sapexperts | 10 features of sap’s document management...

10 Features of SAP’s Document Management System to Help Improve Organizational Efficiency by Jawad Akhtar, Asst. Vice President & SAP PP Track Lead, AbacusConsulting, Pakistan September 2, 2011 SAPexperts/SCM Better understand SAP’s Document Management System (SAP DMS) and take a tour of some of its most useful functionalities. Key Concept SAP’s Document Management System (SAP DMS), which is part of SAP Knowledge Provider, comes as standard functionality when an SAP system is installed. No additional SAP DMS software is needed. It is available from Release R/3 4.1 and later. It is part of the SAP Project Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM) roadmap, but you can implement it independently. It is highly advisable to conduct server sizing with the involvement of a Basis resource to assess and evaluate the need to have additional hardware for storing documents in a central repository. A dedicated project team is required for its successful implementation, which can take four to six months

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Page 1: SAPexperts | 10 Features of SAP’s Document Management Features of SAP’s Document Management System to Help Improve Organizational

10 Features of SAP’sDocument ManagementSystem to Help ImproveOrganizational Efficiencyby Jawad Akhtar, Asst. Vice President& SAP PP Track Lead,AbacusConsulting, PakistanSeptember 2, 2011

SAPexperts/SCMBetter understand SAP’s DocumentManagement System (SAP DMS) andtake a tour of some of its most usefulfunctionalities.

Key Concept

SAP’s Document ManagementSystem (SAP DMS), which is part ofSAP Knowledge Provider, comes asstandard functionality when an SAPsystem is installed. No additionalSAP DMS software is needed. It isavailable from Release R/3 4.1 andlater. It is part of the SAP ProjectLifecycle Management (SAP PLM)roadmap, but you can implement itindependently. It is highly advisableto conduct server sizing with theinvolvement of a Basis resource toassess and evaluate the need tohave additional hardware for storingdocuments in a central repository. Adedicated project team is requiredfor its successful implementation,which can take four to six months

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depending on the scope,complexities, and number oflocations covered.

Despite living in the digital world andmaking efforts to move toward apaperless environment, everyorganization is faced with a hugeamount of information — both in softcopy as well as hard – that must notonly be managed, but also must beinstantly available. SAP’s DocumentManagement System (SAP DMS) canhelp manage those documents tobring about organizational efficiencyand improve business decisionmaking. After a quick overview ofSAP DMS, I highlight 10 of itsfeatures.

SAP DMS functionality enables youto:

Store and retrieve all the company’simportant documents in a centralrepository that is immediatelyaccessible and completely integratedwith the business processes mappedin the SAP systemCheck in and check out documentsas neededHave multiple parts and versions of asingle document for trackingpurposesIndex all documents for easy andcomprehensive searchesSearch all documents by keywords ina long text of a document

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Organize all documents in astructured and hierarchical wayTrack all documents by their statusesand have document statuses controlbusiness functionsApprove documents by individualdigital signatures and also by a seriesof digital signaturesDistribute (manually and by SAPWorkflow) documents to relevantstakeholdersAccess documents on the Internet(WebDocuments)Have the option of working with SAPDMS via SAP EasyDMS, a MicrosoftWindows Explorer interfaceControl accessibility to only therelevant stakeholders by authorizationoptionsSAP DMS is a cross-applicationcomponent that can be extensivelyused not only in SCM modules suchas plant maintenance (PM),production planning (PP), sales anddistribution (SD), and materialsmanagement (MM), but also in all SAPmodules. For key concepts andterminology used in SAP DMS, seethe sidebar.

Key Concepts and Terminologies inSAP DMSSAP DMS document types are threealphanumeric characters withnumber ranges (internal or external)that act as a distinguishing featureof the business process. Documenttype controls the major functions.An example of a document type isZLC, which stores all documentsrelated to letters of credit. Similarly,document type ZBL stores all bill of

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lading-related documents. These twodocument types facilitate theprocurement function of an importsdepartment in an organization. Document parts: An SAP DMSdocument can have 999 parts. As anexample, an individual designdrawing may have several complexparts and therefore it would bepractical to divide them intodocument parts.Document versions: An SAP DMSdocument can have 99 versions.Document statuses: All majoractivities in SAP DMS areundertaken based on documentstatus, including Created, In-Process, Released, and Locked.

