sarc report for ernesto galarza elementary - · pdf fileernesto galarza elementary ... our...

Ernesto Galarza Elementary By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC).The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educational agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities. Additionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent with data reported in the SARC. For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC Web page at . For more information about the LCFF or LCAP, see the CDE LCFF Web page at . For additional information about the school, parents/guardians and community members should contact the school principal or the district office. DataQuest Internet Access California Department of Education School Accountability Report Card Reported Using Data from the 2016-17 School Year DataQuest is an online data tool located on the CDE DataQuest Web page that contains additional information about this school and comparisons of the school to the district and the county. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system that provides reports for accountability (e.g., test data, enrollment, high school graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners). Internet access is available at public libraries and other locations that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access to the Internet at libraries and public locations is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrictions may include the hours of operation, the length of time that a workstation may be used (depending on availability), the types of software programs available on a workstation, and the ability to print documents. Ms. Angela Guzman, Principal Principal, Ernesto Galarza Elementary Ernesto Galarza opened in the fall of 2001 to a student population of 480 students. The school is named for Dr. Ernesto Galarza, the first Mexican American to graduate from college. He also won the Nobel Peace prize in Literature for his book "Barrio Boy." In the fall of 2003 Hammer Montessori was relocated to the Galarza campus, thereby bringing our student population to almost 800 students. Galarza and Hammer continue to share the joint motto of "Two Schools, One Community." At Ernesto Galarza Elementary School we are committed to honoring Ernesto Galarza’s work. We are determined to develop our students as agents of change through the implementation of rigorous curriculum that promotes inquiring, knowledgeable, and reflective students. We create a safe and caring community where teachers and families empower all of our students to be collaborative contributors as we prepare them for college and career. Our pre-K–5 curriculum is guided by Common Core State Standards to ensure that all students achieve their greatest potential. As active participants in their education, students experience the joy of learning and the satisfaction of developing into responsible, contributing members of society. Teachers at Galarza work collaboratively to support high quality instruction for all students. English language learners are given focused support in all classrooms. K-3rd grade has at least one Academic Language Acquisition (ALA) classroom, where primary language is supported as students acquire language skills in English. A strength at Galarza is our consistent behavior expectation plan, implemented through a system called PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support), which creates a safe school environment to support student learning. Our current site initiatives are aligned to the SJUSD Strategic Plan. Our Adaptive Learning programs are Lexia, Dreambox, and Achieve 3000. Additional programs include Project Cornerstone, ABC parents and Los Dichos. We are a school where students are inspired and prepared to succeed in a global society. We are the Galarza Grey Wolves! -Angela Guzmán, Principal Ernesto Galarza Elementary 1610 Bird Ave. San Jose, CA 95125-1821 Phone: 408-535-6671 E-mail: [email protected] About Our School About Our School Contact Contact

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Page 1: SARC Report for Ernesto Galarza Elementary - · PDF fileErnesto Galarza Elementary ... Our pre-K–5 curriculum is guided by Common Core State ... Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade

Ernesto Galarza Elementary

By February 1 of each year, every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC).The SARC contains information aboutthe condit ion and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all local educat ional agencies (LEAs) are required toprepare a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual school-specific goals for all pupils, w ith specific act ivit ies toaddress state and local priorit ies. Addit ionally, data reported in an LCAP is to be consistent w ith data reported in the SARC.

For more information about SARC requirements, see the California Department of Educat ion (CDE) SARC Web page at

For more information about the LCFF or LCAP, see the CDE LCFF Web page at

For addit ional information about the school, parents/guardians and community members should contact the school principal or the district office.


Internet Access

California Department of Education

School Accountability Report CardReported Using Data from the 2016-17 School Year

DataQuest is an online data tool located on the CDE DataQuest Web page that contains addit ional information about this school and comparisons of the school tothe district and the county. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system that provides reports for accountability (e.g., test data, enrollment, high school graduates,dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners).

Internet access is available at public libraries and other locat ions that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access to the Internet at librariesand public locat ions is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrict ions may include the hours of operat ion, the length of t ime that aworkstat ion may be used (depending on availability), the types of software programs available on a workstat ion, and the ability to print documents.

