sap tutor 2.0-2.1 delta

SAP Tutor Version 2.1 Delta Presentation SAP AG

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SAP Tutor Version 2.1Delta Presentation


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SAP Tutor 2.1

Produce high quality content with less effort

Enhanced flexibility in creating, deploying, and presenting content

Provide new Editor functions while still keeping it simple

Use a single company-wide template for Tutorial creation

Version 2.1 scheduled for October 2005

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Player Settings

The Player Setting has been modified to include the “Toolbar Visible” checkbox rather than “Fullscreen”

In order to assist users on low-bandwidth connections, a “Prompt before launching Hyperlink” checkbox lets users block hyperlinks from running

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Step Descriptions

The Step Descriptions have been enhanced so that there is only a single description area

New Features:Combined – The old Task and Step Description areas have been combined intoa single areaAble to be minimized – if the description covers an important part of the screen, or the user wants to hide it for a number of steps, then it can be minimizedMoveable – if the description covers an important part of the screen then the user can move the description to another part of the screenScrollable – if the description contains more text then can be displayed then a scrollbar will automatically appearAble to be positioned – the tutorial author can position individual descriptions in order to not cover important informationAble to be sized – the tutorial author can change the size of individual descriptions to better fit the available desktop areaColored – the Step Description background areas can now have the same colorsas the speech bubble background

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Resume Lesson

If a Tutorial in Lesson mode is being run from a SCORM compliant LMS, and/or being tracked to a Microsoft SQL, ORACLE, or mySQL database, then if the user exits the tutorial before completing the lesson, then “Resume data” is stored in the database

When the user subsequently starts the same tutorial in Lesson mode again they are prompted whether they wish to Resume or Restart the tutorial

Resume Lesson is only available in Lesson mode

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SAP Tutor Editor

In this section you will learn about the new features in the SAP Tutor Editor

There have been changes and improvements in the following areas, amongst others:

Enhanced Co-operation and Standardization using Centralized Settings and GuidelinesLearning Experience (modification to the interface to enhance user participation)Layout and FormattingCreating Tutorials and Re-using Existing Content

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Empty Editor

It is now possible for the Editor to be opened without opening a corresponding Tutorial.

Provides access to the Help -> About dialog.

Allows the Template location and Defaults to be set in a central location for access by all authors in the Project Team.

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Settings Menu

Settings Menu

Without a tutorial being open in the Editor, the Settings menu is active.

To prevent confusion, all other menu items have been disabled, including the Button Bar buttons.

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Editor Settings

Menu has been enhanced.Set Defaults brings together

onto one dialog all default settings

Templates Location allows the defaults file to be shared by all authors in the project team ensuring consistency and adherence to standards

Agent and Bubble can now be viewed and positioned separately in Lesson and Assessment modes

Since Descriptions have been enhanced and are now a floating object, they need to be viewed and positioned in the Editor

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Set Defaults

The defaults which were previously set in different places have all been gathered into a single location.

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Templates Location

In order to help Project Team authors, all the Default settings defined in the “Set Defaults”dialog have been stored in a single file -SAPTutor_Templates.bin

Using the Templates Location menu allows a central location to be defined for this file

All authors in the Project Team can then access the same default settings by setting their Templates Location to the same place

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Agent and Bubble Positioning

The Agent and Bubble positions can now be set individually in both Lesson mode and Assessment mode

The Position dialog allows:the position to be reset to Defaultthe new position to be applied to all

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Description Positioning

The Step and Task descriptions have been consolidated into a single “Description” object.

Descriptions are now floating and can be placed anywhere on the screen

The Task Description appears at the top of the Description, with the Step Description appearing underneath

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Tutorial, Lesson, and Assessment Settings

The Tutorial, Lesson, and Assessment settings have been consolidated onto a single dialog allowing navigation from one screen to the other using menus on the combined screen

The relevant screen can still be directly navigated to using the Settings menu in the Editor

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Copyright and Mistake Feedback

The Copyright Notice and Mistake Feedback dialogs have been moved onto the Tutorial Dialog which is a more suitable location for both of these settings that affect the whole Tutorial

There is also a Background Color Player tab which allows the color of the non-image part of the Player to be set for the entire Tutorial

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Task and Step Description Names

Since the Task and Step Descriptions have been combined into a single description, each part can be given a name to help users differentiate the two parts.

