity on which net price is based. Always equal to "1". (For example, Net Price = value per "1" UoM)


UoM Quantity unit to which the condition rate refers.   Item - ConditionsNet Value The net value of the item, after any discounts and

surcharges are taken into account. Sales taxes are not included. The value is expressed in the document currency.

  Item - Conditions

Doc. Currency Document currency Ship-to Customer Item - Sales ANext scale Not Being Used    Catalog Not Being Used    PayG Not Being Used    GV% Not Being Used    Reason for rejection Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales APO details Sold-to PO number for the item   Item - Order DataPoitem Sold-to PO item number for the item. Not being used.   Item - Order DataEngin.Change Not Being Used    BOMexpNo Not Being Used    ATP quantity Quantity used during ATP processing.    Delivery block stat. Status of item in relation to the delivery block    Billing block status Status of item in relation to the billing block    CS Not Being Used    A Not Being Used    Delivery time Not Being Used    Material group 1 Grouping used for tax reporting Material Master Item - Additional

Data AMaterial group 2 Indicator of DEA regulated products Material Master Item - Additional

Data AMaterial group 3 End Use Code Contract - Item Item - Additional

Data AMaterial group 4 Not Being Used   Item - Additional

Data AMaterial group 5 Not Being Used   Item - Additional

Data ACondition group 1 Not Being Used    Condition group 2 Not Being Used    Condition group 3 Not Being Used    Condition group 4 Not Being Used    Condition group 5 Not Being Used    Product hierarchy Product hierarchy for reporting purposes Material Master Item - Sales BMaterial group 1 Grouping used for tax reporting Material Master Item - Additional

Data AMaterial group 2 Indicator of DEA regulated products Material Master Item - Additional

Data AD Division Material Master Item - Sales BWBS Element Not Being Used    Order Not Being Used    Profit Center Profit Center used in financial entries for reporting Material Master Item - Account

AssignmentMaterial pricing grp Material Group used for pricing Contract - Item Item - Sales B

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationCustomer group Identifies a particular group of customers (for example,

wholesale or retail) for reportingSold-to Customer Item - Sales B

Price group Not Being Used    Price List Not Being Used    Sales district Not Being Used    Purchase order date Date of Sold-to item Purchase Order (by default, the

current date)  Item - Order Data

Purchase order type Manner in which the purchase order was received (by default the same as the header)

Manually populated Item - Order Data

Purchase order no. Customer's Customer PO Number   Item - Order DataPurchase order date Date of Customer's Customer Purchase Order (by default,

the current date)  Item - Order Data

Purchase order type Manner in which the customer received the PO from their customer

  Item - Order Data

Purch. Order item no Not Being Used    Storage Location Storage location where the product is being sourced. For

the majority of orders this will be left blank unless it is known.

  Item - Shipping

Delivery Priority Not Being Used    Description Not Being Used    Shipping Point/Recei Shipping point number from where the material is being

shipped. Determined by the shipping conditions, plant and load group from the material master.

  Item - Shipping

Part.dlv/item Specifies whether the customer requires full or partial delivery for the item.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Route Route ID used for shipping. Route contains transit time and carrier. For truck delivered and rail delivered, the route is automatically determined. For other modes of transportation, use the appropriate generic route.

  Item - Shipping

Net weight Total net weight of all the items in the order in lbs Material Master Item - ShippingWeight Unit UoM of net and gross weight (Always "lbs") Material Master Item - ShippingGross weight Gross weight of item in lbs Material Master Item - ShippingVolume Total volume of order (for liquid products only) Material Master Item - ShippingVolume Unit UoM of volume (always "GAL") Material Master Item - ShippingIncoterms Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the

standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Contract - Item Item - Billing Document

Incoterms (Part 2) Point of title transfer ("ORIGIN" or "DESTINATION") for US to US, US to CA, CA to US and CA to CA. For other orders, in addition to “ORIGIN” or “DESTINATION” the port can be entered. See table ZTINCO2 for additional options (using transaction ZTINCO2).

Contact - Item Item - Billing Document

Payt Terms Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Payer (or overridden by condition type "ZTRM")

Item - Billing Document

Billing block Indicates if the entire sales document is blocked for billing.   Item - Billing BlockBilRI Relevant for Billing Indicator.    HeadBilPln Not Being Used    Billng block Not Being Used    Overall status Overall status of item    Description Not Being Used    Exchange Rate Exchange rate used to convert value from USD4.    Pricing date By default the header pricing date the header requested

date. See item pricing date for additional informationAuto Item - Sales A

Material entered Material number of item Contract - Item  Substitution reason Not Being Used    Usage Not Being Used    Pricing Ref. Matl Not Being Used    

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationResults Analysis Key Not Being Used    Costing Sheet Not Being Used    Overhead key Not Being Used    Receiving Point Not Being Used    Department Not Being Used    Max.Part.Deliveries The maximum number of partial deliveries you can make