Ms. Angela Guzman, PrincipalPrincipal, Ernesto Galarza Elementary

Ernesto Galarza opened in the fall of 2001 to a student populat ion of 480 students. The school is named for Dr. ErnestoGalarza, the first Mexican American to graduate from college. He also won the Nobel Peace prize in Literature for his book"Barrio Boy." In the fall of 2003 Hammer Montessori was relocated to the Galarza campus, thereby bringing our studentpopulat ion to almost 800 students. Galarza and Hammer cont inue to share the joint motto of "Two Schools, OneCommunity."

At Ernesto Galarza Elementary School we are committed to honoring Ernesto Galarza’s work. We are determined todevelop our students as agents of change through the implementat ion of rigorous curriculum that promotes inquiring,knowledgeable, and reflect ive students. We create a safe and caring community where teachers and families empower allof our students to be collaborat ive contributors as we prepare them for college and career. Our pre-K–5 curriculum isguided by Common Core State Standards to ensure that all students achieve their greatest potent ial. As act ivepart icipants in their educat ion, students experience the joy of learning and the sat isfact ion of developing into responsible,contribut ing members of society. Teachers at Galarza work collaborat ively to support high quality instruct ion for allstudents. English language learners are given focused support in all classrooms. K-3rd grade has at least one AcademicLanguage Acquisit ion (ALA) classroom, where primary language is supported as students acquire language skills in English.A strength at Galarza is our consistent behavior expectat ion plan, implemented through a system called PBIS (Posit iveBehavior Intervent ion Support), which creates a safe school environment to support student learning. Our current siteinit iat ives are aligned to the SJUSD Strategic Plan. Our Adapt ive Learning programs are Lexia, Dreambox, and Achieve3000. Addit ional programs include Project Cornerstone, ABC parents and Los Dichos. We are a school where students areinspired and prepared to succeed in a global society. We are the Galarza Grey Wolves!

-Angela Guzmán, Principal

Ernesto Galarza Elementary1610 Bird Ave.San Jose, CA 95125-1821

Phone: 408-535-6671E-mail: [email protected]

About Our SchoolAbout Our School


Page 2: SARC Report for Ernesto Galarza Elementary - · PDF fileErnesto Galarza Elementary ... Our pre-K–5 curriculum is guided by Common Core State ... Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade

2016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/3/2018

About This School

Contact Information (School Year 2017-18)Contact Information (School Year 2017-18)

District Contact Information (School Year 2017-18)

District Name San Jose Unified

Phone Number (408) 535-6090

Superintendent Nancy Albarrán

E-mail Address [email protected]

Web Site

School Contact Information (School Year 2017-18)

School Name Ernesto Galarza Elementary

Street 1610 Bird Ave.

City, State, Zip San Jose, Ca, 95125-1821

Phone Number 408-535-6671

Principal Ms. Angela Guzman, Principal

E-mail Address [email protected]

Web Site

County-District-School(CDS) Code


School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2017-18)School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2017-18)

Ernesto Galarza opened in the fall of 2001 to a student populat ion of 480 students. The school is named for Dr. Ernesto Galarza, the first Mexican American tograduate from college. He also won the Nobel Peace prize in Literature for his book "Barrio Boy." In the fall of 2003 Hammer Montessori was relocated to theGalarza campus and thereby bringing our student populat ion to almost 800 students. Galarza and Hammer cont inue to share the joint motto of "Two Schools,OneCommunity." To promote the sciences, we have our Science for Future program every Monday for our 4th and 5th graders. To support family literacy, we haveour Family Reading Club every morning in our school's library. We value parent part icipat ion and encourage all families to become involved. Family nights, parenteducat ion classes, interact ive homework assignments, the Galarza School Site Council (SSC) and SELAC encourage families to support the instruct ionalenvironment and promote a passion for learning. The Ernesto Galarza staff is comprised of highly dedicated teachers who are committed to providing a highquality instruct ional program for all students. They worked together over the summer months to revise their Long Term Plan (LTP) for ELA, Math and ELD. Theyused the many resources available at our school and w ithin our community to support the students and parents. The use of technology is integrated throughoutthe curriculum. Technology has been used extensively throughout the school day from Preschool to 5th grade. We take a proact ive approach to ident ifyingstudents, who need extra support, accommodate individual learning styles and maintain high expectat ions for all students. The Ernesto Galarza staff andcommunity work together to ensure student success and academic achievement.