The names are Rich Text, and can be formatted with the standard fonts, colors, sizes, and styles.

If both names are blank then the names don’t appear in the description.

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Agent and Speech in Assessment Mode

The Agent and Speech can now be set individually in Lesson mode and Assessment mode. This allows differing Agents and Speech engines for each of the modes

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Close Menu Item

If access is required to the “Set Defaults” dialog, which is only available when there are no Tutorials open in the Editor, the new File - > Close menu option can be used to close the existing Tutorial without having to stop and restart the Editor.

Once changes have been made to the “Set Defaults” dialog, then a tutorial can be opened again.

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Recently Opened File List

The “File” menu now has a list of up to the last 10 SAP Tutorials that have been opened in the Editor.

In order to reopen a tutorial in the list, click on the desired entry.

Whenever a file that appears in the list is opened, it’s name is promoted to the top of the list.

If an entry should point to a file that no longer exists, the entry will remain in the list until selected by the user, in which case the user can choose to create a new tutorial with the same name, or drops off the bottom when more than 10 entries would result.

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File Open Default

As a result of the Recently Opened File list, when the Editor isopened from a shortcut or through the menu, then the File Open dialog will default to the Last Opened file.

If this file no longer exists then the user will be prompted to create it if they don’t select another file.

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Import Image

Images in bmp, gif, and jpg format can now be imported into a Tutorial to create a new step for every image file selected

The steps are the same size as, and named the same as the original image file

Selecting the menu opens up a standard File Selection dialog allowing multiple image files to be selected

Clicking OK on the dialog causes each image to be imported as a new step

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Import Steps

Import Steps opens up another Tutorial in which steps can be selected for import into the current tutorial

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Tooltips can be assigned to any Attention or Interaction area

The Tooltip menu becomes active once an area has been selected

Tooltips can emulate real tooltips as they appear in applications, or they can be used to provide extra information about an object on the screen

Move your mouse pointer over the “Back” button below to see a tooltip

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Step Menu

The Step menu has been consolidated so that the Pointer, Agent, Bubble, and Step Description items are grouped

Each of these items has similar submenus, allowing the item to be enabled / disabled per step, for the position of the object to be changed, saved, and reset back to the original location

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The Pointer has been enhanced so that it’s image can be replaced by any existing image on the Author’s workstation

By using an image that is different from the standard, the Pointer can be used to direct the user’s attention to a particular location

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Copy and Paste Attention Area

Sometimes an Attention area is required on a number of steps in a Tutorial

The Step Menu now contains menu items allowing an Attention area to be copied and pasted between steps

When an Attention areas has been selected, the “Copy Attention Area”menu becomes active

Once an Attention area has been copied, and with no other area being selected, the “Paste Attention Area”menu becomes active

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Formatting Date Variables

The Author can now format Date variables using the date formats available on their system and according to their Locale

If “System Default” is used, then the date will be formatted according to the System Default for the Locale on the Workstation running the Tutorial

If any other format is chosen, then the date will be formatted that way on all workstations running the tutorial, irrespective of their Locale settings

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Start Parameters

3 parameters have been added to the tutorial start command/demo/lesson/text

Allows a the same, single tutorial to be used for “Show Me”, “Let Me Try”, and “Test Me” simulations

SAP_Tutor_2.0-2.1_Delta.sim /demo – only runs the tutorial as an automatic demonstration

SAP_Tutor_2.0-2.1_Delta.sim /lesson – only runs the tutorial as an interactive lesson

SAP_Tutor_2.0-2.1_Delta.sim /test – only runs the tutorial as an interactive assessment

These settings are independent of the “Mode” setting in the Tutorial Settings

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Support for SCORM 2004

SAP Tutor has added support for the SCORM 2004 API

Enables SAP Tutor tutorials to be used with any modern Learning Management System

Additional Features:For Assessments, the percentage score obtained by the candidate is returned to the LMSSupport has been added for suspending a Lesson. This gives the user the option to restart the SAP Tutor Lesson, or to resume from the step they last finished on(Assessments cannot be interrupted)