I now describe the top 10 featuresand functionalities of SAP DMS ingreater detail.

1. Storing Original Documents in SAPDMS

You can upload multiple documentsin soft copy (or scanned form) andstore them in a central repository(storage area) of SAP DMS. Thatmeans they are accessible forviewing and other functions. They aresupported by check-in and check-outfunctionality.

Some of the common businessdocuments used in an organizationthat you can store in SAP DMS areengineering drawings or manuals,material specifications,customer/vendor certificates andcredentials (such as ISO-9001 or ISO-14000), quality certificates

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(vendors/customers), letters of credit,bills of lading, usermanuals/instructions, certificates oforigin, employee handbooks,auditors’ reports, employees’ leaveforms, and invoices.

Several standard file type extensions(such as .doc, .xls, .ppt, .txt, .jpg, and.gif, as shown in Figure 1) areavailable in SAP DMS. It is easy toconfigure and make new file typeextensions available per businessrequirements using SPROconfiguration, which is out of scopefor this article. A Basis resource cando this.

Standard SAP DMS by default storestwo files at a time. However, you canactivate Knowledge Provider (KPro)functionality in SAP DMS to allow anunlimited number of files to be storedin one SAP DMS document type. KProis a standard functionality that ismanaged by a Basis team member. Afunctional expert can activate it. Todo so, follow menu path Logistics >Central Functions > DocumentManagement System > Document >Create or use transaction code CV01N(Figure 1).

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Figure 1

Example of .doc and .gif filesstored in SAP DMS

2. Object Linking

Object linking ensures that alldocuments attached to an SAP objectare automatically made available.Object links are defined per SAP DMSdocument type. One SAP DMSdocument type can have multipleobject links. For example, an SAPDMS document type Z01 can haveobject links to both equipment and tothe functional location of the PMmodule. Another SAP DMS documenttype Z02 can have object links to thematerial master and vendor master.

Here are some examples of the majorobject links and their applications inbusiness functions:

1. Equipment master – All

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documents (such as drawings,manuals, specification sheets,and checklists) attached toequipment in the PM module areautomatically available forreference whenever any PM orderis created using the sameequipment master.

2. Customer master – All documentsassociated with a customerautomatically become availablewhen a sales order for thatparticular customer is created.

3. Vendor master — All documentsassociated with a vendorautomatically become availablewhen a purchase order for thatparticular vendor is created.

4. Material Master — All documentsassociated with the materialmaster automatically becomeavailable whenever it is used in astandard SAP business function.

Table 1 shows the standard objectlinks available in an SAP system:

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NoteIf the standard object link in SAPdoes not fulfill the business needsof an organization, then you cancustomize a new object link. An SAPDMS functional expert wouldcollaborate with an ABAP resourceto develop a new object link.

The following two examples of objectlinks show their integration with SAPcore modules such as PM and MM.The first is a link with equipment. InFigure 2, an SAP DMS document isattached to Equipment Master as anobject link and is available wheneverthis equipment is in use.

To get to Figure 2, follow menu pathLogistics > Central Functions >Document Management System >Document > Create or use transactioncode CV01N.

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Figure 2

An SAP DMS documentattached to equipment

Figure 3 shows the same SAP DMSdocument attached to Equipment onthe Equipment Master Screen. Followmenu path Logistics > PlantMaintenance > Management ofTechnical Objects > Equipment >Display or use transaction code IE03.

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Figure 3

A corresponding SAP DMSdocument available on theequipment master screen

The second example is of an SAPDMS document that is available forviewing directly from a purchaseorder line item. Figure 4 shows thatan SAP DMS document has beenattached to a purchase order lineitem. Follow menu path Logistics >Central Functions > DocumentManagement System > Document >Create or use transaction codeCV01N.

Click the Object Links tab andincorporate the purchase order andline item number. In my example, it ispurchase order number 4500006374and line item 0010.