Vision Statement: Preparing today’s students to be the thinkers, leaders, and creators of tomorrow.

Mission Statement: Unit ing as one community, we elevate opportunit ies for all.

Galarza's Core Values: At Galarza Elementary we are committed to honoring Ernesto Galarza’s work. We are determined to develop our students as agents ofchange through the implementat ion of rigorous curriculum that promotes inquiring, knowledgeable, and reflect ive students. We create a safe and caringcommunity where teachers and families empower all of our students to be collaborat ive contributors as we prepare them for college and career.

School Goals:

High quality instruct ional program for all students.

Intervent ion support for students who are below grade level in ELA and/or Math.

The use of assessments and data to drive all instruct ional decisions.

The use of current instruct ional curriculum and best pract ices.

Implementat ion of the Instruct ional Framework for delivery of lessons.

2016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/10/2018

Use of instruct ional coaches to improve the instruct ional program.

Provide a posit ive school climate and culture through the PBIS program.

The cont inual pursuit of professional development and growth.

Administrat ion of formal, informal site, district and state assessments.

Implementat ion of Blended Learning Programs in grades Pre-K to 5.

Promotion of non-fict ion reading.

Implementat ion of Guided Reading and Writer's Workshop.

Galarza’s team of educators and classified staff work together w ith families and the community to provide a learning environment, academically focusedwith specific academic targets.

Principal’s Experience

This is Angela Guzmán's 3rd year as principal at Galarza. She has a Masters Degree from the University of California, Los Angeles as well as an Administrat iveCredent ial. Angela believes that a strong educat ional program must have clear art iculat ion of goals in order to ensure that children are successful in middle school.She also realizes that it is important to have a good working relat ionship between the school and home in order for the students to be successful. Angela hasworked as a teacher and an Intervent ion Specialist at the site levels in SJUSD. She has more than 13 years of direct classroom teaching experience at theelementary level in Bilingual Educat ion in Los Angeles and San Jose schools.

2016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 1/5/2018

Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2016-17)Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2016-17)

Grade Level Number of Students

Kindergarten 106

Grade 1 64

Grade 2 62

Grade 3 81

Grade 4 71

Grade 5 66

Total Enrollment 450

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 50







Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2016-17)Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2016-17)

Student Group Percent of Total Enrollment

Black or African American 3.6 %

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive 0.2 %

Asian 3.6 %

Filipino 0.7 %

Hispanic or Lat ino 82.9 %

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1.1 %

White 4.7 %

Two or More Races 3.3 %

Other -0.1 %

Student Group (Other) Percent of Total Enrollment

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 80.9 %

English Learners 49.8 %

Students w ith Disabilit ies 10.7 %

Foster Youth 0.2 %

2016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/26/2018

Last updated: 1/26/2018

A. Conditions of Learning

State Priority: Basic

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Basic (Priority 1):

Degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned and fully credent ialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching;Pupils have access to standards-aligned instruct ional materials; andSchool facilit ies are maintained in good repair

Note: “Misassignments” refers to the number of posit ions filled by teachers who lack legal authorizat ion to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc.

* Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners.

Teacher CredentialsTeacher Credentials

Teachers School District





With Full Credent ial 19 26 24 1427

Without Full Credent ial 1 0 0 34

Teachers Teaching Outside SubjectArea of Competence (w ith fullcredent ial)

0 0 0 11

2015-16 2016-17 2017-180






30Teachers with Full Credential

Teachers without Full Credential

Teachers Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence

Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher PositionsTeacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions





Misassignments of Teachers of EnglishLearners

0 0 0

Total Teacher Misassignments* 0 0 0

Vacant Teacher Posit ions 0 0 0

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18-1.0




1.0Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners

Total Teacher Misassignments

Vacant Teacher Positions

2016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/16/2018

Year and month in which the data were collected: January 2018

Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2017-18)Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2017-18)

