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  • 7/31/2019 SARS.pptx


  • 7/31/2019 SARS.pptx


    Leading scientist worldwide

    investigating the cause of severe acuterespiratory syndrome (SARS) confirm thata novel coronavirus is the primary cause

    of the disease.

    SARS was first reported in China in November

    2002, with over 8,300 cases and 812 deathsreported by the beginning of July 2003.

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    Asymptomatic or mildrespiratory illness witha temperature of >100.4F (>38C).

    One or more clinical findings of respiratory illness (e.g., cough,shortness of breath, difficulty inbreathing or hypoxia).

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    1. Travel (including transit in anairport) within 10 days of the

    onset of symptoms to an areawith current or previouslydocumented or suspectedcommunity transmission of SARS.

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    2. Close contact within 10days of the onset of symptoms with a person

    known or suspected tohave SARS.

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    MODE OF TRANSMISSIO1. The primary mode of transmission appears to be

    direct. Mucous membranes (especially those of the eye, nose and mouth) are always involved.

    2. Transmission through casual and social contactoccasionally occurs as a result of intenseexposure to a case of SARS (in workplace, in

    vehicles) or in high risk transmission settings,such as healthcare and household settings.

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    MODE OF TRANSMISSIO 3. Contact with infectious respiratory droplets

    and/or through exposure to fomites.

    4. Contamination of inanimate materials orobjects by infectious respiratory secretions or

    body fluids (saliva, tears, urine, and stools)which have been found to contain the virus.

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    For how long will the SARS viruexist on surfaces?

    1. The virus is stable in urine and feces at roomtemperature for at least one to two days andin stools from patients with diarrhea for upto 4 days.

    2. It survives on paper, on a plastered wall after36 hours, on a plastic surface or stainlesssteel after 72 hours and on a glass slide after96 hours.

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    For how long will the SARS virus exist

    on surfaces? 3. Hospital environmental samples from anumber of sites, including walls and

    ventilation systems, have tested positive forSARS virus.

    4. The virus loses its infectivity after exposureto different commonly used disinfectants andfixatives. Heat at 56C rapidly kills the virus.

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    For how long will the SARS viruexist on surfaces?

    5. Other risk factors:a) Household contact with a probable

    case of SARSb) Increasing agec) Male sex

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    What are the signs andsymptoms of SARS?

    1. Sudden onset of high grade fever,usually greater than 38C

    2. Headache and overall feeling of discomfort and body aches.

    3. Mild respiratory symptoms at the

    onset; after two days, dry cough andrespiratory difficulty

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    TreatmentNo specific treatment recommendations canbe made at this time.Empiric therapy should include coverage fororganisms associated with any communityacquired pneumonia of unclear etiology,including agents with activity against bothtypical and atypical respiratory pathogens.Treatment choices may be influenced by theseverity of the illness.

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    Clinical course andmanagement of SARS

    1. It is difficult to decide on the appropriatetime to discharge a SARS patient.

    2. SARS appears to have lingering after effectsonce the acute phase of the disease ends.

    3. The psychosocial aspects of this illnessshould not be under estimated.

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    Preventive Measures1. Consult a doctor promptly if there are

    respiratory symptoms such as fever, malaise,chills, headache, joint pain, dizziness, rigors,cough, sore throat and runny nose.

    2. Build up good body immunity. This meanshaving a proper diet, getting regular exerciseand adequate rest, reducing stress andavoiding smoking.

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    Preventive Measures 3. Practice good personal hygiene. Cover the nose

    and mouth when sneezing or coughing.

    4. Wear a mask if you develop a runny nose, sorethroat or cough.

    5. Wear a protective mask in public areas,classrooms, computer rooms, public transport.

    6. Wash hands properly and keep them clean. Useliquid soap for hand washing and disposabletowels for drying hands.