(including the first delivery) to satisfy the order quantity for an item.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Overdeliv. Tolerance Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an overdelivery of this item will be accepted.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Underdel. Tolerance Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an underdelivery of this item will be accepted.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Fixed value date Not Being Used    Addit.value days Not Being Used    Invoicing Dates Identifies the calendar that determines the schedule of

billing dates for the customer for customer on invoice lsitSold-to customer Item - Billing

DocumentBilling Date The date on which the billing is processed and booked for

accounting purposes.  Item - Billing Block

Serv.rendered date Not Being Used    Acct assignment grp Grouping that is used to determine the accounts that will

be posted for the orderMaterial Master Item - Billing

DocumentSource Not Being Used    Component quantity Not Being Used    Code Not Being Used    

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Sales Order Fields

2.2 Overview – Item Overview

Field Description Source Other First entered requested delivery date for entire order Manually populated  Deliver.Plant Not Being Used    

See the Overview – Sales section for details regarding the table.

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Sales Order Fields

2.3 Overview – Item Detail

Field Description Source Other LocationSales Document Item

Item Number    

Item Category Item Category: A classification used to drive processing for the item within SAP.


Material Material number of item    Pricing date By default the header pricing date the header requested

date. See item pricing date for additional informationAuto Item - Sales A

Order Quantity Order Quantity   Item - Sales AConversion Factors Conversion factors from unit of measure to pounds. Material Master Item - Sales ABus transaction type Always "11" for final sales   Item - Sales AReason for rejection Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales AUnloading Point Name of unloading point (for customers with the same

address but different unloading points within the same facility)

Ship-to Customer Item - Shipping

Receiving Point Not Being Used    Plant Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - Shipping

See the Overview – Sales section for details regarding the table.

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Sales Order Fields

2.4 Overview – Ordering Party

Field Description Source Other First entered requested delivery date for entire order Manually populated  Deliver.Plant Not Being Used    Pricing date By default the header pricing date the header requested

date. See item pricing date for additional informationAuto Header - Sales

POitem Sold-to PO item number for the item. Not being used.   Item - Order DataCustomer Material Number

Description used by the customer to refer to the material Contract - Item Item - Order Data

Item Item Number    Order Quantity Order Quantity   Item - Sales ASU Sales Unit of Measure: This will also drive the billing Unit

of MeasureContract - Item Item - Sales A

Material Material number of item Contract - Item  Description Not Being Used    First date The first requested delivery date Manually populated Item - Sales APlnt Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - ShippingItCa Item Category: A classification used to drive processing

for the item within SAP.   

S Indicates if more than one schedule line exists for the item.


HglLvIt The number of the higher-level item to which this item belongs in a hierarcy. Used to connect items that are shipped together in a split truck. Populate the second item with the item number of the first item.

Manually populated  

Batch Field only appears for batch managed materials. If an order is batch specific, batch number can be entered.

Manually populated Item - Sales A

CnTy Not Being Used    Amount Not Being Used    Crcy Document currency Ship-to Customer Item - Sales A

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationNet price The net price that results from the net value divided by the

order quantity   

per The quantity on which net price is based. Always equal to "1". (For example, Net Price = value per "1" UoM)


UoM Quantity unit to which the condition rate refers.   Item - ConditionsNet value The net value of the item, after any discounts and

surcharges are taken into account. Sales taxes are not included. The value is expressed in the document currency.

  Item - Conditions

Next scale Not Being Used    Billing block Indicates if the entire sales document is blocked for billing.   Item - Billing BlockBilRl Relevant for Billing Indicator.    H Not Being Used    BBD Not Being Used    PayT Key for defining payment terms composed of cash

discount percentages and payment periods.Payer (or overridden by condition type "ZTRM")

Item - Billing Document

IncoT Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Contract - Item Item - Billing Document

Incoterms (Part 2) Point of title transfer ("ORIGIN" or "DESTINATION") for US to US, US to CA, CA to US and CA to CA. For other orders, in addition to “ORIGIN” or “DESTINATION” the port can be entered. See table ZTINCO2 for additional options (using transaction ZTINCO2).

Contact - Item Item - Billing Document

RejectionReason Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales AWBS Element Not Being Used    

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Sales Order Fields

2.5 Overview – Procurement

Field Description Source Other LocationItem Item Number    Material Material number of item Contract - Item  Plnt Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - ShippingConfirmed Qty Confirmed Quantity (through ATP)    SU Sales Unit of Measure: This will also drive the billing Unit

of MeasureContract - Item Item - Sales A

Mat.Av.Dt. Will be the same as goods issue date   Schedule Lines - Shipping

SLCa Schedule Line Category drive SAP functionality for the schedule line

  Item - Schedule Lines

RqTy The requirements type determines the planning strategy to be used for a particular requirement

Material Master  

I Not Being Used    A Not Being Used    DeliveryDate Not Being Used    N Indicates whether multiple schedule lines exist for item    ATP quantity Quantity used during ATP processing.    Loading Date Will be the same as goods issue date   Schedule Lines -

ShippingRoute Route ID used for shipping. Route contains transit time

and carrier. For truck delivered and rail delivered, the route is automatically determined. For other modes of transportation, use the appropriate generic route.