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

SubjectTextbooks and Instructional Materials/year of

AdoptionFrom Most Recent

Adoption?Percent Students Lacking Own Assigned


Reading/Language ArtsElementary Core Curriculum

Yes 0.0 %

Mathematics Yes 0.0 %

Science Yes 0.0 %

History-Social Science Yes 0.0 %

Foreign Language Yes 0.0 %

Health Yes 0.0 %

Visual and Performing Arts Yes 0.0 %

Science Lab Eqpmt (Grades9-12)

N/A N/A 0.0 %

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Last updated: 1/31/2018

Last updated: 1/5/2018

School Facility Good Repair StatusYear and month of the most recent FIT report: September 2017

Overall Facility RateYear and month of the most recent FIT report: September 2017

School Facility Conditions and Planned ImprovementsSchool Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements

The two-story, ‘closed’ environment that Galarza Elementary resides at provides a safe learning atmosphere for all students and staff. During the summer of 2010,new exits on the second floor were created. Fixtures, appliances, and facilit ies are all in working condit ion. One dayt ime custodian is responsible for the cleanlinessof student bathrooms, the cafeteria, and the emptying of trash throughout the school. A district coordinated ‘night-crew ’ is assigned for two hours daily tovacuum stairways, maintain the office, health office, staff room and adult bathrooms. A weekly grounds crew is present to weed, rake, water and completegeneral yard work. Four years ago, a Liquid Cristal Display (LCD) board was installed at the Galarza site to foster communicat ion between school and home. TheLCD board w ill provide valuable written information while school is in/out of session. Two years ago a park style security gate was replaced w ith a full fencing atthe entrance of the rear parking. Another fence and gate were installed at the front of the school by the school's blacktop. These gates provide addit ionalsecurity for our school after hours and on week ends. Security cameras around the perimeter of the main building were installed for added security. This year solarpanels are being installed on the roof and field. The field solar panels provide addit ional shade for the students during outdoor act ivit ies and permanent metal benches are being placed under them.

System Inspected Rating

Repair Needed andAction Taken or


Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC,Sewer


Interior: Interior Surfaces Good

Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness,Pest/Vermin Infestat ion


Electrical: Electrical Good

Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms,Sinks/Fountains


Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials Good

Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs Good

External: Playground/School Grounds,W indows/Doors/Gates/Fences


Overall Rat ing Exemplary

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

B. Pupil Outcomes

State Priority: Pupil Achievement

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Achievement (Priority 4):

Statewide assessments (i.e., California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress [CAASPP] System, which includes the Smarter Balanced SummativeAssessments for students in the general educat ion populat ion and the California Alternate Assessments [CAAs] for English language arts/literacy [ELA] andmathematics given in grades three through eight and grade eleven. Only eligible students may part icipate in the administrat ion of the CAAs. CAAs items arealigned w ith alternate achievement standards, which are linked w ith the Common Core State Standards [CCSS] for students w ith the most significant cognit ivedisabilit ies); and

The percentage of students who have successfully completed courses that sat isfy the requirements for entrance to the University of California and the CaliforniaState University, or career technical educat ion sequences or programs of study.

Note: Percentages are not calculated when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small forstat ist ical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

CAASPP Test Results in ELA and Mathematics for All StudentsCAASPP Test Results in ELA and Mathematics for All Students

Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016-17)(School Year 2016-17)


Percentage of Students Meeting or Exceeding the State Standards

School District State

2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

English Language Arts / Literacy (grades 3-8 and 11) 25% 29% 54% 53% 48% 48%

Mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11) 19% 18% 42% 42% 36% 37%

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Note: ELA test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The “Percent Met or Exceeded” is calculated by taking the total number ofstudents who met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students who met the standard (i.e., achievedLevel 3–Alternate) on the CAAs divided by the total number of students who part icipated in both assessments.

Note: Double dashes (--) appear in the table when the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small forstat ist ical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Note: The number of students tested includes all students who part icipated in the test whether they received a score or not; however, the number of students testedis not the number that was used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students who receivedscores.