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Figure 4

An SAP DMS document(possibly containing a letterof credit or bill of lading)attached to a purchase orderline item

Figures 5 is the purchase order with alink to the SAP DMS document. Itshows that while remaining on thePurchase Order screen, you canimmediately see all the SAP DMSdocuments attached to it. You canalso open up the content of the SAPDMS document while remaining onthe Purchase Order screen. In short,this shows the ease with which thebusiness user can continue tonavigate to various documentswithout leaving the main screen.Follow menu path Logistics >Materials Management > Purchasing >Purchase Order > Display or usetransaction code ME23N.

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Figure 5

Displays the purchase order

Figure 6

Click to view the SAP DMSdocuments attached as

In Figure 6, clicking the gem-clip icondisplays all the SAP DMS documentsattached to the purchase order.

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object link

Figure 7

View the content ofdocuments available in SAPDMS as object links

Figure 7 shows that selecting the SAPDMS document available as an objectlink in the purchase order opens upthe document while remaining withinthe purchase order.

3. Document Hierarchy

Document hierarchy provides anavenue to structure and streamlineaccess to different SAP DMSdocuments based on predefinedbusiness needs. Document hierarchyfollows the principle of superior andsubordinate document. A superiordocument can also be a documentfolder that contains all the relevant

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subordinate documents. Alldocuments within SAP DMS can bestructured and organized to provideuniform indexing and searchfunctions to meet your businessneeds. It is similar to creating foldersand sub-folders in the local hard driveof a computer to better managevarious documents and otherinformation for instant retrieval. Hereare some examples of documenthierarchy:

1. Vendor or customer detailsbifurcated based on geographicallocations

2. Equipment or functional locationsand their respective drawings,specifications, sections, orchecklists

3. Material master divided based onvarious categories (such aspastes, food solutions, or pasta inthe FMCG industry) and thenrespective SAP DMS documentsattached to them.

Figure 8 shows the documenthierarchy of a fertilizer plant that hasa urea plant at the top level and thenis further divided into a UtilitiesSection. Two SAP DMS documentsare attached – Z01 10000000333 00000 (Document Type, DocumentNumber, Document Part andDocument Version) as the firstdocument and the second SAP DMSdocument as Z01 10000000335 000 01.Double-clicking the document within

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Figure 8

Figure 8 Document hierarchywith levels for Urea Plant,Urea Plant Utilities, and twoSAP DMS documents shownon the left in text and onright graphically

the document hierarchy takes theuser to the respective document.

Figure 8 Document hierarchy withlevels for Urea Plant, Urea PlantUtilities, and two SAP DMSdocuments shown on the left in textand on right graphically

NoteYou can search all documents bykeywords while remaining in thedocument hierarchy.

You can also view the documenthierarchy in greater detail by meansof the Product Structure as shown inFigure 9. Product Structure is a tool

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Figure 9

Details of SAP DMS,including superiordocuments, subordinatedocuments with documenttype, document number,document version, documentpart, and short text such asZ01 (doc type) 10000000333(doc number) 000 (doc part)00 (doc version) andEquipment Statistics (shorttext) as one of thesubordinate documents

offered by SAP to view structuredobjects in greater detail. Follow menupath Logistics > Central Functions >Document Management System >Document > Environment >Engineering Change Management >Environment > Product Structure oruse transaction code CC04.

4. SAP Classification

SAP classification is a cross-

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application SAP functionalityextensively used by all the modulesfor indexing and searching purposes.SAP DMS also makes effective use ofSAP classification. It has to be set upby an SAP DMS functional expert assearchable tags for documents, whichcan then be used with any of thedifferent search terms. Differentdocuments types need to be indexedlogically for easy searching, oftenrequiring multiple search criteria tofind all the relevant SAP DMSdocuments.