  Item - Shipping

Part.dlv/item Specifies whether the customer requires full or partial delivery for the item.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Description Not Being Used    RejectionReason Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales A

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationShipping Point Shipping point number from where the material is being

shipped. Determined by the shipping conditions, plant and load group from the material master.

  Item - Shipping

Delivery block stat. Status of item in relation to the delivery block    Order Quantity Order Quantity   Item - Sales A

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Sales Order Fields

2.6 Overview – Shipping

Field Description Source Other LocationComplete dlv     Header - ShippingDelivery block stat. Status of order in relation to the delivery block    Overall status Overall status of entire order   Header - StatusTotal Weight (and UoM)

Total gross weight of all the items in the order in lbs Material Master Header - Shipping

Volume Total volume of order (for liquid products only) Material Master Header - ShippingDelivery status Delivery status of entire order    Item Item Number    Material Material number of item Contract - Item  Delivery group Not Being Used    DlvDateForGrp Not Being Used    Note schd.lines Indicates whether multiple schedule lines exist for item    Delivery Date Delivery Date    Mat.Av.Dt. Will be the same as goods issue date   Schedule Lines -

ShippingLoading Date Will be the same as goods issue date   Schedule Lines -

ShippingPlnt Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - ShippingShipping Point Shipping point number from where the material is being

shipped. Determined by the shipping conditions, plant and load group from the material master.

  Item - Shipping

Route Route ID used for shipping. Route contains transit time and carrier. For truck delivered and rail delivered, the route is automatically determined. For other modes of transportation, use the appropriate generic route.

  Item - Shipping

Part.dlv./item Specifies whether the customer requires full or partial delivery for the item.

Sold-to customer Item - Shipping

Delivery Priority Not Being Used    Delivery Block Indicates if the item is blocked for delivery.   Header - Shipping

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description Source Other LocationRejection Reason Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales ADC Not Being Used    CumConfirmedQty Cumulative confirmed quantity for all schedule line items

for item   

Sales unit Sales Unit of Measure: This will also drive the billing Unit of Measure

  Item - Sales A

Order quantity Order Quantity   Item - Sales ASLCa Schedule Line Category drive SAP functionality for the

schedule line  Item - Schedule

LinesRqTy The requirements type determines the planning strategy

to be used for a particular requirementMaterial Master  

Overall deliv.status Overall delivery status    Delivery status Delivery status of entire order    Delivery block stat. Status of item in relation to the delivery block    

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Sales Order Fields

2.7 Overview – Reason for Rejection

Field Description Source Other LocationOrder reason Indicates the reason for creating the sales document.

This is required for returns, credit requests and debit requests but can be added to the other order types

Entered by user Header - Sales

Item Item Number    Material Material number of item Contract - Item  Reason for rejection Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populated Item - Sales ANet Value The net value of the item, after any discounts and

surcharges are taken into account. Sales taxes are not included. The value is expressed in the document currency.

  Item - Conditions

Description Not Being Used    Plt Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract - Item Item - ShippingPOitem Sold-to PO item number for the item. Not being used.   Item - Order DataCustomer Material Numb

Description used by the customer to refer to the material Contract - Item Item - Order Data

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Sales Order Fields

3 HeaderAll the following fields apply to all line items on the order.

3.1 Header – Sales

Field Description SourceOrder Type A classification that distinguishes between different types of sales document:

-- DOM (Domestic) -- EXP (Export) -- DEXP (Domestic for Export) -- EXCH (Exchange) -- FD (Sample) -- KB (Consignment Fillup) -- KE (Consignment Issue) -- KA (Consignment Pickup) -- KR (Consignment Return) -- RE (Return) -- CR (Credit Request) -- DR (Debit Request)

Entered by user

Sales Area Data Sales Org / Distribution Channel / DivisionThe sales org defines the organization responsible for the sale: -- 4630 (Sun Petrochemical Company) -- 5700 (Sunoco R&M) -- 5760 (Epsilon: This should never appear on a customer order. This is for internal processing only)

Distribution Channel and Division will alwasy be 99.

Contract Header

Sales Office The location where the order was placed. These will be tied directly to each CSRs ID to populate this field. If it is not populated, it can be manually added. -- 1000 (HQ Mellon Bank Ctr) -- 1001 (HQ - 1818) -- 1002 (Pitt Tech & Comm Ctr)

User ID

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Sales Order Fields

Field Description SourceSales Group Not Being Used  Version Not Being Used  Order Reason Indicates the reason for creating the sales document. This is required for

returns, credit requests and debit requests but can be added to the other order types

Entered by user

Delivery Time Not Being Used  Document Date The date on which you want the sales document to become effective for

sales management purposes. By default this is the creation dateAuto

Created By SAP ID of user who entered the order AutoCreated On The date on which the document was created AutoGuarantee Not Being Used  Doc Currency (and exchange rate)

The currency that applies to the document. Ship-to Customer

Price Procedure Determines which condition types can be used in a document and in which sequence they appear.