CAASPP Test Results in ELA by Student Group CAASPP Test Results in ELA by Student Group

Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016-17)Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016-17)

Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 221 220 99.55% 29.09%

Male 122 121 99.18% 23.97%

Female 99 99 100.00% 35.35%

Black or African American -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive -- -- --

Asian -- -- --

Filipino -- -- --

Hispanic or Lat ino 178 178 100.00% 27.53%

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -- -- --

White 16 16 100.00% 62.50%

Two or More Races -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 180 179 99.44% 25.14%

English Learners 133 133 100.00% 25.56%

Students w ith Disabilit ies 36 36 100.00% --

Students Receiving Migrant Educat ion Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Note: Mathematics test results include the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment and the CAA. The “Percent Met or Exceeded” is calculated by taking the totalnumber of students who met or exceeded the standard on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment plus the total number of students who met the standard (i.e.,achieved Level 3–Alternate) on the CAAs divided by the total number of students who part icipated in both assessments.

Note: Double dashes (--) appear in the table when the number of students is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small forstat ist ical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

Note: The number of students tested includes all students who part icipated in the test whether they received a score or not; however, the number of students testedis not the number that was used to calculate the achievement level percentages. The achievement level percentages are calculated using only students who receivedscores.

CAASPP Test Results in Mathematics by Student GroupCAASPP Test Results in Mathematics by Student Group

Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016-17)Grades Three through Eight and Grade Eleven (School Year 2016-17)

Student Group Total Enrollment Number Tested Percent Tested Percent Met or Exceeded

All Students 221 220 99.55% 17.73%

Male 122 121 99.18% 21.49%

Female 99 99 100.00% 13.13%

Black or African American -- -- --

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive -- -- --

Asian -- -- --

Filipino -- -- --

Hispanic or Lat ino 178 178 100.00% 14.61%

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -- -- --

White 16 16 100.00% 37.50%

Two or More Races -- -- --

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 180 179 99.44% 15.64%

English Learners 133 133 100.00% 18.05%

Students w ith Disabilit ies 36 36 100.00% --

Students Receiving Migrant Educat ion Services -- -- -- --

Foster Youth -- -- -- --

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 12/18/2017

Note: Science test results include California Standards Tests (CSTs), California Modified Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) ingrades five, eight, and ten.

Note: Scores are not shown when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for stat ist icalaccuracy or to protect student privacy.

Note:The 2016-17 data are not available. The California Department of Educat ion is developing a new science assessment based on the Next Generat ion ScienceStandards for California Public Schools (CA NGSS). The new California Science Test (CAST) was piloted in spring 2017. The CST and CMA for Science w ill no longer beadministered.

CAASPP Test Results in Science for All StudentsCAASPP Test Results in Science for All Students

Grades Five, Eight and TenGrades Five, Eight and Ten


Percentage of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced

School District State

2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16 2014-15 2015-16

Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) 40.0% 43.0% 57.0% 55.0% 56% 54%

Career Technical Education Participation (School Year 2016-17)Career Technical Education Participation (School Year 2016-17)

Measure CTE Program Participation

Number of Pupils Part icipat ing in CTE 0

Percent of Pupils Complet ing a CTE Program and Earning a High School Diploma --

Percent of CTE Courses Sequenced or Art iculated Between the School and Inst itut ions of Postsecondary Educat ion --

Courses for University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) AdmissionCourses for University of California (UC) and/or California State University (CSU) Admission

UC/CSU Course Measure Percent

2016-17 Pupils Enrolled in Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 0.0%

2015-16 Graduates Who Completed All Courses Required for UC/CSU Admission 0.0%

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 1/5/2018

State Priority: Other Pupil Outcomes

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Other Pupil Outcomes (Priority 8):

Pupil outcomes in the subject area of physical educat ion

Note: Percentages are not calculated when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small forstat ist ical accuracy or to protect student privacy.