Below are some of the examples ofbusiness applications for SAPclassification use in SAP DMS:

MM module: SAP DMS DocumentType — Letter of Credit having fieldssuch as Opening Bank, AdvisingBank, Negotiating Bank, or LC ExpiryDate MM module: SAP DMS DocumentType – Bill of Lading having fieldssuch as Port of Shipment, AWBNumber, or ConsigneePM module: Equipment master havingfields such as Drawing Title, ProjectNumber, Job Number, Tag Number, orDrawing Number Project System module: (With thescope of the technical librarycontaining all the literature anddrawings needed for engineering anddesign functions) with fields such asBook Title, Description, ReferenceNumber, Edition, Year, Addenda, or

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AuthorSAP ERP HCM module: EmployeeContract Renewal/Refusal with fieldssuch as Personnel Number, Position,Contract Start Date, Contract EndDate, Contract Renewal Date, Reasonfor Confirmation, or Reason forRefusal/RenewalFigure 10 shows that SAPclassification has been set up for SAPDMS for document indexing. All thefields in the figure will eventually beavailable for searching. These fieldsare highly customizable and requireno technical knowledge to set up anduse.

Use these two menu paths ortransaction codes to set upclassification (class andcharacteristics): Menu path Cross-Application Components >Classification > Master Data >Classes or use transaction codeCL02, and menu path Cross-Application Components >Classification > Master Data >Characteristics or use transactioncode CL04.

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Figure 10

All the above fields aresearchable

Let’s now use SAP classification withits key fields for searching relevantSAP DMS documents (Figure 11).Follow menu path Logistics > CentralFunctions > Document ManagementSystem > Document > Find or usetransaction code CV04N. In myexample, I want to search for all theSAP DMS documents containing thedate field 28.01.2011.

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Figure 11

Date parameter given as28.01.2011 after clicking theClassification tab

Figure 12

Two SAP DMS documents

Figure 12 shows two SAP DMSdocuments that meet the searchcriteria.

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found that met the searchcriteria of the date of28.01.2011

5. Long Text Search Capabilities

SAP DMS also comes with a featurethat allows you to incorporate longtext of unlimited length that issearchable by keywords. Anydepartment of any organization cancreate a short (or long) description ofthe article stored in SAP DMS, whichcan then be used for searchpurposes. For example, an abstract ofan entire article can be incorporatedin long text. Similarly, a summary ofthe presentation or an importantreport, which otherwise does not fitanywhere else, can be incorporated inlong text for subsequent searchpurposes. SAP DMS offers standardlong text search capability without theneed to implement or install anyadditional component. Additionally, itis available as a standardfunctionality and no search engineinstallation (such as TREX) is needed.Follow menu path Logistics > CentralFunctions > Document ManagementSystem > Document > Create or usetransaction code CV01N (Figure 13).

Figure 13 shows the display long texticon that you double-click to startincorporating long text in SAP DMS.

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Figure 13

Icon for incorporating longtext

Figure 14

Figure 14 contains long text, whichcan be of unlimited length, and willeventually be available for searchingcombination of keywords within thelong text.

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Long text of an SAP DMSdocument contains thewords Equipment Statistics

Figure 15

Search for Equipment andStatistics, but not Urea

To search the keywords in the longtext, follow menu path Logistics >Central Functions > DocumentManagement System > Document >Find or use transaction code CV04N(Figure 15). Figure 15 shows twokeywords, Equipment and Statistics,with the And operand, but omittingthe word Urea.

Figure 16 shows the output of thesearch results to the above query withfour documents found that meet thecriteria.

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Figure 16

Four SAP DMS documentsfound

6. Document Status

While a document in SAP DMS isgoing through several review andapproval processes, it is importantthat the document status be updated.For example, a new prototype of anengineering component may undergothe following document statusesbefore it is released for Production:Prototype > In-Review > Reviewed >Released for Production >Obsolete/Locked > Archived.

Document status in SAP DMS allowsfor complete tracking and monitoringof the current status of a document.Additionally, document status is fullysupported by respective businessfunctions. For example, a Releasedstatus of the document requires the

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user to provide a digital signature, aswell as ensures that further changesto document are no longer possible.Similarly, a document with the statusof Locked is not available, therebyensuring no further inadvertent use ofthe document. Whenever a documentstatus is changed, a complete changehistory is maintained.

The status network in SAP DMSensures that a structured and logicalsequence of document statuses bemaintained. It requires a predefinedflow of document statuses and actsas a document control function. Forexample, a released document cannotagain get the status of in-review.Similarly an archived documentstatus cannot be given back thestatus created as their statussequences are predefined in thestatus network.