Price list Not Being Used  Price Group Not Being Used  Diff Ref Code Not being used on the header -- see item for use  Pricing Date By default the header pricing date the header requested date. See item

pricing date for additional informationAuto

Customer Group Identifies a particular group of customers (for example, wholesale or retail) for reporting

Sold-to Customer

Usage Identifies orders as Push (PSH) or Pull (PLL). -- PLL (Pull)


Sales District Not Being Used  

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Sales Order Fields

3.2 Header – Shipping

Field Description SourceShip to Party Customer Number of Ship to Customer Ship-to CustomerUnloading Point Name of unloading point (for customers with the same address but different

unloading points within the same facility)Ship-to Customer

Department Not Being Used  Delivery Block Indicates if the entire document is blocked for delivery.  Shipping Conditions Mode of transportation  DG mgmt Profile Not Being Used  MnsOfTrns type Not Being Used  MeansTransp. Not Being Used  Receiving Point Not Being Used  Complete Delivery Indicates whether a sales order must be delivered completely in a single

delivery or whether the order can be partially delivered and completed over a number of deliveries.

Sold-to Customer

Order Combination Indicates whether you are allowed to combine orders during delivery processing.

Sold-to Customer

Contains DG Not Being Used  Shipping Type Not Being Used  SpecProcId Not Being Used  POD-relevant Indicates if order is Proof of Delivery relevant (billing will not occur until POD

has been completed) 

Total Weight Total gross weight of all the items in the order in lbs Material MasterNet Weight Total net weight of all the items in the order in lbs Material MasterVolume Total volume of order (for liquid products only) Material Master

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Sales Order Fields

3.3 Header – Billing

Field Description SourcePayer Customer Number of Payer  Incoterms Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the standards established by

the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).Contract Header

Incoterms (Part 2) Point of title transfer ("ORIGIN" or "DESTINATION") for US to US, US to CA, CA to US and CA to CA. For other orders, in addition to “ORIGIN” or “DESTINATION” the port can be entered. See table ZTINCO2 for additional options (using transaction ZTINCO2).

Contact - Item

Terms of Payment Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Payer Customer

Fixed Value Date Not Being Used  AddValueDays Not Being Used  Billing Block Indicates if the entire sales document is blocked for billing.  Invoicing Dates Identifies the calendar that determines the schedule of billing dates for the

customer for customer on invoice lsitPayer Customer

Billing Date The date on which the billing is processed and booked for accounting purposes.


Serv.rendered Date

Not Being Used  

Tax Dept Country Not Being Used  SubsInvProcessing Not Being Used  Ccode to be Billed Company Code to be billed Sales OrganizationAltTaxClassific Not Being Used  Tax Dest Country Not Being Used  EU Triang Deal Not Being Used  Paymt guarant. Proc.

If order has a letter of credit to guarantee payment, populate "000001" Manually populated

Financial doc no. If order has a letter of credit to guarantee payment, populate the number of the letter of credit (provided by credit department)

Manually populated

Depreciation % Not Being Used  

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Sales Order Fields

3.4 Header – Accounting

Field Description SourceAcctAssgGr Grouping that is used to determine the accounts that will be posted for the

orderSold-to Customer

Posting Period Not Being Used  Assigment Dunning Key

Not Being Used  

Dunning Block Not Being Used  Reference Not Being Used  Payment Method Payment method with which this item is to be paid. Payer CustomerExch.rate-acct Not Being Used  Ccode to be Billed Company Code to be billed Sales OrganizationNet Net value of document  Tax Tax amount of document  Pricing Elements The condition records are the details of the pricing for the document  WBS Element Not Being Used  Business Area Not Being Used  

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Sales Order Fields

3.5 Header – Conditions

Field Description SourceNet (and Currency) The net value of the entire document, after any discounts and surcharges are

taken into account. Sales taxes are not included. The value is expressed in the document currency.

Tax Tax amount of the entire document SabrixPricing Elements The condition records are the details of the pricing for the document. These

are summed from the individual items.

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Sales Order Fields

3.6 Header – Account Assignment

Field Description SourceWBS Element Not Being Used  Business Area Not Being Used  

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Sales Order Fields

3.7 Header – Partners

Field Description SourcePartn.Funct = AG (SP) Sold-to Party

Sold-to Customer number  

Partn.Funct = EK (BU) Buyer Coordinator

Buyer coordinator placing the order. If the buyer coordinator with the name “GENERAL BUYER COORDINATOR” is chosen. Double click on this line item to update the actual name of the person placing the order.