California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2016-17)California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2016-17)

Grade Level

Percentage of Students Meeting Fitness Standards

Four of Six Fitness Standards Five of Six Fitness Standards Six of Six Fitness Standards

5 21.0% 33.9% 24.2%

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C. Engagement

State Priority: Parental Involvement

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Parental Involvement (Priority 3):

Efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each schoolsite

Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2017-18)Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2017-18)

Galarza Parents assist in developing and review ing the T it le 1 Parent Involvement Plan, which includes parent ing skills; home-school communicat ion; training forinstruct ional and support roles; strategies and techniques for assist ing their children; preparing parents for governance and advocacy; access to community andsupport services. The plan is updated annually. Parents are involved in the governance of Ernesto Galarza Elementary by part icipat ing in monthly School SiteCouncil (SSC) and School English Language Advisory Council (SELAC) meetings. At the monthly “Principal’s Coffee,” parents are informed and updated on currentschool act ivit ies, policies, and progress. Parent volunteers work in the classrooms, coordinate classroom projects, chaperone field trips and assist w ith specialact ivit ies. We also encourage parents to volunteer during our special one-t ime events such as: Literacy Night, Math Night, Science Fair and Mult icultural Fair. OurSpaghett i Night and Talent Show is a fabulous event held every fall to fundraise for our 5th grade Science Camp trip in the Spring. Addit ionally, every February,we part icipate in the Nat ional African American Read-In dedicated to diversity in literature. It is a school and community reading event where we promotediversity in children’s literature, encourage young people to read, encourage parents to part icipate, and shine a spot light on African American authors. ThroughProject Cornerstone’s ABC/Los Dichos parent readers support our posit ive behavior goals. Parents are assigned to classrooms and each month they read a storyand lead students through act ivit ies focused on ant ibulling and acceptable behaviors. Our parent center also features information on community resourcesavailable to parents. For further information, please contact our Parent Liaison, Jeanne Pietrosilli at 408 535-6671, or if you are interested in becoming moreinvolved at your child’s school.

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Last updated: 1/10/2018

Last updated: 1/5/2018

State Priority: Pupil Engagement

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: Pupil Engagement (Priority 5):

High school dropout rates; andHigh school graduat ion rates

Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)Dropout Rate and Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate)


School District State

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Dropout Rate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11.5% 10.7% 9.7%

Graduat ion Rate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 85.9% 85.4% 87.7% 81.0% 82.3% 83.8%

Dropout/Graduation Rate (Four-Year Cohort Rate) Chart

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16-1.0




1.0Dropout Rate

Graduation Rate

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Completion of High School Graduation Requirements - Graduating Class of 2016 Completion of High School Graduation Requirements - Graduating Class of 2016

(One-Year Rate)(One-Year Rate)

Student Group School District State

All Students -- 88.4% 87.1%

Black or African American -- 85.0% 79.2%

American Indian or Alaska Nat ive -- 100.0% 80.2%

Asian -- 97.9% 94.4%

Filipino -- 90.6% 93.8%

Hispanic or Lat ino -- 83.4% 84.6%

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -- 92.3% 86.6%

White -- 93.8% 91.0%

Two or More Races -- 91.3% 90.6%

Socioeconomically Disadvantaged -- 90.5% 85.5%

English Learners -- 52.6% 55.4%

Students w ith Disabilit ies -- 57.1% 63.9%

Foster Youth -- -- --

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 1/10/2018

State Priority: School Climate

The SARC provides the follow ing information relevant to the State priority: School Climate (Priority 6):

Pupil suspension rates;Pupil expulsion rates; andOther local measures on the sense of safety

School Safety Plan (School Year 2017-18)

Suspensions and ExpulsionsSuspensions and Expulsions

School District State

Rate 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Suspensions 1.8% 4.8% 2.8% 3.5% 3.7% 3.6% 3.8% 3.7% 3.7%

Expulsions 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%


2014-15 2015-16 2016-170.0





5.0School Suspensions

District Suspensions

State Suspensions


2014-15 2015-16 2016-170.00






0.12School Expulsions

District Expulsions

State Expulsions

Safety Plan Updated: September 2017

Safety Plan Reviewed w ith staff: October 2017

Safety Plans are reviewed annually before the end of October. The key element in the plan is student safety as well as their respect for one another. Providing asafe, clean, and secure learning environment is important to the Galarza faculty and community. A school-w ide behavior management plan is in place w ith schooland classroom behavioral expectat ions that are reinforced throughout the year. Yard Duty personnel and bus supervisors are hired to supervise students at thebus area, valet area and cafeteria before school. After school, students are also supervised in the bus and valet areas. A well supplied, secured storage areahouses emergency supplies in case of a disaster. Regular preparedness and safety drills are conducted in accordance w ith district guidelines.