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Enhanced Multiple Choice Tests

A new feature lets you prepare a pool of Multiple Choice test Questions

When the test is run, the Player will randomly select the given number of questions from the pool

This will make testing more challenging for the learner and will provide more meaningful test results

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Enhanced Audio File Import

You can use audio files to add your own audio instructions as an alternative to using the text-to-speech engines

When importing an audio file into a step, you are now given the option to convert the audio file into a Java-compatible format (with consequent loss of audio quality) or to import it unconverted

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Export to Word

Export to Word has been completely rewritten to better take advantage of the Word Template capabilities

The following tags can be used anywhere within the template, including the Header and Footer:

<Author>, <Category>, <Company>, <CreationDate>, <ModificationDate>, <Title>, <Version>, <Copyright>, <Filename>

The following tags can be used once before the “repeating page” in the template:

<LessonIntroduction>, <TableOfContents>

The following tags can be used in any order on the “repeating page” in the template:

<TaskName>, <StepNumber>, <StepName>, <Image>, <SpeechBubble>, <Description>, <MultipleChoiceWithAnswers> or <MultipleChoiceNoAnswers>

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Export to Word - cont

The template can be formatted with an Introductory page, headers and footers, odd and even page formatting, as well as including a variable number or pages before and after the “repeating page”

During the export, the tags, “<something>” are replaced by the relevant item from the tutorial. If the item doesn’t exist, then the tag is removed

Most text items within the tutorial are now Rich Text. Since itmay be necessary to use different font, size, and color than the original text in a printed document, adding f – font, s –size, or c – color to a tag will cause the text to use that characteristic of the tag

e.g. <SpeechBubble,fs> will cause the speech bubble text to use the font –Arial, and Size – 16, of the tag, but the color won’t change

e.g. <SpeechBubble,c> will leave the font and size original, but all the speech bubble text will have the SAP Blue colour.

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Record the Desktop

Sometimes it is difficult to record some applications. In these cases, select “Record the Desktop” to record every application you interact with on the workstation

The Recorder will now record a step whenever any of the following keys are used:

F1 – F12, Tab, Enter, Page Down, Page Up, Left, Right, Up, Down, Home, End, Insert, and Delete

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Adjust Application Size

In order to create consistently sized SAP Tutor Tutorials, the image sizes should all be consistent

This is especially important when multiple separate applications are recorded in the same Tutorial

The Adjust Application Size dialog now contains three predetermined screen sizes, with automatic adjustment depending on whether the Player Toolbar will be visible or not

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Mode & Pass / Fail Reporting

The Filter dialog has been modified to include a “Mode”filter which allows the selection of “Lesson” or “Assessment” mode results only.

The Filter dialog has also been modified for People-centric views to allow the selection of “Pass / Fail / Never Passed” or “Completed / Not Completed / Never Completed” results, depending on the selected mode

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Feedback Follow-up

On screens where the User Feedback is displayed, an administrator can now add notes in the “Feedback Follow-up” field to indicate “When” follow-up was done, “Who” did the follow-up, and “What” follow-up had been done.

This helps to ensure that where follow-up is deemed necessary, notes can be written detailing the level of follow-up

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Results View

In addition to the existing Tutorial, Personal, and Feedback views, a “Results view” has been added to allow administrators to find out, per tutorial, who has run that particular tutorial, and the results they obtained

This supplements the Personal View whereby an administrator can find out, per user, what tutorials have been run

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Enabling Resume Lesson

Resume Lesson is only available when the lesson is run from a SCORM compliant LMS, or the lesson is being tracked using SAP Tutor Tracking

If the user exits the tutorial before completing the lesson, then “Resume data” is stored in the database

When the user subsequently starts the same tutorial in Lesson mode again they are prompted whether they wish to Resume or Restart the tutorial

The Resume Lesson capability can be enabled in an existing SAP Tutor database by opening the database with the SAP Tutor Version 2.1 Reporter. This automatically adds the required tables

A database created using the SAP Tutor Version 2.1 DB Settings will have all the required tables to enable the Resume Lesson capability

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Where to from here?

If you like what you just saw, or would like further information, then please have a look at the SAP Service Marketplace or contact your local SAP Account Executive

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