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = RE (BP) Bill-to Party

Bill-to Customer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = RG (PY) Payer

Payer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = WE (SH) Ship-to Party

Ship-to Customer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z1 Acct Manager - Genl

Number that represent the account manager (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z2 Acct Manager - Pers

Number that represent the account manager (actual individual employee) Account Manager - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z3 Group Sales Manager

Number that represent the group sales manager (actual individual employee) Account Manager - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z4 Employee Resp - Genl

Number that represent the employee responsible (i.e. CSR) (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z5 Employee Resp - Pers

Number that represent the employee responsible (i.e. CSR) (actual individual employee)

Employee Responsible - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z6 Tech Rep - Genl

Number that represent the technical representative (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z7 Tech Rep - Pers

Number that represent the technical representative (actual individual employee)

Tech Rep - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z9 (PS) Price Support

Price Support customer -- used for some distributors to receive an upfront discount

Manually populated

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Field Description SourcePartnerPartn.Funct = ZA (M1) MSDS Contact 1

Contact person to receive MSDS  Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZE (M2) MSDS Contact 2

Contact person to receive MSDS  Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZB (BL) BOL Recipient

Contact person to receive BOL Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZD (FD) Final Destination

Final Destination of delivery. Either the number of the ship-to customer can be used or the generic final destination customer 6000000.

Contract Header

Partn.Funct = ZF (FB) Freight Bill Payer

The customer number of the freight bill payer when the freight bill payer is not Sunoco or the Customer

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZU (UL) Ultimate Customer

The ultimate customer used for reporting purposes. Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZC (CB) Export Customs Broker

The vendor representing the export customs broker. It is assumed that the export customs broker is also the freight forwarder unless otherwise specified with the freight forwarder partner function. This is specific to export orders.

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = SP (CR) Freight Forwarder

The vendor representing the freight forwarder. It is assumed that if there is not a freight forwarder is not on the order, that it is the same as the export customs broker (CB). This applies only to export orders, however it is not required.

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = TZ Import Customs Broker

The vendor representing the import customs broker. This applies only to export orders, however it is not required.

Sold-to Customer

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3.8 Header – Text

* If both the sold-to and ship-to customers have the same type of text, the ship-to customer text will override the sold-to customer text.* Not all text appears for all order types. Below is all possible text on all order types

Field Description SourceDesk Details Internal notes Sold-to or Ship-to

CustomerTransportation Transportation Text Sold-to or Ship-to

CustomerSpecial Instructions Special Instructions that print on the Order Acknowledgement Sold-to or Ship-to

CustomerBOL Text Text to print on the Bill of Lading Sold-to or Ship-to

CustomerQuality Quality Instruction Sold-to or Ship-to

CustomerLabeling Instructions Labeling Instructions print on the Order Acknowledgement to the third party

locations (ZOAT)Sold-to or Ship-to Customer

Invoice Text Invoice text that prints on the invoice Sold-to or Ship-to Customer

Water Movement Information

For exports that are going to be on the water, information such vessel number and name can be added here to print on the order acknowledgement

Manually entered

Return Description For return orders, enter any additional information regarding the return that needs to be documented

Manually entered

Return Authorization For return orders, paste the supply chain authorization email to accept the return.

Manually entered

Return Disposition For return orders, enter the return displosition Manually enteredCredit/Debit Authorization

For credit and debit requests, paste the appropriate email to authorize the credit/debit.

Manually entered

Credit/Debit Description

For credit and debit requests, enter any additional information regarding the credit/debit that needs to be documented

Manually entered

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3.9 Header – Order Data

Field Description SourcePO Number Overall Purchase order number Manually populatedPurchase order date Date of Purchase Order (by default, the current date)  Purchase order type Manner in which the purchase order was received Manually populatedLast Contact date Not Being Used  Name Not Being Used  Your Reference Not Being Used  Telelphone Not Being Used  Addit. Not Being Used  No of Dunnings Not Being Used  Collective No Not Being Used  Purchase order no. Customer's Customer PO number  Purchase order date Date of Customer's Customer PO  Purchase order type Manner in which the customer received the PO from their customer  Your Reference Not Being Used  

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3.10 Header – Status

Field Description SourceOverall status Overall status of entire orderRejection status Rejection status of entire orderDelivery status Delivery status of entire orderCredit status Credit status of entire orderOverall blkd status Overall blocked status of entire orderHeader Data Overall completeness of header data of the orderHeader dlv Data Displays the incompleteness status of the header order data related to the

delivery.Header bill.dat Displays the incompleteness status of the header order data related to the

billingItem Data Overall completeness item data of the orderItem Deliv Data Displays the incompleteness status of the item order data related to the

delivery.Item Bill Data Displays the incompleteness status of the item order data related to the


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3.11 Header – Additional Data A

Field Description SourceCustomer Group 1 Not Being UsedCustomer Group 2 Not Being UsedCustomer Group 3 Not Being UsedCustomer Group 4 Not Being UsedCustomer Group 5 Not Being UsedCondition Group 1 Not Being UsedCondition Group 2 Not Being UsedCondition Group 3 Not Being UsedCondition Group 4 Not Being UsedCondition Group 5 Not Being Used

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3.12 Header – Additional Data B

No Fields.