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Last updated: 1/24/2018

Last updated: 1/24/2018

D. Other SARC InformationThe information in this sect ion is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorit ies for LCFF.

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)

* Number of classes indicates how many classes fall into each size category (a range of total students per class).

Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2017-18)Federal Intervention Program (School Year 2017-18)

Indicator School District

Program Improvement Status In PI In PI

First Year of Program Improvement 2004-2005 2009-2010

Year in Program Improvement Year 5 Year 3

Number of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A 16

Percent of Schools Current ly in Program Improvement N/A 61.5%

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Grade Level Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

1-20 21-32 33+ 1-20 21-32 33+ 1-20 21-32 33+

K 26.0 0 4 0 26.0 0 4 0 27.0 0 4 0

1 27.0 0 3 0 22.0 1 2 0 21.0 1 2 0

2 27.0 0 3 0 26.0 0 3 0 21.0 1 2 0

3 26.0 0 3 0 26.0 0 3 0 27.0 0 3 0

4 25.0 0 3 0 31.0 0 2 0 28.0 0 2 0

5 30.0 0 3 0 30.0 0 3 0 21.0 1 3 0

6 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Other 19.0 1 0 0 25.0 0 1 0 13.0 1 0 0

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Last updated: 1/24/2018

Last updated: 1/24/2018

Last updated: 1/10/2018

* Number of classes indicates how many classrooms fall into each size category (a range of total students per classroom). At the secondary school level, this information isreported by subject area rather than grade level.

Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2016-17)

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

*One Full T ime Equivalent (FTE) equals one staff member working full t ime; one FTE could also represent two staff members who each work 50 percent of full t ime.

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary)Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Secondary)

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Subject Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

Average Class Size

Number of Classes *

1-22 23-32 33+ 1-22 23-32 33+ 1-22 23-32 33+




Social Science

Title Number of FTE* Assigned to School Average Number of Students per Academic Counselor

Academic Counselor 0.0 0.0

Counselor (Social/Behavioral or Career Development) 1.2 N/A

Library Media Teacher (Librarian) 0.0 N/A

Library Media Services Staff (Paraprofessional) 0.5 N/A

Psychologist 0.3 N/A

Social Worker 0.0 N/A

Nurse 0.3 N/A

Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist 0.4 N/A

Resource Specialist (non-teaching) 4.8 N/A

Other 0.1 N/A

Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015-16)Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015-16)

Level Total Expenditures Per PupilExpenditures Per Pupil

(Restricted)Expenditures Per Pupil

(Unrestricted) Average Teacher Salary

School Site $11673.1 $3761.2 $7911.9 $67611.1

District N/A N/A $8016.2 $72711.6

Percent Difference – School Site and District N/A N/A -1.3% -7.3%

State N/A N/A $6574.0 $79228.0

Percent Difference – School Site and State N/A N/A 18.5% -15.8%

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Last updated: 1/10/2018

For detailed information on salaries, see the CDE Cert ificated Salaries & Benefits Web page at .

Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2016-17)Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2016-17)

At-Risk Students: Through the Student Success Team process, ident ified at-risk students based on academic or social performance are taken through theStudent Success Team process. The SST members can consist of the school principal, counselor, intervent ion specialists, homeroom teacher and parents. Duringour init ial meet ing we develop a plan whereby the student ’s needs are addressed. Follow up meetings are held at least 4 t imes a yeaer to review the plan andadjust, as needed. Intervent ions may include sessions w ith a counselor, smaller group instruct ion by the homeroom teacher or intervent ion specialist , buddyteachers, peer tutoring, or other outside services. Blended Learning programs are addit ional support for our at risk students. Cont inual academic and behaviormonitoring is done along the t imeline of the SST process.

