
Don’t Ever Leave A Baby Home Alone! By S.Denise Clark

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Don’t Ever Leave A Baby Home Alone! By S.Denise Clark Don’t Ever Leave A Baby Home Alone! By S.Denise Clark “Bye-Bye Baby Bunting!” the Mother says as she puts on her jacket and walks out the door laughing. While Mother was leaving, little Baby Bunting got a devilish idea. He was going to go out for an adventure. “A warm summer day in Chicago. Although it is windy, it is Hot!” said a Weather Man one day while a mother is preparing to go to her job.


Don’t Ever Leave A Baby Home Alone! By S.Denise Clark

Don’t Ever Leave A Baby Home Alone! By S.Denise Clark

“A warm summer day in Chicago. Although it is windy, it is Hot!” said a Weather Man one day while a mother is preparing to go to her job. “Bye-Bye Baby Bunting!” the Mother says as she puts on her jacket and walks out the door laughing. While Mother was leaving, little Baby Bunting got a devilish idea. He was going to go out for an adventure.

His careless mother happened to leave the window open. Little Baby Bunting ran around, and got the biggest pillow he could find. He used his building blocks and Legos to build a ramp up to the windowsill. When he was done, he propped the pillow onto it and began to crawl up his homemade ladder. Little Baby Bunting didn’t know what to do once he had crawled out. Baby Bunting was scared. He didn’t know how to get across his apartment building to the next without falling on the highway.

Then it came to him. A few years ago before he was born, his mother had gone to a carnival and won a GIANT giraffe stuffed animal. So quickly he crawled down his ladder and into his mother’s closet. Once he had opened the door, it took him a while to find the giraffe. In the closet, there were shoes, coats, dresses, sweaters, skirts, boxes of junk, and worse, her hats! He grabbed the giraffe and ran to the window, laid it across the sill to the next building. Then, he ran across. He was surprised when he got up there to find there were a lot of garbage cans just sitting there with a ring of trash around them.

Baby didn’t know where to go from here. He grabbed a stick and got a plastic bag tied to it, and then used them to make a parachute. He held onto it and jumped down. The baby fell flat to the ground. And like a hamster, he brought his right arm in then pushed it out. Then he did the same thing with his left arm, his left leg, and then finally his right leg. Some may call this rebooting.

“Eh, Frank! I found this bag, recycle or garbage?” “ Recycle… no! Don’t bother with that; just put it in the trash. The men didn’t know it, but Baby Bunting was in the bag rebooting. The men threw him into the sewer garbage. Two minutes later, Baby Bunting came out, and when he did, he was not the same. His skin was glowing green and he was suddenly faster, stronger, and altogether better. Baby Bunting decided it was time to go home. He hadn’t done much and hadn’t realized what the toxic waste from the sewer can had done to him, but he was ready to go.

He didn’t know it, but as he was thinking of going home, he was flying home that very second. Then it came to him, he doesn’t know how to get home. Then as he was thinking, he flew right into a billboard. He fell down on a piece of wood attached to a bag of trash. The bag went flying into the air and then finally landed right upon his head. He felt dirty. He had to find a way to clean himself off. Then, he saw it. He ran to the park across the street and dove straight into the pond.

As Baby Bunting crawled out, he noticed he had fish hanging off of him. They were all pulling his hair, tugging his diaper, and even chewing off his skin. Baby still didn’t look so good; he had rips, tears, cuts, and bruises all over him. He could not come home looking like this. His mom would not be very happy. He decided to call the one number he knew, 911. But first, where would he find a phone? He crawled downtown to the nearest pay phone he could find. All the way down 7th Street, people were staring at him in disgust.

When he reached the phone booth, he could not reach the phone. He had to ask a kind man to help. Baby Bunting didn’t know that the man was only helping him because he felt sad for the torn up baby. He waited a while. Then out of nowhere, a big ambulance rolled up the street to where Baby Bunting was standing. Two men came out of the vehicle, grabbed Baby Bunting, and brought him in. Once he got to the hospital, it only took the doctors and nurses a few seconds to take care of him. He was a fresh clean baby again. He was released and able to stay in the hospital for a short five minutes. Baby Bunting saw something big and shiny drive by. And Baby Bunting’s natural instinct was to run after it.

Baby Bunting dashed down the street gaining speed every second. He was able to grab onto the hose, and when he did, the hose started to unravel. By now, Baby was hanging by the end of a fire truck by a hose. But baby couldn’t hold on any longer, his hands began to slip. And before Baby knew it, he had swung off the hose of the fire truck and into the nearest apartment window.

To Baby’s surprise, he was back in his own apartment, right before he Mom came home. “ Hello Baby, what did you do today?” She said. Right then, Baby thought about it, and Baby decided that he wanted to do the same thing tomorrow.

Baby Bunting got a devilish idea.