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3.13 Header – Interest

Field Description SourceInterest Not being used.

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4 Item Data

4.1 Item – Sales A

Field Description SourceOrder Quantity (and UoM)

Order quantity in the order unit of measure Manually populated

Conversion Factors Conversion factors from unit of measure to pounds. Material MasterFirst Delivery Date The first requested delivery date Manually populatedDelivery Time Not Being Used  Contract Number (and Item)

Number of contract (and item) used to create item.  

Net Value (and Currency)

Net value of item  

Exch.rate Exchange rate used to convert value from USD4.  Pricing Date Pricing date used for the item (based upon estimated ship date)  Material Entered Material number of item  EAN/UPC Not Being Used  Engineering Change Not Being Used  Batch Field only appears for batch managed materials. If an order is batch specific,

batch number can be entered.Manually populated

BOM Explosion number

Not Being Used  

Usage Not Being Used  Bus Transaction Type

Always "11" for final sales  

Reason for Rejection Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually populatedGross/net price rule Not Being Used  Altnernative to item Not Being Used  

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4.2 Item – Sales B

Field Description SourcePr Ref Material Not Being Used  Prod Hierarcy Product hierarchy for reporting purposes Material MasterMaterial Group Material group used for reporting Material MasterMatGroup1 Not Being Used  MatGroup2 Not Being Used  Division Division material belongs to Material MasterCustomer Group Customer classification used for reporting Sold-to CustomerPrice List Not Being Used  Diff Ref Code Geographic code used for pricing for some distributors Contract ItemMat.pricing grp Material Group used for pricing Contract ItemPrice Group Group used for pricing Contract ItemSales District Not Being Used  Partner funct. Not Being Used  Acctg Indicator Not Being Used  Ship-to msg Not Being Used  Products msg Not Being Used  Quantity msg Not Being Used  UoM msg Not Being Used  Pay terms msg Not Being Used  Valid date msg Not Being Used  

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4.3 Item – Shipping

Field Description SourceShip-to Party Ship-to Customer  Unloading Point    Department Not Being Used  Plant Plant number from where the material is being sourced Contract ItemShipping Point Shipping point number from where the material is being shipped. Determined by

the shipping conditions, plant and load group from the material master. 

Route Route ID used for shipping. Route contains transit time and carrier. For truck delivered and rail delivered, the route is automatically determined. For other modes of transportation, use the appropriate generic route.


Mat.freight Grp Not Being Used  MnsOfTrns type Not Being Used  MeansTransp. Not Being Used  Receiving Point Not Being Used  Delivery Prior. Not Being Used  Stor. Location Storage location where the product is being sourced. For the majority of orders

this will be left blank unless it is known. 

Part.dlv/item Specifies whether the customer requires full or partial delivery for the item. Sold-to customerMax.Part.Deliv. The maximum number of partial deliveries you can make (including the first

delivery) to satisfy the order quantity for an item.Sold-to customer

Order Combination

Indicates whether you are allowed to combine orders during delivery processing. Sold-to customer

Shipping Type Not Being Used  Spec.Processing Freight terms Contract ItemNet Weight (and UoM)

Net weight of item in lbs. Material Master

Gross Weight Gross weight of item in lbs Material MasterVolume Volume of item in gallons (liquids only) Material MasterOverdeliv. Tolerance

Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an overdelivery of this item will be accepted.

Sold-to customer

Underdeliv. Tolerance

Percentage (based on the order quantity) up to which an underdelivery of this item will be accepted.

Sold-to customer

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Field Description SourceUnlimited Tol Not Being Used  

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4.4 Item – Billing Document

Field Description SourcePayer Payer customer  Incoterms Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).Contract Item

Incoterms (Part 2) Point of title transfer ("ORIGIN" or "DESTINATION") for US to US, US to CA, CA to US and CA to CA. For other orders, in addition to “ORIGIN” or “DESTINATION” the port can be entered. See table ZTINCO2 for additional options (using transaction ZTINCO2).

Contact - Item

Payment Terms Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Payer (or overridden by condition type "ZTRM")

Fixed Value Date Not Being Used  Add.Value Days Not Being Used  Title passes at Plant Not Being Used  Billing Block Indicates if the entire sales document is blocked for billing. Manually PopulatedInvoicing Dates Identifies the calendar that determines the schedule of billing dates for the

customer for customer on invoice lsitSold-to customer

Billing Date The date on which the billing is processed and booked for accounting purposes.  Serv.rendered Date Not Being Used  Tax classific Tax Classification of Material Material MasterAcct asgnment grp Grouping that is used to determine the accounts that will be posted for the order Material MasterPayment Method Payment method with which this item is to be paid. Payer CustomerPosting Period Not Being Used  Exch.rate-acct Not Being Used  Dunning Key Not Being Used  Dunning Block Not Being Used  Rev. recog Not Being Used  Acc. Start Not Being Used  Revenue Dist Not Being Used  

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Field Description SourcePaym.guar.proc If only the item has a letter of credit to guarantee payment, populate "000001".