Special Education: A free appropriate public educat ion (FAPE) is made available to eligible children w ith disabilit ies. Students who are eligible for special educat ionservices for speech, reading,language arts, and/or math are provided w ith addit ional services. Special educat ion services provided at Galarza vary. Through ourResource Specialist Program (RSP), Tk-5th grade students are in a ‘pull- out ’ program where they spend t ime in a classroom sett ing w ith same-ability students forblocks of 1/2 – 2 hours daily. All progress and goals are monitored inaccordance w ith the Individualized Educat ion Program (IEP). A counselor is also available tomeet w ith students who need addit ional support. Galarza also offers two Special Educat ion Preschool classes, for students who have mild-moderate-severephysical and learning disabilites. As well as providing students w ith Speech and Occupat ional Therapy services.

English Language Learners: At Galarza, approximately two-thirds of the students are English learners from many diverse backgrounds and ethnicit ies. In SEIclasses, English learners are provided full access to the balanced core curriculum in English. In ALA classes, students are provided English development during theELD Block. Best pract ices for teaching English learners are used throughout the instruct ional day, across all subjects. All teachers at the site implement the use ofinteract ive structures where students are given the opportunity to verbalize learning and ideas at high levels. English Language Development (ELD) classes arealso offered for at least 45 minutes on a daily basis where the focus is learning English. All students in grades K- 5th regroup their students for ELD using thestudents speaking CELDT score. This enables the classroom teacher to teach the ELL students at their appropriate CELDT levels.

After-School Programs: After-school homework assistance, childcare and enrichment act ivit ies are provided through a partnership w ith the YMCA . The Galarzastaff provides a variety of after-school intervent ions to support students in Language Arts, English Language Development and Math. Galarza students also enjoyvarious after school act ivit ies, such as dance and Science for Future.

Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015-16)Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2015-16)

Category District Amount State Average For Districts In Same Category

Beginning Teacher Salary $53,358 $47,808

Mid-Range Teacher Salary $77,532 $73,555

Highest Teacher Salary $93,642 $95,850

Average Principal Salary (Elementary) $103,741 $120,448

Average Principal Salary (Middle) $108,855 $125,592

Average Principal Salary (High) $117,012 $138,175

Superintendent Salary $263,799 $264,457

Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries 33.0% 35.0%

Percent of Budget for Administrat ive Salaries 5.0% 5.0%

Teacher Salary Chart


Principal Salary Chart


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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Beginning Teacher Salary Mid-Range Teacher Salary Highest Teacher Salary0






Average Principal Salary


Average Principal Salary


Average Principal Salary








1200002016-17 SARC - Ernesto Galarza Elementary

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Last updated: 1/5/2018

Last updated: 1/10/2018

Note: Cells w ith N/A values do not require data.

*Where there are student course enrollments of at least one student.

Professional Development

Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (School Year 2016-17)Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (School Year 2016-17)

Subject Number of AP Courses Offered* Percent of Students In AP Courses

Computer Science 0 N/A

English 0 N/A

Fine and Performing Arts 0 N/A

Foreign Language 0 N/A

Mathematics 0 N/A

Science 0 N/A

Social Science 0 N/A

All Courses 0 0.0%

In the beginning of the year, meetings are reserved for analysis of test scores and student achievement from the previous year. This is the t ime to realign ourgoals w ith current student needs. Staff meetings are held once a month on a Tuesday. The remaining Tuesdays are set-aside for grade level planning anddiscussion of best pract ices in ELA, Math, Writ ing and ELD. Our staff regularly init iates on-going professional development on a monthly basis. Staff collaborates onan on-going basis as well as visit ing other schools and/or attending district trainings. These trainings have included; Diagnost ic Reading Assessment (DRA), theInstruct ional Framework, ELD, Math Origo, Posit ive Behavior Intervent ion (PBIS), Achieve 3000, Early Literacy Guided Reading, Writer's Workshop, Lexia, andDreambox. District Trainings and professional development opportunit ies are available to all teachers throughout the school year. To support the implementat ionof varied professional development, Instruct ional Coaches provide a thought partner for teachers to determine the best way to deliver the newly gainedknowlege on a specific program. Administrator observat ions w ith consistent feedback is another way that teachers receive guidance and support w ith theimplementat ion of programs.

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