NoteDocument statuses in SAP DMS foreach document type can beconfigured to individual businessneeds along with the relevantbusiness functions. You shouldconduct a series of discussions andworkshops during the SAP DMSimplementation to set this up.

7. Digital Signature

Digital signature in SAP DMS is theauthentication process of ensuringthat whenever a document is given acertain status, it is further validatedby the person with his or her SAP

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Figure 17

The status can be changedto Released after the digitalsignature is provided in thepopup

password. Digital signature iscomplemented by the functionalitysignature strategy, which is thesequence and series of multipledigital signatures before a documentcan be released or its status isallowed to be changed. Figure 17shows a document with the statusReleased after the digital signaturewas provided.

8. Document Distribution

Document distribution in SAP DMSensures that documents reach theright stakeholders for theirinformation or necessary action.Document distribution takes place in

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Figure 18

SAP inbox with hyperlinkdelivered to an SAP DMS

two ways:

Via SAP DMSVia SAP WorkflowAlthough both options are available,the scope of this article is limited tothe first option.

SAP DMS enables documentdistribution along with its entirecontent to be delivered to SAP usersand to external email recipients. Italso allows you to track who read adocument (i.e., a training documentafter a version update). Figure 18shows that an SAP DMS documenthas been delivered and is ready to beviewed. Follow menu path Office >Workplace or use transaction codeSBWP.

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NoteYou can also create a documentrecipient list in SAP DMS to send thesame document to multiplerecipients. To set it up, usetransaction code CVI1.

9. WebDocuments

SAP has made the entire SAP DMSavailable on the Internet by thefunctionality called WebDocuments.WebDocuments enables all thefeatures and functionalities ofstandard SAP DMS but in theWeb/Internet environment.

WebDocuments can be extensivelyused by all those persons andcompanies to whom the organizationdoes not wish to give access to SAPGUI. These can be, for example,employees traveling most of the timewho wish to submit expense claimforms, parts development by vendors,or dealers/distributors needing accessto OEM manuals and user guides.Figure 19 is the initial WebDocumentsscreen. It is a totally Web-basedinterface (Internet Explorer) and itrequires you to do the necessarysettings in your SAP system toactivate this functionality.

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Figure 19

Initial screen ofWebDocuments as viewedfrom Internet Explorerbrowser with WebDocumentmenu on the left side

Figure 20 is the WebDocumentversion of the same SAP DMSdocument type available in the SAPGUI system. Here, the Finddocuments functionality is shown.You click the Find button and the findfunction details appear, as shown onthe right side of Figure 20.

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Figure 20

Insert caption hereDetailedsearch screen appears withparameters and otherkeywords available forsearching

Figure 21 shows that the SAP DMSdocument can also be created byWebDocuments and all the details arestill the same as in SAP GUI.WebDocuments is the Web-basedinterface for all the features andfunctionalities available in SAP GUI.Click the Create button and the optionto create WebDocuments appears.

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Figure 21

Option to createWebDocuments (which issame as SAP DMS documentcreation functionality in theGUI interface) appears sousers can create, change,and display theWebDocuments on thisscreen

10. SAP EasyDMS

Another feature offered by SAP DMSis SAP Easy Document Management(SAP EasyDMS), which has all thefunctionalities used in WindowsExplorer on the local hard drive. It is,however, important to note that SAPEasyDMS installation is required oneach workstation on which it isintended to be used.

SAP EasyDMS functionality can becompared to using Windows Explorer

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Figure 22

SAP EasyDMS toolbar, withall the availablefunctionalities of SAP DMS

for a local hard drive, with options tocreate folders and subfolders, as wellas documents, when needed. SAPEasyDMS also comes with its owntoolbar, which is very similar toWindows Explorer. SAP EasyDMS ismainly targeted to either occasionalusers of SAP DMS or those requiringfar less training efforts. If you have alarge number of users to be trained,SAP EasyDMS comes in handy.Figure 22 shows SAP EasyDMS.

After SAP EasyDMS is installed onthe workstation by your Basis andSAP NetWeaver team, The SAP EasyDoc Mgmt icon is available to startcreating or doing other activities.