(If the entire order is guaranteed, use the same field on the header)Manually Populated If only the item has a letter of credit to guarantee payment, populate the number of the letter of credit (provided by credit department). (If the entire order is guaranteed by the same document, use the same field on the item)

Manually Populated

PaytGuarFm Not Being Used  Ret Not Being Used  Deprec. Not Being Used  1-9 Not Being Used  

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4.5 Item – Tax Exemption License

Field Description SourceLicenses Used for Tax Exemption

Not being used.

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4.6 Item – Excise Duty

Field Description SourceInternal license no Not Being UsedExternal license no Not Being UsedLicense Type Not Being UsedValid from Not Being UsedValid to Not Being Used

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4.7 Item – Conditions

Field Description SourceQty Quantity (and unit of measure) used for pricingNet (and Currency) Net value of itemTax Tax on itemPricing Elements The condition records are the details of the pricing for the document

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4.8 Item – Account Assignment

Field Description SourceBusiness Area Not Being Used  Profit Center Profit Center used in financial entries for reporting Material MasterWBS Element Not Being Used  Order Not Being Used  Profit Segment Not Being Used  Costing Sheet Not Being Used  Overhead Key Not Being Used  Profit Center Billing Profit Center used in financial entries for reporting Material Master

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4.9 Item – Schedule Lines

Field Description SourceFixed date and quantity

Indicates whether you want to fix the delivery dates and quantities that are confirmed after an availability check for the item.

Delivery Time Not Being UsedOrder Quantity (and UoM)

Order Quantity and Unit of Measure

Delivered qty Quantity already deliveredExternal Date Type Always "D" by DefaultDelivery Date Delivery DateOrder Quantity Order QuantityRounded qty Order QuantityConfirmed qty Confirmed Quantity (through ATP)Sales UoM Unit of MeasureDelivery Block Indicates if the entire document is blocked for delivery.Delivered qty Quantity already Category used to drive functionality for shippingPurchase Requisition

Not Being Used

Requisn Item Not Being Used

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4.9.1 Schedule Lines - Sales

Field Description SourceConfirmed qty Confirmed Quantity (through ATP)Conversion Factors Factor used to convert sales unit of measure to lbs.Delivery Date Delivery DateArrival Time Arrival TimeOrder Quantity Order QuantityRounded quantity Order QuantityRequired quanitity Total required quantityEngin.change Not Being UsedBOM Explosion number

Not Being Used

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4.9.2 Schedule Lines - Shipping

Field Description SourceConfirmed qty Confirmed Quantity (through ATP)Conversion Factors Factor used to convert sales unit of measure to lbs.Delivery date Delivery DateArrival Time Arrival TimeGoods issue date Goods Issue date calculated from delivery date minus transit time (taking into

consideration factory calendar of ship point)GI Time Goods issue timeLoading Date Will be the same as goods issue dateLoading Time Will be the same as goods issue timeMaterial Will be the same as goods issue date. Used in ATP.Matl Staging time Will be the same as goods issue timeTransportation Plan.Date

Will be the same as goods issue date

Tr.Plan.Time Will be the same as goods issue timeShipping Point Shipping point number from where the material is being shipped.

Determined by the shipping conditions, plant and load group from the material master.

Route Route ID used for shipping. Route contains transit time and carrier. For truck delivered and rail delivered, the route is automatically determined. For other modes of transportation, use the appropriate generic route.

Route Schedule Not Being UsedDelivery Block Indicates if the item is blocked for delivery.

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4.9.3 Schedule Lines - Procurement

Field Description SourceSchedule line date Delivery DateOrder Quantity (and UoM)

Order quantity

Rounded quantity Order quantityPlant/Stge loc. Plant and storage locationMovement Type Movement type used to drive material movement

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4.9.4 Schedule Lines – Dangerous Goods

Field Description SourceSelection date Not Being UsedExcepted Quantity Not Being UsedReportable Quantity Not Being UsedExemption: Highly Visc.

Not Being Used

Listed Goods Not Being UsedReg. prof. exc. Qty (and No overwriting)

Not Being Used

Reg. prof. rep. Qty (and No overwriting)

Not Being Used

Reg. prof. exmpt:HV (and No overwriting)

Not Being Used

Reg. prof. lstd gds (and No overwriting)

Not Being Used

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4.10 Item – Partners

Many of the partners are display only on the item because they are set up on the header of the order.

Field Description SourcePartn.Funct = AG (SP) Sold-to Party

Sold-to Customer number  

Partn.Funct = EK (BU) Buyer Coordinator

Buyer coordinator placing the order Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = RE (BP) Bill-to Party

Bill-to Customer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = RG (PY) Payer

Payer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = WE (SH) Ship-to Party

Ship-to Customer Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z1 Acct Manager - Genl

Number that represent the account manager (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z2 Acct Manager - Pers

Number that represent the account manager (actual individual employee) Account Manager - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z3 Group Sales Manager

Number that represent the group sales manager (actual individual employee) Account Manager - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z4 Employee Resp - Genl

Number that represent the employee responsible (i.e. CSR) (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z5 Employee Resp - Pers

Number that represent the employee responsible (i.e. CSR) (actual individual employee)

Employee Responsible - Genl

Partn.Funct = Z6 Tech Rep - Genl

Number that represent the technical representative (general title -- not the individual employee)

Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = Z7 Number that represent the technical representative (actual individual Tech Rep - Genl

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Field Description SourceTech Rep - Pers employee)Partn.Funct = Z9 (PS) Price Support Partner

Price Support customer -- used for some distributors to receive an upfront discount

Manually populated

Partn.Funct = ZA (M1) MSDS Contact 1

Contact person to receive MSDS  Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZE (M2) MSDS Contact 2

Contact person to receive MSDS  Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZB (BL) BOL Recipient

Contact person to receive BOL Ship-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZD (FD) Final Destination

Final Destination of delivery. Either the number of the ship-to customer can be used or the generic final destination customer 6000000.

Contract Header

Partn.Funct = ZF (FB) Freight Bill Payer

The customer number of the freight bill payer when the freight bill payer is not Sunoco or the Customer

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZU (UL) Ultimate Customer

The ultimate customer used for reporting purposes. Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = ZC (CB) Export Customs Broker

The vendor representing the export customs broker. It is assumed that the export customs broker is also the freight forwarder unless otherwise specified with the freight forwarder partner function. This is specific to export orders.

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = SP (CR) Freight Forwarder

The vendor representing the freight forwarder. It is assumed that if there is not a freight forwarder is not on the order, that it is the same as the export customs broker (CB). This applies only to export orders, however it is not required.

Sold-to Customer

Partn.Funct = TZ Import Customs Broker

The vendor representing the import customs broker. This applies only to export orders, however it is not required.

Sold-to Customer

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4.11 Item – Texts

* Not all text appears for all order types. Below is all possible text on all order types

Field Description SourceDesk Details Internal notes Contract ItemTransportation Transportation Text Contract ItemSpecial Instructions Special Instructions that print on the Order Acknowledgement Contract ItemBOL Text Text to print on the Bill of Lading Contract ItemQuality Quality Instruction Contract ItemLabeling Instructions Labeling Instructions prints on the Order Acknowledgement to third parties

only (ZOAT).Contract Item

Invoice Text Invoice text that prints on the invoice Contract ItemManual Price Authorization

Authorization for manually added price Manually Populated

Manual Price Reason Code

Reason code for manually pricing used for reporting purposes Manually populated

Customer Specific DG Info

DG information that prints on BOL. Specifically, enter Canadian ERP information.

Contract Item

RR License Number Railroad license number to print on the BOL Manually Populated

Permit Number Permit number to print on the BOL (used mainly for shipment to Mexico) Manually Populated

Authorization Paste authorization email from appropriate approver for rebate accruals and settlements.

Manually populated

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4.12 Item – Order Data

Field Description SourcePO Number Item Purchase order number (by default the same as header)  Purchase order date Date of Purchase Order (by default, the current date)  Purchase order type Manner in which the purchase order was received (by default the same as

the header) 

Purchase order item Not Being Used  Your Reference Used in the Inbound Eastman and Kleinschmidt interface to store the

customer’s B2B revision number.Inbound Interface

Customer Material Customer Material Description Contract ItemPurchase order no. Customer's Customer PO number  Purchase order date Date of Customer's Customer PO  Purchase order type Manner in which the customer received the PO from their customer  Purchase order item Not Being Used  Your Reference Not Being Used  

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4.13 Item – Status

Field Description SourceOverall Status Status of item  Reason for Rejection Reason for rejecting item -- this cancels the line item Manually

PopulatedDelivery status Delivery status of item  Item Data Indicates completeness of item data  Item data for deliv Indicates completeness of item data related to the delivery  Item billing data Indicates completeness of item data related to the billing document  

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4.14 Item – Structure

Not being used

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4.15 Item – Additional Data A

Field Description SourceMaterial Group 1 Grouping used for tax reporting Material MasterMaterial Group 2 Indicator of DEA regulated products Material MasterMaterial Group 3 End Use Code Contract ItemMaterial Group 4 Not Being Used  Material Group 5 Not Being Used  Condition Group 1 Not Being Used  Condition Group 2 Not Being Used  Condition Group 3 Not Being Used  Condition Group 4 Not Being Used  Condition Group 5 Not Being Used  

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4.16 Item – Additional Data B


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